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➢ TASK 1
1.1. What is an enterprise?
An enterprise is another word for a profit business or company but it is most
often associated with entrepreneurial success which often referred to as
1.2. Why have you chosen to be an entrepreneur?
Some people become entrepreneurs because they see it as a mandatory journey
to take.
My prior experience and achievement in education makes me realize that working
for others is no longer a life suited. A fire in my hearts tells me that I have a strong
purpose in the world that surpasses the reality of being an employee. I am driven
with the need to succeed and control my own destiny. Owning a business gives
me no limitations on the profit and opportunities that I can gain.
1.3. Skills needed to be an entrepreneur
Leadership is exercising good judgement and taking the correct decisions. The
quality of leadership is crucial to the successful running of an enterprise. Leaders
are inspirational and have the type of personality that people believe in. This
encourages the employees and other workers.
Careful priority, planning, defining milestones, execution and iteration are all
important. None of that would lead towards progress without the right project
management and time allocation methodology that gets the work done.
Learning to decompose a problem to its core and reveal opportunities for growth.
Figuring out creative solutions and identifying the low-hanging fruits. Defining the
scope for an MVP and testing within limited time and with a low budget.
It is important that an entrepreneur is confident in themselves, especially in their
ability to succeed. Their confidence about their ability, their product, and
enterprise helps others to believe in them and reflects positively on the business’s
It is important to think creatively. Entrepreneurs often have original and creative
ideas, but it can be challenging to put such ideas into practice and make them
work. It requires confidence to overcome the fear that the idea will fail.
Finance management will make or break a business. Handling resources properly
and carefully assessing investments compared to ROI is a solid requirement for
Great entrepreneurs are tasked to discover new problems, reveal potential niche
opportunities, refactor their original business process, and innovate. This is
contingent on being passionate about different fields of study and business cases
outside of one’s comfort zone.
1.4. Skills I possess
I have a higher performance when it comes to solving a problems. Applying the
rules and other techniques for yielding higher results in less time. Switching
between different chores and progressing efficiently day-to-day.
I understand others, I often focus on what I should say. However, communication
is not all about talking and more about listening. I just not listen well but I also
understand the emotions that the speaker Is trying to convey.
Being comfortable doing outreach and creating new business opportunities. I find
the right sales.
I handle rejections, stress, burnouts, lack of focus, slow progress. I have the
determination and eagerness to fight the same dragon every morning is
instrumental when it comes to building a business from scratch.
1.5. Choose 3 Ideas
1.5.1: Selling printed T-shirts or hoodies with school logo.
T-shirts or clothes that reflects the spirit of the school can sell very well. Printing
hoodies or t-shirts does not cost much and you can order it online or contact a
local print shop.
1.School uniform reduces: A uniform mandate makes every students wear the
same outfit. Since every students are wearing the same thing, there is a reduced
level of peer pressure to wear certain fashion styles.
2.They create uniformity: There can be a better sense of unity because everyone
will wear the same clothes and they have a single identity.
3.A sense of belonging and Pride: The t-shits or hoodie will be an indicator of
what school you belong to. This is beneficial for students who study in schools
that are well known foe ex; PSC. You can proudly wear the hoodie or t-shirt and
“show” other people that you attend a good school.
1.Easy to hand down to others years after years: it is true that T-shirts can take a
beating over a year. With proactive care, the T-shits/hoodie can be handed down
to others each year. It is possible to get by with only purchasing one set of
uniforms because they can be handed down to the next child.
1.Reduces individuality of the student due to the school logo: Students can
sometimes lose their individuality through fashion. But they also teach students
that it is more important to think and act like a team instead of acting like an
2.Intruders can easily blend in: if administrators or teachers are searching
intruders then it becomes easy to blend into that environment. That would allow
them to move freely through-out the school. For that reason, check-in
procedures, an entry airlock, or other security measures may be taken.
