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Test of Hypothesis

Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Test of Hypothesis
3.1 Introduction
A parameter can be estimated from sample data either by a single number (a
point estimate) or an entire interval of plausible values (a confidence interval) as
discussed in Chapter 2. In making decisions about the value of a parameter, such
as a population mean or a population proportion, inferential statistics are
commonly used. One of the most commonly used methods for making such
decisions is to perform a hypothesis test. A hypothesis is a belief about a
population, or state of nature. The way that statistics are used to form a
decision about a population parameter is called the statistical hypothesis test.
In any hypothesis-testing problem, there are two contradictory hypotheses
under consideration. For example, a claim that  = 1000, where  is the true
mean income in RM for a general worker in Malaysia. The contradictory claim
then is  > 1000, which means that the income has increased more than what is
claimed initially. The objective is to decide, based on sample information, which
of the two hypotheses is correct. The problem will be formulated so that one of
the claims is initially favored. This initially favored claim will not be rejected in
favor of the alternative claim unless sample evidence contradicts it and provides
strong support for the alternative assertion.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Before we proceed further, it is important to define the statistical phrases that
will be used frequently in this chapter.
Hypothesis Test:
It is a process of using sample data and statistical procedures to decide whether
to reject or not to reject a hypothesis (statement) about a population parameter
value (or about its distribution characteristics).
Null hypothesis, H0:
This is a statement in which a population parameter has a specific value. The
null hypothesis is so named because it is the “starting point” for the investigation.
The null hypothesis is initially assumed to be true. Therefore, it is the hypothesis
to be tested.
Alternative Hypothesis, H1:
It is a statement about the same population parameter that is used in the null
hypothesis and generally this is a statement that specifies the population
parameter has a value different in some way, from the value given in the null
hypothesis. The rejection of the null hypothesis will imply the acceptance of this
alternative hypothesis.
Test statistic
It is a function of the sample data on which the decision is to be based.
Critical region
It is a set of values of the test statistics for which the null hypothesis will be
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Critical value (point)
It is the “first” (or “boundary”) value in the critical region.
Type I and Type II Errors
Whenever statistical inference methods are employed, it is always possible that
the decision reached will be incorrect. This is because partial information
obtained from the sample is used to draw conclusions about the entire
population. Hence, there are two types of errors, namely Type I and Type II
errors that may have to be considered when performing the hypothesis testing.
Ho is
Do not reject Ho
Correct decision
Type II error
Reject Ho
Type I error
Correct decision
Type I error:
Rejecting Ho when it is in fact true.
Type II error:
Accepting Ho when it is in fact false.
The probability of making such errors may be labeled as follows:
 (significance level ) is the probability of making a Type I error.
 is the probability of making Type II error.
3.2 Procedures for hypothesis testing
1. Define the question to be tested and formulate a hypothesis for stating
the problem.
Ho :   a
H1 :   a or   a or  > a
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
2. Choose the appropriate test statistic and calculate the sample statistics
value. The choice of test statistics is dependent upon the probability
distribution of the random variable involved in the hypothesis.
3. Establish the test criterion by determining the critical value and critical
4. Draw conclusions, whether to accept or to reject the null hypothesis.
3.3 One tail test and Two tail test
Ho :   a
H1 :   a
Reject Ho when Ztest  Z
Ho :   a
H1 :   a
Reject Ho when Ztest  Z
-Z 
Ho :   a
H1 :   a
Reject Ho
Reject Ho when | Ztest | Z / 2
-Z  / 2
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3.4 P-Values in Hypothesis Tests
In reporting the results of a hypothesis test we normally state whether the null
hypothesis was or was not rejected. However, if for example the null hypothesis
was rejected, no information given whether the computed value of the test
statistics was just barely in the rejection region or very far from the region.
Hence, the P-value approach has been adopted. The P-value is the smallest level
of significance that would lead to rejection of the null hypothesis H0 with the
given data. Thus the value would convey much information about the weight of
evidence against H0 and so a decision maker can draw a conclusion at any
specified level of significance.
If ztest is the computed value of the test statistics, the P-value is
21   ( z test 
for a two - tailed test
: H 0 :   0
P  1   ( z test
for one - tailed test (upper) : H 0 :    0
for one - tailed test (lower) : H 0 :    0
 ( z test
Φ( z test  P(Z  z test ) where Z is N (0,1).
