INTENT: To introduce the concept of settlement, the different patterns and elements constituting the settlement. Tracing the history of settlement and towns globally and in India. Introducing town planning and its principles, various planning concepts through case examples. Exploring the idea of regional planning, process, components and techniques, Local Area planning. METHODOLOGY: ● Lectures for a general understanding of the history and development of settlement patterns across the globe. ● Case based learning, presentations and discussions on ancient town planning principles. ● Assignments and research work for understanding various Utopian towns and planned cities. ● Interactive sessions on discussions and presentations on a small hands own exercise of LAP to enable dialogues and critical discourse on planning and design intervention. LESSON PLAN: Week DATE Slots TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS Submission date 01 05/01/2022 3 Introduction To Human Settlements and Ekistics 02 12/01/2022 3 Settlements in history - an Assignment 1 - Take overview a case example of the city, and explain the character w.r.t the time, geographical, societal and economic set up. Settlements in history - an 03 19/01/2022 3 04 26/01/2022 3 05 02/02/2022 3 overview HOLIDAY Assignment 1 - Take a case example of the city, and explain the character w.r.t the time, geographical, societal and economic set up. (Powerpoint presentation) 06 09/02/2022 3 Settlement Planning and Class Assignment - Design of Cities in Ancient In a Miro board, and Medieval India sketch and find out examples of various settlement patterns in India 07 16/02/2022 3 Introduction to town planning 08 23/02/2022 3 09 02/03/2022 3 Elements of a town/city An insight into planned Class Assignment - models of towns and cities - In a Miro board, Planned and executed cities, sketch the cases Utopian cities discussed with a short write up 10 09/03/2022 3 An insight into planned models of towns and cities Planned and executed cities, Assignment 2 Planned cities case studies Utopian cities 11 16/03/2022 3 Introduction to Planning framework, components and techniques Assignment 3 - Local area planning exercise - Identify a small area for intervention for review and planning 12 23/03/2022 3 Zoning and various types of plans 13 30/03/2022 3 Problems and Issues of towns and settlements 14 06/04/2022 3 Assignment 3 - Local area planning exercise - Survey and Documentation 15 13/04/2022 3 Guidelines, Control Discussion on Assignment 3, cases regulations 16 20/04/2022 3 Assignment 2 - Planned cities case studies Presentation 17 27/04/2022 Assignment 3 - Local area 3 planning exercise - Analysis, Interpretation, Vision and Proposal Development 18 04/05/2022 Assignment 3 - Local area 3 planning exercise - Analysis, Interpretation, Vision and Proposal Development 19 11/05/2022 3 Final Presentation of Assignment 3 20 18/05/2022 3 Revision class SCHEME OF BARC 06002 CODE BARC-06002 SUBJECT SETTLEMENT PATTERN AND TOWN PLANNING BREAKUP OF MARKS CLASSES L P/S WR VV TOTAL 2 1 WR VV 300 CREDITS 5 EXAM HRS 3 ASSIGNMENTS END TERM EXAM END TERM EXAM TOTAL VIVA-VOCE THEORY 50 25 25 100 CONTENTS IN THE SYLLABUS: Module 1: Introduction to Settlement Planning ● Evolution of human settlements- man, environment and built structure. Community and settlement patterns. ● Characteristics of settlements. Growth patterns ● Ancient rural and urban settlements ● Settlement patterns and birth of early and medieval cities. ● Renaissance and High Baroque cities ● Factory and Company towns. Module 2 : Settlement Planning and Design of Cities in Ancient and Medieval India ● Town planning as per Vastu-shashtra. ● Landscaping and measurement practises as per Manasara. ● India during Medieval period. Module 3 : Introduction to Town Planning and Design of Cities ● Definitions related to Planning, levels of planning, scope and components. ● Types of planning, elements and scope. ● Characters of a town, census definition of urban area, densities of town. ● Constituents of town/city. Module 4 : Town and Urban Planning Concepts ● Evolution of Planning concepts : City beautiful movement, Garden cities, Radburn city and neighbourhood concept ● Theories related to growth and decay of settlements- Luis Mumford, Geddesian triad, Ekistics. ● Utopian Planning theories-Linear city- Tony Garnier, Soriya Y Mata. Planning concepts by Le Corbusier and FLW. Module 5: Planning Framework and Process for Various Development Plans ● Planning process, components