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ECA Strategic Planning USAID May14 2020

Extracurricular Activities ECA strategic plan
(Conceptual Framework)
May 14, 2020
DISCLAIMER: This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. Samah Goussous prepared it, in
cooperation with Jordan’s Ministry of Education.
Institutional Context
Where ECA stands within the ESP?
Extracurricular Activities Gaps
ECA Goal & Strategic Objectives
Institutional Context
Under the patronage of His Excellency, former
Minister of Education and current Prime
Minister, Dr. Omar Razzaz, the Ministry of
Education reenacted extracurricular activities
(ECA) nationwide in public schools for the
2017-2018 academic school year.
In alignment with the HRD Strategy 2016 and to support its goals, the Ministry of Education
(MOE) is implementing the 2018–2022 Education Strategic Plan (ESP) focusing on improving
access to education, quality of outcomes, accountability for results, innovations, and the
promotion of the national mindset and values.
Where ECA stands within the ESP?
The ESP committed to invest in the Safe and Stimulating School Environment in
order to support students in the development of all aspects of their personality, to
ensure that they have intact mental health and adaptation skills, and are
productive citizens who are able to meet their own needs and those of the society
in the future
To improve the quality of education for the preparation
of good and productive citizens who are loyal (feeling
of belonging) to their country
Component Objectives
• Increase in percentage of schools reported as being safe to 100% by 2022.
• Increase in percentage of schools implementing life skills program to 100% by 2022
• Increase in number of students participating in creative programs and activities to 50,000 boys and girls in grades 7 – 10
by 2022
Extracurricular Activities Gaps
Current ECA
Arts, Home Economics, and Physical Fitness teachers undervalued and underutilized
Schools lack resources materials, sufficient ECA teachers, and safe spaces to implement
No ECA framework and standards - NGOS/CBOs implement ECA in accordance to their
individual preferences and standards
Limited funding
0.3% (2.94M) of Total spending goes towards social, sports, and educational activities ( General Budget
Department 2018)
Compared to 0.8% in 2011 (Fiscal Reform Project: Education Sector Expenditures 2011)
Compared to 5.9% in Administration and Support Services and 2.8% to Vocational Education ((2018)
ECA Goal & Strategic Objectives
In alignment with ESP 2018-2022
All students have access to
quality ECA in school , after
school and holidays through
appropriately grade-leveled,
they will have socioemotional, creative, and build
practical 21st century skills
needed to participate in a
knowledge economy
Strengthen Systems Strengthen the capacity of the MOE to standardize
ECA framework, develop quality assurance frameworks, financing
mechanism, and continued support to the ESP and Human Resources
Development Strategy
Empower Schools Extra curricular
form part of the school
offering to cultivate a culture of motivation, physical safety for
student wellbeing and inclusion and empower non-core subject
teachers with the resources and skills they need to have
increased motivation to instruct ECA
Foster horizontal and vertical collaboration Strengthen
communication between the MOE, Education, Construction, and
Youth Donor Working Groups, and the Education Sector Working
Group to foster horizontal and vertical communication and
Utilize Local solutions and Partner with local Through increased
competition, transparency, and access to partnering with the
Ministry of Education, public, private, and non-governmental entities
will be able to support the MOE implement and ensure quality of
Learning from global evidence ,best
practice and the Field
The need for ECA /Co- curricular Engagement
High Prevalence of Violence in Schools
Teacher Readiness and Motivation
How ECA are being implemented globally and in private schools
The need for ECA /Co- curricular Engagement:
- Physical Exercise, Performing Arts and Mental Wellbeing
- Strengthening, Supplementing and Special Programming
Global evidence and best practice
Corresponding ECA filed assessments
(source:) A study was conducted by “Daley and Leahy “ in 2003
(source: KIIs and ECA Raped assessments)
High Prevalence of Violence in Schools
Corresponding ECA filed assessments
Global evidence and best practice
(source:) Jordan
Jordan Global School based Student Health Survey
(source: ESP 2018-2022 ,ECA Raped assessments and human capacity
assessment )
In the ESP ,It is expected that the anti-bullying
program that is currently being piloted in 10 schools
in Jordan to reach 100% of the country’s schools
hosting Grades 7, 8 and 9.
Teacher Readiness and Motivation
The Queen Rania Foundation 2014 National Teacher Survey revealed that 28% of
teachers never received training prior to becoming a teacher, and the majority of
those who had received training stated that it for two or less months, compared to
the OECD average of 10.6 months of pre-service training.
