Design & Simulation of 3 Phase Line Fault Detector Using WiFi/IoT By Muhammad Saeed CIIT/FA18-REE-001 BS Thesis In Electrical Engineering COMSATS UNIVERSITY Islamabad - Pakistan Spring, 20 COMSATS UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD Design & Simulation of 3 Phase Line Fault Detector Using WiFi/IoT A Thesis Presented to COMSATS UNIVERSITY, Islamabad Abbottabad Campus In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MS (Electrical Engineering) By Muhammad Saeed CIIT/FA18-REE-001 Spring, 2021 ii Design & Simulation of 3 Phase Line Fault Detector Using WiFi/IoT An Under Graduate Thesis submitted to Department of Electrical Engineering as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of B.S (Electrical Engineering). Name Registration Number Muhammad Saeed CIIT/FA18-REE-001 Muhammad Dawood CIIT/FA18-REE-001 Fahad CIIT/FA18-REE-001 Supervisor Dr. Gul Khan Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Abbottabad Campus COMSATS UNIVERSITY (CU) Islamabad May, 2021 iii Final Approval This thesis titled Design & Simulation of 3 Phase Line Fault Detector Using WiFi/IoT By Muhammad Saeed CIIT/FA18-REE-001 Has been approved For the COMSATS UNIVERSITY, Islamabad External Examiner: ___________________________________________ Dr. .……………….. Supervisor: _________________________________________________ Dr. Gul Khan Department of Electrical Engineering, Abbottabad Head of Department: _________________________________________ Dr. Shah Fazal Department of Electrical Engineering, Abbottabad iv Declaration I, Muhammad Saeed, CIIT/SP16-REE-005/ISB hereby declare that we have produced the work presented in this thesis during the scheduled period of study. We also declare that we have not taken any material from any source except referred to wherever due that amount of plagiarism is within acceptable range. If a violation of HEC rules on research has occurred in this thesis, we shall be liable to punishable action under the plagiarism rules of the HEC. Date: ______________ Signature of Student: ____________________ Name. Roll No. v Certificate It is certified that NAMES Students, have carried out all the work related to this thesis under my supervision at the Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS UNIVERSITY, Islamabad and the work fulfills the requirement for award of BS degree. Date: ______________ Supervisor: _________________________ Dr. Gul Khan Professor Head of Department: _____________________________ Professor. Dr. abc Department of Electrical Engineering vi DEDICATION We dedicate our work to our family and friends. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, our utmost gratitude to the Almighty Allah for giving us the strength and courage to complete this task despite of all the problems and difficulties that we faced during this research work. we have taken efforts in this thesis; however, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to our Supervisor Prof. Dr.Gul Khan who has been a constant source of encouragement and enthusiasm during this research work. We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents & members of COMSATS UNIVERSITY, Abbottabad Campus for their kind co-operation and encouragement which means a lot to us. We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to our seniors also for giving us such attention and time. Our thanks and appreciations also go to the people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities. M Saeed M Dowood Abc viii ABSTRACT Design & Simulation of 3 Phase Line Fault Detector Using WiFi/IoT Electrical short circuit and or fault events on overhead or underground cables due to bad weather storm, snow fall and rain cause voltage sags or swell at the end user location can damage the equipment’s. Line faults are the major issues facing the utility and distribution power system. Line fault clearing in distribution network is not an easy job it requires some automatic techniques to identify the exact location of the fault to avoid the manual patrolling of the entire line. Automatic fault location system use data from power quality monitoring system and circuit by calculating impedance. A timely and accurate identification of a faulted segment on the transmission network is very critical to reduce circuit interruption time during a fault. In this research work we have presented a method which will be very useful to identify the exact distance of fault of underground cable/distribution lines from base station named Ohm’s law, according to this law of fault inspection when a fault arises the variation in voltage drop is directly related to variation in current along the length of fault in the cable/distribution lines. To validate the performance of the designed scheme simulation has been conducted in MATLAB-Simulink after that it is implemented in hardware as well which also give accurate results as performed in simulation. The cable/distribution lines faults as well as transformer faults are monitoring via internet of thing (IoT) using Arduino and WiFi module ESP32, results of MATLAB/Simulink simulation and hardware are shown in chapter 6 and 7. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Causes of Cable/Distribution Faults..................................................................... 2 1.3 Types of Faults ..................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Open Circuit Fault ........................................................................................ 3 1.3.2 Short Circuit Fault ........................................................................................ 3 1.3.3 Network Sequence ........................................................................................ 4 1.4 Ohms Law Method ............................................................................................... 5 1.5 Impedance-Based Methods .................................................................................. 6 1.6 Statement of Problem ........................................................................................... 6 1.7 Research Methodology......................................................................................... 6 1.8 Literature Review ................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 2 2.1 Distributed Parameters of Transmission Lines ..................................... 10 Distributed Parameters of Transmission Lines .................................................. 10 2.1.1 Resistance ................................................................................................... 11 2.1.2 Inductance ................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Capacitance ................................................................................................. 12 2.1.4 Admittance .................................................................................................. 12 2.1.5 Capacity and Charging Current .................................................................. 13 2.2 Types of Conductors .......................................................................................... 14 2.2.1 AAC – All Aluminium Conductor.............................................................. 14 2.2.2 AAAC – All Aluminium Alloy Conductors ............................................... 14 2.2.3 AACSR – All Aluminium Alloy Conductors Steel Reinforced ................. 14 2.2.4 ACAR – Aluminium Conductors Alloy Reinforced................................... 14 2.2.5 ACSR – Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced .................................... 14 2.3 Underground Power Cables ............................................................................... 