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SES 4U Exam Layout & Review: Space, Geology, Environment

Ms Giroux
Name :_________________
(all Gr12 classes write in the Library – please talk to Ms G if you are writing
elsewhere or if you require extra time)
Part A:
Multiple Choice
(hardest part of exam)
45 marks
Part B:
Keyterms Match-up
20 marks
Part C:
63 marks
Part D:
Short & Paragraph Answers
124 marks
Key terms Match-up:
Define all of the following in order to understand and match-up correctly!
galaxy, universe, absolute magnitude, apparent magnitude, electromagnetic spectrum,
geocentric, heliocentric, evolution, gradualism, punctuated equilibrium, natural selection,
closed system, open system, revolution, rotation, albedo, Pangaea, ridge push, slab pull,
mantle convection, troposphere, stratosphere
Diagrams: (will be allowed an ALS (Academic Learning Sheet) for ONLY the
“diagrams” section of the Exam – 1 regular size 8 1/2 x 11 both sides 
* Sun Diagram Layers with respective temperature ranges for all layers in oC
(get temperature ranges from my notes!)
* Earth’s Interior Layers Diagram with distances from surface for each major layer
* Relative Dating Principles Rock Layer Diagram with principles for explanation
(easier one  – similar to the difficulty level of Quiz diagram)
* Mantle Convection Diagram
(label convection cells, oceanic lithosphere, continental lithosphere, and mid-oceanic
ridge – explain “convection cell” process)
* Ridge Push & Slab Pull Diagram
(label ridge push and slab pull – explain “ridge push” and “slab pull” processes)
Short Answer Main Themes:
Unit 1 Space:
(10 marks)
* Define keyterms:
universe, age of universe, galaxy, light year, milky way, star, solar system, sun, planet,
* Where are we?
Describe (like a story) the vastness of size by including the number of galaxies, light
year(s) apart, estimated age of universe, characteristics of Milky Way, characteristics of
Solar System
(Universe > Galaxies > Milky Way Galaxy > Solar System with Sun and Planets > Earth
with Moon)
(11 marks)
* Name and define theories of the Origin of the Moon and why they were disproved.
Then name and explain the most widely accepted theory.
(3 marks)
* Define waning and waxing. Explain when you look up at the Moon from Earth, how
do you know when the Moon is waning or waxing?
(4 marks)
* Name and explain the process that our star, the Sun, uses to produce energy in its core,
then explain how the existence of living things on Earth totally depends on this energy?
Unit 2 Geological History:
(9 marks)
* What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating?
* What is an index fossil (4 key characteristics that make it a reliable source for
geological dating)
* Name and define one other type of fossil and provide an example of it.
(11 marks)
* Geological Time Scale with names and range of years ONLY for the 3 major Eons
and 3 major Eras!
* In what epoch and how many years ago did “Humans” become dominant?
Unit 3 Earth’s Systems:
(3 marks)
* What is the total surface area of Earth (km2)?
What portion of this is land (% and km2)
What portion of this is water (% and km2)?
What shape is Earth called?
(2 marks)
* Define a “closed system” - why do Scientists classify Earth as a “closed
system”? (hint: even though it loses and gains small amounts of matter)
(10 marks)
* Name and define the Earth’s 4 spheres, and then use a “volcano” to provide a scenario
of how all spheres interact with each other?
(7 marks)
* Name one way for each cycle (water, carbon, nitrogen) of how it enters the atmosphere
and how it leaves (is removed) from the atmosphere.
* How are these 3 cycles vital/important for Earth?
(5 marks)
* What is another name for the energy cycle?
(explain the main concept of Earth’s “energy cycle”)
* Name and provide the % contribution of the main source of energy for Earth.
* Define “albedo” and how does it affect or play a role in the Earth’s energy budget?
(4 marks)
* Define “Earth rotation” and “Earth revolution”?
(provide time periods in your definitions)
* Explain how Earth gets day and night? Explain how Earth gets its seasons?
(4 marks)
* What is “plate tectonics”, and provide 3 pieces of historical evidence that scientists
have to support this theory?
(8 marks)
* Name and define the 4 main types of plate boundaries - divergent, convergent
subduction, convergent collision, and transform
(3 marks)
* What is the difference between “glacial” and “interglacial” periods? How was the last
ice age (ended approx 10,000-12,000 ya) responsible for the surface topography of Earth
(North America) today?
(8 marks)
* Define a mineral? Name 4 physical characteristics that geologists use to identify
minerals. Name 1 mineral (classroom brown box collection) and provide one key
characteristic that you use to help memorize its identification.
(9 marks)
* Define a rock? Name the 3 types of rocks and briefly explain their formation process.
From our Carleton U fieldtrip, what type of rock are fossils predominantly found in? and why?
(5 marks)
* Provide 3 “big ideas” from your Unit 3 Earth’s Systems Slide Show Topic (last project
we just presented) and then explain the connection as to how it affects the changing
surface of our planet over a long term period and a short term period.
Unit 4 Earth’s Environmental Sustainability:
(5 marks)
* Provide 3 “big ideas” from your Green Week Theme Day; Earth Day Theme Day or
National Sweater Day (whichever project your class was involved in) and then explain 2
possible solutions to help correct this environmental issue/concern.