Q.1 Sales Tax Liability Notes N-1 Input tax carry forward Refund against export / zero rated N-6 notes: N-1 Sales Tax Liability: Output tax Less: input tax N-2 N-3 Add: Further Tax(550000*3%) Sales Tax Liability Note: Output Tax Supplies to registered person Supplies to un-registered person Supplies to associate Supply to salman Supply of perfume Total taxable supplies Exports Note 3: Input Tax Purchases from Registered Person Exempt Purchases From Un registered Supplier From Blacklisted person Tax not declared by supplier Fixed Asset for business purpose Furniture Input Tax (Other than fixed asset) Input tax Fixed asset Input Tax B/f N-6 Input tax related to export (input tax * exports)/ Exports + Taxable supplies Other than Fixed asset On fixed asset N-4 (5000*100) N-4 Supplies to associate With discount Without discount(300000/.50)*1 value to added as supply Note 5 Maximum input tax adjustable 90 % of output tax Input tax other than fixed asset(246500-9130) Bf Input tax available Max input can be claimed which ever is lower Note 6 Input Tax Allowed other than fixed asset on fixed asset(85000-6296) Rupees 16500.00 34504.00 15426 442000.00 -476504.00 -34504.00 Input Carry forward 16500.00 16500.00 Supplies 750000.00 550000.00 300000.00 500000.00 500000.00 2600000.00 100000.00 2700000.00 Sales tax @ 17% 127500.00 93500.00 51000.00 85000.00 85000.00 442000.00 0.00 442000.00 Purchases Sales Tax @ 17 % 3000000.00 510000.00 700000.00 0.00 950000.00 0.00 -320000.00 -54400.00 -30000.00 -5100.00 -1000000.00 -170000.00 -200000.00 -34000.00 246500.00 170000.00 75000.00 15425.93 9129.63 6296.30 300000.00 600000.00 300000.00 397800.00 246500.00 75000.00 321500.00 397800.00 397800 397800 78704 476504