H1 :   0
H1 :   0
H1 :   0
For example, let say ztest = 2.15 and the alternative hypothesis is a two-tailed
test, then the P-value is
P  value = 2[1- (2.15) ] = 0.0316. The H 0 would be rejected at any level of
significance   P -value. For example, H 0 would be rejected if  = 0.05, but it
would not be rejected if  =0.01.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3.5 Connection between Hypothesis Tests
and Confidence Interval
There is a close relationship between the test of a hypothesis about any
parameter, say  and the confidence interval for  . If [l,u] is a 100(1-  )%
confidence interval for the parameter  , the test size  of the hypothesis
H 0 :  0
H1 :    0
will lead to rejection of H 0 if and only if  0 is not in the 100(1-  )% CI[l,u]. Even
though, hypothesis tests and CIs are equivalent procedures insofar as decision
making or inference about parameter is concerned, each provides somewhat
different insights. The CI provides a range of likely values for parameter at a
stated confidence level, whilst the hypothesis testing provides framework for
displaying the risks levels such as the P-value associated with a specific decision.
Example 3.1
The standard mean weight of a new laptop is 1.8kg. A quality control officer
inspected 50 laptop after receiving complaints from customers that the mean
weight was less than 1.8k g. Formulate the hypotheses (null and alternatives) and
establish the test criterion at 5 % significance level.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.2
In 1990 the mean retail price of all local magazine was RM 10. This year’s retail
prices for 50 randomly selected local magazines have increased over 1990 mean
of RM 10. Formulate the hypotheses (null and alternatives) and establish the test
criterion at 1% significance level.
Example 3.3
A marketing firm in JB has told a potential investor that the mean cost of a twostorey shop house in JB is RM 500,000. To check this claim, the investor
randomly selects 30 two-storey shop houses in JB and found that the firm’s claim
is incorrect. Formulate the hypotheses (null and alternatives) and establish the
test criterion at 5% significant level.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3.6 Hypothesis Tests Involving Single
Population mean µ.
The Hypotheses:
H 0 :   0
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z 
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test   Z 
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z  2
The Test Statistics:
To choose the right test statistics for a particular problem, the
information on population variance, 2 and sample size, n is necessary.
1. If the population variance, 2 is known, then the test statistic to be
used is :
z test 
X  0
2. If the population variance, 2 is unknown and the sample size is large,
i.e. n  30 , then the test statistics to be used is
z test 
X  0
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3. If the population variance, 2 is unknown and the sample size is small,
i.e. n  30 , then the test statistics to be used is
t test 
X  0
Example 3.4
The mean amount of time spent on sewing embroideries on a piece of table
cloth is 25 hours with a standard deviation of 3 hours. However, according to a
tailor, the mean amount of time has decreased due to the more sophisticated
machines used in sewing embroideries. A sample of 27 table cloths was selected
at random and the mean number of hours spent on sewing embroideries on a
table cloth was found to be 24 hours. Can the tailor’s claim be accepted at 5%
signifcance level?
Example 3.5
It was claimed that the mean cost per meal at the cafeteria was cheaper and was
at most RM5. To support the claim, 40 college students who ate in the cafetaria
were selected at random and the mean cost per meal was RM 4.50 with a
standard deviation of RM 1. Can we accept the claim at 1% significance level?
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.6
Ahmad works in a quality control department. His job involves checking the
packaging and each package should weigh 100g. 12 randomly selected packages
are taken and their weights in g are recorded as follows:
100 102 100 100 99
100 95
102 97
Perform the required hypothesis test at 5% significance level to check whether
the mean weight per package is not equal to 100g.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.7
The mean water temperature downstream from a power plant cooling tower
discharge pipe should be no more than 100°F. Past experience has indicated that
the standard deviation is 2°F. The water temperature is measured on nine
randomly chosen days, and the average temperature is found to be 98°F.
Should the water temperature be judged acceptable with α = 0.05?
What is the P-value for this test?
What is the probability of accepting the null hypothesis at α = 0.05 if
the water has a true mean temperature of 104°F?
