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PTE Sample Essay

PTE Sample Essay
PTE Sample Essay 1 – Family History Research
In some part of the world it is becoming popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why might people want
to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?
In recent times, the number of people who decide to trace their family history is on the increase. In my opinion, there are
various reasons why people choose to do this and personally, I think this is a positive phenomenon in many respects.
There are several reasons why people might decide to conduct genealogical research. One explanation could be that they
would like to explore more about themselves in terms of their roots, their origins and whether their ancestors had similar
personality traits. Another factor could be that modern people have easy access to the internet which offers abundant
information and services. For instance, there are many useful genealogy websites that help people connect with their
ancestors and it is not difficult for people to come across online advertisements of these websites. Finally, people may
simply curious to find out whether they have any famous or wealthy ancestor.
In my opinion, conducting ancestral research is a recommendable activity for people in many ways. Firstly, tracing the past
of the family can be a fascinating hobby for people, which is a nice way to spend their free time. It can be a good talking
point for family and friends if they find a particularly interesting ancestor. Secondly, by searching genealogy records,
people may find their long-lost family members as well as distant relatives who they might have chance to meet. Finally, it
may be a good way to teach children about history. By creating their own family trees, children can understand better about
their family they belong to as well as their ancestors and how earlier generations lived.
In conclusion, I am concerned that there are several reasons why modern people take an interest in genealogy. When all
things considered, I believe that this activity is a positive trend in many ways.
PTE Sample Essay 2 – Happiest Times of People’s Lives
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life
brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Many people might remember that when they were in their teenage years, they felt very constrained and that being an adult
generally means being happier than they were. However, quite often, it seems, those same people wish to go back into their
childhood as soon as they feel the pressure of the adulthood. This change of attitudes may raise a debate about which age
groups are actually the happiest ones.
On the one hand, a convincing argument can be made that children and teenagers are usually considered the most cheerful
and delighted groups of people. Indeed, one might say, that youngsters bear no or little responsibility for their actions, most
of which can, therefore, be regarded as non-consequential. Hence, the young can try any activity they like, unless, of course,
it is directly harmful. Moreover, children and teenagers in general have more free time and more easily acquire friends than
adults. Thus, their lives may be filled with effortless amusing communication with their peers, thereby resulting in high
levels of happiness.
On the other hand, some people report that the older they become, the more joy they derive from their lives. This point of
view, I believe, is perfectly reasonable as well. Being an adult generally means having freedom of choice and action which
is almost inaccessible for the young generation. This freedom coupled with experience and profound understanding of one’s
desires and motivation may lead to truly fulfilling meaningful lives including bright careers, exciting hobbies and loving
In conclusion, I would say that both periods have their joys and sorrows and how happy people of different ages feel
strongly depends on the individual. Still, I believe that life can and should be savoured no matter what age a person is.
PTE Sample Essay 3 – Forced Retirement Age
In some countries, people are forced to retire when they reach a certain age. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Having reached the age of retirement, people have to leave their work in some countries. This phenomenon has both
negative and positive outcomes which will be reviewed in this essay.
The premiere rationale of such a governmental policy is strict regulation of productivity and effectiveness of human
workforce. It stands to reason that older workers may spend more time to fulfill their duties. In addition, it is often safer to
keep younger staff at work where health condition and concentration matter. For example, work at the conveyor typically
requires sharp reaction, good eyesight and physical endurance that people commonly lose with years. If factories did not
force the old to retire, the likelihood of emergencies at the workplace due to human factor would keep fairly great.
On the debit side, companies often underestimate the skills, knowledge and potential of experienced workers at the age
of retirement though they still might be helpful and have professional flair. They could offer advice about specifics that
they dealt with for the most part of their lives. A good example of this statement could be medical professionals whose
experience is evidently more valuable than fresh blood of newly hired interns.
