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Interview Q&A: Ace Your Job Interview

1. Tell me about yourself
- I used to work as a call center agent for about 4 years. Within those 4 years, I have
joined a handful of companies and within those years I have acquired ample
knowledge and skills that will give me edge.
2. Tell me about your dream job
- I think my dream job would one with an amicable environment. Where almost
everybody or anybody gets along well.
3. Why did you leave your last job?
- I am kind of in pursuit of greener pastures right now.
4. What is your weakness?
- I usually take time in getting ready to the office and so, I set my alarm at least two
hours in advance to compensate.
5. What are your strengths?
- One of my strengths would be the ability to learn from mistakes. I believe that in
life, in order for us to learn important lessons, we have to at least commit a mistake
that will truly gives us lesson and learn from it.
6. What do you know about the type of work we do?
- I’ve searched about the company thru the world wide web and I learned that the
company is into technology, software developing, sales and business process
outsource which I think I can definitely fit in.
7. Why should we hire you?
- I believe that my experience with technology and the work experience I have
acquired over the years will make the best match for the position. At my previous
company, I was one of the top agents for quite sometime due to the fact that I can
handle customer concerns very well.
8. Do you consider yourself successful?
- To me, I define success as the ability to meet the goals you set for yourself, so I
would say, yes I am quite successful.
9. Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?
- I’ve been helping my mother with her travel and recruitment agency for sometime
now and I have also been looking out to my grandmother who has some medical
conditions that needs some undivided attention.
10. What do co-workers say about you?
- If you will ask them now, they’ll probably say that I am happy-go-lucky person,
dependable and easy to get along with which I think is very important for me.
11. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
- As long as the company needs me and as long as both parties feel satisfactory, I
don’t see myself walking out too soon.
12. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
- I have experience and knowledge to bring the challenges to this job. My experience
will be an asset to the company and will help me be successful in this position.
13. Describe you management style
- I am the kind of leader who believes in the knowledge, ability, skills and
decision-making capability of my subordinates. I am also the kind of leader who will
step down to your level, pick you and pull you up in order to achieve the teams goal.
14. Are you a team player?
- I definitely am. Everybody needs somebody. The letter “I” is certainly not in the
word “team”. You could even ask my former colleagues how I do things for the sake
of the team or company.
15. What is your philosophy towards work?
- Teamwork, the love to work and to work with others.
16. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
- I’m a flexible person in a sense that I can be a follower or you can appoint me as
the leader.
17. What irritates you about co-workers?
- Usually, I hate talkative persons. I really like a quiet environment. However, when it
comes to work or in this case, co-workers, I can still get along with them by adjusting
with them. I can easily adapt to any situation.
18. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
- I don’t mean to brag but from my previous companies, I was always one of the top
performing agents. If I can do it there, then I can certainly do it here as well.
19. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
- I think they are both equally important to me. I mean the work is important to me
because it is the one providing for me and my family. The money is important to me
as well because it lets me buy the things that I need and want. Gives me that sense
of satisfaction.
20. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
- If you were to ask my previous supervisor about my strongest point, he would say
that it is me being efficient in handling customer concerns which also made my one
of the top performing agents before.
21. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
- I like challenges. So is working under pressure because it helps me focus and work
more efficiently.
22. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
- If you hire me now, I know that you will still have me undergo a training. With my
ability to quickly learn things and with my determination, I believe that can
compensate for my lack of experience.
23. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
- First off, that would be my family and second, the work environment.
24. When will you feel successful in this job?
- When I qualitatively and quantitatively meet the targets set and go beyond that
25. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
- Definitely!
26. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
- I would say a boss who is competent, fair and encouraging. Someone who knows
how the small guys work below and knows how to empathize with his/her
27. How do you see yourself five years from now?
- If I get hired today, five years from now, I am seeing myself working for the
company but not for the position you have hired me to. It will be somewhere in the
management team.
28. What have you learned from your previous mistakes?
- I once tried to slug it out with the bigger guns (seniors) in our team because I
believed that I can do it but it turns out that I can’t. In the end, I learned that instead
of going toe to toe with them, I should be working with them and getting pointers
from them in order for me to stay with them.
29. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
- I am definitely going to look for someone with the right work attitude. Someone
who is a fast-learner, dependable, determined, and efficient.
30. What are your expectations from this job/company?
- I expect freedom than being restricted to carry out small things. Clarity in the tasks
that will be assigned to me. And last but not the least, career growth.
31. Why do you think you can success in this job?
- With my previous work experience and knowledge I have acquired and with the
knowledge I will have from the trainings that will be provided by this company, I
think I will do just fine in this job.
32. What do you think of he last company you worked for?
- I think the last company I worked for was a great platform for my growth and in
honing my knowledge, skills and abilities.
33. How do you handle criticism?
- I never take criticism personally. I try my best to understand the situation and I try
my best to see the good in every negative situation.
34. What are your activities and interests outside of work?
- During my free time, I tinker with my motorcycle. And when I’m done with it, I play
pc games.
35. Would you be willing relocate if required?
- It really depends. As much as possible, the current location of the office is really
convenient for me. It enables me to have more time with my family.
36. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
- I am really used to it right now so the answer is yes, yes and yes.
37. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor
- I don’t really recall any moment or problem I had with my previous supervisors.
38. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
- Yes, in order for me to fill in another position which I originally signed up for.
39. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?
- It depends. If the “enough money” is more than millions, then why not?
40. Do you have any questions for me?
- Actually, I do. Is there anything that will make you think twice about my application
for the position I am applying for?