ENHANCING SPEAKING SKILLS OF ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT STUDENTS THROUGH THE USE OF FULL ENGLISH IN THE CLASSROOM 1 Luthfiyah Anggraeni Devika , 2Zahra Fitriana Qolby 1 luthfiyahanggraenidevika@gmail.com, 2 zahrafitria329@gmail.com 1,2English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University, Magelang City, Indonesia Abstract Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. Moreover, students of English education need the ability to speak. Speaking is an essential tool for communicating. In the classroom, enhancing the speaking English abilities of students has always been a concern. Because the ability to speak English for students as prospective teachers are essential or essential. It is vital to communicate and prepare to become a teacher who is required to use English well and fluently. Thus, this study aims to determine how English's full use during class can improve students' speaking ability. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method supported by distributing questionnaires specifically for English language education students at Tidar University. Researchers took a sample of 52 respondents. The results obtained in this study found that 69,2% of 52 respondents stated that the use of full English in the classroom effectively improved the speaking ability of English education students. Keywords: Learning L2, Speaking skill, Communication. Abstrak Berbicara merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Apalagi siswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris membutuhkan kemampuan berbicara. Berbicara adalah alat penting untuk berkomunikasi. Di kelas, meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa selalu menjadi perhatian. Karena kemampuan berbahasa Inggris bagi siswa sebagai calon guru merupakan hal yang esensial atau esensial. Sangat penting untuk berkomunikasi dan mempersiapkan diri menjadi seorang guru yang dituntut untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan penuh bahasa Inggris selama kelas dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif didukung dengan penyebaran kuesioner khusus untuk mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Universitas Tidar. Peneliti mengambil sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa 89% dari 60 responden menyatakan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Inggris penuh di dalam kelas efektif meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran L2, Keterampilan Berbicara, Komunikasi. INTRODUCTION In learning English, the key to all four language skills, speaking, is deemed the most important in learning a second or foreign language. As stated by Harmer (2005:123), speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities – a chance to practice real-life speaking in the safety of the classroom; Speaking tasks in which students try to use any or all of the language they know feedback for both teacher and students. So everyone can see how well they are doing: both how successful they are. And also what language problems they are experiencing; The more students have opportunities to activate the various elements of the language they have stored in their brains, the more automatic their use of these elements becomes. As a result, students gradually become autonomous language users. This means that they will be able to use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought. Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non- verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998). Speaking is a vital aspect of second-language education it's an art of communications and skills that must be mastered in learning a foreign language. Good speaking skills are the act of generating words that listeners can understand. The ability to speak is considered chiefly a key determiner of L2 learners' success in L2 learning (Yuliati, 2010). Having well able to convey thoughts and feelings through oral language will provide the learner sample benefits, now and in the future. The second language can be mastered after the first language after the mother tongue. The second language itself will be used predominantly to support the knowledge and survive in the environment with the selected foreign language. The second language applied in most countries is English because it is considered an international language. With the recognition of English as a global language, inevitably to survive more generally, English is designated as a second language to aim that speakers and listeners have different mother tongues. Can know and understand each other's words. Acquisition of a second language can be obtained from non-formal education, such as application in the family when there is a mixture of cultures of different languages, acquired independently because of the environment he is in, or primarily obtained from formal education similar to school. At school, various materials relating to the second language are taught, which begins from the lowest stage taught by teachers and other educators. As a teacher, it is a duty and even an obligation to ensure that students are capable of and mastering a foreign language as a second language. These students are ready to use the foreign language outside the classroom in real life so that the foreign language they learn is not only a learning requirement. The development of students' abilities also needs to be considered. This development can be carried out gradually, starting from the classroom environment where they are learning then progressing to a broader stage periodically. This environment with the full use of English as a foreign language can quickly affect their learning development. They inevitably will have more initiative to learn the language to survive in class well and have the confidence to use English predominantly in learning. This will indirectly continue to become a habit that will positively impact using English as a daily language in the classroom. Despite its importance, over the years, teaching speaking has been underestimated. English teachers are more dominant in speaking in their mother tongue and teaching speaking skills only as exercises or memorizing dialogue and mentioning some commonly understood vocabulary. However, today's world demands that the goal of teaching speaking in language should be to improve students' communicative skills, because only in this way can students express themselves and learn how to follow appropriate social and cultural rules in every communicative situation that applies to their environment. Then whether the dominant role of using foreign languages in the classroom can improve students' communicative abilities as the application of foreign languages as a second language, and whether the method that is usually applied has been able to develop their communicative skills, and how should a teacher use speaking skills in their foreign language class. On the contrary, the incompetence to express thoughts and feeling through speech will lead to misunderstanding between interlocutors and, even worse, triggers a dispute. According to Brown and Yule (1983), speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations. The first imprint of a human is based on his ability to speak fluently and fully. It is an integral component of daily contact. So, teachers have a responsibility to prepare the students as much as possible to speak in English in the real world outside the classroom. Improving speaking skills within the scope of English language education students can be started from the classroom. It is very influential in the most negligible content provides intense learning that requires students to follow this learning course. They inevitably will have more initiative to learn so that they can attend classes well and have the confidence to use foreign languages in education. This will continue to become a habit that will give a positive side to using English as a daily language in the classroom. Notwithstanding its relevance, language teaching has been underestimated for many years and English teachers tended to teach speaking only like they repeated their exercises or memorized dialogues. Today, though, the world needs to develop the communication abilities of students to communicate. Only in that way can students express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. How important is speaking skill in English? 