QRTA’s National Teacher Survey revealed that “40% of teachers with less than 5
years of teaching experience cited a passion for teaching, compared to 48% of
teachers with more than 20 years of experience.”
Research demonstrates that the quality of teachers and teaching is the most
important factor affecting student outcomes (OECD, 2010) particularly in emergency
contexts where teachers may be the only resource available (World Bank, 2010)
Brief summary of how ECA are being implemented in
German schools By GIZ
Active Learning and Extracurricular Activities
ECA in German schools
Active learning during lesson time
Definition: "Active learning" means that students engage
with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate
with each other.
Different concepts and methods included on a daily basis:
e.g. Cooperative Learning, Total Physical Response,
Project-based Learning, Open Learning
Extra-activities based on curriculum:
● Project week (e.g. Literature Week, Science Week)
● Project days (e.g. Sports Day, Heritage Day, Science
● Excursions (based on curriculum)
Extracurricular Activities /After-school activities
Students register for different (one or more) after-school
activities on a voluntary basis (not mandatory, but
encouraged by parents and teachers)
● Once registered they need to attend for half a year/ the
whole school year
● Duration: between 45 and 90 minutes
● Provided by teachers (calculated from their teaching load)
● In cooperation with extracurricular partners (e.g. sports
coaches [usually remuneration from funds], university
students or parents [usually on a voluntary basis])
ECA are offered every day, but one activity is on a fixed day
and would repeat weekly.
Four categories of activities:
● Teaching-related complementation (e.g. vocational workshops, career/job discovery, computer/media literacy,
ball-games, Spanish, English – revision and practice)
● Thematic projects (e.g. school magazine, puppet theatre, experiencing nature, cookie baking, school garden,
school arbiters)
● Advancement, support and empowerment (e.g. handwriting/ calligraphy, creative writing, From sheep to scarf,
self-defense, debating)
● Recreational activities (e.g. football, handball, athletics, dancing, choir, orchestra, arts and crafts)
ECA Organizational Structure ,Definition
and Criteria
ECA Current Protocol chart
The Minister
Education Quality and
Accountability Unit
Coordination Unit
The Planning Committee
and Board of Education
The Planning Committee
and Board of Education
The Secretary General of
Educational Affairs
The Secretary General of
Administrative and Financial Affairs
Managing Directorate of
Educational Activities
Managing Directorate of Human
Managing Directorate of
Managing Directorate of
Procurement and Supplies
Managing Directorate of Special
Managing Directorate of
Educational Planning and
Managing Directorate of
Educational Supervision
Managing Directorate of
Financial Affairs
Managing Directorate of
Curricula and Textbooks
Managing Directorate of
Buildings and International
Managing Directorate of Queen
Rania for Educational and
Information Technology
Activities Evaluation
There is a procedure manual / written guidelines on the MOE standards when working with external parties that control
the implementation of the new initiatives
ECA proposed Protocol chart
New initiative/activity
SG for Educational & Technical Affair
Development Coordination Unit
ECA Criteria
ECA Strategic Plan /TWG
Academically aligned
Soft skills & Physical aligned
All activities
90 minutes
After school
After school & weekends
Activities Evaluation Committee
MD for Activities Directorate
Managing Directorate of
Queen Rania Center for ET and
MD Activities generate annual
Extracurricular Activities (ECA)
3Activities Directorate’s annual
Supportive Directorates
nal chart
reflects the
roles and
ties of
rs in the
design and
ation of
ECA within
DCU,MD of Curricula and Textbooks, Finance, SDDP, MD
Procurement, MD of Planning and Research, HR, NCCD,EQAU and
Supervision and Educational Training MD
2018-2022 Education Strategic Plan
ECA Criteria
Aligned with ESP Goals
Aligned with SDDP Domains
Locally Solution led/co- created
Evidence based
Curriculum Aligned
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Teacher ECA Guide and Manual
approved by MOE
Gender is taken seriously into
consideration when design ECA
Define the criteria
Ensure that current and future generations develop the skills and capabilities they need to live happy and fulfilled lives, and
collectively realize the ambition of a prosperous and resilient Jordan – MUST Be Linked TO an ESP GOAL
Efforts have been made within the framework of the ERfKE II program to give the field directorates and schools broader
responsibilities within the School and Directorate Development Program (SDDP), particularly with regard to the development
and improvement of schools through active participation of the local community – MUST BE Linked to and report against an
ESP Domain at the outcome level
The Ministry aims to make greater efforts in partnership with the local and international communities to face these challenges,
particularly the provision of a safe educational environment for those students. MUST BE designed with the ministry and must
designed for local sustainability from the start.
