DR. PRANAVI LUTHRAA NUMEROLOGIST & FINGER PRINT ANALYST 9599117531, 9818172029 NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Numerology is the study of numbers and their determining influence on one’s life. Numbers are the prime cause that creates reform and reshapes the trend of life. They start producing their impact on our life right from the moment of birth and continue throughout life till death. All the planets are assigned numerical values from 1 to 9, and these numbers in numerology are called Divine Numbers. According to the Date of Birth, every being in this universe is categorized in numbers one to nine and attains traits of the planet under which they are categorized. The profession has many definitions, but I believe that the Profession is all about converting a mental reel enthusiastically and energetically into real life. Because everything that relates to our life’s purpose is in our mind, in our subconscious, but the conscious mind with external training covers it and motivates towards the myths of success. Unfortunately, this happens because people follow the professional path as per the motivation received from family and friends; though they are well-wishers, they are unaware of the life path that we have to lead. People often remain stressed throughout their careers because they have entered into the wrong profession. According to the research, 71% and above people do not enjoy their job, and when they reach middle age, they realize that they are not doing what they ought to do. They know that their originality is lost. This is true because we are born unique, original, and we spent precious years of life with sincere efforts to copy someone else's dreams. The reason for this apparently is that in the absence of self-awareness, we surrender to others and fall into the trap of misery, unhappiness, and stress. This is a major reason for increased pressure nowadays. The surveys cite that 75% of the Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION cause of stress among people comes from their work causing a physical and mental disturbance, irrespective of all material comforts and possessions. Because superficial happiness is gained temporarily through outer circumstances, true happiness is achieved by understanding life's purpose. A numerology is an excellent tool for self-discovery, for knowing our true selves. It can enable us to find the perfect profession that will fully resonate with us. The profession will not be a burden or task but a passion, which will not bind but will liberate. Then the reel which is naturally one has in mind, in the form of negative, and is clouded by external stimulus, will become a real picture of one's life, bestowing the life with an abundance of happiness. Everything in this world is considered to be vibrating energy, and the same rule applies to numbers. It is believed in numerology that each number has its own personality, its own vibrations, and inner nature. The date of birth of every individual reveals a lot about the person. According to the date of birth, everyone attains the traits of the planet under which they are categorized. They develop qualities related to that planet and their life is influenced by that planet. The profession has to be where these qualities and abilities are used naturally. Significator of Profession in Numerology- Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION In numerology, there are many numbers for that signifies the profession one should choose by analysing person’s innates, however, the two are the most important significator for knowing the profession and the other are secondary. The Main Significator of Profession: 1. Life Path Number: It reveals the path you should try to follow in life. This number is about finding one’s place in the world. It represents one’s innate traits and the tendencies of life and work. Life Path number can help in determining the perfect profession and can lead towards the purpose of life. It involves doing what one will love, no matter what difficulties come in a way. It is about who we are, not what someone has dictated us to be, the true self of us. It is calculated by adding the date of birth, the month of birth, and the four-digit of the year of birth. Example Date of birth of a person is 18.03.1982 then the Life Path Number of that person will be 1+8+3+1+9+8+2=32=5 2. Personality number: It is the second important factor in deciding a profession. The birth number of an individual decides about the personal efforts one will make to achieve the life path. It is calculated by bringing the birth date to a single digit. Exp.- In the above date of birth the person is born on 18 then the Personality number will be 1+8= 9 Understanding the characteristics of both the numbers paves the way to know one’s strengths and drawbacks, one realizes the purpose of the profession and the environment in which one can work. Numerology extends full support in finding Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION ways to adjust with the environment and grooming one’s personality or attributes to smoothening the road they have to tread during life. In this way, one can create a success story for themselves. Based on every planet's trait, a person's personal efforts and with those efforts success in a career can be enumerated for all the numbers. In numerology every planet is denoted with a number, and every number depicts the attributes of the belonging planet. Number 1- Ruled by the planet Sun, and is called the supremo; Number 2- Ruled by the planet Moon, and is the mediator; Number 3- Ruled by the planet Jupiter, and is called the teacher; Number 4- Ruled by the planet Rahu, and known the rule breaker; Number 5- Ruled by the planet Mercury, and is the friend of all; Number 6- Ruled by the planet Venus, the guru; Number 7- Ruled by the planet Ketu, the wise man; Number 8- Ruled by the planet Saturn, the judge and Number 9- Ruled by the planet Mars, the army leader This phrasal description tells the key to the characteristics and attributes of the people ruled by the planet. The combination of characteristics with one’s Birth number and Life path number gives direction for the suitable profession for the individual. Professions mainly are chosen based on Life path number and then to narrow down based on the personal efforts one will make as per the Personality number and will shape finally the profession. In other words, on a raw structure of Life path number, the designing will be done by the Personality number. But if a persons’ personality number and Life Path number are not compatible then the we have to look for the Secondary significators for selecting the profession. Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION The Secondary Significators of Profession: 3. Planes in the LO-SHU grid: There are eight planes, three vertical, three horizontal, and two diagonal. Each plane has its own characteristics and strength. If one is not sure from the Life path number and Birth number, then these planes help in choosing the Profession. These planes are as follows- S. No. Planes in Lo-Shu grid Characteristics Mental Plane- 1. 4 9 2 The person having a Mental plane in the grid has a v and can use his mind to make impossible things hap surprise by them that how they think & plan, where start. They are futuristic, discipline, organized and P Emotional plane- 2. The one who has Emotional plane as the name sugge emotional and often do with others more than neede 3 5 7 granted which leads them to be disappointed, but the healers. Their heart rule their brain, during crunch th Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION mistake, they are misused, golden heart, trust easily trustworthy Practical Plane- 3. The power of Saturn, Sun and Venus makes a person opposite the Emotional plane they do not give weigh They see everything from a logical point of view wi of the events and situations in which they make deci 8 1 6 God gifted brain, strong memory. They never forget names etc. They are intellectuals and think differentl Thought Plane- 4. Number 4, 3 & 8 makes a person a good planner. Th 4 thoughtfully and are good in managing money. They strong thought process, people surprise how they thi 3 people stop, they start, futuristic, discipline, organize 8 Will Plane- 5. 9 Their will power is so strong and distinguished that something then they will achieve. These people go b Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION compatibility etc. they have the determination of 1, e 5 balance, communication, relation and business acum mostly successful. They are symbol of success. They 1 bounce back from every situation. They are happy p sorrow or happiness on face. Action Plane- 6. 2 These people are quick in taking action, and are alw toes. They are successful players. Sometimes becaus 7 before thinking they got stuck in a problem. These p exited. 6 7. Golden Success Plane- Very less people have this pl but if someone have in childhood, they become stren 4 at age they rise very high in the life. These are the ch fortune for everyone around. 5 6 8. With the imagination, intuition of moon, power of S of Mercury, and the strength of earth element, these Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION 2 exceptionally successful in the real state, Cereal, agr They ought to be successful in the life. 5 8 There are many combinations of personality and Life path numbers and planes. Supposing a person’s Personality numbers are not compatible and none of the plane is forming in the grid then the profession related to common friendly numbers of the personality and life path number can be selected, and the friendly numbers repeated twice are strong number. So, the fourth factor is- 4. Repeated common friendly number: Repeated numbers create greater influence in person’s behaviour, the planet of the repeated number keeps upper edge of influence, if they are friendly with the personality and life path number. So, for selecting a profession, Step 1- Look at the Life Path Number and Personality Number. The Life Path number will decide the career and the Birth number will give direction towards what environment is needed and what will be the approach toward and which skills will be used for achieving the desired results. If the Life Path number and Birth number are compatible then the success in the desired field is certain but if both the numbers are not compatible then there will be struggles in the path of success Step 2-Then look for the planes in what way they Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION are strengthening our professional goal. Planes are also clear indications towards what direction we have to focus our energies. Step 3- If by chance no plane is formed then the repeated friendly numbers will be checked and the profession according to those number can be chosen. By chance, if none the above works, then the external vibration through name number, Kua number, business name number, and business logo, signature, etc. can be created to pave the Successful & peaceful way to life. With the help of numerology, solutions for life problems can be worked out to uplift our lives instead of letting it row on the mercy of destiny. Selection of Profession and Sector based on the overall numbers in the Numero-Chart. Combinations of Life path numbers, Birth numbers, and Professions. Life path numbers and Birth numbers 1-9, combinations for studying the impact on the selection of sector or department: With the same Life path number when the different birth number combines, the approach to the profession changes. The needed environment differs, and the skills one will use will also be specific to the branch of profession. This happens because every birth number has different characteristics and attributes. That is the reason there are so many career options. Listed below are the broader branch of career, it is my research and findings which I have listed below to prove my point. Suppose someone’s Life path number is 1 then the professions can be Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Entrepreneur, Law enforcement related, Top Executive, Politician, IAS/ IPS, Leader of any field, Reason-because they are disciplined, balanced, focused and are the source of motivation for all. Suppose the Life path number is 1 and Birth number is also1 If the Birth number is 1 then their relationship can be friendly, enemy, and also neutral. In this case there is the possibility of both inner conflict or inner agreement. In such cases planes and other numbers will also be considered to get the best possible results. Numerology has the power to make the present better so that automatically the future is improved and the past is healed. Example- DOB- 19. 8. 1972, Birth number -1, Life Path number- 1+9+8+1+9+7+2=37=10=1 4 Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist 9 2 NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION 5 8 11 This person has P-1, D-1, Mental plane and silver success plane. He is born to be successful. He should do business related to earth elements. He can be the business tycoon of the Real Estate industry. Birth number is 1 so the person will be aggressive in achieving goals and will need autonomy to work. Below are three tables, Table 1- has professions as per the Life path numbers along with the reasons why these professions. Table 2- has Birth numbers and because of that Birth number how the person will approach towards career, what will be the congenial environment for optimum performance and what skills a person will use. Table 3- Profession of Top Executive for Life Path number & different sectors for different Birth Numbers Table-1 Life Path Numbers and ProfessionsLife Path Professions Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist Reason NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Number 1 Entrepreneur, Law enforcement-related, Top Plan ahead, born leader, source of m Executive, organize own goals, inventive spiri Politician, IAS/ IPS, Head of the organization, 2 Diplomat, Lawyer, Politician, Teacher, Unbiased, can see both sides, fair, e Counselor, Doctor, Nurse, listening others stories, peace make Physiotherapist, Match-maker, Arbitrator, Chef 3 Academician, Advertisement & journalism, Natural artist, creative, high energy Psychology, Biology, Artist- Musician, skills, unconventional, good with w Comedian, painter, Theatre, Doctor, 4 Engineer, Industrialist, Financial planner, Organizational skills, detail oriente Efficiency expert, Project manager, disciplined, strong work ethics Accountant, Fix schedules 5 Advertising, written-verbal communication, Persuasive skills, knack of commun public relation, Marketing, High risk ventures, for travel, get bored easily, live life 6 stuntman, Can’t do fix time job facts and logics Fashion industry, Media, Designing, Harmony and unity, compassion, d Counsellor, Pediatrician, Divorce attorney, teaching, healing, love for beauty Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Nurse, Rehab professional, Business owner 7 For Dreamer- Astrology, psychology, Problem solver, dreamer, excellent Numerology discovering deeper reasons, healing For asker- research, detective, Rehab good listener, higher education professional For Helper- Psychologist, social worker, NGO 8* Finance, accounts, banking, investor, Extremely ambitious, power, autho medicine, surgery, stock trading, law, public appearance, hard work, expe psychiatry, life coach field. 8* Number 8 is enemy of Numbe combination will be struggling co and the success in the field will b difficulty. The person will be mak will put 100% but will not get the accordingly. 9 Sports, painter, musician, writer, psychic, HR, Healing nature, artistic and creative Trainer, Social work, Immigration attorney, make positive difference in society Civil rights activists, Legal researcher, Army, sacrificing, great teacher and leade surgeon, fire fighting Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Table-2 Life Path number 1 and the difference in approach, environment and skills due to different Birth numbers from 1-9. Life Path Number 1 & Birth numbers Birth number Approach Environment Birth number 1 - Aggressive, Autonomy, high status, Leadership innovative freedom for new trials Mild, Teamwork, creative, Social and incorporating no fix routines, work negotiation others’ ideas under innovative boss skills Expressing own Respectful, travelling Social and beliefs and interacting with unconventiona diverse culture people l Working on own Repetitive and Organizationa terms, arrogant predictable schedule, l skills Birth number 2 - Birth number 3- Birth number 4 - Skill clearly defined roles, detailed instructions to work, no overlapping of work Birth number 5 - Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist Jovial, casual, Explore the world, Communicati friendly interact with people, on, NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION opportunity to research negotiation Birth number 6 - Knowledgeable Beautiful and creative, Social and devotion working in team, behaviour, compassion, service Birth number 7 - Mild, listening Literary, research others patiently Birth number 8 - Problem solving Aggressive, Established, corporate Risk taking, power, authority life, growth hard work opportunities Birth number 9- Energetic and Harmonious, spiritual, Helping, helping justice training Combinations of Life Path numbers and Birth numbers will be 81, for detail understanding the concept of profession, the impact and relation of both the numbers, only one profession of Life path number 1 is elaborated below with reference to table number 1 & 2. Again referring that it is my observation and study. It's not mentioned in any of the books. Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Table 3- Profession of Top Executive for Life Path number & different sectors for different Birth Numbers Life Path number 1 and Birth number 1 Profession Top Executive of Innovation departm Life Path number 1and Birth number 2 Profession Top Executive of HR department Life Path number 1 and Birth number 3 Profession Top Executive of department Life Path number 1 and Birth number 4 Profession Top Executive of Quality and system Life Path number 1 and Birth number 5 Profession Top Executive of sales department Life Path number 1 and Birth number 6 Profession Top Executive of design development Life Path number 1 and Birth number 7 Profession Top Executive of research & developm department Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist NUMEROLOGY AND PROFESSION Life Path number 1 and Birth number 8* ( can or can not be depending upon the Profession Top Executive of business developme expansion department other numbers in the grid) Life Path number 1 and Birth number 9 Profession Top Executive of CSR or Security dep So, we have seen that with numerology if utilized thoughtfully and accurately it can simplify the biggest Problem, the most important task, of our life simple of selecting the profession. . Dr. Pranavi Luthra Numerologist