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English Verb Tenses: Present Simple, Progressive, Perfect, Past

Al Farahidi University.
College of Education .
English language
Present simple Present
progressive (ing) Present perfect
By\Hashim . S . Ameer
Group\ -4-
Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
The first verb tenses an English student learns are the present simple and
the present continuous, partly because they are the most simple but also
because they are the most commonly used. Here is a guide on how to create
and use both tenses.
The Present Simple
We use the present simple tense for the following situations:
1. to describe permanent or long-term facts. For example: Lions live in
2. to describe habits and routines. For example: I usually get up at 7am.
3. to express general preferences and opinions. For example: She loves
4. to refer to the schedule of transport or events. For example, Our flight
leaves at 12:30.
The Structure
To make sentences with the present simple there are only two forms for almost
all verbs. For example, for the verb ‘to play’ in the present simple affirmative form
is as follows:
As you can see, we simply use the base form of the verb ‘play’ for all the subjects,
except the third person singular, where we add -s. For example:
They work here.
She likes tennis.
You have a beautiful car.
We want a sandwich.
I live in the city center.
The conference starts tomorrow.
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
To create negative sentences we add ‘don’t’ for I/you/we/they and ‘doesn’t’ for
For example:
We don’t have time.
They don’t come from this city.
He doesn’t often play football.
You don’t speak Chinese.
I don’t like tea.
You and your brother don’t eat fish.
And to make questions we add ‘do’ for I/you/we/they and ‘does’ for he/she/it:
For example:
Do we need to make a reservation?
Do you think it’s a good idea?
Does it rain much here?
Do I have time for a coffee?
Do they want something to eat?
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
The exception to this structure is the verb ‘to be’ which is irregular and forms
negatives and questions in a different way. To make negatives in the verb ‘to be’
we add ‘not’, and to make questions we invert the subject and verb:
Here are some examples:
Are you tired?
We’re not hungry.
Is he ready?
They’re from Rome.
You’re not a student, are you?
It’s really hot here today.
The Third Person Singular
Having such a simple structure for most subjects can make you think it’s very
easy to use the present simple, and it is in many ways. But it’s really important to
remember the one subject that is different because forgetting to use the -s for
verbs in the third person singular is very noticeable. So it’s a really good idea to
focus on learning and practicing it to be a good English speaker.
There are three ways to add -s to verbs in the present simple, according to the
spelling of the verb:
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
For example:
He studies very hard.
My Dad fixes things in our home.
She does ballet.
Your house looks beautiful.
The weather always gets worse in November.
He doesn’t want to go out.
She doesn’t need any more clothes.
The Present Continuous
The present continuous (also known as the Present Progressive) is used in
these situations:
1. to describe an action in progress
2. to describe a short-term or temporary situation
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
The Structure
To create the present continuous we use the verb ‘to be’ and the gerund (or -ing
form) of the main verb. The affirmative form of the verb ‘to play’ is as follows:
To create the negative form we simply change the verb ‘to be’ into the negative:
To make questions with the present continuous we invert the subject and the the
verb ‘to be’.
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
Here are some examples:
We’re going out. See you later.
Ted’s working in the garden.
What are the children doing?
They’re doing their homework.
How are you feeling?
The machine isn’t working properly.
Why are you wearing a sweater? It’s hot in here.
Giulia is staying with her sister at the moment.
There are some verbs that we never use in the present continuous tense because
they are states and cannot have a progressive form. These verbs are preference
and state verbs, such as: know, have (for possession), like, love, prefer, hate, want,
believe, own, cost. For these and similar verbs, we use the simple tenses.
The Present Continuous for the Future
When we talk about a fixed event in the future we often use the present
continuous. It’s particularly common when you refer to appointments in your
agenda, For example:
I’m going to the dentist on Tuesday at 10am.
We’re meeting my sister for lunch today.
He’s having a haircut this afternoon.
What time are you leaving?
They’re taking the seven o’clock train.
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
You’re looking after the kids tonight.
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
When you are not sure whether to use the present simple or the present
continuous, ask yourself these questions:
Is it a long-term situation? If so, use the present simple
Is it a state verb? (For example, like) If so, use the present simple
Is it an action verb happening in this moment? If so, use the present
Is it an action verb that is a temporary situation? If so, use the present
Is it a fixed plan in the future? If so, use the present continuous
As you can see, we use these two tenses in many daily situations so they’re really
useful to learn as well as you can. Try to practice them a lot until they become
natural, and pay special attention to the third person singular form because it will
really make a difference in your accuracy in conversation.
Present Perfect (Simple / Continuous)
Perfect Simple: Subject + have/has+ verb (p.p) + complement
Perfect Continuous: Subject +have/has+ been+ verb -ing + complement
Present perfect (simple or continuous) has three uses:
1- Unfinshed (An activity that occurred in the past and was not completed
in the past, that is, it continued to the present) past
- We have lived in this house for twenty years.
- I have been playing video games since I was a kid.
The difference between the present perfect simple and the present perfect
continuous is that the perfect continuous is temporal
(limited to a period) while the simple seems permanent
2- Present results ( an activity that happened in the recent past and leaves
results that can be sought in the present)
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
- I have lost some weight.
- I have been doing some exercises.
The difference between Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous is
that the Present Perfect Continuous is used to express
An activity that happened repeatedly for a period of time, while the simple is used to
express a completed activity.
In both cases we see the results in the present.
Headway: Upper- Intermediate Student's Book
An activity that happened at an indefinite time, where the focus is on the event and
not the time past Indefinit-3
- Have you ever taken Karate classes?
- Have you ever been flying in a plane when it's hit an air pocket?
The similarity between Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous is both
used to focus on
A specific event without paying attention to time.. In the first sentence, focus on
taking karate lessons and in
The second sentence focuses on the experience of flying in an airplane and exposes
it to an air pocket.
1 - There is a group of verbs that we find suitable for the present perfect simple and others
for the present perfect continuous
Present Perfect Simple
Start, find, lose, begin, stop, break, die, decide, and cut
Example: We have decided to get married.
Present Perfect Continuous
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Present simple Present progressive (ing) Present perfect Past
Wait, rain, snow, learn, sit, lie, play and stay
Example: It has been raining all day.
2- There is a group of verbs to which we must add ing - and it is called verbs state and
therefore it is
Use the present perfect simple only
Believe, think, understand, agree, like, love, want, have, look, hear, state,
smell, feel, know…etc
Example: I have known him for years
I have been knowing him for years.
I've/ as, have for '(ve) and she's /he's/ it's as, has for '(s) 3- Abbreviations
They've/ we've/ you've
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