Uploaded by Lisa Cook

Annotated Rise of Islam Time Line

ISLAM: Annotated Timeline Videocast Project
Objective: Identify the key events associated the RISE of Islam and create a timeline that illustrates the rise of
these powerful states in the time period 550 - 1450 CE.
Key topics you want to focus on:
● Muhammad & other important people
● Events that impact either religion or politics
● Islamic states: Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates
1. Read and take notes on Chapter 10 taking note of important events that led to the rise of Islam.
2. Minimum of 10 events
3. Using the Explain Everything App on your ipad to highlight and create a timeline of the most
important events in Islam.
a. Explain Everything allows to create a visual display and then record your explanation. You
do not have to be on camera but the format of your display is up to you.
b. While the creativity of presentation is up to you, your events do need to be sequential in
some regard.
c. Use your creativity to explain each event and its SIGNIFICANCE to the history of Islam and
to world history
d. The over all focus is on the rise of Islam so consider the following when verbally explaining
the signficance in your vide:
i. What changed as a result of this event?
ii. What did this event cause? Make connections to other events on your timeline.
iii. What else is going on in the region or world that helps to establish context and greater
understanding of the event?
e. Timeline can be created in Explain Everything or you can create it in google docs and import
it to Explain Everything.
4. When you have completed your project, EXPORT by choosing “video” and submit to Canvas.
Partner Option:
You can opt to do this with a partner from your class, (can be in the opposite cohort).
Equal participation is expected and required.
Choose your partner wisely: Someone you trust to pull their weight,
Same grade will be given to each partner.
Helpful Links:
● Explain Everything App Tutorial - For first video cast
● 6 Part Tutorial for those new to the app (About 25 Minutes)
● Turn your presentation into a video
Grading Rubric: 30 Points
Excellent (5pts)
Good (4pts)
Satisfactory (3pts)
Makes full use of
graphics, images,
etc. Voice recording
is clear, concise and
well placed within
the video; finds
creative ways to
pair recording and
historical analysis.
Video is
dynamic and
Uses graphics,
images, etc. Voice
recording is easily
understood and
coordinates with the
video; recording is
Uses some graphics
and images, voice
recording is not
always clear or well
placed. Needs more
energy and
Uses very few
images and voice
recording is clunky,
unclear or contains
extraneous noises.
Seems rushed.
Timeline contains
10 or more
carefully chosen
events that span the
entire time span;
dates demonstrate a
clear understanding
of Islamic history
Timeline contains
10 events and
adequately covers
the time span;
demonstrates an
understanding of
Islamic history.
Timelines contains
10 events but
doesn’t adequately
cover the entire
time span or
focused on events
that do not
demonstrate an
understanding of
Islamic history
Timeline is limited
in scope focusing
only on early or
later dates; dates are
arbitrarily chosen
and somewhat
random, rather than
displaying a
confident grasp of
Islam history; does
not contain the
require 10 events
Explanations make
connections to
cause/effect and
connections across
the timeline and
geographically as it
relates to multiple
developments that
are happening.
Explanations make
connections to
cause/effect and
connections across
the timeline and
geographically but
need more analysis.
Explanations tend
toward summary
but makes a few
connections or
attempts to establish
connections but
with limited
success; makes no
reference to causes,
or changes, etc.
Explanation is just
facts and summary
of history; doesn’t
display any
connections to other
events or
Total Points: _______ x 2 = ___________ 30 points
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