Kuligowski, E. D. (2016). Human behavior in fire. In SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering (pp. 2070-2114). Springer, New York, NY. https://books-scholarsportalinfo.proxy.library.carleton.ca/en/read?id=/ebooks/ebooks6/springer6/2021-0509/1/9783319946979#page=3 Week 1 Reading material for the week: All material should be available via the Carleton library (you may need to connect to the Carleton VPN). • Kuligowski, E. D. (2016). Human behavior in fire. In SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering (pp. 2070-2114). Springer, New York, NY. Chapter 1 and 2. Access via Scholars Portal Books (requires VPN connection): https://books-scholarsportalinfo.proxy.library.carleton.ca/en/read?id=/ebooks/ebooks6/springer6/2021-0509/1/9783319946979#pfc • Ouellette, J., Gwynne, S., Brown, R., & Kinateder, M. (2021). Spatiotemporal mapping of evacuee response. Fire and Materials, 45(4), 473-487. https://doi.org/10.1002/fam.2842 • Haghani, M. (2021). The knowledge domain of crowd dynamics: Anatomy of the field, pioneering studies, temporal trends, influential entities and outside-domain impact. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 126145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2021.126145 Week 2 • Kuligowski, E. D. (2016). Human behavior in fire. In SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering (pp. 2070-2114). Springer, New York, NY. Chapter 3 and 4 Access via Scholars Portal Books (requires VPN connection): https://books-scholarsportalinfo.proxy.library.carleton.ca/en/read?id=/ebooks/ebooks6/springer6/2021-0509/1/9783319946979#pfc • Kinsey, M. J., Gwynne, S. M. V., Kuligowski, E. D., & Kinateder, M. (2019). Cognitive biases within decision making during fire evacuations. Fire technology, 55(2), 465-485. Canter, D., Breaux, J., & Sime, J. (1980). Domestic, multiple occupancy, and hospital fires. Fires and human behaviour, 8, 117-136. Matthis, J. S., Yates, J. L., & Hayhoe, M. M. (2018). Gaze and the control of foot placement when walking in natural terrain. Current Biology, 28(8), 1224-1233. • • •