Evidence The highest percentage of the edentulous ridges are Class 1. Free end dentures in the mandible, needed a higher percentage of adjustments of the denture base. This phenomenon is due to the progression of the resorption in the edentulous parts of the alveolar ridge, which is accentuated by the amount of pressure on the free end prostheses. Most patient acceptance on the major connector in maxilla is for the antero-posterior bar. For this case, for better retention, lingual plate is a great major connector type. Possibility of vestibuloplasty to improve the ridge form, and implant retained overdentures- but patient finances is a concern. Precision attachments are also a good form to try, given the RPD mpstly fail due to caries, periodontal problems and mobility. References 1. Vermeulen AH, Keltjens HM, van’t Hof MA, Kayser AF. Ten-year evaluation of removable partial dentures: survival rates based on retreatment, not wearing and replacement. J Prosthet Dent. 1996;76:267–72. 2. Al-Harbi FA. Mandibular Implant-supported Overdentures: Prosthetic Overview. Saudi J Med Med Sci. 2018;6(1):2-7. doi:10.4103/sjmms.sjmms_101_17 3. Warreth A, Alkadhimi AF, Sultan A, Byrne C, Woods E. Mandibular implantsupported overdentures: attachment systems, and number and locations of implants--Part I. J Ir Dent Assoc. 2015 Apr-May;61(2):93-7. PMID: 26281708. 4.