SHROFF S.R ROTARY INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF “ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY” Submitted by Name Enrollment no. Patel khushi 190990135025 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES TECHNOLOGIES IMPLEMENTED COMPARISION BETWEEN CONVENTIONAL BUILDING AND GREEN BUILDING . GREEN BUILDINGS IN INDIA. CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Green building(also known as green construction or sustainable building) expands and complements the building design concerns of economy,utility,durability,and comfort. A Green building is one which uses less water,optimizes energy efficiency,conserves natural resources,generates less waste and provides healthier space for occupants as compared to conventional building. Because of global problems ,some middle way is necessary to be found out ,to encourage the green construction . OBJECTIVE Efficiently using energy , water and other resources. Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity. Reducing waste,pollution and environment degradation. To design a residentially viable green building including maximum open space with cost effective design and materials. Improve indoor air quality by orientation natural ventilation design. Implementing rain water harvesting system with ground water recharge as an attempt to improve regional ground water table. Using eco-friendly and reagionally available construction materials. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES There are five fundamental principles of Green Building: • Sustainable Site Design • Water Quality & Conservation • Energy & Environment • Indoor Environmental Quality • Materials and Resources: Sustainable Site Design Create minimum urban sprawl and prevent the needless destruction of valuable land, habitat and open space. Preserve key environmental assets through careful examination of each site. Water Quality & Conservation Preserve the existing natural water cycle and design the site so that they closely emulate the site’s natural hydrological systems. Emphasis on retention of stormwater and on-site infiltration as well as ground water recharging. Energy & Environment Minimize adverse impact on the environment through optimized building siting & design, material selection, and aggressive use of energy conservation measures. Indoor Environmental Quality Provide a healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environment for building occupants. Utilize the best possible conditions in terms of indoor air quality, ventilation, and thermal comfort, access to natural ventilation and day lighting. Materials and Resources Minimize the use of non-renewable construction materials through efficient engineering and construction, and effective recycling of construction debris. Maximize the use of recycled materials, modern energy efficient engineered materials, and resource efficient composite type structural systems as well as sustainably managed, biomass materials. Net Zero Concepts Net zero or Zero energy buildings are built to effectively operate. independently of the standard electric grid. In simple words, they are able to produce their own power through the use of renewable energy sources. “Zero” here refers to both energy consumption and carbon emissions HVAC (Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning) HVAC Systems comprise of water-cooled screw chillers with a high coefficient of performance and eco-friendly refrigerant. Low-Emitting Materials Selecting low emitting materials and products not only improves human health but also goes long way in protecting the overall environment. Cool Roofs A cool roof is one sustainable green building technology which aims at reflecting the heat and sunlight away. They reflect more of the sun’s rays than average shingle roofs and avert the warm/cool air inside the home from escaping through the top of a building. Green Insulation Energy-efficient heating can only keep a building warm if there is sufficient thermal insulation to keep the heat inside. Another fact that might surprise you is that Insulation is one of the greatest concerns when it comes to the construction of buildings and homes. Solar Power Solar power is one among the most common sustainable green building technology used today. Primarily in green construction. it is being utilised in two ways: Active Solar Power – This system is the use of functional solar systems which absorb the sun’s radiation to provide for heating and electricity provision. It helps in reducing the need for gas or electricity. Passive Solar Power – This design uses the sun’s rays to warm homes through the strategic placement of windows and the use of heatabsorbing surfaces. Smart Appliances Green building technologies emphasize the installation of energy saving and self-sufficient home appliances. SmartGrid refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, micro oven are examples of such technologies. These technologies are oriented towards creating zero-energy Water Conservation of water is one of the basic principles of green building. Green buildings are sustainable buildings which demand water conservation as well as preventing pollution. Infosys-Limited-Mysore Suzlon-One-Earth-Pune Rajiv-Gandhi-International-Airport-RGIAHyderabad Biodiversity-Conservation-India-Ltd.-BCILBangalore