Taking into account these substantial facts, it can be concluded that forced retirement is reasonable when it comes to
safety issues in the working environment and effective accomplishment of assigned tasks. This practice, however, does
not consider benefits of keeping experienced employees such as using their knowledge and abilities in profound matters
that demand in-depth analysis and ingenuity.
PTE Sample Essay 4 – Judging Person’s Worth
A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned
values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this opinion?
These days, people seem to judge an individual’s value depending on social position and possessions, instead of considering
other values, more spiritual, which now seem to belong to the past. I believe that this tendency is getting stronger and it
represents a big loss in our values.
The first consideration is the importance that the social status and economic power have in our society, as they seem to be a
cornerstone of our relations system at every level: at work, in our friendships we tend to act in different ways depending on
the social status of the person we are relating to. Moreover, there is no doubt that we live in a society which is mostly based
on economy and money. As a result, it is obvious that anyone who owns more than us do seem to be a high-value person.
However, I believe that it is a superficial way of judging people.
I think that we should reconsider which are the most appropriate standards to evaluate a person. So, the second
consideration is that material and social values can easily change with time which means that they are not stable at all.
The question arises spontaneously: how could we judge a person relying on unstable parameters? Therefore, it appears
clearly that appropriate values are the ones which do not change, such as interior and spiritual qualities.
To conclude, it is up to us to change the way we judge people, by returning to attach importance to those old-fashioned
values we seem to have lost. If we do not do this, we may definitely lose the fundamental ability to create deep relations.
PTE Sample Essay 5 – Payment of College or University Fees
In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, government pays for them. Do
you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons and examples.
In many countries, whether students or the government should pay for college or university fees has triggered a heated
debate among the public. In my opinion, both views have their arguments.
Obviously, there are many advantages if the government can shoulder this responsibility. One such major advantage is that
it would encourage young people to receive higher education. Provided that the government can pay for the university fees,
students from low-income families would be encouraged to continue their study instead of working after their high school,
which would benefit their career prospect. Another benefit is to create more talents for a country. With the free education
provided by the government, more students can go to colleges and universities to broaden their knowledge and specialise
their skills. As a result, in the future the country will have sufficient professionals and skilled labour to develop economy
and public services.
However, there are some disadvantages. To start with, it lays a huge financial burden on the government. In order to pay the
tuition fee for each student, the government has to allocate a large portion of budget to education, thereby causing a
significant deficit to a country. Moreover, it would be a waste of resource if students are simply encouraged to go to
university only because it is free rather than pursuing their own interests. This waste could also impede the development of
other important areas such as infrastructure and medical services to a country because of the limited resources the
government have.
In conclusion, although it may cost a large sum of money, I still think the government should pay college and university fee
for their citizens. This is because this investment in education can benefit both individuals and the whole country.
PTE Sample Essay 6 – Scientific Animal Experimentation
Do you believe that experimentation on animals for scientific purposes is justified? Are there any alternatives to
animal experimentation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
There is no doubt that animals are vital in the scientific research on the ground that they are used in order to advance the
medical knowledge. Some people believe that animals should be a part of research, while others think that animals’ lives
should be respected. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss both views in detail.
The supporters of animal testing provide a variety of points in favor of their point of view. Initially, it is essential to study
new drugs and test them before revealing them. Thus, animals play a valuable role in order to examine the new therapies
with no threats causing damage to humans. In exemplification, the last few weeks witnessed the testing of new Ebola drugs
on some monkeys, which was successful. It can be concluded that the outbreak of many diseases can have serious threats
toward humanity. Hence, the best way is to use animals in order not to lose humans.
Nevertheless, the opponents of above-mentioned opinion offer their respective reasons as well. The lives of animals should
be respected by human beings due to the fact that we all must have decent lives with no violations. In addition, the benefits
of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused. Animals are harshly used in some valueless trials such as
experimentation for cosmetics industry. Thus, government should introduce laws with the aim of supporting animal rights
so as not to push animals for more dangers. Eventually, it is clearly unacceptable for humans to violate animals on the
ground that people have no right to do so.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that testing on animals violates the lives of wild animals. Yet, on condition that
governments and animal rights supporters work together, then animal conservation is more likely to be achieved.
