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Best Universities in the World: A Comprehensive Overview

 Content
1. Harvard University
2. Cambridge University
3. Columbia University
4. Oxford University
5. Yale University
6. Stanford University
7. Sorbonne University
8. Chicago University
9. Michigan University
10. Princeton University
Harvard University
Harvard university is the standerd by which
all other research Universities are measured.No school in
resent history has challenged its position as the world’s
premier academic institution. It is the oldest school in the
world’s richest nation , and has capitalized on the benefits
this grants. Under financial guru jack Meyer's management
the school’s endowment grew from $4.6 billion to $25.8 in
15 years. Today, the school possesses over $35.7 billion
And its fortune is still growing. But there is more tarvard
than massive wealth. The school has produced 49 Nobel
laureates, 32 heads of state , and 48 pulitzer prize winners.
It boasts the largest academic library in the world ,
leading medical , law, and business schools and an
alumni network integrated across the globe .Not
only is Harvard dominant across a board spectrum
of fields , it is also ideally situated to work alongside a
variety of other schools .The most obvious example is
MIT, situated at ate opposite end of Massachusetts
Avenue in Cambridge; however , the greater
Boston area is also home to Boston college , Boston
university, Northwestern university , Tufts university
Brandeis university- some 60 institutions of higher
learning , all in all. This equips both students and
with endless opportunities for collaborative research.
Cambridge university
As the seventh-oldest university in
The world. Cambridge is an ancient school steeped in
Tradition dating back to 1209. It is but small exaggeration
To say the history of western science is built on a
Cornerstone called Cambridge. The long list of great
Scientists, mathematicians, and logicians who either
Studied or taught there (or both) includes Isaac Newton,
Augustus De Morgan, Charles Darwin, Charles Babbage,
James Clerk Maxwell, J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford,
Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, J. Robert
Oppenheimer, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, G .H Hary
Srinivasa Ramanujan , Alan Turing, Francis Crick< James
D. Watson, Rosalind Franklin, and Stephen Hawking,
Among many others.
Whether in fundamental physics, mathematical logic,
Number theory, astrophysics, the theory of computation,
Or structural chemistry and biology, Cambridge has been
at the forefront of humanity’s quest for truth longer than
most nations have existed. Nevertheless, its great
achievements have not been restricted to the sciences.
Numerous towering intellects in the humanities such as
Erasmus of Rotterdam, William Tyndale, Francis Bacon,
Johan Milton, Lord Byron, William Wordsworth, Ludwig
Wittgenstein, John Maynard Keynes, Sylvia Plath, and
Ted Hughes all studied or taught here. But Despite the
many Memories that tread past its imposing Gothic
architecture, Cambridge does not live in the past.
Cambridge remains one of the world’s elite research
Institutions, with only oxford to rival it in the U .K and
Only a handful of American schools able to do so form
Overseas. Its over 18000 students represent more than
135 countries and its faculty have earned over 80 Nobel
Columbia University
As the Fifth-oldest school in the United
States and one of the colonial colleges. Colombia has a lot
Of history. That history has created an internationally
Recognized, elite university with a $10 billion endowment
And a library school, which once produced America’s first
MD, now graduates nearly 1,400 doctors per year from
One of the world’s most well-connected medical schools.
Colombia is spread across five distinct campuses in the
New York metropolitan area.
As the leading school in New York city, its students have
Numerous unique opportunities that only proximity to
Wall street, Broadway, the United Nations, and other,
Epicenters of business, culture, and politics can bring.
Colombia’s ideal location simultaneously gives its studet
The chance to interact with various other respected
Institutions such as New York university, Nighty-six
Colombians have won a Nobel prize, making it third in
In the world in that coveted category (after Harvard and
Cambridge university in the U . K). It has also produced
29 heads of state, including three US presidents.
Colombia also administers the Pulizer Prize
Oxford University
Oxford university traces its origins back
to the thirteenth century. Like the other grate medieval
universities, it was founded by catholic clerics who
Espoused a philosophy that combined a Christian
teachings with the doctrines of Plato, Aristotle, and
ancient and medieval thinkers, which came to be known
as the “philosophy of the schools”, or “scholasticism”.
However, Oxford evolved with the times, surviving
through the centuries the manifold changes wrought by
the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific
Revolution, and the Enlightenment, to grow into one of
the contemporary world’s most impressive centers of
learning. Today, just has 800 years ago, Oxford’s name
synonymous with knowledge and learning
It’s high reputation is well earned, as is evidenced (among
other things ) by the fact that the school runs the world’s
largest-and many would say, most prestigious- academic
Press, with offices in over 50 countries. One in five people
Who learn English worldwide do so with oxford university
Press materials .This International appeal explains why
almost 40 percent of the student body comes from
outside the U.K . Over 17,200 people applied for 3,200
undergraduate places in 2014. But
Hundreds of student willing to pay tuition, and centuries
of accumulated assets, the schools highest scours of
Income continues to be research grants and contacts.
Oxford’s academic community includes 80 fellows of the
Royal society and 100 fellows of the British Academy.
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Yale university
Yale university has everything one
Would expect from a major research university. It is one
Of the original eight Ivy League schools, it has a $20
Billion endowment, and roughly one in six of its students
Come from foreign nations. Yale has also had a
Disproportionate influence over American politics.
Numerous major US political careers begin at Yale (the
Infamous skull and Bones society by itself has produced
Three presidents), and Yale Law school for years.
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Its research centers address topics as varied as Benjamin
Franklin’s writings, bioethics, magnetic resonance
imagine research, and the Russian archives. Whereas
many other elite institutions have developed areas of
specialization-be they Caltech’s and MIT’s focus on
science or Princeton’s focus on research in the
humanities and social sciences-Yale is equally dominant
in the humanities, the science, and the professions. This
gives the school a unique ability to pursue
interdisciplinary research, as well as a flexible alumni
network that stretches to every corner of the globe.
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Stanford university
With an $18.7 billion endowment,
Stanford has access to numerous world-class research
Resources. The school’s 1189-acre Jasper Ridge Biological
Preserve lets scientists study ecosystems firsthand. 150
Foot radio telescope, nicknamed the Dish, enables studie
Of the ionosphere. Stanford also boasts a 315-acre habita
Reserve, which is trying to bring back the endangered
California tiger salamander, as well which actively
Advances the US Department of Energy’s research.
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Furthermore, Stanford is affiliated with the prestigious
Hoover Institution, which is one of the leading social,
Political, and economic think thanks. But it takes more
Than just great laboratories and facilities to build a great
Research center. Stanford also has some of the finest
Minds in the worlds working for it. The school’s faculty
Currently include 22 Nobel laureates, 51 members of the
American Philosophical Medal of Freedom recipients, 158
National Academy of Science members, five Pulitzers Prize
Winners, and 27 MacArthur Fellows.
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Sorbonne university
Today, the University of Paris is a
Network of universities spread across the historic city of
Lights. the nucleus of this network dates to the twelfth
Century, but the modern division into 11 main campuses
Dates from the reorganization which occurred in 1970 in
The wake of “the events of’ 68.” The word “Sorbonne”
Has long been used in a loose sense as a synonym for the
University of Paris as a whole, but also, and more
correctly, in a stricter sense for the campus located on the
original site of the university in the Latin Quarter.
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Beginning in 2018, some consolidation of this mammoth
System will begin to occur, notably the reunification
Of Paris-Sorbonne university (specializing in the
humanities) and Pierre et Marie Curie university (science
and Medicine).The reorganized system will ones again
officially known as Sorbonne universities. Other notable
entities comprising this grand alliance of schools include
the following: the technological institute UTC; the
medical school INSERM; the performing arts school
PSPBB; the education school INSEAD; and the highly
Prestigious think tank, CNRS (Center National de la
Recherché Scientifique ) . CNRS is the world’s top
Producer of scientific research papers; all by itself this
One branch of the Sorbonne has produced 20 Nobel
Prize laureates and 12 Fields Medalists.
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Chicago university
The Chicago university was only
Founded in 1980, making it one of the youngest elite
Universities in the world. But despite its youth the school
Has spearheaded many of the world’s most important
Scientific achievements. The famous miller – Urey
Experiment `which proved seminal for the development
Of research on the origin of life, was carried out there in
1952. Chicago is now one of the leading universities in the
Sciences, famous for it’s many distinguished alums, such
As James d Watson, the co-discoverer or the structure of
DNA who also helped launch the human Genome project.
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And for better or for worse, émigré Italian Physicist Enrico
Fermi created the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear
Chain reaction at Chicago in 1942.But the university is not
Just a science school. It also possesses great depth with
Elite programs in social studies and the humanities. Of the
School’s 90 Nobel prizes winners, 29 have been in
Economics since the prize was first awarded in 1969, whih
Has proved useful as the university -home of the
World-famous “Chicago school of economics”---quickly
Recovered from the 2008 – 09 world financial crisis. This
Has left Chicago with a nearly $7 billion endowment thats
Rapidly growing, with all the ample research opportunities
T h a t
s u c h
r e s o u r c e s
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p r o v i d e .
Michigan university
With 50,000 students and 5,500 faculty spread over three
Campuses, the Michigan university is an extremely large
Research university with the expansive alumni networks
That such numbers grant. Students have 17 distinct
schools and colleges, roughly 600 majors, over 600
students organizations, and a staggering 350 concerts
and recitals annually to choose from. The pleasant
college town of Ann Arbor was listed as the number one
college town in 2010 by Forbes Magazine. The
university faculty include Pulitzer, Guggenheim,
and Emmy recipients.
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The school’s alumni have produced 14 Nobel prize
Winners and one fields Medalist. Michigan also runs
0ne 0f the world’s largest healthcare facilities, gives its
Students first – class computer access , and utilizes a
Library with over 13 million volumes. It is little wonder
Why the school attracts student from all 50 states and
Over 100 countries. Almost half of the students body
Graduated in the top five percent of their class , and
Two thirds graduated in the top 10. Michigan puts more
Students into medical school than any other school in
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Princeton university
Princeton university is one of the oldest, most historic
Universities in the United States. Its famous Nassau Hall
Still bears a cannon ball scar from the 1777 Battle of
Princeton, and its former president, Johan Witherspoon,
Was the only university president to sign the Declaration
Of Independence. The school’s nearly three-century
History has given it ample time to develop an impressive
$18.2 billion endowment. But unlike the other big
Institutions it competes with, such as Yale, Harvard and
Stanford, Princeton spreads its considerable wealth
Across a far smaller number of students and programs.
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Princeton has no law school, medical school, business
School, or divinity school. Instead of developing
Professional programs, it has self – consciously evolved
Into a massive, research – driven think tank. Whereas
Other schools typically drive their elite faculty’s attention
Towards graduate students, Princeton expects its
Professors to teach undergraduates, as well. Moreover
Princeton continues to challenge its students with a
Difficult grading scale, to a much greater degree than
Many other leading institutions. Evan brilliant
valedictorians need to focus on their studies if they
come here.
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Made by : Thilina Dilshan