Uploaded by maxwellgaveau

Student Uniform Infraction Email

I am so disappointed in Maxwell. I gave him a chance to earn the recruiting ribbon by
speaking to the 8th graders today. He had his uniform on and was inspected in
class(4th period). We just met(8th period) to go to the 8th grade class and he was in
his regular clothes. I asked him where his uniform was and he said he took it off after
gym which was 5th period. The only time that it is ok to take the uniform off is after
8th period gym. I told him to go back to art class. So, he missed out on earning a
ribbon and now I need to talk to the other instructors to see if we will give him one
more chance to stay in the unit. Please speak with him about following the rules and I
will let you know what we decide asap.
NC1 Turner
(631)298-8471 x3245