14 2.3.1 Types of Underground Cables .................................................................... 15 2.3.2 Belted Cables .............................................................................................. 15 2.3.3 Screened power cable ................................................................................. 16 x 2.3.4 High Pressures Power Cables ..................................................................... 16 2.3.5 Conductors .................................................................................................. 16 2.4 XLPE Cables ...................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 3 3.1 Testing of Transmission Lines/Cables and Fault Location ................... 19 Basic Diagnostic Testing Used for Underground Power Cables ....................... 20 3.1.1 Time Domain Reflectometry ...................................................................... 20 3.1.2 Dissipation Factor Measurement ................................................................ 20 3.1.3 Electric Stress of power cable ..................................................................... 21 3.2 Fault Location Schemes ..................................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Impedance-Based Methods ......................................................................... 22 3.2.2 Traveling Wave-Based Methods ................................................................ 22 3.2.3 Detection and Location Using Magnetic Field Sensors.............................. 22 Chapter 4 Design and Simulation for Transmission Fault Location ..................... 23 4.1 3-Phase transmission/distribution line fault location ......................................... 24 4.1.1 3-Phase transmission line equivalent circuit ............................................... 25 4.1.2 Open Circuit Fault Calculation ................................................................... 27 4.2 Hardware main circuit and components ............................................................. 28 4.2.1 Hardware Specification............................................................................... 29 4.2.2 Measurement Circuit................................................................................... 29 Chapter 5 Simulation Results and Discussion .......................................................... 32 5.1 Simulation Results ............................................................................................. 33 5.1.1 5.2 Transmission lines faults and fault codes ................................................... 35 Transformer Protection ...................................................................................... 36 5.2.1 Differential Protection of a Transformer .................................................... 36 5.2.2 Transformer faults and alarm binary descriptions ...................................... 37 5.3 Internet of thing (IoT) based line faults monitoring........................................... 38 5.3.1 Features of Cayenne IoT Cloud Platform ................................................... 38 Chapter 6 Conclusion & Future Work ..................................................................... 41 6.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 42 6.2 Future work ........................................................................................................ 42 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Sequence Network (i) Positive (ii) Negative (iii) Zero sequence voltage ......... 4 Figure 2.1 HV transmission lines or power cable equivalent circuit ................................ 10 Figure 2.2 Conductor arrangement in 3 Phase Lines (a) Trefoil (b) Flat ....................... 11 Figure 2.3 3 Core XLP cable view [22] ........................................................................... 17 Figure 2.4 1 Core XLP cable side view 230 kV XLPE cable[22] ................................... 17 Figure 3.1 Calculating dissipation factor, equivalent circuit and vector diagram [23] .... 21 Figure 4.1 Three phase transmission line equivalent circuit for a distance up to 10 km .. 24 Figure 4.2 Three phase transmission line equivalent circuit for 1km distance, the cable resistance, Inductance and Capacitance are modeled per phase per km distance. ............ 25 Figure 4.3 Simulation of transmission line fault location calculation in Simulink .......... 25 Figure 4.4 Three phase input current, output voltage and distance calculation blocks .... 26 Figure 4.5 Open circuit fault in transmission line at 8 km ............................................... 28 Figure 4.6 Open circuit fault and short circuit fault locations are displayed .................... 28 Figure 4.7 Current measuring circuit and wave form, AC Current ................................. 30 Figure 4.8 Hardware three phase line circuit diagram ...................................................... 30 Figure 4.9 Hardware measurement circuit diagram of 3 phase line fault detector .......... 30 Figure 4.10 Voltage & current signals, Arduino UNO and interfacing of WiFi module . 31 Figure 4.11 Hardware for WiFi based line fault detector and location finder .................. 31 Figure 5.1 Single Line to Ground Fault (L1G) is generated at distance of 7 km ............. 33 Figure 5.2 Single Line to Ground Fault (L1G) and location is shown in display ............ 33 Figure 5.3 Single Line to Ground Fault (L3G) is occurred at distance of 2 km ............... 34 Figure 5.4 Single Line to Ground Fault (L3G) and location is shown in display ............ 34 Figure 5.5 Three Lines Fault (L1L2L3) is generated at distance of 4 km ........................ 34 Figure 5.6 Three Lines Fault (L1L2L3) and location is shown in display ....................... 35 Figure 5.7 Transformer protection monitoring and control system .................................. 36 Figure 5.8 Single Line Fault is generated at transformer and the result is displaying ..... 37 Figure 5.9 A three-phase load is theft from transmission/distribution line ...................... 38 Figure 5.10 The results of line theft is calculated and shown in the display .................... 38 Figure 5.11 IoT based single line to ground (L1G) fault detection and display .............. 39 Figure 5.12 IoT based two line to line and ground (L1L2G) fault detection ................. 39 Figure 5.13 IoT based three line to line and ground (L1L2L3G) fault detection ........... 40 Figure 5.14 IoT based Transformer fault detection and display ...................................... 40 Figure 5.15 IoT based Open circuit fault detection and display ...................................... 40 xii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Cable insulation materials, di-electric strength (kV/mm) and tangent loss ..... 21 Table 3.2 Types of Cable and electric stress Emax (kV/mm) [23]................................... 21 Table 5.1 Transmission lines faults and fault codes ......................................................... 35 Table 5.2 Transformer faults and alarm binary descriptions ............................................ 