Uploaded by Gregory Clarke

Grade 8 Algebra Lesson Plan: Equations & Expressions

Week 1
Lesson 1
Teacher: Gregory Clarke
School: Bethlehem Moravian College
Subject/Grade level: Mathematics/Grade 8c
Date: June 24, 2018
Duration:1 hour 20 minutes
Topic: Algebra
Prior Learning: Formulate rules from their knowledge of arithmetic properties and Define and
identify variables, terms, constant, coefficient, expression, equation and operations.
Attainment target (s):
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and formulae to interpret,
model and solve problems involving unknown quantities.
Benchmark: Identify the difference between expressions from equation.
Specific objectives:
Students should be able to:
1. Accurately define equation and expression.
2. Identify at least one real life question from the topic.
3. Apply the principles being each in problem solving.
4. Be cooperative by working together in groups.
5. Students will show willingness to participate in class related activities by completing assigned
Key Skills:
Engage in activities, Work in groups, Discuss key terms. Change subject of formulae, Problem-solve, Judge
responses, Identify variable, Write inequalities, Represent inequalities on number lines, Solve linear
inequalities, Represent solutions on number lines, Correctly complete teacher- generated table, Model
inequalities, Share and compare
Key Vocabulary:
Algebra, Inequalities, Linear, Formulae, Solution, Equation, Simplification
Video, projector, speaker, meter rule, Computer, Calculator, Mimio, Marker, Pen, Paper, Pencil, Duster.
Content: *********
Measurement is the procedure or method of identifying the relationship of two numbers. It is the method of
finding the ratio of substances that can be expresses in terms of numbers such as: area, length, volume, mass
and time.
EasyCalculation.com.(n.d.).What id measurement- definition and
Learning Outcome:
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Recognize the instruments used to measure specific quantities.
Assessment Criteria:
Correctly place correct units with their quantities.
Differentiation Strategies to Meet Diverse Learner Needs:
Brainstorming, Active Learning, Mathematical Modelling.
Students will watch the video Introduction to Measurement and afterwards answer the
following focus question:
1. What is measurement?
2. How do you compare each of the respective quantities?
3. What are some of the instruments that are used to measure the quantities?
Students will be placed into five groups. Each group will be given one of the following
instruments: a meter rule, a measuring cylinder, a watch, a beam balance and a thermometer.
With those instruments, they will complete the following.
1. State the importance of the instrument.
2. Identify the quantity which the instrument measures.
3. State at least two units which are used with the quantity.
Students of each group will be given a number ranging from 1-7, dependent on the amount of persons in the
Student who received the number two from each group will share their findings with the class.
Students will identify three ways in which they use measurement in real life.
Students will complete the following:
1. What is measurement?
2. Every morning Keri drinks a cup of tea, sometimes the tea is too hot, sometimes it is
too cold and other times it’s just right. What instrument could Keri use to get the
temperature of her tea? What unit could that measurement possibly be given in?
3. Each grade seven student got an assignment to measure the length of the white board in
their classes. What instrument could best be used to do this? What is the best possible
unit that could be used to measure this?
4. What instrument could Elaine use to measure the mass of a bag of rice. What unit do
you think the rice would be measured in?
Extended learning:
Students will Investigate the history of measuring and measuring instruments.
Link to other subjects: