UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product V100R019C02 Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Issue 01 Date 2011-07-30 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI About This Document About This Document Intended Audience This document describes the configuration of important services supported by the UA5000. The description covers the following topics: l Purpose l Networking l Data plan l Prerequisite(s) l Note l Configuration flowchart l Operation procedure l Result This document helps users to know the configuration of important services on the UA5000. This document is intended for: l Installation and commissioning engineers l System maintenance engineers l Data configuration engineers Symbol Conventions The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows. Symbol Description DANGER WARNING CAUTION Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and performance degradation, or unexpected results. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Symbol About This Document Description TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save your time. NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text. Command Conventions Convention Description Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface. Italic Command arguments are in italics. [] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional. { x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected. [ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected. { x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected. GUI Conventions Convention Description Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK. > Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the “>” signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder. Update History Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains all updates made in previous issues. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Compared with issue 02 (2011-03-25) of V100R019C01, issue 01 has the following changes: Modified: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI About This Document l 7.8 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters l 9.1 Introduction to a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iv UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents Contents About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii 1 Managing the License...................................................................................................................1 1.1 Introduction to the License.................................................................................................................................2 1.2 License Principle................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Configuration Example of the License Application...........................................................................................3 1.4 Configuring the ESN..........................................................................................................................................6 1.5 Configuring the License Server..........................................................................................................................7 2 Device Management.....................................................................................................................9 2.1 Introduction to the Device................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Adding the Connection Between the Shelves...................................................................................................11 2.3 Setting the Description of a Shelf.....................................................................................................................13 2.4 Resetting a Control Board................................................................................................................................13 2.5 Adding a Service Board....................................................................................................................................14 2.6 Deleting a Service Board..................................................................................................................................16 2.7 Resetting a Service Board.................................................................................................................................17 2.8 Prohibiting a Service Board..............................................................................................................................17 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels..................................................................................19 3.1 Introduction to the System DSP Channels.......................................................................................................20 3.2 Configuring the Attributes of the DSP Channel...............................................................................................20 3.3 Configuring the Number of the Globally Shared DSP Channels.....................................................................22 3.4 Configuring the Number of DSP Channels in the DSP Resources Reserved for the VAG.............................24 3.5 Prohibiting the DSP Channel............................................................................................................................25 4 Configuring the Clock................................................................................................................28 4.1 Introduction to the Clock..................................................................................................................................29 4.2 Configuration Example of a Clock Source.......................................................................................................30 4.3 Configuring the Reference Clock Source.........................................................................................................32 4.4 Setting the Clock Source Priority.....................................................................................................................33 5 Configuring the MG Interface..................................................................................................35 5.1 Introduction to the MG Interface......................................................................................................................37 5.2 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the H.248 Protocol)..................................................................37 5.3 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol)................................................................40 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents 5.4 Adding an MG Interface...................................................................................................................................42 5.5 Configuring the IP Address Pool......................................................................................................................47 5.6 Configuring MG Interface Attributes (the H.248 Protocol).............................................................................48 5.7 Configuring the Attributes of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol)............................................................50 5.8 Configuring the Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol................................53 5.9 Configuring Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the MGCP Protocol....................................61 5.10 Configuring the Ringing Mode of an MG Interface.......................................................................................66 5.11 Configuring a Digitmap for an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol..................................................68 5.12 Configuring Digitmaps of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol)...............................................................70 5.13 Configuring the Overload Control of the MGC.............................................................................................71 5.14 Configuring the Overload Control of the MG................................................................................................73 5.15 Enabling an MG Interface..............................................................................................................................74 6 Configuring the SIP Interface...................................................................................................76 6.1 Introduction to SIP Interface............................................................................................................................78 6.2 Configuration Example of a SIP Interface........................................................................................................78 6.3 Configuring the IP Address Pool (SIP)............................................................................................................82 6.4 Adding a SIP Interface.....................................................................................................................................83 6.5 Configuring the Attributes of a SIP Interface...................................................................................................84 6.6 Configuring Software Parameters of a SIP Interface.......................................................................................87 6.7 Configuring Software Character Parameters of a SIP Interface.......................................................................92 6.8 Configuring a Local Digitmap for SIP.............................................................................................................96 6.9 Configuring the Ringing Mode of the SIP Interface........................................................................................98 6.10 Resetting the SIP Interface...........................................................................................................................100 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service.....................................................................................102 7.1 Introduction to the VoIP Service....................................................................................................................104 7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream).................................................104 7.3 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (in Integrated Upstream Mode)......................................110 7.4 Configuration Example of a SIP PSTN Service in Independent Upstream Mode.........................................118 7.5 Configuration Example of the SIP PSTN Service (Integrated Upstream).....................................................123 7.6 Configuring the Emergency Standalone Function Based on the H.248 Protocol...........................................129 7.7 Configuring the Standalone Function Based on the SIP Protocol..................................................................131 7.8 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters...................................................................................................133 7.9 Configuring the MG PSTN Subscriber Data..................................................................................................135 7.10 Configuring the SIP PSTN User Data..........................................................................................................139 7.11 Configuring PSTN Port Attributes...............................................................................................................142 7.12 Configuring the QoS IP Precedence.............................................................................................................143 7.13 Configuring the QoS VLAN Priority...........................................................................................................147 7.14 Separating the Signaling IP Address from the Media IP Address................................................................148 7.15 Enabling the Voice Quality Enhanced Function..........................................................................................149 8 Configuring the VAG Service.................................................................................................152 8.1 Introduction to the VAG Service....................................................................................................................153 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vi UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents 8.2 Configuration Example of the VAG Service..................................................................................................153 8.3 Configuring the TID Profile of the VAG.......................................................................................................158 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol..................................162 9.1 Introduction to a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol..............................................................163 9.2 Configuration Example of a P2P ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol....................................164 9.3 Configuration Example of a P2MP ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol.................................169 9.4 Configuration Example of the ISDN PRA Service (When the EDTB Service Board Is Used).....................174 9.5 Configuring the SIGTRAN Protocol Stack....................................................................................................178 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol.......................................182 10.1 (Only in Integrated Upstream Mode) Configuring the VLAN Upstream Interface of the IPM...................183 10.2 Configuring the Working mode of the PVM Control Board........................................................................184 10.3 Configuring a SIP Interface..........................................................................................................................184 10.4 Configuring a SIP ISDN User......................................................................................................................184 10.4.1 Configuring SIP ISDN BRA User Data..............................................................................................185 10.4.2 Configuring SIP ISDN PRA User Data...............................................................................................186 10.4.3 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters........................................................................................187 10.4.4 (Optional) Configuring the Overseas Parameters................................................................................189 10.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Attributes of an ISDN BRA Port.............................................................189 10.4.6 (Optional) Configuring the Attributes of an E1 Port...........................................................................190 10.5 Configuration Example of an ISDN BRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol............................................191 10.6 Configuration Example of an ISDN PRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol............................................194 11 Configuring the FoIP Service................................................................................................197 11.1 Configuring the FoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol).....................................................198 11.2 Configuring an FoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol.............................................................................201 12 Configuring the MoIP Service..............................................................................................206 12.1 Configuring the MoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol)...................................................207 12.2 Configuring an MoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol............................................................................208 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service......................................................................................210 13.1 Introduction to the R2 Access Service.........................................................................................................211 13.2 Configuration Example of the R2 Access Service.......................................................................................212 13.3 Adding an R2 Profile....................................................................................................................................217 13.4 Configuring the Adaptation Data of the R2 Profile .....................................................................................218 13.4.1 Configuring the R2 Address Receiving Attributes..............................................................................218 13.4.2 Configuring the R2 Address Sending Attributes.................................................................................219 13.4.3 Configuring the R2 Profile Attributes.................................................................................................220 13.4.4 Configuring the R2 Line Signaling Attributes....................................................................................220 13.4.5 Configuring the R2 Register Signaling Attributes..............................................................................221 13.5 Loading an R2 Signaling Configuration File...............................................................................................222 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service........................................................................................224 14.1 Introduction to the V5 Voice Service...........................................................................................................225 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents 14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service.........................................................................................226 14.3 Configuring a PSTN Subscriber...................................................................................................................231 14.4 Configuring an ISDN Subscriber.................................................................................................................232 14.5 Blocking a V5 Service Port..........................................................................................................................234 14.6 Configuring the Loopback for a V5 Service Port.........................................................................................234 15 Configuring the DDI Service................................................................................................236 15.1 Introduction to the DDI Service...................................................................................................................237 15.2 Configuration Example of the DDI Service.................................................................................................238 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service...........................................................................242 16.1 Introduction to the TDM G.SHDSL Service................................................................................................243 16.2 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with Data Interface Extended)...........................243 16.3 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the E1 Port Extended)................................248 16.4 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the ISDN PRA Extended)..........................253 17 Configuring the MTA Service...............................................................................................259 17.1 Introduction to the MTA Service..................................................................................................................260 17.2 Configuration Example of the MTA Service...............................................................................................260 18 Configuring the VFB Service................................................................................................264 18.1 Introduction to the VFB Service...................................................................................................................265 18.2 Configuration Example of the VFB Audio Private Line Service.................................................................265 18.3 Configuration Example of the Party Line Service........................................................................................268 19 Configuring the ATI Service.................................................................................................273 19.1 Introduction to the ATI Service....................................................................................................................274 19.2 Configuration Example of the ATI Audio Private Line Service..................................................................274 19.3 Configuration Example of the Hotline Service on the E&M Trunk Interface.............................................277 20 Configuring the CDI Service.................................................................................................281 20.1 Introduction to the CDI Service....................................................................................................................282 20.2 Configuration Example of the Z Interface Extension Service......................................................................282 20.3 Configuration Example of the PBX-Bothway Service.................................................................................285 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service.........................................................................................288 21.1 Configuring the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service..............................................................................................290 21.1.1 Configuring the SRX Board................................................................................................................291 21.1.2 Configuring the SPC............................................................................................................................292 21.2 Configuring the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service...............................................................................................292 21.2.1 Configuring the SRX Board................................................................................................................294 21.2.2 Configuring the SPC............................................................................................................................295 21.3 Configuration Example of the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service........................................................................295 21.4 Configuration Example of the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service.........................................................................297 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board...........................................................................................................300 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. viii UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents 22.1 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode.....................................................................................................................301 22.1.1 Configuring the DDU2 Board.............................................................................................................302 22.1.2 Configuring the SPC............................................................................................................................302 22.2 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode......................................................................................................................303 22.2.1 Configuring the DDU2 Board.............................................................................................................304 22.2.2 Configuring the SPC............................................................................................................................304 22.3 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode...............................................................................................305 22.4 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode................................................................................................306 23 Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission........................ 308 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service.......................................................................312 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission.............................................................. 323 25.1 Introduction to the EPON Upstream Transmission......................................................................................324 25.2 Configuration Example of the EPON Upstream Transmission....................................................................324 25.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the EP1A Board.............................................................................332 25.4 Querying the Statistics of the Ports on the EP1A Board..............................................................................332 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission..............................................................334 26.1 Introduction to the GPON Upstream Transmission.....................................................................................335 26.2 Configuration Example of the GPON Upstream Transmission...................................................................335 26.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the GP1A Board............................................................................343 26.4 Querying the Statistics of the Port on the GP1A Board...............................................................................344 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending..................................................................................346 27.1 Introduction to Remote Cascading...............................................................................................................347 27.2 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded RSU Subrack.....................................................................347 27.3 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded PV8 Subrack......................................................................352 28 Configuring the QoS of the Voice Service......................................................................... 360 28.1 Introduction to the Voice Service QoS.........................................................................................................361 28.2 Configuration Example of the QoS Test Task..............................................................................................361 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service..................................................................363 29.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Security...................................................................................................364 29.2 Configuring the Device Authentication........................................................................................................364 29.2.1 Configuring the Device Authentication (the H.248 Protocol).............................................................364 29.2.2 Configuring the Device Authentication (the MGCP Protocol)...........................................................366 29.2.3 Configuring Device Authentication (SIP Protocol).............................................................................368 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service..............................................................370 30.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Reliability...............................................................................................372 30.2 Configuring the Dual Homing......................................................................................................................373 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ix UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Contents 30.2.1 Configuring the Dual Homing (the H.248 Protocol)...........................................................................374 30.2.2 Configuring the Dual Homing (the MGCP Protocol).........................................................................374 30.2.3 Configuring the Dual Homing (Based On SIP)...................................................................................375 30.3 Configuring the Standalone Service.............................................................................................................376 30.4 Configuring the IUA Joint Switchover.........................................................................................................378 30.5 Configuring an Emergency Channel............................................................................................................379 30.6 Configuring the Separation Between the Signaling Stream and the Media Stream.....................................381 31 Configuring the Link Detection...........................................................................................383 31.1 Introduction to the Link Detection...............................................................................................................384 31.2 Configuration Example of the ARP Link Detection....................................................................................384 31.3 Configuration Example of the BFD Link Detection....................................................................................387 31.4 Configuration Example of the ETH_OAM Layer 2 Link Detection............................................................391 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring.........................................................................396 32.1 Introduction to the Environment Monitoring...............................................................................................398 32.2 Configuration Example of the ESC..............................................................................................................399 32.3 Configuration Example of the Fan Monitoring............................................................................................403 32.4 Configuration Example of the Power Monitoring........................................................................................405 32.5 Configuration Example of the Universal Power Monitoring.......................................................................408 32.6 Adding an EMU............................................................................................................................................410 32.7 Setting the ESC Analog Parameters.............................................................................................................411 32.8 Setting the ESC Digital Parameters..............................................................................................................412 32.9 Configuring the Fan Alarm Reporting..........................................................................................................414 32.10 Setting the Fan Speed Adjustment Mode...................................................................................................415 32.11 Setting the Fan Speed.................................................................................................................................416 32.12 Setting the Power Supply Parameters.........................................................................................................417 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking................................................423 33.1 Networking...................................................................................................................................................424 33.2 Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................................424 33.3 Data Plan (IPM)............................................................................................................................................425 33.4 Data Plan (PVMB)........................................................................................................................................426 33.5 Configuration Procedure (IPM)....................................................................................................................427 33.6 Configuration Procedure (PVMB)................................................................................................................431 33.7 Verification...................................................................................................................................................433 A Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................434 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. x UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License 1 Managing the License About This Chapter The license function can control the function entries and resource entries of the UA5000. To ensure that the required service on theUA5000 can be activated and accessed, you must implement the management of the license functions. 1.1 Introduction to the License The license function can control the function entries and resource entries of the UA5000. The prerequisite for using the license function normally is specifying the functions of and relations between the license server, license file, function entries, and resource entries. 1.2 License Principle The UA5000 adopts the network license scheme to manage and control the license. 1.3 Configuration Example of the License Application Configure the license equipment serial number (ESN) and specify the license server for the UA5000 so that the UA5000 and license server can communicate normally, and theUA5000 supports the controlled features normally. 1.4 Configuring the ESN The ESN uniquely identifies a device on the license server. Only after the UA5000 is configured with an ESN, the license server can identify the device. 1.5 Configuring the License Server Each UA5000 corresponds to a license file. This license file is saved on the license server which manages the license functions. Configure the IP address of the license server of the UA5000 and the TCP port number used for the communication between the UA5000 and the license server. Thus, the UA5000 and the license server can communicate with each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License 1.1 Introduction to the License The license function can control the function entries and resource entries of the UA5000. The prerequisite for using the license function normally is specifying the functions of and relations between the license server, license file, function entries, and resource entries. Service Description With the license function enabled, the license server performs license control on the function entries and the resource entries supported by the UA5000 to provide individualized services for users. Service Specifications The controlled features are the features that are controlled through the license. These features are unavailable without authorization. Such controlled features include function entries and resource entries. l A function entry refers to the entry whose license is controlled based on the function. l A resource entry refers to the entry whose license is controlled based on the number. The controllable function entries and resource entries of the UA5000 include the following: l Calling feature – Number of PSTN subscribers – Number of BRA subscribers – Number of PRA subscribers l SPC service – Number of SPCs l Interface feature – Number of V5 interfaces – Number of H248 interfaces – Number of MGCP interfaces – Number of R2 subscribers l EMM control power – Number of EMM control power supplies l MG property – T38 coding and decoding function – G723 and G729 coding and decoding function – 2198 redundancy function – Dual homing function of the H248 interface – Standalone function of the H248 interface – Dual homing function of the MGCP interface – Dual homing function of L2UA Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License NOTE l If you need to use the license function supported by the UA5000, consider the installation of the license server in network planning. l It is recommended that you install the software of the license server on the same computer with the software of the network management system (NMS) server. If the NMS server does not exist, install one license server in the network. 1.2 License Principle The UA5000 adopts the network license scheme to manage and control the license. License Function Principle l When the license server is deployed in a network, the license server can be installed on the same computer with the NMS server, but the two servers are different. The license server can also be installed on a separate server. Each multi-service access node (MSAN) device functions as a license client. The license server manages the licenses of all the clients in a centralized manner. l In the management range of each license server, each product has one license file. Generally, a management range can be a district or a city. The license file is stored on the license server. The license file defines the product resources controlled by the license. One license server can manage multiple products. Hence, multiple license files can be stored on one license server. License Implementation Principle l In the system initialization process of the UA5000, each service module must register their controlled resource entries and function entries. After the system runs in the normal state, based on the registration information, the management module of a license client obtains the authorization information about the license controlling entries of the device from the license server. l When you configure a service module through the command line or the NMS, the device checks whether the resource entries of the service module are overloaded or the function entries of the service module are authorized. – For license-controlled resource entries, if the resource entries are overloaded, the system terminates the service configuration and prompts that the license resources are insufficient. – For license-controlled function entries, if the function entries are not authorized, the system prompts you that the functions are unauthorized. – If the resource entries are not overloaded or the function entries are authorized, the system allows you to continue the service configuration. – For a license-controlled resources entry, the license resources applied for the service module are released when the service configuration is deleted. 1.3 Configuration Example of the License Application Configure the license equipment serial number (ESN) and specify the license server for the UA5000 so that the UA5000 and license server can communicate normally, and theUA5000 supports the controlled features normally. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License Prerequisite l The network devices and the lines must be normal. l All boards of the UA5000 must be normal. l The license function must be enabled. Networking Figure 1-1 shows the example network for configuring the license application. The license function is enabled on the UA5000. The license server is installed on the same computer as the NMS server (U2000). The license management tool installed on the U2000 client configures and manages the license file. UA5000_A communicates with the license server through port 0/5/0. The TCP port number is 10010. Figure 1-1 Example network for configuring the license application N2000 BMS&License Server N2000 Client Router ...... UA5000_A UA5000_B UA5000_N Data Plan Table 1-1 provides the data plan for configuring the license application. Table 1-1 Data plan for configuring the license application Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Item Data License server IP address: Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Item 1 Managing the License Data TCP port number: 10010 UA5000_A IP address of the layer 3 interface: Router IP address of the port connected to UA5000_A: NOTE l The configuration at the UA5000 side is the same. This section uses the configuration of UA5000_A as an example. l This topic describes only the configuration at the device side. For details on how to configure the license server, see the related configuration manual of the license server. Configuration Flowchart Figure 1-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the license application. Figure 1-2 Flowchart for configuring the license application Start Configure the ESN Specify the license server Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Configure the equipment serial number (ESN). NOTE At the license server side, you need to add the ESN of the device to the license server, and add the function entries and resource entries for the device. huawei(config)#license esn Step 2 Specify the license server. huawei(config)#license server ipaddress tcpport 10010 Step 3 Save the data. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, run the display license info command to check whether the communication between the device and the license server is normal. UA5000_A is initialized, and each service module can register the controlled resource entries or function entries. NOTE The license does not take effect immediately after it is configured. By default, the license takes effect 15-20 minutes after it is configured successfully. After configuring the license, if you run the save command to save the configuration, and then run the reset command to reset the device, the license takes effect immediately after the system resets. 1.4 Configuring the ESN The ESN uniquely identifies a device on the license server. Only after the UA5000 is configured with an ESN, the license server can identify the device. Context l The ESN of the UA5000 must be an existing IP address in the IP address pool. You can run the ip address command to add the IP address to the IP address pool. l After adding the ESN for the UA5000, you need to add the ESN of the device to the license server, and add the function entries and resource entries for the device. Procedure Step 1 Run the license esn command to configure the ESN for the device. Step 2 Run the display license info command to query the basic information about the license. ----End Example To configure the ESN, do as follows: huawei(config)#license esn huawei(config)#display license info License switch: enable ESN: IP address of the first server: IP address of the second server: TCP port number: 1024 Communication status: abnormal License status: unregistered Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License NOTE l When the upper layer device is disconnected, the communication status of the license client is abnormal. The license status of the license client is unregistered. In this case, the controlled resources cannot be configured and the controlled function cannot be enabled. l When the related configuration is complete in the network, the communication status of the license client is normal. The license status of the license client is registered. In this case, new controlled resources can be configured and controlled functions can be enabled within the management range of the license. Related Operation Table 1-2 lists the related operation for configuring the ESN for the device. Table 1-2 Related operation for configuring the ESN for the device To… Run the Command... Configure the license server license server 1.5 Configuring the License Server Each UA5000 corresponds to a license file. This license file is saved on the license server which manages the license functions. Configure the IP address of the license server of the UA5000 and the TCP port number used for the communication between the UA5000 and the license server. Thus, the UA5000 and the license server can communicate with each other. Context l The IP address of the license server and the TCP port number must be the same as the data in the actual network plan. l When the IP address of the license server and the TCP port number change, you need to re-configure the device. l Two IP addresses of the license server can be configured at the device side. The two IP addresses must be different from each other. Only one TCP port number can be configured at the device side. Procedure Step 1 Run the license server command to configure the license server. Step 2 Run the display license info command to query the basic information about the license. ----End Example To configure the IP address of license server 1 as, the IP address of license server 2 as, and TCP port number as 1024, do as follows: huawei(config)#license server ipaddress tcpport 1024 huawei(config)#display license info Special license switch: disable Basic license switch: enable Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 1 Managing the License ESN: IP address of the first server: IP address of the second server: TCP port number: 1024 Communication status: normal License status: registered NOTE l When the upper layer device is not connected, the communication status of the license client is abnormal. The license status of the license client is unregistered. In this case, the controlled resources cannot be configured and the controlled function cannot be enabled. l When the related configuration is complete in the network, the communication status of the license client is normal. The license status of the license client is registered. In this case, new controlled resources can be configured and controlled functions can be enabled within the management range of the license. Related Operation Table 1-3 lists the related operation for configuring the license server. Table 1-3 Related operation for configuring the license server Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Configure the ESN license esn Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management 2 Device Management About This Chapter This topic describes how to manage the UA5000. Device management includes shelf management and board management. 2.1 Introduction to the Device Introduction to the device includes the management of the device and the types and status of the control board and service board supported by UA5000. 2.2 Adding the Connection Between the Shelves The connection between shelves need not be added when only the master shelf exists. When the master shelf and slave shelf are required, you must add a slave shelf and a connection between the master shelf and slave shelf. 2.3 Setting the Description of a Shelf Set and change regularly the number of a test group or the description of a shelf to update the shelf information in time. 2.4 Resetting a Control Board Reset a control board to run the newly loaded program and database. If there is no standby control board, the resetting operation causes the resetting of all the service boards. Exercise caution when performing this operation. 2.5 Adding a Service Board Adding a service board is to provide you the data configuration when the service board is offline, namely, an operation when the actual service board is not inserted. The system checks the configured data in details. After the service board is added successfully and the service board is inserted, it runs according to the configuration. 2.6 Deleting a Service Board When the service board in a certain slot is faulty or not required because of the system capacity reduction, you can delete the service board. When the service board is deleted successfully, you can add a new service board in the idle slot. 2.7 Resetting a Service Board You can reset a service board when the service board does not work properly. The system generates a fault alarm after the reset operation. The system generates a recovery alarm after the board recovers. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management 2.8 Prohibiting a Service Board When a service board does not work normally, or a certain port on a service board is faulty, you must prohibit the service board first. When you prohibit a service board, you prohibit not only the normal services on the board but also any other operation till the service board is unprohibited (enabled). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management 2.1 Introduction to the Device Introduction to the device includes the management of the device and the types and status of the control board and service board supported by UA5000. Service Description l Shelf management includes the following: adding a shelf, adding a link between two shelves, deleting a shelf, deleting a link between two shelves, configuring the attributes of a shelf, querying shelf information, and querying a link between two shelves. l Control board management includes the following: resetting a control board and querying control board information. l Service board management includes the following: adding a service board offline, confirming a service board, deleting a service board, resetting a service board, prohibiting a service board, unprohibiting a service board, and querying the service board information. You can use the HABD or HABL shelf as the master shelf and use the HABF as the slave shelf for the UA5000. Thus, the connection between shelves is supported. When you use the HABM shelf as the master shelf for the UA5000 MiniMSAN, the connection between shelves is not supported. Introduction to Board Status Table 2-1 lists the service board status. Table 2-1 Service board status Status Remarks Normal It indicates that the board is running in the normal state. Failed It indicates that the board is faulty. Config It indicates that the board is being configured. Auto_find It indicates that the board is inserted, but not confirmed. Prohibited It indicates that the board is prohibited. 2.2 Adding the Connection Between the Shelves The connection between shelves need not be added when only the master shelf exists. When the master shelf and slave shelf are required, you must add a slave shelf and a connection between the master shelf and slave shelf. Context l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) The master shelf and the PVM control board are in the normal state after the master shelf is added. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l 2 Device Management The slave shelf is in the faulty state after it is added. The slave shelf is normal after the connection is added between shelves. Procedure Step 1 Run the frame add command to add a shelf. Step 2 Run the frame connect command to add a connection between shelves. Step 3 Run the display frame info command to query the connection between shelves. ----End Example To add a connection between the master and slave shelves, do as follows: huawei(config)#frame add 0 FrameType: 0 : MAIN_HABM_30(HABA) 2 : MAIN_HAFM_6(HABL) 4 : MAIN_H601HABC(HABC) 6 : MAIN_H601HABM(HABM) 8 : SLAVE_HABS_32(HABB) 10 : SLAVE_HAFS_30(HABD) 12 : SLAVE_H602HABE(HABE) 14 : RSU_HABS_30(HABA) 16 : RSU_HAFS_6(HABL) 18 : RSUG_ONU04A 20 : PV8_HUBT(HUBT) 22 : PV8_15(HDB) 24 : PV8_12(HFB) 26 : PV8_6A(HMB) 28 : UAM_V (HUBM) 30 : UAFM_V(HUBE) 32 : UAMB_V(HUBB) 34 : ONUF01D100_V(HUBL) 36 : RSP_19(HCB) 38 : RSP_14(HIB) 40 : RSP_10(HGB) 42 : RSP_6B(HLB) 44 : UAS_R (HUBS) 46 : UAFS_R(HUBF) 48 : ONU60A_R(HUBO) 50 : VRSP_12(HABA) 52 : HWTA(HIB_1) 54 : HWTA(HIB_3) Please select frame type (0 ~ 54):1 Frame add successfully 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : MAIN_HAFM_30(HABD) MAIN_H602HABD(HABD) MAIN_H601HABO(HABO) SLAVE_HAFS_32(HABE) SLAVE_HABS_30(HABA) SLAVE_H602HABD(HABD) RSU_HAFS_30(HABD) RSU_HAFS_12(HABC) RSUG_ONU60A(HUBO) RSUG_ONU08A PV8_19(HCB) PV8_14(HIB) PV8_10(HGB) PV8_6B(HLB) UAS_V (HUBS) UAFS_V(HUBF) ONU60A_V(HUBO) ONUF10DV100_V(HUBN) RSP_15(HDB) RSP_12(HFB) RSP_6A(HMB) UAM_R (HUBM) UAFM_R(HUBE) UAMB_R(HUBB) ONUF01D100_R(HUBL) VRSP_18(HABA) HWTA(HIB_2) huawei(config)#frame connect { upframeid<U><0,97> }:0 { downframeid<U><0,97> }:1 Command: frame connect 0 1 Add the frame connection successfully huawei(config)#display frame connect --------------------------------------------Record Upper-frame Lower-frame --------------------------------------------0 0 1 --------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 2-2 lists the related operation for configuring the connection between shelves. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management Table 2-2 Related operation for configuring the connection between shelves To... Run the Command... Delete the connection between shelves undo frame connect 2.3 Setting the Description of a Shelf Set and change regularly the number of a test group or the description of a shelf to update the shelf information in time. Precaution l Set the information of the test group of a shelf before setting the number of the test group. l The number of the test group and the description of the shelf cannot be modified at the same time. Procedure Step 1 Run the frame set command to set the description of a shelf. Step 2 Run the display frame info command to query the description of a shelf. ----End Example To set the description of shelf 0 to huawei, do as follows: huawei(config)#frame set 0 desc huawei huawei(config)#display frame info 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Type : MAIN_F(H612HABD) State: Normal Desc : huawei TestGroup: 0 EMU 0 ID: 5 Subnode:12 State:Communications failed EMU 1 ID: 4 Subnode:15 State:Communications failed EMU 2 ID: 2 Subnode:1 State:Communications normal EMU 3 ID: 1 Subnode:2 State:Communications failed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Resetting a Control Board Reset a control board to run the newly loaded program and database. If there is no standby control board, the resetting operation causes the resetting of all the service boards. Exercise caution when performing this operation. Context The control boards include active control board and standby control board. Resetting an active control board results in the following: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management l In the case of an active/standby configuration, the resetting operation does not affect the ongoing services. l If there is no standby control board, the resetting operation causes the resetting of all the service boards. In other words, this operation causes the resetting of the system. l The resetting of a control board may discard unsaved data. Therefore, before the operation, run the save command to save the system data. l The board reset command cannot be used to reset a control board. Precaution NOTE Reset the system only when required. Otherwise, the services may be affected. In general, the system is reset after a new application or database is loaded. Procedure Step 1 Run the reboot command to reset the control board. ----End Example To reset the active control board, do as follows: huawei#reboot active Please check whether data has saved, the unsaved data may lose if reboot active board, are you sure to reboot active board? (y/n)[n]:y Reboot active will cause system forced switchover, are you sure to rebootactive board? (y/n)[n]:y To reset the standby control board, do as follows: huawei#reboot standby Please check whether data has saved, are you sure to reboot standby board? (y/n) [n]:y 2.5 Adding a Service Board Adding a service board is to provide you the data configuration when the service board is offline, namely, an operation when the actual service board is not inserted. The system checks the configured data in details. After the service board is added successfully and the service board is inserted, it runs according to the configuration. Precaution l After a service board is added offline, the status of the service board is faulty. The status changes to normal only when the slot is inserted with a service board of the same type. If a service board of different type is inserted, the service board cannot be started because the slot and the service board do not match. l You can add a service board only in an idle slot. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management Procedure Step 1 Run the board add command to add a service board offline. Step 2 Insert the service board of the same type manually into the service shelf Step 3 Run the board confirm command to confirm a service board. Step 4 Run the display board command to query the status of a service board. ----End Example To insert an A32 board in slot 0/10, do as follows: huawei(config)#board add 0/10 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 huawei(config)#display board 0/10 -------------------------------------------------------Board Name : A32 Board state : Normal Online state : Board has ports : 32 0 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 1 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 2 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 3 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 4 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 5 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 6 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 7 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 8 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 9 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 10 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 11 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 12 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 13 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 14 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 15 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 16 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 17 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 18 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 19 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 20 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 21 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 22 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 23 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 24 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 25 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 26 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 27 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 28 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 29 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 30 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 31 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed A/u Law : A law Port Impedance : Bureau machine in China(200+680|| 100nf) Port Current : 25mA steady current Work Environment : Work Mode : Ring Voltage : -------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 2-3 lists the related operation for adding a service board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management Table 2-3 Related operation for adding a service board To... Run the Command... Remarks Delete a service board board delete Before deleting a service board, delete the data on it first. Otherwise, deleting the service board fails. 2.6 Deleting a Service Board When the service board in a certain slot is faulty or not required because of the system capacity reduction, you can delete the service board. When the service board is deleted successfully, you can add a new service board in the idle slot. Precaution l Before deleting a service board, delete the data on it first. Otherwise, deleting the service board fails. l A control board in the auto-find state cannot be deleted; however, the faulty standby PVM board can be deleted. Procedure Step 1 Run the board delete command to delete a service board. Step 2 Run the display board command to query the status of a board. ----End Example To delete the faulty service board in slot 0/12, do as follows: huawei(config)#board delete 0/12 Are you sure to delete this board? (y/n)[n]: y 0 frame 12 slot board delete successfully huawei(config)#display board 0/12 Failure: Board does not exist Related Operation Table 2-4 lists the related operation for deleting a service board. Table 2-4 Related operation for deleting a service board Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Add a service board board add Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management 2.7 Resetting a Service Board You can reset a service board when the service board does not work properly. The system generates a fault alarm after the reset operation. The system generates a recovery alarm after the board recovers. Precaution l When the service board starts successfully after resetting, it reports the registration information to the control board. The control board configures the data of the service board to restore the services. l Do not reset the power board. Procedure Step 1 Run the board reset command to reset a service board. ----End Example To reset the service board in slot 0/12, do as follows: huawei(config)#board reset 0/12 Are you sure to reset board? (y/n)[n]:y 0 frame 2 slot reset board message sent successfully... 2.8 Prohibiting a Service Board When a service board does not work normally, or a certain port on a service board is faulty, you must prohibit the service board first. When you prohibit a service board, you prohibit not only the normal services on the board but also any other operation till the service board is unprohibited (enabled). Context You need to prohibit service boards in the following cases: l The services of a board are suspended but not deleted. l The dynamic resources are released. l The control board cannot be prohibited. l The service board that is in the auto-find state and is unconfirmed cannot be prohibited. l Prohibiting a service board interrupts the services of the board. l It is not allowed to prohibit the power board. Precaution Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 2 Device Management Procedure Step 1 Run the board prohibit command to prohibit a service board. Step 2 Run the display board command to query the status of a service board. ----End Example To prohibit the service board in slot 0/12, do as follows: huawei(config)#board prohibit 0/12 Prohibiting board will interrupt all services on this board, are you sure to prohibit board? (y/n)[n]:y Prohibit board successfully huawei(config)#display board 0/12 -------------------------------------------------------Board Name : A32 Board state : Prohibited Online state : Unmanageable Board has ports : 32 0 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 1 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 2 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 3 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 4 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 5 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 6 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 7 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 8 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 9 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 10 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 11 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 12 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 13 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 14 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 15 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 16 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 17 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 18 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 19 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 20 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 21 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 22 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 23 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 24 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 25 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 26 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 27 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 28 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 29 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 30 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed 31 port type : PSTN_PORT Licensed A/u Law : A law Port Impedance : Bureau machine in China(200+680|| 100nf) Port Current : 25mA steady current Work Environment : EMSAN Work Mode : COMBO Ring Voltage : -------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels Configuring the System DSP Channels About This Chapter The number of digital signal processor (DSP) channels specifies the processing capability of a DSP chip. Configuring the system DSP channels includes configuring the attributes of the DSP channels and configuring the number of DSP channels for subscribers with different priorities. 