3. Time consuming: making such large number of products can take a lot of time.
Therefore, it will take more time to sell all the products.
1.5.2: CAR WASH
This car wash is an event which will be a fundraiser, in which cars or other
vehicles inside the school yard will be washed by hand. The car wash will take
place in the school car park. Fun to do. And is a great way to raise funds .
1.More money will be collected if it is charitable
Many people say that instead of setting a fixed price, we should make it as a
donation. People will pay more than the actual price. This has worked surprisingly
well in the past.
2.Lots of customers
Cars tend sometimes to get dirtier as there is more pollution. So, if promoted well
there should be no shortage of customers. Teachers will profit to this as they
sometimes get the time to clean/wash their cars after school as some give private
3.Availability of tools
Items such as soap, sponges, towels, buckets, hoses, window cleaner, clothesline
home. Thus, saving us More money.
The layout is ultra-important and inevitably determines how many cars we can
wash. If our marketing is done correctly and have a good location, we will have a
lot of cars to wash. Thus, our layout will change from location to location and we
will have to wash them efficiently.
2. Damage the car
The cleaning products may do more damage than good. They can dull the paint of
the car. You could end up with fine scratches and swirls mark since your cleaning
supplies usually include an old rag or sponges.
We will need to sacrifice a fair amount of time and energy to get the job done.
4.Water pollution
The water you use will travel down the drain, and it could also penetrate the
ground below. This means that all chemicals we are using are going into the
ground where they can have a profound effect on several ecosystems
Ice cream parlor is where people go to buy ice cream. Ice cream is basically a soft,
sweet frozen food made with milk and cream typically flavored with vanilla, fruits
or other ingredients.
1.Everyone loves ice cream
Everybody loves ice cream. Even those who say they don’t won’t be able to resist
a yummy scoop of ice cream with all trimmings on a hot summer day. Most
people know that ice cream is fattening but ice cream has some health benefits
2.Prevents Mood Swings
Ice cream contains a compound that stimulates the production of
thrombospondin which is a hormone that uplifts the mood and prevents mood
swings. This hormone also reduces stress levels. It also relaxes the nervous
system, prevents insomnia and stimulates the brain.
3.Excellent Source of Energy
Ice cream is the best source of energy which contains carbohydrates, fats and
proteins to produce energy.
4.Rich in Vitamins
Ice cream contains high source of vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D and E. Ice cream also
has vitamins K which cures blood clotting.
1.Making of Ice Cream
Ice cream isn’t always as simple as following a recipe, which means a fun
experiment can quickly become a frustrating endeavor. Your final result may not
look good. That’s why we will have to buy ice creams form a local supermarket
where the ice creams are pre-made.
2.Hot Climate
Ice cream can easily melt in hot weather conditions. If it is melted outside the
freezer, refreezing it and eating it would be unsafe. When ice cream melts
bacteria such as Listeria can grow.
3.High in Sugar
Diabetics can’t eat ice cream because it contains copious amount of sugar in every
Selling Boulette (fish Dumplings)
Boulette are basically fish dumplings that you can find in Mauritius which are
served in various ways and in different combinations. I chose this idea as from the
previous students who did this project made a lot of money and the recipe,
preparations were quite simple and easy and it's not like every day you eat
Good thing is that Boulette are not available everywhere only in few Restaurants
or you can easily make it at home.
2. Easy to make as ingredients are simple.
3.ingredients are cheap and it is available in most supermarkets.
1.Time consuming
It is quite time consuming to prepare and make the food and also to
prepare the add-ons.
2. Some students might be vegetarians.
PESTLE Analysis
The fish dumplings benefit widely as it operates in a stable and sound democratic
environment. Nonetheless; the Mauritian Government has laid down many laws
so as to protect the end users of product, this is why Food Act was enacted in
1999 and amended several times to be in line with new customer expectations.
A 15% value added Tax is also levied on all products offered for sale. Imports of all
foodstuffs require an FDP issued by the ministry of health & Quality of life.