37 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATION A Ampere B Susceptance (Siemens) C Capacitance f Frequency (Hz) L Inductance (Hennery), Length of cable (km) R Radius of the conductor D Distance (km), Diameter of Cable (mm) DOC Open circuit fault distance (km) DSC Short circuit current fault distance (km) d GMD (Geometric mean radius) G Conductance (Siemens) I Current (A) IC Charging Current (A) If Fault Current (A) IoT Internet of Thing ISC Short circuit current (A) R Resistance (Ohm), Conductor Radius (mm) Rc Conductor radius (mm) Rg Ground Resistance (Ohms) S Distance between conductors (mm) V Voltage (Volt) VOC Open circuit voltage (Volt) VS Sending end voltage VR Receiving end voltage XLPE Cross-linked poly ethylene X Reactance (Ohms) Y Admittance (Siemens) Z Impedance (Ohms) xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS α Operator 1200 j Operator Resistivity of earth in (Ωm) o Free space permittivity 8.85x10-12 F/m Relative permittivity Angular frequency (2.π.f) Delta Π constant (3.142) Ω Ohms r Relative Permeability 0 Permeability of free space 4 x 10-7 (H) tan( ) Dissipation Factor xv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction Transmission lines are used to transfer electrical energy from generating station to distribution system and load center. A healthy transmission/distribution line is one which delivered energy without any interruption. However, due to human mistakes and bad weather conditions 30 % faults are occurs on transmission and 30 % faults are occurs on distribution lines [1]. Since the last decade most of the distribution networks have been replaced by underground distribution networks. These networks are generally preferred in populated areas and places such as hospitals, colleges and large metropolitan centers to avoid hazards because these cables are not affected by bad weather conditions like storms, snow falls and heavy rains. Underground cables are less vulnerable to bad weather conditions and hence reduced number of faults occur on them as compared to overhead lines. In comparison to overhead distribution networks underground cables are more expensive and require complex mechanisms for installation and maintenance. Identification and clearance of faults in underground networks are also very difficult to monitor. For efficient operation it is very essential to identify the exact location of the fault in the cable. Various aspects of design, analysis and special considerations are required due to their underground construction [2]. In underground cables the value of capacitance is larger than inductance whereas in overhead lines it is the opposite. In addition to all this their operational analysis also becomes more complicated when different types of cables are used [3]. 1.2 Causes of Cable/Distribution Faults There are various reasons due to which underground fault occur. Mainly they occur due to mechanical damage when cable is not sufficiently protected during installation or poor cable jointing. Secondly, overloading increases insulation temperature or it may also rise due to surrounding temperature of nearby factory or steam pipes. Thirdly, chemical action of different materials in the soil causes corrosion and rusting in the cable. Last but not the least is oil leakage from cable boxes. Natural Causes: different types of natural disasters that could lead to a fault in the EPG, such as hurricanes, storms, flooding, earthquakes, tornados, heat waves or solar flares; Errors: causes related to human faults or equipment technical malfunction; 2 Attacks: cyber-attacks such as denial of service (most common), or human attacks 1.3 Types of Faults 1) Open Circuit Fault 2) Short Circuit Fault 1.3.1 Open Circuit Fault Open circuit faults are usually caused by breakdown in the conducting path of the current i.e when two or more conductors get broken or are disconnected. Open circuit faults are less harmful as compared to short circuit faults as almost zero current flows when open circuit occurs and load side of the network gets isolated from the generation side eventually saving the equipment from any major damage. Here the meter also indicates infinite resistance. 1.3.2 Short Circuit Fault In this type of fault when two or more phase conductors come in contact with each other the value of current increases manifolds and causes damage at the point of intersection. This type of fault is considered very harmful for the system as increased value of the current can affect equipment at the load side. The meter will indicate zero resistance in this case. Short circuit faults are further divide into two categories Symmetrical Faults The symmetrical faults are Three phase line to line fault (3L) Three phase to ground fault (3LG) Short circuit current in all phases is the same. These faults are more severe but occur less (10%) as compared to single line to ground faults. Short circuit KVA capacity at fault point can be given by KVASCC 3VLL I F Where I F VLG (A) ZF 3 (1.1) Unsymmetrical Faults In a three phase system when all three phases come in contact with each other, a short circuit fault occurs which is known as symmetrical fault. In unsymmetrical cases faults occur due to single line to ground or two line to ground intersections. In this case phase angles in each phase shift and the current also varies. Fault current in all phases is different and voltage in all phases also is unbalanced. Probability of their occurrence can be given as follows 1 Phase fault: line to ground (1LG) 65-70% 2 Phase fault: line to line (LL or 2L) 20-25% 2 Phase to ground; line to line and ground (LLG or 2LG) 10-20% 1.3.3 Network Sequence The positive sequence sets have three phase currents/voltages with equal magnitude, with phase b lagging phase a by 120°, and phase c lagging phase b by 120°. [4-6] I a1 I a100 I a1 I b1 I a12400 a 2 I a1 (1.2) I c1 I a11200 aI a1 where α = -0.5+j0:866, α2 = -0.5-j0:866, α3 = 1+j0 (1.3) The negative sequence sets have three phase currents/voltages with equal magnitudes, where phase b leads phase a by 120°, and phase c leads phase b by 120°. Negative sequence sets are similar to positive sequence, except the phase order is reversed [5]. Figure 1.1 Sequence Network (i) Positive (ii) Negative (iii) Zero sequence voltage 4 I a2 I a2 00 I a2 I b2 I a2 1200 aI a2 (1.4) I c2 I a2 2400 a 2 I a2 In zero sequence components all the currents are the same and there is no phase difference among them I a I b I c 0 I a 1 1 I 1 a 2 b I c 1 a 0 0 0 1 Ia a I a1 a 2 I a2 1 1 A 1 a 2 1 a (1.5) 1 a a 2 (1.6) To find out the magnitude of fault current during positive, negative and zero sequences equation 2.7 is used. I abc AI a012 , 1 A 1 1 1 1 a 2 3 1 a I a012 A1 I abc (1.7) 1 a a 2 (1.8) Equation 2.9 can be used to find out the magnitude of voltage during fault, in positive, negative and zero sequences. [5] Vabc AVa012 , 1.4 Va012 A1Vabc (1.9) Ohms Law Method This method is simply based on ohms law. In this method a DC voltage is applied at the end of a feeder through a series resistor voltage drop across this resistor is used for identification of fault location. During AC or DC voltage the fault current in cable is inversely proportional to the fault resistance. The transmission line has impedance which 5 increases along with the length of the cable from one end to the other end. Thus fault at shorter distance will have low impedance and high current, and vice versa. 1.5 Impedance-Based Methods The impedance-based fault location methods use the voltages and currents at one or both ends of a transmission line to determine where a fault has occurred. The impedance of the transmission line per unit length is usually required in these calculations. One of the major problems with basic one-terminal impedance-based fault location methods – those that only use measurements from one end of the transmission three lines – is that the fault impedance must be near-zero for the result to be accurate, since the fault impedance affects the impedance seen at the end of the transmission line [3]. 