3.1 Introduction to the System DSP Channels Through the DSP channels, the analog signals accessed by the UA5000 can be digitized. Thus, the voice service can be transmitted over the IP network. 3.2 Configuring the Attributes of the DSP Channel The attributes of the DSP channel include the parameters such as the maximum rate of the fax training, fax training mode, input gain of the DSP chip, output gain of the DSP chip, and default interval for the DSP to packetize RTP packets. By configuring the parameters of the attributes of the DSP channel, you can ensure the voice quality during the analog-digit and digit-analog conversion. 3.3 Configuring the Number of the Globally Shared DSP Channels The number of the globally shared DSP channels refer to the number of the system DSP channels minus the number of the channels reserved for the VAG. By configuring the number of the globally shared DSP channels, you can allocate different numbers of the DSP channels for subscribers with different priorities. 3.4 Configuring the Number of DSP Channels in the DSP Resources Reserved for the VAG The number of DSP channels reserved for the VAG refers to the number of private DSP channels reserved for the specified VAG. Subscribers in the VAG can use only the reserved DSP channels. Through the reservation of DSP channels for the VAG, subscribers of different priorities in the VAG can be allocated with different numbers of DSP channels. 3.5 Prohibiting the DSP Channel When one or more DSP channels on a subboard are faulty, you can prohibit the faulty DSP channel so that the service is not affected. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels 3.1 Introduction to the System DSP Channels Through the DSP channels, the analog signals accessed by the UA5000 can be digitized. Thus, the voice service can be transmitted over the IP network. Service Description DSP is a type of chip used to process the digital signals. The PVM board uses DSP to packetize the PCM signals to the voice packets, and then sends the voice packets into the IP network. In this way, the VoIP function is realized. DSP channel: The processing capability of the DSP chip is further quantified and can be reflected by the number of channels. Service Specifications Each DSP channel processes the information in one 64 K PCM voice channel. Only after you insert a DSP subboard in the PVM control board, the PVM control board supports the DSP channels. The number of total DSP channels varies according to different subboard. 3.2 Configuring the Attributes of the DSP Channel The attributes of the DSP channel include the parameters such as the maximum rate of the fax training, fax training mode, input gain of the DSP chip, output gain of the DSP chip, and default interval for the DSP to packetize RTP packets. By configuring the parameters of the attributes of the DSP channel, you can ensure the voice quality during the analog-digit and digit-analog conversion. Context l The UA5000 supports two fax training modes: end-to-end training and local training. l The network transmission delay, the device processing delay, and the serial link delay exist in the VoIP service. The occurrence of the delay causes the voice jitter and decreases the call quality. JitterBuffer is used to eliminate the delay, and improve the voice quality with the lost-packet compensation function. l For details of the attributes of the DSP channel, see the parameter description of the dsp attribute command. Procedure Step 1 Run the dsp attribute command to configure the attributes of the DSP channel. Step 2 Run the display dsp attribute command to query the DSP parameters. ----End Example Assume the following: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels l The maximum rate of the fax training is V29. l The fax training mode is local training. l The initial adaptive JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 50. l The maximum adaptive JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 100. l The maximum fixed JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 90. l The minimum adaptive JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 20. l The minimum fixed JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 40. l The initial fixed JitterBuffer of the DSP channel is 60. l The input gain of the DSP chip is 2 dB. l The output gain of the DSP chip is 2 dB. l The default coding mode of the DSP channel is G.729. l The interval of transmitting the RTCP packet of the DSP channel is 500 ms. l The default value of severe packet loss second threshold is 500. l The VQM function is enabled. l The default RTP packetization interval of the DSP channel is 30 ms. l The default echo suppression function of the DSP channel is enabled. l The default silence compression function of the DSP channel is enabled. l The PLC algorithm function of the DSP channel is enabled. l The value of the clearmode payload of the DSP channel is 100. To configure the DSP attributes, do as follows: huawei(config)#dsp attribute train-rate 1 train-mode 1 init-adapt-jb 50 max-adaptjb 100 max-fixed-jb 90 min-adapt-jb 20 min-fixed-jb 40 nominal-fixed-jb 60 inputgain 2 output-gain 2 code 3 rtcp-interval 500 sev-degradethreshold 500 bvqm 1 rtpinterval 30 echoflag 1 huawei(config)#dsp attribute clearmode-payload 100 silenceflag 1 statisticsflag 1 plc 1 huawei(config)#display dsp attribute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fax Max Train Rate :V29 Fax Train Mode :Local Train DSP chip maximum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :100 DSP chip minimum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :20 DSP chip initial adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :50 DSP chip maximum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :90 DSP chip minimum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :40 DSP chip nominal fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :60 DSP input gain(PCM->IP)(db) :-8 DSP output gain(IP->PCM)(db) :-8 DSP code type :G.729 RTCP package send interval time(ms) :500 Severe Degrade Threshold(periods) :500 Support VQM :Enable DSP Rtp Packet Interval(ms) :30 DSP echo check :Open DSP silence reduce :Open DSP need statistics or not :Yes DSP Packet Lose Compensate :Open DSP clearmode payload value :100 Support RTCP XR :Disable T30 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 T4 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 Fax V8 Negotiate :Enable DSP VBD payload value :102 DSP G.726-16k payload value :103 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels DSP G.726-24k payload value :104 DSP G.726-32k payload value :101 DSP G.726-40k payload value :105 DSP 2198 payload value :96 DSP 2833 payload value :97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 3-1 lists the related operations for configuring the attributes of the DSP channel. Table 3-1 Related operation for configuring the attributes of the DSP channel To... Run the Command... Remarks Prohibit the DSP channel dsp prohibit Prohibit the DSP channel that cannot be used any more. Unprohibit the DSP channel undo dsp prohibit When the DSP channel recovers, unprohibit the DSP channel to reuse it. Query the status of the DSP channel display dsp state - Query the DSP status of the VAG display dsp statistic Query the configuration and the usage of the DSP resources on a specified VAG. 3.3 Configuring the Number of the Globally Shared DSP Channels The number of the globally shared DSP channels refer to the number of the system DSP channels minus the number of the channels reserved for the VAG. By configuring the number of the globally shared DSP channels, you can allocate different numbers of the DSP channels for subscribers with different priorities. Context l The subscribers are classified into the following three categories: – Cat1: category 1 government subscribers – Cat2: category 2 government subscribers – Cat3: common subscribers. The priorities of three-category subscribers are as follows: cat1 > cat2 > cat3. l The DSP resources are configured for subscribers according to the following principles: – For category 1 government subscribers, the resources reserved for them are configured first. When the resources are insufficient, the resources reserved for category 2 government subscribers are configured. When the resources are insufficient again, the resources reserved for common subscribers are configured. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels – For category 2 government subscribers, the resources reserved for them are configured first. When the resources are insufficient, the resource reserved for common subscribers are configured. – For common subscribers, the remaining globally shared DSP resources are configured. Precaution The reserved DSP channels must be configured for subscribers according to the number of subscribers with the priorities of cat1 and cat2. Procedure Step 1 Run the dsp reserve share command to configure the number of DSP channels in globally shared DSP resources. Step 2 Run the display dsp statistic share command to query the allocation and the usage of globally shared DSP resources. ----End Example To reserve 150 DSP channels for category 1 government subscribers and 200 DSP channels for category 2 government subscribers in globally shared DSP resources, do as follows: huawei(config)#dsp reserve share cat1 150 cat2 200 huawei(config)#display dsp statistic share ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Config Used Cat1 DSP Channels: 150 0 Cat2 DSP Channels: 200 0 Common DSP Channels: 226 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Global Share DSP Channels Total: 576 DSP Channels Used: 0 Cat1 User Used: 0 Cat2 User Used: 0 Common User Used: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 3-2 lists the related operations for configuring the number of DSP channels in globally shared DSP resources. Table 3-2 Related operations for configuring the number of DSP channels in globally shared DSP resources Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the command... Remarks Configure the attributes of the DSP channel dsp attribute - Configure the number of DSP channels in the DSP resources reserved for the VAG dsp reserve - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels To... Run the command... Remarks Query the attributes of the DSP channel display dsp attribute - Query the DSP channel status of the VAG display dsp statistic Query the DSP resource configuration and the usage of a specified VAG. 3.4 Configuring the Number of DSP Channels in the DSP Resources Reserved for the VAG The number of DSP channels reserved for the VAG refers to the number of private DSP channels reserved for the specified VAG. Subscribers in the VAG can use only the reserved DSP channels. Through the reservation of DSP channels for the VAG, subscribers of different priorities in the VAG can be allocated with different numbers of DSP channels. Context l Subscribers in the VAG can only use DSP channels in the reserved DSP resources. l Subscribers are classified into the following three categories: – Cat1: category 1 subscribers – Cat2: category 2 subscribers – Cat3: common subscribers. The priorities of three category subscribers are as follows: cat1 > cat2 > cat3. l The DSP resources are configured for subscribers according to the following principles: – For category 1 subscribers, the resources reserved for them are configured first. When the resources are insufficient, the resources reserved for category 2 subscribers are configured. When the resources are insufficient again, the resources reserved for common subscribers are configured. – For category 2 subscribers, the resources reserved for them are configured first. When the resources are insufficient, the resource reserved for common subscribers are configured. – For common subscribers, the remaining DSP resources are configured. l For the related information about the VAG, see "8 Configuring the VAG Service." Precaution The reserved DSP channels must be configured for subscribers according to the number of subscribers with the priorities of cat1 and cat2. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface h248 or interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode to be configured. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels Step 2 Run the dsp reserve command to configure the number of DSP channels in the DSP resources reserved for the VAG. Step 3 Run the display dsp statistic command to query the allocation and the usage of DSP resources in a specified VAG. ----End Example To configure 100 DSP channels for VAG 0, 25 DSP channels for category 1 subscribers, and 25 DSP channels for category 2 subscribers, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#dsp reserve total 100 cat1 25 cat2 25 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display dsp statistic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Config Used DSP Channels Total: 100 0 Cat1 DSP Channels: 25 0 Cat2 DSP Channels: 25 0 Common DSP Channels: 50 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Cat1 User Used: 0 Cat2 User Used: 0 Common User Used: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 3-3 lists the related operations for configuring the number of DSP channels in the reserved DSP resources for the VAG. Table 3-3 Related operations for configuring the number of DSP channels in the reserved DSP resources for the VAG To... Run the command... Remarks Configure the attributes of the DSP channel dsp attribute - Configuring the number of DSP channels in globally shared DSP resources dsp reserve share - Query the attributes of the DSP channel display dsp attribute - Query the status of globally shared DSP channels display dsp statistic share Query the configuration and the usage of the globally shared DSP resources. 3.5 Prohibiting the DSP Channel When one or more DSP channels on a subboard are faulty, you can prohibit the faulty DSP channel so that the service is not affected. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels Precaution A DSP channel that is processing the voice service cannot be prohibited. Procedure Step 1 Run the dsp prohibit command to prohibit the DSP channel. Step 2 Run the display dsp state command to query the status of the DSP channel. ----End Example To prohibit two consecutive DSP channels on subboard 0/5/0, with the start DSP channel number 3, do as follows: huawei(config-narrow-resource)#display dsp state 0/5/0 3 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Channel NO. DSP Channel State 0-idle $-G.711 busy A-All busy W-Wastage X-fault @-IP loopback *-PCM loopback #-prohibited -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0000-0049 ---00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 2 DSP channel 2 idle, 0 G.711 Busy, 0 All Busy, 0 Wastage, 0 Fault, 0 IP loopback, 0 PCM loopback, 0 prohibited -----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-narrow-resource)#dsp prohibit 0/5/0 3 2 huawei(config-narrow-resource)#display dsp state 0/5/0 3 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Channel NO. DSP Channel State 0-idle $-G.711 busy A-All busy W-Wastage X-fault @-IP loopback *-PCM loopback #-prohibited -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0000-0049 ---## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 2 DSP channel 0 idle, 0 G.711 Busy, 0 All Busy, 0 Wastage, 0 Fault, 0 IP loopback, 0 PCM loopback, 2 prohibited ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Related Operation Table 3-4 lists the related operations for prohibiting the DSP channel. Table 3-4 Related operations for prohibiting the DSP channel Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Remarks Configure the attributes of the DSP channel dsp attribute - Query the attributes of the DSP channel display dsp attribute - Unprohibit the DSP channel undo dsp prohibit When the DSP channel recovers, unprohibit the DSP channel to use it again. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 3 Configuring the System DSP Channels To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the DSP channel status of the VAG display dsp statistic Query the configuration and the usage of the DSP resources on a specified VAG. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 Configuring the Clock 4 Configuring the Clock About This Chapter In the digital network consisting of the UA5000 and other devices, the primary problem to be solved is clock synchronization. The UA5000 adopts the master-slave mode to synchronize the clock with the clocks of the devices in the network. 4.1 Introduction to the Clock The purpose of clock synchronization is to restrict the clock frequency and the phase of each node in a network within the predefined tolerance scope. This prevents the transmission performance degradation due to poor timings at the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) ends. 4.2 Configuration Example of a Clock Source This topic describes how to implement the clock synchronization of the UA5000 by extracting the clock signals from ports 0/4/0 and 0/5/0 on the UA5000. 4.3 Configuring the Reference Clock Source Configure the reference clock source for the port on the PVM board to synchronize the clock of the UA5000 with the clock of the upper-layer device. 4.4 Setting the Clock Source Priority Set the clock source priority for each clock source on the PVM board. The UA5000 uses the clock source with the highest priority for the clock synchronization. When the link of the clock source with the highest priority is faulty, the UA5000 uses the clock source with the second highest priority for the clock synchronization. This rule applies to the rest clock sources. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 Configuring the Clock 4.1 Introduction to the Clock The purpose of clock synchronization is to restrict the clock frequency and the phase of each node in a network within the predefined tolerance scope. This prevents the transmission performance degradation due to poor timings at the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) ends. Service Description There are two methods of achieving clock synchronization in a digital network: pseudo synchronization and master-slave synchronization. Table 4-1 shows the details of the two clock synchronization modes. Table 4-1 Clock synchronization description Synchronization Mode Description Pseudo synchronization In a digital network using pseudo synchronization, all digital exchanges are independent in terms of the clock. The clock of each digital exchange is of high precision and stability. Usually, the cesium clock is used. Because these clocks are independent from each other, their frequencies and phases are not totally synchronized, but the difference can be ignored because these clocks are precise. Hence, this clock synchronization is called pseudo synchronization. It is applied in international digital networks. Master-slave synchronization In a network that uses the master-slave synchronization, there is a master exchange with a high-precision clock. The other exchanges in the network are controlled by the master exchange, that is, the clocks of other exchanges in the network are synchronized with the clock of this master exchange. The clock of the lower layer exchange is synchronized with the clock of the upper layer exchange until the clock of the end exchange is synchronized. Service Specifications The reference clock source of the system includes Bits clock, E1 line clock, and GPON line clock. A maximum of 10 clock sources can be configured when you run the clock source command to add the reference clock. Service Implementation The UA5000 often uses the master-slave synchronization mode. The working procedure is as follows: 1. The UA5000 extracts the clock signals sent from the upper-layer device at the line side as the clock source of the system. The clock source, with the highest priority and in the normal state, is used as the system clock. 2. The UA5000 sends the clock signals to all the service boards through the backplane. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3. 4 Configuring the Clock The service boards send the clock signals to a lower-layer network element. NOTE The control boards can also send the clock signals to a lower-layer network element. 4.2 Configuration Example of a Clock Source This topic describes how to implement the clock synchronization of the UA5000 by extracting the clock signals from ports 0/4/0 and 0/5/0 on the UA5000. Prerequisite The UA5000 must be connected properly according to the networking. Precaution l You can configure a maximum of 10 clock sources. l The added clock module must be set with a priority before use. l After the priority of the clock module is set, it takes effect immediately. This operation may result in clock switch. l When running the undo clock source command to delete the clock source that is being used by the system, it can result in clock switch. Networking Figure 4-1 shows the networking of the clock configuration. Figure 4-1 Networking of the clock configuration E1/V5 SDH E1/V5 P P V V M M A A 3 3 2 2 UA5000 Data Plan l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) By running the clock source command, you can configure a maximum of 10 clock sources. The following section uses the configuration of two clock sources as an example. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l 4 Configuring the Clock By running the clock priority command, you can configure a maximum of 10 priority levels. The following section uses the configuration of the priority level of the two clock sources as an example. Table 4-2 provides the data plan for configuring the UA5000 clock. Table 4-2 Data plan for configuring the clock Item Data srcindex System reference clock source 0: 0 System reference clock source 1: 1 Port number System reference clock source 0: 0/4/0 System reference clock source 1: 0/4/1 priority System reference clock source 0: High System reference clock source 1: Low Configuration Flowchart Figure 4-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the clock. Figure 4-2 Flowchart for configuring the clock Start Configure the system reference clock source Set the priority of the system clock source Query the clock source status End Procedure Step 1 Configure the reference clock source. l Clock source 0 extracts clock signals from port 0/4/0. l Clock source 1 extracts clock signals from port 0/4/1. huawei(config)#clock source 0 E1 0/4/0 huawei(config)#clock source 1 E1 0/4/1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 Configuring the Clock Step 2 Set the priority of the clock source. l Set the clock source 0 with the highest priority. l Set the clock source 1 with the second highest priority. huawei(config)#clock priority 0/1 Step 3 Query the status of the clock source. huawei(config)#display clock source -------------------------------------------------------Index Config Source Priority State Output -------------------------------------------------------0 E1 0/4/0 0 OK Yes 1 E1 0/4/1 1 OK No -------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result The UA5000 selects clock source 0 as the system clock and delivers the clock signals to each service board. 4.3 Configuring the Reference Clock Source Configure the reference clock source for the port on the PVM board to synchronize the clock of the UA5000 with the clock of the upper-layer device. Context The system supports a maximum of 10 reference clock sources. Procedure Step 1 Run the clock source command to add the reference clock source. Step 2 Run the display clock source command to query the reference clock source. ----End Example To add an E1 clock source with index 0 to port 0/4/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#clock source 0 e1 0/4/0 Clock source set succeeded huawei(config)#display clock source -------------------------------------------------------Index Config Source Priority State Output -------------------------------------------------------0 E1 0/4/0 0 OK Yes -------------------------------------------------------- To delete the clock source with index 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#undo clock source 0 Clock source deletion succeeded huawei(config)#display clock source Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 Configuring the Clock The current system clock source is local Failure: User not config any clock source Related Operation Table 4-3 lists the related operation for configuring the reference clock source of the system. Table 4-3 Related operation for configuring the reference clock source of the system To... Run the Command... Remarks Set the clock priority clock priority After the priority of the clock module is set, it takes effect immediately. This operation may result in clock switch. 4.4 Setting the Clock Source Priority Set the clock source priority for each clock source on the PVM board. The UA5000 uses the clock source with the highest priority for the clock synchronization. When the link of the clock source with the highest priority is faulty, the UA5000 uses the clock source with the second highest priority for the clock synchronization. This rule applies to the rest clock sources. Precaution After the priority is set, the priority of the clock module takes effect immediately. This operation may result in clock switch. Procedure Step 1 Run the clock priority command to set the clock priority of the reference clock source. Step 2 Run the display clock source command to query the reference clock source. ----End Example To set the priority level of the clock source with index 1 as high, and the priority level of clock source with index 0 as low, do as follows: huawei(config)#clock { priority<K>|source<K> }:priority { p0/p1/p2/p3/p4/p5/p6/p7/p8/p9<S><1,19> }:1/0 Command: clock priority 1/0 Clock source priority set succeeded huawei(config)#display clock source -------------------------------------------------------Index Config Source Priority State Output -------------------------------------------------------0 E1 0/4/0 1 OK Yes 1 E1 0/5/0 0 OK No -------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 Configuring the Clock Related Operation Table 4-4 lists the related operations for setting the clock source priority. Table 4-4 Related operations for setting the clock source priority Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Remarks Set the reference clock source clock source The added clock source must be set with a priority before being used. Query the reference clock source display clock source - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 5 Configuring the MG Interface Configuring the MG Interface About This Chapter When configuring the IP services such as voice over IP (VoIP) and integrated services digital network (ISDN), configure the media gateway (MG) first. One MG corresponds to a unique MG IP address and MG port number, which are the only ways for the UA5000 to communicate with the MGC. 5.1 Introduction to the MG Interface In the application of the next generation network (NGN), the UA5000 communicates with the upper-layer MGC through the MG interface (the MG IP address and MG port number of the MG interface). Each MG interface corresponds to one virtual access gateway (VAG). 5.2 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the H.248 Protocol) Configuring the MG interface means configuring the attributes of the MG interface, software parameters, ringing mode, and digitmap. After configuring the MG interface, you can configure the IP services such as VoIP and ISDN through the MG interface. 5.3 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) Configuring the MG interface means configuring the attributes of the MG interface, software parameters, ringing mode, and digitmap. After configuring the MG interface, you can configure the IP services such as VoIP and ISDN through the MG interface. 5.4 Adding an MG Interface Add an MG interface to the UA5000 so that the UA5000 and the MGC can communicate with each other through the MG interface. 5.5 Configuring the IP Address Pool The IP address can be used for configuring the service only after the IP address is added to the IP address pool successfully. By configuring the IP address pool, you can add the planned IP address to the IP address pool. 5.6 Configuring MG Interface Attributes (the H.248 Protocol) The MG interface attributes include the parameters required for setting up the communication between the MG interface and the MGC. The MG interface and the MGC can communicate with each other in the normal state only when the parameters of the MG interface attributes are the same as the parameters of the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. 5.7 Configuring the Attributes of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface The attributes of the MG interface include the IP address, domain name, and port number required for setting up the communication between the MG interface and the MGC, and also include the 2833 encryption and heartbeat duration. The MG interface and the MGC can communicate with each other normally only when the parameters of the MG interface attributes are the same as the parameters of the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. 5.8 Configuring the Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol The software parameters of a media gateway (MG) interface include parameters such as whether the MG interface supports authentication during registration and whether the MG interface supports the emergency standalone function. After the software character parameters are configured successfully, they take effect for the services carried on this MG interface. 5.9 Configuring Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the MGCP Protocol The software parameters of a media gateway (MG) interface include parameters such as whether to hold an ongoing call if the MG interface fails to communicate with the media gateway controller (MGC) and whether the MG interface supports the dual-homing function. After the software parameters are configured successfully, they take effect on the services carried on the MG interface. 5.10 Configuring the Ringing Mode of an MG Interface Configuring the ringing mode includes configuring the cadence ringing type and initial ringing type. Configure the ringing mode of the MG interface to meet different requirements for the ringing of different subscribers. 5.11 Configuring a Digitmap for an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol The format of a digitmap is strictly defined by the H.248 protocol. A digitmap consists of strings of characters with certain meanings. Configuring a digitmap of a media gateway (MG) interface includes configuring the internal phone digitmap, emergency channel digitmap, automatic redial digitmap, and overload emergency call digitmap for the MG interface. In addition, users can configure a local common digitmap for all MG interfaces. 5.12 Configuring Digitmaps of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) The format of a digitmap is strictly defined by MGCP. A digitmap consists of strings of characters with certain meanings. Configuring the digitmaps of the MG interface includes configuring the automatic re-dial digitmap and overload emergency call digitmap of the MG interface. 5.13 Configuring the Overload Control of the MGC The MGC processes the calls reported by multiple AGs that the MGC controls. If the traffic volumes of multiple AGs increase, the MGC may be overloaded. When the MGC is overloaded, the UA5000 can control the calls to ensure that the calls of subscribers with related priority or the emergency calls are processed. Thus, the stability and the availability of the system are improved. 5.14 Configuring the Overload Control of the MG If the traffic volume of the MG increases suddenly, the MG may be overloaded. When the MG is overloaded, the UA5000 can control the calls to ensure that the calls of subscribers with the related priority or the emergency calls are processed. Thus, the stability and the availability of the system are improved. 5.15 Enabling an MG Interface Enable an MG interface so that the MG interface negotiates with the MGC through the specified media gateway control protocol and implements the registration on the MGC. Resetting the interface enables the MG interface to register again on the MGC. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface 5.1 Introduction to the MG Interface In the application of the next generation network (NGN), the UA5000 communicates with the upper-layer MGC through the MG interface (the MG IP address and MG port number of the MG interface). Each MG interface corresponds to one virtual access gateway (VAG). Service Description In the next generation network (NGN), the MG and media gateway controller (MGC) are completely separated from each other. The MG converts the media format provided in one type of network to the media format required in another type of network. The MGC controls the status of a call related to the connection control for media channels in an MG. In the NGN solutions of Huawei, the UA5000 functions as an MG and the softswitch functions as an MGC. The MG interface data describes the interface and connection information between the UA5000 and the MGC. Service Specifications l You can configure a maximum of eight MG interfaces, namely, eight virtual access gateways (VAGs), on one UA5000. l The UA5000 supports the H.248 protocol, the media gateway control protocol (MGCP), and the SIP protocol. One UA5000 can use only one of the there protocols at the same time. 5.2 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the H.248 Protocol) Configuring the MG interface means configuring the attributes of the MG interface, software parameters, ringing mode, and digitmap. After configuring the MG interface, you can configure the IP services such as VoIP and ISDN through the MG interface. Prerequisite l The UA5000 must use the H.248 protocol. l The IP address to be used in the example must already be configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. l The data on the MGC side (corresponding to the data on the MG side) must be configured correctly. l You can add a maximum of eight MG interfaces for a UA5000. If you need to add one more MG interface, the operation fails, and an error prompt is displayed. l One UA5000 supports the H.248 protocol, the MGCP protocol, and the SIP protocol. If one UA5000 uses one protocol, all the MG interfaces on the UA5000 must also use this protocol. The default protocol is H.248. Precaution Data Plan Table 5-1 lists the data plan for configuring the MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Table 5-1 Data plan for configuring the MG interface Data Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 0 code text transfer udp protocol H.248 port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 IP address Standalone digitmap 1234xxxx Emergency channel digitmap 110|119|999 automatic re-dial digitmap 1[01246-9]x emergency call digitmap due to overload or bandwidth insufficiency [0-9EF].T Media IP address 1 of the MG interface on the UA5000 Signaling IP address of the MG interface on the UA5000 IP address 1 of the primary MGC Configuration Flowchart Figure 5-1 shows the flowchart for configuring the MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Figure 5-1 Flowchart for configuring the MG interface Start Add an MG interface Configure the MG interface attributes (Optiona) Configure the ring mode of the MG interface (Optiona) Configure digitmaps of the MG interface Enable the MG interface End NOTE For the details about how to configure the ringing mode on an MG interface, see 5.10 Configuring the Ringing Mode of an MG Interface. This topic uses the default ringing mode in the system. Procedure Step 1 Add an MG interface. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y Step 2 Configure the MG interface attributes. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944 mg-media-ip1 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 3 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 0:NoProfile("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 - Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI MIDType DeviceName 5 Configuring the MG Interface IP4_ADDR - Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Configure the MG interface digitmap. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#digitmap set inner 1234xxxx emergency 110|119|999 dualdial 1[01246-9]x urgent [0-9EF].T Step 4 Reset the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Step 5 Query the status of the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/DomainName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 UDP Normal 2944 2944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result After the MG interface is configured successfully, it should be able to communicate with MGC in the normal state. 5.3 Configuration Example of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) Configuring the MG interface means configuring the attributes of the MG interface, software parameters, ringing mode, and digitmap. After configuring the MG interface, you can configure the IP services such as VoIP and ISDN through the MG interface. Prerequisite l The UA5000 must use the MGCP protocol. l The IP address to be used in this example must be configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. l The data on the MGC side must be configured correctly. Data Plan Table 5-2 provides the data plan for configuring the MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Table 5-2 Data plan for configuring the MG interface Data Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 0 protocol MGCP port MG: 2427 MGC: 2727 IP address IP address of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 IP address of the MGC Context The difference between the H.248-based MG interface and the MGCP-based MG interface is that the MGCP-based MG interface does not support the isolation of the media stream and signaling stream. Hence, the IP address of the media stream must be the same as the IP address of the signaling stream (the same as the IP address of the MG interface), and the IP address of the signaling stream must be added to the IP address pool in the system. Configuration Flowchart Figure 5-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the MG interface. Figure 5-2 Flowchart for configuring the MG interface Start Add an MG interface Configure the MG interface attributes (Optiona) Configure the ring mode of the MG interface (Optiona) Configure digitmaps of the MG interface Enable the MG interface End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface NOTE For the details about how to configure the ringing mode on an MG interface, see 5.10 Configuring the Ringing Mode of an MG Interface. This topic uses the default ringing mode in the system. Procedure Step 1 Add an MG interface. huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y Step 2 Configure the MG interface attributes. huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#if-mgcp attribute mgip mgport 2427 mgcip_1 mgcport_1 2727 Step 3 Query the MG interface attributes. huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display if-mgcp attribute --------------------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG DomainName Protocol 2833Encrypt Codetype Transmode IP Port HeartBeat Timer(s) MGCP Text UDP 2427 60 MGC[1] MGC PORT :2727 MGC IP:10.10.20. 1 MGC[1] MGC Domain Name: MGC[2] MGC PORT :MGC IP:MGC[2] MGC Domain Name:MGC[3] MGC PORT :MGC IP:MGC[3] MGC Domain Name:--------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Reset the MG interface. huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#reset Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y Step 5 Query the status of the MG interface. huawei(config)#display if-mgcp all -------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/DomainName -------------------------------------------------------------------------0 Normal 2427 2727 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result After the MG interface is configured successfully, it should be able to communicate with the MGC in the normal state. 5.4 Adding an MG Interface Add an MG interface to the UA5000 so that the UA5000 and the MGC can communicate with each other through the MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Precaution l You can add up to eight MG interfaces for one UA5000. If you need to add one more MG interface, the operation fails, and the error prompt is displayed. l One UA5000 supports the H.248 protocol, the MGCP protocol, and the SIP protocol. If one UA5000 uses one protocol, all the MG interfaces on the UA5000 must also use this protocol. The default protocol is H.248. l If the MG interface that supports the current system protocol exists, you cannot switch the protocol. You can switch the protocol only after deleting the MG interface. Procedure Step 1 Run the display protocol support command to query the protocol used by the system. Step 2 Configure the system protocol. l If the protocol is different from the planned protocol, do as follows: 1. Run the undo interface h248 or undo interface mgcp command to delete the original MG interface. 2. Run the protocol support command to set the protocol for the system. l If the protocol is the same as the planned protocol, go to step 4. Step 3 Run the reboot command to reset the system to make the protocol settings take effect after you run the save command to save the configuration data. CAUTION Resetting the system interrupts the services. Therefore, exercise caution when you run this command. Step 4 Add an MG interface. l When the H.248 protocol is used, run the interface h248 command to add an MG interface. l When the MGCP protocol is used, run the interface mgcp command to add an MG interface. ----End Example To add an MG interface with MG ID 0 when the H.248 protocol is used, do as follows: huawei(config)#display protocol support System support H248 protocol huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# To add an MG interface with MG ID 0 when the MGCP protocol is used, do as follows: huawei(config)#display protocol support System support H248 protocol huawei(config)#undo interface h248 0 huawei(config)#protocol support mgcp Configure Protocol need save the data, then reboot the system. Are you sure to change the protocol? (y/n)[n]:y Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface huawei(config)#save huawei(config)#reboot system Data is not saved, the unsaved data will lose if reboot system, are you sure to reboot system? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)# Related Operation Table 5-3 lists the related operations for adding an MG interface. Table 5-3 Related operations for adding an MG interface To... Run the Command... Remarks Shut down an MG interface shutdown The shutdown type can be graceful or force. l The option graceful indicates that if the active calls exist on the MG interface, the calls are held. When the active calls end or occur after the set time, the MGC and the MG are disconnected. l The option force indicates that all the calls are released after the MGC and the MG are disconnected. Restart an MG interface reset When an MG interface is normal, run this command to reset it. After modifying the MG interface parameters, reset the MG interface so that it registers again with the MGC. Delete an MG interface undo interface h248 You cannot delete an MG interface that is configured with the subscriber data, or an MG interface that functions normally. That is, you can delete only an MG interface that is in the close state or in the notstart state. undo interface mgcp Query the information about all the MG interfaces Issue 01 (2011-07-30) display if-h248 all display if-mgcp all Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Run this command to query the configurations and the current states of all the MG interfaces in the global config mode. 44 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the attributes of an MG interface display if-h248 attribute Run this command to query the configuration of an MG interface in the MG interface mode. Query the status of an MG interface display if-h248 state Add a ringing mapping record mg-ringmode add display if-mgcp attribute display if-mgcp state Run this command to query the current status of an MG interface in the MG interface mode. When the MGC interacts with the UA5000, the ringing mode of the UA5000 is adapted to meet the local standards through parameter settings. The ringing mapping involves mapping the ringing mode parameters provided by the MGC and the ringing tones provided by the UA5000. The data packet sent to the UA5000 by the MGC contains the parameters of the ringing mode, which has the same value as the value of mgcpara. The UA5000 searches the ringing mapping table for the matching mgcpara to obtain the cadence and initial ringing tones. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Modify a ringing mapping record mg-ringmode modify - Delete a ringing mapping record mg-ringmode delete As the system supports only 16 ringing mapping records, you can delete unnecessary records if required. Query a ringing mapping record display mg-ringmode attribute - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface To... Run the Command... Remarks Configure digitmap timers digitmap-timer The H.248 protocol defines three digitmap timers: long timer (L), short timer (S), and initial timer (T). Run the digitmap-timer command to set the timers to comply with the standards in your country or area. l Long timer (L): If the MG confirms that at least one more digit needs to be received to match a dialing scheme in the digitmap, the timer between the digits is set as the long timer. l Short timer (S): If the number string matches with one dialing scheme in the digitmap, but more numbers may be received and they match with other dialing schemes, the matching status should not be reported immediately. The MG must use the short timer to wait for receiving more numbers. l Initial timer (T): It is used before any dialed number. It is the duration before the first digit is received after offhook. If the initial timer is set to 0 (namely, T = 0), the timer fails. In this case, the MG waits for other digits. Force switch over MGC mgc switch Run this command to forcibly register the MG interface with the new MGC. Before the switchover, ensure that the IP address and port ID of the secondary MGC are configured in the MG interface data. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface 5.5 Configuring the IP Address Pool The IP address can be used for configuring the service only after the IP address is added to the IP address pool successfully. By configuring the IP address pool, you can add the planned IP address to the IP address pool. Context It is recommended that you plan the NMS configuration mode of the device before configuring the IP address pool. Otherwise, changing the NMS configuration mode of the device subsequently may interrupt the service. Procedure Step 1 Run the ip address command to add the IP address to the IP address pool. Step 2 Run the display ip address command to query the information about the IP address pool in the system. ----End Example To add the IP address with the subnet mask of and the gateway IP address of to the IP address pool, do as follows: huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: 0 MacAddress...........: 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 VlanID...............: -IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: MacAddress...........: VlanID...............: 0 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 -- IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: MacAddress...........: VlanID...............: 0 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 -- Related Operation Table 5-4 lists the related operation for configuring the IP address pool. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Table 5-4 Related operation for configuring the IP address pool To... Run the Command... Remarks Delete the IP address undo ip address - 5.6 Configuring MG Interface Attributes (the H.248 Protocol) The MG interface attributes include the parameters required for setting up the communication between the MG interface and the MGC. The MG interface and the MGC can communicate with each other in the normal state only when the parameters of the MG interface attributes are the same as the parameters of the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. Prerequisite l The UA5000 must use the H.248 protocol. l An MG interface must be added successfully. For details about how to add an MG interface, see "5.4 Adding an MG Interface." l The required media and signaling IP addresses must be configured in the IP address pool. For details about how to configure an IP address, see "5.5 Configuring the IP Address Pool." l The profile file of the system is correct. To modify the profile, run the h248profile modify command. l The related data on the MGC side must be configured. l One UA5000 can be configured with up to eight MG interfaces. l The MG interface and the MGC can communicate with each other in the normal state only when the parameters of the MG interface attributes are the same as the parameters of the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. l The configuration of the MG interface attributes takes effect only on this MG interface. Context Precaution When configuring the attributes of an MG interface that uses the H.248 protocol, pay attention to the following points: l The UA5000 can identify the MGC through the IP address/port ID of the MGC or the MGC domain name. When configuring the MG interface attributes, you can select one from the two methods to identify the MGC. If both the methods are configured, the system prefers the domain name method. l The MGC domain name refers to the concept of "domain name" in the traditional Internet. Run the dns command on the UA5000 to configure the DNS client and perform the domain name resolution. l The options for the encoding scheme are text and binary. The H.248 protocol, however, supports only the text encoding scheme. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface l The MG interface supporting the H.248 protocol can be configured with two MGCs (an MG can register on only one MGC at a time). The MG interface needs to be configured with two MGCs only when the MG supports the dual homing. l For the H601PVMB board, the transmission mode of user datagram protocol (UDP) is supported. For the H601PVMD board and H612PVMB, the transmission modes of UDP and stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) are supported. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the if-h248 attribute command to configure the MG interface attributes. Step 3 Run the display if-h248 attribute command to query the MG interface attributes. ----End Example Table 5-5 provides the data plan for configuring the MG interface attributes. Table 5-5 Data plan for configuring the MG interface attributes Parameter Value Parameter Value mgid 0 mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer UDP profile-negotiation disable primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944 mg-media-ip1 protocol H.248 H248 profile Name: profile1 Index: 1 To add an MG interface with such attributes, do as follows: huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944 mg-media-ip1 profile-index 1 profile-negotiation disable huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 3 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 1:china_0(”") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI MG signalling IP MG signalling Port MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType DeviceName 5 Configuring the MG Interface 2944 IP4_ADDR - Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Configuring the Attributes of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) The attributes of the MG interface include the IP address, domain name, and port number required for setting up the communication between the MG interface and the MGC, and also include the 2833 encryption and heartbeat duration. The MG interface and the MGC can communicate with each other normally only when the parameters of the MG interface attributes are the same as the parameters of the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. Prerequisite l The system must use the MGCP protocol. l An MG interface must be added successfully. For details on how to configure an MG interface, see "5.4 Adding an MG Interface." l The IP addresses must be configured in the IP address pool. For details on how to configure an IP address, see "5.5 Configuring the IP Address Pool." l One UA5000 can be configured with a maximum of eight MG interfaces. l The MG interface attributes configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the MG interface attributes configured on the MGC. l You can configure the following MG interface attributes as required: Context – 2833 encryption key – MG domain name – Heartbeat interval – MG interface name – MGC IP address – MGC domain name – MGC port number – IP address of the MG interface – Port number of the MG interface Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Step 2 Run the if-mgcp attribute command to configure the MG interface attributes. Step 3 Run the display if-mgcp attribute command to query the MG interface attributes. NOTE The MG interface parameters are valid only for the current MG interface. ----End Example The following example shows how to configure an MG interface. Table 5-6 provides the data plan for configuring an MG interface. Table 5-6 Data plan for configuring an MG interface Parameter Value Parameter Value mgid 0 mgip mgport 2944 domainName mgcip_1 mgcport_1 2727 mgcip_2 mgcport_2 2727 protocol MGCP description aaln huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#if-mgcp attribute mgip mgport 2427 domainName desc aaln mgcip_1 mgcport_1 2727 mgcip_2 mgcport_2 2727 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display if-mgcp attribute -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG description aaln MG DomainName Protocol MGCP 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP IP Port 2427 HeartBeat Timer(s) 60 MGC[1] MGC PORT :2727 MGC IP: MGC[1] MGC Domain Name:MGC[2] MGC PORT :2727 MGC IP: MGC[2] MGC Domain Name:MGC[3] MGC PORT :MGC IP:MGC[3] MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------------------ Related Operation Table 5-7 lists the related operations for configuring the MG interface attributes. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 51 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Table 5-7 Related operations for configuring MG interface attributes To... Run the Command... Remarks Shut down an MG interface shutdown The shutdown type can be graceful or force. l The option graceful indicates that the active calls are held after the MGC and the MG are disconnected. After the set time, the MG and the MGC are disconnected. l The option force indicates that all the calls are released after the MGC and the MG are disconnected. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Enable an MG interface reset When an MG interface is normal, run this command to reset it. After modifying the MG interface parameters, reset the MG interface so that it registers again with the MGC. Delete an MG interface undo interface mgcp You cannot delete an MG interface that is configured with the subscriber data or an MG interface that is in use. Query the information about all the MG interfaces display if-mgcp all Run this command to query the configurations and the current states of all the MG interfaces in the global config mode. Query the MG interface attributes display if-mgcp attribute Run this command to query the configuration of an MG interface in the MG interface mode. Query the status of an MG interface display if-mgcp state Run this command to query the current status of an MG interface in MG interface mode. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 52 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface To... Run the Command... Remarks Add a ring mapping entry mg-ringmode add When the MGC interacts with the UA5000, the ring mode is negotiated. The ring mapping involves mapping the ring mode parameters provided by the MGC and the ring tones provided by the UA5000. The data packet sent to the UA5000 by the MGC contains a ring mode, which has the same value as the value of mgcpara. The UA5000 searches the ring mapping table for the matching mgcpara to obtain the cadence and initial ring tones. Modify a ring mapping entry mg-ringmode modify - Delete a ring mapping entry mg-ringmode delete As the system supports only 16 ring mapping entries, you can delete unnecessary entries if required. Query a ring mapping entry display mg-ringmode attribute - Configure digitmap timers digitmap-timer The T timer is used to match a timer expiry. Switch the MGC forcibly mgc switch Run this command to force the MG interface to register with the new MGC. Before the switchover, make sure that the IP address and port number of the secondary MGC are configured in the MG interface data. 5.8 Configuring the Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol The software parameters of a media gateway (MG) interface include parameters such as whether the MG interface supports authentication during registration and whether the MG interface supports the emergency standalone function. After the software character parameters are configured successfully, they take effect for the services carried on this MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 53 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Prerequisite l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to H.248. l An MG interface has been added successfully. Context Table 5-8 lists the software parameters that can be configured for an MG interface based on the H.248 protocol. Table 5-8 Software parameters that can be configured for an MG interface based on the H.248 protocol Parameter Description Value 2 Indicates whether an MG interface supports the multi-homing function. Numeral type. Range: 0-2. When users need to configure whether an MG interface supports the multihoming function, use this parameter. This parameter can be configured only when the MG interface is in the local closed state. If the MG interface does not support multi-homing and the secondary media gateway controller (MGC) is configured, when the MG interface fails to register with the primary MGC, the MG interface does not switch to register with the secondary MGC. If the MG interface supports multi-homing and auto-switching, and has registered with the secondary MGC, when the primary MGC recovers, the MG interface can automatically switch to the primary MGC. When the multi-homing is supported, users can run the mgc switch command to perform MGC switching. 3 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Reserved in the system. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. l 0: Indicates that multihoming is not supported. l 1: Indicates that multihoming is supported, but auto-switching is not supported. l 2: Indicates that multihoming and autoswitching are supported. Default value: 0. N/A 54 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 4 Indicates whether an MG interface uses the wildcard for registration. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether an MG interface uses the wildcard for registration, use this parameter. This parameter can be configured only when the MG interface is in the local closed state. l 0: Indicates that the wildcard is used. l 1: Indicates that the wildcard is not used. Default value: 0. When the wildcard is used for registration, all the terminals under the MG interface register with the MGC using one message, which effectively reduces the messages between the MG interface and the MGC. When no wildcard is used for registration, each terminal under the MG needs to initiate the registration with the MGC. The registration with no wildcard is also called single-terminal registration. 5 Reserved in the system. N/A 6 Indicates whether an MG interface supports device authentication. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether an MG interface supports authentication, use this parameter. After the device authentication is configured, run the auth command to set authentication parameters, and then run the reset command to reset the MG interface. In this way, the MGC can manage the security of MG devices, preventing illegal registration with the MGC. l 0: Indicates that authentication is supported. l 1: Indicates that authentication is not supported. Default value: 1. CAUTION Resetting an MG interface may interrupt services. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 55 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 7 Indicates whether an MG interface supports a security header. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether an MG interface supports a security header, use this parameter. l 0: Indicates that security header is supported. l 1: Indicates that security header is not supported. After the security header is configured, run the auth command to set authentication parameters, and then run the reset command to reset the MG interface. In this way, the MGC can manage the security of MG devices, ensuring the completeness of the system. Default value: 1. 8 Reserved in the system. N/A 9 Reserved in the system. N/A 11 Indicates whether an MG supports the emergency standalone function. Numeral type. Range: 0-3. When users need to configure whether an MG interface supports the emergency standalone function, use this parameter. If an MG interface supports the emergency standalone function, the users under the MG interface can communicate with each other even if the MG interface fails to communicate with the MGC. l 0: Indicates that the emergency standalone function is not supported. l 1: Indicates that only internal calls are supported. l 2: Indicates that only emergency calls are supported. l 3: Indicates that the emergency standalone function is supported. Default value: 0. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 56 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 13 Indicates the maximum digitmap matching flag of an MG interface. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure the digitmap matching scheme of an MG interface, use this parameter. l 1: maximum matching In case of the minimum matching, the MG interface immediately reports the matching status only if a dialed number matches a scheme in the digitmap. In case of the maximum matching, the MG reports the matching status after the short timer expires (namely, 5s) to wait for receiving more numbers because more received numbers may match the other dialing schemes. Default value: 2. l 0: defined in the protocol l 2: minimum matching Users can run the digitmap-timer command to set the duration of a digitmap timer. 14 Reserved in the system. N/A 15 Indicates whether to enable the media stream source port filtering function on an MG interface. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to enable the media stream source port filtering function on an MG interface, use this parameter. l 0: disabled l 1: enabled Default value: 0. After the media stream source port filtering function is enabled on an MG interface, the MG interface receives media streams coming from only a specified port. 16 Indicates the duration of the timer for the media stream source port filtering function on an MG interface. When users need to set the duration of the timer for the media stream source port filtering function on an MG interface, use this parameter. Numeral type. Range: 0-30. Default value: 5. Unit: s. When the media stream source port filtering function is disabled on an MG interface, if the timer expires, the source port is automatically filtered. