1. Equality - It means being equal, for example in your job and pay. To me, it means that… we are all humans so we should all be equal - it doesn’t matter if you are black, white, asian or other races, we’re all the same. I feel that a government should protect equality anytime and anywhere because equality is the most important focus in our society. 2. Oppression - makes you feel nervous Consternation - something that makes you feel surprised, dangerous Hindrance - something stops you to go ahead Synchronizing - at the same time Calibrated - double check Cower - recoil Luminous - keep shining Vigilance - continuous attention Reading Questions 1. Everybody is equal. It’s not just equality of power - physical conditions are also equal (for example, how smart or strong people are). This is because of the amendments to the constitution and U.S. Handicapper General. 2. Hazel is equal when she was born. She doesn’t need to wear some mental handicap. George is smarter than average. He feels some pain with his handicap. He doesn’t like his handicap. Hazel would have chimes on Sunday in honor of religion. 3. If you take two balls from the bag, there will be two years and two thousand dollar fine for every ball. He doesn’t cheat because if he tries to get away with it, then other people will get away with it. He doesn’t like everybody competing against everybody else, so he agrees with the law. 4. Harrison is in jail. He is a young lad, fourteen years old. Harrison is 7 feet tall. He is strong and handsome and to offset his good looks, the HG men made him look like a monster. 5. The news bulletin wasn’t clear at first to the viewers because they had a serious speech impediment like all announcers. 6. The ballerina apologizes about her voice because her voice is nice like an angel (not average), so she must apologize to the audience. 7. The news bulletin was about Harrison. He escaped from jail because he tried to overthrow the government. They showed his photograph. ---------------------------------------------------------------------NOVEMBER 10 WEDNESDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------Recap: Everyone should be equal, even the characters: George, Hazel and Harrison (handsome, smarter, stronger), so the HG Men need him to wear a lot of ‘handicap’ like the metal scraps and masks on face. 8. After they see Harrison and the ballerina dance, the people think Harrison has the ability to change the world - he is the Emperor and the reformer. The government is fear and will be afraid if one day Harrison will change the world. They lose their power. 9. It was unfortunate. I felt the loss of Harrison because he still can’t change the world at last. I felt a little shocked because I thought Harrison is the leading man in the story. 10. Hazel and George feel incompetent for theirself. In the story, they don’t know Harrison, their son. They don’t have the power and they can’t save their son. They do nothing because they are handicapped so they do nothing. 11. In this story, the writer is targeting the government. The government’s selfishness and conspiracy. They are afraid of Harrison take away their power, they’re afraid of smarter people in this world, they’re afraid of losing their power. 12. The time is 2081. The social conditions are they are equal in every which way in this society. The government already control people with machine. The government creates handicaps for the smart, strong people. The place is United States - in George and Hazel’s home and in the studio. The mood feels repressed or repressive because there were many good things limited by law. 13. The point of view is 3rd person. It is limited because in the last few paragraphs, the reader even doesn’t know that Harrison is George and Hazel’s son. We don’t really know the thoughts and feelings in George and Hazel’s head. 14. Without competition, there is no progress and hope, it will be worse and depressing because the government needs absolute equal. No matter how excellent or good the ballerina is, she can’t show all her talents. People can’t enjoy in these beautiful things, like Hazel and George. Hazel and George lost hope and happiness in their lives because of the handicapper. Usually: class on Wednesdays-Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm November 11 Thursday -- November 17 Wednesday Not available Next Class: November 18 Thursday 7pm-8:30pm