and techniques- survey techniques and data collection methods ● Concept of master plan, its elements, preparation and implementation ● Perspective plans, structure plans, advocacy plans, zonal plans ● Participatory and inclusive planning Module 6: Problems and Issues of Towns and Settlements ● Identification of planning problems of land use distribution and change, communication system, overcrowding. ● Informal growth- slums, blighted areas. ● Sporadic growth and conurbation, primacy, traffic. ● UDPFRI Guidelines, MoUD laws, Zoning and developmental controls. Module 7: Case Study of Existing Settlement ● Case studies of planned cities of the world-New Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Bhubaneshwar, Bhilai, Bokaro port town, Brasilia, Islamabad ● Hands-on Exercise on local area planning. (Survey, Documentation , Interpretation, Proposal development) REFERENCE BOOKS: ● An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements by C.L.Doxiadis; Ekistics Hutchinson, London, 1968. ● Housing and Urban Renewal by Andrew D.Thomas, George Allen and Unwin; Sydney, 1986. ● Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment; Government of India, New Delhi,1999 ● Urban Development Plans: Formulation & Implementation; Guidelines, 1996. ● Master Plan for Madras Metropolitan Area; Madras Metropolitan Development Authority, Second Master Plan, 2007. ● Report of the National Commission on Urbanisation; Government of India 1988. ● Regional Policy and Regional Integration by N. Hansen; Edward Elgar, UK, 1996. ● Sustainable Human Settlements by R. S. Sandhu; Asian Experience, Rawat publications, 2001. ● Living Plans: New concepts for advanced housing by P. Gastek; Brikhauser publications, 2005 ● URDPFI Guidelines Vol I-2014 ( ● URDPFI Guidelines II A-II B-2014( ● Textbook of town planning by Abir Bandyopadhayay ● Fundamentals of town planning by G K Hiraskar ● Town Planning by Rangwala ● History of Human settlements by B K Sengupta ● The Shape of towns by Kurt Rowland INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENTS: ● ● Miro board Sketches and write ups ○ Compose the sketches in a board with a suitable write up ○ These boards need to be submitted at the end of the semester. Assignment 1 ○ It will be a group presentation. ○ The idea of the study is to understand the historical development of a city/town/settlement in relation to its socio-economic-cultural-geographical setup in relation to the time. ○ Format of presentation: 20 slides, discussing the background, salient features of the town chosen and elucidating the characteristics features of the particular era. Or any other online medium ● Assignment 2 ○ Study of planned cities as case studies - the chosen city/cities has to be studied in detail from its inception to the present. ○ ● Format of presentation: 20 slides or any other interactive online medium Assignment 3 ○ Local Area Planning Exercise ○ Identifying a small area for intervening and exploring the process of LAP. Survey, Documentation, Analysis and Proposal - design and planning. Subject Teacher: Ar. Surekha K C Assignment 3: Local Area Planning Local Area Planning (LAP) _ An Introduction Local area planning looks into the betterment of the local area, tries to identify the key factors for the development through participatory and inclusive approach. This planning approach takes the smallest scale, for eg, wards or neighbourhoods, or a precinct with a strong character or element or an area of influence, or even a small village in a rural area. The overall development of the area or locality in relation to the development of the city and welfare of people is the major goal of local area planning. This is an attempt of micro level planning and bottom up approach including the residents and stakeholders who are closely associated with the area or notional boundary chosen. The boundaries could be following the administrative or notionally representing the area after visiting the locality. The intention of the LAP exercise will be to broaden the territorial boundaries associated with a site in architecture. This will help to get involved at grassroot level characteristics of a settlement or area and how further one can improve and resolve certain shortcomings present. This is a studio based short exercise, and will be done individually. Due to pandemic restrictions the studio will be framed in several tasks and analysing the same in an area chosen by the student and thus exploring the process of LAP. The area or the scale to be