3.7 Hypothesis Test Involving Differences of
Two Population Means,   
The Hypotheses:
H 0 : 1   2   0
H 1 : 1   2   0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z 
H 1 : 1   2   0
Reject H0 when Z test   Z 
H 1 : 1  1   0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z  2
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
The Test Statistics:
Hypothesis test involving two population means, 1   2 can be categorized as
If the population variances,  12 dan  22 are known and both n1 and n2, are
samples of any sizes, then the test statistic to be used is:
z test 
X1  X 2  0
 12
 22
If the population variances,  12 dan  22 are unknown, then the following
table shows the different formulaes that may be used depending on the
sample sizes and the assumption on the population variances.
Sample sizes
Equality of
n1  30, n2  30
z test 
X1  X 2  0
t test 
s12 s 22
n1 n2
 12   22
n1  30, n2  30
z test 
X1  X 2  0
 12   22
sg 
s12 s 22
n1 n2
 s12 s 22 
  
 n1 n2 
n1  n2  2
X 1  X 2  0
n1  1s12  n2  1s 22
sg 
n1 n 2
n1  1s12  n2  1s 22
n1  n2  2
  n1  n2  2
 s12 
 s 22 
 
 
 n1    n2 
n1  1 n2  1
t test 
n1 n2
X1  X 2  0
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.8
The mean lifetime of 30 batteries produced by Company XYZ is 50 hours and
the mean lifetime of 35 batteries produced by Company ABC is 48 hours. If the
standard deviation of all batteries produced by Company XYZ is 3 hours and the
standard deviation of all batteries batteries produced by Company XYZ is better
than that of Company ABC. Assume the data was taken from a normal
Example 3.9
A statistics test was given to two classes of 45 and 55 students respectively. In
the first class the mean grade was 80 with a standard deviation of 8, while in the
second class the mean grade was 85 with a standard deviation of 7. Is there a
significant difference between the performances of the two classes at 5% level of
significance? Assume the two population variances are equal.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.10
A sample of 60 maids from country A earns an average of RM 400 per week
with a standard deviation of RM 16, while a sample of 60 maids from country B
earns an average of RM 300 per week with a standard deviation of RM 15. Test
at 5% significance level that country A maids’ average earning exceed country B
maids’ average earning more than RM 40 per week.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.11
An experiment was performed to compare the strength of two different
materials. 12 pieces of material A and 10 pieces of material B were tested
by exposing each piece to a machine. The samples of material A gave an average
strength of 85 units and standard deviation of 4, while the samples of material B
gave an average strength of 81 units and standard deviation of 5. Can we
conclude at level of significance α=0.05 that the strength of material A exceeds
that of material B by more than 2 units? Assume the populations to be
approximately normal with equal variances.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.12
The following data are the marks scored by the participants in one cooking
competition organized by a famous instant noodle company Mi Kari. Johor sent
9 groups while Malacca sent 6 groups in that competition.
Malacca 55
Assuming that the two population variances are not equal, test that the mean
scores earned by Johor is not more than the mean scores earned by Malacca at
5% significance level. Assume the data follows a normal distribution.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3.8 Hypothesis Test for Single Population
Proportion π for large samples ( n  30 ).
The Hypotheses:
H0 :    0
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z 
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test   Z 
H1 :    0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z  2
The Test Statistic:
ztest 
p 0
 0 1   0 
p is a sample proportion
Example 3.13
A factory that manufactures semiconductor products requires a fraction of
defectives at a critical manufacturing step to be less than 0.05. If so, the
manufacturer successfully demonstrates process capability. The manufacturer
takes a random sample of 200 devices and finds that four of them are defective.
Can the manufacturer demonstrate process capability for the customer?
Assume samples are taken from a normal distribution. Use α = 0.05.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
3.9 Hypothesis Tests Involving differences of
two Population Proportions, π1-π2 for large
samples (n  30, n  30) .
H0 : 1   2   0
H1 :  1   2   0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z 
H1 :  1   2   0
Reject H0 when Z test   Z 
H1 :  1   2   0
Reject H0 when Z test  Z  2
The null hypothesis is :
H 0 :  1   2   0 (population proportions are equal)
If the null hypothesis is true, then  1   2  0 , and so the standardized
random variable becomes
z 
p p
 1     1   
p p
 (1   )
n n
 denotes the common value of  1 and  2 .