1.6 Statement of Problem Detection of cable fault in underground cables is not an easy job and poses a serious challenge to the quality and reliability of underground transmission cables network. To identify the exact location of the fault on the line accurately and timely is very critical for determining the circuit interruption time during a fault. Different techniques are used to identify fault locations in which Murray loop method and Ohm’s law method are the most common and cost effective. They can be used to identify the exact location of fault in underground cables but most of them have been tested on no-load condition. In this research work it is intended to implement a prototype design using conventional underground distribution system and determine the exact location of fault on running onload system and also present a in-depth analysis of its performance. 1.7 Research Methodology In this research work underground faults will be detected by using Ohm’s law method by measuring current at the source side and voltage at the load side at different faults by measuring these two values at different types of faults like short circuit ground faults for single line two line and three line to grounds. By constantly monitoring input current and 6 output voltage we will calculate the fault impedance when the voltage at output is minimum and current at the input side is maximum it means that some fault has occurred. In order to know the exact location of the fault we will test different fault conditions and accordingly we will implement and formulate the strategy on the basis of which we will be able to find the location of the fault. All this research work will be implemented in MATLAB SIMULINK software. 1.8 Literature Review An electrical power grid (EPG) is a dynamical system based on four main operations: generation, transport, distribution and control [1]. Technological development over the last decade, in particular with the increased use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), has exposed EPGs to an all-new set of threats [2]. Like any system, an EPG is not fully fault-proof. A fault can occur at any point of the grid, whether due to natural causes, operational errors, cyber-attacks or physical attacks, among others causes [3,4]. Whenever there is a fault at any part of the EPG, different levels of consequences will be generated for the grid as a whole. Faults affecting only a small part of the EPG, and with easy and fast resolution, do not imply a redirection of the energy flow through other transmission lines. However, catastrophic events may imply the isolation or overloading of other sections of the EPG, due to load redistribution, which can lead to a cascade failure. As an example, extreme weather conditions can affect the EPG at different levels: at system level, where loading on feeders and lines can be affected, or at component level, affecting their rate of failure. The EPG is undoubtably one of the most critical infrastructures in any country. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent catastrophic events that can break it down as well as to improve its capability to recover after any abnormal event. This last feature is known as system resilience [6-7]. Power system fault location and identification of different faults on distribution lines/ underground power cable system for quick & reliable operation of protection scheme is of utmost importance. Fault location estimation is a critical issue in power system functioning in order to clear faults quickly [7]. Different methods commonly used for distribution line’s fault detection and relevant work is summarized below: 7 A novel method for detection of multi-cycle fault in distribution line is discussed in [8]. The fault is of self-clearing nature and occurs for a very short time, the amount of disturbance in the voltage magnitude during fault is used for detection that an incipient fault has occurred. After successful detection of the fault the difference between the waveforms is used to find the fault location in the cable. Incipient fault angle and power loss characteristics also aid in improvement of the amount of accuracy required in the whole process. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique based on three steps by creating a distribution system model in MATLAB/Simulink and simulating a fault condition hence after. In order to detect the fault, voltages and currents obtained from Simulink model during fault are analyzed through Fourier and then fed into “Artificial Neural Network” in the second step. In the last step the fault distance from either end of the cable is determined using software “Or Cad” which works on the principle of domain reflectometry [9]. In [10] the possibility to apply an approach based on combining complex wavelets and continuous wavelet transform is discussed to determine impedance using the value of current and voltage signals in the wavelet domain. An in-depth analysis is carried out to examine impedance magnitude and its phase distribution under various fault conditions. The results obtained through this analysis show that this technique is very promising in fault detection of underground cables. Discusses an approach to detect fault in an underground cable by carefully monitoring current in the cable sheath. MATLAB/Simulink is used to analyze the data and results obtained using this technique show that this method effectively detects cable insulation breakdown and hence proves valuable for online monitoring of underground cables [11]. In [12] Kamlan filter is used to detect an incipient fault via an innovation signal which is calculated from fault current fed into Kamlan filter. Variation in magnitude is detected through innovation signal and further processed to check for likelihood of occurrence of incipient faults under similar operating conditions. [13] Underground cables of medium voltage levels could exhibit incipient as well as faults of self-clearing nature before failing permanently. These incipient and other cable deteriorating events last for usually one-half cycle and subside at first zero crossing of the current cycle. The magnitude of these events depends on the fault location on the feeder 8 as well as point on the voltage waveform for starting of the fault. [14] The initial current is analyzed in the model domain and theoretical part shows the sum of currents in sheath that can be used to find the initial faults. Both the wavelet transforms current and the single sheath current at end user are used to find the initial fault. When the incipient fault is detected then the faulty phase is selected by using root squares of all the three phases. All the simulation work is carried out in PSCAD. [15] A novel method for underground distribution automated rapid fault detection (UDAS) is discussed. UDAS reduce outage time and maintenance cost significantly as compared to the method previously done manually by the field crew. [16] Signal processing technique by using voltage and current signals applying the complex wavelet technique is used to detect the fault location. In this method complex wavelets is combine with continuous wavelet and calculate the impedance from current and voltage in wavelet domain and then phase distribution and magnitude are examined under different conditions. [17] Fourier analysis is used in this paper for detecting fault and life of a cable. Three types of cables are used in this experiment first one is normal cable second one a shorted cable and last one with holes. In each case impedance is calculated and after that Fourier transformation is applied so that all the parameters like impedance magnitude and impedance phase can be determined in frequency domain. Different windowing techniques are used to the data to remove interference. After this Fourier is applied to the impedance data which is calculated from both sending end voltage and differential voltage. This experiment gives different frequency response of the three different types of cables and also can be used for fault detection. [18] In this paper underground faults detection is done by using wavelet analysis with two different algorithms to detect the incipient faults. One algorithm is suitable by detecting single line to ground (SLG) initial fault. The other one is based on transients induced during fault and therefore point out the incipient faults. 