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Syngenta Case Study: Business in Action

BSP 5071 Business in Action
Syngenta case study
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 3
ANSWER OF QUESTIONS ......................................................................................... 5
1.Difference between aims and objectives ................................................................. 5
2.How its values contribute to its success .................................................................. 5
3. Cutlure does not on the balance sheet, yet it is an organisation’s greatest asset .... 6
4. Importance of teamwork ........................................................................................ 7
CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................ 9
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 11
Syngenta is a company that researches and develops crops. Syngenta could be a
world-leading plant science trade. It is committed to advancing economical
agribusiness through inventive inquire about and innovation. Its reason is ‘bringing
plant potential to life’. Syngenta right now utilizes more than 24,000 individuals in
over 90 nations. Its clients extend from agriculturists to governments. Well-qualified
inventive researchers are a center quality of the commerce. In any case, the company
too needs individuals in other supporting parts to guarantee the items that its
researchers create can reach their chosen markets and clients. A solid center on
selecting and creating its representatives makes a difference Syngenta stay a major
player in a exceedingly competitive showcase. The trade prides itself on pulling in
spurred, gifted and included representatives. Once individuals are selected, it
completely uses the breadth and profundity of their accessible ability. Syngenta was
shaped in 2000 from the merger of the agrarian divisions of Novartis and Zeneca.
The company contains a wide run of item lines both in edit security (particular
herbicides, non-selective herbicides, fungicides, bug sprays) and proficient items
(counting grass and turf items) and seeds (field crops, vegetables) and cultivate plants.
Throughout the world, agriculturists and cultivators are looking to extend the
surrender from their arrive. Syngenta’s investigate groups are committed to
investigating and creating items to meet around the world request from ranchers and
agribusinesses for items at competitive costs. Worldwide deals in 2008 were roughly
$11.6 billion, with 37% of deals in Europe, Africa and the Center East and 32%
within the NAFTA locale. The case think about appears how Syngenta works in spite
of the fact that a lattice structure. This includes staff from different departments
working together in groups on particular ventures and assignments. This approach
makes a difference to create the foremost of all employees’ abilities and capacities
and empowers capacities to work together more successfully.
To satisfy its mission successfully, a company ought to work inside a structure best
suited to its purposes. Customarily huge businesses partition the association up into
useful regions. Syngenta’s capacities incorporate inquire about and improvement,
worldwide supply (counting fabricating), human assets (HR), deals and promoting,
back, and Data Frameworks (IS). Inside any association there are likely to be a few
layers of specialist. The number of levels depends upon whether the commerce
features a various leveled or level structure. A progressive structure has numerous
layers of administration, each with a contract span of control. Enlightening nourish
downwards from one level of administration to those underneath (Jørgensen et al.,
The announcing framework from the best of the chain of command to the foot is
known as the chain of command. A progressive structure empowers tight control. It
offers clear openings for advancement and may diminish push levels in both directors
and representatives. Everyone knows their put within the pecking order. Be that as it
may, communication can be a issue in progressive associations. Without viable
administration, it can take a long time for data to pass up and down the chain of
command. Staff may not be completely engaged. Instead of being able to utilize their
activity, workers may have to be look for endorsement for each activity from higher
levels of administrations. This not as it were can cause delay but moreover be terrible
for representative assurance, decreasing their inspiration to work (Jørgensen et al.,
The importance of the culture that a business has of course and is considered quite
important for its development and operation, and its values are something that is
analyzed and discussed in detail by experts. However, its approach is more about how
it affects the well-being of employees, how it shapes the climate that prevails in the
daily life of a company, how satisfied its employees are with their work, the good
cooperation and communication between them (Jørgensen et al., 2006).
What is not emphasized enough, however, is that, it turns out, a company's culture, its
principles, its values, its goals, the way it is run, have a direct impact on the customer
loyalty it enjoys and, hence, in its tangible success (Salomone, 2008).
In other words, the importance of a company's culture does not stop in that it is the
key to a beautiful environment and satisfied employees, but it affects its customers
and its revenue. A survey even showed that loyal employees can increase a company's
profits by 21% and improve customer ratings by 10%. At the same time, this
relationship works the other way around: companies that place more importance on
profit and their financial indicators than on empathy for their people and their
customers actually hurt their performance (Ruler, 2018).
Of course, building such a culture is not at all theoretical; that is, it is not enough to
formulate some vague principles and values and baptize them as "culture" or "value
system". This is something that must be approached holistically and defined in
practice, that is, in the decisions that are taken. If executives demonstrate a
willingness to innovate and grow through specific decisions and moves, employees
will follow suit and move in the same direction, ultimately creating a progressoriented ecosystem (Salomone, 2008).
Simply put, words are not enough. To create an environment in which employees feel
they can dare to step out of the fray and innovate, they need to be treated
appropriately by their superiors, who must be open to discussion, receptive to new
proposals, ready to take risks, move away from what is provided. Because a structured
business plan may believe that it will provide them with a certain profit and
satisfactory growth, but innovation and the unexpected is what can make a business
take off (Salomone, 2008).