PTE Sample Essay 7 – Factors Measuring A Country’s Success
Economic progress is one way to measure the success of a country. Some people think other factors are also
important. What other factors should be considered? Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important
than the others?
It is true that economic growth is normally considered a strong indicator of a nation’s success. However, many people think,
that other factors such as equality and freedom are no less significant. To my way of thinking, I tend to believe that how the
disadvantaged are treated tells the most about a nation.
For a variety of reasons, the majority of us equate economic development with success. Perhaps chief among these is that a
strong economy is mistakenly viewed as the prerequisite for any advancement in any other field. Although things like the
quality of education and medical accessibility need to be backed up by a strong economy, prioritizing economic
development often leads to neglecting the imminent needs in educational and medical sectors. Economic success is by no
means the only index of success.
Conversely, a country’s success should be measured in other dimensions such as the quality of life of an average citizen, the
success in reducing poverty. An overall economic success does not always guarantee that the wealth created is distributed
fairly and equally among all residents. In developing countries, corruption and exploitation means that the wealth is in the
hands of the privileged minority. This leaves the poor struggling to put food on the table let alone live a decent life.
Importantly, any country’s attitude to its less advantaged citizens is the strongest implication of its success, as this requires
not only economic well-being but a great deal of civilization. For example, in most of developed countries, building designs
are being modified to allow access to disabled persons, and there are also laws for paid leaves for expecting mothers. Those
sorts of things are missed out in developing countries, despite of the recent economic successes.
In conclusion, although economic success is critical, there are other key factors to consider when measuring a country’s
success. Personally, I think the way the less privileged are looked after is the strongest indicator.
PTE Sample Essay 8 – Marry For Love or Money
Some say you should always marry for love; others say that in an uncertain world it’s wiser to marry for money.
Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
People have different views about whether we should make a decision to get married either for love or for money. Some
people argue that it is even smarter to marry for money because the economic recession is gradually growing all over the
world, not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. On the contrary to its situation, citizens especially
in developed countries bear tremendous attempt to obtain all what they want. However, others believe that love is the most
important factor in terms of a successful and happy marriage.
Surely, money is one of the most essential considerations. People can obtain necessities in their lives with money like they
can take nutritious foods and drinks, use gas, water and electricity, and get medicines at hospitals when sick. Moreover, if
we have more money to use, we will be able to meet our unlimited needs, such as traveling around the world, living in large
and gorgeous houses, and having much expensive and delicious food at restaurants.
On the other hand, there might be only one thing which most of people cannot acquire even if they have a lot of money is
love. Although it is certain that much money can meet a variety of our needs to pay for stuffs or services which we are
willing to get to some extent, it is difficult to grasp others mind and true love. Recent study carried out by the Japanese
public organization described that couples who marry for love spent their life period even better than those who marry for
In conclusion, I would like to say that most necessary factor to be happy after marriage should be love even though money
is also important undoubtedly.
PTE Sample Essay 9 – Competition: Good or Bad for Children’s Development
Some people say that competition is good for children’s development while others believe it is bad. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
One of the highly controversial debates today relates to whether the competition among young people is beneficial or not. In
this essay, I am going to delve into the question from both points of view through presenting its merits and demerits and
then give my own perspective on the matter.
On one side of the argument, there are people who content that the competition is helpful for children’s improvement. It is
generally a well-known fact that competition leads to boosting versatile-development of children. It motivates and
stimulates them in order to be more superior than others. For example, a student who is weak in school studies will study
harder to achieve better scores than his peers in a test if there is a guaranteed prize for those who accomplish high marks. As
a result, the child would end up gaining more knowledge and improving skills for his studies through hard-working.