Any practice that relies on scientific and mathematical evidence to form strong inductive or deductive arguments for guidance
and decision-making Must include measures to prove that it is advancing one of the desired outcomes of ECA/SDDP/ESP; and
must report against those outcomes to the MoE. Any scaling must be based on a rigorous externally evaluated evidence base.
This curriculum must be based on developmentally appropriate standards and practices Must be aligned to the curriculum by
appropriate grade and subject with approval by the MoE
SES Is relevant to all realms of behavioral and social science Including research, practice, education, and advocacy. Must reflect
the socio-economic status and resources of the school in which it is implemented
Develop and approve manual of guidelines, Prepare and obtain approval for the ECA manual based on approved Criteria Must
be accompanied by a teacher guide and manual approved by the MoE
The Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Education aims to guide and support the MoE’s efforts to ensure that
gender inequalities in education are identified and appropriate interventions to address them are implemented Must assess
and address gender inequalities in delivery and in content.
Disable students is taken seriously
Particularly pronounced in rural or conflict-affected areas, among economically disadvantaged families, children with
into consideration when design ECA disabilities, members of ethnic or other minorities, or refugee children Must make provisions for inclusions of disability
Grade Leveled
Learning spaces and technologies
Community engaged
Efforts are ongoing to ensure access to and good quality education for all children residing in the country, including children of
other nationalities and refugee children. Education is compulsory from the age of six to 16 (Grades 1-10) and free until the age
of 18 (Grade 12).34 As of Grade 4, most public schools are single-sex, with only male or female students and teachers,
respectively. Must be designed for the appropriate grade level
introducing information and communication technologies (ICTs) in schools, and encouraging community participation Must
include approaches to facilitate ICT integrateion in the class room for the teacher and the student. Must accommodate
resources available at the school level
The Directorates will work to meet the needs of network schools, including through connections with the private sector and
other institutions in the community to seek their support and assistance for the implementation of school development plans in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Must engage the community in meaningful ways.
The domains of the strategic plan have also focused on the quality of education, accountability and capacity building of staff
Global Best Practice source
HRD ,ESP 2018-2022 ,OECD,
UNESCO, University of
Toronto Press, Source: U.S.
Department of Education.
(2016). Using Evidence to
Strengthen Education
Investments,and American
Psychological Association
Extra Curricular Criteria: 90 Minutes
ESP Goal Aligned and Noted
Ministry Approved
Evidence- Based
Curriculum Aligned
MoE Approved Teacher
Appropriately Grade Leveled
Community Engaged
Academically aligned
Activities that supplement the school
curriculum , build practical 21st century
skills and align with ESP-aligned
learning outcomes and MOE academic
curriculum, implemented within the 90
minutes ECA block. It forms part of the
students core curricular load, although
it is not graded nor do students receive
academic credit for them.
Sustainability Plan
Locally led or co-created
MoE Department ownership
Duration: 45 minutes twice a week.
Meets ECA 90 minute block criteria.
Extra Curricular Criteria:After school hours
Soft skills +physical aligned
ESP Goal Aligned and Noted
Ministry Approved
Evidence- Based
MoE Approved Guide
Community Engaged
Sustainability Plan
Locally led or co-created
MoE Department ownership
Activities that supplement the education
program of the school , build practical 21st
century skills and align with the ESP schoollevel outcomes, implemented after school.
Activities are academic and non-academic,
optional or recreational, and can include
tutoring, sports, visual and performing arts,
special programs, field trips, character
education, clubs, and outdoor education. It
does not take place during classroom time.
Meets ECA After School criteria.
Extra Curricular Criteria: Weekend +vacation
Ministry Approved
Community Engaged
Sustainability Plan
Locally led or co-created
Activities are optional or recreational,
and can include summer camp,
volunteering activities, sports, visual
and performing arts, clubs, special
programs, field trips, character
education. It does not take place
during classroom time.
Meets ECA Holiday criteria
Institutional changes to support ECA Strategic Plan
Managing Directorates Taglines
ECA Preparatory Steps Needed
ECA Long Term Goal: 2020-2023
Planning for Sustainability
Institutional changes to support ECA
Strategic Plan: Organizational Structure
• Activate ECA steering committee and the technical committee
• Defining who is available from the MOE to work on
designing/budgeting/managing the ECA
• Defining the roles of each department/unit in contributing to a ECA
that reflects organizational values
• Redefining the reporting lines of departments to reflect more efficient
operations and mutual support.