chosen is a neighbourhood. The students need to take the case of their own neighbourhood, a rough size spatially will be 500mx500m. This will be the study area for LAP. The process will have 4 stages starting from Survey, Documentation, Analysis and Proposal. The students will be given weekly tasks for doing the entire exercise under these major heads. In order to understand their neighbourhood, its qualitative position in terms of the wholeness of a city, the initial stage will start from a quick understanding of the city. So the scale of the process starts from the context of the city to the area to the neighbourhood in specific. The mode of the presentation will be a powerpoint presentation. Please add the weekly tasks as one slide per task to the same powerpoint. Due dates and tasks will be announced in the classroom every week. Tasks: Understanding the city a. Name of the city b. World view and an brief introduction to the city c. Image of the city ( A sketch) d. A google map showing the major connections and linkages that this city has with neighbouring cities/towns/hinterlands. (Sketch it over a google map) e. Overall land use (Roughly, Sketch it over a google map) f. Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political set up ( A brief in writing as major points) g. Area and Basic Demographics, Density ( A brief in writing as major points) h. History of the city ( In a brief way, sketch the different stages from the genesis to the contemporary era) i. Major - Blueways, Greenways, Any other topographical features. (Sketch it over a google map, if possible you can get a topographical map) j. Basic analysis of the urban pattern (Sketch it over a google map) k. Trend of development (Sketch it over a google map) 2. Understanding the area a. Name of the area b. Brief introduction to the area stating what it contributes to the city and how the city is beneficial to the area. (Can be supported with sketches) c. Photographs of the area ( Maximum 10 numbers, depicting the character and essence of the area) d. Major paths, character zones, nodes and landmarks. (Sketch and mark it over a google map) e. Road hierarchy, land use, open spaces, public spaces (Sketch and mark it over a google map) f. Conceptual sections delineating the height and character of the built form (Sketches to scale with topographical features) g. Identify any specific patterns within the area, grain sizes h. Trend of development in terms of building heights, type of construction, character. (Sketches to scale) 3. Delineating the neighbourhood a. Name of neighbourhood and delineate the notional boundary on the area level google map. ( 500m x 500m, rough size) (Sketch and mark it over a google map) b. Photographs of neighbourhood maximum 10 numbers depicting the form and character c. Pattern of development d. Sections for understanding the relation of built and open spaces 1. e. Amenities and Infrastructure - Social (Nearest community centres, grocery stores, health centres , primary schools, sports and recreation, art and culture, Welfare associations) and Physical (Transportation, Water, Power grid, Sewage and waste disposal) (Sketch and mark it over a google map and some systems could be done as flowcharts) f. Analyse the neighbourhood based on (Sketches as required) i. Location ii. Accessibility iii. Affordability iv. Traffic v. Pedestrian friendliness vi. Identity vii. Inclusivity viii. Walkability ix. Security and Safety x. ‘Eyes on the street’ xi. Presence of Public realm or community spaces, outdoor spaces xii. Amenities and Infrastructure xiii. Quality of Air, Water and land xiv. Access to natural environment xv. Presence of Green xvi. Aesthetic aspects of built form - Color, texture and Scale, enclosure. xvii. Overall quality of life and livability g. Survey of residents (Ask questions on how they perceive the area in terms of livability, ask them to score the above mentioned parameters and ask the shortcomings, their aspirations, needs and recommendations if there are shortcomings) h. Correlate and synthesize your analysis and residents' views. (Tabulate it) i. Summarise the findings to major 5 focus areas (Sketch or graphical representation) j. Discuss 2 to 3 strategies for these 5 focus areas in terms of design and betterment of the area. (Sketch or graphical representation) k. A masterplan proposal (Rendered Plan showing the interventions) l. Conceptual visualizations (Sketches or computer generated graphics) 4. Learning outcomes of the exercise Summarise in 500 words