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Boston City Plan: Autonomous Buses

Boston City Plan
Cameron May
Kenneth Kutnock
Lkhanaajav Mijiddorj
Abby Hamrick
Savio Sebastian
Boston city
33.7 percent of the people uses transportation
Drivers in Boston lose 164 hours in a week due to slow moving traffics
Several colleges and businesses in the area
Professional Sports teams
Good night life
For AUTONOMOUS buses in Boston
Large populations of students from Harvard and MIT
Self-driving busses improve air quality and reduce the total number of cars on the streets
Makes the city look attractive to investors and entrepreneurs
Allows cities to be more inclusive for people of all conditions.
If we can make changes on the infrastructure of Boston, computer vision will have a less time to
make decisions.
Self-driving technology is still evolving, and it relies on data gathered on the road to detect objects
more quickly and precisely.
Hundreds would lose their jobs
Bus drivers have more function than just driving the bus from point A to point B.
○ They assist passengers:
■ Help passengers with disabilities
■ Handle emergencies