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Circulatory System: Heart, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Pigments

The Circulatory System
1. Name the hormones that are involved to increase the heart rate.
2. What group of specialized cells initiate nerve impulses in heart and where is it located.
3. Why is the SA node known as the pace maker.
4. What is the function of AV node.
5. Where does bundle of His originate from.
6. (a). Where does the Atrioventricular bundle breaks down to form Purkinje fibers.
(b). What is the function of purkinje fibers.
1. How is the elctrical activity in the heart detected.
(a). What is represented by the above depicted waves.
i. P wave
ii. QRS wave complex
iii. T wave
(b). What is the time taken for one cardiac cycle.
(c). Why is the atrial repolarization not seen in the above wave.
3. Define
i. Systolic pressure
ii. Diastolic pressure
iii. Pulse pressure
4. Why is sphygmomanomater used.
5. How is the arerial blood pressure expressed.
1. What are respiratory pigments.
2. Why did the respiratory pigment evolve.
3. Name the respiratory pigments seen in
(a). Arthropods
(b). Annelids
(c). Mammals
4. How is myoglobin different from other respiratory pigments.
5. What is the colour of haemocyanin.