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“Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words

“Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?”
After viewing the movie trailer for Lincoln, answer your assigned question. When groups begin
to share, be sure to take notes on the other questions during the discussion.
1. Describe any emotionally charged visual elements.
a. Look for symbols. - American flag.
b. Look for repetition of visual images.- Lashing quickly to battle scenes.
c. Look at the gestures of character. - Of how the black soldier would tell them to
move on.
d. Look at the focus of each frame. - Abraham Lincoln.
2. Describe the people in the video. What kind of impressions do these people make on
the audience?
They really only had dark colors.
3. Describe the colors used in the video. What effect is created by these colors?
Black grey, dark brown, dark blue,
4. How do the visual elements create
a. Emotional appeals? - Sadness
b. Logical appeals? - Ending slavery
c. Ethical appeals? - How we treat each other as human beings
5. What is the effect of the words in this trailer?
a. Describe the effect of the opening words of the clip.
The title and the names of these actors
b. Describe the effect of the closing words of the clip.
Also the title and the names
c. What other words had an impact on you? Why?
The only picture the shows were a picture of the two young boys
6. List any emotionally charged words. What effect are they intended to achieve?
Two young boys, they want you to think about how they look by their race.
7. What words create
a. Emotional appeals? - How the young boys made Lincoln feel about his child.
b. Logical appeals? - How they had good actors.
c. Ethical appeals? - That it’s wrong to judge people by their race.