Uploaded by Ronald Dominguez

Data Analysis Self-Assessment: Statistics & Interpretation

Data Analysis and Interpretation
Name: Dominguez, Ronald S.
Score: ____________
Date: January 6, 2022
Multiple Choices. Choose the best answer among the choices.
1. It is the ratio of standard deviation and mean expresses in percent.
A. Coefficient of variation B. Skewness C. Coefficient of Kurtosis
D. Relative Position
2. Analytically, it happens when the distribution of data is symmetric about the mean.
A. If the coefficient of skewness is – 1.
C. If the coefficient of skewness is +1.
B. If the coefficient of skewness is 0.
D. none of the choices
3. How can you describe the kurtosis of curve if its value is less than 3?
A. The distribution is mesokurtic.
C. The distribution is platykurtic.
B. The distribution is leptokurtic.
D. none of the choices
4. It is one of the measures of relative position where data is divided into four (4) equal parts.
A. Quantiles
C. Quartiles
B. Percentiles
D. Deciles
5. There are the values that divides the set of data into 10 equal parts.
A. Quantiles
C. Quartiles
B. Percentiles
D. Deciles
6. It is an arrangement of objects in definite order.
A. Permutation
B. Combination
C. Counting Principle
D. none of the choices
7. It is a set or collection of objects in no order.
A. Permutation
B. Combination
C. Counting Principle
D. none of the choices
8. It is the possible outcomes of a given statistical experiment.
A. event
B. sample space
C. population
D. none of the choices
9. This is where populations are characterized in terms of mathematical models.
A. normal distribution
C. probability distribution
B. discrete probability distribution
D. none of the choices
10. It happens when data are distributed evenly with a small percentage of the points on both
tails and the bigger percentage on the inner part of the curve.
A. negative skewed curve
C. bell curve
B. positive skewed curve
D. none of the choices
11. It models the relationship between the two variables by fitting a linear equation to observe
data. One variable is independent and the other is dependent.
A. Linear Regression
C. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
B. Linear Correlation Coefficient
D. Spearman’s Rho Coefficient
12. It is a measure of the strength of linear relationship existing between two variables, X and Y,
which is independent of their respective scales of measurement.
A. Linear Regression
C. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
B. Linear Correlation Coefficient
D. Spearman’s Rho Coefficient
13. It is a correlation coefficient measuring the statistical relationship, or association, between
two continuous variables.
A. Linear Regression
C. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
B. Linear Correlation Coefficient
D. Spearman’s Rho Coefficient
14. It is a correlation coefficient that is a nonparametric measure of strength and direction of
association that exists between two variables on at least an ordinal scale.
A. Cramer’s V Coefficient
C. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
B. Contingency Coefficient
D. Spearman’s Rho Coefficient
15. It is an association telling if two data sets are in independent or dependent for each other.
A. Cramer’s V Coefficient
C. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
B. Contingency Coefficient
D. Spearman’s Rho Coefficient