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High-Rise Structures Course Assignment

Vivekanand Institute of
274/2, 275/2, 282, Aditya Nisarg At Pirangut, Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune 412115 | tel: 020-20291299, 20291308, 60129033, 65349033 | email: pvpcoapune@gmail.com,vitcoapune@gmail.com | web: www.pvpcoapune.com | blog: www.pvpcoapuneblog.blogspot.com
Academic Year: 2021 – 2022
Semester: VIII (2015 pattern)
Class: Fourth Year B. Arch.
Subject: ABTS II
Topic: Introduction to High Rise Structures: Reference Study, Data Collection & Standards
Team: Ar. Vijaya Srinivasan, Ar. Devendra Deshpande, Ar. Gunjan Maheshwari, Ar. Deepti Shaahi, Ar. Meenakshi Sarawgi
Day & Date: Tue, 18th Jan 2022
Brief No.: 06.02
Prepared by: DD, GM, MSa
Exercise 01: Reference study
Each group to select an existing highrise building (preferably office building/ workspace) to understand the different systems adopted
in the design, execution and maintenance of the structure. The critical analysis of the questions - WHAT, WHY and HOW for Design,
Technology and Humanities parameters is expected from this exercise.
Illustrate your understanding of the high-rise reference you have selected with appropriate, neat & labelled diagrams and supporting
textual summary for different area of concerns mentioned below:
Area of Concern
Description / Keywords for Analysis
High-rise and
- how it is responding to surrounding urban context (site plan with immediate surroundings)
- how its internal spaces are worked out as per design program (floor plate analysis)
High-rise and
Structural Systems and
- platform planes, support systems, change of structural grid (live load, dead load)
- dynamic forces acting on the High-rise like, wind load, seismic load, temperature load etc.
- architectural expression / built character
High-rise and
Construction Systems
- types of construction technologies, methodologies, techniques used
- construction practices adopted for the saving time
High-rise and
Disaster Management Systems
- disasters – Fire (Fire rating), Earthquake, Storms.
- Escape routes,
- Mitigation systems if any
High-rise and
Building Services Systems
- Services core analysis
- MEP, Automation Sensors, Fire Fighting.Specialised services required
High-rise and
Material Application
- finishing materials, partition materials
- Non structural elements and components of the high rise structure
High-rise and
Movement Systems
High-rise and
Maintenance Systems
- cleaning systems, periodic system checks
- facility management services
High-rise and
Climatology & Evolution
Building Envelop
- daylight penetration at lower levels and natural ventilation at upper levels
- exposure to atmosphere and skin / envelop of the building
- comfort conditions for occupants
High-rise and
Resources Generation
- site as a resource, waste as a resource,
- energy generation potentials, water cycle.
High-rise and
User Experience
- vibrations, sea-sickness, acrophobia.
- sick building syndrome.
horizontal and Vertical movement, physical and visual connection requirements
speed and clubbing of the elevators
requirement of multi functionality of the building and interconnectedness of activities
universal accessibility
Format of Submission
Compose 2 half imperial sheets explaining all
11 points mentioned above
Only hand drawn proportionate sketches must
be used
Images should have proper references
Analysis of the structural system should be
done in the form of proportionate sketches.
Each Group must have at least 1 Workspace
Use a 4 x 4 grid as a reference for composition
of the data on the sheets.
Reference studies to be done using hand drawn proportionate sketches on Imperial
size sheet.
Nameplate for each exercise is must, Group number, Students Name, Stage of
Submission, Day & Date of Submission.
Submission Day, Date & Time – Tuesday, 18th January 2022 @ 10:00 pm on
Google Classroom
File Name – Group No._Reference Study | File Size – not more than 2 MB
Borrowed data must have appropriate reference. Credit for pictures burrowed must be
All drawings must have appropriate technical information like dimension, specification
and annotations.
Exercise 02: Data Collection and Standards
Standards should be collected considering following points in High-RiseArchitectural Planning Considerations, Smoke Management & Fire and Life Safety Measures, Seismic Control Systems,
Safety Challenges, Vertical Transportation system, MEP & HVAC Systems
References1. Proceedings of Seminar on High-Rise buildings_Published by CPWD in December 2019
2. Guidelines to Developing Emergency Action Plans for All-Hazard Emergencies in High-Rise Office Buildings (January 2014)
3. HIgh-Rise Buildings
4. Criteria for Structural Safety of Tall Concrete Buildings
All groups must collect data & standards for in built resource / energy generating systems and provide unit calculations
Format of Submission●
● 2 half imperial sheet. All data must have appropriate reference
Submission Day, Date & Time – Tuesday, 18th January 2022 @ 10:00 pm on Google Classroom
● File Name – Group No._Data collection and Standards | File Size – not more than 2 MB