Norming Meeting Agenda with Dr. Manning 1/11/22 Have at least two days where I can have office hours. Grading students # 163-196 Make sure all grading for the previous week is complete before every Wednesday Plan to teach mini lectures in 2 weeks (First week in February) to students. Grading o If I don’t know the answers to questions on minute papers, leave it blank for Cam R. to answer. o Leave constructive comments on assignments Nothing negative or condescending, always additive. o Be more lenient at the beginning of the semester when they aren’t as concise with their power statements, but as the semester goes on we need to be more strict if they aren’t limiting it 2-3 words. o If I have any questions or issues talk to Daniel. Daniel will be helping me lead out the first exam review, then I will take over for the last two. Make sure I am watching the class lectures as well and reviewing the material for myself. Questions o How do I gauge what a good excuse is for an extension?