2. How important is English in the English Department classroom? 3. How effective is it in improving speaking skills by applying full English in the classroom? LITERATURE REVIEW A. Learning L2 The second language is the dominant language used after the first language or mother tongue. Acquisition of a second language is carried out after mastering the first language in various ways and through several stages from primary to high proficiency, which is almost equivalent to the first language ability. As stated (Chaer A. and Agusitina, 2004.) Acquisition of a second language or bilingualism is a gradual range from mastering the first language (B1) plus knowing a little bit of the second language (B2). Mastery of B2 increases gradually, until finally getting B2 is as good as B1. That way, good learning is needed to produce good foreign language skills. Learning foreign languages is best done from an early age to achieve maximum results because of children and adults' catching power in receiving different lessons. This is confirmed by an opinion (Santrock, 2007: 313) which states that children learn foreign languages faster than adults. B. Language Skill Language skills themselves have four primary abilities as stated by Y Regina (2019), Language has an important role to reveal an intention to someone else. People will be able to express their thought and feeling by using language., and the most prioritized in learning a foreign language itself is speaking ability. Speaking is a productive language skill (Siahaan, 2008:95) it can conclude that ability to speak is crucial in learning a foreign language as a second language. Speaking alone is the most basic means of communication for mastering a foreign language. A speaking skill standard can be called a good standard if what the speaker says can be clearly understood. This is supported by the quote The ability to speak is considered chiefly a key determiner of L2 learners' success in learning L2 (Yuliati, 2010 ). The benefits of mastering language skills and communicating orally on your own can be felt from one time you understand them to the future provision. Suppose the ability to speak and communicate verbally is not appropriately mastered. In that case, many problems will arise when applied to a foreign language as a second language, including messages received by listeners from the speaker will be misunderstood. Even these misunderstandings can lead to disputes. According to Parupalli (2019), speaking is the most important skill among all four language skills to communicate well in this global world. How the person he meets talks, then a good way of speaking will be an excellent primary impression too. C. Communication Communication is a language expression that is very important for channeling language skills at the speaking stage. Communication is also an experimental stage for applying the results of learning a foreign language as a second language. Communication methods can also be the most effective teaching material for mastering a foreign language as a second language. This is also agreed by Spratt, et.al. (2005) speaking involves the speaker using speech to express meanings to other people. another opinion also stated Nunan (2003:48) says that speaking is a productive oral skill. It involves the production of verbal utterances to comprehend the meaning. Here it can be concluded that communication has big effects on speaking skills. METHOD The purpose of this study was to measure or aim at how effective a class full of English in students' enhancing speaking skills. This study targets speaking as a common skills that must be dikuasai oleh setiap mahasiswa jurusan bahasa inggris. To collect the required data, the researcher chose a design using a questionnaire. This questionnaire was distributed to English Department students at Tidar University. In this questionnaire, there are several questions about using English in the classroom that will help students enhance their speaking skills. How that things affect their English ability, confidence, fluency, also how influential the use of full English in the classroom makes them think fast when asked to speak in English. A. Type of Research This research focuses on qualitative. Shank (2002) defines qualitative research as a systematic empirical investigation activity. Frequent is regular, planned, and general. Qualitative research studies things that tend to have a natural context understand something, interpret a phenomenon in terms of someone's opinion, Denzin and Lincoln (2000). Therefore, investigations with qualitative methods are based more on experience. Respondents are required to have various available applications to determine answers and provide answers in the form of comparisons (Cam & Tran, 2017). So that researchers will understand how students apply their experiences by filling out the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of several questions about the use of applications to improve vocabulary skills. B. Research Subjects In this research, the researchers collected data from 60 respondents who were all English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the University of Tidar Magelang in Indonesia. Students of the Department of English were selected as respondents. The aim was to find out how effective it would be if the English in their class were used more than 75% of the language's use, whether this could increase the level of students' ability in communicative speaking skills. C. Research Procedure The data collected in this research used the questionnaire method, a collection of questions asked by the researcher to the respondent to obtain information about the topic under study. The questionnaire method has been widely used and is considered practical and straightforward for collecting data or surveys. This method is very suitable for collecting various respondents with many answers; asking several questions in a sequence and correctly will produce a good quality and specific data result. RESULT AND ANALYSIS This study concerns with analyzing of the quantitative data from the answer of the research questions and qualitative data from the whole observation of implementing the use of full english in the class room and the result of questionnaires. The research questions in this study were concerned about the effect of the use of full english in the classroom to students speaking ability and to know how important is speaking skill. In order to provide a plausible answer to the research questions the use of full english in the classroom to enhanching speaking ability. In addition, the students’ responses towards the use of full english in the classroom were investigated by distributing questionnaires. REFERENCES 1. Avgerou, C. (2017). The theoretical framing of ICT4D research. In Information and communication technologies for development (pp. 10–23). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59 2. Maryam B. and R. Omidvar. (2014). Technology in Teaching Speaking Skill. 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