8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Science / Medicine / Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Terms in this set (103) Health Physical, mental, and social well-being Disease Deviation from the normal state of homeostasis Maintaining routine vaccination programs Disease Prevention Participation in screening programs Community health programs Regular routine doctor visits Pathophysiology Diagnosis Cause Predisposing Factors Precipitating Factor Pathogenesis Functional (physiologic) changes in the body as a result from disease Identification of a specific disease Causative factors in a particular disease Tendencies that promote development of a disease in an individual Condition that triggers an acute episode Development of the disease Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 1/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Remission Complications Therapy Manifestations of the disease subside or are absent New secondary or additional problems Treatment measures to promote recovery or slow the progress of a disease Upgrade to remove ads Only $3.99/month Latent State No symptoms or clinical signs evident Gross Level Organ or system level Microscopic Level Biopsy Incubation Period Prodromal Period Syndrome Convalescence Prognosis Rehabilitation Cellular Level Excision of small amounts of living tissue Time of exposure to a microorganism and onset of signs and symptoms Early development of a disease Signs nonspecific or absent Collection of sign and symptoms Often affects more than one organ Period of Recovery Probability for recovery or other outcome Maximizing function of diseased tissues Upgrade to remove ads Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ Only $3.99/month 2/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Epidemiology Morbidity Mortality Epidemic Pandemic Incidence Prevalence Science of identifying the causative factors and tracking the pattern or occurrence of disease Indicates the number of people with a disease within a group Indicates the number of deaths resulting from a particular disease within a group Occur when a higher than expected number of cases of an infectious disease occur within a given area Involve a higher number of cases in many regions of the globe Number of new cases in a given population within a specified time period Number of new and old or existing cases in a specific population within a specified time period Occurrence of disease Tracked by incidence and prevalence Communicable Disease Infections that can spread from one person to another Notifiable or Reportable Disease Diseases that must be reported by the physician to certain designated authorities Upgrade to remove ads Atrophy Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Only $3.99/month Decrease in the size of cells Results in reduced tissue mass Increase in cell size Results in enlarged tissue mass Increased number of cells Pathophysiology Exam 1 ChamberlainResults in enlarged tissue mass https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 3/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Metaplasia Mature cell type is replaced by a different mature cell type. Dysplasia Cells vary in size and shape within a tissue. Anaplasia Undifferentiated cells, with variable nuclear and cell structures Neoplasia Apoptosis Ischemia Hypoxia "New growth"―commonly called tumor Neo = New Refers to programmed cell death Normal occurrence in the body Deficit of oxygen in the cells Reduced oxygen in tissues Can result in cellular injury or cellular death Upgrade to remove ads Mechanical Damage Exogenous Endogenous Necrosis Only $3.99/month Pressure or tearing of tissue From Environment From inside of the body When a group of cells die Type of Necrosis: Area of dead cells as a result of oxygen deprivation from a Infarction blockage such as a clot or plaque resulting in ischemic tissue from hypoxia Can Result in Gangrene Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 4/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Gangrene Gangrene is an area of necrotic tissue that has been invaded by bacteria Dry Grangrene results in black necrotic tissue often referred to as eschar Wet Grangrene Dying tissue that has drainage Dead cells liquefy (gel like purulent or pus) from the release of Liquefaction Necrosis cell enzymes Example are infections or strokes Coagulative Necrosis Cell proteins are altered or denatured and become hard Example is a myocardial infraction or heart attack Upgrade to remove ads Fatty Necrosis Caseous Necrosis Fluid moves through the body via Water moves between compartments Only $3.99/month Fatty tissue broken down into fatty acids Example is pancreatitis Thick, yellowish, "cheesy" substance forms Example is tuberculosis (TB) Filtration/ Osmosis Hydrostatic Pressure / Osmotic Pressure via Thirst Mechanism Antidiuretic Hormone Aldosterone Atrial Natriuretic peptide Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus Promotes resorption of water into blood from kidney tubules Determines resorption of sodium ions and water Regulates fluid, sodium, and potassium levels Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 5/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Causes swelling or enlargement of tissue May be localized or throughout the body Edema May impair tissue perfusion May trap drugs in ISF Caused by higher blood pressure or increased blood volume Increased Capillary Hydrostatic Forces increased fluid out of capillaries into tissue Pressure Cause of pulmonary edema Fluid accumulation in the lungs leading to severe SOB Loss of plasma proteins Cause of Edema: Particularly albumin Results in decreased plasma osmotic pressure Causes localized edema Excessive fluid and protein not returned to general circulation Obstruction of Lymphatic Circulation Cause of Edema: Increased Capillary Permeability Usually causes localized edema May result from an inflammatory response or infection Histamines and other chemical mediators increase capillary