On the other hand, a competition could result in putting a lot of stress on children. In the course of competing moment,
some of them can be left out due to a failure to catch up and getting behind other students. They would lose their selfesteem compared to those whose achievements are by far better and such stress they would suffer would give deteriorated
impact on themselves.
In conclusion, a competition can improve children’s all-round development while it can give exceeding pressure on them
more than they can deal with. However, in my opinion, I tend to believe that the benefits of competition outweigh its
PTE Sample Essay 10 – Child Obesity Health Issue
As child obesity becomes a serious health issue in today’s society, some people feel that TV commercials advertising
junk food aimed at kids should not be shown before 9pm. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
Child obesity has become a growing concern in the modern world, owing in part to the prevalence of junk food. Some
people, therefore, argue that food advertisements should be banned before 9pm. I partially agree with this idea.
TV commercials are one of the main reasons why children today eat an excessive amount of junk food. Children are
psychologically immature and susceptible to media hype. TV commercials for junk food shown during prime hours every
day give them more access to information about it, and these commercials are often so well made that most children cannot
resist the temptation. If these commercials could be prohibited before 9pm, their powerful influence on children would be
greatly diminished.
Other measures, however, should be taken along with regulation of TV commercials. In today’s society, children are also
exposed to other types of media, such as magazines and the internet, thereby being affected by the advertisements on them.
In other words, they are still likely to be persuaded to buy junk food without watching TV. Reducing the impact of
commercials, therefore, is not the ultimate solution to child obesity. In order to address this problem, health education
should be delivered both at home and school to raise children’s consciousness of consuming a balanced diet. In addition,
children should be encouraged to do more physical exercise to offset the negative effect of eating junk food.
In conclusion, regulating TV commercials is a feasible way to cope with child obesity, but other steps should also be taken
at the same time to make it more effective.
PTE Sample Essay 11 – Free Health Services Recipient
Some countries have free health services. However, some people feel that those who live unhealthy lives – smoking,
not exercising, being stressed, etc – should not receive free health services. Do you agree or disagree with this
It is argued that people who adopt harmful lifestyles should not be included under service of free medical care. I disagree
with this idea.
People who are in favor of this view may base their argument on the ground that those who live unhealthy lives tend to
consume more medical resources than ordinary people. Smoking, sedentary lifestyles and excessive stress often lead to
health problems. As a consequence, people with these lifestyles are more likely to go to the hospital to receive medical
treatment. It does not seem to make sense for the government to be responsible for their own irresponsible choices.
However, I believe that excluding these people form free health services is against the principle of equality. In an
enlightened age we live, all the people should be treated equally in terms of the right to enjoy public services. As we do not
deprive slow or lazy children of the opportunity of receiving free education, it is unacceptable to close the door of public
hospitals to smokers or couch potatoes.
Furthermore, it is difficult to decide what an unhealthy lifestyle is and whether an illness is caused by these lifestyles. For
example, there is a big difference between a moderate drinker and an alcoholic, and alcoholics are also likely to suffer from
diseases unrelated to drinking. Taking all certain occasions into account, the government may find it impossible to
implement the policy regarding this issue.
To conclude, although the government may spend more money on people with unhealthy lifestyles, it is both unfair and
impractical to keep them out of free health services.
PTE Sample Essay 12 – The Reality of Crime
Very few people who commit crime want to. They do it because they feel they have no choice. This is the reality of
the situation, and it means that police and prisons are not relevant to reducing crime. To what extent do you agree or
It is argued that most criminals commit offences because there are no alternatives for them, so police and prisons have no
effect on reducing crimes. I completely disagree with this view.
We cannot make broad generalization about the course of crimes according to certain cases. It is true that some people
violate laws because they are reduced to situations where they are unable to survive without doing so, such as stealing food
out of extreme poverty, but this theory should not be applied to every case. On most occasions, people are motivated to
illegally obtain something because their desire for it cannot be satisfied in decent ways. If we ascribe all the crimes to
criminals’ failure to meet their basic needs, it cannot be explained why there are still high rates of robbery and theft in welloff societies. Therefore, it is not justifiable to say that a few people commit crimes of their own accord.
