Story with your own words and 4 topics, chosen Toba Lake! 1. The location was a village where the people are farmers. This story started with a handsome young man named Toba. He lived in a small village in North Sumatra. He worked as a farmer like many other men in that village. He was a hard-worker man with a friendly personality. Many people in that village respected him. 2. The farmer exchanges his crops with a golden fish given by a fisherman One day, a fisherman came to his farm and wanted to exchange some of Toba’s crops with some of his fish. One of his fish was a golden fish with bright shiny skin. That fish is the biggest fish of all. Toba agreed to exchange his crops with the basket of fish and he went home. He cooked all the fishes except the golden fish, he put it in a large barrel with water because he wanted to keep the golden fish. 3. The next day on a sunny morning, he went to work at his rice field. He worked diligently at his farm until noon. He felt hungry and wanted to go back to his hut. When he arrived he was surprised that his house changed into a well-cleaned house. He walked into the house and saw a lot of delicious food was served on the table. Next to it, sat a beautiful young woman whose skin was shiny with her long wavy hair. She smiled at him and said “ My name is Citra. I was a golden fish that was caught by the fisherman. When I woke up I already in the barrel with water. I thanked you for keeping me safe. For showing my gratitude I cleaned your house and prepared you some food. Please enjoy it” Toba was shocked but managed to eat. Vitra was a diligent girl with a cheerful smile. She always helped Toba with his farm works. In a few months, Toba proposed Citra to marry him. She was so happy and agreed. 4. After a few years, a handsome boy was born and made the family complete, his name was Samosir. He was smart but a little naughty boy. He was loved by his mother so much. One day the Citra told Samosir to bring a pack of lunch to his father’s farm but on the way, he felt hungry and ate some of the lunch. When he arrived on his father’s farm, his father became so furious because the lunch was half-eaten. He knew that Samosir ate some of his lunch and he shouted “ You are a naughty boy, I don’t raise a bad boy like you, go back to your fish mom. You are such a bad fish boy!!!” 5. Samosir went back home while crying and told his mother that his father hit him and called him “a fish boy”. Citra was shocked to hear what Samosir said. Citra was disappointed with Toba because, after all these years, he still considered her as a fish, not merely a human. 6. Angrily, his mother told Samosir to go to a high place without any explanation. Still, in confusion, he did it and ran away to the highest hill in that village. Citra ran to the nearest river and jumped into it while crying and angry at his husband for calling Samosir a fish boy. She cried for some hours that her tears became a flood that drowned Toba and the village. After a few months, a beautiful lake was created and called Toba Lake.