A REPORT ON INDUSTRIAL TRAINING at PRIVI ORGANICS LIMITED MAHAD Submitted to, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University’s Institute of Petrochemical Engineering Lonere, In Fulfilment of The Requirement for the Award of Diploma in Electrical Engineering By Suhas Sanjay Sagvekar (2171261) (10304020171829370045) Guided by Prof. (Ms.) P.P. Chopade Electrical Engineering Department Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere. Institute of Petrochemical Engineering, Lonere 2019-2020 CERTIFICATE Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere - 402103 This is to certify that Industrial Training “PRIVI ORGANICS LIMITED” successfully completed by Suhas Sanjay Sagvekar (10304020171829370045) student of Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Institute of Petrochemical Engineering. The Industrial Training is approved for the fulfillment of requirements for diploma in Electrical Engineering of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University. Date:Place: - Lonere Prof: (Ms.) P. P. Chopade Dr. Nitin Lingayat Guide (HOD) PREFACE The factory “PRIVI ORGANICS LIMITED” located At Nadgaon Birwadi. Tal. Mahad Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra Consideration. The purpose of this industrial training is basically study of electrical equipment’s like safety, Transformer, DG sets, Circuit Breakers Etc. Used in above factory. Main Purpose of undergoing this industrial training is to make a student familiar with atmosphere at accumulated with the different psychology of the employees that survive in an industry. For an aid to solve queries we have our training supervisor to guide us and explain the required solution I, hereby narrate brief picture of what I did. Observed, and learned during our training term through project report. I hope that this industrial training would contribute towards increasing the awareness towards electrical department. Index Sr.no 1. Content Page no. 1-3 Chapter 1 1.1 Overview of Privi Organics LTD 1.2 Basic Training 1.2.1 Introduction to Electrical Department 1.2.2 Training 1.2.3 Fire and Safety 2. 4-10 Chapter 2 2.1 Introduction to power source 2.1.1 Stand by power Source 2.1.2 Main Supply 2.1.3 Uninterruptible Power supply (UPS) 2.2 Transformer 2.2.1 Parts of Transformer 2.2.2 Types of Transformer 3. 11-14 Chapter 3 3.1 Motor 3.1.1 Types of Ac Motors 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.2 Starters 3.2.1 3.2.2 4. Induction Motor Principle of Operation Induction Motor-Testing Maintance Protection Direct Online Starters Star Delta starters Chapter 4 4.1 Circuit Breaker 15-20 4.1.1 Low Voltage Industrial Circuit Breakers 4.1.2 Medium Voltage Industrial Circuit Breakers 4.1.3 High Voltage Industrial Circuit Breakers 4.2 Control Panel 4.2.1 Power Control Centre Panel 4.2.2 Motor Control Centre Panel 4.2.3 APFC Panel 4.2.4 Variable Frequency Drive 5. 21-27 Chapter 5 5.1 High voltage circuit Breaker 5.1.1 Vacuum Circuit Breaker 5.1.2 Air Circuit Breaker 5.1.3 Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker 5.2 Earthing List of Figure SR NO. Content 1 Fig (1.1) Fire Triangle 2 Fig (2.1 a & b) Standby power sources Fig (2.2) Main Supply Fig (2.3 a & b) UPS Fig (2.4 a) Transformer Fig (2.4 b) Core type and shell type transformers 3 Fig (3.1) Motor Fig (3.2 a & b) Direct online Starter Fig (3.3 a & b) Star Delta starter 4 Fig (4.1a & b) PCCP Fig (4.2) MCCP Fig (4.3) APFCP Fig (4.4 a & b) VFD 5 Fig (5.1 a & b) VCB Fig (5.2) ACB Fig (5.3) SF6 Fig (5.4) Earthing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am greatly indebt towards the training in charge Mr. Maruti Jadhav sir for giving me an opportunity in elaborating my knowledge towards Mr. Rohan Parab for support and sincere during training. I especially thank Mr. Ganesh Thakur and Mr. Siddhesh Sawant who gave me detailed information about equipment and solved our doubts and questions.