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Academic Writing: Paragraph Structure & Perspective

1 Writing Paragraphs (1)
A paragraph is a key part of most academic essays. Each paragraph in an essay normally
develops a single topic, or idea. Usually, you start a paragraph with a topic sentence which
states the topic or main point. You can end your paragraph with a concluding sentence, which
refers back to the topic and states the main point again. You also need to make sure your
paragraph has cohesion - in other words, that all the parts are connected and fit together well.
This module covers:
• Analysing paragraph structure
• Recognizing cohesion in a paragraph
• Writing topic sentences and concluding sentences
TASK 1 Understanding and analysing a paragraph
1 Read the paragraph from an essay- the first sentence is missing. Decide which of the
following items is the topic of the paragraph.
pharmaceutical and agricultural companies
. 2 Universities do research in all academic subject areas, such as
medicine, and companies carry out research into a wide range of products and services,
from new models of cars to what people buy in supermarkets. 3 For example, research by
pharmaceutical companies leads to the development of new medicines, and agricultural
companies research new varieties of vegetables and grains to provide better quality food for
our tables. 4However, universities are essential for research, because they are where students
learn research methods. 5These examples show that research is a widespread and essential
activity in universities and in the business world.
2 Read the paragraph again and select the best topic sentence from 1-3. Say why you
selected this sentence.
1 Fast-changing markets mean that companies have to respond to new demand.
2 Research today is carried out by both universities and companies.
.3 Today's companies are heavily involved in research.
3 Match features a-d to sentences 1-5 in the paragraph.
a rationale: to explain why the topic is important
b concluding sentence: to restate the main point and evaluate briefly
c development: to develop the main point with examples and explanation
d topic sentence: to introduce the topic of the paragraph
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TASK 2. Writing a topic sentence
1 Read the paragraph and identify the topfc. Sentence 1, the topic sentence, is missing.
.• 1t is important because it allows the assessor to see the employee
. .. .
working and interacting with other employees, and to decide how effective they are at
carrying out their duties and responsibilities. 3 Unlike other methods of assessment, such
as psychometric tests and interviews, observation is simple and direct 4Psychologically,
observation is less threatening, and in terms of cost, it is also likely to be cheaper than other
methods. 5 For these reasons, observation is a very practical and effective assessment method
for people at work.
2 Match sentences 2-5 to features a-d.
a development
b rationale
c concluding sentence
d perspectives