The random variable above cannot be used as the test statistics since
 is unknown. Consequently,  must be estimated using sample
information. The best estimate of  is obtained by pooling the data to
get the proportion in both samples combined; that is we estimate  by
pp 
x1  x2
n1  n2
We call p p the pooled sample proportion. Hence, the test statistics for
two populations’ proportion is as follows:
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
The Test Statistics
p  p 
p p (1  p p )
Example 3.14
Two different types of machines are used to form car spare parts. A part is
considered defective if it has distorted shapes. Two random sample each of size
300 are selected and 15 defective parts are found in the sample from machine A
while 9 defective parts are found in the sample from machine B. Is it reasonable
to conclude that both machines produce the same fraction of defective parts,
using α = 0.05? Assume data are taken from normal distribution.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Hypothesis Test Involving
Population Variance, 2.
The Hypotheses:
H 0 :  2   02
H 1 :  2   02
  2 ,n 1
H 0 if  test
H 1 :  2   02
  12 ,n 1
H 0 if  test
 test
  2 2,n 1
H 1 :  2   02
Reject H 0 if
 test
  12 2,n 1
The Test Statistic:
 test
n  1s 2
 02
Example 3.15
A random sample of 10 filled plastic cups were taken and the volume are as
follows, in fluid ounces (fl.oz).
If the variance to fill volume exceeds 0.01 fl.oz, the machine must be reset.
a. Is there evidence in the sample data to suggest there has a problem with
the filling machine? Use α = 0.05 and assume that the fill volume follows
normal distribution.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
b. If α = 0.01, will you change the conclusions you have made in (a)?
Hypothesis Test Involving the ratio of
two Population Variances,
The Hypotheses:
H 0 :  12   22
H 1 :  12   22
Reject H 0
if Ftest  F ,n1 1,n2 1
H 1 :  12   22
Reject H 0
if Ftest  F1 ,n1 1,n2 1
Ftest  F 2,n1 1, n2 1
H1 :   
Reject H 0
with F1 ,n1 1,n2
Ftest  F1 2,n1 1,n2 1
F ,n2 1,n1 1
The Test Statistic:
Ftest 
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.16
A machine could cut 12 glass rods before it was serviced. The observed length
for the 12 rulers had a variance of 3.6 cm 2. However, after the machine was
serviced 10 glass rods were cut and the variance of its length was 2.5 cm2. Did
servicing the machine improve its operation? Test at 5% significance level.
Example 3.17
A weight watcher trainer has two groups of dieters in his weight-loss program.
Group A has 10 dieters while Group B has 20 dieters. After one month the
weight of all the dieters were taken and it was found that Group A had a
standard deviation of 5 kg while Group B had a standard deviation of 9 kg. Can
we conclude at the 1% level of significance that the variability of Group B is
greater than that of A?
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.18
Factory A was suspected of illegally dumping the industrial waste into a river. To
determine whether the factory was the culprit, random samples of water from 6
locations before the factory and 8 locations after the factory along the river
where the dumping was suspected to be carried out. The amount of dissolved
oxygen in water will decline if industrial waste was dumped into river. The
results, in parts per million (ppm) were as follows:
Before 5.3 5.5 5.1 5.4 5.7 5.0
4.2 5.3 4.4 4.0 5.4 3.8 3.9 4.3
Assuming a normal distribution for the amount of dissolved oxygen,
a) Test at the 5% level of significance that the variability of the amount of
dissolved oxygen is the same before and after the location of the factory.
b) Using the results in part (a) as the assumption, test at the 5% level of
significance that the data provides sufficient evidence to charge Factory A
for illegal dumping of industrial waste into river.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Example 3.19
Using the following output, is the difference in means statistically significant at 5
% level using
a two-tailed test?
a one-tailed test?
0.186429 0.623571429
0.004579 0.15099418
Pooled Variance
Hypothesized Mean
t Stat
P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
1. A sample consists of 36 glasses of orange juice was dispensed from a drink
dispenser with a mean volume per glass of 21.9 ml and a standard deviation
of 1.42 ml. The standard mean volume per glass of orange juice dispensed by
the drink dispenser is 22.2 ml. Test the hypothesis that the mean volume per
glass is less than the standard mean volume at =0.05.