9 Chapter 2 Distributed Parameters of Transmission Lines 10 2.1 Distributed Parameters of Transmission Lines In Power system transmission line and power cables are represented by its distributed elements, i.e. R, L and C, Resistance, Inductance and capacitance. High voltage transmission lines for short distance less than 50km are represented as series circuit of resistor and inductor, the capacitance of the line can be ignored. A medium transmission line which has distance more than 50km up to 240km, are represented as Pi and T circuit. In Pi circuit the capacitance of the line can be divided into two sections having single resistor and inductor. In T circuit the resistor and inductor of the line can be divided into sections having single capacitor in the center. Transmission line longer than 240km can be model as many sections serially connected of T or Pi circuits. Transmission lines are characterized by a series resistance, inductance, and shunt capacitance per unit length. These values determine the power-carrying capacity of the transmission line and the voltage drop across it at full load [19-20]. Figure 2.1 HV transmission lines or power cable equivalent circuit Shield and Ground wire – used primarily for protection from lightning strikes and corresponding surges Insulators – used to contain, separate, or support electrical conductors Conductors – metal cables used for carrying electric current Structures – support structures to hold up the conductors Foundation – system which transfers to the ground the various dead and live loads of the tower and conductors. 10 2.1.1 Resistance The AC Resistance of the transmission line is based its DC resistance, suppose the current is uniformly distributed R DC = ρl Ω A (2.1) m R E =π 2f.10-7 Ω Where Positive and negative sequence (2.2) RE =49.3 RE m m for f=50Hz is cancel out each other and then R1 Ra Ra = conductor internal resistance /meter R1 = conductor 1 Resistance, Zero sequence Resistance R o =R a +3R E (2.3) Figure 2.2 Conductor arrangement in 3 Phase Lines (a) Trefoil (top) (b) Flat (Bottom)[20] 2.1.2 Inductance The mutual and self-inductance of the conductors per unit length is given by [19-21 Lij o DE H ln m 2 dij DE 659 Where (2.4) f = Resistivity of earth in (Ωm) 11 1 dii e 4 R 0.778R Self GMD of cylindrical conductor d ij = mutual GMD of conductor i and j In single core power cable Lij 0.05 0.2ln K .s mH km rc S = distance between conductor (mm), Rc= conductor radius (mm) K=1, trefoil formation, K=1.26 flat formation 2.1.3 (2.5) Capacitance Capacitance per phase to neutral is C C 2 o F m D ln R (2.6) 0.0556 f km D ln R (2.7) ε o = 8.85x10-12 F/m, R = Radius of the conductor, D= Distance between the conductors In single core power cable C d 18.ln( 0 ) di [ F / km] (2.8) ε = relative permittivity of cable insulation d0 = external diameter of insulation (mm) di = diameter of conductor and screen (mm) For XLPE power cable = 2.5 [IEC-60287] 2.1.4 Admittance Impedance Z R jX (2.9) Admittance 12 Y Y 1 Z (2.10) 1 1 Z R jX (2.11) By taking conjugate Y 1 R - jX . R jX R - jX (2.12) Y R - jX R - ( jX ) 2 (2.13) Y R - jX R2 X 2 (2.14) Y R - jX 2 2 R X R X2 (2.15) 2 2 Y G - jB (2.16) 2.1.5 Capacity and Charging Current The capacitive charging current is flowing due to cable capacitance during no load. The capacitive charging current is as Ic V0 A / km V0 = (2.17) Operating voltage (kV) = Angular frequency ca = Operating capacity [19-21] 13 2.2 Types of Conductors Transmission and distribution line conductors are responsible for carrying power from generating station to receiving stations. 2.2.1 AAC – All Aluminium Conductor AAC contains one or more aluminum alloy strands. AAC is preferred for short spans (usually in urban areas). AAC has the highest conductivity to weight but has a poor strength to weight ratio. 2.2.2 AAAC – All Aluminium Alloy Conductors AAAC is an alloy conductor that is made of aluminum, silicon, and magnesium. Its ampacity is equivalent to AAC and possesses excellent tension characteristics. AAAC provides excellent resistance against corrosion and is used in coastal areas. AAACs are becoming more popular than ACSR for the last two decades. They are stronger, lighter and more conductive than ACSR. However, they are more expensive than ACSR. 2.2.3 AACSR – All Aluminium Alloy Conductors Steel Reinforced They are less common than AAACs. 2.2.4 ACAR – Aluminium Conductors Alloy Reinforced ACAR involves a combination of aluminum strands that are helically wrapped around aluminum alloy wires. The combination increases the mechanical strength of conductors. 2.2.5 ACSR – Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced ACSR involves the Aluminium conductor reinforced with steel core. The central steel core is surrounded by a number of aluminum strands. Steel strands are used for increasing the strength of conductor. Usually, steel is coated with zinc. At present ACSR conductors are most popular for longer transmission lines. 2.3 Underground Power Cables The underground power cables are used for power transmission and distribution where it is difficult, or dangerous to use the overhead lines. The underground power cables are in densely populated areas, in industries, and to supply power from the overhead lines to the load centers. The underground cables have several advantages over the overhead lines; 14 a- low voltage drops b- less chances of faults c- low maintenance cost The underground cables have also disadvantages over the overhead lines; a- Expensive to manufacture b- Cost increases as voltage rating increases c- Fault rectification d- High installation cost 2.3.1 Types of Underground Cables The underground cables are classified in following two categories According to voltage ratting Low-tension cables (Voltage ratting below than 1000 V) a) High-tension cables (Voltage ratting up to 11 KV) b) Super-tension cables (Voltage ratting 22 KV - 33 KV) c) Extra high-tension cables (Voltage ratting 33 KV - 66 KV) d) Extra super voltage cables (Voltage ratting above 132) According to Insulation and manufacturing design There are some types of underground electric power cables which are categorized on the basis of insulation materials, these are [22] EPR: Ethylene propylene rubber LDPE: Low density polyethylene HDPE: High density polyethylene XLPE: Cross linked polyethylene a- Belted cables b- Screen cables c- Pressure cables 2.3.2 Belted Cables The cores in the belted underground power cables are insulated by impregnated paper. In the three phase power cable, the three cores are combined together and then belted with the insulation paper belt. The gaps between the cable cores and the paper insulation are filled with fibrous materials. 