Uploaded by Karleigh Davis

One Pager Rubric: Visuals, Quotes, Questions, Statements

One Pager
Visual Image
The student has a visual image, symbol, and representation of an
idea/concept that is especially important to you from the readinguse color to further your symbolic meanings.
Two Direct Quotes with correct "Quotations"
At least TWO direct quotes from the text (use your online book,
notes, or google), selected for whatever purpose you like. They
may show important ideas, or ideas you question, or issues that
have an especially clear relationship. Be sure to use quotation
marks and indicate from where you took the quote.
One question about the content
At least ONE question. Determine what question must be
answered for an understanding of the reading materials' main idea
OR what questions you still have regarding the reading.
Two personal statements
At least TWO statements from you. These can paraphrase ideas
from the reading, or they can connect/link parts of the reading to
other sources you know, or they might tell about your own
experience as it connects to these ideas.
Total Points
25 pts
15 pts
Has a visual shown Visual or symbol
does not connect
to topic
0 pts
No visual or
25 pts
0 pts
Has a minimum of
2 quotes listed
Only has 1 quote
No quotes are
25 pts
0 pts
One or more
The question has
questions are listed
nothing to do
with content
No question listed
25 pts
0 pts
The student has
two personal
statement listed
Student only has
0 or 1 personal
statements listed
Students do not
statements listed