On the other hand, police and prisons have been effective in dealing with crimes in human history, and there are still no
other feasible options. Police plays an important role in law enforcement, and prisons have an effect on deterring criminals.
If it were not for these two government institutions, criminals would take offences with abandon and the society would fall
into chaos. Only with the fear of being held accountable would potential criminals resort to legal ways to satisfy their desire.
To conclude, it seems to me that criminals have other choices to live besides committing offences, and police and prisons
are highly relevant to reducing crime.
PTE Sample Essay 13 – Gender Pay Gap in European Countries
Recent research has shown that within the European Union the largest difference between the earnings of men and
women exists in the UK. Many equal rights campaigners believe that immediate action should be taken to close the
gender pay gap. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
Many equal rights campaigners advocate taking immediate action to narrow the pay gap between males and females, which
is prominent in the UK among European countries. I partially agree with this idea.
It is a truth, admittedly, that some employers hold biases when deciding the amount of wages to be paid to male and female
employees at the same position. They have the stereotype that men are always better than women even if they are equally
capable of doing the same job due to the traditional conception of their status in the society. From deep within they regard
women as second-class citizens, and men, as a result, often enjoy better chances of being promoted to higher positions,
where they are sure to earn higher salaries.
On most occasions, however, I believe the gender pay gap is the natural consequence of their biological and intellectual
differences. Firstly, men are physically stronger than women, so it is s justifiable for them to be paid more in certain labor
jobs. Secondly, men often show more talent in science and technology, which tend to be the major forces contributing to
making fortune and creating value in today’s society. Finally, women’s career is often interrupted by bearing and rearing
children, which makes it impossible for them to devote as much time and energy into work as men are able to do.
In conclusion, the prejudices against women existing in some cases are worth taking steps to overcome. Nevertheless, men
and women are unlikely to be paid equally in every area unless all the gender differences in body and mind disappear.
PTE Sample Essay 14 – Influence of Advertising
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that
advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?
It has been argued that advertising has both advantages and disadvantages in modern society. While some people are of the
opinion that advertisements can influence individuals to buy unnecessary things, others argue that it can help people to buy
good products. Even though this essay will discuss both sides of the argument, I believe that advertising has way more
benefits than drawbacks.
On the one hand, it is widely known that advertising can increase consumerism among people. The main reason for this is
that individuals are often exposed to different products and, because of this, they usually end up in buying things that they
do not really need. For example, Google has a service called AdWords that shows ads to people based on their searches on
the Internet. This can lead people to buy products that they do not really need as they may be often tempted by attractive
On the other hand, it has been said that advertisements can help people to make better choices. This is certainly true as one
may have a broad variety of products to choose from. For instance, families who are low on budget will be able to buy the
best reasonable product in the market. This may notably help these families to not only save money, but also buy something
that would definitely suit their needs.
In my opinion, advertising can not only help people to spend their money more wisely, but also force companies to develop
better products as the consumer will have access to all available products in the market.
PTE Sample Essay 15 – Children’s Standard Behaviour
Some say that the standard of behaviour among children has worsened and that this is their parents’ fault; others
say that schools are to blame. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Everything has two sides and the reason for the decline in children’s manners and conduct is no exception. Many people
believe that schools are responsible for educating children, therefore they are to blame. Others are of the opinion that good
behaviours must start at home and parents must discipline their children from an early age.
We must acknowledge that children spend a large part of the daily life at school. It is therefore paramount that, school
children have a strong sense of respect for the establishment and its teachers. For example, in the olden days, teachers used
to apply physical punishment on a child for disturbing a class by striking a ruler on the child’s hand. This was deemed an
effective way to deter children from behaving badly and set examples for others. Nowadays, teachers have very little power
in controlling disruptive situation in classes therefore they do not have the power to do anything other than sending them
On the other hand, a parent’s role is to teach a child how to behave, to love and respect others. These must be taught from
an early age and parents themselves must be good role models for children. The problem is, often, families do not know
themselves what good manners or good self-conducts are. They also have no control over the environment in which they
live in as many large social housing estates are filled with delinquents and criminals that are rejected from schools as well as
being in and out of jails. The children’s playground is used as lecture theatre to teach children bad behaviours.
