Uploaded by Radhika Saxena

Tourism Assignment: Niche Tourism Research

Assignment #1
Types of Tourism
Independent Assignment /Project- 15%
Grade __________/ 25 marks
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to build upon your understanding about the worldwide niche tourism and
hospitality industry.
Type of Assignment: This is an individual assignment that will require you to research the topic that was given to
you in class during the first week.
Submission - Essay Style. Uploaded to Canvas (5 pages double spaced max) using APA format and APA Citations.
Those 5 pages include the cover page and reference page.
1. You are responsible for educating the Professor on the type of tourism industry you were assigned. By
providing a basic definition – in your own words of the topic. (5 marks)
2. You then are required to showcase that specific destination that specializes in that type of tourism
(Continent, Country, Town, City etc..) and tell the Professor all about it. (5 marks)
3. Next you are required to highlight the reason for its popularity (what makes this location and activity so
special). (5 marks)
4. You are expected to discuss the market segmentation and the target market they are attempting to attract
and elaborate as much as you can on the market and type of customers that are attracted to that destination
and activity. (5 marks)
5. Lastly you will need to list the features and benefits of the destination. Please mention some of the
destination’s flaws (negatives or downfalls)– the parts that need attention or improvement. (e.g.: to far from
airport, expensive to get to, long flights, not enough to do in the area, etc.) (5 marks)
Due Date: Week 3, Jan 26th at 10:00 am EST.