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Exercise & Diet in Prostate Cancer: A Critical Review

Critical Evaluation: Exercise Does Not
Counteract the Effects of a Westernized
Diet on Prostate Cancer Xenografts by Avi
D. Vandersluis, et al (2013)
Summary of context & aims (10%)
Concise details of main i.e. most relevant points
Critical comment/judgement about points extracted
Analysis of the scientific merit of the article (50%)
Concise summary and importance of the scientific field.
Brief (principal) methodology used.
Concise summary of main findings.
Critical comment on relevance of methods and summary of the importance of
obtained resul;ts.
Links to literature via references.
Discussion (20%)
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Relevance to practice in your field
Presentation (10%)
Paper- details properly referenced
Effective summary format-IT; initiative used to make the most effective report
It has been greatly acknowledged that a high fat diets as well as obesity are major risk factors when
it comes to developing prostate cancer.
The aim of this study was to see whether aerobic exercise would have a positive effect in countering
the high fat western diet which has been known to cause obesity and prostate cancer. It was
hypothesised that aerobic exercise would nullify the effects of a high fat diet that would promote
prostate cancer.
Ethical approval for this research was obtained from the University of Toronto Animal Research
Ethics board and also by the Sunnybrook Research Institute. Overall 46 athymic mice where used for
this study, this is due to the fact that athymic mice do not have T cells which ultimately means they
cannot reject tumours or other cell types which have been injected or transplanted into the mouse.
LNCaP cells were cultured at body temperature (37°C) in an incubator with RPMI 1640 medium in a
5% carbon dioxide atmosphere, with the addition of 10% fetal bovine serum which is used for cell
culture of eukaryotic cells mainly because it contains very low levels of antibodies and high levels of
growth factors. Also 0.3 mg/ml L-glutamine, 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin were
added. A proteolytic enzyme trypsin was used to dislocate the confluent cell culture. Around 1.5 x
106 cells were sufficient to be resuspended into 100 μl recovery solution (matrigel solution). This
solution was inoculated into the flanks of the mice. Only three from the 46 athymic mice did not
have a palpable tumour. These mice were excluded however the study does not state whether these
mice were destroyed.
However the method used for the exercise and the diets fed to these mice are controversial. The
mice exercised using a walking wheel bed for 45 minutes per day 3 times a week for 2 months. The
intensity of the exercise were increased however it was not shown whether it was a gradual increase
over time or if it was increased for each mouse as their performance got better. This could have a
significant impact on the physical stress it has on the mouse. High saturated fats, red meats and
refined carbohydrates are a major cause for prostate cancer.