In conclusion, to tackle bad behaviours, schools should be given more powers with government guidance and support to
control and discipline children at school. But the root of the problem still lies within the family outlook and the living
environment the child is in.
PTE Sample Essay 16 – Invitation of Large Foreign Companies
Some people think inviting large foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for local
economy while others think that the foreign companies should not be allowed to build their factories in developing
countries, instead, local companies should be encouraged in order to develop local economy. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
Global business has evolved into an inevitable trend in the era of globalization. With the growing competition between large
foreign companies and local companies, a debate has been raised upon which one benefits the local economy more.
One view is in favor of factories being set up by large international corporations in developing countries. This gives
significant impetus to local economic growth as it provides more job vacancies which boosts employment. Employees will
enjoy the systemic management of the factory, where their specific skills are valued and assessed. They do not necessarily
need to be multi-talented, while they still play a pivotal part in a particular role. Factories introduced in local areas also
bring in advanced manufacturing techniques and innovative ideas. Training given to employees helps local people develop a
global vision as well as harness their technical expertise. These well-trained personnel provide a quality workforce to
develop the local economy.
An opposite view, however, argues that foreign companies should be forbidden to enter in developing countries while local
companies should be encouraged. Admittedly, local companies are mainly founded and operated by local people, who have
a better knowledge about the local situation with a greater motivation to develop their hometown. However, these local
businesses in developing countries are majorly small private firms, many of which struggle for resources such as money and
market. They may profit in their own sense but their contribution to the general economy may be minimal. Compared to
those large enterprises, these small local companies employ less labor and are less competitive in a global market, due to
which their impact on the whole economy is contentious.
In conclusion, I believe that allowing foreign companies to develop factories in developing countries is an effective way to
promote local economy. They are expected to introduce cutting-edge manufactory and administrative ideas to local areas,
where local firms can also benefit.
PTE Sample Essay 17 – Ambition: Good or Bad
It is believed that everyone should have an ambition to become successful in life. Is it really important to have these
ambitions? Is being ambitious good or bad?
There are many people who believe that being ambitious is important and the key to succeed in life. Personally, I strongly
concur on this contention for two reasons.
First of all, I believe that having ambitions would contribute to people’s versatile-development through a number of
components. They prompt people to set up a plan, make commitment, and put great efforts in order to achieve their goal in
life. In the course of this process, they would gain appropriate skills and knowledge and, most importantly, experience that
is necessary to live through in life. In this way, they would make wise decisions under any circumstance that they confront.
Furthermore, it is a generally well-known fact that financial resources are crucial in life and one’s ambition may play a key
role in achieving them. A person with an ambition is more likely to make fortune and fame out of it compared to those who
live without life-goals. For example, if there is a guy who wants to be a lawyer and eventually achieves it with all his hardwork later, he is able to support his family financially. By contrast, a person without any ambition often tends not to be
hard-working and studying and, therefore is most likely to end up becoming a law-class in society. This guy may be
struggling to support his family due to relatively lower income.
In conclusion, I have a strong faith that making oneself ambitious is good due to the facts that it improves a quality of
people and brings fortune that is needed to feed on family members.
PTE Sample Essay 18 – 21st Century Developments
The twenty-first century has already brought great changes to the world. What other developments do you expect to
happen over this century? Provide examples and supporting evidence to back up your opinion on this subject.
In 1964, humans were able to go to space, and walk on the moon, which was a great success, but after that many wonderful
achievements were made. The question is, whether we will be able to achieve some more successful achievements in the
future or this is the end of the amazing and great story of humanity.