❖ ECONOMIC Factors
Manufacturing of the fish dumplings have transformed over the years with new
technology in automatic machinery, the industry is still Laboure intensive. The
economic state of our island has deteriorated with unemployment rates hat have
increased to a percentage of 7%. This has in turn led to a decrease in consumer
buying power and many tend to view the purchase of fish dumplings as a luxury.
Increased prices coupled with high cost of living usually force consumers to
concentrate on the basic needs, which is not the case for fish dumplings.
❖ SOCIAL Factor
Fish dumplings has also been affected by social change; there has been a big
change in Mauritian's lifestyle who now enjoy to go out, buy and enjoy fish
dumplings at restaurants, mostly teenagers and adults. This change has also
occurred due to restaurants opening in big mall like “Ocean Basket” at Bagatelle.
Mauritians are also concerned about their health. This is why Mauritians are
reluctant to consume fish dumplings which contain fat .
❖ Technological Factors
Internet is an easy tool to get any information about any products, and many
people like to have complete information on a product and a company’s goodwill
before making any purchase. Buyers check the ingredients and other elements
also. Popular fish dumplings brand is more seen on television and Billboards like
“Maremer”. Nonetheless, automation has improved the manufactured of fish
dumplings products: the preparation and filling of fish dumplings are ready made
available in packages are now mechanized.
❖ LEGAL Factor
There are many influential legislations and regulatory factors in a firm’s
environment that can alter the firm’s operations. Fish dumplings companies need
to design its strategies according to each country and region’s Health and Safety
laws as well as keep a close watch on changing Tax and economic policies.
Every large organization takes social initiatives for environmental sustainability.
These companies are committed to practice environmentally sound businesses
throughout the world, thus playing a vital role in preserving natural resources.
Fish dumplings ‘s manufacturing needs to be environmentally sound and it needs
to ensure that its impact is minimal.
SWOT Analysis
Unique and varied flavors
Good location: next the Cantine
Everybody likes fish dumplings
Sell at a low price than other shops
No other competitors
Limited risk
High profitability
• Competitors can offer similar
products quickly
• Limited start-up cost
• High transportation costs
• Limited flexibility in pricing
• Lack of experience of owning and
managing a business
• Climate may affect the sale
• Lack of brand recognition when
compared to other
• Affiliate relation with related
• Development of the products
• Develop better communication
with customers
• Achieve our objective
• Push for fish dumplings which are
better for the health
• Changes in regulations can
impact the business
• Products are already sold by
major competitors
• Increases in price inputs can
cause upward pricing
• Trend of towards eating healthier
that focus on eating less fat
NAME: ________________________
AGE: __________________________
GENDER: _______________________
OCCUPATION: ___________________
Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to answer this simple
questionnaire by circling your answer.
1.How often do you visit restaurants to eat dumplings.
A. Everyday
B. Weekends
C. Once a month
D. Rarely
2. which of the following fish dumplings brand do you like the most?
A. Dodo
B. Maremer
C. Figo
3. Are you satisfied with the services provided by the other brand chain?
4. At what time of the day do you prefer to eat fish dumplings?
A. Morning
C. Evening
D. Night
5.What variety of dumplings would you like to have in the school?
A. Fish
B. fish & chicken C. Cheese fillings
6. If I sell fish dumplings inside the school would you be interested in buying
B. No
C. depend on the price
7. Where would it be easier for you to buy the fish dumplings?
A. Next to the canteen
B. In the school yard
C. In a class
8. How do you rate the price decided for the products? (Rs 25)
A. Cheap
B. Affordable
9. What would you suggest on top of the fish dumplings?
A. Fish sauce
B. Queue d’oignon
C. Sui Mai
D. All of them
10. Reasons for not making a purchase?
A. High price
B. Topping not available
C. Other ( Allergies/ dislike it)
11. Please give any suggestion, if any?
Thank You
DATE: ____________
SIGN: _______