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Definition and Significance of Research

Definition of research:
Research may simply mean a systematic probe on or into a particular subject
matter or topic with the purpose of supplementing an existing body of
knowledge or finding out prove or verifying or discovery of particular facts
about a topic or subject matter under inquiry.
Research maybe conducted on various subject matters e.g health, education,
law, business etc…
Significances sof research in modern time
1. Solved public health problems:
in the modern times health research as a discipline in research has contributed
practically in solving issues of public health, i.e. by enabling researchers to come up with
modern or updated measures and precautions for ensuring public health safety and
favorable public sanitations.
The public health issues include proper waste disposal and clean water which was a
prevalent challenge to most societies.
2. Solved immediate and prevalent unsolved problems:
Research has contributed in solving immediate and prevalent problems which remained
unsolved for many years, e.g. health researchers were able to find cure for diseases
such as malaria which was a major problem to earlier societies, secondly agricultural
research solved problems related to farming and food security mainly by coming up with
modern methods of farming such as plantations which then contributed in food security
thus famine issues is solved.
3. Improved domestic legal system of nations:
Through research mainly legal research various countries were able to improve their
domestic legal system, thus improving their legal life, social life and economic life.
Under this scholars and lawmakers study other legal systems to better understand and
improve their own.
For instance in South Sudan the laws of foreign nation could be relevant in South Sudan
courts proceedings involving international trade or family law.
4. Assisted in information and facts verification:
Research has been vital in verifying information and facts that remained unverified for
long time.
Researchers were able to verify social facts such as norms, values and customs of
different societies, for instance customs, values and norms of various tribes in South
5. Improved life quality:
Health science specifically has contributed strongly in improving the quality of life and
life expectancy compared to the earlier times, for instance new improved medical drugs
were produced and new methods of diseases treatment were practiced thus increased
life expectancy in the modern times.
6. improved learners/researchers analytical capabilities:
through analytical research a learner’s or researcher’s capabilities in analyzing data or
information collected about particular subjects has improved, thus enabled them to
come up with well analyzed conclusion, hence academic progress.
7. Improved academics writings:
Academic research has play a vital role in improving academic writings by writers and
authors in various field e.g. historical and descriptive research has helped historian in
describing what has happened long ago or what is taking place at the present time.
8. Widened knowledge in various field:
Research has led to widening of knowledge in various fields of studies e.g. medicine,
law, agriculture, engineering, and petroleum etc… thus increased professionalism in
those various field of studies. This is mainly achieved through fundamental research in
which researcher carry out research to acquire more knowledge.
9. Development of new theories/concepts:
Research has contributed in the development of new theories, ideas and concepts in
various fields of studies which then assisted in updating and supplementing the existing
theories or concepts thus leading social, political, economic and legal advancement in
the modern world.
This was mainly achieved through conceptual research.
10. Helped in ascertaining/determining meaning of enacted laws:
As a result statutory language is often ambiguous, through research specifically legal
research lawyers and scholars were able to determine the intent or meaning of an
enacted law in particular country.
Dr. Imre Boncz, Introduction to research methodology 2015.
Legal research, 10th edition Cohen & Olson.
Legal research methods teaching materials, prepared by prof (Dr) Khushal
vibhute & Filipos Aynalem 2009.