Reading Roman Numerals The rule to keep in mind is three of a kind!!! Count by units not place value. I- 1 II- IIIIX- X- 10 IV- V- XI- XII- XIII- XIVXVIII- XIXXX- VI- VIIXV- XVI- VIIIXVII- XXX- XL- L- 50 LXLXX- LXXXXC- C- 100 CC- CCC- CD- D- 500 DC- DCCDCCC CM M- 1000 C- Cente, 100 ( century, cent) M- Milli, 1000 (millennium) Practice!!! ☺Translate these Arabic numbers into Roman. 22: 57: 74: 601: 445: 1431: Your age: 506: 899: 3512: Translate from Roman into Arabic. CC: MM: MD: CDL: LXXXVIII: XVI: MXCVIII: MCMXCVI: MMII: MCMLXXXIV: DCCXXI: MDCCLXXVI: XLVIII: What will the Super Bowl be next year? What is this years’ date? MDCLXVM=