One of the fields in which we will achieve some great achievements might be IT. Information Technology is the biggest
achievement, which humans have got so far and we will get more than what we have got so far. Nanotechnology will help
us to make super Nano chips and then the world of IT will be changed sharply and quickly.
According to biologists and chemists in the next 20 years, we will able to change the DNA of humans and will be able to
stop the growth of many diseases such as colon cancer, lung cancer, AIDS and many types of genetic diseases. Although we
have got many successful methods of treatment, we could not eradicate them. We will be able to change the genetic codes
biologically in the human cells and as a result some diseases might be eradicated them easily.
Fifty years ago agriculture was a traditional professional and farmers did not know about the modern method of irrigation
and not did have any ideas about chemical and biochemical fertilizers. Nowadays, framers know about new technologies in
modern agriculture and also use new tools, instruments and machines to plant and harvest the plants. In the next 50 years,
agriculture will be changed completely and wonderfully. We will use Agro-genetic in agriculture, it means we will able to
have agricultural productions which have resistance to insects, bacteria and viruses and are able to grow quickly.
In conclusion, in the 21th century the world is changing magnificently and sharply. IT, medicine, genetic and chemistry will
make some amazing changes in many aspects of our life.
PTE Sample Essay 19 – The Use of Computer
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Technology, for the past few decades, has been the driving force behind mankind’s progress by leaps and bounds in almost
every field. Technology, along with the information which it brings, has become an integral part of not only adults but
children are also becoming avid users of computers, handheld devices and other gadgets. Although the new generation is
becoming more aware of day to day happenings, access of everything brings divergent results as well.
Firstly, abuse of computers by youngsters has led them to waste their time on needless tasks rather than using computers in
an efficient way. Facebook and other social media sites have played a devastating role in harming the overall working of an
effective society. Children now like to spend hours of their precious time posting and reading useless material. They have
access to every kind of information, which is causing children to view restricted content as well.
Secondly and more importantly, computers have barred children from engaging in physical activity as well. Children now
prefer to limit themselves in their rooms and want to be lost in the fantasies of the online world. This leads children to be
ostracized from today’s social happenings and is turning them into social outliers. I know many of my friends who play
games, engage in digital social gatherings and wasting their useful time in mind numbing activities
Changes, in fact mind boggling ones, are taking place at societal level, where the balance of a child’s growth is being
seriously challenged. This can be averted through proper control and dedication of parents towards their children. Useful
things can become detrimental if employed at a wrong stage.
PTE Sample Essay 20 – Mobile Phone Problems
There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do these
problems take? Do problems of using mobile phones outweigh the benefits?
The use of mobile phone has proven to be indispensable in today’s modernized era. Many experts are becoming more
concerned that over-usage of mobile phone could relate to social, medical and technological issues in modern life. This
essay will present an overall view of these effects before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.
First, in terms of social problem, mobile phones can be a source of disturbance in public amenities. In fact, ringing phones
could disrupt people’s concentration in some places where quiet environment is taken seriously, such as in the library or
Second, in terms of medical issue, mobile phones could pose a threat to users’ health. According to a recent research, their
waves could cause damage to our brains and critically, they could result in a series of severe conditions including cancer
and other fatal diseases. Not to mention, the link between mobile phones and road accidents is considered very dangerous. It
is frequently reported that most road accidents end up with serious injuries or even death.
Third, technically, mobile phones may also interfere with electronic equipment. For instance, their signals are often detected
as a major cause of failure in aircraft systems. X-ray machines and other medical equipment are also negatively affected by
waves radiated by mobile phones.
Nevertheless, their favourable points seem to outweigh the drawbacks. As a matter of fact, they help us to keep in touch
with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are, thereby enhancing our progress. Therefore, they have become the
must-have gadgets for many people in today’s world.
As outlined above, although there are some issues associated with the use of mobile phone, it is believed that its usage will
continue to grow significantly in the future.