permeability. Swelling Effects of Edema Pitting Edema Increase in Body Weight Increases the risk of skin and tissue breakdown Causes of Dehyrdation Vomiting, Diarrhea, Excessive sweating, Insufficient fluid intake, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Concentrated formulas in infants Dry mucous membranes and decreased skin turgor (elasticity) Sunken eyes Sunken fontanelles in infant Weak, rapid pulse, lower blood pressure, and fatigue Manifestations of Dehydration Confusion, decreased mental function, loss of consciousness Urine―low volume and high specific gravity Increased hematocrit Increased temperature Decreasing level of consciousness Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 6/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Increasing thirst Increasing heart rate Compensating for Fluid Loss Vasoconstriction Decreased, concentrated urine Fluid shifts out of the blood into a body cavity or tissue and can no longer reenter vascular compartment. Third-spacing Results in edema High osmotic pressure of ISF, as in burns Increased capillary permeability, as in some gram-negative infections Hyponatremia Low sodium Level Excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea Causes of Hyponatremia Use of certain diuretic drugs combined with low-salt diet Excessive water intake Cause fluid imbalance in compartments Fluid shifts into cells causing Effects of Hyponatremia ↓ BP Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, or cramps Cerebral edema Confusion, headache, weakness, seizures Hypernatremia high sodium level Loss of the thirst mechanism Causes of Hypernatremia Diarrhea Ingestion of large amounts of sodium without enough water Weakness, agitation Dry, rough mucous membranes with dehydration Effects of Hypernatremia Edema Increased thirst (if thirst mechanism is functional) Increased blood pressure Hypokalemia Low Potassium Levels Hyperkalemia High Potassium Levels Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 7/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Serum K+ < 3.5 mEq/L Causes of Hypokalemia Causes Excessive losses caused by diarrhea Diuresis associated with some diuretic drugs Effects Cardiac dysrhythmias Caused by impaired repolarization which can lead to cardiac Effects of Hypokalemia arrest Interference with neuromuscular function Muscles less responsive to stimuli Paresthesias―"pins and needles" Decreased digestive tract motility Renal failure Deficit of aldosterone Causes of Hyperkalemia "Potassium-sparing" diuretics Leakage of intracellular potassium into extracellular fluids In patients with extensive tissue damage Can result in life threatening cardiac dysrhythmias May progress to cardiac arrest Muscle weakness common Effects of Hyperkalemia Progresses to paralysis May cause respiratory arrest Impairs neuromuscular activity Fatigue, nausea, paresthesias Important in muscle contraction Important extracellular cation (Ca +) Stored in bone Functions of Calcium Excreted in urine and feces Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption from intestine Ingested or synthesized in skin in the presence of ultraviolet rays Activated in kidneys Hypocalcemia Low Calcium levels Hypercalcemia High Calcium Levels Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 8/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Hypoparathyroidism Malabsorption syndrome Causes of Hypocalcemia Deficient serum albumin Increased serum pH level Renal failure Weak heart contractions Delayed conduction Leads to dysrhythmias and decreased blood pressure Increase in the permeability and excitability of nerve Effects of Hypocalcemia membranes Spontaneous stimulation of skeletal muscle Muscle twitching Carpopedal spasm Tetany Prolonged muscle contractions and spasms Uncontrolled release of calcium ions from bones Neoplasms―malignant bone tumors Hyperparathyroidism Demineralization caused by immobility Causes of Hypercalcemia Increased calcium intake Excessive vitamin D Excess dietary calcium Milk-alkali syndrome Ingestion of excess milk or calcium supplements Depressed neuromuscular activity Muscle weakness, loss of muscle tone Lethargy, stupor, personality changes Anorexia, nausea Effects of hypercalcemia Increased strength in cardiac contractions Dysrhythmias may occur. Interference with ADH function Less absorption of water Decrease in renal function Results from malabsorption or malnutrition; often associated Hypomagenesium with alcoholism Caused by use of diuretics, diabetic ketoacidosis, Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlainhyperthyroidism, hyperaldosteronism https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 9/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Occurs with renal failure Hypermagnesium Depresses neuromuscular function Decreased reflexes Hyperphosphatemia From Renal Failure Hypophosphatemia Malabsorption syndromes, diarrhea, excessive antacids Hyperchloremia Excessive Sodium chloride intake Usually associated with alkalosis Hypochloremia Early stages of vomiting - loss of hydrochloric acid Occurs when: Causative problem becomes more severe Decompensation Compensation mechanisms are exceeded or fail Additional problems occur Requires intervention to maintain homeostasis LIFE-THREATENING! Excress Hydrogen Ions Acidosis Decrease in serum pH Deficit of Hydrogen ions Alkalosis Increase in Serum pH Visual representation of chromosomes arranged in order of Karyotype size inside the nucleus of the cell Used in diagnosis of chromosomal disorders Genotype Phenotype Actual genetic information carried by the individual Expression of genes which results in the appearance of an individual's characteristics Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 10/11 8/16/2021 Pathophysiology Exam 1 Chamberlain Flashcards | Quizlet Gamete Congenital Disorders A mature germ cell able to unite with an opposite sex gamete for reproduction Disorders present at birth https://quizlet.com/180953077/pathophysiology-exam-1-chamberlain-flash-cards/ 11/11