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Stpson S 1/z Aule OUb em also be exreMea f(x) +4fox)+ fCxo) 6 a ) T wicdlk Aresage heiqht fut Singte Hnplicalion aptan 3 Cule mple the m2, Yc its a Secend O,dn Jtegale potymonial fx)- 0-2 +25%-20o* +675«90040 onn Q=0 to b=0.8 Kecall -hat -ke exait integral iá 0.8-0 0.4 b- h 1.64oS33 2 0. 2 = flo) = Co) f fx) flo.4) 2. 4S 0.232 = f(0-8) fCa) - S Cb) Cay - - I # fx) O-4 o. 2 +a f(x1) *ft«)} +4 (2:. 4S6) +O.232 7-1.3cP467 OR IE b - a ) f(xo) +4f(xM)+ f(r.) (0.B ) 0.2 +4 (2. 4c6) +0.232 1.367467 Nuttple Conpeste plicali Sempsamí Redes T )oda Shbz enlealo , n J f n d a - f ) +rt d n ayoln Sernpsm Molo odd = nebSas )1fCx;)+fC) t4Ct-)+f(an) 3 fCn-) t{(«,. h fas) + f (1s) *-ft) 2 f ) t f(xa)tflz)+ h Su ef te odd rdinates ordiinatee 2 / Sun of te herncin io e e n nelintus naupe Ealuae sige u Giuem Sn vsing Simpsms kule. h 6 - Y-flx) O 1 S Sun 1 0.62c 0.0G246 1.c0o6 0.12 O 1246 1. 0OG 0-181S O1864 O. 25 O.2474 1.010 O312s .307 1.016S C0.37s 0.362 O.437SO 42 3 8 0.062S 6.S O.474 1.0OS 1.O24O 1. 0323 1.042 = P 8 Sinfpsns <ale S 2(t 8) 1 . 2 9 ) +4 (1.oo06+1.0os9 +1 1.0328)+2(1-00RG Gs+ o1 1.01oS+ 1-O24O 2 . 0 y 2 9 +16.2230 t6.0742 3403) dx? 0.SOP Sin dample Spsn 7. Evaluale o ule e d w Gdowiny 9om=4. a -1 , b 2 a 7=4 2- -a h e 1-25 3 1-9S = 2e Q.182 274828 3.4903 21923 4817 9898 S.S46 3.238 3 42-073890 4 mpsm ( halewe y O.25 3.67452 haue, 2 O.25|21oB + 3.694S2 ) +42-9922 +32883) +2(2.4898) 2.4129 cln 3.OS2 +24.32)+S.14S6| + (D Ca 3h 8 n t Ae abone hule S 9omula h i c is mutthle uos eM Aule Called Smpssn s aptionble ony 3Sumpos auial ALMlE ahen m *5/a Buls tton Sontps