15 A lead sheath is used to cover the paper belt hence to protect it from moisture and provide mechanical strength. The lead sheath is then covered with a single or multiple 2.3.3 Screened power cable In a typical three phase 3-core power cable, each of the three cores is insulated by impregnated paper and covered by Aluminium foil or other metallic screen. The arrangement of the cores is designed to allow each of the three metallic screens to make contact with each other. The three cores are then wrapped around using a conduction belt made of copper woven fabric tape. 2.3.4 High Pressures Power Cables These are high power cables used for voltages above 66KV. The cable construction is different from the above two and majority uses a cooling gas or oil. 2.3.5 Conductors The conductors in underground power cable are generally made of copper or aluminum material. Conductors used in underground power cable should have the following properties i- High electrical conductivity ii- high tensile strength in order to withstand mechanical stresses iii- low cost and low specific gravity Commonly used conductor materials in HV Transmission are i- Copper ii- Aluminum, The Copper conductors have high electrical conductivity, greater tensile strength, cheap and light weight. As compared to copper the aluminum conductors have smaller conductivity and tensile strength. Conductivity of aluminum is approximately 60% that of the copper conductor.For the same resistance: the diameter of aluminum conductor is about 1·26 times the diameter of copper conductor. The specific gravity of aluminum conductor is 2·71 gm/cc which is lower than the copper’s specific gravity (8·9 gm/cc). Aluminum conductor has almost one-half the weight of equivalent copper. 16 2.4 XLPE Cables XLPE cables were first designed in 1960’s which improved significantly giving reliable duty used by utility industry. In present, XLPE power cable are operating up to 500kv with short circuit length of 40km. XLPE cables pass different types of tests like long duration test as one of the first test was taken of Brugg cables on 400kv according to the international standard ICE 62067 in 2001 this test takes one year by monitoring temperature of all cables at joints and terminators. It was test it CESI laboratory Milan, Italy 2004. Figure 2.3 3 Core XLP cable view [22] Figure 2.4 1 Core XLP cable side view 230 kV XLPE cable[22] 17 Modern XLPE cables are composed of core, sheath which is metallic and outer insulation covering. The core is consists of conductor, wrapped (semiconductor), inner semiconducting layer, the main solid insulation the outer layer which is semiconducting. The high voltage cable can be made of aluminum or copper in order to minimize the current losses. Figure 2.2 Field Distribution of XLPE cable High voltage XLPE cables can be regarded as homogenous cylindrical form. The voltage gradient at point X can be calculated as [22] Vx V0 kV / mm ra rx .ln ri V0 = Operating voltage (kV) (2.18) rx = Radius at position X (mm) ra = ri = External radius above the insulation (mm) Radius of the internal field diameter (mm) Electrical field strength is at highest at the inner semiconductor and lowest at above the insulation and below the external semiconductor rx 18 ra Chapter 3 Testing of Transmission Lines/Cables and Fault Location 19 3.1 Basic Diagnostic Testing Used for Underground Power Cables The following tests are carried out during, manufacturing, installation, and fault diagnosing in underground power cables [22-24] a- TDR- Time Domain Reflectometry b- PD- Partial Discharge test at very low frequency c- DC current leakage Test d- Polarization and de-polarization current test e- Dissipation factor tan( ) measurement or Di-electric spectroscopy at very low frequency f- Withstand Voltage test g- Sequence Impedance h- Insulation Resistance Test 3.1.1 Time Domain Reflectometry A TDR-Time Domain Reflectometry measures the reflections of signals which can be sent from one end to the other end a conductor of a power cable. If the cable conductor is of equal and uniform impedance, and is in healthy condition, then there will be no signals reflection. Instead, if some of the transmitted signal reflected back to the source then there are impedance variations in the power cable. 3.1.2 Dissipation Factor Measurement Dissipation Factor: Cable power factor (P.F), Capacitance and dissipation factor (tan delta, tan( ) ) are important measurements to make ensure the cables insulation is good or weak. The tests are very useful in detecting of moisture or other contaminants and deterioration of cable insulation. A voltage source at power frequency is provided to the cable, at no load condition, there will be no inductance effect, the cable will be purely capacitive and the angle between voltage and current be about 90 degrees as shown in figure below. If there is any low resistance or leakage found then the flowing current will be leading the voltage below the 90 degree. [23] Wd V2 .2 fC.tan( )[ watt / km] 3 (3.1) F = frequency (Hz), C= Cable capacitance [ F / km] V = Rated voltage (kV), tan( ) = loss angle 20 Figure 3.1 Calculating dissipation factor, equivalent circuit and vector diagram [23] 3.1.3 Electric Stress of power cable The high voltage electric stress can be calculated as Ei V r ri ln( 0 ) ri [kV / mm] (3.2) V = Rated voltage across cable Insulation ri = radius of the conductor screen (mm) r0 = radius of XLPE Cable Insulation (mm) Table 3.1 Cable insulation materials, di-electric strength (kV/mm) and tangent loss (tanδ) [23] Type of Insulation Di-electric strength Tangent Loss Tangent Loss (tanδ) at 250 C (tanδ) at 1000 C 10.5 2.2 x 10-3 3.48 x 10-3 Impregnated Paper 57 2.5 x 10-3 8.45 x 10-3 Impregnated Oil 25 0.8 x 10-3 3.32 x 10-3 Materials ACV [kV/mm] Dry paper Table 3.2 Types of Cable and electric stress Emax (kV/mm) [23] Type of Cable Medium Voltage High Voltage Extra High Voltage XLPE 11 6 3 EPR 8.2 5 3 Fluid filled 18 14.5 10 21 3.2 Fault Location Schemes A variety of fault location schemes have been developed over the years. Common systems include impedance-based locators [1,2], or those which measure the impedance seen by one or both ends of the transmission line, and traveling wave-based locators [8- 10], or those which rely on the timing of fault detections. In addition to categorizing these fault location methods by the way in which they locate faults, they can also be classified into one-terminal and twoterminal based on whether they require information from one end or both ends of the transmission line, respectively. 3.2.1 Impedance-Based Methods Traditional impedance-based fault location methods use the voltages and currents at one or both ends of a transmission line to determine where a fault has occurred. The impedance of the transmission line per unit length is usually required in these calculations. One of the major problems with basic one-terminal impedance-based fault location methods – those that only use measurements from one end of the transmission 6 line – is that the fault impedance must be near-zero for the result to be accurate, since the fault impedance affects the impedance seen at the end of the transmission line [3]. 3.2.2 Traveling Wave-Based Methods Traveling wave-based fault location methods, like impedance-based methods, can be divided into one-terminal and two-terminal methods. With traveling wave analysis, however, the entire method of location rather than simply the equations change between the one- and two-terminal methods. One-terminal methods rely on the timing between reflections of voltage or current at impedance discontinuities – in this case, the fault – to find the distance between the sensor and the fault while two-terminal methods work based on the time delay between arrivals of information at the ends of the transmission line. 3.2.3 Detection and Location Using Magnetic Field Sensors Due to the simple relationship between current and magnetic field intensity, it is understandable that magnetic field sensors have previously been used in fault detection and location schemes. These schemes often use magnetic field sensors in place of current transformers since magnetic field sensors can be installed independently from a substation or switching station with a minimum amount of additional equipment [11,12]. 