2. A battery producer claimed that the mean lifetime of a battery produced by
his factory was 30 hours. A competitor thought that the figure was too high
and took 8 batteries at random and the lifetime of each is as follows:
Lifetime (hours) 15 28 33 24 28 25 31 27
Can the claim by the battery producer be accepted at the 5% significant level?
3. It was claimed that on an average a car could be driven at most 20,000 km
per year. 100 cars were taken at random and the number of km per year
driven was recorded and it was found that mean has increased to 23,500 km
and the standard deviation was 3900 km. Test the hypothesis that mean
number of km driven has increased at the 1% level of significance.
4. A sample of 8 cigarettes from a popular brand was tested for the tar
contents and the mean volume of tar contained in a cigarette was 18.6 mg
and the standard deviation was 2.4 mg. The company claimed that the mean
volume of tar contained in its cigarettes was only 17.5 mg. Can the claimed
be accepted at the 1% level of significance.
5. It was reported in a country that the mean age of all juveniles held in public
custody in 1983 was 15.4 years. The mean age of 100 randomly selected
juveniles currently being held in public custody is 15.26 years, and the
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
standard deviation of the ages is 1.01 years. Does it appear that the mean
age of all juveniles has decreased since 1983? Perform the appropriate
hypothesis test using = 0.01.
6. Hakim Pharmacy Limited, a pharmacy company claimed that not more than
1% that used its drug experience side effects. To prove its claim 2,500
patients were subscripted with the drugs and only 74 experienced the side
effects. Can the claim by the Hakim Pharmacy Limited be accepted at the 5%
level of significance?
7. A direct-mail firm wants to conduct a test-market for its new shampoo. A
random sample of 800 people is chosen to receive advertising material
describing the shampoo. It is decided that additional advertising and
promotion will occur only if the sample results provide strong evidence that
the actual response rate, p will exceed 6.5%. What decision will be made if
70 of the 800 people make a purchase? Use =0.01.
8. A new gadget is installed to air conditioner units in a hospital to minimize the
number of bacteria floating in the air. The number of bacteria floating in the
air before and after the installation is recorded as follows.
Before installation
After installation
(No. of bacteria/ m 3 air)
(No. of bacteria/ m 3 air)
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Is it wise for the hospital management to install the new gadget? Test the
hypothesis at the 1% level of significance. Assume the two population
variances are equal.
9. The diameter of a screw is a critical measurement where it must be perfectly
equal to a certain measurement. A machine is used to process screws with a
diameter of 1 cm. If the diameters of screws are not equal to 1 cm, then the
machine has to stop its production. A sample containing 36 screws is taken
at random and the mean diameter is 1.006 cm and the standard deviation is
0.009 cm. Perform the appropriate hypothesis test at  = 0.05 to determine
whether the machine should stop its production.
10. A sample of mathematics marks from the two schools in Skudai is given as
Sekolah A: 78, 84, 81, 85, 81, 75, 79, 83, 76, 78
Sekolah B: 82, 87, 94, 88, 79, 80, 87, 83, 75, 85
With  = 0.05, test the hypothesis that the mean performance of students in
Sekolah A is better than that in Sekolah B. Assume the two population
variances are the same.
11. Human IQ is normally distributed with a mean of 110 and a variance of 144.
An educationist claims that university students have higher IQ than ordinary
students. To prove his claim a sample of 30 university students are chosen at
random and their mean IQ score is 114. Perform the appropriate hypothesis
test at 5% significance level to prove the educationist claim.
12. A study is done to compare the height of students from the two selected
schools in JB. 6 students from each school are chosen at random and the
mean height and the standard deviation are recorded as follows:
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Sekolah A
Sekolah B
Test the hypothesis that the mean height of students in Sekolah A is less than
that in Sekolah B at the 5% level of significance. Assume the two population
variances are equal.
13. A supplier of a new pesticide claims that its pesticide can increase the
farmers’ production. A farmer volunteered to use the pesticide. 21 trees are
chosen to use the pesticide and the mean and standard deviation of the
production is 98 kg and 10 kg, respectively. Meanwhile, 16 trees are not
treated with the pesticide and the mean and standard deviation of the
production is 94 kg and 8 kg, respectively. Assume that the farmers’
production is taken from the same normal population.
a) Find the 90% confidence interval for the mean production taken from
trees that are treated with the pesticide.
b) Find the 95% confidence interval for the ratio of two variances of the
production taken from trees that used pesticides and trees that did not
used pesticides.
c) Test at 5% significance level whether the mean production of trees
treated with the pesticide is more than the mean production of trees not
treated by the pesticide.