• Develop communication Mechanism between the MOE directorates
Managing Directorates
and QRC
In-Country ECA Support Team
DCU Supervise and assure the change with the related parties through a systemized reporting
Activities Evaluation Committee Evaluating the activities, initiatives and events that the internal or external parties wish to implement
within MOE schools.
ECA steering Committee and Technical Committee development of ECA SP, and the supervisory role would be through the PPC members.
SDDP Develop SOP for school level ECA framework in alignment with SDDP (i.e. schools ECA strategies, management structure, etc.) and
mobilize School Block Grants
Finance, MD
t, MD of
Training MD
MD of Activities
Design , calculated fund based on # of students, school performance,
MD of Education
region, size, availability of resources implements and report of ECA
programs under ECA strategic plan within ESP
QRC Developing a computerized system to manage data and knowledge to ensure best practices and the validity of data and knowledge and
sharing the best operates between all administrative levees
MD of Curricula and Textbooks and NCCD make sure to design all the activities parallel to it and abide what was there
Finance Establishing financial and school-specific instructions that allow for more flexibility in accepting grants and donations for ECA
MD of Procurement and Supply The directorate maintains an up-to-date inventory or ECA resources management system
MD of Planning and Research Develop a new data flow methodology to inform policy making and strategic planning.
HR Reshaping the job description for ECA implementers
Supervision and Educational Training MD Develop and implement a training plan of ECA that suits the training needs of staff
alignment with the induction, in-service, continued professional development, teacher levels/standards, Coaching/mentoring w supervisors,
supervisor/FD training and evaluation criteria's
The EQAU to
follow up on the school's performance and implementation of the Code of Conduct, and review the legislation of student
parliamentary councils to prepare a leadership generation able to take responsibility and have the ability to communicate effectively.
ECA Preparatory Steps Needed
ECA Technical Assessment needed
How to allocate resources and funding (i.e. direct funds, central level MOE procurement, or 3rd
party implementing partner), ECA school assessment ,ECA Distance activities ,and Operation
Management Assessment
Capacity to Implement ECA:
Develop competency based training through:
Training of Trainers (TOT);
○didactic training;
○and On-the-Job training.
Capacity to Manage ECA:
● Unified documentation practices at all levels (MOE central, FD and schools ).
● Develop ECA standards for current and prospective implementers (time, frequency, ESP, results, QA)
● Develop SOP for school level ECA framework in alignment with SDDP (i.e. schools ECA strategies,
management structure, etc.)
● Update and mobilize School Block Grants
● Develop BOQ for ECA school toolkits
ECA Long Term Goal: 2020-2023
With the joint-financing agreement, Holistic ECA Framework: In-school, after-school, and
summer , and quality assurance in place, the MOE will be able to provide school block
funding, contract local partners and technical assistance to ensure:
Teacher Certification: In-service training
Empower non-core subject teachers with the resources and skills they need to have increased
motivation to instruct ECA
Empower School : have agency and ownership over school-wide ECA planning
Diversify Partnerships: CBOs, NGOs, foundations, private, and public entities
Transparent and fair competition: Innovative financing and contracting mechanisms
Measuring Impact: Accountability to the ESP and Human Resources Development
Strategy through school level report cards, MOE M&E, and ECA assessments
Target: Nationwide implementation (more tailored interventions as needed)
Planning for Sustainability
Now that standards, school-level ECA frameworks, school-level funding, has been
completed, MOE can work towards developing a funding and contracting mechanism to
increase efficiency and sustainability of the ECA:
Develop Quality Assurance Framework
Education Quality Assurance Unit
Develop ECA joint-financing agreement
Donors can contribute to JFA for systems strengthening, school block grants, or
school-level implementing partner activities
Develop IDIQ contracting mechanism for implementing partners or technical
For MOE and schools to contract implementing partners or technical assistance
to implement activities
Develop Funding Mechanism & Aims
By Sector and Donor Matrix
Current Funding
Funding Level by
Donor Type
Let’s live in Harmony
(ILEPS) / Extracurricular
POWER-J Intervention
World bank
E-Twinning Project
● Maintaining the same level of funding with ~……% growth over 3 years
● Ensuring the same donors are engaged in follow-on programming over the next three years
● Also the Ministry to consider partnership with:
 Private companies and foundations such as Talal Abu Ghazaleh Foundation, the Khalid Shoman Foundation, The National Center for
Culture and Arts, Cairo Amman Bank .
 Academic institutions such as German Jordanian University or the Columbia Center for Middle Eastern Studies.