In addition to being a company open to innovative decisions and moves, its
willingness to see things differently, enhancing the loyalty and satisfaction of its
employees, it is important to treat their own role differently. Instead of assigning her
people roles and titles, it is more beneficial to assign them projects. Thus, he
essentially makes the working protagonists in a specific mission, shows them in
practice that he has confidence in their abilities and that he believes that they can
achieve certain achievements. Through this approach, the very concept of work
acquires a different concept and employees acquire purpose. This feeling is an
important motivator to motivate them and make them creative and effective (Luthans,
After all, research shows that the most profitable companies are not the ones that are
profit-oriented, but the ones that have made exactly this shift from their profit to their
sense of purpose. This gives greater satisfaction to both employers and employees,
which enhances their efficiency and the quality of their services, and therefore,
ultimately, their profit (Luthans, 2005).
1.Difference between aims and objectives
The case think about is based on a worldwide organization names Syngenta, which is
locked in in promoting sustainable horticulture through development in inquire about
and innovation. Syngenta has its operations in over 90 nations with over 24,000 staff
individuals. The company’s core competency lies in well qualified and inventive staff
individuals who are competent sufficient of implementing inventive techniques and in
this manner contributing to plant potential to life. The key objective of Syngenta is to
supply fetched viable methodology as a solution to spare plant life by conducting
inquire about on advancement of trim security herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and
giving life to plants. To realize its mission of expanding abdicate from plants,
Syngenta has consolidated with world perceived organizations Novartis and Zeneca.
In a pursuit to attain the mission, company has fragmented the organization on lattice
structure of organization (Jonker and karapetrovic, 2004).
2.How its values contribute to its success
The core values of a business are not necessarily recorded in a corporate manual.
They are recorded in the behavior and in the way of managing the daily work. They
are reflected in staff behavior either in intercompany relationships or in customer and
supplier relationships. Responsibility, seriousness, innovation, teamwork, ethics,
reliability, courtesy, honesty, high quality, hard work are just some of the values that
could outline the value profile of your business so that you can achieve the desired
goals. The dissemination and observance of corporate values is the responsibility of
management so as to ensure as much as possible that staff react and operate on their
basis (Luthans, 2005).
Syngenta is committed to enabling its staff and a various leveled structure isn't suited
to its inventive fashion. Like numerous huge businesses working in both national and
worldwide markets, Syngenta has received a network structure. A lattice structure is
frequently alluded to as the extend group structure (Jonker and karapetrovic, 2004).
3. Cutlure does not on the balance sheet, yet it is an organisation’s greatest
The organizational chart of the multinational company shows that the company
contains a lattice structure. In spite of the fact that the structure is sweet for the
company as distant as the investigate and advancement viewpoint of the company is
concerned, it is named as a successful structure for speedier accomplishment of
organizational objectives. Representatives are constrained to work in offices without
their earlier assents, which may lead to resistance among a few specialists. It is
prescribed that the organization receive a half breed framework of organizational
structure –which coordinating a centralized and decentralized organizational
structures (Lufthans, 2005).
Business culture represents the collective values, beliefs and principles of
organizational members and is the intangible asset that results from individual factors
such as business history, product, market, technology, strategy, type of employees,
style of management, and national culture. It is also the model of collective behaviors
and assumptions taught to new members and employees as a way of perceiving,
thinking and feeling (Salomone, 2008).
In conclusion, business culture has the potential to influence the way people and
teams interact with each other, with customers, as well as with other actors that
interact (Lufthans, 2005).
By defining the vision of its business, Syngenta automatically sets its goals and
purpose. Next, the values are what will guide it so that it reaches the goal. Through
corporate culture, employees inevitably gain systematic contact with vision and
values. In particular, through the various actions and activities in the context of
culture, employees are given the opportunity to better consolidate these concepts, to
realize their true gravity and ideally to function in a way that responds to them.
At this point it should be made clear that the purpose of corporate culture is not, in
any case, to change or "threaten" the personality of existing employees in Syngenta.
The purpose is the improvement and evolution of people. Therefore, in their attempt
to keep up with the company culture, individuals are likely to discover new elements
of themselves. They can identify some of their small weaknesses, but they can also
discover some of their new capabilities (Jonker and karapetrovic, 2004).
In the context of corporate culture, individuals can more easily see the enormous
importance of teamwork and communication. Ideally, the culture should be integrated
into Syngenta, so that it is now the spontaneous, natural and effortless behavior of
employees. Culture can highlight how people will communicate within the company,
define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and clarify the landscape in terms of
business principles and processes (Salomone, 2008).
It is the culture in Syngenta that gives a unique, distinctive character to the company.
It is reflected in everything that happens in its workplace, from the benefits it can
provide to its employees to the way they socialize and they communicate with its
partners, from the way we will say goodbye to their colleagues in the morning
(Fairhurst, 2001).
4. Importance of teamwork
The strategy of Syngenta lies on managers who work together so as to maintain focus
on departments. Teamwork in the company is essential to meet stakeholder needs.