22 Chapter 4 Design and Simulation for Transmission Fault Location 23 4.1 3-Phase transmission/distribution line fault location The location of the fault in the transmission/distribution line will be find out from the input current and output voltage. When the ground fault occurs in the transmission/distribution line, the short circuit current from source to fault increases and the voltage at the receiving end decreases. From this current and voltage, the fault impedance can be also calculated, the fault impedance and the ground impedance are approximately equal. The fault impedance depends on ground resistance, fault location, line and load impedance. The fault current increases as fault location decreases and vice versa. In this simulation the power transmission/distribution line equivalent circuit is designed, in which the distributed parameters are modeled and presented. The fault current depends on theses distributed parameters; these parameters are transmission/distribution line resistance in ohm/km, line inductance (hennery/km) and transmission/distribution line capacitance in farad/km. The line inductance and capacitance cancel out each other’s; the transmission/distribution line will be inductive if the cable inductive reactance is greater than cable capacitive reactance, and vice versa. Here the cable has more capacitive reactance than cable inductive reactance and that is why the source side power factor is higher than load power factor. Figure 4.1 Three phase transmission line equivalent circuit for a distance up to 10 km 24 4.1.1 3-Phase transmission line equivalent circuit Distributed parameters of a transmission line and its equivalent pi-network is modeled as shown in figure below. The cable resistance, inductance and capacitance per phase per kilometer are shown. Figure 4.2 Three phase transmission line equivalent circuit for 1km distance, the cable resistance, Inductance and Capacitance are modeled per phase per km distance. Figure 4.3 Simulation of transmission line fault location calculation in Simulink 25 In this simulation a 3-phase load 200kW is connected to 3 phase power supply sources via cable equivalent impedance, 3 phase voltage and current monitoring blocks are connected at sending and the receiving ends of the cable. 3 phase voltage and current monitoring blocks are monitoring voltage and current of each phase during normal and abnormal condition of the cable. Whenever a ground fault (low resistance path) occurs the current at the sending end increases as determined by Ohm’s Law, and the voltage at the receiving end decreases. Short circuit current depends on line/cable impedance and fault impedance, the fault current increase as cable distance decreases and vice versa. Similarly, the short circuit current will also increase as ground impedance decreases. To find the cable fault location, the following parameters are required a- Short circuit current at the sending end b- The receiving end voltage c- The fault equivalent impedance (Cable impedance, load impedance and ground impedance) These parameters are calculated during fault as shown in figure below. Figure 4.4 Three phase input current, output voltage and distance calculation blocks When a single line to ground fault occurs the current of that line increases and voltage decreases, a MinMax block is used to determine which line has min voltage and maximum current. Also send this minimum voltage and maximum current signal to the distance calculation block. 26 If V1 or V2 or V3 <9.5 & >7 volt If V1 or V2 or V3 <7 volt Dsc Dsc V 0.93 1.2 V 2.5 25 (4.1) ( km) (4.2) (km) 4.1.2 Open Circuit Fault Calculation When a power cable is connected to the source and the load is removed from the cable at receiving end, some current will flow in the ampere meter at the sending end due to capacitance of the power cable. This current depends on cable capacitance per km and cable distance. When this current flow in the cable produces voltage due to cable inductance which is in phase to the supply source and thus the receiving end voltage becomes higher than sending, this phenomena s known as Ferranti Effect, Ferranti was the first scientist who found this phenomenon during testing of 10 kV power cable in 1887. The open circuit fault can be calculated from the no load current flowing in cable. Remove load from the receiving end and measure the value of current, this current will be decreased linearly if open circuit fault distance is decreased and vice versa. The open circuit fault distance can be calculated from the formulas mentioned below. The capacitive charging current is flowing due to cable capacitance during no load. The capacitive charging current is as equation (2.17) Ic V0 A / km (4.3) Maximum charging current per phase of the total cable can be found from equation (4.4). Icmax =V0 .ω.ca .Dmax A kic Dmax = (4.4) Dmax I c max total length of cable, (4.5 I c max = Maximum charging current kic = Charging current factor Open circuit fault distance can be calculated from equation (4.6) Doc I c .kic (km) (4.6) 27 Figure 4.5 Open circuit fault in transmission line at 8 km Open circuit fault is generated in line 1 at distance of 8 km, the Doc will calculate open circuit fault distance and Dsc will calculate short circuit and ground fault distance. The simulation results are displayed in distance calculation block as shown in figure 4.6. Figure 4.6 Open circuit fault and short circuit fault locations are displayed 4.2 Hardware main circuit and components In the hardware 220/24 VAC is transformer is used to supply the power to the load through transmission lines having resistance, capacitance and inductances. The line has total series resistance of 8.6 Ohms (0.86 Ohm resistance per section), and low inductance of 72uH and 1k Ohm shunt resistance per section. Leakage current is flowing through these shunt resistances, the shunt resistances are used instead of shunt capacitances. In shunt capacitors a small value of current is flowing due to low voltage which is difficult to measure by the CT and controller and that is why shunt resistor are used in the circuit. In high voltage cable the leakage current is flowing due to shunt capacitance are also high. 28 In normal healthy condition some voltage will be dropped in transmission line and the load will get a small voltage. A current limiting resistor (LR) is used to limit the short circuit current during short circuit fault. Current transformer is used to measure the current flowing in the transmission line during normal and abnormal condition. The total leakage current of the line is 0.3 ampere. 