14. The mean income per month for 30 workers chosen at random from the
private sector is RM 650 with a standard deviation of RM 100 per month.
The mean income per month for 40 workers from the government sector is
RM 500 with a standard deviation of RM 80 per month.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
a) Test the hypothesis that the mean income for all workers from
government sector is less than RM 520 per month at 5% significance
b) Test the hypothesis that the difference between the mean income of all
workers from the private sector and the government sector is at least
RM 100 at 5% significance level with the assumptions that
The two population variances are not equal.
The two population variances are equal.
c) Test the hypothesis that the ratio of the two population variances is
equal to 1 at 5% significance level.
15. A sample poll of 300 voters from district X and 200 voters from district Y
showed that 56% and 48%, respectively, were in favor of a given candidate.
a) At a level of significance of 0.05, test the hypothesis that there is no
difference between the districts
b) Do the data provide sufficient evidence to support that the candidate is
preferred in district X at the level of significance of 0.05.
16. A manufacturer claimed that at least 95% of the machine equipment he
supplied to a factory conformed to specifications.
An examination of a
sample of 200 pieces of equipment revealed that 18 were faulty. Test his
claim at a significance level of 0.01.
17. Random samples of 200 screws manufactured by machine A and 100 screws
manufactured by machine B showed 19 and 5 defective screws respectively.
Test the hypothesis that
a) machine B is performing better than machine A
b) the two machines are showing different qualities of performance at 5 %
significance level.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
18. The standard deviation of the breaking strengths of certain cables produced
by a company is given as 240 kg. After a change was introduced in the
process of manufacturing of these cables, the breaking strengths of a sample
of 8 cables showed a standard deviation of 300 kg. Investigate the significance
of the apparent increase in variability using a significance level of 1%.
19. Two types of chemical solutions, X and Y were tested for their pH (degree of
acidity of the solution). Analysis of 6 samples of X showed a mean pH of 7.52
with a standard deviation of 0.024. Analysis of 5 samples of B showed a mean
pH of 7.49 with a standard deviation of 0.032. Assume the two population
variances are equal.
a) Using a 0.05 significance level, determine whether the two types of
solutions have different pH values.
b) Can we conclude that there is a significant difference in the variability of
the pH values for the two solutions at a 0.01 level of significance?
20. An electronic company produces two types of components, namely X dan Y.
A quality control officer would like to compare the lifetime of each
component by taking samples from each. 13 samples are taken from X
produce a mean of 14.2 hours and a standard deviation of 0.35 hours. 10
samples from Y are taken and the data is as follows:
14.3 13.7 13.8 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.7 13.9 13.9
At  = 0.1, show that the lifetime variances of both components X
and Y are equal?
If lifetime variances are equal, test at  = 0.1 that X has longer
lifetime mean than Y.
Chapter 3 Test of Hypothesis
Chapter 3: Answers
1. z = -1.268 ; accept H0
2. t = -1.881 ; accept the claim
3. z = 8.974 ;   20,000 km
4. t = 1.296 ; accept the claim
5. z = -1.386 ; accept H0
6. z = 9.8494; reject the claim
7. z =2.5815; reject H0
8. t = -0.4899 ; accept H0 ; not wise to purchase the new gadget.
9. z = 4; reject H0
10. t = -1.989 ; reject H0
11.z = 1.8257; reject H0
12. sp = 2.331, t = -0.988; accept H0
13. a) (94.24 , 101.76)
b) (0.566,4.016)
14. a) z = -1.5811; accept H0
c) accept H0
b)i. z = 2.2511; accept H0
ii.z = 2.324;
accept H0 c) f = 1.5625; accept H0
15. a) z = 1.755; accept H0
b) z =1.755; reject H0
16. z = -2.5955; reject the claim
17. a) z = 1.496; accept H0
b) z =1.496; accept H0
test2 = 10.9375; not significant; accept H0
19. a) t = 1.7821; accept H0
b) f = 0.1927; not significant, accept H0
20. a) reject H0 b) reject H0.