Uploaded by Kenny Gutierrez

Kean University Viewing Party: Press Release Plan

Kenny Gutierrez
Direction Sheet
A. Subject: Viewing Party at Kean University with opportunity to win raffle and win prizes
or meet the cast of popular shows.
B. Format: Press Release
C. Objective: Inform about the event and attract the target audience into attending it.
D. Audience
1. Demographics
a) Men and women
b) 18- 26 years old
c) living in New Jersey
d) single
e) high school graduate/ some college
f) student
g) All races Spanish, African American, Asian, American, etc
h) Household income $50,000
i) Straight
2. Psychographics: Experiencers
The consumers are the group of individuals who are the youngest but the most creative out of all
the groups. They are constantly trying to express themselves in different way but also find
something they can relate to. They will usually be the first involved in the rise of new products
and have the most energy, eager to use it. Constantly consuming product whether on their
devices or buying it from a store.
E. Angle: Attending the viewing party can give you the chance to win prizes and one being
the opportunity to meet the cast of a popular show.
F. Key Ideas:
a) Date: Saturday May 13
b) Time: 7PM to 11 PM
c) Place: Kean University Little Theater, Morris Avenue, Union N.J.
d) Enjoy exclusive shows that will be on the new YouTube TV television program.
Continue to watch older popular shows that will be on YouTube TV. (Voting)
e) Shows
Popular like Game of Thrones
Highest ratings and viewings
Voting done by Audience
Still will give 10 minutes of the second place show
f) Prizes
All expense paid trip to meet the cast of a popular show
Meeting well known YouTubers.
G. Length: two page
H. Deadline: April 30