4.2.1 Hardware Specification Transformer = 03 x 220VAC / 12VAC, 3 Amperes Current Transformer = 5 Ampere/ 5 mA Line section = 08 Nos, each section represent 1 km distance of line Controller = Arduino UNO WiFi Module = ESP 32 Current limiting Resistor = 3 Ohm Line Series Resistance = 0.7 Ohms/section Shunt resistance = 1k Ohm/section Maximum Current = 3 Ampere continues Short Current = 5 Ampere, <5 seconds Leakage Current = 0.024 - 0.3 ampere 4.2.2 Measurement Circuit Current transformer is used to measure the current flowing in the transmission line during normal and abnormal condition. The output current is converted into AC voltage and then shifted into dc, an analogue offset value is generated and provided to microcontroller to measure the value of current, in this current measuring method an accurate value of current can be obtained from 5 milliampere to 5 amperes. Similarly, the voltage divider circuit is used to measure the voltage of the sending end, however in line fault localization voltage calculation is not required, and the voltage displaying is also ignored. [29] 29 Figure 4.7 Current measuring circuit and wave form, AC Current shifted into DC Offset Figure 4.8 Hardware three phase line circuit diagram Figure 4.9 Hardware measurement circuit diagram of 3 phase line fault detector 30 Figure 4.10 Voltage & Current signals to Arduino UNO and interfacing of WiFi module Figure 4.11 Hardware for WiFi based line fault detector and location finder 31 Chapter 5 Simulation Results and Discussion 32 5.1 Simulation Results Different faults on transmission/distribution line are generated at different locations, the simulation results display the exact location and fault type. Different types of faults are: Single line to ground faults: L1G, L2G, L3G Line to line faults: L1L2, L2L3, L1L3, L1L2G, L2L3G, L1L3G, Three lines faults: L1L2L3, L1L2L3G Line theft fault Open Circuit (OC) fault Transformer faults: Overload, Short circuited at load, internal faults, over temperature etc Figure 5.1 Single Line to Ground Fault (L1G) is generated at distance of 7 km Figure 5.2 Single Line to Ground Fault (L1G) and location is shown in display 33 Figure 5.3 Single Line to Ground Fault (L3G) is occurred at distance of 2 km Figure 5.4 Single Line to Ground Fault (L3G) and location is shown in display Figure 5.5 Three Lines Fault (L1L2L3) is generated at distance of 4 km 34 Figure 5.6 Three Lines Fault (L1L2L3) and location is shown in display 5.1.1 Transmission lines faults and fault codes Table 5.1 Transmission lines faults and fault codes Sr.No Fault L1 L2 L3 G Binary Description 1 Healthy System 0 0 0 0 0000 2 L1G 1 0 0 1 1001 3 L2G 0 1 0 1 0101 4 L1G 0 0 1 1 0011 5 L1L2 1 1 0 0 1100 6 L1L3 1 0 1 0 1010 7 L2L3 0 1 1 0 0110 8 L1L2G 1 1 0 1 1101 9 L1L3G 1 0 1 1 1011 10 L2L3G 0 1 1 1 0111 11 L1L2L3 1 1 1 0 1110 12 L1L2L3G 1 1 1 1 1111 13 Open Circuit 2 0 0 0 2000 35 5.2 Transformer Protection In this block of transformer protection; transformer faults internal or at terminals, transformer overload, transformer short circuit and transformer over temperature are calculated and displayed. This block also monitoring transmission line theft, if electricity is theft from the line the protection block will generate theft alarm. Transformer faults and the appropriate binary description are shown in the table. 5.2.1 Differential Protection of a Transformer The transformer is one of the major equipment in power system. It is a static device, totally enclosed and usually oil immersed, and therefore the fault occurs on them are usually rare. But the effect of even a rare fault may be very serious for a power transformer. Hence the protection of power transformer against possible fault is very important. The fault occurs on the transformer is mainly divided into two type external faults and internal fault. External fault is cleared by the relay system outside the transformer within the shortest possible time in order to avoid any danger to the transformer due to these faults. The protection for internal fault in such type of transformer is to be provided by using differential protection system. Differential protection schemes are mainly used for protection against phase-to-phase fault and phase to earth faults. Figure 5.7 Transformer protection monitoring and control system In this simulation the primary current and secondary current are monitored by using VI block. The equation is Ip * k = Is The load at transformer is 100A (Is=100A), the primary current is (Ip=3.63 A), so the equation is 3.63 * 27.5 =100 So the difference of the current (Ip * k – Is) is approximately zero. If 36 there is something wrong in transformer then the difference will be more than value one, which indicates transformer faults. The line theft monitoring is also based on the differential of the current at sending and receiving end of the transmission/distribution line. Sending end current is approximately equal to zero, there are some leakages current due to capacitance of the line. The theft load current should be greater than line leakage current, otherwise the difference will be approximately zero. 5.2.2 Transformer faults and alarm binary descriptions Table 5.2 Transformer faults and alarm binary descriptions Sr.No Fault Fault Number Binary Description 1 Healthy System 0 0 0 000 2 T/F Fault (internal) 0 1 0 010 3 Transformer Overload 1 0 0 101 4 T/F Short ckt (load) 0 0 1 011 5 Line Theft 1 1 1 111 Figure 5.8 Single Line (L1G) Fault is generated at transformer and the result is displaying 37 Figure 5.9 A three-phase load is theft from transmission/distribution line Figure 5.10 The results of line theft is calculated and shown in the display 5.3 Internet of thing (IoT) based line faults monitoring 5.3.1 Features of Cayenne IoT Cloud Platform Cayenne App is used to remotely control your IoT projects with drag and drop widgets from an app. Cayenne Online Dashboard is used to setup and manage our IoT projects with the help of the browser. Cayenne Cloud store and process the device data. Cayenne Agent enables communication with the server, agent and hardware for implementing incoming and outgoing commands, actions, triggers and alerts. 38 Figure 5.11 IoT based single line to ground (L1G) fault detection and display Figure 5.12 IoT based two line to line and ground (L1L2G) fault detection and display 39 Figure 5.13 IoT based three line to line and ground (L1L2L3G) fault detection and display Figure 5.14 IoT based Transformer fault detection and display Figure 5.15 IoT based Open circuit fault detection and display 40 Chapter 6 Conclusion & Future Work 41 6.1 Conclusion The simulation work has been carried out in MATLAB/Simulink, to find out fault location in transmission line/distribution/underground cable. Three phase equivalent circuit is modeled with distributed parameters. a) Fault location can be found by monitoring input current (Isc), voltage sag (Vr) at receiving end and fault impedance during fault in live cable. b) Fault location can be found during balanced and unbalanced fault. c) Fault location can be found at variable load ( 10kW to 200kW). d) Open circuit fault in 1 line, 2 lines or 3 lines, OC fault location is calculated. e) Both open circuit (OC) and short circuit (SC) fault can be analyzed and found at same time. f) Transformer faults and alarms are shown/simulated g) Line theft has been discussed and shown in simulation Hardware circuit is designed for three phase line faults and location calculation and the data are send via WiFi/IoT for monitoring. In this simulation work, it is studied that newly installed cable distributed parameters can be determined in the pi-section of the cable model. A fault current can be injected into different location and fault location can be analyzed. After final conclusion and test results, the fault location expression can be fed in microcontroller, the phase voltages and currents can be provided to microcontroller though potential transformers (PTs) and current transformers (CTs) and thus fault location can be calculated from the same expression determined in Simulink during simulation. 6.2 Future work In this research work a single WiFi module is used for a single 3 phase line, so multiple WiFi modules for multiple line can be used and all these WiFi modules should communicate with master WiFi module. 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