Uploaded by Jennifer Neeley

10-Step Buyer Process: Sales Training Guide

10 Step Buyer Process
Step #1 Greeting
1. Enroll: “Hi, name. How are you today?”
2. Acknowledge: “Welcome to DFW” or “Thank you so much for meeting with me today.”
3. Who you are: “I’m Jennifer. It’s so great to finally meet you face to face.” If Zoom, “I’m
Jennifer. We’ve been talking and emailing back and forth quite a bit. It’s so great to
finally meet you sort of face to face, lol”
Move into Ford Questions:
Say: (a couple of the following or something similar.)
“How was your flight?”
“Have you checked into your hotel yet?”
“Any fun plans other than searching for homes today”
“How much time do we have together today?”
(My goal during this first two minutes is to take control of the process and feel if my client is
connected. If I want to make sure they are connected, start gently nodding. If they nod back, we
are connected, and I have taken control of the process.)
Say: “If it is all right with you, what I recommend we do first is sit down and review everything
we’ve talked about on the phone. Plus, I would like to ask you a few questions that will help me
help you find right home. Will that work for you?”
2. Meeting
It is very important that you move to another space for the meeting. You want to move to fresh
energy from the greeting when buyers are typically nervous.
Office- Greet in the lobby and move to the conference room or office.
New-home sales center or Open House- Script where you will greet (entrance or foyer) and
where you will meet (such as plat table or over an aerial photo of the property for new homes,
or the kitchen for an open house)
When Meeting at a home- (If you are meeting buyers at the property, get there early and
prepare the house. (Make sure lights are on, come out of the house, and greet them on the front
sidewalk. Walk with them slowly to the front door, while asking rapport-building questions. You
will meet them in the house, usually at the kitchen counter or table.)
Step 3