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 22 Indicates the type of the prompt tone after the MG disconnects from the MGC. Numeral type. Range: 0-2. l 0: busy tone l 1: device congestion tone l 2: voice prompt Default value: 0. 23 Indicates the duration of the timer for port status synchronization. Numeral type. Range: 0-120. After a port in the remote blocking state receives the signaling sent from the MGC, the device determines whether to directly refresh the port status or initiate a port registration to the MGC again. If the device initiates the port registration to the MGC, the port is registered again after the timer for port status synchronization expires. Unit: s. Default value: 35. This parameter is invalid for an RTP terminal. 24 25 Indicates the maximum RTP terminal ID. Numeral type. Range: 0-65535. Ensure that the range of RTP temporary terminals set on the MG is the same as that set on the MGC. Default value: 1000. Indicates the maximum random value of avalanche prevention on an H.248 interface. Numeral type. Range: 30000-300000. After the system is reset, all H.248 interfaces on the device will register with the MGC again. In this case, burst packets may cause MGC failure. Avalanche prevention is used to prevent this problem. Unit: ms. Default value: 60000. After the maximum random value of avalanche prevention is set, the system generates a time for initiating an H.248 interface registration using the internal algorithm. When the timer expires, the H.248 interface registers with the MGC again. Ensure that the duration for initiating an H.248 interface registration is shorter than the sum of system internal baseline and the maximum random value of avalanche prevention. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 58 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 26 Indicates the type of the tone played in the case of local congestion. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. Local congestion occurs if an MG interface is faulty or the endservice command is executed. In this case, the local congestion tone is played on a phone. l 1: device congestion tone l 0: busy tone l 2: mute l 3: customized tone 1 l 4: customized tone 2 Default value: 0. 27 Indicates the type of the tone played in the case of remote congestion. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. If an MG interface is blocked remotely because the MGC does not respond or responds incorrectly, the remote congestion tone is played on a phone. l 1: device congestion tone l 0: busy tone l 2: mute l 3: customized tone 1 l 4: customized tone 2 Default value: 0. 28 Indicates the howler tone duration. The howler tone is played if a call ends or no number is dialed after off hook, and the busy tone timer expires. After the howler tone duration expires, the port is locked. In this case, the locked port cannot ring as a called party temporarily. This recovers after on hook. 29 30 31 Numeral type. Range: 1-65535. Default value: 60. Unit: s. Indicates the duration of the message waiting indication (MWI). Numeral type. Range: 1-60000. If the MWI service is enabled, the MGC issues the message waiting tone (the same as the dial tone) after off hook. Default value: 3. Indicates the threshold for generating an alarm for an extra-long call. Numeral type. Range: 1-65535. After the function for generating an alarm for an extra-long call is enabled, the system generates an event for an extra-long call for H.248 users if the call duration reaches the threshold. Default value: 60. Indicates whether to enable the function for generating an alarm for an extralong call. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. Unit: s. Unit: min. l 0: enabled l 1: disabled Default value: 1. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 32 Indicates the minimum duration for automatic registration of a remotely blocked port. Numeral type. Range: 0-60000. 0 indicates that the port does not register with the MGC automatically. After the automatic registration is enabled, if the MG interface is blocked because the MGC does not respond or responds incorrectly, the MG interface can automatically register with the MGC. 33 Indicates whether to disable the heartbeat message between the MG interface and the MGC. The heartbeat message is generally enabled on an MG interface for communicating with the MGC. Sometimes, certain MGCs cannot identify the heartbeat message from the MG interface and the heartbeat message is disabled on the MG interface. In this case, the MGC sends notify messages to the MG interface periodically for communication. 34 Indicates whether an MG interface actively creates or releases a link for the return to service (RTS) or out of service (OOS) message issued by the MGC. Default value: 1800. Unit: s. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: disabled l 1: enabled Default value: 1. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: yes l 1: no Default value: 0. 35 Indicates the RTS or OOS mode of an ISDN port. l If the RTS or OOS in wildcard mode is configured, an ISDN port reports only one RTS or OOS message. This reduces the number messages between the MG interface and the MGC. l If the RTS or OOS in single channel mode is configured, each channel of an ISDN port reports one RTS or OOS message. Numeral type. Range: 0-2. l 0: Indicates the RTS or OOS in wildcard and single channel mode. l 1: Indicates the RTS or OOS in single channel mode. l 2: Indicates the RTS or OOS in wildcard mode. Default value: 1. l If the RTS or OOS in wildcard and single channel mode is configured, the RTS or OOS message is reported based on site requirements. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 60 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 36 Indicates the interval between the registration messages during the MCG multi-homing registration switching. Numeral type. Range: 1-1800. When you need to configure the interval of MGC switchover between primary/ secondary MGCs in case of an MGC fault, use this parameter. Default value: 40. Unit: s. NOTE The software parameters of an MG interface are effective only on the MG interface itself. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure the software parameters of the MG interface. Step 3 Run the display mg-software parameter command to query the software parameters of the MG interface. NOTE The software parameters are valid only for the current MG interface. ----End Example To configure the software parameters of the MG interface so that the MG interface supports the multi homing and does not support the switchover function, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-software parameter 2 1 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display mg-software parameter 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------Interface Id:0 para index:2 value:1 --------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: --------------------------------------------------------------------Interface software parameter name: 2: The selections of the MG interface multi-homing 0: Do not support the multi-homing 1: Support the multi-homing, but do not support the auto switchover 2: Support the multi-homing and auto switchover 5.9 Configuring Software Parameters of an MG Interface Based on the MGCP Protocol The software parameters of a media gateway (MG) interface include parameters such as whether to hold an ongoing call if the MG interface fails to communicate with the media gateway controller (MGC) and whether the MG interface supports the dual-homing function. After the Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 61 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface software parameters are configured successfully, they take effect on the services carried on the MG interface. Prerequisite l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). l An MG interface has been added successfully. Context Table 5-9 lists the software parameters of an MG interface based on the MGCP protocol. Table 5-9 Software parameters of an MG interface based on the MGCP protocol Parameter Description Value 0 Reserved in the system. N/A 1 Indicates whether to hold ongoing calls if the MG interface fails to communicate with the MGC. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to hold ongoing calls if the MG interface fails to communicate with the MGC, use this parameter. 2 Indicates whether the MG interface supports the dualhoming function. When users need to configure whether an MG interface supports the dual-homing function, use this parameter. l 0: Hold ongoing calls. l 1: Release all calls immediately. Default value: 1. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: supported l 1: not supported Default value: 0. If the MG interface does not support the dual-homing function and the secondary MGC is configured, when the MG interface fails to register with the primary MGC, the MG interface does not switch to register with the secondary MGC. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 3 Indicates whether to disable the heartbeat message between the MG and the MGC. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to disable the heartbeat message between the MG and the MGC, use this parameter. 4 l 0: disabled l 1: enabled Default value: 1. Indicates whether to use the wildcard when the MG interface registers with the MGC. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to use the wildcard for the registration of the MG interface with the MGC, use this parameter. Default value: 0. l 0: used l 1: not used Using the wildcard for registration reduces the messages between the MG interface and the MGC greatly. When no wildcard is used for registration, all the terminals under the MG interface need to register with the MGC by turn. The registration without using the wildcard is also called single-terminal registration. 5 6 Indicates the MGC type. Numeral type. Range: 0-8. When users need to select MGCs of different types, use this parameter. Default value: 0. Indicates the upper threshold for not responding a transmitted heartbeat message. Numeral type. Range: 1-10. Default value: 3. When users need to configure the upper threshold for the number of continuous heartbeat messages, use this parameter. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 7 Indicates whether to support heartbeat message reporting using the MG interface as an endpoint. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to support heartbeat message reporting using the MG interface as an endpoint, use this parameter. Default value: 0. 8 Reserved in the system. N/A 9 Reserved in the system. N/A 10 Indicates whether to enable the point-to-point (P2P) fault reporting function. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. When users need to configure whether to enable the P2P fault reporting function on the ISDN terminals connected to the MG interface, use this parameter. 11 Indicates whether to enable the point-to-multipoint (P2MP) fault reporting function. When users need to configure whether to enable the P2MP fault reporting function on the ISDN terminals connected to the MG interface, use this parameter. 12 Indicates the type of the congestion tone played locally. l 0: disabled l 1: enabled l 0: enabled l 1: disabled Default value: 0. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: enabled l 1: disabled Default value: 1. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. l 0: busy tone l 1: device congestion tone l 2: mute l 3: customized tone 1 l 4: customized tone 2 Default value: 0. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 64 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Parameter Description Value 13 Indicates the type of the congestion tone played remotely. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. l 0: busy tone l 1: device congestion tone l 2: mute l 3: customized tone 1 l 4: customized tone 2 Default value: 0. Indicates the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) filtering function on a SIP interface. When users need to configure the RTP filtering function on a SIP interface, use this parameter. 14 Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: disabled l 1: enabled Default value: 1. After the RTP filtering function is enabled on a SIP interface, the SIP interface receives media streams coming from only a specified port. 15 Indicates the howler tone duration. Numeral type. Range: 1-65535. Default value: 60. Unit: s. 16 Indicates whether a number string reported by signaling ends with timer flag "T". Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: Indicates that the number string ends with timer flag "T" after the timer expires. l 1: Indicates that the number string does not end with timer flag "T" after the timer expires. Default value: 0. NOTE The software parameters of an MG interface are effective only on the MG interface itself. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure the software parameters of the MG interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 65 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Step 3 Run the display mg-software parameter command to query the software parameters of the MG interface. ----End Example To set the software parameters of an MG interface so that all ongoing calls are released after the MG interface fails to communicate with the MGC, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#mg-software parameter 1 1 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display mg-software parameter 1 ------------------------------------------------Interface Id:0 para index:1 value:1 ------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: ------------------------------------------------Interface soft parameter name: 1: Whether MG hold the existent call when connection between MGC and MG is broken 0 : Hold the existent call 1 : Disconnect all call and release resource 5.10 Configuring the Ringing Mode of an MG Interface Configuring the ringing mode includes configuring the cadence ringing type and initial ringing type. Configure the ringing mode of the MG interface to meet different requirements for the ringing of different subscribers. Prerequisite The MG interface must be added successfully. Context l If the system defined ring modes can meet the subscriber requirements, you can select the required ring modes and configure the ring mapping. l If the system defined ring modes cannot meet the subscriber requirements, you can customize ring modes and configure the ring mapping. Precaution The mgcpara parameter on the MG must be the same as the mgcpara parameter configured on the MGC. Procedure Step 1 Run the system parameters command to configure the stop initial ringing flag. NOTE l If the initial ringing and the cadence ringing are in different cadence ratios, perform step 1. If they are in the same cadence ratio, skip step 1. l To use user defined ring modes, perform steps 2-3. To use system defined ring modes, perform step 4. Step 2 Run the user defined-ring modify command to configure a user defined ring. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 66 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Step 3 Run the display user defined-ring command to display the user defined ring modes. Step 4 Enter the MG interface mode. 1. When the H.248 protocol is used, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. When the MGCP protocol is used, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 5 Run the mg-ringmode add command to add a ring mapping entry. Step 6 Run the display mg-ringmode attribute command to query a ring mapping entry. ----End Example To configure the ring for an MG interface, do as follows: Assume the following: l MG ID: 0 l MGC peer parameter ID: 0 l Cadence ring: 1:4 l Initial ring: 1:2 huawei(config)#system parameters 3 1 huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-ringmode add 0 0 17 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display mg-ringmode attribute ------------------------------------------------------MGID PeerParameter CadenceRinging InitialRinging ------------------------------------------------------0 0 0 17 ------------------------------------------------------- To configure a ring mode for an MG interface, do as follows: Assume the following: l MG ID: 0 l Peer parameter ID: 0 l User-defined ring 0: 0.4s On, 0.2s Off, 0.4s On, 2.0s Off l Initial ring: user-defined ring 0 l Cadence ring: user-defined ring 0 huawei(config)#system parameters 3 1 huawei(config)#user defined-ring modify 0 para1 400 para2 200 para3 400 para4 2000 huawei(config)#display user defined-ring -------------------------------------------------RingType Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para6 -------------------------------------------------0 400 200 400 2000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 67 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-ringmode add 1 128 144 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display mg-ringmode attribute ------------------------------------------------------MGID PeerParameter CadenceRinging InitialRinging ------------------------------------------------------0 1 128 144 ------------------------------------------------------NOTE The user defined ring mode 0–15 corresponds with cadence ring modes 128–143 and initial ring modes 144–159. For example, to use the user defined ring mode 0 as the cadence ring mode, select 128. To use the user defined ring mode 0 as the initial ring mode, select 144. 5.11 Configuring a Digitmap for an MG Interface Based on the H.248 Protocol The format of a digitmap is strictly defined by the H.248 protocol. A digitmap consists of strings of characters with certain meanings. Configuring a digitmap of a media gateway (MG) interface includes configuring the internal phone digitmap, emergency channel digitmap, automatic redial digitmap, and overload emergency call digitmap for the MG interface. In addition, users can configure a local common digitmap for all MG interfaces. Prerequisite An MG interface has been added successfully. Specifications Table 5-10 lists the valid digits and characters in a character string and their meanings in H.248. Table 5-10 Valid digits and characters in a character string and their meanings in H.248 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Digit or Character Meaning 0-9 Indicates digits 0-9. A-D Undefined G-K Undefined E Indicates an asterisk (*) in dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) mode. F Indicates a pound (#) in DTMF mode. X Indicates any digit ranging from 0 to 9. T Indicates the start timer, used before any dialed number. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 68 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Digit or Character Meaning S Indicates the short timer. If a dialed number matches a dialing scheme in the digitmap, the MG uses the short timer to wait for receiving more numbers instead of reporting the matching status immediately because more received numbers may match the other dialing schemes. L Indicates the long timer. If the MG verifies that at least one more digit is needed to match a dialing scheme in the digitmap, the long timer needs to be set between digits. Z Indicates the duration modifier, which refers to a dialing event that lasts for a long time. It is used before the event character with a fixed location. When an event duration exceeds the threshold, the dialing event fills the location. . Indicates that zero or more digits or characters can appear before it. | Used to separate character strings, indicating that each character string is a dialing scheme. [] Indicates that one digit or character string can be selected from the options. NOTE l When you configure the re-dial digitmap for the card service when the MG interface uses the H.248 protocol, E stands for * and F stands for #. For example, to set the re-dial digitmap for the card service to ##, you need to set the dualdialdigitmap to FF. l The time length of the start timer set on the UA5000 must be the same as that set on the softswitch. Procedure l l Configure the internal phone digitmap, emergency channel digitmap, automatic redial digitmap, and overload emergency call digitmap for an MG interface based on the H.248 protocol. 1. In global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter MG interface mode. 2. Run the digitmap set command to configure the needed internal phone digitmap, emergency channel digitmap, automatic redial digitmap, and overload emergency call digitmap. 3. Run the display digitmap command to query the settings of the digitmap. Configure a local common digitmap for all MG interfaces based on the H.248 protocol. 1. In global config mode, run the local-digitmap add command to configure a local common digitmap. 2. Run the display local-digitmap command to query the settings of the digitmap. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 69 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Example To configure an internal phone digitmap in the format of 1234xxxx, and an emergency channel digitmap in the format of 110|119|999, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#digitmap set inner 1234xxxx emergency 110|119|999 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display digitmap ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Inner digitmap : 1234xxxx Emergency digitmap : 110|119|999 Urgent digitmap (for overload or bandwidth restrict) : Dualdial digitmap for card service : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To configure a local common digitmap in the format of 8882xxxx, do as follows: huawei(config)#local-digitmap add huawei normal 8882xxxx huawei(config)#display local-digitmap name huawei -----------------------------------------Name: huawei Type: normal Body: 8882xxxx ------------------------------------------ 5.12 Configuring Digitmaps of the MG Interface (the MGCP Protocol) The format of a digitmap is strictly defined by MGCP. A digitmap consists of strings of characters with certain meanings. Configuring the digitmaps of the MG interface includes configuring the automatic re-dial digitmap and overload emergency call digitmap of the MG interface. Prerequisite An MG interface must be added successfully. Specifications Table 5-11 shows the valid characters in the strings and their meanings in the MGCP protocol. Table 5-11 Description of the characters in MGCP digitmaps Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Character Meaning 0-9 - A-D - X It stands for a wildcard, indicating any digit from 0 to 9. T It indicates that the timer timeout is detected. That is, if there is still a number after the dialing scheme is matched with, the system reports the number digit by digit. * It stands for * in DTMF mode. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 70 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Character Meaning # It stands for # in DTMF mode. . It indicates that there can be zero or many characters before it. | It is used to divide a string into several strings, and each string is a dialing scheme. [] It indicates that one digit or string can be selected among the options. NOTE The time length of the start timer on the UA5000 must be consistent with the configuration on the SoftSwitch. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the digitmap set command to configure digitmaps for services. Step 3 Run the display digitmap command to query the settings of the digitmap. ----End Example To configure the automatic re-dial digitmap for the card service to ##, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#digitmap set dualdial ## huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display digitmap ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Dualdial digitmap for card service : ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 5-12 lists the related operations for configuring the digitmap. Table 5-12 Related operations for configuring the digitmap (based on MGCP) To... Run the Command... Remarks Clear a digitmap digitmap clear - Configure digitmap timers digitmap-timer The T timer is used to match with a timer expiry. 5.13 Configuring the Overload Control of the MGC The MGC processes the calls reported by multiple AGs that the MGC controls. If the traffic volumes of multiple AGs increase, the MGC may be overloaded. When the MGC is overloaded, Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 71 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface the UA5000 can control the calls to ensure that the calls of subscribers with related priority or the emergency calls are processed. Thus, the stability and the availability of the system are improved. Prerequisite l The MGC data must be configured successfully. l An MG interface must be added successfully. Context The MGC overload means that when the MGC has a large number of tasks to process, the CPU usage of the MGC increases, and the MGC cannot ensure normal calls. In this case, to solve this problem, the UA5000 limits the calls according to different levels of priorities. On a network, the MGC or the MG may be overloaded. That is, either the MGC or the MG is overloaded, or both are overloaded. When either device is overloaded, the remote device should support and work with the overloaded device. The user levels corresponding to the parameters for controlling the MGC overload are as follows: l T3: The customized user at the highest level, namely, the user of emergency calls l T2: The customized user at the second highest level, namely, the user of cat1 and cat2 calls l T1: The customized user at the common level, namely, the user of cat3 calls NOTE Cat1, cat2, and cat3 are the priority levels of the user terminal. Cat1 has the highest priority and cat3 has the lowest priority. Procedure Step 1 Run the mgc-overload-control command to configure the maximum pass rate of the calls at different levels for the MG interface. Step 2 Run the display mgc-overload-control command to query the maximum pass rate of the calls at different levels for the MG interface. ----End Example Assume that: l The user-defined call pass rate threshold at the highest level is 20 offhook/s. l The user-defined call pass rate threshold at the second highest level is 15 offhook/s. l The user-defined call pass rate threshold at the common level is 10 offhook/s. l The leaky bucket pass rate is 25 offhook/s. l The prompt tone that the subscriber network is busy when a call is rejected by the leaky bucket is EET. To configure such parameters for the MGC overload control, do as follows: huawei(config)#mgc-overload-control parameters mgid 0 t3 20 t2 15 t1 10 maxAdmitRate 25 throttlingCallTreat EET Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 72 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface huawei(config)#display mgc-overload-control <cr>|mgid<K> }: Command: display mgc-overload-control --------------------------------SwitchValue :disable MgID :0 T1Value :20 T2Value :15 T3Value :10 Max LeakRate Configured :25.00 Used real leakRate of MGC :25.00 ThrottlingCallTreatValue :EET CallGappingTimerValue :5 MgcBraWeight :200 MgcPraWeight :3000 --------------------------------- 5.14 Configuring the Overload Control of the MG If the traffic volume of the MG increases suddenly, the MG may be overloaded. When the MG is overloaded, the UA5000 can control the calls to ensure that the calls of subscribers with the related priority or the emergency calls are processed. Thus, the stability and the availability of the system are improved. Prerequisite An MG interface must be added successfully. Context The MG overload means that when the MG has a large number of tasks to process, the CPU usage of the MG increases, and the MG cannot ensure normal calls. In this case, to solve this problem, the UA5000 limits calls to control the traffic when the CPU of the MG is overloaded. On a network, the MGC or the MG may be overloaded. That is, either the MGC or the MG is overloaded, or both are overloaded. When either device is overloaded, the remote device should support and work with the overloaded device. Precaution l The MG overload control takes effect only for PSTN subscribers and ISDN subscribers (including ISDN PRA subscribers, ISDN BRA subscribers, DPNSS subscribers, and DASS2 subscribers). l The UA5000 does not implement the overload processing for the onhook of ISDN subscribers. Procedure Step 1 Run the mg-overload-control set command to configure the MG overload control parameters. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 73 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface NOTE Use the default value 70 to set the corresponding minimum CPU usage for the restriction level overload. Run the power-dialer-control set command to set the detection, detection cycle, number of detection events in each cycle, and recovery time for malicious subscribers. It is recommended that you use the default values for the MG overload control parameters. ----End Example Table 5-13 provides the data plan for configuring the MG overload control parameters. The values of other parameters are the system default values. Table 5-13 Data plan for configuring the MG overload control parameters Type Value Emergency call threshold 60 Common call threshold 50 huawei(config)#mg-overload-control set urgent-call-threshold 60 ordinary-call-th reshold 50 huawei(config)#display mg-overload-control all -----------------------------------------------------------Support Originating Call overload control : 1(0-disable,1-enable) Support Terminating Call overload control : 0(0-disable,1-enable) Support Mass Call Clear control : 0(0-disable,1-enable) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Urgent Call threshold : 60 Ordinary Call threshold : 50 MG Overload alarm resum peroid : 30(s) Max cpu occupancy rate : 70(%) Adjust factor for Leak rate : 20 BRA Weight Value : 200 PRA Weight Value : 3000 ----------------------------------------- 5.15 Enabling an MG Interface Enable an MG interface so that the MG interface negotiates with the MGC through the specified media gateway control protocol and implements the registration on the MGC. Resetting the interface enables the MG interface to register again on the MGC. Prerequisite l An MG interface must be added successfully. l The data on the MG and the data on the MGC must be configured properly. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 74 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 5 Configuring the MG Interface Precaution l After adding an MG interface or modifying the MG interface parameters, you need to reset the MG interface to validate the parameter configuration. l Enabling an MG interface interrupts the ongoing services on the interface. Therefore, exercise caution when enabling an MG interface. Procedure Step 1 Enter the MG interface mode 1. When the H.248 protocol is used, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. When the MGCP protocol is used, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the reset command to reset the MG interface to enable it. ----End Example To reset the MG interface with MG ID 0 when the UA5000 uses the H.248 protocol, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 75 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Configuring the SIP Interface About This Chapter The UA5000 communicates with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) through the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface to implement the interworking between the PSTN network and the IP network and provide the VoIP service based on the IMS. 6.1 Introduction to SIP Interface SIP is a control-layer protocol of the IMS, which is used to create, change, or terminate multimedia sessions. The concept of "SIP interface" is developed to meet the requirements, such as configuring public attributes for multiple SIP users in the IMS architecture and providing the SIP VAG function. The following section describes the concepts and specifications related to the SIP interface. 6.2 Configuration Example of a SIP Interface Configuring a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface includes configuring the IP address pool, interface attributes, and ringing modes. After the SIP interface is configured, the UA5000, which is a Voice over IP Gateway (VGW), can communicate with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) through this interface. 6.3 Configuring the IP Address Pool (SIP) An IP address can be used in the service configuration only after it is added to the IP address pool successfully. By configuring the IP address pool, you can add the IP address to be used to the IP address pool. 6.4 Adding a SIP Interface This topic describes how to add a SIP interface so that the UA5000 can interact with the IMS through the SIP interface. 6.5 Configuring the Attributes of a SIP Interface The basic and optional attributes, such as media IP address, signaling IP address, transfer protocol, home domain name, domain name, and description information of a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface can be configured. 6.6 Configuring Software Parameters of a SIP Interface A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface has multiple software parameters such as its digitmap matching mode. After the software parameters are configured successfully, they take effect on the services carried on the SIP interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 76 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface 6.7 Configuring Software Character Parameters of a SIP Interface A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface has multiple software character parameters such as its long-distance call prefix. After configured successfully, the software character parameters take effect on the services carried on the SIP interface. 6.8 Configuring a Local Digitmap for SIP When the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used, an access gateway (AG) provides its default digitmap itself. If the required digitmap is different from the default digitmap, users can configure the required digitmap by adding a local digitmap. 6.9 Configuring the Ringing Mode of the SIP Interface This topic describes how to configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface to meet the user requirements. 6.10 Resetting the SIP Interface This topic describes how to reset the SIP interface to make the attributes of the SIP interface take effect after modification. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 77 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface 6.1 Introduction to SIP Interface SIP is a control-layer protocol of the IMS, which is used to create, change, or terminate multimedia sessions. The concept of "SIP interface" is developed to meet the requirements, such as configuring public attributes for multiple SIP users in the IMS architecture and providing the SIP VAG function. The following section describes the concepts and specifications related to the SIP interface. Service Description The IMS is a sub-system that provides the IP-based multimedia session control function on the next generation network. The IMS includes all the elements of the core network that provide the audio, video, text, and instant message services. SIP is a control-layer protocol of the IMS and also one of the framework protocols stipulated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for the multimedia communication system. SIP is an application-layer protocol, which is used to create, change, or terminate multimedia sessions. Working with other IETF protocols, such as Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), Realtime Transport Control Protocol (RTCP), SDP, Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), and DNS, SIP is used to implement session establishment and media negotiation. The UA5000 is connected to the PSTN user terminal in the downstream direction and to the IMS system through the SIP interface in the upstream direction. The UA5000 implements the VoIP service by working with the IMS core network. The functions and applications of the SIP interface are similar to the functions and applications of the MG interface. Service Specifications l The UA5000 supports three system protocols: SIP, H.248, and Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). One UA5000 can use only one protocol. l By default, the UA5000 uses H.248 protocol. l Similar to the MG interface, one UA5000 supports up to eight SIP interfaces. Each SIP interface can be configured with the interface attributes separately. 6.2 Configuration Example of a SIP Interface Configuring a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface includes configuring the IP address pool, interface attributes, and ringing modes. After the SIP interface is configured, the UA5000, which is a Voice over IP Gateway (VGW), can communicate with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) through this interface. Prerequisites l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to SIP. l The IP address to be used in this example has been configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 78 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Precaution l The UA5000 can be configured with a maximum of eight SIP interfaces. If eight SIP interfaces have already existed in the UA5000, adding a SIP interface will fail and the system will display an error message. l The UA5000 supports the following protocols: H.248, Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), and SIP. One UA5000 can use only one protocol. That is, if SIP is selected as the system protocol, SIP must be selected for all the MG interfaces on the UA5000. l The default system protocol is H.248. Users can run the protocol support sip command to change the protocol used by the UA5000 to SIP, run the save data command to save the database file of the system, and then run the reboot command to reset the system to make configuration take effect. CAUTION Resetting the system interrupts services. Therefore, exercise caution when users run this command. Data Plan Table 6-1 provides the data plan for configuring the SIP interface. Table 6-1 Data plan for configuring the SIP interface Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Category Item Data Parameters of the basic attributes of the SIP interface Interface ID 0 Media/Signaling IP address Signaling port ID 5555 Transfer protocol UDP IP address of the primary proxy server Port ID of the primary proxy server 5555 IP address of the secondary proxy server Port ID of the secondary proxy server 5555 Profile index 0 Home domain name Phone context +86755 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 79 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Category Item Data Ringing mode of the SIP interface Index of the cadence ringing mode 2 Index of the initial ringing mode 4 Configuration Flowchart Figure 6-1 shows the flowchart for configuring the SIP interface. Figure 6-1 Flowchart for configuring the SIP interface Start Add a SIP interface Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface (Optional) Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface Reset the SIP interface Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add a SIP interface. huawei(config)#interface sip 0 Are you sure to add the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y Step 2 Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute basic home-domain media-ip signal-ip signal-port 5555 transfer udp primary-proxy-ip1 primary-proxy-port 5555 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondary-proxy-port 5555 sipprofile-index 0 Step 3 Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute optional phone-context +86755 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 80 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Step 4 (Optional) Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#ringmode add 0 test cadencering 2 initialring 4 Step 5 Query the configured attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute config -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy Address Mode IP SIPProfile Index 0:Customizing_0/1 Service logic Index 0:Default Server Address DHCP Option 0:None Primary Proxy Domain Name Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Register URI Conference Factory URI Subscribe to UA-Profile enable Subscribe to REG-STATE disable Subscribe to MWI disable SDP negotiation mode remote Mode of supporting proxy dual-homing dualhome Proxy detection mode probe Proxy refresh mode ------------------------------------------------------------ Step 6 Reset the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Are you sure to reset the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)# Resetting SIP interface 0 succeeded CAUTION Resetting the SIP interface interrupts services. Therefore, exercise caution when users run this command. Step 7 Save the data. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result The current attributes of the queried SIP interface are the same as the configured attributes. huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute running Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 81 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy Address Mode IP SIPProfile Index 0:Customizing_0/1 Service logic Index 0:Default Server Address DHCP Option 0:None Primary Proxy Domain Name Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Register URI Conference Factory URI Primary Proxy State up Secondary Proxy State up Subscribe to UA-Profile enable Subscribe to REG-STATE disable Subscribe to MWI disable SDP negotiation mode remote Mode of supporting proxy dual-homing dualhome Proxy detection mode option Proxy refresh mode immediate ------------------------------------------------------------ 6.3 Configuring the IP Address Pool (SIP) An IP address can be used in the service configuration only after it is added to the IP address pool successfully. By configuring the IP address pool, you can add the IP address to be used to the IP address pool. Context It is recommended that you plan the NMS configuration mode of the device before configuring the IP address pool. Otherwise, changing the NMS configuration mode of the device interrupts services. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface eth command to enter the ETH mode. Step 2 Run the ip address command to add an IP address to the IP address pool. Step 3 Run the display ip address command to query the information about the IP address pool of the system. ----End Example To add IP address to the IP address pool, wherein the subnet mask and gateway of the IP address are and, do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 82 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: 0 MacAddress...........: 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 VlanID...............: -IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: MacAddress...........: VlanID...............: 0 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 -- IPAddress............: SubMask..............: GateWay..............: MacIndex.............: MacAddress...........: VlanID...............: 0 00-E0-FC-8B-77-77 -- Related Operation Table 6-2 lists the related operation for configuring the IP address pool. Table 6-2 Related operation for configuring the IP address pool To... Run the Command... Delete an IP address undo ip address 6.4 Adding a SIP Interface This topic describes how to add a SIP interface so that the UA5000 can interact with the IMS through the SIP interface. Context Similar to the MG interface, one UA5000 supports up to eight SIP interfaces. Each SIP interface can be configured with the interface attributes separately. Procedure Step 1 Run the display protocol support command to query the current system protocol. l If the system protocol is SIP, go to Step 4. l If the system protocol is not SIP, go to Step 2, and then perform the following operations. Step 2 Run the protocol support command to change the system protocol to SIP. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 83 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface NOTE If the MG interface that supports the current protocol already exists in the system, you must run the undo interface h248 or undo interface mgcp command to delete this MG interface, and then you can change the system protocol. Step 3 Run the save command to save the configuration data, and then run the reboot command to reset the system so that the new configuration data can take effect. CAUTION Resetting the system interrupts the services. Therefore, exercise caution when you run this command. Step 4 Run the interface sip command to add a SIP interface. Step 5 Run the quit command to quit the SIP mode. ----End Example To add a SIP interface with ID 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#display protocol support System support H248 protocol huawei(config)#protocol support sip Changing of the protocol configuration takes effect after you save the data and then reboot the system. To ensure that the profile file and digitmap file are consistent with the protocol configuation, reboot the system and then re-load the two files. Are you sure to change the protocol configuration? (y/n)[ n]:y huawei(config)#save huawei(config)#reboot system Are you sure to reboot system? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config)#interface sip 0 Are you sure to add SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)#quit Related Operation Table 6-3 lists the related operation for adding a SIP interface. Table 6-3 Related operation for adding a SIP interface To... Run the Command... Delete a SIP interface undo interface sip 6.5 Configuring the Attributes of a SIP Interface The basic and optional attributes, such as media IP address, signaling IP address, transfer protocol, home domain name, domain name, and description information of a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface can be configured. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 84 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Prerequisite l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to SIP. l A SIP interface has been added successfully. l Media and signaling IP addresses exist in the corresponding address pool. l The SIP attributes include the basic attributes and the optional attributes, and the basic attributes must be configured. l The attributes of a SIP interface are effective only on the SIP interface itself. Context Precautions When configuring the SIP interface attributes, pay attention to the following points: l The IP address (signaling IP address or media IP address) of the SIP interface must exist in the corresponding IP address pool. l The protocol supports three transfer modes: TCP, UDP, and SCTP. l Between Primary Proxy IP/Secondary Proxy IP and Primary Proxy Domain Name/ Secondary Proxy Domain Name, which are basic attributes, at least one attribute must be configured. If both the attributes (IP address and domain name) are configured, the system determines which attribute is used according to the configured address mode of the proxy server (proxy-addr-mode). l If the registration server URI is not configured, the port uses the home domain name of the mandatory attributes for registration. l If the interface is configured with the conference service, the conference factory URI needs to be configured. Otherwise, the conference service is unavailable. l The phone context can be indicated by a global number or a domain name. Certain syntax rules are required. For details, see RFC3966. l After the configuration, you must run the reset(sip) command to reset the SIP interface to make the configuration data take effect. Otherwise, the configuration data is stored only in the database. l The basic attribute home-domain must be configured before resetting the SIP interface. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP mode. Step 2 Run the if-sip attribute basic command to configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface. Step 3 Run the if-sip attribute optional command to configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface. Step 4 Run the display if-sip attribute command to query the SIP interface attributes. ----End Example Table 6-4 provides the data plan for configuring the attributes the SIP interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 85 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Table 6-4 Data plan for configuring the attributes the SIP interface Parameter Value Parameters of the basic attributes MGID 0 media-ip signal-ip signal-port 5555 transfer UDP primary-proxy-ip1 primary-proxy-port 5555 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondary-proxy-port 5555 sipprofile-index 0 home-domain Parameters of the optional attributes phone-context +86755 To configure the attributes of the SIP interface, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute basic home-domain media-ip signal-ip signal-port 5555 transfer udp primary-proxy-ip1 primary-proxy-port 5555 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondary-proxy -port 5555 sipprofile-index 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute optional phone-context +86755 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute config -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy Address Mode IP SIPProfile Index 0:Customizing_0/1 Service logic Index 0:Default Server Address DHCP Option 0:None Primary Proxy Domain Name Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 86 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Register URI Conference Factory URI Subscribe to UA-Profile enable Subscribe to REG-STATE disable Subscribe to MWI disable SDP negotiation mode remote Mode of supporting proxy dual-homing dualhome Proxy detection mode probe Proxy refresh mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 6.6 Configuring Software Parameters of a SIP Interface A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface has multiple software parameters such as its digitmap matching mode. After the software parameters are configured successfully, they take effect on the services carried on the SIP interface. Prerequisite l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to SIP. l A SIP interface has been added successfully. Context Table 6-5 lists the software parameters of a SIP interface. Table 6-5 Software parameters of a SIP interface Parameter Description Value 0 Indicates the play tone type for local blocking. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. l 0: busy tone l 1: device congestion tone l 2: silence l 3: user-defined tone 1 l 4: user-defined tone 2 Default value: 0. 1 Indicates the play tone type for remote blocking. Numeral type. Range: 0-4. l 0: busy tone l 1: device congestion tone l 2: silence l 3: user-defined tone 1 l 4: user-defined tone 2 Default value: 0. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 87 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 2 Indicates whether the standalone mode is supported. Numeral type. Range: 0-1. l 0: Indicates that the standalone function is not supported. l 1: Indicates that the standalone function is supported. Default value: 0. 3 Indicates the call release mode in case of normal calls. Numeral type. Range: 0-3. l 0: Indicates that call release is controlled by the calling or called party. Call resources are released after any party places the phone on the hook. l 1: Indicates that call release is controlled by the calling party. Call resources are released only when the calling party places the phone on the hook. l 2: Indicates that call release is controlled by the called party. Call resources are released only when the called party places the phone on the hook. l 3: Indicates that call release is controlled neither by the calling party nor by the called party. Call resources are not released when the calling or called party places the phone on the hook. Default value: 0. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 88 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 4 Indicates the call release mode in case of emergency calls. Numeral type. Range: 0-3. l 0: Indicates that call release is controlled by the calling or called party. Call resources are released after any party places the phone on the hook. l 1: Indicates that call release is controlled by the calling party. Call resources are released only when the calling party places the phone on the hook. l 2: Indicates that call release is controlled by the called party. Call resources are released only when the called party places the phone on the hook. l 3: Indicates that call release is controlled neither by the calling party nor by the called party. Call resources are not released when the calling or called party places the phone on the hook. Default value: 0. 5 Indicates the silence suppression function of emergency calls. Numeral type. Range: 0-3. l 0: Indicates that the silence suppression function is disabled forcedly in case of emergency calls. l 1: Indicates that the status of the silence suppression function is not controlled. The function is not disabled forcedly and is enabled or disabled according to the SDP negotiation of the voice call procedure. Default value: 1. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 6 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 7 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 8 This parameter is reserved in the system. - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 89 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 9 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 10 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 11 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 12 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 13 Indicates the matching mode of the digitmap. Enumerated type. Options: 0 and 1. l 0: minimum matching l 1: maximum matching Default value: 0. 14 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 15 Indicates the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) filter function of the SIP interface. Enumerated type. Range: 0-1 When you need to configure whether the SIP interface filters the RTP, use this parameter. l 0: not filter l 1: filter Default value: 0. When the RTP filter function of the SIP interface is enabled, the SIP interface receives only the media stream from a specified port. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 16 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 17 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 18 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 19 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 20 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 21 This parameter is reserved in the system. - 22 This parameter is reserved in the system. - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 90 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 23 Indicates the registration life cycle. Enumerated type. Range: 1-65534. Unit: second. Default value: 600. 24 Indicates the report mode of the QoS statistics. Enumerated type. options: 0 and 1. l 0: report in T- mode l 1: not support the report of the QoS statistics Default value: 1. The switch for the pulse signal switch to the DTMF signal. 25 Enumerated type. options: 0 and 1. l 0: disable l 1: enable Default value: 0. NOTE The software parameters of a SIP interface are effective only on the SIP interface itself. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure software parameters of a SIP interface. Step 3 Run the display mg-software parameter command to query software parameters of the SIP interface. ----End Example To set the digitmap matching mode of SIP interface 0 to 1 (maximum matching), do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#mg-software parameter 13 1 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display mg-software parameter 13 ------------------------------------------------MGID:0 para index:13 value:1 ------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: ------------------------------------------------Interface software parameter name: 13: Digitmap matching mode 0: Minimum 1: Maximum Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 91 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface 6.7 Configuring Software Character Parameters of a SIP Interface A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface has multiple software character parameters such as its long-distance call prefix. After configured successfully, the software character parameters take effect on the services carried on the SIP interface. Prerequisite l The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to SIP. l A SIP interface has been added successfully. Context Table 6-6 lists the software character parameters of a SIP interface. Table 6-6 Software character parameters of a SIP interface Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Parameter Description Value 1 Reserved in the system. N/A 2 Indicates the accessed network. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 3 Indicates the prefix of a domestic long-distance call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 4 Indicates the prefix of an international long-distance call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 5 Indicates a country code (CC) number string. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 6 Indicates a national destination code (NDC) number string. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 7 Indicates a synchronous common channels (SCC) domain name. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 8 Reserved in the system. N/A 9 Reserved in the system. N/A 10 Reserved in the system. N/A 11 Reserved in the system. N/A Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 92 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 12 Indicates the character string that is displayed when the calling line identification presentation (CLIP) is unavailable. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 13 Reserved in the system. N/A 14 Indicates the character string that is displayed when the CLIP is restricted. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 15 Indicates the SCC code of a multimedia caller identification (MCID) service. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. This parameter determines whether to trigger an MCID service in SCC mode. After this parameter is configured, the MCID service is triggered if the SCC code is equal to the value of this parameter. Otherwise, the MCID service is not triggered. If this parameter is not configured, the MCID service cannot be triggered. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 16 Indicates the SCC code for activating a call forwarding unconditional (CFU) service. According to the SCC code, the access gateway (AG) analyzes the CFU service and records its status to determine whether to play special dial tones. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 17 Indicates the SCC code for deactivating a CFU service. According to the SCC code, the AG analyzes the CFU service and records its status to determine whether to play special dial tones. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 18 Indicates the owner name for parameters in row O of Session Description Protocol (SDP). Huawei is by default filled in if this parameter is not set. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 93 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 19 Indicates the session name for parameters in row s of SDP. A hyphen (-) is by default filled in if this parameter is not set. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 20 Indicates the ring mode name of the back ring. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 21 Indicates the contents of a reported hook flash event. FLASH is by default filled in if this parameter is not set. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 22 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT1 common call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 23 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT2 common call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 24 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT3 common call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 25 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT1 emergency call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 26 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT2 emergency call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 27 Indicates the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT3 emergency call. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 28 Indicates the SERVICEDOMAIN in the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the ROUTE header field. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 29 Indicates the SCC code for activating a service. When multiple services need to be activated, the codes are separated by semicolon (;). The first service is the call waiting (CW) service. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 94 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 30 Indicates the SCC code for deactivating a service. When multiple services need to be deactivated, the codes are separated by semicolon (;). The first service is the CW service. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 31 Indicates the ring mode name of the default ring. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 32 Indicates the SCC1 code for activating a customized event. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. If this parameter is matched, the SIP_SEVENT_CUSTOM_SC C1 event is generated. This character string can carry parameters. For example, "*12*(*.)#" indicates that the SIP_SEVENT_CUSTOM_SC C1 event is generated, carrying the parameters that match "*.". In the service logic of China Telecom, this parameter is used for the announced transfer service. 33 Indicates the SCC2 code for activating a customized event. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. If this parameter is matched, the SIP_SEVENT_CUSTOM_SC C2 event is generated. This character string can carry parameters. For example, "*12*(*.)#" indicates that the SIP_SEVENT_CUSTOM_SC C2 event is generated, carrying the parameters that match "*.". In the service logic of China Telecom, this parameter is used for the unannounced transfer service. 34 Indicates the SCC3 code for activating a customized event. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. This parameter is reserved in the system. 35 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Indicates the P-AccessNetwork-Info header field of a plain old telephone service (POTS) packet. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 95 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Parameter Description Value 36 Indicates the P-AccessNetwork-Info header field of a basic rate interface (BRI) packet. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. 37 Indicates the P-AccessNetwork-Info header field of a primary rate interface (PRI) packet. Character string type, a string of 1-64 characters. NOTE The software character parameters of a SIP interface are effective only on the SIP interface itself. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software strpara command to configure software character parameters of a SIP interface. Step 3 Run the display mg-software strpara command to query software character parameters of the SIP interface. ----End Example To set the value of the resource priority header field for a CAT2 emergency call on SIP interface 0 to huawei.em2, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#mg-software strpara 26 huawei.em2 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display mg-software strpara config 26 -----------------------------------------------------------MGID: 0 String Index: 26 String: huawei.em2 -----------------------------------------------------------Appendix: -----------------------------------------------------------Interface software string parameter name: 26: Resource priority header field parameter of CAT2 emergency call ------------------------------------------------------------ 6.8 Configuring a Local Digitmap for SIP When the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used, an access gateway (AG) provides its default digitmap itself. If the required digitmap is different from the default digitmap, users can configure the required digitmap by adding a local digitmap. Prerequisite The system protocol of the UA5000 has been configured to SIP. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 96 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Specifications Table 6-7 lists the valid digits and characters in a character string and their meanings in SIP. Table 6-7 Valid digits and characters in a character string and their meanings in SIP Digit or Character Meaning 0-9 Indicates digits 0-9. A-D Undefined G-K Undefined E Indicates an asterisk (*) in dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) mode. F Indicates a pound (#) in DTMF mode. X Indicates any digit ranging from 0 to 9. T Indicates the start timer, used before any dialed number. S Indicates the short timer. If a dialed number matches a dialing scheme in the digitmap, the media gateway (MG) uses the short timer to wait for receiving more numbers instead of reporting the matching status immediately because more received numbers may match the other dialing schemes. L Indicates the long timer. If the MG verifies that at least one more digit is needed to match a dialing scheme in the digitmap, the long timer needs to be set between digits. Z Indicates the duration modifier, which refers to a dialing event that lasts for a long time. It is used before the event character with a fixed location. When an event duration exceeds the threshold, the dialing event fills the location. . Indicates that zero or more digits or characters can appear before it. | Used to separate character strings, indicating that each character string is a dialing scheme. [] Indicates that one digit or character string can be selected from the options. NOTE l The direct-centrex digitmap and the second-centrex digitmap consists of only digits and the character "|". l The maximum length of each dialing scheme for direct-centrex digitmap and the second-centrex digitmap is 7 digits. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 97 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the local-digitmap add command to configure a local digitmap. Step 2 Run the display local-digitmap command to query the configured digitmap. ----End Example Assume that the digitmap name is huawei, the digitmap type is normal, and digitmap body is 8882xxxx. To configure such a digitmap for the system running the SIP protocol, do as follows: huawei(config)#local-digitmap add huawei normal 8882xxxx huawei(config)#display local-digitmap name huawei -----------------------------------------Name: huawei Type: normal Body: 8882xxxx ------------------------------------------ 6.9 Configuring the Ringing Mode of the SIP Interface This topic describes how to configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface to meet the user requirements. Prerequisite The SIP interface must be added successfully. Context l If the system-defined ringing modes can meet the user requirements, select the required ringing mode and configure the corresponding ringing mapping. l If the system-defined ringing modes cannot meet the user requirements, you can use the user-defined ringing mode and configure the corresponding ringing mapping. l The user can configure the cadence duration for the user-defined ringing to form different ringing modes. l The user-defined ringing modes are 0–15, which correspond to the cadence ringing modes 128–143 and initial ringing modes 144–159 defined by the user. For example, if the userdefined cadence ringing mode is 128, user-defined ringing mode 0 is selected. If the userdefined initial ringing mode is 144, user-defined ringing mode 0 is selected. l The system supports up to 16 records of the ringing mode mapping. l The ringing mapping name must be unique on the same SIP interface. l An index can be used for adding only one ringing mode on the same SIP interface. l The system supports up to 16 user-defined ringing modes, which can be modified but cannot be added. Precautions Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 98 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the user defined-ring modify command to configure the userdefined ringing mode. NOTE l If the user-defined ringing mode is used, perform this operation. If the system-defined ringing mode is used, go to Step 3, and then perform the following operations. l After the user-defined ringing mode is configured, you must run the board reset command to reset the corresponding service board to make the configured parameters take effect. In this way, the user of this service board can use the newly defined ringing mode. Step 2 Run the display user defined-ring command to query the user-defined ringing. Step 3 Run the interface sip command to enter the SIP mode. Step 4 Run the ringmode add command to add the ringing mapping. Step 5 Run the display ringmode command to query ringing mapping records. ----End Example Assume that: l The ringing mapping index is 0. l The ringing mapping name is test. l Both the initial ringing and the cadence ringing use user-defined ringing mode 0. l The break-make ratio of user-defined ringing mode 0 is 0.4s on: 0.2s off: 0.4s on: 2.0s off, that is, the first ringing is played for 400 ms and then stopped for 200 ms. The second ringing then starts and lasts for 400 ms before its stop for 2000 ms. To configure a SIP interface with ID 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#user defined-ring modify 0 para1 400 para2 200 para3 400 para4 2000 Note: Please reset the service board to make configured parameter be valid CAUTION After the configuration, you must reset the corresponding service board to make the configured parameters take effect. huawei(config)#display user defined-ring -------------------------------------------------RingType Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para6 -------------------------------------------------0 400 200 400 2000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 99 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#ringmode add 0 test cadencering 128 initialring 144 /128 corresponds to cadence ringing mode 0 and 144 corresponds to initial ringing mode 0./ huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display ringmode 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------MGID: 0 Index: 0 Ringmode-name: test CadenceRing: Subscriber self-defined Ring 128 InitialRing: Subscriber self-defined Fsk Ring 144 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 6-8 lists the related operations for configuring the ringing mode of the SIP interface. Table 6-8 Related operations for configuring the ringing mode of the SIP interface To... Run the Command... Delete the record of the ringing mode mapping of the SIP interface ringmode delete Modify the record of the ringing mode mapping of the SIP interface ringmode modify 6.10 Resetting the SIP Interface This topic describes how to reset the SIP interface to make the attributes of the SIP interface take effect after modification. Precautions This operation interrupts the services on the current interface. Therefore, exercise caution when you perform this operation. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface sip command to enter the SIP mode. Step 2 Run the reset(sip) command to reset the SIP interface. ----End Example To enable the SIP interface with ID 0, do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 100 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 6 Configuring the SIP Interface huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Are you sure to reset the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 101 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service About This Chapter Configuring the VoIP PSTN service involves the procedure of configuring the VoIP PSTN service on the UA5000 and managing the PSTN user. 7.1 Introduction to the VoIP Service The voice over IP (VoIP) service uses the voice compression technology and transmits the voice service over the IP network. 7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream) In this example, the UA5000 implements the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing the PSTN user through the A32 service board and accessing the upper layer network in independent upstream mode. The configuration of MGCP is the same as the configuration described here and thus omitted. 7.3 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (in Integrated Upstream Mode) This topic describes how to configure the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service on the UA5000, which transmits the voice service to the upper layer network in integrated upstream mode and connects to the PSTN subscribers through the A32 service board. The configuration of the MGCP-based VoIP service is similar to the configuration of the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service. Therefore, this topic does not describes how to configure the MGCP-based VoIP service any more. 7.4 Configuration Example of a SIP PSTN Service in Independent Upstream Mode In this example, the UA5000 implements the SIP-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing PSTN users using the A32 service board and accessing the upper-layer network in independent upstream mode. 7.5 Configuration Example of the SIP PSTN Service (Integrated Upstream) In this example, the UA5000 implements the SIP-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing the PSTN user through the A32 service board and accessing the upper layer network in integrated upstream mode. 7.6 Configuring the Emergency Standalone Function Based on the H.248 Protocol With the emergency standalone function, users under the same VAG can still communicate with each other even if the UA5000 using the H.248 loses communication with the media gateway controller (MGC). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 102 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 7.7 Configuring the Standalone Function Based on the SIP Protocol With the standalone function, users under the same user agent can still communicate with each other even if the UA5000 using the SIP loses communication with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS). 7.8 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters Global system parameters such as overseas version flag and message waiting indication (MWI) mode need to be configured to ensure that user terminals respond in compliance with local standards. 7.9 Configuring the MG PSTN Subscriber Data When the system uses the H.248 or MGCP protocol, after the MG interface is configured successfully, you can add PSTN subscribers on the MG interface by configuring the PSTN subscriber data. Thus, the function of the communication between PSTN subscribers can be implemented. 7.10 Configuring the SIP PSTN User Data When the system protocol is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), users can add a PSTN user to a SIP interface by configuring the PSTN user data to implement the call function of the PSTN user after the SIP interface is configured successfully. 7.11 Configuring PSTN Port Attributes This topic describes how to configure PSTN port attributes so that the PSTN port can meet the requirements of the actual application. 7.12 Configuring the QoS IP Precedence Configuring the QoS IP precedence means configuring the different QoS IP precedences for the signaling, media, and maintenance packets to meet different requirements for the delay and jitter of different services. 7.13 Configuring the QoS VLAN Priority Configuring the QoS VLAN priorities means configuring the different QoS VLAN priorities for the signaling, media, and maintenance packets. Thus, the QoS priorities of the service traffic streams can be controlled according to the VLAN priorities. 7.14 Separating the Signaling IP Address from the Media IP Address Separating the signaling IP address from the media IP address means configuring two different IP addresses as the media IP address and signaling IP address. Thus, the media stream and signaling stream are transmitted over different paths on the network. 7.15 Enabling the Voice Quality Enhanced Function Enabling the voice quality enhanced function includes enabling the automatic gain adjustment and background noise suppression functions so that the voice service is of better quality when there is noise. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 103 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 7.1 Introduction to the VoIP Service The voice over IP (VoIP) service uses the voice compression technology and transmits the voice service over the IP network. Service Description The VoIP service uses the IP packet switched network for transmission after the analog voice signals are specially processed, such as compressed and packetized. In this manner, the voice signals can be transmitted through the connectionless User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Currently, the VoIP has the following three types: l PC to PC: The subscribers are mainly teenagers. l PC to phone: The subscribers are mainly young people (such as oversea students). These subscribers are sensitive to the communication price. l Phone to phone: The subscribers use the traditional telephones. The carrier provides the voice service over the NGN softswitch network. Service Specifications The UA5000 provides the voice service through the voice service boards. Table 7-1 shows the number of ports provided by each type of service boards. Table 7-1 Number of ports provided by each type of service boards Board Type Number of Ports Remarks ASL 16 16-port POTS service board A32 32 32-port POTS service board A64 64 64-port POTS service board 7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream) In this example, the UA5000 implements the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing the PSTN user through the A32 service board and accessing the upper layer network in independent upstream mode. The configuration of MGCP is the same as the configuration described here and thus omitted. Prerequisite l The master shelf must be added successfully. In this example, the H601HABD functions as the master shelf. l The IP addresses used in this example must be configured in the IP address pool.The media IP address and the signaling IP address are different. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 104 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service The data on the MGC (namely, the data corresponding to the data configured on the MG) must be configured properly. Networking Figure 7-1 shows the example network of the MG PSTN service. Figure 7-1 Example network of the MG PSTN service MGC Router H.248 0/11 P V M B UA5000 A 3 2 Phone1 Phone32 Data Plan Table 7-2 provides the data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the PVMB control board. Table 7-2 Data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the PVMB control board Data Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 0 code text protocol H.248 tranfer UDP port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 105 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type IP addresses Telephone numbers 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Item Data start-negotiate-version 2 Signaling IP address of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 VLAN 1002 Media IP address of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 Default gateway of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 IP address of the MGC Phone 1-phone 32 Shelf ID/Slot ID: 0/11 Telephone numbers: 12340001-12340032 terminal id 0-31, where terminals 0-31 correspond to telephone numbers 12340001-12340032. ToS strategy IP priority and ToS priority System default value Voice enhancing function Automatic gain control (AGC) function of the PSTN port Supported AGC level of the PSTN port 15 (-24 dBm0) Spectral noise suppression (SNS) function of the PSTN port Supported SNS level of the PSTN port 20 (20 dB) Context l The MG interface parameters must be the same as the parameters configured on the MGC. l The cadence ring tone and initial ring tone defined in the local standard are used. Configuration Flowchart Figure 7-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service. Figure 7-2 Flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service NOTE In this example, the system uses the independent upstream mode. The A32 service board provides the interface for accessing the voice service. The voice signals are directly transmitted to the upper-layer network after being processed by the PVMB control board. Therefore, you need not configure the IPMB board. The following figure shows the flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service on only the PVMB control board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 106 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Start Configure the IP address of the service network port (Optional) Configure the QoS IP strategy Configure the working mode of the control board Add a service board and confirm this board Configure the MG interface attributes Query the MG interface status Configure the PSTN user data (Optional) Configure the PSTN port attribute Save the data End (Optional) Configure H.248 protocol parameters Reset the MG interface Procedure Step 1 Configure the IP address of the service network port. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip modify ip_address gateway submask vlan_tag 1002 /When the device is configured with the IP address of the service network port, whereas the IP address, / / subnet mask, gateway, or vlantag of the current service network port on the device is inconsistent with/ / the requirement of the actual data plan, run this command to modify the parameters./ /If no IP address is added to the current IP address pool of the device, run the ip address command / / to add the media IP address and signaling IP address to the IP address pool./ huawei(interface-eth)#ip address vlan_tag 1002 huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: 0 MacAddress..........: 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 VlanID .............: 1002 IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: MacAddress..........: VlanID .............: 0 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 -- Step 2 (Optional) Configure the QoS IP strategy. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 107 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(interface-eth)#quit huawei(config)#qos ip strategy none huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos Step 3 Configure the working mode of the PVMB board to alone. In this networking mode, the PVM control board provides services independently, and the voice service is transmitted upstream through the ETH1 port on the PVM board. huawei(config)#working mode alone Step 4 Add A32 service board to the shelf and confirm the board. huawei(config)#board add 0/11 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 PWX2 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMB Standby_normal H602ETCA 5 H601PVMB Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM ...... 11 A32 Normal ...... 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 Configure MG interface attributes. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute code text transfer udp primary-mgc-po rt 2944 mgport 2944 start-negotiate-version 2 mgip mg-media-ip1 primary-mgc-ip1 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 1:("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType IP4_ADDR DeviceName Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- IP1: IP2:IP1:IP2:- Step 6 (Optional) Configure H.248 protocol parameters (enable the three-way handshake signal function of the H.248 protocol stack.) Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 108 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(config-if-h248-0)#h248stack tr responseackctrl true huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display h248stack tr ------------------------------------------------three way handshake : true longtimer(units: ms) : 30000 MG provisional response timer(units: ms) : 8000 MGC provisional response timer(units: ms): 8000 MG originated pending limit : 5 MGC originated pending limit : 5 retransfailoption : max retransfer times maxretranstimes : 7 retransmode : auto maxretranstimerval(units: ms) : 4000 minretranstimerval(units: ms) : 500 ------------------------------------------------- Step 7 Enable the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Step 8 Query whether the state of the MG interface is normal. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/DomainName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 UDP Normal 2944 10.10.10. 2 2944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 9 Configure the data of the PSTN user. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/11 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 0 12340001 Cat3 A0 0 / 11 / 1 0 12340002 Cat3 A1 0 / 11 / 2 0 12340003 Cat3 A2 0 / 11 / 3 0 12340004 Cat3 A3 0 / 11 / 4 0 12340005 Cat3 A4 0 / 11 / 5 0 12340006 Cat3 A5 0 / 11 / 6 0 12340007 Cat3 A6 0 / 11 / 7 0 12340008 Cat3 A7 0 / 11 / 8 0 12340009 Cat3 A8 0 / 11 / 9 0 12340010 Cat3 A9 0 / 11 / 10 0 12340011 Cat3 A10 0 / 11 / 11 0 12340012 Cat3 A11 0 / 11 / 12 0 12340013 Cat3 A12 0 / 11 / 13 0 12340014 Cat3 A13 0 / 11 / 14 0 12340015 Cat3 A14 0 / 11 / 15 0 12340016 Cat3 A15 0 / 11 / 16 0 12340017 Cat3 A16 0 / 11 / 17 0 12340018 Cat3 A17 0 / 11 / 18 0 12340019 Cat3 A18 0 / 11 / 19 0 12340020 Cat3 A19 0 / 11 / 20 0 12340021 Cat3 A20 0 / 11 / 21 0 12340022 Cat3 A21 0 / 11 / 22 0 12340023 Cat3 A22 0 / 11 / 23 0 12340024 Cat3 A23 0 / 11 / 24 0 12340025 Cat3 A24 0 / 11 / 25 0 12340026 Cat3 A25 0 / 11 / 26 0 12340027 Cat3 A26 0 / 11 / 27 0 12340028 Cat3 A27 0 / 11 / 28 0 12340029 Cat3 A28 0 / 11 / 29 0 12340030 Cat3 A29 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 109 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 0 / 11 / 30 0 12340031 Cat3 A30 0 / 11 / 31 0 12340032 Cat3 A31 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data Step 10 (Optional) Configure the attributes of the PSTN port (enable the voice enhancing function). huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value(db) ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 1 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 2 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 3 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 4 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 5 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 6 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 7 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 8 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 9 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 10 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 11 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 12 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 13 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 14 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 15 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 16 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 17 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 18 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 19 enable -24 enable 20 ---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ---- Step 11 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration is complete, phone 1 to phone 32 can communicate with each other. 7.3 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (in Integrated Upstream Mode) This topic describes how to configure the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service on the UA5000, which transmits the voice service to the upper layer network in integrated upstream mode and connects to the PSTN subscribers through the A32 service board. The configuration of the MGCP-based VoIP service is similar to the configuration of the H.248-based VoIP PSTN service. Therefore, this topic does not describes how to configure the MGCP-based VoIP service any more. Prerequisite l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) The master shelf must be added successfully. In this example, the H601HABD is used as the master shelf. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 110 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service l The IP addresses used in this example must be configured in the IP address pool. The media IP address and the signaling IP address are different. l The data on the MGC (namely, the data corresponding to the data configured on the MG) must be configured properly. Networking Figure 7-3 shows the example network for configuring the MG PSTN service. Figure 7-3 Example network for configuring the MG PSTN service MGC Router H.248 0/11 UA5000 I P M B P V M B A 3 2 Phone1 Phone32 Data Plan l The PVM control board uses its FE ports Inner_FE0 and Inner_FE1 to communicate with FE ports on the IPMB control board. In this case, the PVM control board uses the IPM control board for upstream. – For the H601IPMD board, the inner FE port 2 and port 3 are taken for communication with the PVM board. – For the IPMB board and H612 IPMD board, the inner FE port 6 and port 7 are taken for communication with the PVM board. IPMB board is taken as example in this task. l Table 7-3 provides the data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the IPMB control board. l Table 7-4 provides the data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the PVMB control board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 111 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Table 7-3 Data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the IPMB control board Shelf ID/Slot ID/Port ID Corresponding VLAN Remarks 0/2/0 1001 The PVMB control board uses port 0 on the IPMB control board for uplink. The PVMB control board uses its FE ports Inner_FE0 and Inner_FE1 to communicate with FE ports 6 and 7 on the IPMB control board. Group FE ports 0, 6, and 7 on the IPMB control board into a VLAN. 0/2/6 0/2/7 Table 7-4 Data plan for configuring the MG PSTN service on the PVMB control board Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 0 code text protocol H.248 tranfer UDP port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 IP address Telephone number allocation Issue 01 (2011-07-30) start-negotiate-version 2 Signaling IP address of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 Media IP address of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 Default gateway of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 IP address of the MGC phone 1-phone 32 Shelf ID/slot ID: 0/11 Telephone number: 12340001-12340032 terminal id 0-31. Terminals 0-31 correspond to numbers 12340001-12340032. TOS strategy IP priority and TOS priority System default value Voice enhanced function Automatic gain control (AGC) of the PSTN port Support Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 112 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Type 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Item Data Parameter value of the AGC of the PSTN port 15 (-24 dBm0) Spectral noise suppression (SNS) of the PSTN port Support Parameter value of the SNS of the PSTN port 20 (20 dB) Context l The parameters configured on the MG interface and on the MGC interface must be consistent. l The cadence ringing tone and initial ringing tone must use the local standards. Configuration Flowchart Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5 show the flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service. Figure 7-4 Flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service on the IPMB control board Start Create a VLAN Add control board ports to the VLAN Create an L3 interface and configure its IP address Save the data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 113 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Figure 7-5 Flowchart for configuring the MG PSTN service on the PVMB control board Start Configure the IP address of the service network port Query the MG interface status (Optional) Configure the QoS IP strategy Configure the working mode of the control board Add a service board and confirm this board Configure the PSTN user data (Optional) Configure the PSTN port attribute Configure the MG interface attributes (Optional) Configure H.248 protocol parameters Save the data End Reset the MG interface Procedure l Configuration steps (on the IPMB control board) 1. Create a VLAN. huawei(config)#vlan 1001 standard 2. Add FE ports 6 and 7 and IP uplink port 0 into the VLAN. huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 0 huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 6 huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 7 3. Create the L3 interface and configure an IP address for the interface. huawei(config)#interface vlanif 1001 huawei(config-if-vlanif1001)#ip address 4. Save the data. huawei(config)#save data l Configuration steps (on the PVMB control board) 1. Configure the IP address of the service network port. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip modify ip_address gateway submask vlan_tag 1001 /When the device is configured with the IP address of the service network port, run this command to change the configuration/ / if the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, or the vlantag does not meet the data plan requirements./ /If no IP address is added to the current IP address pool, run the ip address command to add the media IP address and/ / signaling IP address to the IP address pool./ huawei(interface-eth)#ip address vlan_tag 1001 huawei(interface-eth)#ip address Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 114 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: 0 MacAddress..........: 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 VlanID .............: 1001 IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: MacAddress..........: VlanID .............: 2. 0 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 -- (Optional) Configure the QoS IP strategy. huawei(interface-eth)#quit huawei(config)#qos ip strategy none huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos 3. Configure the working mode of the PVMB control board to the integrated networking mode. huawei(config)#working mode integrated If switch working mode from alone to integrated,ETH0 will be service port and ETH1 will be outband port,Are you sure?(y/n)[n]:y 4. Add the A32 service board and confirm the board. huawei(config)#board add 0/11 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 PWX2 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMB Standby_normal H602ETCA 5 H601PVMB Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM ...... 11 A32 Normal ...... 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Configure the attributes of the MG interface. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute code text transfer udp primarymgc-port 2944 mgport 2944 start-negotiate-version 2 mgip mg-media-ip1 primarymgc-ip1 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 115 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index ("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType IP4_ADDR DeviceName - 1: Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP1: Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP2:Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP1:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP2:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- 6. (Optional) Configure the parameters of the H.248 protocol (enable the three-way handshake signal function of the H.248 protocol stack). huawei(config-if-h248-0)#h248stack tr responseackctrl true huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display h248stack tr ------------------------------------------------three way handshake : true longtimer(units: ms) : 30000 MG provisional response timer(units: ms) : 8000 MGC provisional response timer(units: ms): 8000 MG originated pending limit : 5 MGC originated pending limit : 5 retransfailoption : max retransfer times maxretranstimes : 7 retransmode : Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 116 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service auto maxretranstimerval(units: ms) : 4000 minretranstimerval(units: ms) : 500 ------------------------------------------------- 7. Start the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! 8. Query whether the MG interface is in the normal state. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all --------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/ DomainName --------------------------------------------------------------------------0 UDP Normal 2944 10.10.10. 2 2944 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Configure the PSTN user data. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/11 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 0 12340001 Cat3 A0 0 / 11 / 1 0 12340002 Cat3 A1 0 / 11 / 2 0 12340003 Cat3 A2 0 / 11 / 3 0 12340004 Cat3 A3 0 / 11 / 4 0 12340005 Cat3 A4 0 / 11 / 5 0 12340006 Cat3 A5 0 / 11 / 6 0 12340007 Cat3 A6 0 / 11 / 7 0 12340008 Cat3 A7 0 / 11 / 8 0 12340009 Cat3 A8 0 / 11 / 9 0 12340010 Cat3 A9 0 / 11 / 10 0 12340011 Cat3 A10 0 / 11 / 11 0 12340012 Cat3 A11 0 / 11 / 12 0 12340013 Cat3 A12 0 / 11 / 13 0 12340014 Cat3 A13 0 / 11 / 14 0 12340015 Cat3 A14 0 / 11 / 15 0 12340016 Cat3 A15 0 / 11 / 16 0 12340017 Cat3 A16 0 / 11 / 17 0 12340018 Cat3 A17 0 / 11 / 18 0 12340019 Cat3 A18 0 / 11 / 19 0 12340020 Cat3 A19 0 / 11 / 20 0 12340021 Cat3 A20 0 / 11 / 21 0 12340022 Cat3 A21 0 / 11 / 22 0 12340023 Cat3 A22 0 / 11 / 23 0 12340024 Cat3 A23 0 / 11 / 24 0 12340025 Cat3 A24 0 / 11 / 25 0 12340026 Cat3 A25 0 / 11 / 26 0 12340027 Cat3 A26 0 / 11 / 27 0 12340028 Cat3 A27 0 / 11 / 28 0 12340029 Cat3 A28 0 / 11 / 29 0 12340030 Cat3 A29 0 / 11 / 30 0 12340031 Cat3 A30 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 117 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 0 / 11 / 31 0 12340032 Cat3 A31 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data 10. (Optional) Configure the port attributes of the PSTN user (enable the voice enhanced function). huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value(db) ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 1 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 2 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 3 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 4 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 5 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 6 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 7 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 8 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 9 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 10 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 11 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 12 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 13 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 14 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 15 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 16 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 17 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 18 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 11 / 19 enable -24 enable 20 ---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ---- 11. Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, phone 1 to phone 32 can communicate with each other. 7.4 Configuration Example of a SIP PSTN Service in Independent Upstream Mode In this example, the UA5000 implements the SIP-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing PSTN users using the A32 service board and accessing the upper-layer network in independent upstream mode. Prerequisite l A master subrack has been configured. In this example, the H601HABD subrack is used as the master subrack. l The IP address to be used in the example has been configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 118 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Networking Figure 7-6 shows an example network for configuring the SIP PSTN service. Figure 7-6 Example network for configuring the SIP PSTN service Router SIP UA5000 0/11 P V M D A 3 2 Phone1 Phone32 Data Plan Table 7-5 provides the data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service on the PVMD control board. Table 7-5 Data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Category Item Data Attributes of the SIP interface Interface ID 0 Media/Signaling IP address Signaling port ID 5555 Transfer protocol UDP IP address of the primary proxy server Port ID of the primary proxy server 5555 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 119 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Category 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Item Data IP address of the secondary proxy server Port ID of the secondary proxy server 5555 Profile index 0 Home domain name Phone context +86755 Ringing mode of the SIP interface Index of the cadence ringing mode 2 Index of the initial ringing mode 4 Voice service board A32 Slot that houses the board 0/11 User data Phone number allocation for Phone 1 through Phone 32 Phone number: 83110000-83110031 PSTN port attributes The voice quality enhancement (VQE) function is supported. The parameters are as follows: l Function of automatic gain control (AGC): supported l AGC parameter: 15 (-24 dBm0) l Function of spectral noise suppression (SNS): supported l SNS parameter: 20 dB Configuration Flowchart Figure 7-7 shows the flowchart for configuring the SIP PSTN service. NOTE In this example, the system uses the independent upstream mode. The A32 service board provides the interface for accessing the voice service. The voice signals are directly transmitted upstream to the upper layer network after being processed by the PVMD control board. Therefore, the configuration on the IPMB control board is not required. The following figure shows the flowchart for configuring the SIP PSTN service on only the PVMD control board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 120 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Figure 7-7 Flowchart for configuring the SIP PSTN service Start Configure the working mode of the control board Add a service board and confirm this board Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface Query the configured attributes of the SIP interface (Optional) Configure system parameters (Optional) Configure overseas parameters Configure the SIP PSTN user data (Optional) Configure the SIP PSTN port attribute Save the data (Optional) Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface End Reset the SIP interface Procedure Step 1 Configure the working mode of the PVMD control board to the independent networking mode. In this networking mode, the PVMD control board provides services independently, and the voice service is transmitted upstream through the ETH1 port on the PVMD board. huawei(config)#working mode alone Step 2 Add an A32 board and confirm this board. huawei(config)#board add 0/11 A32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 PWX2 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMD Standby_normal H602ETCA 5 H601PVMD Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM 6 7 8 9 10 11 A32 Normal 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 121 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config)#interface sip 0 Are you sure to add the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute basic home-domain media-ip signal-ip signal-port 5555 transfer udp primary-proxy-ip1 primary-proxy-port 5555 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondaryproxy-port 5555 sipprofile-index 0 Step 4 Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute optional phone-context +86755 Step 5 Query the configured attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute config -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy Address Mode IP SIPProfile Index 0:Customizing_0/1 Service logic Index 0:Default Server Address DHCP Option 0:None Primary Proxy Domain Name Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Register URI Conference Factory URI Subscribe to UA-Profile enable Subscribe to REG-STATE disable Subscribe to MWI disable SDP negotiation mode remote Mode of supporting proxy dual-homing dualhome Proxy detection mode probe Proxy refresh mode ------------------------------------------------------------ Step 6 (Optional) Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#ringmode add 0 test cadencering 2 initialring 4 Step 7 Reset the SIP interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 122 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Are you sure to reset the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)# Resetting SIP interface 0 succeeded CAUTION Resetting the SIP interface interrupts services. Therefore, exercise caution when users run this command. Step 8 (Optional) Configure system parameters and overseas parameters. To facilitate providing the voice service, the system parameters and overseas parameters must be configured so that they are consistent with the parameters in actual application. By default, the preceding parameters comply with the standard and no configuration is required. If users need to modify the parameters according to the actual application, run the system parameters and oversea parameters commands to configure the parameters. Step 9 Configure the SIP PSTN user data. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 telno 83110000 This operation will take several minutes, please wait... huawei(config-esl-user)# Command processing completed. 32 user data added successfully Step 10 (Optional) Configure the SIP PSTN port attribute, that is, enable the VQE function. huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 AGC enable AGC-Level 15 SNS enable SNS-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully NOTE If users need to configure other SIP PSTN port attributes, see 7.11 Configuring PSTN Port Attributes. Step 11 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, phone 1 through phone 32 can communicate with each other normally. 7.5 Configuration Example of the SIP PSTN Service (Integrated Upstream) In this example, the UA5000 implements the SIP-based VoIP PSTN service by accessing the PSTN user through the A32 service board and accessing the upper layer network in integrated upstream mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 123 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Prerequisite l The master shelf must be configured. This example considers the H601HABD shelf as the master shelf. l The IP address to be used in the example must be configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. Networking Figure 7-8 shows the example network for configuring the SIP PSTN service. Figure 7-8 Example network for configuring the SIP PSTN service Router SIP 0/11 UA5000 I P M B P V M D A 3 2 Phone1 Phone32 Data Plan l The PVM control board uses its FE ports Inner_FE0 and Inner_FE1 to communicate with FE ports on the IPMB control board. In this case, the PVM control board uses the IPM control board for upstream. – For the H601IPMD board, the inner FE port 2 and port 3 are taken for communication with the PVM board. – For the IPMB board and H612 IPMD board, the inner FE port 6 and port 7 are taken for communication with the PVM board. IPMB board is taken as example in this task. l Table 7-6 provides the data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service on the IPMB control board. l Table 7-7 provides the data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service on the PVMD control board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 124 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Table 7-6 Data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service (IPMB) Shelf/Slot/Port ID Corresponding VLAN Remarks 0/2/0 1001 The PVMD control board uses port 0 on the IPMB control board for upstream. The PVMD control board uses its FE ports Inner_FE0 and Inner_FE1 to communicate with FE ports 6 and 7 on the IPMB control board. Group FE ports 0, 6, and 7 on the IPMB control board into a VLAN. 0/2/6 0/2/7 Table 7-7 Data plan for configuring the SIP PSTN service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Type Configuration Item Data Parameters of the basic attributes of the SIP interface Interface ID 0 Media/Signaling IP address Signaling port ID 5555 Transfer protocol UDP IP address of the primary proxy server Port ID of the primary proxy server 5555 IP address of the secondary proxy server Port ID of the secondary proxy server 5555 Profile index 0 Phone context +86755 Ringing mode of the SIP interface Index of the cadence ringing mode 2 Index of the initial ringing mode 4 Voice service board A32 Slot that houses the board 0/11 User data Phone number allocation of phone1 to phone32 Phone number: 83110000 83110031 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 125 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Type 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Configuration Item Data PSTN port attributes The VQE function is supported. The parameters are as follows: l AGC function: supported l AGC parameter: 15 (-24 dBm0) l SNS function: supported l SNS parameter: 20 dB Configuration Flowchart Figure 7-9 and Figure 7-10 show the flowcharts for configuring the SIP PSTN service. Figure 7-9 Flowchart for configuring the SIP PSTN service (IPMB) Start Create a VLAN Add control board ports to the VLAN Create an L3 interface and configure its IP address Save the data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 126 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Figure 7-10 Flowchart for configuring the SIP PSTN service (PVMD) Start Configure the working mode of the control board Add a service board and confirm this board Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface Query the configured attributes of the SIP interface Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface (Optional) Configure system parameters (Optional) Configure overseas parameters Configure the SIP PSTN user data (Optional) Configure the SIP PSTN port attribute Save the data End Reset the SIP interface Procedure l Configuration steps (IPMB) 1. Create a VLAN. huawei(config)#vlan 1001 standard 2. Add FE ports 6 and 7 and IP upstream port 0 to the VLAN. huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 0 huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 6 huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 7 3. Create an L3 interface and configure the IP address of this interface. huawei(config)#interface vlanif 1001 huawei(config-if-vlanif1001)#ip address 4. Save the data. huawei(config)#save l Configuration steps (PVMD) 1. Configure the working mode of the PVMD control board to the integrated networking mode. huawei(config)#working mode integrated If switch working mode from alone to integrated,ETH0 will be service port and ETH1 will be outband port,Are you sure?(y/n)[n]:y 2. Add the A32 service board and confirm this board. huawei(config)#board add 0/11 A32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 127 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI SlotID 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 PWX2 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMB Standby_normal H602ETCA 5 H601PVMB Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM ...... 11 A32 Normal ...... 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Configure the basic attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config)#interface sip 0 Are you sure to add the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute basic media-ip signal-ip 10 .13.4.116 signal-port 5555 transfer udp primary-proxy-ip1 primary-pr oxy-port 5555 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondary-proxy-port 5555 profile-index 0 4. Configure the optional attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute optional phone-context +86755 5. Query the configured attributes of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute config -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy address mode IP Profile Index 0:NoProfile Primary Proxy Domain Name Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Register URI Conference Factory URI ------------------------------------------------------------ 6. (Optional) Configure the ringing mode of the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#ringmode add 0 test cadencering 2 initialring 4 7. Reset the SIP interface. huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Are you sure to reset the SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-sip-0)# Resetting SIP interface 0 succeeded Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 128 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service CAUTION Resetting the SIP interface interrupts the services. Therefore, exercise caution when you run this command. 8. (Optional) Configure system parameters and overseas parameters. To facilitate providing the voice service, the system parameters and overseas parameters must be configured so that they are consistent with the parameters in actual application. By default, the preceding parameters comply with the standard and no configuration is required. If you need to modify the parameters according to the actual application, run the system parameters and oversea parameters commands to configure the parameters. 9. Configure the SIP PSTN user data. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 telno 83110000 This operation will take several minutes, please wait... huawei(config-esl-user) # Command processing completed. 32 user data added successfully 10. (Optional) Configure the SIP PSTN port attribute (enable the VQE function). huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 AGC enable AGCLevel 15 SNS enable SNS-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully NOTE If you need to configure other SIP PSTN port attributes, see "7.11 Configuring PSTN Port Attributes." 11. Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, phone1 to phone32 should be able to communicate with each other. 7.6 Configuring the Emergency Standalone Function Based on the H.248 Protocol With the emergency standalone function, users under the same VAG can still communicate with each other even if the UA5000 using the H.248 loses communication with the media gateway controller (MGC). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 129 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Prerequisite The H.248 protocol is used, voice service users have been configured on a media gateway (MG) interface, and these users can communicate with each other. For details about how to configure a user, see 7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream). Context l Internal call emergency standalone: When the UA5000 loses communication with the MGC, the UA5000 independently controls the internal users under the same MG interface so that the users can communicate with each other normally without the control of the MGC. l Emergency channel: When the UA5000 loses communication with the MGC, users of the UA5000 can dial external phone numbers that are in the digitmap for emergency calls. For example, when the UA5000 loses communication with the MGC, in case of a fire, users of the UA5000 can dial the fire emergency call, namely, 119. Precaution After the emergency standalone function is enabled, the UA5000 cannot identify the duplicate phone numbers. Therefore, users need to ensure the uniqueness of the configured phone numbers. Otherwise, the emergency standalone function will fail. Procedure Step 1 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure the emergency standalone functions. Step 2 Run the display mg-software parameter command to query the configuration of emergency standalone functions. Step 3 (Optional) Run the standalone parameters command to set the parameters of a VAG emergency standalone timer. Step 4 (Optional) Run the display standalone parameters command to query the parameters of the VAG emergency standalone timer. Step 5 Run the digitmap set command to configure an emergency standalone digitmap for internal calls. Step 6 Run the display digitmap command to query the emergency standalone digitmap for internal calls. Step 7 (Optional) Run the standalone charge-parameters command to configure the parameters of a server for emergency standalone bill services. Step 8 (Optional) Run the display standalone charge-parameters command to query the parameters of the server for emergency standalone bill services. ----End Example Table 7-8 provides the data plan for configuring the emergency standalone function. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 130 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Table 7-8 Data plan for configuring the emergency standalone function Category Item Data MG interface mgid 1 Emergency standalone parameters para index 11: The device supports not only internal calls but also emergency calls. dialtoneval 15 ringval 60 busytoneval 50 Phone digitmap 1234xxxx Emergency call digitmap 110|119|999 To configure the emergency standalone function for the 32 plain old telephone service (POTS) users under the board that is in slot 0/12, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 1 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#mg-software parameter 11 3 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#display mg-software parameter 11 ------------------------------------------------Interface Id:1 para index:11 value:3 ------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: ------------------------------------------------Interface soft parameter name: 11: Stand alone support 0 : None 1 : Inner 2 : Emergency 3 : Both huawei(config-if-h248-1)#standalone parameters dialtone 15 ring 60 busytone 50 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#display standalone parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------System stand alone para of timer for dial tone :15 (s) System stand alone para of timer for busy tone :50 (s) System stand alone para of timer for ring :60 (s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-h248-1)#digitmap set inner 1234xxxx emergency 110|119|999 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#display digitmap --------------------------------------------------------------------------Inner digitmap : 1234xxxx Emergency digitmap : 110|119|999 Urgent digitmap (for overload or bandwidth restrict) : Dualdial digitmap for card service : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Configuring the Standalone Function Based on the SIP Protocol With the standalone function, users under the same user agent can still communicate with each other even if the UA5000 using the SIP loses communication with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 131 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Prerequisite The SIP protocol is used, voice service users have been configured on a SIP interface, and these users can communicate with each other. For details about how to configure a user, see 7.4 Configuration Example of a SIP PSTN Service in Independent Upstream Mode. Context The principle of the standalone function is as follows: When the UA5000 loses communication with the IMS, the UA5000 independently controls the internal users within the same user agent so that the users can communicate with each other normally. In the system running the SIP protocol, the local normal digitmap is adopted for the standalone function. The system does not need inner digitmap in SIP mode. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface sip command to enter SIP interface mode. Step 2 Run the if-sip attribute optional proxy-check-mode command to set the proxy detection mode of an SIP interface to option or register. NOTE Only in the proxy detection mode of option or register, the communication fail with the IMS can activate the standalone function in time. Step 3 Run the display if-sip attribute command to query the attributes of the SIP interface. Step 4 Run the mg-software parameter 2 1 command to enable the standalone function on the SIP interface. Step 5 Run the display mg-software parameter command to query the standalone function on the SIP interface. ----End Example To configure the standalone function for the plain old telephone service (POTS) users under SIP interface 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute optional proxy-check-mode option huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display if-sip attribute config -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Signalling IP Signalling Port 5555 Media IP Transfer Mode UDP Primary Proxy IP 1 Primary Proxy IP 2 Primary Proxy Port 5555 Secondary Proxy IP 1 Secondary Proxy IP 2 Secondary Proxy Port 5555 Proxy Address Mode IP SIPProfile Index 0:Customizing_0/1 Service logic Index 0:Default Server Address DHCP Option 0:None Primary Proxy Domain Name - Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 132 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Secondary Proxy Domain Name Home Domain Name huawei Description MG Domain Name Phone Context +86755 Register URI Conference Factory URI Subscribe to UA-Profile enable Subscribe to REG-STATE disable Subscribe to MWI disable SDP negotiation mode remote Mode of supporting proxy dual-homing dualhome Proxy detection mode option Proxy refresh mode -----------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-sip-0)#mg-software parameter 2 1 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display mg-software parameter 2 ------------------------------------------------MGID:0 para index:2 value:1 ------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: ------------------------------------------------Interface software parameter name: 2 : SAL Support 0: No 1: Yes 7.8 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters Global system parameters such as overseas version flag and message waiting indication (MWI) mode need to be configured to ensure that user terminals respond in compliance with local standards. Context Table 7-9 lists the voice over IP (VoIP)-related system parameters of the UA5000. For details about all the system parameters and their meanings, see the system parameters command reference. Table 7-9 VoIP-related system parameters of the UA5000 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Parameter Description Default Setting 0 Indicates the howler tone sending flag. 1: Sending the howler tone. 1 Indicates the overseas version flag. 0: China. 2 Indicates the conformance test flag. 0: The conformance test is disabled. 3 Indicates the initial ringing stop flag. 0: The initial ringing stop signal is not issued. 4 Indicates the system self-test flag. 1: Ports are reset selectively. 5 Indicates the call restriction flag when the CPU is overloaded. 0: Calls are not restricted when the CPU is overloaded. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 133 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Parameter Description Default Setting 6 Indicates the call waiting tone flag. 0: The media resource server (MRS) of the media gateway controller (MGC) issues the call waiting tone. 7 Indicates the MWI mode. 0: The high voltage mode is used. 10 Indicates whether supports the local receive and send UDP port ID to be different from the peer UDP. 0: Not support. 11 Indicates the media stream forwarding mode within the same device. 0: Media streams are forwarded within the device. 12 Indicates the source of the howler tone. 0: Field programmable gate array (FPGA). That is, the FPGA plays the howler tone. 13 TEI check cycle. 5 min. 14 Indicates the plain old telephone service (POTS) GTC performance statistics function. 1: The POTS GTC performance statistics function is enabled. 54 The alarm switch of A/B line power. 0: No alarm will be generated when A wire/B wire touches the 220 V power cable. 55 Indicates the length of the port calls defined minute(V5). 0 min. 60 Indicates the waiting time to activate the ISDN. 0: Do not enable this function. 78 Whether allow the board autoload when the version of board is higher than the version of system's packet. 0: Not allow. Procedure Step 1 Run the system parameters command to configure system parameters. Step 2 Run the display system parameters command to verify that the configured system parameters are the same as those defined in the data plan. ----End Example To set system parameter 7 (MWI mode) to 1 (FSK with ringing), do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 134 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(config)#system parameters 7 1 huawei(config)#display system parameters 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter name index: 7 Parameter value: 1 Mean: The mode of voicemail, 0:high voltage, 1:FSK and ring, 2:FSK no ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.9 Configuring the MG PSTN Subscriber Data When the system uses the H.248 or MGCP protocol, after the MG interface is configured successfully, you can add PSTN subscribers on the MG interface by configuring the PSTN subscriber data. Thus, the function of the communication between PSTN subscribers can be implemented. Prerequisite l The UA5000 must communicate properly with the MGC. l The subscriber data on the MGC must be configured properly. l Perform this operation to configure POTS subscriber data, such as the following: Context – Terminal priority – Telephone number – Terminal ID l Perform this operation to configure the attributes of a POTS port, such as the following: – Subscriber attributes – Attributes of the calling number format – Impedance and attributes of the current – 16KC/12KC attributes – Polarity reversed pulse attributes – Power-off duration attributes Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the esl user command to enter the ESL mode. Step 2 Run the mgpstnuser add or mgpstnuser batadd command to add POTS subscribers. Step 3 Run the display mgpstnuser command to query the information about the POTS subscribers. Step 4 Run the pstnport attribute set or pstnport attribute batset command to set the attributes of the PSTN port. Step 5 Run the display pstnport attribute command to query the attributes of the PSTN port. ----End Example The following example shows how to add 32 POTS subscribers to shelf 0/slot 11. In this example, the mgid is 0, and all the subscribers support polarity reversed charging. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 135 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 step 1 terminalid 100 This operation will take several minutes, please wait... huawei(config-esl-user)# Command processing completed. 32 user data added successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/11/0 0/11/31 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 0 Cat3 A100 0 / 11 / 1 0 Cat3 A101 0 / 11 / 2 0 Cat3 A102 0 / 11 / 3 0 Cat3 A103 0 / 11 / 4 0 Cat3 A104 0 / 11 / 5 0 Cat3 A105 0 / 11 / 6 0 Cat3 A106 0 / 11 / 7 0 Cat3 A107 0 / 11 / 8 0 Cat3 A108 0 / 11 / 9 0 Cat3 A109 0 / 11 / 10 0 Cat3 A110 0 / 11 / 11 0 Cat3 A111 0 / 11 / 12 0 Cat3 A112 0 / 11 / 13 0 Cat3 A113 0 / 11 / 14 0 Cat3 A114 0 / 11 / 15 0 Cat3 A115 0 / 11 / 16 0 Cat3 A116 0 / 11 / 17 0 Cat3 A117 0 / 11 / 18 0 Cat3 A118 0 / 11 / 19 0 Cat3 A119 0 / 11 / 20 0 Cat3 A120 0 / 11 / 21 0 Cat3 A121 0 / 11 / 22 0 Cat3 A122 0 / 11 / 23 0 Cat3 A123 0 / 11 / 24 0 Cat3 A124 0 / 11 / 25 0 Cat3 A125 0 / 11 / 26 0 Cat3 A126 0 / 11 / 27 0 Cat3 A127 0 / 11 / 28 0 Cat3 A128 0 / 11 / 29 0 Cat3 A129 0 / 11 / 30 0 Cat3 A130 0 / 11 / 31 0 Cat3 A131 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport attribute batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 polarity-reverse support huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport attribute 0/11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port Gain(db) Dial-Mode Polarity-Reverse User-Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 11 / 0 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 1 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 2 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 3 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 4 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 5 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 6 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 7 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 8 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 9 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 10 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 11 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 12 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 13 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 14 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 15 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 16 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 17 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 18 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 19 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 136 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 0 / 11 / 20 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 21 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 22 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 23 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 24 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 25 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 26 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 27 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 28 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 29 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 30 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL 0 / 11 / 31 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#board reset 0/11 Are you sure to reset board? (y/n)[n]:y NOTE At the start and end of a call, the UA5000 shows the start time and the end time based on the polarity reversal of the subscriber line. The billing terminal that has the polarity reversal charging function, such as a charging telephone set, implements the polarity reversal charging function according to the start time and the end time of the call. Related Operation Table 7-10 lists the related operations for configuring the POTS subscriber data. Table 7-10 Related operations for configuring the POTS subscriber data To... Run the Command... Remarks Delete a POTS subscriber or delete POTS subscribers in batches mgpstnuser del/mgpstnuser batdel - Modify POTS subscriber data mgpstnuser modify - Query the information about a POTS port to which the subscriber is connected display mgpstnuser Query information, such as port ID, MG ID, terminal ID, and telephone number corresponding to the subscriber. Query the type and status of a POTS port and the service types on it display port state Query information, such as the type, status, and service type of the port. Terminate/Reset the POTS port service endservice/undo endservice Terminating/Resetting the POTS port service affects the ongoing call. Run this command with caution. Terminating the POTS port service may fail when the system is busy. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 137 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service To... Run the Command... Remarks Configure the attributes of a POTS port or configure the attributes of POTS service ports in batches pstnport attribute set/ pstnport attribute batset - Query the attributes of a POTS port display pstnport attribute - Configure the caller number format on a POTS service port or configure the caller number format on the POTS service ports in batches pstnport clip set/pstnport clip batset - Display the caller number format on a POTS service port display pstnport clip - Configure the impedance and the attributes of the current on a POTS service port or configure the impedance and the attributes of the current on POTS service ports in batches pstnport electric set/ pstnport electric batset - Query the impedance and the attributes of the current on a POTS service port display pstnport electric - Configure the KC attributes of a POTS port or configure the KC attributes of POTS ports in batches pstnport kc set/pstnport kc batset After configuring the KC attributes, reset the board to validate the settings. Query the KC attributes of a POTS service port display pstnport kc - Configure the polarity reversal attributes for a POTS port or configure the polarity reversal attributes for POTS ports in batches pstnport reversepole_pulse set/pstnport reversepole_pulse batset After configuring the polarity reversal attributes, reset the board to validate the settings. Query the polarity reversal attributes of POTS ports display pstnport reversepole_pulse - Configure the power-off duration of a POTS subscriber or configure the power-off duration of POTS subscribers in batches pstnport timer set/pstnport timer batset - Query the power-off duration of a POTS subscriber display pstnport timer - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 138 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 7.10 Configuring the SIP PSTN User Data When the system protocol is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), users can add a PSTN user to a SIP interface by configuring the PSTN user data to implement the call function of the PSTN user after the SIP interface is configured successfully. Prerequisite l The UA5000 can communicate with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) properly. l The user data on the IMS has been configured correctly. Context Configuring the PSTN user data consists of the following two parts: l Add the PSTN user (mandatory). l Configure the PSTN user attributes (optional, the configuration is required only when the default configuration is inconsistent with the actual application). Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter extend signaling link (ESL) user mode. Step 2 Run the sippstnuser add command to add a single SIP PSTN user or run the sippstnuser batadd command to add multiple SIP PSTN users in batches. A SIP user group can be also specified for the SIP PSTN users when the users are added. NOTE Use the sipusergroup add command to create the SIP user group before using the group. Step 3 Run the display sippstnuser command query the settings of the SIP PSTN user(s). Step 4 (Optional) Run the pstnport attribute set command to configure the attributes of a single SIP PSTN port or run the pstnport attribute batset command to configure the attributes of multiple SIP PSTN ports in batches. Step 5 (Optional) Run the display pstnport attribute command to query the attributes of a SIP PSTN port or multiple SIP PSTN ports. Step 6 (Optional) Run the sippstnuser rightflag set command to locally configure the service rights flag of a SIP PSTN user. NOTE Users can use the auto-reverse-polarity parameter to enable the polarity reversal charging function for an emergency call in a payphone service. Step 7 (Optional) Run the display sippstnuser rightflag command to query the local service rights flag of the SIP PSTN user. Step 8 (Optional) Run the sippstnuser servicedata set command to configure the service data of an account of the SIP PSTN user. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 139 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Step 9 (Optional) Run the display sippstnuser servicedata command to query the service data of an account of the SIP PSTN user. ----End Example Assume that: l The SIP interface ID is 0. l Add 32 PSTN users in slot 0/11 in batches. Ensure that the phone numbers of these users range from 83110000 to 83110031, the call priority of these users is cat2, and all the users support the polarity reversal charging. In addition, the user with phone number 83110000 can enable the polarity reversal charging function for an emergency call in a payphone service. To configure the SIP PSTN user data, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser batadd 0/11/0 0/11/31 0 telno 83110000 priority cat2 This operation will take several minutes, please wait... huawei(config-esl-user)# Command processing completed. 32 user data added successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display sippstnuser 0/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P MGID TelNo Priority UserGroupID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0 /11/0 0 83110000 cat2 0 /11/1 0 83110001 cat2 0 /11/2 0 83110002 cat2 0 /11/3 0 83110003 cat2 0 /11/4 0 83110004 cat2 0 /11/5 0 83110005 cat2 0 /11/6 0 83110006 cat2 0 /11/7 0 83110007 cat2 0 /11/8 0 83110008 cat2 0 /11/9 0 83110009 cat2 0 /11/10 0 83110010 cat2 0 /11/11 0 83110011 cat2 0 /11/12 0 83110012 cat2 0 /11/13 0 83110013 cat2 0 /11/14 0 83110014 cat2 0 /11/15 0 83110015 cat2 0 /11/16 0 83110016 cat2 0 /11/17 0 83110017 cat2 0 /11/18 0 83110018 cat2 0 /11/19 0 83110019 cat2 0 /11/20 0 83110020 cat2 0 /11/21 0 83110021 cat2 0 /11/22 0 83110022 cat2 0 /11/23 0 83110023 cat2 0 /11/24 0 83110024 cat2 0 /11/25 0 83110025 cat2 0 /11/26 0 83110026 cat2 0 /11/27 0 83110027 cat2 0 /11/28 0 83110028 cat2 0 /11/29 0 83110029 cat2 0 /11/30 0 83110030 cat2 0 /11/31 0 83110031 cat2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport attribute batset 0/11/0 0/11/31 polarity-reverse Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 140 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service support Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport attribute 0/11 ---------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port : 0/11/ 0 Gain(db) : High gain Dial-Mode : DTMF-Pulse-Both Polarity-Reverse : Supported User-Type : DEL Dsp-Para-Template : Support port line lock : Support Support-Bell-ANS : Disable Support-detect-ANS-single-tone : Disable ---------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port : 0/11/ 1 Gain(db) : High gain Dial-Mode : DTMF-Pulse-Both Polarity-Reverse : Supported User-Type : DEL Dsp-Para-Template : Support port line lock : Support Support-Bell-ANS : Disable Support-detect-ANS-single-tone : Disable ---------------------------------------------------...... ---------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port : 0/11/31 Gain(db) : High gain Dial-Mode : DTMF-Pulse-Both Polarity-Reverse : Supported User-Type : DEL Dsp-Para-Template : Support port line lock : Support Support-Bell-ANS : Disable Support-detect-ANS-single-tone : Disable ---------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser rightflag set 0/11/0 auto-reverse-polarity enable huawei(config-esl-user)#display sippstnuser rightflag 0/11/0 -----------------------------Call hold : Disable Three Party : Disable Conference : Disable Call transfer : Disable Call waiting : Disable MCID : Disable MWI : Disable Anonymous Call : Disable Auto reverse-polarity : Enable ------------------------------ Related Operation Table 7-11 lists the related operations for configuring the SIP PSTN user data. Table 7-11 Related operations for configuring the SIP PSTN user data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Delete a PSTN user sippstnuser del Delete PSTN users in batches sippstnuser batdel Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 141 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service To... Run the Command... Modify the PSTN user data sippstnuser modify Terminate the service on the PSTN port endservice Restart the service on the PSTN port undo endservice 7.11 Configuring PSTN Port Attributes This topic describes how to configure PSTN port attributes so that the PSTN port can meet the requirements of the actual application. Context When the PSTN port attributes cannot meet the requirements of the actual application, the UA5000 supports configuring the following attributes of the PSTN port: l Basic attributes (including the polarity-reversing attribute) l Mode of caller identification display (CLIP) l DSP gain l Impedance and current l 16 KC/12 KC l Polarity-reversing pulse l Power-off interval Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter the ESL user mode. Step 2 Run the pstnport attribute batset or pstnport attribute set command to configure the basic attributes of the PSTN port. Step 3 Run the display pstnport attribute command to query the basic attributes of the PSTN port. Step 4 Run the pstnport clip batset or pstnport clip set command to configure the CLIP mode of the PSTN port. Step 5 Run the display pstnport clip command to query the CLIP mode of the PSTN port. Step 6 Run the pstnport dsp-gain batset or pstnport dsp-gain set command to configure the DSP gain of the PSTN port. Step 7 Run the display pstnport dsp-gain command to query the DSP gain of the PSTN port. Step 8 Run the pstnport electric batset or pstnport electric set command to configure the electrical attributes of the PSTN port. Step 9 Run the display pstnport electric command to query the electrical attributes of the PSTN port. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 142 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Step 10 Run the pstnport kc batset or pstnport kc set command to configure the 16 KC/12 KC attribute of the PSTN port. Step 11 Run the display pstnport kc command to query the 16 KC/12 KC attribute of the PSTN port. Step 12 Run the pstnport reversepole_pulse batset or pstnport reversepole_pulse set command to configure the polarity-reversing pulse attribute of the PSTN port. Step 13 Run the display pstnport reversepole_pulse command to query the polarity-reversing pulse attribute of the PSTN port. Step 14 Run the pstnport timer batset or pstnport timer set command to configure the power-off interval of the PSTN port. Step 15 Run the display pstnport timer command to query the power-off interval of the PSTN port. ----End Example Assume that: l The dial-up mode is DTMF-only. l The parameter of voice gain is 3. l The polarity-reversing attribute is supported. l The user type is ECPBX. To configure the attributes of PSTN port 0/11/1, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport attribute set 0/11/0 dial-mode DTMF-only voiceg ain 3 polarity-reverse support usertype ECPBX PSTN port set completed huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport attribute 0/11/0 ---------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port : 0/11/ 0 Gain(db) : Tx gain 3, Rx gain-3.5 Dial-Mode : DTMF-only Polarity-Reverse : Supported User-Type : Earth Calling PBX Dsp-Para-Template : Support port line lock : Support Support-Bell-ANS : Disable Support-detect-ANS-single-tone : Disable ---------------------------------------------------- 7.12 Configuring the QoS IP Precedence Configuring the QoS IP precedence means configuring the different QoS IP precedences for the signaling, media, and maintenance packets to meet different requirements for the delay and jitter of different services. Prerequisite l The ToS/DSCP strategy on the UA5000 must be the same as the ToS/DSCP strategy configured on the router at the upper layer. l The IP addresses must be configured in the IP address pool. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 143 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Related Concept l Precedence tagging: It is a strategy to re-tag the precedence of a packet that matches the access control list. The tagged precedence is located in the related precedence fields. l ToS (type of service) precedence: It is the ToS sub-field (bits 4 to 7 of the ToS field) carried by the ToS field in the IP header. Figure 7-11 shows the ToS field in the IP header. The fields are described as follows: 1. Precedence: 3 bits. It indicates the IP precedence. 2. Delay (D): 1 bit. It indicates the minimum delay. When the ToS value is set to 8 (in decimal notation) or 1000 (in binary notation), the delay is the minimum. 3. Throughput (T): 1 bit. It indicates the maximum throughput. When the ToS value is set to 4 (in decimal notation) or 0100 (in binary notation), the throughput is the maximum. 4. Reliability (R): 1 bit. It indicates the maximum reliability. When the ToS value is set to 2 (in decimal notation) or 0010 (in binary notation), the reliability is the maximum. 5. Cost (C): 1 bit. It indicates the minimum cost, that is, the router of the lower cost should be selected. When the ToS value is set to 1 (in decimal notation) or 0001 (in binary notation), the cost is the minimum. Figure 7-11 ToS field of the IP header 3 4 5 6 Precedence D 1 T R C 0 bit 0 4 Version 2 7 8 Not used 16 IHL 31 ToS Total length NOTE If the ToS value of an IP packet is set to 0 (in decimal notation) or 0000 (in binary notation), the packet is for common service. l Differentiated services code point (DSCP) precedence: It is defined by the differentiated services (DS) field of the IP header. The DS field uses the ToS octet in the IP header. Six bits of the ToS octet is used and the other two bits are reserved and must be set as 0. Figure 7-12 shows the DS field of the IP header. Figure 7-12 DS field of the IP header 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not used DSCP bit 0 4 Version Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 8 IHL 16 DS Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31 Total length 144 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Context l The traditional IP network uses the best effort (BE) mode in the transmission of the packets carrying various services. The BE mode can meet the requirements of the non-realtime services such as file transfer, web page browsing and e-mail transfer. The realtime services, however, demand low delay and jitter. The BE mode cannot meet the increasing demand of the subscribers. To solve the problem, you must distinguish the priorities for signaling, media, and maintenance packets, and set different QoS IP priorities for the signaling, media, and maintenance packets. l Before changing the QoS IP strategy, run the qos ip command to set the ToS or DSCP value as none. Otherwise, changing the QoS IP strategy is not allowed, and the system displays an error prompt. l To modify a QoS IP strategy, the interface corresponding to the IP address must be in the closed or not-started state. l After configuring the IP addresses, you can configure the ToS/DSCP tag. If the MG interface is configured, you must disable the MG interface to configure the ToS/DSCP tag. Otherwise, configuring the ToS/DSCP tag is not allowed, and the system displays an error prompt. l Procedure (TOS) Procedure l 1. Run the qos ip ip_address strategy tos command to set the QoS IP strategy to TOS. 2. Run the qos ip ip_address tos command to configure the ToS precedence for different service types. 3. Run the display qos ip command to query the QoS IP strategy. Procedure (DSCP) 1. Run the qos ip ip_address strategy dscp command to set the QoS IP strategy to DSCP. 2. Run the qos ip ip_address dscp command to configure the DSCP precedence for different service types. 3. Run the display qos ip command to query the QoS IP strategy. ----End Example The following example shows how to configure the QoS IP strategy as tos for the UA5000. Table 7-12 provides the data plan for configuring the QoS IP strategy. Table 7-12 Data plan for configuring the QoS IP strategy-1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Parameter Value Parameter Value ip_address strategy tos media_precedence 2 media_tos 3 signalling_precedence 3 signalling_tos 5 maintain_precedence 2 maintain_tos 5 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 145 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip Eth: IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: NONE huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip Eth: IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: ToS Media Precedence.....: 6 Media ToS............: 8 Signaling Precedence.: 7 Signaling ToS........: 2 Maintain Precedence..: 7 Maintain ToS.........: 2 huawei(config)#qos ip tos media 2 3 signaling 3 5 maintain 2 5 huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip Eth: IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: Media Precedence.....: Media ToS............: Signaling Precedence.: Signaling ToS........: Maintain Precedence..: Maintain ToS.........: ToS 2 3 3 5 2 5 The following example shows how to configure the QoS IP strategy as dscp for the UA5000. Table 7-13 provides the data plan for configuring the QoS IP strategy. Table 7-13 Data plan for configuring the QoS IP strategy-2 Parameter Value Parameter Value ip_address strategy dscp media_dscp 34 signalling_dscp 56 maintain_dscp 56 - - huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip Eth: IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: Media Precedence.....: Media ToS............: Signaling Precedence.: Signaling ToS........: Maintain Precedence..: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) ToS 2 3 3 5 2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 146 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Maintain ToS.........: 5 huawei(config)#qos ip strategy none huawei(config)#qos ip strategy dscp huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: DSCP Media DSCP...........: 46 Signaling DSCP.......: 26 Maintain DSCP........: 26 huawei(config)#qos ip dscp media 34 signaling 56 maintain 56 huawei(config)#display qos ip { <cr>|ip_address<I><X.X.X.X> }: Command: display qos ip IPAddress............: QOSIP Strategy.......: Media DSCP...........: Signaling DSCP.......: Maintain DSCP........: DSCP 34 56 56 7.13 Configuring the QoS VLAN Priority Configuring the QoS VLAN priorities means configuring the different QoS VLAN priorities for the signaling, media, and maintenance packets. Thus, the QoS priorities of the service traffic streams can be controlled according to the VLAN priorities. Prerequisite The IP addresses must be configured in the IP address pool. Context You can configure different VLAN priorities for signaling, media, and maintenance packets when configuring an IP address. NOTE An IP address is bound only with the VLAN ID instead of the VLAN priority. That is, different types of packets from one IP address can have different VLAN priorities. Procedure Step 1 Run the qos vlan ip_address priority command to set VLAN priorities for different service types. Step 2 Run the display qos vlan command to query the QOS VLAN settings. ----End Example To set the QoS VLAN priority of the IP address to the default value, do as follows: huawei(config)#qos vlan priority default huawei(config)#display qos vlan IPAddress............: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 147 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI VlanID...............: Media Priority.......: Signaling Priority...: Maintain Priority....: 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 1001 6 3 5 7.14 Separating the Signaling IP Address from the Media IP Address Separating the signaling IP address from the media IP address means configuring two different IP addresses as the media IP address and signaling IP address. Thus, the media stream and signaling stream are transmitted over different paths on the network. Prerequisite The IP addresses must be configured in the IP address pool. Precaution l To distinguish the paths for the signaling stream and the media stream and use different QoS strategies, you need to configure different IP addresses for the signaling stream and the media stream. l After modifying the configuration of MG interface, reset the MG interface to make the modification take effect. l When the system protocol is H.248: Procedure l l 1. In the global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. Run the if-h248 attribute mg-media-ip command to add a media IP address for the MG interface. 3. Run the display if-h248 attribute command to query the attributes of the MG interface. Then, check whether the media IP address is configured correctly. When the system protocol is MGCP: 1. In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. Run the if-mgcp attribute command to add a media IP address for the MG interface. 3. Run the display if-mgcp attribute command to query the attributes of the MG interface. Then, check whether the media IP address is configured correctly. When the system protocol is SIP: 1. In the global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. Run the if-sip attribute basic command to add a media IP address for the MG interface. 3. Run the display if-sip attribute command to query the attributes of the MG interface. Then, check whether the media IP address is configured correctly. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 148 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service Example NOTE Here only gives the example when the system protocol is H.248 because the configure when the system is MGCP or SIP is similar to that of H.248. To configure the media IP address of MG interface 0 to, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mg-media-ip huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute --------------------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 H248version Negotiated Originally 1 Profile Negotiation Para enable Profile 1:Resv1("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Transmode HeartBeatTimer(s) HeartBeatRetransTimes HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) MG signalling IP MG signalling Port MG media IP MIDType DeviceName Text UDP 60 3 60 2944 IP4_ADDR - Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.15 Enabling the Voice Quality Enhanced Function Enabling the voice quality enhanced function includes enabling the automatic gain adjustment and background noise suppression functions so that the voice service is of better quality when there is noise. Prerequisite l The UA5000 must work in the normal state. l The maintenance terminal must be logged in to the UA5000 successfully and the UA5000 must be maintained normally. Context The voice quality enhancements (VQE) include two functions: automatic gain adjustment and background noise suppression. l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Automatic gain adjustment: During the VoIP call, this function helps to prevent the call quality from be affected by the sudden change of the noise energy. When the noise energy changes suddenly, the gain is adjusted automatically so that noise energy is adjusted Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 149 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service smoothly. This prevents the discomfort of the listener caused by the sudden change of the noise energy. l Background noise suppression: During the VoIP call, the noise energy can be reduced to improve the comfort and the clarity of the call. Procedure Step 1 Run the pstnport vqe set command or the pstnport vqe batset command to configure the VQE attributes of the PSTN port. NOTE l pstnport vqe set is to configure the VQE of a single PSTN port. l pstnport vqe batsetis to configure the VQE of PSTN ports in batch. Step 2 Run the display pstnport vqe command to query the VQE attributes of the PSTN port. ----End Example To enable the automatic gain adjustment, set the automatic gain adjustment parameter as 15 (that is -24dBm0), enable the background noise suppression, and set the background noise suppression parameter as 20 dB for PSTN port 0/6/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe set 0/6/0 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-level 20 PSTN port set completed huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/6/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value (db) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 6 / 0 enable -24 enable 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assume the following: l The automatic gain adjustment is enabled. l The automatic gain adjustment parameter is set as 15 (that is -24dBm0). l The background noise suppression is enabled. l The background noise suppression parameter is set as 20 dB. To configure the VQE attributes for PSTN ports 0/6/0 to 0/6/4 in batches, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/6/0 0/6/4 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-Level 20 Command processing completed. 5 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value (db) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 6 / 0 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 6 / 1 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 6 / 2 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 6 / 3 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 6 / 4 enable -24 enable 20 0 / 6 / 5 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 6 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 7 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 8 disable -22 disable 12 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 150 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service 0 / 6 / 9 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 10 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 11 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 12 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 13 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 14 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 15 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 16 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 17 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 18 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 19 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 20 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 21 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 22 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 23 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 24 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 25 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 26 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 27 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 28 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 29 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 30 disable -22 disable 12 0 / 6 / 31 disable -22 disable 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 151 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 8 Configuring the VAG Service Configuring the VAG Service About This Chapter Configuring the VAG service includes the application of the VAG service and the process for configuring the VAG on the UA5000. 8.1 Introduction to the VAG Service Virtual access gateway (VAG) means that a physical AG is simulated as multiple virtual AGs. 8.2 Configuration Example of the VAG Service This topic describes how to configure and verify the VAG service by creating two MG interfaces on the UA5000 and then configuring PSTN subscribers on the two MG interfaces. 8.3 Configuring the TID Profile of the VAG This topic describes how to configure the mode of generating terminal IDs (TIDs) of users of all the types of the VAG, including the terminal prefix and TID profile. The TID profile defines the mode of generating the ID of the terminal except the terminal prefix. The ID of a user terminal is a combination of the terminal prefix and the character string generated by the TID profile. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 152 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service 8.1 Introduction to the VAG Service Virtual access gateway (VAG) means that a physical AG is simulated as multiple virtual AGs. Service Description An AG supports different IP interfaces and each interface is used independently to realize the VAG feature. In the VAG service, an AG can be used by several carriers to improve the device utilization, to facilitate the management and charging, and thus to meet the requirements of the carrier. For more information about the features of VAG, see "VAG" in the Feature Description. Service Specifications An AG supports a maximum of 8 VAGs. 8.2 Configuration Example of the VAG Service This topic describes how to configure and verify the VAG service by creating two MG interfaces on the UA5000 and then configuring PSTN subscribers on the two MG interfaces. Prerequisite l The IP address of the service network port and the subscribers must be configured successfully. The subscribers must be able to call each other. For the procedure for configuring the subscribers, see "7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream)." l System parameters must be configured according to "7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream)." l The service board is normal. Context The VAG simulates a physical AG device into multiple virtual AG devices. The system implements the VAG feature by supporting multiple IP ports on one physical AG device and using each IP port independently. Networking Figure 8-1 shows the example network of the VAG service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the A32 service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 153 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service Figure 8-1 Example network of the VAG service MGC Router H.248 0/11 0/12 P V M B UA5000 P V M B A A 3 3 2 2 Phone 1 Phone 32 Phone 33 Phone 64 VAG1 VAG2 Data Plan l Table 8-1 provides the data plan for configuring the VAG 2 on the PVMB control board. For the data plan for configuring VAG 1, see "7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream)." l In the preceding figure, MG 1 stands for VAG 1, and MG 2 stands for VAG 2. Table 8-1 Data plan for configuring the VAG2 on PVMB Data Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 1 code text protocol H.248 transfer UDP port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 154 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type IP addresses Telephone numbers 8 Configuring the VAG Service Item Data Whether the MG holds ongoing calls when the connection between MGC and MG is broken Yes start-negotiate-version 2 Signaling IP address of MG interface 1 on the UA5000 Media IP address of MG interface 1 on the UA5000 Default gateway of MG interface 1 on the UA5000 MGC Phone 33-phone 64 MG interface: 1 Shelf ID/slot ID: 0/12 Telephone numbers: 12340033-12340064 Context Virtual Access Gateway (VAG) is a feature that enables a physical AG to support multiple VAGs. The physical AG supports multiple IP interfaces, and assigns the IP interfaces for dedicated use to realize the VAG feature. Precaution l The MG interface parameters configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the parameters configured on the MGC. l The cadence ring tone and initial ring tone must meet the local standard. l For the procedure for configuring the data of VAG 1, see "7.2 Configuration Example of the MG PSTN Service (Independent Upstream)." l To configure the data of VAG 2, do as follows. Procedure 1. Add a service board. huawei(config)#board add 0/12 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/12 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 PWX2 Normal 2 3 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 155 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 4 5 ...... 12 ...... 35 8 Configuring the VAG Service H601PVMB H601PVMB Standby_normal H602ETCA Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM A32 Normal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Configure the attributes for the MG interface of VAG 2. huawei(config)#interface h248 1 Are you sure to add MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-1)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp mgcip_1 mgcport_1 2944 mg-media-ip start-negotiate-version 2 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#display if-h248 attribute --------------------------------------------------------------------MGID 1 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 H248version Negotiated Originally 2 Profile Negotiation Para disable Profile 0:NoProfile("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Transmode HeartBeatTimer(s) HeartBeatRetransTimes HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) MG signalling IP MG signalling Port MG media IP MIDType DeviceName Text UDP 60 3 60 2944 IP4_ADDR - Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Configure the digitmap for internal calls on the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-1)#digitmap set inner 1234xxxx 4. Enable the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-1)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-1)# Reset MG interface 1 success! 5. Query whether the MG interface is in the normal state. huawei(config-if-h248-1)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all ------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MgPort MGIP/DomainName MgcPort MGCIP/DomainName ------------------------------------------------------------------------1 UDP Normal 2944 2944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Configure the telephone numbers of the subscribers. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/12/0 0/12/31 1 terminalid 32 telno 12340033 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/12 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 156 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service -------------------------------------------------------0 / 12 / 0 0 Cat3 A32 0 / 12 / 1 0 Cat3 A33 0 / 12 / 2 0 Cat3 A34 0 / 12 / 3 0 Cat3 A35 0 / 12 / 4 0 Cat3 A36 0 / 12 / 5 0 Cat3 A37 0 / 12 / 6 0 Cat3 A38 0 / 12 / 7 0 Cat3 A39 0 / 12 / 8 0 Cat3 A40 0 / 12 / 9 0 Cat3 A41 0 / 12 / 10 0 Cat3 A42 0 / 12 / 11 0 Cat3 A43 0 / 12 / 12 0 Cat3 A44 0 / 12 / 13 0 Cat3 A45 0 / 12 / 14 0 Cat3 A46 0 / 12 / 15 0 Cat3 A47 0 / 12 / 16 0 Cat3 A48 0 / 12 / 17 0 Cat3 A49 0 / 12 / 18 0 Cat3 A50 0 / 12 / 19 0 Cat3 A51 0 / 12 / 20 0 Cat3 A52 0 / 12 / 21 0 Cat3 A53 0 / 12 / 22 0 Cat3 A54 0 / 12 / 23 0 Cat3 A55 0 / 12 / 24 0 Cat3 A56 0 / 12 / 25 0 Cat3 A57 0 / 12 / 26 0 Cat3 A58 0 / 12 / 27 0 Cat3 A59 0 / 12 / 28 0 Cat3 A60 0 / 12 / 29 0 Cat3 A61 0 / 12 / 30 0 Cat3 A62 0 / 12 / 31 0 Cat3 A63 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data 7. Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result 1. When MG interface 1 communicates properly with the MGC, subscribers of phone 1-phone 32 should be able to call each other. 2. When MG interface 2 communicates properly with the MGC, subscribers of phone 33phone 64 should be able to call each other. 3. When MG interfaces 1 and 2 communicate properly with the MGC, subscribers of phone 1-phone 64 should be able to call each other. 4. After disabling MG interface 1 by running the shutdown graceful command, the results should be as follows: l Subscribers of phone 1-phone 32 should not be able to call each other. l Subscribers of phone 33-phone 64 should be able to call each other. l Subscribers of phone 1-phone 32 and phone 33-phone 64 should not be able to call each other. This indicates that the configuration of each VAG is independent, and the configuration is valid only to the subscribers of the VAG. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 157 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service 8.3 Configuring the TID Profile of the VAG This topic describes how to configure the mode of generating terminal IDs (TIDs) of users of all the types of the VAG, including the terminal prefix and TID profile. The TID profile defines the mode of generating the ID of the terminal except the terminal prefix. The ID of a user terminal is a combination of the terminal prefix and the character string generated by the TID profile. Prerequisite The MG interface must be added successfully. Context l The system has 19 common TID profiles with the TID indexes of 0-18. When the default TID profiles in the system cannot meet the current requirement, you can add the userdefined TID profile manually as required. l The TID profile format string should consist of at least one fixed format "%u" or one unfixed format "%0nu". "n" represents the numeral that ranges from 0 to 10. "%u" means that the length of the parameter to be printed is unlimited, and "%0nu" means that the length of the parameter to be printed is n. The format allows the security character string at the beginning and the end. l The parameter list consists of at least one keyword. The keywords are separated by "," and support the addition algorithm. The deviation of addition ranges from 0 to 0x40000000. The keywords include the following: – F: Indicates the shelf ID. – S: Indicates the slot ID. – P: Indicates the port ID. – B: Indicates the B channel. – G: Indicates the general permanent TID. – R: Indicates the RTP virtual TID. l When a PSTN subscriber, an ISDN PRA subscriber or an ISDN BRA subscriber is added, the TID matching each type of the subscriber is output based on the format and the terminal prefix of the matching TID profile. For example, if the matching TID profile format of the PSTN subscriber is %02u/%02u/ %02u, the terminal prefix of the TID profile is aln, and the location of the PSTN subscriber is 0/11/0, the TID of the PSTN subscriber is aln00/11/00 . l You can run the display tid-format command to query the TID profile bound to users of all the types on the current MG interface, and then run the display tid-template command to query the format of the TID profile. l The format of the TID profile of the VAG and the format of the TID profile of the SoftSwitch must be consistent. l The index and name of the added profile must be different from the index and name of the existing profiles in the system. Precaution Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 158 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service l If terminals of a type exist on an interface and the interface is not disabled, the prefix of terminals of this type cannot be modified. l If terminals of a type exist on an interface, the index of the TID profile corresponding to the terminals of this type cannot be modified. l The system supports 64 TID profiles. The TID profiles with indexes from 0 to 31 are reserved for the system, and the TID profiles with indexes from 32 to 63 can be customized. Procedure Step 1 Run the display tid-template command to query the TID profile of the system. Step 2 When the default TID profile in the system cannot meet the requirements, run the tid-template add command to add the required TID profile. When the default TID profile in the system can meet the requirements, go to Step 3. Step 3 Enter MG interface mode. l If the system protocol is H.248, run the interface h248 command to enter H248 mode. l If the system protocol is MGCP, run the interface mgcp command to enter MGCP mode. Step 4 Configure the TID profiles and terminal prefixes of subscribers of all the types of the current VAG. l In H248 mode, run the tid-format pstn command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the PSTN subscriber. l In H248 mode, run the tid-format bra command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the ISDN BRA subscriber. l In H248 mode, run the tid-format pracommand to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the ISDN PRA subscriber. l In H248 mode, run the tid-format rtp command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the RTP terminal. l In H248 mode, run the tid-format r2 command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the R2 subscriber. l In MGCP mode, run the tid-format pstn command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the ISDN subscriber. l In MGCP mode, run the tid-format pra command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the ISDN PRA subscriber. l In MGCP mode, run the tid-format bra command to configure the TID profile and terminal prefix of the ISDN BRA subscriber. ----End Example Assume the following: l The index of the TID profile is 36. l The length of the printing parameter is not limited. l The parameter list is shelf ID + 1, slot ID +1, and port ID + 1. l The name of the TID profile is CustomTemplate. l The terminal prefix is A. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 159 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service To configure the TID profile in H248 mode for PSTN subscriber on port 0/15/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#display tid-template all ------------------------------------------------Index Name ------------------------------------------------0 Rtp_Delamination 1 Rtp_No_Delamination 2 General_No_Delamination 3 Aln_Not_Fixed_1 4 Aln_Fixed_1 5 Aln_Not_Fixed_0 6 Aln_Fixed_0 7 Aln_BT 8 Bra_Not_Fixed_1 9 Bra_Fixed_1 10 Bra_Not_Fixed_0 11 Bra_Fixed_0 12 Bra_BT 13 Trunk_Not_Fixed_1 14 Trunk_Fixed_1 15 Trunk_Not_Fixed_0 16 Trunk_Fixed_0 17 Trunk_BT 18 Rtp_Fixed_5u ------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#tid-template add 36 format %u/%u/%u parameter-list f+1,s+1,p+1 name CustomTemplate huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#tid-format pstn template 36 prefix A huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display tid-format -------------------------------user-type template-index prefix -------------------------------rtp 1 A pstn 36 A bra 2 A pra 2 A r2 2 A -------------------------------huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser add 0/10/0 0 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/10/0 { <cr>|endframeid/slotid/portid<S><Length 1-15> }: Command: display mgpstnuser 0/10/0 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 10 / 0 0 Cat3 A1/11/1 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 1 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data Related Operation Table 8-2 lists the related operations for configuring the TID profile of the VAG interface. Table 8-2 Related operations for configuring the TID profile of the VAG interface Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Remarks Delete the user-defined TID profile tid-template delete - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 160 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 8 Configuring the VAG Service To... Run the Command... Remarks Modify the user-defined TID profile tid-template_modify - Modify the prefix of the user terminal H.248: tid-format MGCP: Run this command to modify the terminal prefix of the user terminal. If terminals of a certain type exist on an interface and the interface is not disabled, the prefix of terminals of this type cannot be modified. tid-format Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 161 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol About This Chapter This topic describes the application of the ISDN technology and how to configure the VoIP ISDN service on the UA5000 running the H.248 protocol. 9.1 Introduction to a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol The UA5000 can provide integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) and primary rate access (PRA) services for users based on the H.248 protocol. ISDN provides an end-to-end (E2E) digital connection and supports multiple types of voice and non-voice telecommunication services. The configuration of a voice over IP (VoIP) ISDN service based on the H.248 protocol is described. 9.2 Configuration Example of a P2P ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol In this example, point-to-point (P2P) integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services based on the H.248 protocol are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. 9.3 Configuration Example of a P2MP ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol In this example, point-to-multipoint (P2MP) integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services based on the H.248 protocol are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. 9.4 Configuration Example of the ISDN PRA Service (When the EDTB Service Board Is Used) This topic describes how to configure the ISDN PRA service through the EDTB service board. After the configuration, ISDN PRA subscribers can call each other, and ISDN PRA subscribers and POTS subscribers can call each other. 9.5 Configuring the SIGTRAN Protocol Stack The signaling transport (SIGTRAN) protocol supports the transmission of traditional switched circuit network (SCN) signaling over the IP network through protocol adaptation and transmission. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 162 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol 9.1 Introduction to a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol The UA5000 can provide integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) and primary rate access (PRA) services for users based on the H.248 protocol. ISDN provides an end-to-end (E2E) digital connection and supports multiple types of voice and non-voice telecommunication services. The configuration of a voice over IP (VoIP) ISDN service based on the H.248 protocol is described. Service Description Definition of ISDN by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT): Integrated services digital network (ISDN) is a communication network evolved from integrated digital network (IDN) and provides the E2E digital connection to support multiple telecommunication services involving the voice and non-voice services. Users can access the network through a group of network interfaces. ISDN provides the following two types of services: l Basic rate interface (BRI): It provides a rate of 144 kbit/s, and provides two B channels and one D channel. The B channels are used for bearing services and the D channel is used for transmitting call control signaling and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) signaling. l Primary rate interface (PRI): The PRI interface provides a data rate of 2.048 Mbit/s and 30 B channels and 1 D channel. The rates of the B channel and D channel are both 64 kbit/s. In the upstream direction, the UA5000 accesses ISDN services to the next generation network (NGN) or local exchange (LE) by using an IP or V5 network. In the IP network based on the H.248 protocol, the UA5000 adapts ISDN signaling and then transmits it to the MGC using the signaling transport (SIGTRAN) protocol. Under the control of the MGC, the UA5000 sends the packet ISDN traffic streams to the NGN, implementing the VoIP ISDN service. Service Specifications The UA5000 provides an ISDN BRA service for users by using the DSL, DSLE/DSLD board, and provides an ISDN PRA service for users by using the PVMB, PVMD, or EDTB board. Table 9-1 lists the number of ISDN BRA ports provided by each board. Table 9-1 Number of ISDN BRA ports provided by each board Board Ports DSL 8 ISDN BRA ports DSLE/DSLD 16 ISDN BRA ports Table 9-2 lists the number of ISDN PRA ports provided by each board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 163 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Table 9-2 Number of ISDN PRA ports provided by each board Board Ports PVMB l H601PVMB: 4 E1 ports, namely, 4 ISDN PRA ports l H612PVMB: 8 E1 ports, namely, 8 ISDN PRA ports PVMD 4 E1 ports, namely, 4 ISDN PRA ports EDTB 16 E1 ports, namely, 16 ISDN PRA ports 9.2 Configuration Example of a P2P ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol In this example, point-to-point (P2P) integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services based on the H.248 protocol are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. Prerequisite l A local IP address has been configured in the IP address pool. l System parameters and media gateway (MG) interface attributes have been configured successfully. The PSTN user data on the MG interface has been configured successfully and the PSTN users can communicate with each other. For detailed operations, see 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service. l ISDN digital phones support the P2P function and they have been connected properly. l The data on the MGC has been configured properly. Networking Figure 9-1 shows an example network of the P2P ISDN BRA service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the DSL and A32 service boards as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 164 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Figure 9-1 Example network of the P2P ISDN BRA service MGC Router H.248 I P M B UA5000 I P M B P V M B 0/8 0/11 D S L D S L P V M B PBX A 3 2 PBX ISDN phone A ISDN phone B Phone A Data Plan Table 9-3 provides the data plan for configuring the P2P ISDN BRA service. Table 9-3 Data plan for configuring the P2P ISDN BRA service Category Item Data MG interface data MG ID 0 Code text Protocol H.248 Port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Domain name Whether the termination ID on the MG interface supports the layering configuration Not supported Terminal ID 0, 2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 165 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Category Item Data IP address IP address of MG 0 on the UA5000 Default gateway of MG 0 on the UA5000 IP address of the MGC IUA link ID 15 IUA link set ID 1 Local port ID 1401 Peer port ID 1400 IUA interface ID 8 DSL board Subrack ID/Slot ID 0/8 and 0/11 ISDN BRA port Subrack ID/Slot ID/Port ID 0/8/0 and 0/11/0 Working mode P2P IUA link parameter Context l One port can be connected to only one terminal. l The terminal equipment identifiers (TEIs) of the ISDN digital phones must be 0. l If the ISDN digital phone is not provided with local power, the braport attribute batset frameid/slotid/portid endframeid/slotid/portid rpower yes or braport attribute set frameid/slotid/portid rpower yes command must be executed on the UA5000 to enable the remote power. l Ensure that the parameters of the MG interface are the same as those configured on the MGC. Configuration Flowchart Figure 9-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the ISDN service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 166 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Figure 9-2 Flowchart for configuring the ISDN service Start Add service boards Configure the working mode of ISDN BRA port Configure an IUA link set and an IUA link (Optional) Configure SCTP parameters Configure the SIGTRAN protocol Configure ISDN subscriber data Save the configuration data End Procedure Step 1 Add a DSL board. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 dsl huawei(config)#board add 0/11 dsl huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 0 frame 8 slot board has been confirmed huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 0 frame 11 slot board has been confirmed Step 2 (Optional) Query the attributes of ISDN BRA ports. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode BAD BADDelay(s) Keep_L1_Active -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/8/0 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/1 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/2 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/3 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/4 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/5 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/6 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/8/7 No p2mp disable 30 enable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 167 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode Bad BADDelay(s) Keep_L1_Active ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/11/0 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/1 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/2 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/3 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/4 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/5 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/6 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/11/7 No p2mp disable 30 enable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Configure the working mode of the ports. huawei(config-esl-user)#braport attribute set 0/8/0 work-mode p2p The board(s) may be reset before the configuration works , are you sure to reset the board(s) when executing this command?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-esl-user)#braport attribute set 0/11/0 work-mode p2p The board(s) may be reset before the configuration works , are you sure to reset the board(s) when executing this command?(y/n)[n]:y Step 4 Add a link set and links, and query the configuration information about the link set and the links. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 1 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 15 1 1401 1400 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute ---------------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo : 15 LinksetNo : 1 Local prot : 1401 Local IP address : Remote port : 1400 Remote IP address 1 : Remote IP address 2 : InStreamNum : 33 OutStreamNum : 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state ------------------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo LinkState LockFlag CongestFlag ListenId SctpAssocId ------------------------------------------------------------------------15 active unlock uncongest 1 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 Add ISDN BRA users and configure the data. huawei(config-sigtran)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgbrauser add 0/8/0 0 1 8 terminalid 0 huawei(config-esl-user)#mgbrauser add 0/11/0 0 1 10 terminalid 2 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgbrauser 0/8/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P MGID LinkSetNo UserIFID R.POWER TelNo Priority TID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 8/ 0 0 1 8 No Cat3 A0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgbrauser 0/11/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P MGID LinkSetNo UserIFID R.POWER TelNo Priority TID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 11/ 0 0 1 8 No Cat3 A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 6 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 168 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Result 1. The ISDN BRA ports are activated. huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/8/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F/ S/ P Type SubType PortState SvcState SvcType UserType MgID ProtocolID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 8/0 BRA 2B+D Active AutoBlk InstSvc MG 0 A0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/11/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F/ S/ P Type SubType PortState SvcState SvcType UserType MgID ProtocolID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 11/0 BRA 2B+D Active StartSvc InstSvc MG 0 A2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The working mode of the ISDN BRA ports is P2P. huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/8/0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode Bad BADDelay(s) Keep_L1_Active ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 8/0 No p2p disable 30 enable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/11/0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode Bad BADDelay(s) Keep_L1_Active ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/11/0 No p2p disable 30 enable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. P2P ISDN BRA users ISDN phone A and ISDN phone B can communicate with each other normally. P2P ISDN BRA users and POTS user Phone A can communicate with each other normally. The ports for the P2P ISDN BRA service are always activated. 9.3 Configuration Example of a P2MP ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol In this example, point-to-multipoint (P2MP) integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services based on the H.248 protocol are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. Prerequisite l A local IP address has been configured in the IP address pool. l System parameters and media gateway (MG) interface attributes have been configured successfully. The PSTN user data on the MG interface has been configured successfully and the PSTN users can communicate with each other. For detailed operations, see 7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 169 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol l One NT1 with power supply and two ISDN digital phones are available, and the ISDN digital phones have been connected properly. l The data on the MGC has been configured properly. Networking Figure 9-3 shows an example network of the P2MP ISDN BRA service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the A32 and DSL service boards as an example. Figure 9-3 Example network of the P2MP ISDN BRA service MGC Router H.248 0/15 I P M B UA5000 I P M B P V M B P V M B A 3 2 D S L NT1 Phone A ISDN phone ISDN phone Data Plan Table 9-4 provides the data plan for configuring the P2MP ISDN BRA service. Table 9-4 Data plan for configuring the P2MP ISDN BRA service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Category Item Data MG interface data MG ID 0 Code text Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 170 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Category 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Item Data Protocol H.248 Port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 IP address IUA link parameter ISDN BRA port Domain name Terminal ID 0 and 1 IP address of MG 0 on the UA5000 Default gateway of MG interface 0 on the UA5000 IP address of the MGC IUA link set ID 1 IUA link ID 15 Local port ID 9900 Peer port ID 1400 Port ID 0/15/0 and 0/15/1 Interface ID 8 Context Ensure that the parameters of the MG interface are the same as those configured on the MGC. Configuration Flowchart Figure 9-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the ISDN service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 171 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Figure 9-4 Flowchart for configuring the ISDN service Start Add a DSL board configure the working mode of ISDN BRA port Configure an IUA link set and an IUA link (Optional) Configure SCTP parameters Configure the SIGTRAN protocol Add an ISDN BRA subscriber and configure the data Save the configuration data End Procedure Step 1 Add a DSL board. huawei(config)#board add 0/15 dsl huawei(config)#board confirm 0/15 0 frame 15 slot board confirms successfully huawei(config)#display board 0 -------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline -------------------------------------------------------0 H602PWX0 Normal 1 H602PWX0 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMB Active_normal H601ETCB H601ETCB 5 H601PVMB Standby_normal H601ETCB H601ETCB ...... 15 DSL Normal ...... 35 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2 Add a link set and links. huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 1 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 15 1 9900 1400 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 172 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol ---------------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo : 15 LinksetNo : 1 Local prot : 9900 Local IP address : Remote port : 1400 Remote IP address 1 : Remote IP address 2 : InStreamNum : 33 OutStreamNum : 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state -------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo LinkState LockFlag CongestFlag ListenId SctpAssocId -------------------------------------------------------------15 active unlock uncongest 1 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Add ISDN BRA users and configure the data. huawei(config-sigtran)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgbrauser batadd 0/15/0 0/15/1 0 1 8 terminalid 0 huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F/ S/ P Type SubType PortState SvcState SvcType UserType MgID ProtocolID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/15/0 BRA 2B+D Deactive StartSvc InstSvc MG 0 A0 0/15/1 BRA 2B+D Deactive StartSvc InstSvc MG 0 A2 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgbrauser 0/15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P MGID LinkSetNo UserIFID R.POWER TelNo Priority TID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/15/ 0 0 1 8 No Cat3 A0 0/15/ 1 0 1 9 No Cat3 A2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/15 Command: display braport attribute 0/15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode BAD BADDelay(s) Keep-L1-active -------------------------------------------------------------------------0/15/0 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/1 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/2 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/3 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/4 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/5 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/6 No p2mp disable 30 enable 0/15/7 No p2mp disable 30 enable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result ISDN BRA users can communicate with each other normally, and ISDN BRA users and POTS user Phone A can communicate with each other normally. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 173 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol 9.4 Configuration Example of the ISDN PRA Service (When the EDTB Service Board Is Used) This topic describes how to configure the ISDN PRA service through the EDTB service board. After the configuration, ISDN PRA subscribers can call each other, and ISDN PRA subscribers and POTS subscribers can call each other. Prerequisite l The system parameters, the MG interface attributes, and the PSTN subscribers must be configured successfully. For the operation procedure, see "7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service." l The data on the MGC must be configured properly. l Several PBX subscribers must be configured. Context The MG interface parameters configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the parameters configured on the MGC. Networking Figure 9-5 shows the example network of the ISDN PRA service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the EDTB service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 174 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Figure 9-5 Example network of the ISDN PRA service MGC Router Router FE/GE 0/13 I I P P P P V V M M M M UA5000 E D UA5000 T B B B B B PBX Phone A Phone N Phone N+1 Data Plan Table 9-5 provides the data plan for configuring the ISDN PRA service. Table 9-5 Data plan for configuring the ISDN PRA service Data Type Item Data MG interface data mgid 0 code text protocol H.248 port MG: 2945 MGC: 2944 IP addresses Issue 01 (2011-07-30) domainname terminalid 0, 1 MG interface 0 on the UA5000 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 175 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type IUA link parameters 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Item Data Default gateway of the MG interface 0 on the UA5000 The IP address of the MGC IUA link set number 2 IUA link number 1 Local port number 1402 Peer port number 1404 Configuration Flowchart Figure 9-6 shows the flowchart for configuring the ISDN PRA service. Figure 9-6 Flowchart for configuring the ISDN PRA service Start Add an EDTB board Set the working mode of the EDTB board Add a link set and a link (Optional) Configure SCTP parameters Configure the SIGTRAN protocol Add an ISDN PRA subscriber and configure the data Save the configuration data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 176 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Procedure Step 1 Add an EDTB board. huawei(config)#board add 0/13 h601edtb 0 frame 13 slot board add successfully huawei(config)#board confirm 0/13 0 frame 13 slot board confirms successfully huawei(config)#display board 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 H602PWX0 Normal 1 H602PWX0 Normal 2 3 4 H601PVMB Active_normal H601ETCB H601ETCB 5 H601PVMB Standby_normal H601ETCB H601ETCB ...... 