Syngenta is committed to group strengthening and subsequently a progressive
structure isn't reasonable for its imaginative introduction. The company has received a
organizational structure of Syngenta as outlined over appears a commonplace
progressive structure in a commercial commerce. The structure is composed of four
utilitarian regions as demonstrated prior. For occurrence, the accounts division is
made up of three layers of progression: an accounts chief, a director and three
collaborators. A framework organizational structure is regularly named as the extend
group structure (Widhiastuti, 2012).
Group pioneers are alloted particular assignments and ventures. As such, each group
will comprise of individuals from different divisions, each with their claim zones of
specialization and mastery but related to the extend beneath administration. With this
sort of course of action, it takes workers with diverse ability to work with other
workers taken out of their regular utilitarian zones. This guarantees that the extend is
well invested with all the abilities required to realize the set targets. It moreover
suggests that workers will advantage from aptitudes and mastery displayed by their
group individuals from diverse offices (Salomone, 2008).
Group individuals ought to not as it were be put in multi-skilled groups but moreover
be permitted to work in their specialized groups. Groups ought to not be haphazardly
composed with individuals being constrained to work with others against their wills.
Each group part ought to be included in a choice to be put into a bunch so that they
can be comfortable working with their colleagues. For effectiveness and viability of
the organization, the administration ought to consider executing a cross breed
organizational structure for Syngenta. This sort of structure will empower workers to
require portion in choice making forms particularly those that concern the groups in
which they work (Fairhust, 2001).
Whatever the reason for setting up the team, the individuals are its members and each
member carries their own experience. Thus, different people with different
experiences come together for the sake of a new mission. Everyone knows the
difficulty of setting up a team with a vision and a strategic advantage over the
competition. However, whoever manages to create an effective and functional team
feels a deep satisfaction both as a creator and as a member.
The team understands the goals and is committed to achieving them. This clear
direction and agreement on mission and purpose is essential for effective teamwork.
The members of the team must have jointly agreed on the mission, which is the
umbrella of all its actions. This clarity is enhanced when the organization has clear
expectations for the work and results of the team. At the same time, the clarity in the
mission helps to strengthen the self-discipline, but also to the enthusiasm that
mobilizes, inspires, sensitizes all members towards a common vision (Ruler, 2018).
The participants in a team are aware, they do not just love what they do, but also why
they do it. They are aware of the actions, omissions and consequences of a failure in
their daily lives. Practice has shown that they have more meaningful time in the
workplace, often sacrificing activities of their personal life (Widhiastuti, 2012).
The team creates a safe environment in which people feel comfortable taking risks.
Members trust each other, they are not judged, they are not criticized and much more
they are not punished when they disagree. The disagreement is expected and is
relationships of team endurance in adversity, overcoming difficulties, failures and
unpredictable business situations in a broad business / social environment (Ruler,
Team members have a strong sense of belonging. This practice of great importance
gives meaning, motivates, in other words connects our existence with other people
who do not necessarily have common elements of character. This whole process
cultivates self-awareness, working towards trying to accept others. If you belong to
the emotionally sensitive, the sense of belonging will enhance teamwork and
unconditional acceptance of judgments and well-meaning criticism. The sense of
belonging is enhanced and improved when the team spends time co-creating rules and
guidelines for behavior. Individuals are treated as unique, with irreplaceable
experiences, sensitivities, opinions, knowledge. After all, the reason for creating a
team is to take advantage of diversity (Widhiastuti, 2012).
The fitting culture for Syngenta ought to be such that it not as it were emphasize on
group building but moreover it ought to center on administration aptitudes as there's
an environment of broadening with advancement so all the workers ought to not as it
were be given multi gifted groups but they ought to too be given a chance to work in
their specialized groups. Groups ought to be made after examining with work
constrain so every member may well be comfortable with each other.
There ought to be a administration by goals in which representatives and troughs set
their objectives with common assertion so each representative ought to be committed
with his objective and this proprietor transport may result in accomplishment of
errands in a distant better way. This continuous communication will lead to upgrade
of believe and dependability among the representatives. Group pioneers ought to
particularly be prepared to improve their authority abilities agreeing to particular
fashion of administration important to their identity.
Fairhurst, G.T. (2001). Duralism in leadership research in Jablin, F. M. & Putnam, L.
L The new handbook of organizational communication: advances in theory, research,
and methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage
Jørgensen, T., Remmen, A., Mellado, M. (2006). Integrated management systems
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Jonker, J., Karapetrovic, S. (2004). Systems thinking for the integration of
management systems. Business Process Management Journal, 10(6): 608-615
Luthans, Fred. (2005). Organizational Behavior, 10th edition, Boston:McGraw Hill
Ruler, B. (2018). Communication Theory: An Underrated Pillar on Which Strategic
Communication Rests, International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12:4: 367381
Salomone, R. (2008). Integrated management systems: experiences in Italian
organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(16): 1786–806.
Widhiastuti, H. (2012), Τhe effectiveness of communications in hierarchical
organizational structure, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2(3):