HTML Project Rubric NAME: HTML CSS Website Project Rubric Webpage About YOU! Point -12 Beginning CSS Elements & With all Properties and Correct Syntax – Stated in #1 of the Directions with required specifications Included 5 or less of the CSS items with correct properties required in this project as stated in Directions #1 #header (5) #footer (5) .left (3) .right (3) p (2) h1, h2 (2) img (2) a:hover (2) div (1) li (1) table (5) Point – 14 Developing Point – 16 Proficient Included all but 5-6 missing CSS items with correct properties required in this project as stated in in Directions #1 Included all but 3-4 missing CSS items with correct properties required in this project as stated in in Directions #1 #header (5) #footer (5) .left (3) .right (3) p (2) h1, h2 (2) img (2) a:hover (2) div (1) li (1) table (5) #header (5) #footer (5) .left (3) .right (3) p (2) h1, h2 (2) img (2) a:hover (2) div (1) li (1) table (5) Point – 18 Accomplished Point – 20 Exemplary Included all but 1 or 2 missing CSS items with correct properties required in this project as stated in in Directions #1 Included all 12 CSS items with correct properties required in this project as stated in in Directions #1 #header (5) #footer (5) .left (3) .right (3) p (2) h1, h2 (2) img (2) a:hover (2) div (1) li (1) table (5) #header (5) #footer (5) .left (3) .right (3) p (2) h1, h2 (2) img (2) a:hover (2) div (1) li (1) table (5) Points Earned HTML Elements & With all Properties and Correct Syntax – Stated in #3 of the Directions with required specifications Point -12 Beginning Point – 14 Developing Point – 16 Proficient Point – 18 Accomplished Point – 20 Exemplary Included 8 or less of the HTML items with correct syntax required in this project as stated in Directions #3 Included all but 7-9 missing HTML items with correct sytnax required in this project as stated in in Directions #3 Included all but 4-6 missing HTML items with correct syntax required in this project as stated in in Directions #3 Included all but 1-3 missing HTML items with correct syntax required in this project as stated in in Directions #3 Included all 18 HTML items with correct syntax required in this project as stated in in Directions #1 DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title> <body> <p> <h1> <h2> <img> <a href> <ol> or <ul> <li> min. 3 <div> <table> minimum 2X2 size <span> In-line CSS style assign classes assign IDs DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title> <body> <p> <h1> <h2> <img> <a href> <ol> or <ul> <li> min. 3 <div> <table> minimum 2X2 size <span> In-line CSS style assign classes assign IDs DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title> <body> <p> <h1> <h2> <img> <a href> <ol> or <ul> <li> min. 3 <div> <table> minimum 2X2 size <span> In-line CSS style assign classes DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title> <body> <p> <h1> <h2> <img> <a href> <ol> or <ul> <li> min. 3 <div> <table> minimum 2X2 size <span> In-line CSS style assign classes DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title> <body> <p> <h1> <h2> <img> <a href> <ol> or <ul> <li> min. 3 <div> <table> minimum 2X2 size <span> In-line CSS style assign classes assign IDs assign IDs assign IDs Points Earned Point -1 or 0 Beginning CSS Properties and Hexadecimal Color Codes (2) in Direction #2 Included Attribution for all pictures and all pictures are legal to use Webpage content Missing all z-index, float and two hexadecimal color codes with correct syntax Point – 2 Developing Missing three zindex, float or two hexadecimal color codes with correct syntax Point – 3 Proficient Missing two z-index, float or two hexadecimal color codes with correct syntax Point – 4 Accomplished Missing one zindex, float or two hexadecimal color codes with correct syntax Did not included all attribution (creator AND URL) for every picture or all pictures are legal (Creative Commons licensed or Public Domain) Titles, headings, paragraphs, links(contextual and image), table, lists, widget, and images (regular [2] and hotspot [1]), l did not create a website about YOU due to lack of many required elements and information Point – 5 Exemplary Included z-index, float and two hexadecimal color codes with correct syntax Included all attribution (creator AND URL) for every picture and all pictures are legal (Creative Commons licensed or Public Domain) Titles, headings, paragraphs, links (contextual and image), table, lists, widget, and images (regular [2] and hotspot [1]) created a limited website environment about YOU Titles, headings, paragraphs, links (contextual and image), table, lists, widget, and images (regular [2] and hotspot [1]) created a website that tells about YOU Titles, headings, paragraphs, links(contextual and image), table, lists, widget, and images (regular [2] and hotspot [1]) created an effective and informative website about YOU Titles, headings, paragraphs, links(contextual and image), table, lists, widget, and images (regular [2] and hotspot [1]) created an highly effective and extremely informative website about YOU Points Earned Proper Spelling, Capitalization, Grammar and Punctuation Total Points Possible Points: 60 Notes by Student: Notes by Teacher: 10 or more spelling, grammar, punctuation or capitalization mistakes 7-9 spelling, grammar, punctuation or capitalization mistakes 3-6 spelling, grammar, punctuation or capitalization mistakes 1-3 spelling, grammar, punctuation or capitalization mistakes Master of all spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization – no mistakes F- 38 and less D- 41-39 C- 47-42 B- 53-48 A – 60-54