13 H601EDTB Normal ...... 35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2 Set the working mode of the EDTB board. huawei(config)#interface edt 0/13 huawei(config-if-edt-0/13)#runmode indep huawei(config-if-edt-0/13)#quit Step 3 Add a link set and a link. huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 2 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 1 2 1402 1404 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute -----------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo : 1 LinksetNo : 2 Local port : 1402 Local IP address : Remote port : 1404 Remote IP address 1 : Remote IP address 2 : InStreamNum : 33 OutStreamNum : 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state ----------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo LinkState LockFlag CongestFlag ListenId SctpAssocId ----------------------------------------------------------------1 active unlock uncongest 3 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Add an ISDN PRA subscriber and configure the data. huawei(config-sigtran)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgprauser add 0/13/0 0 2 10 terminalid 0 huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/13/0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port PortType PortState ServiceType SvcState -------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 13 / 0 E1 Failed VOIP_PRA -------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgprauser 0/13 ---------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 F/S/P 0/13/0 TerminalID A0 LinkSetNo 2 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 177 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol InterfaceID 10 Uni-report 1(0-enable 1-disable) Auto-return-to-service-limit 20 Active-mask 255:255:255:255 User Priority is cat3 ---------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 1 port(s) are configured MG PRA user data Step 5 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result ISDN PRA subscribers should be able to call subscribers who do not belong to the same PBX, and subscribers who belong to one PBX should be able to call each other. 9.5 Configuring the SIGTRAN Protocol Stack The signaling transport (SIGTRAN) protocol supports the transmission of traditional switched circuit network (SCN) signaling over the IP network through protocol adaptation and transmission. l The SIGTRAN protocol, which is applied to the ISDN services of the UA5000, contains the MAC, IP, SCTP and IUA protocols. l Generally, you need not configure the SCTP protocol parameters. l Parameters localipaddr, remoteipaddr, localport, and remoteport are used to set up an IUA link between the UA5000 and the MGC. localport on the UA5000 must be the same as remoteport on the MGC. remoteport on the UA5000 must be the same as localport on the MGC. l In the case of any special requirements, namely, the default parameters of the system cannot meet the requirements, run the sctp protocol(H.248 protocol) or sctp protocol(SIP protocol) command to change the SCTP parameter. NOTE After the SCTP parameter is changed, run the iua-link reset command to reset the IUA link to make the configuration take effect. l If the SIGTRAN protocol is used, parameters localipaddr, remoteipaddr, localport, and remoteport are used to identify an SCTP association uniquely. l The UA5000 supports a maximum of eight links and eight link sets. Related Concept l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) SIGTRAN protocol stack: The SIGTRAN protocol stack includes two layers of protocols: transmission and adaptation. The transmission protocol is SCTP/IP and the adaptation protocol can be M2UA (for MTP2 subscribers) or IUA (for Q. 921 subscribers). Figure 9-7 shows the model of the SIGTRAN protocol. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 178 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Figure 9-7 Model of the SIGTRAN protocol M3UA M2UA IUA M2PA V5UA SUA adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation layer layer layer layer layer ...... layer SCTP IP MAC M3UA: MTP3 User Adaptation Layer IP: Internet Protocol M2PA: MTP2 Peer Adaptation Layer IUA: ISDN Q. 921 User Adaptation Layer SCTP: Stream Control Transmission Protocol SUA: SCCP User Adaptation Layer M2UA: MTP2 User Adaptation Layer MAC: Media Access Control V5UA: V5 User Adaptation Layer l SCTP: The SCTP protocol is a connection-oriented protocol. The basic function of SCTP is to provide reliable transmission for the messages between the UA5000 and the MGC. SCTP functions based on the association between the two terminals of SCTP. SCTP can be regarded as a transmission layer whose upper layer is the SCTP subscriber and the lower layer is the IP network. Configuration Flowchart Figure 9-8 shows the flowchart for configuring the SIGTRAN protocol stack. Figure 9-8 Flowchart for configuring the SIGTRAN protocol stack Start Configure an IUA link set Configure an IUA link (Optional) Configure SCTP parameters End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 179 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the sigtran command to enter the sigtran mode. Step 2 Run the iua-linkset add command to add an IUA link set. Step 3 Run the display iua-linkset state command to query the state of the IUA link set. Run the display iua-linkset attribute command to query the attributes of the IUA link set. Step 4 Run the iua-link add command to add an IUA link to the IUA link set. Step 5 Run the display iua-link state command to query the state of the IUA link. Run the display iua-link attribute command to query the attributes of the IUA link. Step 6 (Optional) In the H248 mode, Run the sctp protocol command to configure the parameters of the SCTP protocol. Step 7 (Optional) In the H248 mode, Run the display sctp protocol command to query the parameters of the SCTP protocol. Step 8 (Optional) In the SIP mode, Run the sctp protocol command to configure the parameters of the SCTP protocol. Step 9 (Optional) In the SIP mode, Run the display sctp protocol command to query the parameters of the SCTP protocol. ----End Example To configure the SIGTRAN protocol stack, do as follows: huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 8 mgid 0 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-linkset state ----------------------------------------LinksetNo LinkNum LinksetState ----------------------------------------8 0 down ----------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-linkset attribute ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LinksetNo MgId Pendingtime TrafficMode Client/Server UseTxtIf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------8 0 4 override server integer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 1 8 1401 1400 NOTE l In the SIGTRAN protocol, localipaddr, localport, remoteipaddr, and remoteport can uniquely identify an SCTP association. l A UA5000 can be configured with a maximum of eight links and eight link sets. huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state -------------------------------------------------------LinkNo LinkState LockFlag CongestFlag ListenId SctpAssocId -------------------------------------------------------1 active unlock uncongest 4 6 -------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo : 1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 180 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol LinksetNo : 8 Local port : 1401 Local IP address : Remote port : 1400 Remote IP address 1 : Remote IP address 2 : InStreamNum : 33 OutStreamNum : 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 181 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol About This Chapter This topic describes the procedure for configuring the voice over IP (VoIP) ISDN service (based on SIP) on the UA5000. 10.1 (Only in Integrated Upstream Mode) Configuring the VLAN Upstream Interface of the IPM If the network is integrated upstream mode, you must configure the VLAN upstream interface of the IPM first to make sure that the VoIP service can be transferred to the IP network through the IPM control board. 10.2 Configuring the Working mode of the PVM Control Board When configuring the VoIP service, you need configure the working mode of the PVM control board according to the actual networking mode. 10.3 Configuring a SIP Interface The UA5000 communicates with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) by using a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface to exchange data between the public switched telephone network (PSTN) network and the IP network and provide the voice over IP (VoIP) service based on the IMS. 10.4 Configuring a SIP ISDN User After a media gateway (MG) interface is configured, an integrated services digital network (ISDN) user can be added to this interface for SIP ISDN services. 10.5 Configuration Example of an ISDN BRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol In this example, point-to-point integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. 10.6 Configuration Example of an ISDN PRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol In this example, integrated services digital network (ISDN) users are connected to the UA5000 by using an ISDN primary rate interface (PRI). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 182 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol 10.1 (Only in Integrated Upstream Mode) Configuring the VLAN Upstream Interface of the IPM If the network is integrated upstream mode, you must configure the VLAN upstream interface of the IPM first to make sure that the VoIP service can be transferred to the IP network through the IPM control board. Context l The PVM control board uses its FE ports Inner_FE0 and Inner_FE1 to communicate with FE ports on the IPMB control board. In this case, the PVM control board uses the IPM control board for upstream. l For the H601IPMD board, the inner FE port 2 and port 3 are taken for communication with the PVM board. l For the IPMB board and H612 IPMD board, the inner FE port 6 and port 7 are taken for communication with the PVM board. l IPMB board and PVMB board are taken as examples in this task. The GE interface 0 is used as the upstream port. Procedure Step 1 Run the vlan command to add the upstream VLAN. Step 2 Run the port vlan command to add the FE ports 6 and 7 and IP uplink port 0 into this upstream VLAN. Step 3 Run the interface vlanif command to enter the vlanif mode of the upstream VLAN. Step 4 Run the ip address command to specify the IP address for the upstream VLAN interface. Step 5 Run the vlan command to add the upstream vlan for the NMS packets. Step 6 Run the port vlan command to add the FE ports 6 and 7 and IP uplink port 0 into this upstream vlan for the NMS packets. Step 7 Run the interface vlanif command to enter the vlanif mode of the upstream vlan for the NMS packets. Step 8 Run the ip address command to specify the IP address for the upstream VLAN interface for the NMS packets. ----End Example To configure the VLAN upstream interface of the IPM. l Assume that the IP of the upstream interface is, VLAN of the upstream interface is 1001. the IP of upstream interface for the NMS packets is, VLAN of upstream interface for the NMS packets is 1002. huawei(config)#vlan 1001 standard huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 0 huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 6 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 183 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol huawei(config)#port vlan 1001 0/2 7 huawei(config)#interface vlanif 1001 huawei(config-if-vlanif1001)#ip address huawei(config)#vlan 1002 standard huawei(config)#port vlan 1002 0/2 0 huawei(config)#port vlan 1002 0/2 6 huawei(config)#port vlan 1002 0/2 7 huawei(config)#interface vlanif 1002 huawei(config-if-vlanif1002)#ip address 10.2 Configuring the Working mode of the PVM Control Board When configuring the VoIP service, you need configure the working mode of the PVM control board according to the actual networking mode. Context l In the integrated networking mode, the services on the PVM are transmitted upstream to the IP network through the IPM control board. l In the independent networking mode, the PVM control board provides services independently, and the voice service is transmitted upstream through the ETH1 port on the PVM board. l If in the integrated networking mode, run the working mode integrated command to configure the working mode of the PVM board to integrated. l If in the independent networking mode, run the working mode alone command to configure the working mode of the PVM board to alone. Procedure ----End Example To configure the working mode of the PVM control board to integrated. huawei(config)#working mode integrated If switch working mode from alone to integrated,ETH0 will be service port and ETH1 will be outband port,Are you sure?(y/n)[n]:y 10.3 Configuring a SIP Interface The UA5000 communicates with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) by using a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface to exchange data between the public switched telephone network (PSTN) network and the IP network and provide the voice over IP (VoIP) service based on the IMS. For details, see 6 Configuring the SIP Interface. 10.4 Configuring a SIP ISDN User After a media gateway (MG) interface is configured, an integrated services digital network (ISDN) user can be added to this interface for SIP ISDN services. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 184 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol 10.4.1 Configuring SIP ISDN BRA User Data After the data of an integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) user under a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface is configured, the ISDN BRA user can access the network to use ISDN BRA services. Prerequisite The service board has been installed in a specified slot and is functioning properly. NOTE Users can run the display board command to query the board status. l If the status is Normal, the board is functioning properly. l If the status is Auto_find, run the board confirm command to confirm this board. l If the status is Failed, resolve this issue according to Service Board Is in the Failed State described in the Maintenance Guide. The working mode of the ISDN BRA port has been configured based on the site requirements. If the working mode has not been configured, configure it by referring to 10.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Attributes of an ISDN BRA Port. Default Configuration Table 10-1 lists the default settings for the attributes of a SIP ISDN BRA user. The settings can be changed based on the site requirements. Table 10-1 Default settings for the attributes of a SIP ISDN BRA user Item Default Setting User priority cat3 (common user) Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter extend signaling link (ESL) user mode. Step 2 Run the sipbrauser add or sipbrauser batadd command to add a SIP ISDN BRA user or multiple SIP ISDN BRA users in batches. A SIP user group can be also specified for a SIP ISDN BRA user when this user is added. Step 3 Run the display sipbrauser command to query the settings of the SIP ISDN BRA user(s). ----End Example Assume that the user priority is cat3, and phone number is 83110001. To add an ISDN BRA user (with such configurations) under port 0/8/0 connected to media gateway (MG) interface 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sipbrauser add 0/8/0 0 priority cat3 telno 83110001 Command processing is completed. User data has been added successfully Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 185 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol huawei(config-esl-user)#display sipbrauser 0/8/0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P MGID TelNo Priority UserGroupID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/8/0 0 83110001 cat3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.4.2 Configuring SIP ISDN PRA User Data After the data of an integrated services digital network (ISDN) primary rate access (PRA) user under a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) interface is configured, the ISDN PRA user can access the network to use ISDN PRA services. Prerequisite The service board has been configured in a specified slot and is functioning properly. NOTE Users can run the display board command to query the board status. l If the status is Normal, the board is functioning properly. l If the status is Auto_find, run the board confirm command to confirm the board. l If the status is Failed, resolve this issue according to Service Board Is in the Failed State described in the Maintenance Guide. Default Configuration Table 10-2 lists the default settings for the attributes of a SIP ISDN PRA user. The settings can be changed based on the site requirements. Table 10-2 Default settings for the attributes of a SIP ISDN PRA user Item Default Setting User priority cat3 (common user) User network interface (UNI) fault reporting function for the ISDN PRA user Disabled Mask for enabling the sub-channel of the ISDN PRA user Threshold for the number of auto recoveries from deterioration faults 20 Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter extend signaling link (ESL) user mode. Step 2 Run the sipprauser add command to add a SIP ISDN PRA user. A SIP user group can be also specified for a SIP ISDN PRA user when this user is added. Step 3 Run the display sipprauser command to query the settings of the SIP ISDN PRA user(s). ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 186 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Example Assume that the user priority is cat3, phone number is 83110001, user group ID is 0, UNI alarm reporting function is enabled, and threshold for the number of auto recoveries from L1 deterioration faults is 30. To add an ISDN PRA user (with such configurations) under port 0/10/0 connected to media gateway (MG) interface 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sipprauser add 0/10/0 0 telno 83110001 priority cat3 unireport enable usergroupid 0 auto-return-to-service-limit 30 Command processing is completed. User data has been added successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display sipprauser 0/10/0 ---------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port 0/10/0 MG ID 0 TelNo 83110001 Priority cat3 Active-Mask UNI Report Enable Auto return to service limit 30 User group ID 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- 10.4.3 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters Global system parameters such as overseas version flag and message waiting indication (MWI) mode need to be configured to ensure that user terminals respond in compliance with local standards. Context Table 10-3 lists the voice over IP (VoIP)-related system parameters of the UA5000. For details about all the system parameters and their meanings, see the system parameters command reference. Table 10-3 VoIP-related system parameters of the UA5000 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Parameter Description Default Setting 0 Indicates the howler tone sending flag. 1: Sending the howler tone. 1 Indicates the overseas version flag. 0: China. 2 Indicates the conformance test flag. 0: The conformance test is disabled. 3 Indicates the initial ringing stop flag. 0: The initial ringing stop signal is not issued. 4 Indicates the system self-test flag. 1: Ports are reset selectively. 5 Indicates the call restriction flag when the CPU is overloaded. 0: Calls are not restricted when the CPU is overloaded. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 187 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Parameter Description Default Setting 6 Indicates the call waiting tone flag. 0: The media resource server (MRS) of the media gateway controller (MGC) issues the call waiting tone. 7 Indicates the MWI mode. 0: The high voltage mode is used. 10 Indicates whether supports the local receive and send UDP port ID to be different from the peer UDP. 0: Not support. 11 Indicates the media stream forwarding mode within the same device. 0: Media streams are forwarded within the device. 12 Indicates the source of the howler tone. 0: Field programmable gate array (FPGA). That is, the FPGA plays the howler tone. 13 TEI check cycle. 5 min. 14 Indicates the plain old telephone service (POTS) GTC performance statistics function. 1: The POTS GTC performance statistics function is enabled. 54 The alarm switch of A/B line power. 0: No alarm will be generated when A wire/B wire touches the 220 V power cable. 55 Indicates the length of the port calls defined minute(V5). 0 min. 60 Indicates the waiting time to activate the ISDN. 0: Do not enable this function. 78 Whether allow the board autoload when the version of board is higher than the version of system's packet. 0: Not allow. Procedure Step 1 Run the system parameters command to configure system parameters. Step 2 Run the display system parameters command to verify that the configured system parameters are the same as those defined in the data plan. ----End Example To set system parameter 7 (MWI mode) to 1 (FSK with ringing), do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 188 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol huawei(config)#system parameters 7 1 huawei(config)#display system parameters 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter name index: 7 Parameter value: 1 Mean: The mode of voicemail, 0:high voltage, 1:FSK and ring, 2:FSK no ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.4.4 (Optional) Configuring the Overseas Parameters By default, the overseas parameters are configured according to the Chinese standards. In the actual service configuration, the attributes such as the upper and lower thresholds of the flashhooking duration can be configured according to the local standards to ensure that the response of the user terminal complies with the local standards. Context See oversea parameters for the detailed information of the overseas parameters supported by the UA5000. Procedure Step 1 Run the oversea parameters command to configure the overseas parameters. Step 2 Run the display oversea parameters command to check whether the overseas parameters are the same as those in the data plan. ----End Example To set the upper flash-hooking threshold (overseas feature parameter 3) to 800 ms (in compliance with the Hong Kong standard) and the lower flash-hooking threshold (overseas feature parameter 4) to 100 ms (in compliance with the Hong Kong standard), do as follows: huawei(config)#oversea parameters 3 800 huawei(config)#oversea parameters 4 100 10.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Attributes of an ISDN BRA Port The attributes (such as the remote power supply mode and working mode) of an integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) port can be configured to meet site requirements. Default Configuration Table 10-4 lists the default settings for the attributes of an ISDN BRA port. The settings can be changed based on the site requirements. Table 10-4 Default settings for the attributes of an ISDN BRA port Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Item Default Setting Remote power supply mode Disabled Port working mode p2mp Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 189 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Item Default Setting Automatic deactivation mode Disabled Automatic deactivation delay 30s L1 always activated mode Enabled Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter extend signaling link (ESL) user mode. Step 2 Run the braport attribute set command to configure the parameters of an ISDN BRA port. For details about the braport attribute set command, see its parameter description. Step 3 Run the display braport attribute command to query the settings of the ISDN BRA port. ----End Example To set the working mode of ISDN BRA port 0/8/0 to p2mp and enable the remote power supply, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#braport attribute set 0/8/0 work-mode p2mp rpower yes huawei(config-esl-user)#display braport attribute 0/8/0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------F /S /P Remote-power Work-mode BAD BADDelay(s) Keep-L1-active -------------------------------------------------------------------------0/8/00 Yes p2mp disable 30 enable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.4.6 (Optional) Configuring the Attributes of an E1 Port The attributes of an E1 port can be configured to meet the requirements of an ISDN PRA service. Context The attributes that can be configured for an E1 port include the signaling mode and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) function of the E1 port. Default Configuration Table 10-5 lists the default settings for the attributes of an E1 port. The settings can be changed based on the site requirements. Table 10-5 Default settings for the attributes of an E1 port Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Item Default Setting Signaling mode Common channel signaling (CCS) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 190 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Item Default Setting CRC function Disabled Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface edt command to enter EDT interface mode. Step 2 (Optional) Run the e1port signal command to set the signaling mode of an E1 port. Step 3 (Optional) Run the crc4 command to configure the CRC function on the port. Step 4 Run the display port mode command to query the settings of the port. ----End Example To enable the CRC function and allow the CCS transmission on port 0 on the EDTB board in E1 mode, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface edt 0/10 huawei(config-if-edt-0/10)#e1port signal 0 ccs Set offline signal mode successfully huawei(config-if-edt-0/10)#crc4 0 on Configure offline CRC mode successfully huawei(config-if-edt-0/10)#display port mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Signalling CRC4 Impedance Service flag-interval-index -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0 CCS Enable 75 1 CCS Disable 75 2 CCS Disable 75 3 CCS Disable 75 4 CCS Disable 75 5 CCS Disable 75 6 CCS Disable 75 7 CCS Disable 75 8 CCS Disable 75 9 CCS Disable 75 10 CCS Disable 75 11 CCS Disable 75 12 CCS Disable 75 13 CCS Disable 75 14 CCS Disable 75 15 CCS Disable 75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.5 Configuration Example of an ISDN BRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol In this example, point-to-point integrated services digital network (ISDN) basic rate access (BRA) services are provided using a digital subscriber line (DSL) service board. An ISDN BRA user can communicate with other ISDN BRA users and plain old telephone service (POTS) users. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 191 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Service Requirements l Three POTS phones (phone 1, phone 2, and phone 3) are configured. Phone 1 is connected to a private branch exchange (PBX) and its number is 83110001. Phone 2 and phone 3 are connected to NT1 and they share the number of 83110002. They three need to communicate with each other and also with other voice service users on the public switched telephone network (PSTN). l The PBX is connected to the UA5000 by using an ISDN BRI port. l The UA5000 communicates with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). l The PBX user (phone 1) has been configured. l NT1 has been connected properly and is functioning properly. l A DSLD board has been installed in a specified slot. l A SIP interface has been configured. For details about how to configure a SIP interface, see Configuring a SIP Interface. l The ISDN BRA user data corresponding to the SIP interface has been configured in the IMS. Prerequisite Networking Figure 10-1 shows an example network for configuring the ISDN BRA service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 192 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Figure 10-1 Example network for configuring the ISDN BRA service IMS Router FE/GE 0/8 UA5000 P P V V M M D S L D D D PBX NT1 Phone 1 Phone 2 Phone 3 Data Plan Table 10-6 provides the data plan for configuring the ISDN BRA service based on the SIP protocol. Table 10-6 Data plan for configuring the ISDN BRA service based on the SIP protocol Item Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Data SIP interface Interface ID 0 DSLD board Slot that houses the board 0/8 ISDN BRA user (phone 1) data User port ID 0/8/0 User phone number 83110001 User priority Cat2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 193 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI ISDN BRA user (phone 2 and phone 3) data 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol User port ID 0/8/1 User phone number 83110002 User priority Cat2 Procedure Step 1 Add a DSLD board. Add the DSLD board in slot 0/8 according to the data plan. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 h601dsld Frame 0 slot 8 board added successfully Step 2 Confirm the DSLD board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 0 frame 8 slot board has been confirmed Step 3 Set the working modes of ISDN BRA ports. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#braport attribute set 0/8/0 work-mode p2p huawei(config-esl-user)#braport attribute set 0/8/1 work-mode p2mp Step 4 Configure the ISDN BRA user data. huawei(config-esl-user)#sipbrauser Command processing is completed. huawei(config-esl-user)#sipbrauser Command processing is completed. add 0/8/0 User data add 0/8/1 User data 0 priority cat2 telno 83110001 has been added successfully 0 priority cat2 telno 83110002 has been added successfully Step 5 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the interface data and ISDN BRA user data corresponding to the SIP interface are configured in the IMS, and all the voice service users are configured on the PBX, verify that the ISDN BRA service is provided normally. In normal cases, phone 1 can communicate with phone 2 or 3. 10.6 Configuration Example of an ISDN PRA Service Based on the SIP Protocol In this example, integrated services digital network (ISDN) users are connected to the UA5000 by using an ISDN primary rate interface (PRI). Service Requirements l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Thirty plain old telephone service (POTS) phones (phone 1 through phone 30) are configured for enterprise user huawei. The 30 POTS phones are connected to the same Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 194 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol private branch exchange (PBX). Phone 1 through phone 30 need to communicate with each other. l The PBX is connected to the UA5000 by using an ISDN PRI interface. The PRI interface provides a data rate of 2.048 Mbit/s and 30 B channels and 1 D channel. The rates of the B channel and D channel are both 64 kbit/s. l The UA5000 communicates with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). l PBX users (phone 1 through phone 30) have been configured and they can communicate with each other normally. l E1 board EDTB has been installed in a specified slot. l A SIP interface has been configured. For details about how to configure a SIP interface, see Configuring a SIP Interface. l The ISDN PRA user data corresponding to the SIP interface has been configured in the IMS. Prerequisite Networking Figure 10-2 shows an example network for configuring the ISDN PRA service. Figure 10-2 Example network for configuring the ISDN PRA service IMS Router FE/GE UA5000 0/10 P P V V M M E D T B D D PBX Phone 1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Phone 30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 195 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 10 Configuring a VoIP ISDN Service Based on the SIP Protocol Data Plan Table 10-7 provides the data plan for configuring the ISDN PRA service based on the SIP protocol. Table 10-7 Data plan for configuring the ISDN PRA service based on the SIP protocol Item Data SIP interface Interface ID 0 E1 board EDTB Slot that houses the board 0/10 Data of the ISDN PRA user User port ID 0/10/0 User phone number 28780000 User priority Cat2 Procedure Step 1 Add an EDTB board. Add the EDTB board in slot 0/10 according to the data plan. huawei(config)#board add 0/10 H601EDTB Step 2 Confirm the EDTB board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 Step 3 Configure the ISDN PRA user data. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sipprauser add 0/10/0 0 priority cat2 telno 28780000 Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the interface data and ISDN PRA user data corresponding to the SIP interface are configured in the IMS, and all the voice service users are configured on the PBX, verify that the ISDN PRA service is provided normally. In normal cases, phone 1 through phone 30 can communicate with each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 196 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 11 Configuring the FoIP Service Configuring the FoIP Service About This Chapter This topic describes how to configure the Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP) service based on the H.248/MGCP/SIP protocol to transmit the traditional fax service over the IP network. Application Context FoIP is a widely used fax service mode on the IP network or between the IP network and the traditional PSTN network. The FoIP service is provided through the voice service board, such as the A32, ASL, or CSRB board. 11.1 Configuring the FoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol) This topic describes how to configure the FoIP service based on the H.248 or MGCP protocol. 11.2 Configuring an FoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol A fax over IP (FoIP) service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) can be configured. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 197 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service 11.1 Configuring the FoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol) This topic describes how to configure the FoIP service based on the H.248 or MGCP protocol. Prerequisite l The VoIP service must be configured. l The voice service port used by the FoIP service and the voice service on the port must be in the normal state. Context The FoIP service can be classified according to the following two methods: l When the FoIP service is classified by coding/decoding mode, it can be transparent transmission fax (using the G.711 coding) or T.38 fax (using the T.38 coding). l When the FoIP service is classified by whether the MGC participates in determining the coding/decoding mode, it can be softswitch-controlled fax or softswitch fax (the MG determines which coding/decoding mode to use). Data Plan It is recommended that you plan the working mode of the fax on the entire next generation network (NGN) before configuring the data so that the working mode on the entire network is consistent. The items involved in the FoIP service are as follows. Table 11-1 Items involved in the FoIP service Item Option Remarks Role of the MGC Controlled by the softswitch The MG negotiates a coding/decoding mode with the MGC through signaling. Selfswitch The MG itself determines the coding/decoding mode. Transparent transmission The G.711 coding is used. T.38 The T.38 coding is used. V2 The fax/modem uses the V2 flow. V3 The fax/modem uses the V3 flow. V5 The fax/modem uses the V5 flow. Coding/Decoding mode Negotiation flow Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 198 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service The UA5000 provides the tranmode parameter, which supports the following values (each of the values represents a fax mode that is a combination of certain choices listed in the preceding table): l 0: Refers to the V2 transparent transmission mode. If the softswitch supports only the V2 flow and the G.711 coding is used, the fax mode is configured to V2 transparent transmission when the UA5000 is interconnected with the softswitch. l 1: Refers to the V2 T.38 mode. If the softswitch supports only the V2 flow and the T.38 coding is used, the fax mode is configured to V2 T.38 when the UA5000 is interconnected with the softswitch. l 2: Refers to the V3 flow (classified into transparent transmission mode and T.38 mode). The softswitch determines whether the transparent transmission mode or the T.38 mode is used. If the softswitch and the peer MG support the V3 flow, the V3 flow can be used to improve the fax intelligence. l 3: Refers to the selfswitch transparent transmission mode. If the softswitch does not support the fax, the UA5000 receives and transmits the fax, and the fax coding mode is G.711, the selfswitch transparent transmission mode is used. l 4: Refers to the V5 flow (classified into transparent transmission mode and T.38 mode). The softswitch determines whether the transparent transmission mode or the T.38 mode is used. If the softswitch supports the V5 flow and the peer MG supports only V2, V3, or V5 flow, the V5 flow can be used. l 5: Refers to the selfswitch T.38 mode. If the softswitch does not support the fax, the UA5000 receives and transmits the fax, and the fax coding mode is T.38, the selfswitch T.38 mode is used. Default Configuration By default, the V3 flow is configured for the FoIP service mode. Procedure Step 1 Configure fax parameters. In global config mode, run the fax parameters command to configure fax parameters. l tranmode: Configure the transmission mode according to the preceding data preparation. l is-port+2: When the fax transmission mode is configured to V2 T.38, this parameter is mandatory and it must be the same as the parameter of the T.38 fax port configured on the peer MG. If the faxes are in the same VAG, the configuration of the T.38 fax ports can be different. If the faxes are in different VAGs, the operations of port ID plus 2 should be the same. That is, both port IDs are plus 2 or neither of the port IDs is plus 2. l packet-interval-10ms: Refers to whether the 10-ms packetization function is enabled. By default, the 10-ms packetization function is disabled. In addition to the 20-ms G.711 transparent transmission, the fax transparent transmission function is added with the 10-ms G.711 transparent transmission. This reduces delay, improves the performance of transparent transmission, and reduces the impact of packet loss on the transmission of the modem service data. l rfc2198-start-mode: Refers to whether the RFC2198 redundancy function is enabled. By default, the RFC2198 redundancy function is disabled. If this function is enabled, when the network quality is poor, the signals are sent in the redundancy mode. This can ensure the quality of service (QoS). l transevent: Refers to the transmission mode of the fax and modem events. ControlledByMGC indicates that the fax and modem events are transmitted upstream to the Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 199 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service softswitch through the singaling stream, and then the softswitch transmits the events. RFC2833 indicates that the fax and modem events are transmitted through the media stream in the RFC2833 coding mode. l vbd-codec: Refers to the codec mode of the voice-band data (VBD). This parameter is valid when the transmission mode of the fax service is configured to the auto-switch transparent transmission mode. The codec mode of the VBD can be G.711A or G.711U. l vbd-payload-type: Refers to the payload type of the VBD. This parameter is valid when the transmission mode of the fax service is configured to the auto-switch transparent transmission mode. The payload type can be static or dynamic. The configuration of this parameter must be the same as the configuration of the parameter of the interconnected upper-layer device. Step 2 Configure fax training parameters (optional only in the T.38 fax mode). In global config mode, run the dsp attribute command to configure fax training parameters. l train-rate: Refers to the maximum fax training rate, which is optional. This parameter is valid only when the T.38 fax training mode is the local training. When you configure this parameter, ensure that the value of this parameter is not greater than the maximum fax rate supported by the DSP. If the fax machine supports rate decrease, when the network quality is poor, you can reduce the fax training rate. l train-mode: Refers to the fax training mode, which is optional. The following two configurations are involved: – Peer-to-peer training: In this mode, the rate training signals need to the sent to the peer end. – Local training: In this mode, the MG terminates and generates training signals. Step 3 (Optional) Configure modem parameters. When you configure the high-speed or high/low-speed selfswitch fax, you need to configure modem parameters. If the network quality is good and both the MGC and fax machine support the high-speed fax, the data can be transmitted in the high-speed fax mode. The UA5000 supports the high-speed fax function through the MoIP transparent transmission. If you need to configure the high/lowspeed selfswitch fax, you need to configure the MGC so that the MGC supports the high/lowspeed fax. NOTE The fax transmission mode of the UA5000 cannot be configured to the selfswitch transparent transmission mode or the selfswitch T.38 mode. Run the modem parameters command to configure modem parameters. l tranmode: Refers to the transmission mode of the modem. This parameter must be configured to transparent transmission when you configure the high-speed fax. By default, it is configured to transparent transmission. Currently, the device does not support the relay mode. l eventmode: Refers to the report mode of the modem event. When you configure the high/ low-speed selfswitch fax, you need to configure the report mode of the modem event to direct. l For the configuration of other parameters, see "Configure fax parameters." ----End Example To configure the V2 transparent transmission flow for the FoIP, do as follows: huawei(config)#fax parameters tranmode 3 huawei(config)#display fax parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 200 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fax Transfers Mode :Self Switch Thoroughly T38 Fax Port :RTP Port Packet-interval-10ms :Disable RFC2198 Startup Mode :Disable RFC2198 TransEvent :Controlled-by-MGC Vbd-codec :G.711A Vbd-payload-type :Static ----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#display dsp attribute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fax Max Train Rate :V17 Fax Train Mode :Remote Train DSP chip maximum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :135 DSP chip minimum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip initial adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip maximum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :135 DSP chip minimum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip nominal fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :60 DSP input gain(PCM->IP)(db) :0 DSP output gain(IP->PCM)(db) :0 DSP code type :G.711A RTCP package send interval time(ms) :5000 Severe Degrade Threshold(periods) :400 Support VQM :Disable DSP Rtp Packet Interval(ms) :20 DSP echo check :Open DSP silence reduce :Close DSP need statistics or not :No DSP Packet Lose Compensate :Close DSP clearmode payload value :99 Support RTCP XR :Disable T30 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 T4 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 Fax V8 Negotiate :Enable DSP VBD payload value :102 DSP G.726-16k payload value :103 DSP G.726-24k payload value :104 DSP G.726-32k payload value :101 DSP G.726-40k payload value :105 DSP 2198 payload value :96 DSP 2833 payload value :97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2 Configuring an FoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol A fax over IP (FoIP) service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) can be configured. Prerequisite l A voice over IP (VoIP) service based on the SIP protocol has been configured. l The voice service port used by the FoIP service and the voice service on the port are running properly. Context The FoIP service can be classified into the following two modes according to the fax coding: l Transparent transmission fax: In this mode, the G.711 coding is used. l T.38 fax: In this mode, the T.38 coding is used. During the application of the fax service, the FoIP service can be classified into the following two modes according to the role of the SIP signaling in the transmission control process: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 201 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service l Negotiation mode: In this mode, the SIP signaling is involved in the transmission control process. l Selfswitch mode: In this mode, the SIP signaling is not involved in the transmission control process. Data Plan The working mode of the fax on the entire next generation network (NGN) is recommended to be planned before the data is configured so that the working mode on the entire network is the same. The items involved in the FoIP service are as follows. Table 11-2 Items involved in the FoIP service Item Option Remarks Coding/Decoding negotiation mode Negotiation The coding/decoding mode needs to be negotiated using the SIP signaling. Selfswitch The MG determines which coding/ decoding mode is used. Transparent transmission The G.711 coding is used. T.38 The T.38 coding is used. Coding/Decoding mode Default Configuration Table 11-3 lists the default configuration of the flows of the FoIP service. Table 11-3 Default configuration of the flows of the FoIP service Item Option Coding/Decoding negotiation mode Negotiation Coding/Decoding mode Transparent transmission Procedure Step 1 Configure public fax and modem parameters. 1. In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP mode. 2. In SIP mode, run the fax-modem parameters negomode command to configure the coding/decoding negotiation mode. Configure other parameters based on site requirements. l negomode: Involves the selfswitch mode and negotiation mode. The default mode is the negotiation mode. l rtp-interval: Indicates the packetization duration in fax/modem transparent transmission mode. When users need to specify the packetization duration in fax/modem Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 202 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service transparent transmission mode, use this parameter. The default value is 1, namely, 10 ms. – 0: The corresponding time is 5 ms – 1: The corresponding time is 10 ms – 2: The corresponding time is 20 ms – 3: The corresponding time is 30 ms l vbd-codec: Refers to the codec mode of the voice-band data (VBD). This parameter is valid when the transmission mode of the fax service is configured to the auto-switch transparent transmission mode. The codec mode of the VBD can be G.711A or G.711U. l vbd-pt-type: Indicates the payload type of voice band data (VBD). This parameter is valid when the transmission mode of the fax service is set to the selfswitch transparent transmission mode. The payload type can be static or dynamic. Ensure the configuration of this parameter is the same as that on the interconnected upper-layer device. l vbd-attribute-type: Indicates the type of attribute a when the negotiation is enabled for the VBD. This parameter is valid when the transmission mode of the fax service is set to the selfswitch transparent transmission mode. When users need to set the type of attribute a for the VBD, use this parameter. The default value is v.152. – v.152: v.152 mode – chinatelecom: China Telecom mode – extchinatelecom: extended China Telecom mode – ietf: IETF mode 3. (Optional) In SIP mode, run the rfc2198 set command to configure the parameters of the RFC2198 redundancy transmission on the SIP interface. l rfc2198-negomode: Indicates the negotiation startup mode of the RFC2198 redundancy transmission. The default value is no-initiative-start. – negostart: active negotiation startup – fixedstart: fixed negotiation startup – no-initiative-start: non-active negotiation startup l rfc2198-startmode: Indicates the startup mode of RFC2198. The default value is ordinary2198. – smart2198: smart RFC2198 (The automatic RFC2198 redundancy transmission is enabled when packet loss occurs on the network.) – ordinary2198: common RFC2198 l rfc2198-2833: Indicates the RFC2833 function of the RFC2198 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is disable. l rfc2198-vbd: Indicates the VBD function of the RFC2198 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is enable. l rfc2198-voice: Indicates the voice service function of the RFC2198 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is disable. 4. (Optional) In SIP mode, run the rfc2833 set command to configure the parameters of the RFC2833 redundancy transmission on the SIP interface. l rfc2833-negomode: Indicates the negotiation startup mode of the RFC2833 redundancy transmission. The default value is no-initiative-start. – negostart: active negotiation startup Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 203 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service – fixedstart: fixed negotiation startup – no-initiative-start: non-active negotiation startup l rfc2833-fax-modem: Indicates the fax/modem event function of the RFC2833 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is enable. l rfc2833-flashhook: Indicates the hook flash event function of the RFC2833 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is disable. l rfc2833-dtmf: Indicates the dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) function of the RFC2833 redundancy transmission. The options are enable and disable. The default value is enable. Step 2 Configure the fax coding/decoding mode. In SIP mode, run the fax parameters command to configure the fax transmission mode. transmode: Indicates the transmission mode. If this parameter is set to 0, it is the transparent transmission mode and the coding mode is G.711. If this parameter is set to 1, it is the T.38 mode, dedicated coding mode for the fax service. The default value is 0. ----End Example To configure SIP VAG 0 to implement the FoIP service in the selfswitch transparent transmission, do as follow: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#fax-modem parameters negomode self-switch huawei(config-if-sip-0)#fax parameters transmode 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display fax-modem parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID :0 Nego-mode :self-switch Rtp-interval :10ms Vbd-codec :G.711A Vbd-pt-type :static Vbd-attribute-type :v.152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display fax parameters --------------------------------------MGID Transmode --------------------------------------0 Thoroughly --------------------------------------huawei(config-if-sip-0)#quit huawei(config)#display dsp attribute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fax Max Train Rate :V17 Fax Train Mode :Remote Train DSP chip maximum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :135 DSP chip minimum adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip initial adaptive JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip maximum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :135 DSP chip minimum fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :2 DSP chip nominal fixed JitterBuffer(ms) :60 DSP input gain(PCM->IP)(db) :0 DSP output gain(IP->PCM)(db) :0 DSP code type :G.711A RTCP package send interval time(ms) :5000 Severe Degrade Threshold(periods) :400 Support VQM :Disable DSP Rtp Packet Interval(ms) :20 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 204 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 11 Configuring the FoIP Service DSP echo check :Open DSP silence reduce :Close DSP need statistics or not :No DSP Packet Lose Compensate :Close DSP clearmode payload value :100 Support RTCP XR :Disable T30 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 T4 redundancy parameter value of T38 Fax :3 Fax V8 Negotiate :Enable DSP VBD payload value :102 DSP G.726-16k payload value :103 DSP G.726-24k payload value :104 DSP G.726-32k payload value :101 DSP G.726-40k payload value :105 DSP 2198 payload value :96 DSP 2833 payload value :97 DSP AutoVBD :Host Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 205 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 12 12 Configuring the MoIP Service Configuring the MoIP Service About This Chapter This topic describes how to configure the Modem over Internet Protocol (MoIP) service based on the H.248/MGCP/SIP protocol to transmit the traditional narrowband modem service over the IP network. Application Context MoIP is a widely used modem service mode on the IP network or between the IP network and the traditional PSTN network. The MoIP service is provided through the voice service board, such as the A32, ASL, or CSRB board. 12.1 Configuring the MoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol) This topic describes how to configure the MoIP service based on the H.248/MGCP protocol to transmit the traditional narrowband modem service over the IP network. 12.2 Configuring an MoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol A modem over IP (MoIP) service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) can be configured. After the configuration, the traditional narrowband modem services can be transmitted over an IP network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 206 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 12 Configuring the MoIP Service 12.1 Configuring the MoIP Service (Based on the H.248 or MGCP Protocol) This topic describes how to configure the MoIP service based on the H.248/MGCP protocol to transmit the traditional narrowband modem service over the IP network. Prerequisite l The data on the MGC side must be configured correctly. l The voice service must be configured before the MoIP service is configured and the subscribers must communicate with each other normally because the MoIP service is based on the voice service. Context There are two transmission modes. l One is transparent transmission mode. In the transparent transmission mode, the signals from the modem are processed as common RTP data through the G.711 coding/decoding. That is, the media gateway does not process the signals and the signals modulated by the modem are transparently transmitted on the IP network through the VoIP channel. l The other is relay mode. The report mode of the modem event includes the delay mode and the direct mode. l Direct mode: The UA5000 reports the modem event to the MGC immediately after receiving the event related to the modem. l Delay mode: The UA5000 does not report the modem event immediately after receiving the event related to the modem. Instead, the UA5000 waits for a period until the timer expires and no fax event V21flag is reported. Then, the UA5000 reports the modem event to the MGC. In this manner, the low-speed transmission (that is displayed as fax mode on the host) can be used when the negotiation of the high-speed transmission (that is displayed as modem mode on the host) of the high-speed fax fails. Configuring the MoIP service involves configuring the report mode of the modem event and the transmission mode of the modem. By default, the transmission mode of the modem is negotiation transparent transmission. When you configure the MoIP service, you only need to adjust the transmission mode because the UA5000 supports only the modem service in the transparent transmission mode currently. Therefore, you need not configure the transmission mode of the modem generally. Data Plan It is recommended that you plan the working mode of the fax on the entire next generation network (NGN) before configuring the data so that the working mode on the entire network is consistent. The Primary item involved in the MoIP service is as shown in Table 12-1. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 207 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 12 Configuring the MoIP Service Table 12-1 Primary item involved in the MoIP service Item Option Report mode of the modem event Direct mode Delay mode Procedure Step 1 Run the modem parameters command to configure the report mode of the modem event. By default, the value is Direct. Configure other parameters according to the requirement. For the detailed parameter description, see "Configuring the Modem Parameter." ----End Example The UA5000 communicates with MGC through the H.248 protocol. To configure the transmission mode to transparent transmission and the report mode of the modem to delay, do as follows: huawei(config)#modem parameters eventmode Delay huawei(config)#save 12.2 Configuring an MoIP Service Based on the SIP Protocol A modem over IP (MoIP) service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) can be configured. After the configuration, the traditional narrowband modem services can be transmitted over an IP network. Prerequisite l The communication between the UA5000 and the IMS is in the normal state. l The voice service port used by the MoIP service and the voice service on the port are running properly. Context There are two transmission modes. The UA5000 supports only the modem service in the transparent transmission mode currently. l One is transparent transmission mode. In the transparent transmission mode, the signals from the modem are processed as common RTP data using the G.711 coding/decoding. That is, the IMS does not process the signals and the signals modulated by the modem are transparently transmitted on the IMS network through the VoIP channel. l The other is redundancy mode, also called relay mode. The coding/decoding negotiation mode involves the selfswitch mode and the negotiation mode. l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) In negotiation mode, the UA5000 needs to negotiate with the IMS server for the coding/ decoding mode using the signaling. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 208 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l 12 Configuring the MoIP Service In selfswitch mode, the UA5000 determines which coding/decoding mode is used. Configuring the MoIP service involves configuring the coding/decoding negotiation mode and the transmission mode of the modem. By default, the transmission mode of the modem is negotiation transparent transmission. When configuring the MoIP service, users only need to adjust the transmission mode because the UA5000 supports only the modem service in the transparent transmission mode currently. Therefore, users do not need to configure the transmission mode of the modem. Data Plan The working mode of the fax on the entire next generation network (NGN) is recommended to be planned before the data is configured so that the working mode on the entire network is the same. Table 12-2 lists the main item involved in the MoIP service. Table 12-2 Main item involved in the MoIP service Item Option Remarks Coding/Decoding negotiation mode Negotiation The coding/decoding mode needs to be negotiated using the SIP signaling. Selfswitch The MG determines which coding/ decoding mode is used. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface sip command to enter SIP mode. Step 2 (Optional) Configure modem parameters. 1. (Optional) Run the fax-modem parameters negomode command to configure the coding/ decoding negotiation mode. The default mode is the negotiation mode. Configure other parameters based on site requirements. 2. (Optional) Run the rfc2198 set command to configure RFC2198 redundancy transmission parameters of a SIP interface. 3. (Optional) Run the rfc2833 set command to configure RFC2833 redundancy transmission parameters of a SIP interface. For details about parameter description, see Configuring Public Fax and Modem Parameters. ----End Example The UA5000 adopts the SIP protocol to provide the MoIP service. To configure the coding/ decoding negotiation mode to selfswitch, do as follows: huawei(config-if-sip-0)#fax-modem parameters negomode self-switch Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 209 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Configuring the R2 Access Service About This Chapter Configuring the R2 access service includes the application of the R2 technology and the process for configuring the R2 access service on the UA5000. 13.1 Introduction to the R2 Access Service A signaling system (SS) is an important part of the communication network. It is a tool for the nodes in the communication network to exchange information. The inter-office signaling includes the channel associated signaling (CAS) and common channel signaling (CCS). The R2 signaling is a common CAS. 13.2 Configuration Example of the R2 Access Service This topic describes how to configure the R2 access service on the UA5000-1 through the signaling mode and the basic parameters of R2 profile of the E1 port on the EDTB board of the UA5000-1. 13.3 Adding an R2 Profile You can define an R2 signaling with certain characteristics as an R2 profile. The R2 profile index can be referenced by the MG R2 subscribers. That is, the R2 profile is valid for the MG R2 subscribers who reference this profile. 13.4 Configuring the Adaptation Data of the R2 Profile Configure the R2 profile data, including the R2 address receiving attributes, R2 address sending attributes, R2 profile attributes, R2 line signaling attributes, and register signaling attributes. 13.5 Loading an R2 Signaling Configuration File You can integrate the R2 signaling conversion tables into a script file. Then, configure the R2 signaling conversion table of the UA5000 by loading the script file. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 210 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service 13.1 Introduction to the R2 Access Service A signaling system (SS) is an important part of the communication network. It is a tool for the nodes in the communication network to exchange information. The inter-office signaling includes the channel associated signaling (CAS) and common channel signaling (CCS). The R2 signaling is a common CAS. Service Description To unify the inter-office signaling, the ITU-T makes recommendations for signaling and finally forms the signaling systems 1 to 7, R1 signaling, and R2 signaling in succession. Among them, SS1 to SS5, R1, and R2 are CAS. R2 is a common CAS. Generally, different countries define their own national standard for CAS according to the ITU-T recommendations. For example, China defines Signaling No. 1, which is different from the standard R2 to a certain extent. The description of each signaling is as follows: l CAS The signaling information is transmitted within the voice channel. The inter-office signaling of the CAS signaling consists of line signaling (supervisory signals) and register signaling (with control function). l R2 signaling It is a type of CAS. The R2 signaling can be used in international and national networks. Signaling No. 1, used in China, is a subset of the R2 signaling. The R2 signaling consists of line signaling and register signaling. l Line signaling It controls the transmission path between switches or the transmission path inside a switch. During a call, the line signaling is used to set up, maintain, release, and monitor the selected route. The line signaling can be forward or backward and is categorized into analog line signaling and digital line signaling. Currently, only the digital R2 line signaling is provided for the switching and wireless overseas products. The digital line signaling is fixedly transmitted through timeslot 16 of each 30/32-channel pulse code modulation (PCM). l Register signaling It provides the address and other information required for call routing and related call processing. The register signaling is used to send and request for the caller and called numbers, as well as sending caller subscriber type, called subscriber state, and call service type. The register signaling complies with the multiple frequency control (MFC) principle. It is transmitted in the voice channel and it occupies the voice channel resources. It is transmitted before the call is set up, but it cannot be transmitted during a call session. l Forward signaling and backward signaling – Forward signaling is sent from the calling office to the called office. – Backward signaling is sent from the called office to the calling office. Service Specifications The UA5000 provides the R2 access service through the EDTB board. Table 13-1 lists the number of ports provided by the EDTB board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 211 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Table 13-1 Number of ports provided by the EDTB board Board Type Number of Ports Remarks EDTB 16 16-port E1 service board 13.2 Configuration Example of the R2 Access Service This topic describes how to configure the R2 access service on the UA5000-1 through the signaling mode and the basic parameters of R2 profile of the E1 port on the EDTB board of the UA5000-1. Prerequisite l The UA5000-1 must support the R2 CAS and the PBX user must be configured on UA5000-1. l The data of phone D must be configured properly on the UA5000-2. l The PBX must support the R2 CAS. The PBX must be configured properly. Phones A, B and C must communicate with each other properly. l The physical connection between the PBX and the UA5000-1 must be correct. Context In the R2 CAS configuration, a large amount of data is configured through the script file provided by Huawei according to the signaling standard of a specific country (such as CAS conversion table). Therefore, you need not configure this part of the data. This section provides a simplified configuration example to make you familiar with the flowchart for configuring the R2 access service. Networking Figure 13-1 shows the example network of the R2 access service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 212 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Figure 13-1 Example network of the R2 access service MGC H.248 H.248 UA5000-1 R2 UA5000-2 E1 PBX Phone A Phone B Phone C Phone D NOTE The UA5000 converts the R2 CAS into the H.248 messages, and then reports the messages to the MGC. At the same time, the UA5000 receives the H.248 messages and converts them into the R2 CAS. In this way, the MGC that uses H.248 and the PBXs or the switches that use the R2 CAS can communicate with each other. Data Plan Table 13-2 provides the data plan for configuring the R2 access service. Table 13-2 Data plan for configuring the R2 access service Item Data Item Data R2 profile index 0 R2 profile name Argentina R2 signaling type Argentina R2 signaling Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID of the MG R2 subscribers 0/7/2 mgid 0 start-terminalid 0 Configuration Flowchart Figure 13-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the R2 access service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 213 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Figure 13-2 Flowchart for configuring the R2 access service Start Add an EDTB board Set the working mode of the EDTB board Set the signaling mode of the E1 port Add an R2 profile Configure the R2 address receiving attributes Configure the R2 address sending attributes Configure the R2 profile attributes Configure the R2 profile data Configure the R2 line signaling attributes Configure the R2 interregister signaling attributes Add an R2 subscriber End Procedure Step 1 Add and confirm an EDTB board. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 h601edtb huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 Step 2 Set the working mode of the EDTB board. huawei(config)#interface edt 0/7 huawei(config-if-edt-0/7)#runmode indep Step 3 Set the signaling mode of the E1 port. huawei(config-if-edt-0/7)#e1port signal 2 cas huawei(config-if-edt-0/7)#display port mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Signalling CRC4 Impedance Service flag-interval-index ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 214 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service 0 CCS Disable 75 1 CCS Disable 75 2 CAS Disable 75 3 CCS Disable 75 4 CCS Disable 75 5 CCS Disable 75 6 CCS Disable 75 7 CCS Disable 75 8 CCS Disable 75 9 CCS Disable 75 10 CCS Disable 75 11 CCS Disable 75 12 CCS Disable 75 13 CCS Disable 75 14 CCS Disable 75 15 CCS Disable 75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Query the version and type of the R2 signaling. huawei(config-if-edt-0/7)#quit huawei(config)#display r2 signaling-type --------------------------------------------------------R2 signaling-type --------------------------------------------------------file version: 100 signaling-type: 0 - Standard_R2 1 - Brazil_R2 2 - Argentina_R2 3-15: Extend_R2 --------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 Add an R2 profile. huawei(config)#r2 profile 0 Are you sure to add r2 profile?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-r2-0)# Step 6 Configure the R2 profile. huawei(config-r2-0)#profile attribute name brazil signaling-type 2 Step 7 Query the details of the R2 profile. huawei(config-r2-0)#display profile detail --------------------------------------------------------R2 signaling profile --------------------------------------------------------index: 0 name: brazil signaling-type: 2 --------------------------------------------------------R2 line-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------type(0:L1B,1:L2B,2:L3B,3:PULSE): 1 wait-seize-ack-time(ms): 5000 wait-answer-time(s): 300 wait-clear-forward-time(ms): 200 wait-protect-time(ms): 200 --------------------------------------------------------R2 register-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------type(0:MFC,1:PULSE,2:DTMF,3:MFP,4:DPMFP):0 signal-send-voltage(dBm): 13 back-pulse-time(ms): 150 dtmf-send-time(ms): 68 dtmf-send-interval(ms): 68 no-cid-permit(yes/no): yes number-max-interval(s): 50 signal-keep-max-time(s): 15 receive-number-max-interval(s): 50 signal-stop-permit-time(s): 15 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 215 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service wait-caller-category-time(s): 50 wait-Bsignal-time(s): 50 number-send-mode(0:immediate,1:delay): 1 calling-number-max-length: 12 compelling-sequence-keepalive-time(ms): 40000 send-pulse-signal(yes/no): no --------------------------------------------------------R2 address-receive attribute --------------------------------------------------------DI: yes SI: yes SC: yes ES: no CC: no DISC: no NAC: no SP: no RCPS: 1 RCCP: 1 --------------------------------------------------------R2 address-send attribute --------------------------------------------------------DI: yes SI: yes SC: yes ES: no CC: no DISC: no NAC: no SP: no --------------------------------------------------------- Step 8 Add a media gateway (MG) R2 subscriber. huawei(config-r2-0)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgr2user add 0/7/2 0 0 start-terminalid 0 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgr2user state 0/7/2 ---------------------------------------------F / S/ P/ TS ServiceState TerminalID ---------------------------------------------0/ 7/ 2/ 0 Fault 0 0/ 7/ 2/ 1 Fault 1 0/ 7/ 2/ 2 Fault 2 0/ 7/ 2/ 3 Fault 3 0/ 7/ 2/ 4 Fault 4 0/ 7/ 2/ 5 Fault 5 0/ 7/ 2/ 6 Fault 6 0/ 7/ 2/ 7 Fault 7 0/ 7/ 2/ 8 Fault 8 0/ 7/ 2/ 9 Fault 9 0/ 7/ 2/ 10 Fault 10 0/ 7/ 2/ 11 Fault 11 0/ 7/ 2/ 12 Fault 12 0/ 7/ 2/ 13 Fault 13 0/ 7/ 2/ 14 Fault 14 0/ 7/ 2/ 15 Fault 15 0/ 7/ 2/ 16 Fault 16 0/ 7/ 2/ 17 Fault 17 0/ 7/ 2/ 18 Fault 18 0/ 7/ 2/ 19 Fault 19 0/ 7/ 2/ 20 Fault 20 0/ 7/ 2/ 21 Fault 21 0/ 7/ 2/ 22 Fault 22 0/ 7/ 2/ 23 Fault 23 0/ 7/ 2/ 24 Fault 24 0/ 7/ 2/ 25 Fault 25 0/ 7/ 2/ 26 Fault 26 0/ 7/ 2/ 27 Fault 27 0/ 7/ 2/ 28 Fault 28 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 216 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service 0/ 7/ 2/ 29 Fault 29 0/ 7/ 2/ 30 Fault 30 0/ 7/ 2/ 31 Fault 31 ---------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/7/2 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port PortType PortState ServiceType -------------------------------------------------------0 / 7 / 2 E1 Normal MGR2 --------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result Any one phone among phones A, B, and C should be able to communicate with phone D. 13.3 Adding an R2 Profile You can define an R2 signaling with certain characteristics as an R2 profile. The R2 profile index can be referenced by the MG R2 subscribers. That is, the R2 profile is valid for the MG R2 subscribers who reference this profile. Context You can add a maximum of 16 R2 profiles with the signaling type that ranges from 0 to 15. The signaling types are defined as follows: l 0: Standard_R2 l 1: Brazil_R2 l 2: Argentina_R2 l 3–15: Subscriber self-defined R2 NOTE By default, in the case of the R2 profiles that range from 0 to 15, the values of the following four tables are default values. The four tables are register signaling attribute table, line signaling attribute table, address sending attribute table, and address receiving attribute table. Procedure Step 1 Run the r2 profile command to add an R2 profile. Step 2 Run the display r2 profile command to query the attributes of the R2 profile. ----End Example To add an R2 profile with index 2, do as follows: huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 Are you sure to add r2 profile?(y/n)[n]: y huawei(config-r2-2)#display r2 profile --------------------------------------------------------R2 signalling profile --------------------------------------------------------index: 2 name: standard r2 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 217 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service signalling-type: 0 --------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 13-3 lists the related operations for adding an R2 profile. Table 13-3 Related operations for adding an R2 profile To... Run the Command... In... Delete an R2 profile undo r2 profile Global config mode Modify the attributes of an R2 profile profile attribute R2 mode Query the basic information about all R2 profiles that have been configured display r2 profile all Global config mode Query the general attributes of an R2 profile display profile detail R2 mode 13.4 Configuring the Adaptation Data of the R2 Profile Configure the R2 profile data, including the R2 address receiving attributes, R2 address sending attributes, R2 profile attributes, R2 line signaling attributes, and register signaling attributes. NOTE When you configure the adaptation data of the R2 profile, if a parameter in the signaling standard of a country is the same as the default parameter defined by the UA5000, the parameter need not be changed. If a parameter in the signaling standard of a country is different from the default parameter defined by the UA5000, the parameter need be changed accordingly. 13.4.1 Configuring the R2 Address Receiving Attributes Configuring the R2 address receiving attributes means configuring the address receiving attributes in the adaptation data of the specified R2 profile. Context The UA5000 provides default values for the R2 address receiving attributes. Perform the following operation to configure the attributes if the default values do not meet the requirement. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the r2 profile command to enter the R2 mode. Step 2 Run the address-receive attribute command to configure the R2 address receiving attributes. Step 3 Run the display address-receive command to query the R2 address receiving attributes. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 218 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Example To set ES to yes in the address receiving table of the R2 profile with index 2, do as follows: huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#address-receive attribute ES yes huawei(config-r2-2)#display address-receive --------------------------------------------------------------------------R2 address-receive attribute --------------------------------------------------------------------------index: 2 DI: yes SI: yes SC: yes ES: yes CC: no DISC: no NAC: no SP: no RCPS: 1 RCCP: 1 --------------------------------------------------------- 13.4.2 Configuring the R2 Address Sending Attributes Configuring the R2 address sending attributes means configuring the address sending attributes in the adaptation data of the specified R2 profile. Context The UA5000 provides default values for the attributes. Perform the following operation to configure the attributes if the default values do not meet the requirement. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the r2 profile command to enter the R2 mode. Step 2 Run the address-send attribute command to configure the R2 address sending table. Step 3 Run the display address-send command to query the R2 address sending attributes. ----End Example To set SI as no in the address sending table of the R2 profile with index 2, do as follows: huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#address-send attribute si no huawei(config-r2-2)#display address-send --------------------------------------------------------------------------R2 address-send attribute --------------------------------------------------------------------------index: 2 DI: yes SI: no SC: yes ES: no CC: no DISC: no NAC: no SP: no --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 219 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service 13.4.3 Configuring the R2 Profile Attributes Configure or modify the basic information about the R2 profile so that the parameters in the R2 profile meet the requirements of the subscribers. Context The UA5000 provides default values for the R2 profile attributes. Perform the following operation to configure the attributes if the default values do not meet the requirement. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the r2 profile command to enter the R2 mode. Step 2 Run the profile attribute command to configure the attributes of the R2 profile. Step 3 Run the display r2 profile command to query the attributes of the R2 profile. ----End Example To modify the R2 profile with index 2 so that the name of the profile is Argentina and the signaling type is 2, do as follows: huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#profile attribute name Argentina signalling-type 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#display r2 profile --------------------------------------------------------------------------R2 signaling profile --------------------------------------------------------------------------index: 2 name: Argentina signalling-type: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.4.4 Configuring the R2 Line Signaling Attributes Configuring the R2 line signaling attributes means configuring the line signaling attributes in the adaptation data of the specified R2 profile. Context The UA5000 provides default values for the R2 line signaling attributes. Perform the following operation to configure the attributes if the default values do not meet your requirement. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the r2 profile command to enter the R2 mode. Step 2 In global config mode, run the line-signaling attribute command to configure the R2 line signaling attributes. Step 3 In the global config mode, run the display line-signaling attribute command to query the R2 line signaling attributes. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 220 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Example Assume the following: l type: L2B l wait-seize-ack-time: 3500 ms l wait-answer-time: 260s l wait-clear-forward-time: 1000 ms l wait-protect-time: 1000 ms To modify the line signaling attributes of the R2 profile with index 2, do as follows: huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#line-signaling attribute type 1 wait-seize-ack-time 3500 wait-answer-time 260 wait-clear-forward-time 1000 wait-protect-time 1000 huawei(config-r2-2)#display line-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------R2 line-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------index: 2 type(0:L1B,1:L2B,2:L3B,3:PULSE): 1 wait-seize-ack-time(ms): 3500 wait-answer-time(s): 260 wait-clear-forward-time(ms): 1000 wait-protect-time(ms): 1000 --------------------------------------------------------- 13.4.5 Configuring the R2 Register Signaling Attributes Configuring the R2 register signaling attributes means configuring the register signaling attributes in the adaptation data of the R2 profile. Context The UA5000 provides default values for the R2 register signaling attributes. Perform the following operation to configure the attributes if the default values do not meet the requirement. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the r2 profile command to enter the R2 mode. Step 2 Run the register-signaling attribute command to configure the attributes of the R2 register signaling. Step 3 Run the display register-signaling attribute command to query the attributes of the R2 register signaling. ----End Example Assume the following: l incoming-type: 0 l outgoing-type: 0 l signal-send-voltage: 20 dBm l back-pulse-time: 150 ms To modify the line signaling attributes of the R2 profile with index 2, do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 221 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service huawei(config)#r2 profile 2 huawei(config-r2-2)#register-signaling attribute incoming-type 0 outgoing-type 0 signal-send-voltage 20 back-pulse-time 150 huawei(config-r2-2)#display register-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------R2 register-signaling attribute --------------------------------------------------------index: 2 incoming-type(0:MFC,1:PULSE,2:DTMF,3:MFP,4:DPMFP):0 outgoing-type(0:MFC,1:PULSE,2:DTMF,3:MFP,4:DPMFP):0 signal-send-voltage(dBm): 20 back-pulse-time(ms): 150 dtmf-send-time(ms): 68 dtmf-send-interval(ms): 68 no-cid-permit(yes/no): yes number-max-interval(s): 50 signal-keep-max-time(s): 15 receive-number-max-interval(s): 50 signal-stop-permit-time(s): 15 wait-caller-category-time(s): 50 wait-Bsignal-time(s): 50 number-send-mode(0:immediate,1:delay): 1 calling-number-max-length: 12 compelling-sequence-keepalive-time(ms): 40000 send-pulse-signal: no --------------------------------------------------------- 13.5 Loading an R2 Signaling Configuration File You can integrate the R2 signaling conversion tables into a script file. Then, configure the R2 signaling conversion table of the UA5000 by loading the script file. Context To convert R2 signaling to adapt to the standards of different countries, you must configure the mapping table between the physical signals and the logical signals. This mapping table is named the R2 signaling conversion table, which consists of the following four subtables: l Line signaling report conversion table l Line signaling delivery conversion table l Line signaling delivery conversion table l Register signaling delivery conversion table Huawei produces a script file by collecting all man machine language (MML) commands used for configuring the R2 signaling conversion table according to the signaling standard of your country. You can load the script file to complete the configuration of the R2 signaling conversion table on site. l You can select only one loading mode among Xmodem, TFTP, SFTP, and FTP. l During the loading, running information and other prompts are displayed, indicating the loading progress, loading result, and failure cause in the case of a failure. Procedure Step 1 Run the load r2-signaling-file command to load the R2 signaling configuration file. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 222 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 13 Configuring the R2 Access Service Example To load an R2 signaling configuration file through TFTP, do as follows: huawei#load r2-signaling-file tftp r2signalingtype.efs During the file load, the R2 signaling adaptation data will be modified and all the being services will be interrupted Please ensure the file is correct,and please save it after load complete Are you sure to load this file? (y/n)[n]:y Load(backup,duplicate,...) begins, please wait and notice the rate of progress Any operation such as reboot or switchover will cause failure and unpredictable result Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 223 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service Configuring the V5 Voice Service About This Chapter Configuring the V5 voice service includes the application of the V5 technology and the process for configuring the V5 voice service on the UA5000. 14.1 Introduction to the V5 Voice Service The V5 interface is designed for the access network (AN) development and is located between the local exchange (LE) and the AN. The interface changes the analog connection between the exchange and the access device to a standard digital connection. 14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service This topic describes how to configure a V5 interface and the V5 voice subscriber data on the UA5000. In this way, the voice service is transmitted upstream to the exchange for processing so that the voice subscribers can call each other. 14.3 Configuring a PSTN Subscriber After configuring the v5 interface, configure the public switched telephone network (PSTN) subscriber data on the V5 interface so that the PSTN subscribers can call each other. 14.4 Configuring an ISDN Subscriber After configuring the V5 interface, configure the ISDN subscriber data on the V5 interface so that the UA5000 can support the ISDN BRA and ISDN PRA access services. 14.5 Blocking a V5 Service Port You can block a V5 service port by blocking the shelf number/slot number/port number, V5 interface ID + L3 address, or V5 interface ID + EF address. 14.6 Configuring the Loopback for a V5 Service Port You can configure the loopback for a V5 service port and locate the subscriber line faults or network transmission faults based on the voice quality. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 224 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service 14.1 Introduction to the V5 Voice Service The V5 interface is designed for the access network (AN) development and is located between the local exchange (LE) and the AN. The interface changes the analog connection between the exchange and the access device to a standard digital connection. Service Description When the PVMB or PVMD board functions as the narrowband control board, the UA5000 supports the V5 interface and is compatible with the optical line terminal (OLT). The OLT is a narrowband access device. The UA5000 provides the V5 voice service by connecting to the PSTN switch through the V5 interface. Service Specifications The V5 interface is a standard interface between the access network (AN) and the local exchange (LE). The V5 interface includes the V5.1 and V5.2 interfaces. l A V5.1 interface manages only one 2048 kbit/s link, and it does not have the line concentration capability. l When the V5.1 protocol is used for configuring the narrowband subscriber, a maximum of 30 narrowband subscribers can be added. TS16 and the timeslots that are configured as Cchannels are skipped when the V5.1 timeslots increase. When you add the PSTN subscribers in batches, the system automatically searches for the PSTN ports within a specified range and adds the PSTN subscribers one by one. The layer 3 addresses and telephone numbers of the added PSTN subscribers increase by the set step value. The default step is 1. l A V5.2 interface manages 1-16 2048 kbit/s links, and it has the line concentration capability. l For configuring the narrowband subscribers, the link timeslot is allocated as follows: – When the 5.1 protocol is used, one narrowband subscriber constantly occupies one timeslot. – When the 5.2 protocol is used, no link timeslot is occupied. The V5.2 timeslot is allocated dynamically after the subscriber picks up the phone. The ring modes of the PSTN subscriber are controlled by the LE, whereas the ring tones are configured on the UA5000. Therefore, a ring mapping must be created between the ring modes and the ring tones. One mapping is applied to one V5 interface. If you do not create a ring mapping, the default ring tones are used. If the C&C08 switch functions as the LE, you need not set the ring mapping, because the ring modes set on the C&C08 switch are the same as the ring tones set on the UA5000. Currently, the following three types of ring-stop modes are supported: l a:b – a: ring duration – b: stop duration l a:b:c:d – a: ring duration Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 225 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service – b: stop duration – c: ring duration – d: stop duration l a:b:c:d:e:f – a: ring duration – b: stop duration – c: ring duration – d: stop duration – e: ring duration – f: stop duration 14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service This topic describes how to configure a V5 interface and the V5 voice subscriber data on the UA5000. In this way, the voice service is transmitted upstream to the exchange for processing so that the voice subscribers can call each other. Context The V5 parameters must be the same on the AN and the LE. NOTE For the cascaded interfaces, the AN_V5 interface is the upper-level interface of the LE_V5. Therefore, the parameter upperv5id of the LE_V5 must be configured. The AN_V5 interface does not have an upperlevel V5 interface, and it is not required to configure this parameter. Networking Figure 14-1 shows the example network of the V5 voice service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the A32 service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 226 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service Figure 14-1 Example network of the V5 voice service LE V5 link1 UA5000 V5 link2 P V M B P V M B 0/13 A 3 2 Phone A Phone B Data Plan Table 14-1 provides the data plan for configuring the V5 voice service. Table 14-1 Data for configuring the V5 voice service Data Type Item Data V5 interface Interface ID 0 Protocol version V5.2 Interface type AN_V5 Interface variable 0 ID of the PSTN C channel 0 ID of the logical C channel 0/4/0: 0 0/5/0: It need not be specified. Number of the timeslot occupied by the physical C channel 0/4/0: 16 Protection group type 0/4/0: protection group I active 0/5/0: 16 0/5/0: protection group I standby Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Narrowband service board Slot of A32 board 0/13 Subscriber PSTN subscribers L3 address: 8, 9 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 227 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service Item Data Telephone numbers: 12340000-12340001 Ring User-defined ring Ring duration: 0 ms Peer parameter 0 Cadence ring mode 0: normal ring Configuration Flowchart Figure 14-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the V5 voice service. Figure 14-2 Flowchart for configuring the V5 voice service Query the status of the V5 interface Start (Optional) Set E1 port CRC4 Add a slave shelf (Optional Set E1 port impedance Add an inter-shelf link Add a V5 interface Confirm the boards Set the V5 interface attributes Load softwares to the boards Add 2M V5 links Query the status of the boards Configure logic C channels Add narrowband service boards Reset the V5 interface Configure subscriber data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 228 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service NOTE The steps in dashed line frames are for adding a slave shelf. If there is no slave shelf on the UA5000, skip the steps. Procedure Step 1 (Optional) Configure CRC4 for the E1 port. NOTE The configuration must be same as the configuration on the LE side. Otherwise, the CRC4 may fail. huawei(config)#interface pvm 0/4 huawei(config-if-pvm-0/4)#crc4 0 Step 2 (Optional) Configure the impedance attributes of the E1 port. huawei(config-if-pvm-0/4)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport electric set 0/13/0 impedance 2 current 6 huawei(config-esl-user)#quit Step 3 Add a V5 interface. huawei(config)#interface v5 0 Are you sure to add V5 interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-v5-0)# Step 4 Configure the V5 interface attributes. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#if-v5 attribute an_v5 v52 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------IF ID IF type Superior IF ID IF Desc 0 AN_V5 -1 Protocol Version Variable Code PSTN C-channel ID V5.2 0 0 Start link identification: Timed starting In restarting In re-provisioning In link restoration no no no no -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 Add links. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#link add 0/4/0 1 huawei(config-if-v5-0)#link add 0/5/0 2 Step 6 Configure physical C channels. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#c-channel add 0/4/0 tsno 16 1:protc1_act 0 huawei(config-if-v5-0)#c-channel add 0/5/0 tsno 16 2:protc1_std Step 7 Reset the V5 interface. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#reset Are you sure to reset V5 interface?(y/n)[n]:y This operation will take some time,please wait ...... Step 8 Configure the ringing mode. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#ringmode add 0 128 Step 9 Configure a user-defined ringing mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 229 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service NOTE You can change the 16 user-defined ringing modes to the required ringing modes, but you cannot add a ringing mode. In the global config mode, run the user defined-ring modify command to change a user-defined ringing mode. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#quit huawei(config)#user defined-ring modify 0 para1 0 Step 10 Add a A32 board and confirm it. huawei(config)#board add 0/13 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/13 Step 11 Configure the subscriber data. huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#pstnuser add 0/13/0 0 8 telno 12340000 huawei(config-narrow-user)#pstnuser add 0/13/1 0 9 telno 12340001 Step 12 Save the data. huawei(config-narrow-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result 1. Verify whether the V5 interface attributes are configured successfully. huawei(config)#interface v5 0 huawei(config-if-v5-0)#display if-v5 state -------------------------------------------------------------------------V5 interface state: Interface normal V5 interface ID value 0 0 Primary link ID number 1 2 V5 interface type Current variable AN_V5 Secondary link ID V5 Interface link 2 Starting link identification: Interface timed starting : no no Start after re-provisioning: no no start in interface starting : Start after link restoration: States of protocol data links under V5 protocol PSTN protocol data link state : normal Control protocol data link state : normal BCC protocol data link state : normal Link control protocol data link state : normal Protection protocol data link 1 state : normal Protection protocol data link 2 state : unusable Data link Data link Data link Data link Data link Data link Logic C- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 230 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI channel: C-channel type 0 ACT Bearer protocol: C-channel ISDN_F 0 0 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service frame/slot/port/TS Protection group 0 GROUP1- /4 /0 /16 PSTN CTRL BCC PROTECT LINKCTRL ISDN_Ds ISDN_P 1 1 1 1 Standby physical Cchannel: Serial No. frame/slot/port/TS type 0 0 /5 /0 /16 STD 1 0 0 Protection group GROUP1- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Verify whether the E1 link is normal. huawei(config-if-v5-0)#display link state -------------------------------------------------------------------------ID. CRC4 Link FSM Local LID state -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 yes Link fault Link ID not requested 2 no Link fault Link ID not requested -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.3 Configuring a PSTN Subscriber After configuring the v5 interface, configure the public switched telephone network (PSTN) subscriber data on the V5 interface so that the PSTN subscribers can call each other. Prerequisite The V5 interface must be configured properly. For details, see "14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service." Procedure Step 1 Run the narrow user command to enter the narrow user mode. Step 2 Run the pstnuser add command to add a PSTN subscriber or run the pstnuser batadd command to add the PSTN subscribers in batches. Step 3 Run the display user data command to query the PSTN subscriber data. Step 4 Run the pstnport attribute set command to set the PSTN port attributes. Step 5 Run the display pstnport attribute command to query the PSTN port attributes. ----End Example The following example describes how to configure a PSTN subscriber. Table 14-2 provides the data plan for configuring a PSTN subscriber. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 231 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service Table 14-2 Data plan for configuring a PSTN subscriber Data Type Item Data A32 board Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/13/0 V5 interface V5 interface ID 0 PSTN subscriber L3 address 8 Telephone number 12340000 Supports polarity reversal Support PSTN port huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#pstnuser add 0/13/0 0 8 telno 12340000 huawei(config-narrow-user)#display user data 0/13/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port V5ID L3_Addr V5.1 Ts Telephone Number -----------------------------------------------------------------0 / 13 / 0 0 8 12340000 -----------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-narrow-user)#pstnport attribute set 0/13/0 polarity-reverse support huawei(config-narrow-user)#display pstnport attribute 0/13/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port Gain(db) Dial-Mode Polarity-Reverse User-Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 10 / 0 High gain DTMF-Pulse-Both Supported DEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.4 Configuring an ISDN Subscriber After configuring the V5 interface, configure the ISDN subscriber data on the V5 interface so that the UA5000 can support the ISDN BRA and ISDN PRA access services. Prerequisite l The V5 interface parameters must be configured properly. For details, see "14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service." l The ISDN port group number must be added. To add the ISDN port group number, run the isdn-channel add command. l The procedure for configuring an ISDN BRA subscriber is as follows: Procedure l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 1. Run the narrow user command to enter the narrow user mode. 2. Run the brauser add command to add an ISDN BRA subscriber or run the brauser batadd command to add the ISDN BRA subscribers in batches. 3. Run the display user data command to query the ISDN BRA subscriber data. The procedure for configuring an ISDN PRA subscriber is as follows: 1. Run the narrow user command to enter the narrow user mode. 2. Run the prauser add command to add an ISDN PRA subscriber. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 232 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 3. 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service Run the display user data command to query the ISDN PRA subscriber data. ----End Example The following example describes how to configure an ISDN BRA subscriber. Table 14-3 provides the data plan configuring an ISDN BRA subscriber. Table 14-3 Data plan for configuring an ISDN BRA subscriber Data Type Item Data DSL board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/15 V5 interface V5 interface ID 0 ISDN BRA subscriber EF address 0 ISDN port group number 0 Telephone number 12345678 huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#brauser add 0/15/0 0 0 0 telno 12345678 huawei(config-narrow-user)#display user data 0/15/0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port V5ID EF_Addr PortGrpNo R.Pwr V51Ts1/2 Telephone Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 15 / 0 0 0 0 No 12345678 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following example describes how to configure an ISDN PRA subscriber. Table 14-4 provides the data plan for configuring an ISDN PRA subscriber. Table 14-4 Data plan for configuring an ISDN PRA subscriber Data Type Item Data EDTB board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/5 V5 interface V5 interface ID 0 ISDN PRA subscriber EF address 0 ISDN port group number 0 Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/5/2 E1 port huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#prauser add 0/5/2 0 0 0 huawei(config-narrow-user)#display user data 0/5/2 -----------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port V5ID EFAddr PortGrpNo ServiceType -----------------------------------------------------------------0 / 5 / 2 0 0 0 PRA ------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 233 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service 14.5 Blocking a V5 Service Port You can block a V5 service port by blocking the shelf number/slot number/port number, V5 interface ID + L3 address, or V5 interface ID + EF address. Precaution If any subscriber is already added to a V5 service port, performing such an operation may interrupt the ongoing call on that port. Procedure Step 1 Run the narrow user command to enter the Narrow user mode. Step 2 Run the block command to block the V5 service port. ----End Example To block the V5 port with the v5id of 1 and the L3 address (namely, the available protocol address on the V5 port) of 11234, do as follows: huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#block delay 1 l3 1234 Related Operation To... Run the Command... Unblock the V5 port undo block Loop back the V5 port loop 14.6 Configuring the Loopback for a V5 Service Port You can configure the loopback for a V5 service port and locate the subscriber line faults or network transmission faults based on the voice quality. Prerequisite The parameters related to the V5 interface must be configured. For details, see "14.2 Configuration Example of the V5 Voice Service." Context l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) The local loopback can be performed on the V5 service port after the offhook. That is, the subscribers of the port can hear only their own voice after they take the phone off the hook. The subscribers can check the line status based on the voice quality. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 234 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 14 Configuring the V5 Voice Service l The remote loopback can be performed on the V5 service port after the conversation starts. That is, the subscriber of the port cannot hear any voice, and the subscribers of the peer end hear their own voice. The subscriber of the peer end can check the network transmission status based on the voice quality. l The loopback tag is removed when the V5 service port is faulty, recovered, and reset. l During the loopback, the subscriber data cannot be changed or deleted. l A conversation does not affect the loopback tag of the V5 service port. Precaution The loopback cannot be performed when the V5 service port is faulty or the timeslot is not occupied. Procedure Step 1 Run the narrow user command to enter the narrow user mode. Step 2 Run the loop command to perform the loopback on the V5 service port. ----End Example To perform the remote loopback on the V5 service port with the ID 1 and the 13 address (namely, the available protocol address on the V5 port) 1234, do as follows: huawei(config)#narrow user huawei(config-narrow-user)#loop remote 1 l3 1234 Related Operation Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Block the V5 port block Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 235 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 15 15 Configuring the DDI Service Configuring the DDI Service About This Chapter Configuring the direct dialing in (DDI) service includes the application of the DDI technology and the process for configuring the DDI service on the UA5000. 15.1 Introduction to the DDI Service In the DDI service, the call can be connected to the extension directly without the two-stage dialing and the assistance of an operator. 15.2 Configuration Example of the DDI Service This topic describes how to configure the DDI service by adding a CDI board to the UA5000 and then configuring the DDI subscribers on the MG interface. The DDI subscriber to which each port corresponds is an intra-group subscriber. Thus, outer-group subscriber A can call intragroup subscriber B without the two-stage dialing. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 236 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 15 Configuring the DDI Service 15.1 Introduction to the DDI Service In the DDI service, the call can be connected to the extension directly without the two-stage dialing and the assistance of an operator. Service Description You can connect the UA5000 to an enterprise PBX through an analog trunk interface provided by a CDI board, as shown in Figure 15-1. In this way, the UA5000 realizes the DDI service. An outer-group subscriber can dial the access code of the enterprise (PBX pilot number) + PBX extension number to call an intra-group subscriber through DDI. Hence, no two-stage dialing or operator assistance is involved in this process. The UA5000 provides a channel for directly calling the PBX through the CDI board. The UA5000 also provides an emergency channel. The UA5000 VoIP subscribers can call the PSTN subscribers through the emergency channels provided by the CDI board in the case of network failure (such as physical line failure or disconnection from the MGC), as shown in Figure 15-1. Figure 15-1 DDI service application MGC Appserver NMS Enterprise 2 UA5000 UA5000 Enterprise 1 PBX Service Specifications The UA5000 supports the DDI service only when it uses the H. 248 protocol. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 237 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 15 Configuring the DDI Service 15.2 Configuration Example of the DDI Service This topic describes how to configure the DDI service by adding a CDI board to the UA5000 and then configuring the DDI subscribers on the MG interface. The DDI subscriber to which each port corresponds is an intra-group subscriber. Thus, outer-group subscriber A can call intragroup subscriber B without the two-stage dialing. Prerequisite l The data on the MGC must be configured. l The MG data must be configured correctly and the MG must be in the normal state. Precaution You can set certain ports on the CDI board as DDI channels and other ports as emergency channels. You cannot, however, set a port as a DDI channel and an emergency channel at the same time. Networking The UA5000 provides the voice services through the voice access ports on the ASL boards. The voice signals are processed by the PVMB board, and then transmitted to the upper layer network. Figure 15-2 shows the example network of the DDI service. Figure 15-2 Example network of the DDI service MGC UA5000 P P V V M M B B A P P C A S V V M M D S I L L B B UA5000 PBX Phone A Phone B Data Plan Table 15-1 provides the data plan for configuring the DDI service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 238 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 15 Configuring the DDI Service Table 15-1 Data plan for configuring the DDI service Item Data Remarks MG1 signaling of the UA5000 - MG1 media IP address of the UA5000 - Gateway of the UA5000 The default gateway for upstream transmission MGC - MGC port: 2944 - MG ID: 0 - Code: text - Protocol: H.248 - Transfer: udp - MG port: 2944 - start-negotiate-version 2 MG Context l The terminal ID of the DDI user must be the same as the ID configured on the MGC. l If the MG interface does not support the terminal layer configuration, the terminal IDs of the DDI users must be numbered within the MG interface. l If the MG interface supports the terminal layer configuration, you need not set a terminal ID because the system generates a protocol address automatically. Configuration Flowchart Figure 15-3 shows the flowchart for configuring the DDI service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 239 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 15 Configuring the DDI Service Figure 15-3 Flowchart for configuring the DDI service Start Add a CDI board Configure the attributes of the CDI port Configure the DDI subscriber data Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add a CDI board. huawei(config)#board add 0/11 cdi huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 Step 2 Add and configure the MG interface data. NOTE For the procedure for configuring an MG interface, see 5 Configuring the MG Interface. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mg-media-ip1 10.10.10 .4 primary-mgc-ip1 mgport 2944 primary-mgc-port 2944 code text transfer udp start-negotiate-version 2 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Step 3 (Optional) Query the status of the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 1:("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 240 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType DeviceName 15 Configuring the DDI Service IP4_ADDR - Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit Step 4 Add and configure the DDI subscriber data. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgddiuser add 0/11/0 0 151 huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/11/0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------F / S/ P Type State SvcState SvcType UserType MgID ProtocolID -------------------------------------------------------------------------0/11/0 CDI Idle StartService InstSvc MG 0 151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-esl-user)#quit Step 5 (Optional) Configure the attributes of the DDI port. huawei(config)#cdi huawei(config-cdi)#port attribute set 0/11/0 dialmode PULSE huawei(config-cdi)#quit Step 6 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result The DDI service configuration of subscriber A and subscriber B is complete. Subscriber A should be able to call subscriber B by dialing the access code (PBX pilot number) of the company + PBX extension number of subscriber B. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 241 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service About This Chapter This topic describes the function and application of the SDL board and how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service on the SDL board on the UA5000. 16.1 Introduction to the TDM G.SHDSL Service The UA5000 provides different TDM G.SHDSL services, including the N x 64 k (N ranges from 1 to 32) data service and E1 access service through the SDL/SDLE board. 16.2 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with Data Interface Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service through the connection of the SHDSL modem that provides the V.35 interface to the SDL board. In this manner, the data interface is extended, which is used in private networks, such as post offices, banks, and tax offices. 16.3 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the E1 Port Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. Both the SDL and SDLE boards support the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. This section considers the SDLE board as an example. 16.4 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the ISDN PRA Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN primary rate adaptation (PRA) extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 242 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service 16.1 Introduction to the TDM G.SHDSL Service The UA5000 provides different TDM G.SHDSL services, including the N x 64 k (N ranges from 1 to 32) data service and E1 access service through the SDL/SDLE board. Service Description The UA5000 provides the N x 64 k (N ranges from 1 to 32) data services and E1 services through the SDL/SDLE board. The service data is sent through SPCs, which are set up between G.SHDSL ports on the SDL/SDLE board and other service ports. The SDL/SDLE board supports two types of SPCs: intra-board SPCs and inter-board SPCs. l An intra-board SPC is set up between G.SHDSL ports, E1 ports, or a G.SHDSL port and an E1 port on one SDL/SDLE board. l An inter-board SPC is set up between a port on one SDL/SDLE board and a G.SHDSL port on the other SDL/SDLE board, or between a port on one SDL/SDLE board and an E1 port on the PVMB, PVMD, or EDTB board. Service Specifications The SDL/SDLE board can work in the common mode or the transmission mode. l The SDL board provides four G.SHDSL ports and four E1 ports. l The SDLE board provides eight G.SHDSL ports and eight E1 ports. The G.SHDSL ports provided by the SDL/SDLE board work in the FE1 or V.35 mode to extend the transmission distance of the E1 or V.35 services. According to the service mode, the limitations on the setup of the SPC on the SDL board are as follows: l The intra-SDL SPC supports a maximum of 32 timeslots. Both the start timeslot and end timeslot of the SPC use the minimum timeslots. l The inter-SDL SPC supports a maximum of 30 timeslots. Both the start timeslot and end timeslot of the SPC use the minimum timeslots. l If the inter-SDL SPC service is configured, the system clock must be used. l When you set up the SPC from the PVM/EDTB board to the SDL board: – The SPC from the E1 port to the V.35 port supports a maximum of 30 timeslots. The start timeslot of the SPC is timeslot 3 of the port and the end timeslot of the SPC is timeslot 0 of the port. – The SPC from the E1 port to the FE1 port supports a maximum of 30 timeslots. The start timeslot of the SPC is timeslot 1 of the port and the end timeslot of the SPC is timeslot 1 of the port. 16.2 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with Data Interface Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service through the connection of the SHDSL modem that provides the V.35 interface to the SDL board. In this manner, the data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 243 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service interface is extended, which is used in private networks, such as post offices, banks, and tax offices. Networking Figure 16-1 shows the example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the data interface extended. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the SDL service board as an example. Figure 16-1 Example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the data interface extended DDN PP V V SPC MM BB 0/8 S D L SHDSL modem V.35 Router Enterprise LAN In the preceding example network, the data of the V.35 interface is converged through the establishment of the soft permanent connection (SPC) between the SDL board and the PVM board. Then, the data is transmitted upstream to the DDN node through the E1 port. In this manner, the data is switched and converged to the peer end of the local area network (LAN). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 244 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Data Plan Table 16-1 provides the data plan for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the data interface extended. Table 16-1 Data plan for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the data interface extended Port/Device Item Data Remarks SDL board Shelf ID/Slot ID 0/8 - Running mode normal Common Clock source system System clock Port ID 4 Only ports 4-7 are SHDSL ports. Clock mode V.35 clock - Service type normal Normal Connection type an-spc Internal SPC Start shelf ID/Slot ID/Port ID/Channel ID 0/8/4/1 When the port is the G.SHDSL port, the channel ID cannot be 0. End shelf ID/Slot ID/ Port ID/Channel ID 0/4/2/1 The SPC between the SHDSL port and the E1 port on the PVM board needs to be established. Number of channels 10 - SHDSL port SPC Context l When you configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the data interface extended, the running mode of the SDL board must be the common mode. l When you run the spc add an-spc command to configure the timeslot range of the SPC, note that the timeslot of the SPC must be within the rate range of the G.SHDSL port. For example, if the configured port rate is 10 x 64 kbit/s, you can configure the timeslot range of the SPC within the range of 0-9 because the rate of one timeslot is 64 kbit/s. Configuration Flowchart Figure 16-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service on the SDL board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 245 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Figure 16-2 Flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service on the SDL board Start Add the board Confirm the board Configure the running mode of the board Configure the clock of the board Configure the port Establish the SPC Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an SDL board. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 sdl Step 2 Confirm the SDL board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 Step 3 Configure the running mode of the board. huawei(config)#interface sdl 0/8 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#runmode normal clock system Step 4 Configure the clock source of the board. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#clock source system huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display clock config -----------------------------------------------Board's clock source: System clock ------------------------------------------------ Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 246 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Step 5 Configure SHDSL port 0/8/4. l Query the configuration information about the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to V35, you need not change runmode. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------4 V35 syn Allow 5 FE1 PCM31 Allow 6 FE1 PCM31 Allow 7 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------- l Query the configuration information about the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to FE1, you need to change runmode to V.35. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------4 FE1 PCM31 Allow 5 FE1 PCM31 Allow 6 FE1 PCM31 Allow 7 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#shdslport modify 4 runmode V35 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 247 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Step 6 Query the timeslot usage of the port. (The timeslot of each port is not used before the establishment of the SPC.) huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display timeslot ---------------------------------------------------------| 0--7 | 8--15 | 16--23 | 24--31 | ---------------------------------------------------------FE1 line 0 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 1 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 2 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 3 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 0 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 1 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 2 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 3 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | ---------------------------------------------------------'0'-Not used; '1'-Used ---------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#quit Step 7 Establish the SPC. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/4/1 end 0/4/2/1 10 normal huawei(config)#interface sdl 0/8 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display timeslot ---------------------------------------------------------| 0--7 | 8--15 | 16--23 | 24--31 | ---------------------------------------------------------FE1 line 0 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 1 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 2 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | FE1 line 3 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 0 | 01111111 | 11100000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 1 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 2 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | SHDSL line 3 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | ---------------------------------------------------------'0'-Not used; '1'-Used ---------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#quit Step 8 Save the data. huawei(config)#save data ----End Result After the configuration is successful, the user in the enterprise LAN that is connected to the router and the user in the enterprise LAN on the DDN network side can communicate with each other. 16.3 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the E1 Port Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. Both the SDL and SDLE boards support the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. This section considers the SDLE board as an example. Networking Figure 16-3 shows the example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 248 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the SDLE service board as an example. Figure 16-3 Example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended DDN 0/8 PP VV MM BB S D L E SHDSL modem E1 Router In the preceding networking, the uplink E1 port is not connected to the TDM system. Instead, the data is directly transmitted upstream through the SDLE board. The downlink port on the SDLE board is connected to the modem, the modem provides the E1 port, and the E1 port is directly connected to the router, thus implementing the E1 port extension. Data Plan Table 16-2 provides the data plan for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. Table 16-2 Data plan for configuring the common SDL service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Port/Device Item Data Remarks SDLE board Shelf ID/Slot ID 0/8 - Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 249 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Port/Device SHDSL port 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Item Data Remarks Running mode transport Indicates the transport mode. To extend the E1 port, the run mode must be configured to transport. Clock source Line clock 0 The E1 line clock on port 0/8/0 is used. Port ID 8 Only ports 8-15 are SHDSL ports. Clock mode E1 clock The modem that is connected to the SHDSL port provides the E1 port. Therefore, the E1 line clock must be configured on the SHDSL port. Context When you configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended, the running mode of the SDLE board must be the transport mode. Configuration Flowchart Figure 16-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 250 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Figure 16-4 Flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended Start Add an SDLE board Confirm the SDLE board Configure the running mode of the board Configure the clock of the board Configure the port Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an SDLE board. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 H611SDLE Step 2 Confirm the SDLE board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 Step 3 Configure the running mode of the board. huawei(config)#interface sdl 0/8 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#runmode transport clock line 0 Step 4 Configure the clock source of the board. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#clock source line 0 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display clock config -----------------------------------------------Board's clock source: FE1 line 0 clock ------------------------------------------------ Step 5 Configure SHDSL port 0/11/8. l Query the configuration information about the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to FE1, you need not change runmode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 251 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 4 PCM31 5 PCM31 6 PCM31 7 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------8 FE1 PCM31 Allow 9 FE1 PCM31 Allow 10 FE1 PCM31 Allow 11 FE1 PCM31 Allow 12 FE1 PCM31 Allow 13 FE1 PCM31 Allow 14 FE1 PCM31 Allow 15 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------- l Query the configuration information about the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to V35, you need to change runmode to FE1. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 4 PCM31 5 PCM31 6 PCM31 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 252 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service 7 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------8 V35 syn Allow 9 FE1 PCM31 Allow 10 FE1 PCM31 Allow 11 FE1 PCM31 Allow 12 FE1 PCM31 Allow 13 FE1 PCM31 Allow 14 FE1 PCM31 Allow 15 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#shdslport modify 8 runmode fe1 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#quit Step 6 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration is complete, the Router which accessed the DDN network before accesses the UA5000 now. In this manner, the TDM G.SHDSL service with the E1 port extended can be implemented. After a terminal user is connected to the router, the terminal user can communicate with the user on the DDN network. 16.4 Configuration Example of the TDM G.SHDSL Service (with the ISDN PRA Extended) This topic describes how to configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN primary rate adaptation (PRA) extended. Networking Figure 16-5 shows the example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the SDLE service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 253 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Figure 16-5 Example network for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended MGC 0/8 P P HighV V speed M M HW BB S D L E SHDSL modem E1 PBX In the preceding network, the uplink E1 port on the SDLE board is connected to the PVM board through the HW on the backplane. The E1 signals, however, are not transmitted to the TDM system of the PVM board but are directly transmitted upstream to the PSTN or ISDN network. The downlink port on the SDLE board is connected to the modem, the modem provides the E1 port, and the E1 port is directly connected to the PBX, thus implementing the ISDN PRA extension. NOTE The SDLE board must work in the service mode. Data Plan Table 16-3 provides the data plan for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 254 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Table 16-3 Data plan for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended Port/Device Item Data Remarks SDLE board Shelf ID/Slot ID 0/8 - Running mode service To implement the ISDN PRA extension, the running mode must be configured to service mode. Clock source Line clock 0 The E1 line clock on port 0/8/0 is used. Port ID 0/8/8 Only ports 8-15 are SHDSL ports. Clock mode E1 clock The modem that is connected to the SHDSL port provides the E1 port. Therefore, the E1 line clock must be configured on the SHDSL port. Port ID 0/8/0 - MGID 0 Ensure that the data of the MG interface is configured. terminalid 0 - IUA link set ID 0 Ensure that the IUA link set is added. IUA link ID 1 Ensure that the IUA link is added. SHDSL port Data of the PRA user Context When you configure the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended, the running mode of the SDLE board must be configured to service mode. Configuration Flowchart Figure 16-6 shows the flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 255 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Figure 16-6 Flowchart for configuring the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended Start Add an SDLE board Confirm the SDLE board Configure the running mode of the board Configure the clock of the board Configure the SHDSL port Configure the PRA port Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an SDLE board. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 H611SDLE Step 2 Confirm the SDLE board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 Step 3 Configure the running mode of the board. huawei(config)#interface sdl 0/8 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#runmode service clock line 0 Step 4 Configure the clock source of the board. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#clock source line 0 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display clock config -----------------------------------------------Board's clock source: FE1 line 0 clock ------------------------------------------------ Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 256 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service Step 5 Configure SHDSL port 0/8/8. l Query the configuration information of the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to FE1, you need not change runmode. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 4 PCM31 5 PCM31 6 PCM31 7 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------8 FE1 PCM31 Allow 9 FE1 PCM31 Allow 10 FE1 PCM31 Allow 11 FE1 PCM31 Allow 12 FE1 PCM31 Allow 13 FE1 PCM31 Allow 14 FE1 PCM31 Allow 15 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------- l Query the configuration information of the SHDSL port. If workmode is configured to V35, you need to change runmode to FE1. huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#display port config -------------Port Frame -------------0 PCM31 1 PCM31 2 PCM31 3 PCM31 4 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 257 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 16 Configuring the TDM G.SHDSL Service PCM31 5 PCM31 6 PCM31 7 PCM31 ---------------------------------Port Workmode Submode Active ---------------------------------8 V35 syn Allow 9 FE1 PCM31 Allow 10 FE1 PCM31 Allow 11 FE1 PCM31 Allow 12 FE1 PCM31 Allow 13 FE1 PCM31 Allow 14 FE1 PCM31 Allow 15 FE1 PCM31 Allow ---------------------------------huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#shdslport modify 8 runmode fe1 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/8)#quit Step 6 Configure the PRA user. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgprauser add 0/8/8 0 0 10 terminalid 0 Step 7 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, the TDM G.SHDSL service with the ISDN PRA extended can be implemented though the E1 link between the SHDSL modem and the PBX. After a POTS subscriber is connected to the PBX, the subscriber can call the subscribers on the PSTN network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 258 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 17 17 Configuring the MTA Service Configuring the MTA Service About This Chapter Configuring the multifunctional terminal adapter (MTA) service includes the application of the MTA technology and the process for configuring the MTA service on the UA5000. 17.1 Introduction to the MTA Service The UA5000 supports accessing the subscriber data service through the multifunctional terminal adapter (MTA). 17.2 Configuration Example of the MTA Service This topic describes how to add the MTA on port 0/8/0 and port 0/11/0 on the UA5000 so that subscribers connected to port 0/8/0 and port 0/11/0 can exchange data. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 259 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 17 Configuring the MTA Service 17.1 Introduction to the MTA Service The UA5000 supports accessing the subscriber data service through the multifunctional terminal adapter (MTA). Service Description The UA5000 provides the following ports through the MTA: l 64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s rate synchronous ports l 2.4 kbit/s, 4.8 kbit/s, 9.6 kbit/s, and 19.2 kbit/s sub-rate synchronous or asynchronous ports In this way, the UA5000 provides the data terminal subscribers with the physical communication channels between the data terminal subscribers and the DDN network or other data terminal subscribers. Service Specifications The MTA is connected to the DSL board through the 2B1Q interface. On the subscriber side, the MTA provides one V.35/V.24 compatible port and two V.24 ports. The three ports can work only in the DCE mode. l V.35/V.24 compatible port (port 0): It is a DB25 socket, which directly provides the V.24 port (or the DCE-DTE cross over cable can be used). The port supports the synchronous rate of 64 kbit/s, and the synchronous/asynchronous rates of 19.2 kbit/s, 9.6 kbit/s, 4.8 kbit/ s, and 2.4 kbit/s. The port functions as a V.35 port through the V.35 transit cable, and supports the rates of 128 kbit/s and 64 kbit/s. l V.24 ports (ports 1 and 2) are RJ45 socket (8-pin RJ-45 socket). The ports function as the V.24 ports through the RJ45-DB25 transit cable. The ports support the synchronous rate of 64 kbit/s, and the synchronous/asynchronous rates of 19.2 kbit/s, 9.6 kbit/s, 4.8 kbit/s, and 2.4 kbit/s. The rate of 19.2 kbit/s is not recommended for port 2 (refer to the X.50 protocol). The data devices that are connected directly to the MTA must have the standard V.24/RS-232 serial ports, or the V.35 serial ports. The devices include the following: l Router l PC l Front end processor l Other data terminal equipment (DTE) 17.2 Configuration Example of the MTA Service This topic describes how to add the MTA on port 0/8/0 and port 0/11/0 on the UA5000 so that subscribers connected to port 0/8/0 and port 0/11/0 can exchange data. Prerequisite Bit 2 of the DIP switch on the MTA must be set to ON so that port 0 on the MTA works in the V.24 mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 260 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 17 Configuring the MTA Service Precaution l Before connecting a DTE, make sure that the port type, the DIP switches, and the cable are correct. Otherwise, the ports on the UA5000 and the DTE may be damaged. l The power of the MTA must map the MTA. Networking Figure 17-1 shows the example network of the MTA service. Figure 17-1 Example network of the MTA service LE E1/V5 UA5000 0/8 0/11 P P D D A A V V M M S S S S L L L L B B MTA MTA Computer A Computer B Data Plan Table 17-1 provides the data plan for configuring the MTA service. Table 17-1 Data plan for configuring the MTA service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Data Type Item Data DSL board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/8, 0/11 MTA port Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/8/0, 0/11/0 DSL board Channel number 0 Rate of channel 0 19200 bit/s Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 261 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type SPC 17 Configuring the MTA Service Item Data Asynchronous word length of channel 0 10 Synchronous or asynchronous selection of the channel asyn Application type Common application SPC type Internal SPC Start shelf ID/slot ID/port ID/ channel ID 0/8/0/0 End shelf ID/slot ID/port ID/ channel ID 0/11/0/0 Total number of channels 1 Configuration Flowchart Figure 17-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the MTA service. Figure 17-2 Flowchart for configuring the MTA service Start Add an MTA Modify the attributes of the MTA Query the settings of the MTA channels Set up an SPC End Procedure Step 1 Add an MTA. huawei(config)#mta add 0/8/0 huawei(config)#display mta --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 262 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 17 Configuring the MTA Service Frame/Slot/Port status Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 0 /8/0 Normal Syn 4.8K Unavail Unavail ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 1 MTA, 1 normal, 0 fault, 0 unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 2 Modify the attributes of the MTA. huawei(config)#mta modify 0/8/0 channelNo 0 asyn_len 10 mode asyn rate 19200 Step 3 Query the settings of the MTA channels. huawei(config)#display mta 0/8/0 -----------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port mmunication status protocol 0 /8 /0 Normal X.50 S bit loop Channel 0: Mode:Asyn Rate:19.2K Port type:DCE Clock type:Internal mode Signal phase: Data receive In-phase Data send In-phase Clock receive Inphase Clock send In-phase Data length:10 B channel: B1 Involve phase:Sequence phase Channel 1: Unavailable Channel 2: Unavailable Step 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 to configure the other MTA on port 0/11/0. Step 5 Set up an SPC. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 1 normal ----End Result Connect the two MTAs to two computers, and set the baud rate of the HyperTerminal to 19200 bit/s and do not set any flow control. The computers can send data to the MTAs and receive data from the MTAs through the serial ports. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 263 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 18 Configuring the VFB Service Configuring the VFB Service About This Chapter Configuring the VFB service includes the application of the VFB technology and the process for configuring the VFB service on the UA5000. 18.1 Introduction to the VFB Service The UA5000 supports the audio telephone service through the VFB board. 18.2 Configuration Example of the VFB Audio Private Line Service This topic describes how to configure two VFB boards on the UA5000 to set up an SPC between port 0/8/0 and port 0/12/0. Thus, subscribers connected to port 0/8/0 and port 0/12/0 are connected through a private line. 18.3 Configuration Example of the Party Line Service This topic describes how to configure the party line service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 264 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service 18.1 Introduction to the VFB Service The UA5000 supports the audio telephone service through the VFB board. Service Description The UA5000 transmits voice or data services over the voice frequency (VF) channel on a private network. The audio private line service can be implemented through the VFB board or the ATI board. For detailed configuration on the ATI board, see "19.2 Configuration Example of the ATI Audio Private Line Service." Service Specifications l The UA5000 provides point-to-point VF channels. You can connect a VF telephone or modem to each end of the channel to implement the private line interconnection of the voice or data services. l The UA5000 supports the private line service over a party line through the VFB board. 18.2 Configuration Example of the VFB Audio Private Line Service This topic describes how to configure two VFB boards on the UA5000 to set up an SPC between port 0/8/0 and port 0/12/0. Thus, subscribers connected to port 0/8/0 and port 0/12/0 are connected through a private line. Networking Figure 18-1 shows the example network for configuring the VFB audio private line service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the VFB service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 265 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service Figure 18-1 Example network for configuring the VFB audio private line service UA5000 0/8 0/12 P P V V V V F F B B M M B B VF telephone VF telephone Data Plan Table 18-1 provides the data plan for configuring the VFB audio private line service. Table 18-1 Data plan for configuring the VFB audio private line service Data Type Item Data Remarks VFB board Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/8/0, 0/12/0 - VFB port Working mode 2line 2-wire port Rx gain -6 dB - Tx gain +5 dB - Application type normal Common application SPC type an-spc Internal SPC Start shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/8/0/0 - End shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/12/0/0 - Total number of channels 1 - SPC Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 266 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service Context l When changing the working mode of the VFB port, you must delete the SPC that is set up on the port. l When modifying other attributes on the VFB port, you need not delete the SPC that is set up on the port. Configuration Flowchart Figure 18-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the VFB audio private line service. Figure 18-2 Flowchart for configuring the VFB audio private line service Start Add VFB boards Confirm the VFB boards Configure the VFB port attributes Set up an SPC QoS qualified? No Modify the VFB port attributes Yes End Procedure Step 1 Add two VFB boards. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 VFB huawei(config)#board add 0/12 VFB Step 2 Confirm the two VFB boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/12 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 267 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service Step 3 Configure the VFB port attributes. huawei(config)#vfb huawei(config-vfb)#port attribute set 0/8/0 mode 2line receivegain 5 transmitgain 9 huawei(config-vfb)#display port attribute 0/8/0 -----------------------------------------Port Mode Resistance Receive Transmit -----------------------------------------0 Two line 600 -6dB +5dB -----------------------------------------huawei(config-vfb)#port attribute set 0/12/0 mode 2line receivegain 5 transmitgain 9 huawei(config-vfb)#display port attribute 0/12/0 -----------------------------------------Port Mode Resistance Receive Transmit -----------------------------------------0 Two line 600 -6dB +5dB -----------------------------------------huawei(config-vfb)#quit Step 4 Set up an SPC. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/12/0/0 1 normal Step 5 (Optional) If the quality of the service can not meet the requirement, modify the VFB port attributes. After the SPC is set up, the subscribers that are connected to the two ports can call each other. 1. If the voice of the peer end is very low, increase the Rx gain of the local end or the Tx gain of the peer end. huawei(config)#vfb huawei(config-vfb)#port attribute set 0/8/0 receivegain 6 huawei(config-vfb)#display port attribute 0/8/0 -------------------------------------------------------Port Mode Resistance Receive Transmit Name -------------------------------------------------------0 Two line 600 -5dB +5dB -------------------------------------------------------- 2. If the voice of the peer end is very high and is distorted, decrease the Rx gain of the local end or the Tx gain of the peer end. huawei(config-vfb)#port attribute set 0/8/0 receivegain 4 huawei(config-vfb)#display port attribute 0/8/0 ------------------------------------------------------Port Mode Resistance Receive Transmit Name -------------------------------------------------------0 Two line 600 -7dB +5dB -------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result Subscribers connected to the two VFB boards should be able to call each other. 18.3 Configuration Example of the Party Line Service This topic describes how to configure the party line service. Context The party line system refers to the railway scheduling phone system, which consists of the scheduling home telephone, transmission channel (including other necessary devices), and Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 268 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service extension telephones. On the railway private line network, the party line service refers to the scheduling line service, which is addressed as transportation scheduling service, goods train scheduling service, or wireless train scheduling service. All these scheduling line services are implemented through a 64-kbit/s transmission channel. Prerequisite The PVM control board must be configured with the Miro daughter board. Service Requirements l The phones in the same railway station can make party line calls to each other, such as VF_Phone1 and VF_Phone2 in the following network. l The phones in different railway stations can also make party line calls to each other, such as VF_Phone1 and VF_Phone2 under UA5000_1 and VF_Phone3 under UA5000_2 in the following network. Networking Figure 18-3 E1 0/4 0/7 P P V V M M UA5000_1 SDH VF_Phone1 E1 0/4 P P V V M M V F B VF_Phone2 0/7 V F B UA5000_2 VF_Phone3 Data Plan Table 18-2 provides the data plan for configuring the party line service. Table 18-2 Data plan for configuring the party line service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Port/Device Item Data Remarks UA5000_1 Port/Channel ID of VF_Phone1 0/7/0/0 The channel ID of the POTS user can only be 0. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 269 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Port/Device UA5000_2 18 Configuring the VFB Service Item Data Remarks Port/Channel ID of VF_Phone2 0/7/1/0 The channel ID of the POTS user can only be 0. Timeslot/Channel ID of the E1 port 0/4/1/1 The channel ID of the E1 port can not be 0. Party line group 0 - Port/Channel ID of VF_Phone3 0/7/0/0 The channel ID of the POTS user can only be 0. Timeslot/Channel ID of the E1 port 0/4/1/1 The channel ID of the E1 port can not be 0. Party line group 0 - Configuration Flowchart Figure 18-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the party line service. Figure 18-4 Flowchart for configuring the party line service Start Add the VFB board Confirm the VFB board Add the SPC and add the subscriiber to the party line group Save the data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 270 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service Procedure l Configure the data of UA5000_1. 1. Add and confirm the VFB board. As shown in the preceding figure, the board is in slot 0/7. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 VFB huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 2. Establish an SPC and add VF_Phone1 and VF_Phone2 to party line group 0. In this example, the party line group ID is 0, VF_Phone1 corresponds to port 0/7/0, and VF_Phone2 corresponds to port 0/7/1. NOTE The party line phones are connected to ports on the VFB board and therefore the start channel ID can only be set to 0. huawei(config)#spc add conf-spc start 0/7/0/0 conf-Group 0 huawei(config)#spc add conf-spc start 0/7/1/0 conf-Group 0 3. Establish an SPC and add port 1 on the PVM board of UA5000_1 to party line group 0. NOTE l To achieve the communication between the VFB users under the two UA5000s, add one E1 timeslot of the PVM board of each UA5000 to the party line group. l Here,the E1 port is added to the party line group, so the channel ID cannot be 0. huawei(config)#spc add conf-spc start 0/4/0/1 conf-Group 0 4. Save the data. huawei(config)#save data l Configure the data of UA5000_2. 1. Add and confirm the VFB board. As shown in the preceding figure, the board is in slot 0/7. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 VFB huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 2. Establish an SPC and add VF_Phone3 to party line group 0. VF_Phone1 corresponds to port 0/7/0. NOTE The party line phones are connected to ports on the VFB board and therefore the start channel ID can only be set to 0. huawei(config)#spc add conf-spc start 0/7/0/0 conf-Group 0 3. Establish an SPC and add port 1 on the PVM board of UA5000_2 to party line group 0. NOTE l To achieve the communication between the VFB users under the two UA5000s, add one E1 timeslot of the PVM board of each UA5000 to the party line group. l Here,the E1 port is added to the party line group, so the channel ID cannot be 0. huawei(config)#spc add conf-spc start 0/4/0/1 conf-Group 0 4. Save the data. huawei(config)#save data ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 271 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 18 Configuring the VFB Service Result VF_Phone1, VF_Phone2, and VF_Phone3 can communicate with each other after taking the phone off the hook. Configuration File The configuration scripts for UA5000_1 are as follows: board add 0/7 VFB board confirm 0/7 spc add conf-spc start 0/7/0/0 conf-Group 0 spc add conf-spc start 0/7/1/0 conf-Group 0 spc add conf-spc start 0/4/0/1 conf-Group 0 save data The configuration scripts for UA5000_2 are as follows: board add 0/7 VFB board confirm 0/7 spc add conf-spc start 0/7/0/0 conf-Group 0 spc add conf-spc start 0/4/0/1 conf-Group 0 save data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 272 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 19 Configuring the ATI Service Configuring the ATI Service About This Chapter Configuring the ATI service includes the application of the ATI and the process for configuring the ATI service on the UA5000. 19.1 Introduction to the ATI Service The UA5000 supports the transparent transmission of the E&M signalings and the 2-wire/4-wire VF signals through the ATI board. 19.2 Configuration Example of the ATI Audio Private Line Service This topic describes how to configure the ATI audio private line service. In this example, two ATI boards are added on the UA5000, ATI ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0 are configured to 2-wire subscriber line, and an internal SPC is established between ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0 (the connection type of the SPC is common SPC). In this manner, the ATI audio private line service is supported between ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0. 19.3 Configuration Example of the Hotline Service on the E&M Trunk Interface This topic describes how to configure two ATI boards on the UA5000, and set up an SPC between port 0/7/0 and port 0/13/0. The SPC type is the private line. Thus, subscribers connected to port 0/7/0 and port 0/13/0 can communicate with each other after taking the phones off the hook. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 273 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service 19.1 Introduction to the ATI Service The UA5000 supports the transparent transmission of the E&M signalings and the 2-wire/4-wire VF signals through the ATI board. Service Description The signaling channel and voice channel of the E&M trunk interface are separate. Therefore, when the E&M trunk interface is supported, a port includes the signaling line (E line and M line) and the voice frequency (VF) line. Where, l l The signaling line can be configured to support the Bell IV-type or V-type interface through DIP switch settings. The VF line can be configured to support the 4-wire or 2-wire interface through the DIP switch settings. Service Specifications The ATI board provides six 2-wire/4-wire E&M trunk interfaces. Each interface of an ATI board provides the 2-wire/4-wire VF line or the 1E1M signaling line. When the E&M signaling line is not used, the 2-wire/4-wire VF line can be used separately for transmitting VF signals. 19.2 Configuration Example of the ATI Audio Private Line Service This topic describes how to configure the ATI audio private line service. In this example, two ATI boards are added on the UA5000, ATI ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0 are configured to 2-wire subscriber line, and an internal SPC is established between ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0 (the connection type of the SPC is common SPC). In this manner, the ATI audio private line service is supported between ports 0/7/0 and 0/13/0. Networking Figure 19-1 shows the example network for configuring the ATI audio private line service. Figure 19-1 Example network for configuring the ATI audio private line service UA5000 P V M B P V M B 0/7 0/13 A T I A T I 2/4-wire audio interface Audio modem A Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2/4-wire audio interface Audio modem B 274 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service Data Plan Table 19-1 provides the data plan for configuring the ATI audio private line service Table 19-1 Data plan for configuring the ATI audio private line service Interface/Board Item Data Remarks ATI board Shelf ID/Slot ID corresponding to modem A 0/7 - Shelf ID/Slot ID corresponding to modem B 0/13 - Subscriber line mode 2wire 2-wire Rx gain -6 dB - Tx gain -2.5 dB - Service type normal Common Connection type an-spc Internal SPC Start shelf ID/Slot ID/Port ID/ Channel ID 0/7/0/0 For the ATI port, the channel ID can only be 0. End shelf ID/Slot ID/Port ID/ Channel ID 0/13/0/0 For the ATI port, the channel ID can only be 0. Number of channels 1 For the ATI port, the number of channels can only be 1. Audio interface SPC Configuration Flowchart Figure 19-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the ATI audio private line service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 275 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service Figure 19-2 Flowchart for configuring the ATI audio private line service Start Add ATI boards Confirm the ATI boards Configure the attribute of the ATI port Establish the SPC Is the QoS qualified? No Modify the attribute of the ATI port Yes End Procedure Step 1 Add ATI boards. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 ati huawei(config)#board add 0/13 ati Step 2 Confirm the ATI boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/13 Step 3 Configure the attribute of the ATI port corresponding to modem A. huawei(config)#ati huawei(config-ati)#port attribute set 0/7/0 recvgain 28 transgain 9 userline 2Wire Step 4 Configure the attribute of the ATI port corresponding to modem B. huawei(config-ati)#port attribute set 0/13/0 recvgain 28 transgain 9 userline 2Wire huawei(config-ati)#quit Step 5 Establish the SPC. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/7/0/0 end 0/13/0/0 1 normal ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 276 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service Result The terminals are connected to the two modems. Then, the terminals can communicate with each other through the private line. 19.3 Configuration Example of the Hotline Service on the E&M Trunk Interface This topic describes how to configure two ATI boards on the UA5000, and set up an SPC between port 0/7/0 and port 0/13/0. The SPC type is the private line. Thus, subscribers connected to port 0/7/0 and port 0/13/0 can communicate with each other after taking the phones off the hook. Networking Figure 19-3 shows the example network for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk interface. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the ATI service board as an example. Figure 19-3 Example network for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk interface UA5000 P V M B P V M B 0/7 0/13 A T I A T I PCMMUX/PBX Telephone A Telephone B Data Plan Table 19-2 provides the data plan for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 277 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service Table 19-2 Data plan for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk service Data Type Item Data Remarks ATI board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/7, 0/13 - E&M interface Subscriber line mode 4wire 4-wire Rx gain -10 dB - Tx gain +5 dB - E&M working mode 1E1M - Application type em-signal EM signalling application SPC type private Private line Start shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/7/0/0 For the ATI port, the channel ID can only be 0. End shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/13/0 For the ATI port, the channel ID can only be 0. Total number of channels 1 For the ATI port, the number of channels can only be 1. SPC Configuration Flowchart Figure 19-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk interface. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 278 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service Figure 19-4 Flowchart for configuring the hotline service on the E&M trunk interface Start Add ATI boards Confirm the ATI boards Configure the attribute of the ATI port Establish the SPC No Is the QoS qualified? Modify the attribute of the ATI port Yes End Context l Currently, the ATI board supports only the 1E1M mode. l After the EM mode and the subscriber line mode are changed, the corresponding DIP switches on the board need to be adjusted. – The EM mode is implemented through DIP switches SW3-SW8. Currently, the ATI board supports only the 1E1M mode. Therefore, this section describes only the ON/ OFF relationship between the 1E1M mode and the DIP switches. The following table lists the ON/OFF relationship between the 1E1M mode and the DIP switches. SW3SW8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1E1M mode OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF – The subscriber line mode is implemented through DIP switches SW9-SW14. The following table lists the ON/OFF relationship between the subscriber line mode and the DIP switches. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 279 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 19 Configuring the ATI Service SW9-SW14 1 2 3 4 2-wire audio port ON OFF OFF ON 4-wire audio port OFF ON ON OFF Procedure Step 1 Add ATI boards. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 ati huawei(config)#board add 0/13 ati Step 2 Confirm the ATI boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/13 Step 3 Configure the attributes of the ATI port to which subscriber A is connected. huawei(config)#ati huawei(config-ati)#port attribute set 0/7/0 recvgain 20 transgain 24 userline 4Wire workmode 1E1M Step 4 Configure the attributes of the ATI port to which subscriber B is connected. huawei(config-ati)#port attribute set 0/13/0 recvgain 20 transgain 24 userline 4Wire workmode 1E1M Step 5 Set up an SPC huawei(config)#spc add private start 0/7/0/0 end 0/13/0/0 1 em-signal ----End Result l After subscriber A takes the phone off the hook, subscriber B hears the ringing tone and subscriber A hears the ring back tone. l After subscriber B takes the phone off the hook, subscriber A and subscriber B can talk with each other over the phone. l After one subscriber disconnects the call, the other subscriber hears the busy tone. l When the service bearer channel between the two subscribers becomes faulty, the subscriber who takes the phone off the hook hears the busy tone. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 280 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 20 Configuring the CDI Service Configuring the CDI Service About This Chapter Configuring the CDI service includes the function application of the CDI board and the process for configuring the CDI service through the CDI board on the UA5000. 20.1 Introduction to the CDI Service The UA5000 supports the transparent transmission between the analog subscriber ports through the CDI board. 20.2 Configuration Example of the Z Interface Extension Service This topic describes how to configure the CDI board and ASL board on the UA5000, and set up an SPC between the CDI board and the ASL board. The SPC type is Z-extension. Thus, the subscriber connected to the ASL board can be connected to a port on the CDI board through the SPC. 20.3 Configuration Example of the PBX-Bothway Service This topic describes how to configure the PBX-Bothway service to set up a private SPC between the ports on two CDI boards. Thus, the bothway service of the PBX-1 and PBX-2 subscribers is implemented. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 281 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 Configuring the CDI Service 20.1 Introduction to the CDI Service The UA5000 supports the transparent transmission between the analog subscriber ports through the CDI board. Service Description The CDI board implements the transparent extension of the POTS port (Z interface) of the connected LE between the CDI port and the ASL port through the following ways: l Digital/Analog conversion l Transparent transmission l Host signaling processing Z interface is an analog phone interface. In the access network, Z interface extension service is applicable to the following two scenarios: l The V5 interface is not enabled for interconnection with the LE in the network. There is a certain market demand for the analog phone service. l The analog phone of one LE is connected to another LE through the Z interface extension without changing the charging mode. This can save the toll charge. Service Specifications l The CDI board is connected to the analog line. The CDI port functions as an analog phone. l The CDI board supports the following services: – Z interface extension – PBX-bothway – E1-direct dialing in (E1-DDI) l The Rx gain of the CDI board ranges from -22.5 dB to -3 dB. The Tx gain ranges from -8.5 dB to +13 dB. The adjustment step is 0.5 dB. 20.2 Configuration Example of the Z Interface Extension Service This topic describes how to configure the CDI board and ASL board on the UA5000, and set up an SPC between the CDI board and the ASL board. The SPC type is Z-extension. Thus, the subscriber connected to the ASL board can be connected to a port on the CDI board through the SPC. Networking The CDI board is connected to subscriber B of the PBX through the Z interface. Subscriber A is connected to a port on the CDI board through a private SPC. In this way, the Z interface extension function is realized. Figure 20-1 shows the example network of the Z interface extension. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 282 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 Configuring the CDI Service Figure 20-1 Example network of the Z interface extension LE 0/8 UA5000 0/11 P P C A A V V M M D S S I L L B B Z interface PBX Phone B Phone C Phone A Data Plan Table 20-1 provides the data plan for configuring the Z interface extension. Table 20-1 Data plan for configuring the Z interface extension Data Type Item Data Remarks CDI board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/8 - ASL board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/11 - CDI port Shelf ID/slot ID/port ID 0/8/0 - Rx gain -7 dB - Tx gain -5 dB - Dial-up mode DTMF Dual tone Supports delayed dialing no Not supported Working mode DDI - Ringing Normal - Application type Z-extension Z interface extension SPC type private Only private line can be supported SPC Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 283 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Data Type 20 Configuring the CDI Service Item Data Remarks Start shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/8/0/0 - End shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/11/0/0 - Total number of channels 1 Only one B channel can be occupied. Context The CDI port supports only the private SPC. Configuration Flowchart Figure 20-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the Z interface extension. Figure 20-2 Flowchart for configuring the Z interface extension Start Add CDI boards Confirm CDI boards Configure the attributes of the CDI port Set up an SPC QoS qualified? No Modify the attributes of the CDI port Yes End Procedure Step 1 Add a CDI board and an ASL board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 284 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 Configuring the CDI Service huawei(config)#board add 0/8 cdi huawei(config)#board add 0/11 asl Step 2 Confirm the CDI board and the ASL board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 Step 3 Modify the attributes of the CDI port. huawei(config)#cdi huawei(config-cdi)#port attribute set 0/8/0 recvgain 31 transgain 7 dialmode DTMF delaydial no workmode DDI ringmode 4 huawei(config-cdi)#quit Step 4 Set up an SPC huawei(config)#spc add private start 0/8/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 1 z-extension ----End Result When subscriber C dials the number of subscriber A, the phone of subscriber B should ring. That is, the phone of subscriber B functions as the phone of subscriber A. 20.3 Configuration Example of the PBX-Bothway Service This topic describes how to configure the PBX-Bothway service to set up a private SPC between the ports on two CDI boards. Thus, the bothway service of the PBX-1 and PBX-2 subscribers is implemented. Networking One CDI board (in slot 0/8) is connected to PBX-1 through a twisted pair (Z interface). The other CDI board (in slot 0/11) is connected to PBX-2 through a twisted pair (Z interface). Figure 20-3 shows the example network for configuring the PBX-bothway service. NOTE This example considers the PVMB control board as an example. The configuration of the PVMD control board is the same as the configuration of the PVMB control board. Therefore, the configuration of the PVMD control is not described here. This example considers the CDI service board as an example. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 285 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 Configuring the CDI Service Figure 20-3 Example network for configuring the PBX-bothway service 0/8 UA5000 P 0/11 P A C C A A V V M M S D D S S L I L L B B I Z interface Z interface PBX-1 PBX-2 Data Plan Table 20-2 provides the data plan for configuring the PBX-bothway service. Table 20-2 Data plan for configuring the PBX-bothway service Data Type Item Data Remarks CDI board Shelf ID/slot ID 0/8, 0/11 - SPC Application type PBX-bothway PBX-bothway connection SPC type private Private line type Start shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/8/0/0 - End Shelf ID/slot ID/ port ID/channel ID 0/11/0/0 - Total number of channels 1 Only one B channel is occupied. Configuration Flowchart Figure 20-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the CDI service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 286 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 20 Configuring the CDI Service Figure 20-4 Flowchart for configuring the CDI service Start Add CDI boards Confirm CDI boards Configure the attributes of the CDI port Set up an SPC QoS qualified? No Modify the attributes of the CDI port Yes End Procedure Step 1 Add a CDI board. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 cdi huawei(config)#board add 0/11 cdi Step 2 Confirm the CDI board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 Step 3 Set up an SPC. huawei(config)#spc add private start 0/8/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 1 PBX-bothway Step 4 If the service quality cannot meet the requirement, you need to change port attributes. ----End Result A private SPC is set up between the ports on the two CDI boards. PBXs should be able to initiate calls between each other. In this way, the PBX-bothway service of the PBX-1 and PBX-2 subscribers is implemented. In addition, the service quality can meet the requirement. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 287 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Configuring the Sub-rate Service About This Chapter This topic describes how to configure the sub-rate (SRX) service on a single-NE or cross-NE network. Sub-rate In the data communication system, especially on the DDN network, the communication rate that is smaller than 64 kbit/s is called sub-rate. l The circuits of each sub-rate are multiplexed to the 64-kbit/s digital channel. The multiplexing of the sub-rates complies with ITU-T X.50. l In the application, the sub-rate service provides the synchronous/asynchronous V.24 physical layer channel with low rate. In this manner, the bandwidth usage of the system is high. Therefore, the sub-rate service is commonly used on the electricity private network or the railway private network. l The sub-rate service is a method of implementing sub-rate, which is supported by the SRX board. The SRX board supports the multiplexing/demultiplexing of a maximum of five sub-rate services to a 64-kbit/s service. X.50 Protocol The X.50 protocol is used to multiplex/demultiplex the physical layer data channel. The procedure is as follows: The sub-rate is multiplexed to the 64-kbit/s physical channel, the data is transmitted, and then the sub-rate channel is demultiplexed after the data is transmitted to the destination. The X.50 protocol has two versions, namely, DIVISION3 and DIVISION2, corresponding to the structures of twenty 8-bit envelopes and eighty 8-bit envelopes. The UA5000 uses DIVISION3. Table 21-1 shows the envelope structure of DIVISION3. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 288 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Table 21-1 Envelope structure of DIVISION3 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The sequence of sending envelopes is from 1 to 20 and the envelopes are divided into five phases by row. When two sub-rates are interconnected, ensure that the timeslots, phases, and envelopes of the two sub-rates are the same. Otherwise, the operation fails. By default, an envelope corresponds to a 2.4-kbit/s sub-rate channel and the combination of multiple envelopes can form different sub-rate channels, such as 4.8-kbit/s sub-rate channel, 9.6kbit/s sub-rate channel, 19.2-kbit/s sub-rate channel, and 48-kbit/s sub-rate channel. V.24 Interface The V.24 interface is the RS232 interface, of the DB25 type, which is used for data communication for the rate that is smaller than 64 kbit/s. 21.1 Configuring the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the sub-rate service in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. 21.2 Configuring the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the sub-rate service in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. 21.3 Configuration Example of the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the single-NE sub-rate service and transmit the sub-rate service on the electricity private network. 21.4 Configuration Example of the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the cross-NE sub-rate service and transmit the sub-rate service on the railway private network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 289 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service 21.1 Configuring the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the sub-rate service in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. Application Context The sub-rate service is commonly used on the electricity private network and railway private network to transmit certain services whose data traffic is light but that has high requirements on stability and security. The single-NE sub-rate service refers to the service on a network wherein two sub-rate end users are connected to the same UA5000. Therefore, in the single-NE networking mode, the two sub-rate end users must be within the management range of the same UA5000. Precautions When configuring the SPC, ensure that the settings of the channel and attributes of the local end are the same as the settings of the channel and attributes of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. In addition, the sub-rate, normal phase, isolating phase, synchronization, asynchronization, and multiplexing protocol of the local end must be the same as these settings of the peer end. Data Plan Before configuring the single-NE sub-rate service, you need to plan the data for the items listed in Table 21-2. Table 21-2 Data plan for configuring the single-NE sub-rate service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Device Item Remarks UA5000 SRX port and channel ID Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end, for details, see "Precautions". Multiplexing protocol type of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Sub-rate of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Working mode of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Asynchronous character length of the SRX board Set this parameter when the working mode is the asynchronous mode. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 290 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Device SRX user terminal 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Item Remarks Phase mode of the SRX port Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Block mode of the SRX port - Multiplexing protocol type Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Transmission rate Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of the peer end. Procedure 21.1.1 Configuring the SRX Board This topic describes how to configure the SRX board. When you configure the single-NE subrate service, you need to configure two SRX boards. Precaution The configurations, such as port ID, channel ID, board attribute, and port attribute of the two SRX boards on which the sub-rate is supported must be the same. Procedure Step 1 Run the board add command to add two SRX boards. Step 2 Run the board confirm command to confirm the two SRX boards. Step 3 Run the interface srx command to enter the SRX mode. Step 4 (Optional) Run the board set command to set the asynchronous character length, multiplexing protocol type, sub-rate number, and working mode of the two SRX boards. NOTE You can run the display rate template command to query the details about the sub-rate profile. Step 5 (Optional) Run the port set command to set the attributes of the port on the SRX board, including the phase mode and the block mode. ----End Example To add SRX board in slot 0/8, set the working mode of the board to asynchronous, the asynchronous character length to 5, the sub-rate profile to 1, and the multiplexing protocol to twenty 8-bit packets envelopes of the X.50 protocol (S bit = 1), and the phase mode of ports 0/8/0 to isolating and the block mode to unblocked, do as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 291 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service huawei(config)#board add 0/8 SRX huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#interface srx 0/8 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#board set syn-mode 1 protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#port set 0 blockmode unblocked phasemode interval huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#quit 21.1.2 Configuring the SPC This topic describes how to configure the SPC. After configuring the SRX boards and the SRX port attributes, you need to configure the internal SPC between two SRX ports to implement the sub-rate service. Precaution When configuring the SPC, ensure that the settings of the channel and attributes of the local end are the same as the settings of the channel and attributes of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. In addition, the sub-rate, normal phase, isolating phase, synchronization, asynchronization, and multiplexing protocol of the local end must be the same as these settings of the peer end. Procedure Step 1 Run the spc add an-spc command to configure the internal SPC between two SRX ports. NOTE For the SRX port, the start and end channel IDs are always 0, the number of channels (channelnum) can only be set to 1, and the application type can only be set to normal. ----End Example To configure the internal SPC between the SRX port 0/8/0 and 0/9/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/9/0/0 1 normal 21.2 Configuring the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the sub-rate service in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. Application Context The sub-rate service is commonly used on the electricity private network and railway private network to transmit certain services whose data traffic is light but that has high requirements on stability and security. The cross-NE sub-rate service refers to the service in a network wherein two SRX end users are connected to different UA5000s. This service is used in the scenario wherein the two SRX end users are far away from each other.An internal SPC between the PVM and the SRX board is established in each of the two UA5000s. The two UA5000s are connected to each other through the E1 line of the PVM board. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 292 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Precautions When configuring the SPC, ensure that the settings of the channel and attributes of the local end are the same as the settings of the channel and attributes of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. In addition, the sub-rate, normal phase, isolating phase, synchronization, asynchronization, and multiplexing protocol of the local end must be the same as these settings of the peer end. Data Plan Before configuring the cross-NE sub-rate service, you need to plan the data for the items listed in Table 21-3. NOTE The data of the two UA5000 is same. Therefore, the data of one UA5000 is described here. Table 21-3 Data plan for configuring the Cross-NE sub-rate service Device Item Remarks UA5000 SRX port and channel ID Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value of the peer end. Multiplexing protocol type of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the peer end. Sub-rate of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the peer end. Working mode of the SRX board Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the peer end. Asynchronous character length of the SRX board Set this parameter when the working mode is the asynchronous mode. Phase mode of the SRX port Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the peer end. Block mode of the SRX port - PVM E1 port and channel ID Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value of the peer E1 port and channel. Multiplexing protocol type Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the SRX board. SRX user terminal Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 293 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Device 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Item Remarks Transmission rate Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value the SRX board. Procedure 21.2.1 Configuring the SRX Board This topic describes how to configure the SRX board. Before configuring the cross-NE sub-rate service, you need to configure the SRX boards and the SRX port attributes of two UA5000s. Precaution The configurations, such as port ID, channel ID, board attribute, and port attribute of the two SRX boards on which the sub-rate is supported must be the same. Procedure Step 1 Configure the SRX board of one UA5000. 1. Run the board add command to add an SRX board. 2. Run the board confirm command to confirm the SRX board. 3. Run the board set command to set the asynchronous character length, multiplexing protocol type, sub-rate number, and working mode of the SRX board. NOTE You can run the display rate template command to query the details about the sub-rate profile. 4. Run the port set command to set the port attributes of the SRX board, including the phase mode and the block mode. Step 2 Configure the SRX board of the other UA5000. The settings of the two UA5000s are the same. Note: The configurations of the SRX boards and the attributes of the SRX ports of the UA5000s must be the same. ----End Example To add SRX board in slot 0/8, set the working mode of the board to asynchronous, the asynchronous character length to 5, the sub-rate profile to 1, and the multiplexing protocol to twenty 8-bit packets envelopes of the X.50 protocol (S bit = 1), and the phase mode of ports 0/8/0 to isolating and the block mode to unblocked, do as follows: huawei(config)#board add 0/8 SRX huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#interface srx 0/8 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#board set syn-mode 1 protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#port set 0 blockmode unblocked phasemode interval huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#quit Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 294 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service 21.2.2 Configuring the SPC This topic describes how to configure the SPC. After configuring the SRX boards and the SRX port attributes, you need to configure the internal SPC between the SRX port and the E1 port on the PVM board to implement the sub-rate service. Precaution l Ensure that the start port and attribute of the SPC of the local device are consistent with the end port and attribute of the SPC channel of the peer device. For example, if the local end uses channel 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is slot 0/7, the peer end must use channel 0/7/0/0. In addition, the configurations of the E1 port and attribute of the SPCs on the two devices must be consistent. l On the two UA5000 devices, the port attribute and the timeslot of the E1 port in the SPC must be consistent. Procedure Step 1 Run the spc add an-spc command to configure the internal SPC between the SRX port and the E1 port on the PVM board. NOTE For the sub-rate port, the start channel ID is always 0 and the number of channels (channelnum) can only be set to 1. For the E1 port, the channel ID can only be 1. ----End Example To configure the internal SPC between the SRX port 0/8/0 and the E1 port 0/4/1, do as follows: huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/4/1/1 1 normal 21.3 Configuration Example of the Single-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the single-NE sub-rate service and transmit the sub-rate service on the electricity private network. Service Requirements On the electricity private network, the temperature data of one site is stored in PC_2. The temperature data of this site needs to be transmitted to PC_1 of the center site of this area so that the center site can monitor the temperature and humidity of the minor sites in real time. Implementation method: Connect two PCs to two SRX boards of the same UA5000 because the two electricity sites can be managed by one UA5000. The data is transmitted over the internal SPC established between the two SRX boards. Figure 21-1 shows the example network for configuring the single-NE sub-rate service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 295 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Figure 21-1 Example network for configuring the single-NE sub-rate service 0/8 0/9 UA5000 P P V V M M S S R R X X Sub-rate modem Sub-rate modem PC_1 PC_2 Procedure Step 1 Add and confirm the SRX boards. The two boards are in slots 0/8 and 0/9. huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board add 0/8 add 0/9 confirm confirm SRX SRX 0/8 0/9 Step 2 Configure the SRX boards and the SRX port attributes. Set the working mode of the board to Asynchronous, the asynchronous character length to 5, the sub-rate profile to 1, and the multiplexing protocol to twenty 8-bit packets envelopes of the X.50 protocol (S bit = 1). Set the phase mode of ports 0/8/0 and 0/9/0 to isolating and the block mode to unblocked. huawei(config)#interface srx 0/8 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#board set syn-mode 1 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#port set 0 blockmode huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#quit huawei(config)#interface srx 0/9 huawei(config-if-srx-0/9)#board set syn-mode 1 huawei(config-if-srx-0/9)#port set 0 blockmode huawei(config-if-srx-0/9)#quit protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 unblocked phasemode interval protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 unblocked phasemode interval Step 3 Establish the internal SPC between the two SRX boards. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/9/0/0 1 normal Step 4 Save the data. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 296 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service huawei(config)#save data ----End Result The data of PC_2 can be transmitted to PC_1 in real time. Configuration File board add 0/8 SRX board add 0/9 SRX board confirm 0/8 board confirm 0/9 interface srx 0/8 board set syn-mode 1 port set 0 blockmode quit interface srx 0/9 board set syn-mode 1 port set 0 blockmode quit spc add an-spc start save data protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 blocked phasemode interval protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 blocked phasemode interval 0/8/0/0 end 0/9/0/0 1 normal 21.4 Configuration Example of the Cross-NE Sub-Rate Service This topic describes how to configure the cross-NE sub-rate service and transmit the sub-rate service on the railway private network. Service Requirements On the railway private network, the temperature data of a railway section is stored in PC_2. The temperature data of this railway section needs to be transmitted to PC_1 of the center site of this railway section so that the center site can monitor the temperature of this railway section. Implementation method: The two PCs must be connected to the SRX boards of two different UA5000s because this railway section is so far from the center site that a UA5000 can not manage them. The two UA500s are connected to each other through the E1 line from the PVM board. In this manner, the data is transmitted through the internal SPC established between the SRX board and the PVM board. Figure 21-2 shows the example network for configuring the cross-NE sub-rate service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 297 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service Figure 21-2 Example network for configuring the cross-NE sub-rate service E1 0/4 UA5000_1 P P V V M M SDH 0/8 S R X E1 0/4 P P V V M M Sub-rate modem PC_1 0/8 S R X UA5000_2 Sub-rate modem PC_2 Procedure l Configure the data of UA5000_1. 1. Add and confirm the SRX boards. The SRX board is in slot 0/8. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 SRX huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 2. Configure the SRX boards and the SRX port attributes. Set the working mode of the board to asynchronous, the asynchronous character length to 5, the sub-rate profile to 1, and the multiplexing protocol to twenty 8-bit packets envelopes of the X.50 protocol (S bit = 1). Set the phase mode of port 0/8/0 to Isolating and the block mode to unblocked. huawei(config)#interface srx 0/8 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#board set syn-mode 1 protocol 3 rate-id 1 asynlength 5 huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#port set 0 blockmode unblocked phasemode interval huawei(config-if-srx-0/8)#quit 3. Establish the internal SPC between the SRX port and the E1 port on the PVM board. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/4/0/1 1 normal 4. Save the data. huawei(config)#save data l Configure the data of UA5000_2. The configuration procedure of UA5000_2 is the same as that of UA5000_1 and the detailed operation is not described here any more. Note that the settings of the SRX board, the SRX Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 298 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 21 Configuring the Sub-rate Service port attributes, the SRX port/channel and the E1 timeslot of the internal SPC of UA5000_2 must be the same as the corresponding settings of UA5000_1. ----End Result The data of PC_2 can be transmitted to PC_1 of the center site in real time. Configuration File NOTE Only the configuration scripts for UA5000_1 are provides here because the configuration procedure of the UA5000_2 is the same as the configuration of UA5000_1. board add 0/8 SRX board confirm 0/8 interface srx 0/8 board set syn-mode 1 protocol 3 rate-id 1 asyn-length 5 port set 0 blockmode blocked phasemode interval quit spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/4/0/0 1 normal save data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 299 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board About This Chapter This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single network element (NE) and cross-NE networking modes. Context The DDU2 board is used in the private line service to support the 64 kbit/s synchronous narrowband data transmission service. The DDU2 board provides two 64 kbit/s ports for synchronous data transmission. 22.1 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the UA5000 single NE networking mode. 22.2 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. 22.3 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode. 22.4 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 300 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board 22.1 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the UA5000 single NE networking mode. Application Context The 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board is a private line service that is commonly carried on the private line network. The data traffic of this service is light but the service has high requirement on stability and security. The 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode refers to the service on a network wherein two DDU2 end users are connected to the same UA5000. Therefore, in the single NE networking mode, the two DDU2 end users must be within the management range of the same UA5000. Precautions The type of the configured semi-permanent connection (SPC) must be internal SPC. In addition, the channel and the attribute configurations of the local end must be the same as the channel and the attribute configurations of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. For the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service, the start and end channel IDs must be 0. Data Plan Before configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode, you need to plan the data for the items listed in Table 22-1. Table 22-1 Data plan for configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Device Item Remarks UA5000 DDU2 port and channel ID Ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as the value of the peer port and channel. DDU2 user terminal Transmission rate The minimum supported rate is 64 kbit/s. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 301 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board Procedure 22.1.1 Configuring the DDU2 Board This topic describes how to configure the DDU2 board. Before configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode, you need to configure two DDU2 boards. Procedure Step 1 Run the board add command to add two DDU2 boards. NOTE The DDU2 board is not supported on the TSS slot. Step 2 Run the board confirm command to confirm the added two DDU2 boards. ----End Example To add DDU2 board in slot 0/10 and confirm this board, do as follows: huawei(config)#board add 0/10 DDU huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 22.1.2 Configuring the SPC This topic describes how to configure the SPC. After configuring the DDU2 boards, you need to configure the internal SPC for the two DDU2 ports to implement the 64 kbit/s data transmission service through the DDU2 board. Precaution The type of the configured semi-permanent connection (SPC) must be internal SPC. In addition, the channel and the attribute configurations of the local end must be the same as the channel and the attribute configurations of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. For the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service, the start and end channel IDs must be 0. Procedure Step 1 Run the spc add an-spc command to configure the internal SPC between the two DDU2 boards. NOTE For the data users of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service, the start and end channel IDs are always 0, the value of channelnum can only be set to 1, and the application type can only be set to normal. ----End Example To configure the internal SPC between the DDU2 port 0/8/0 and 0/9/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/9/0/0 1 normal Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 302 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board 22.2 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the UA5000 cross-NE networking mode. Application Context The 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board is a private line service that is commonly carried on the private line network. The data traffic of this service is light but the service has high requirement on stability and security. The 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode refers to the service on a network wherein two DDU2 end users are connected to different UA5000s. This service is used in the scenario wherein the two DDU2 end users are far away from each other. An internal SPC channel between the PVM and the DDU2 board is established in each of the two UA5000s. The two UA5000s are connected to each other through the E1 line of the PVM board. Precautions The type of the configured semi-permanent connection (SPC) must be internal SPC. In addition, the channel and the attribute configurations of the local end must be the same as the channel and the attribute configurations of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. For the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service, the start and end channel IDs must be 0. Data Plan Before configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode, you need to plan the data for the items listed in Table 22-2. Table 22-2 Data plan for configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode Device Item Remarks UA5000 DDU2 port and channel ID - PVM E1 port and channel ID - Transmission rate The minimum supported rate is 64 kbit/s. DDU2 user terminal Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 303 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board Procedure 22.2.1 Configuring the DDU2 Board This topic describes how to configure the DDU2 board. Before configuring the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode, you need to configure the DDU2 boards. Procedure Step 1 Run the board add command to add the DDU2 board on the two UA5000 devices. Step 2 Run the board confirm command to confirm the added DDU2 board on the two UA5000 devices. ----End Example To add DDU2 board in slot 0/10 and confirm this board, do as follows: huawei(config)#board add 0/10 DDU huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 22.2.2 Configuring the SPC This topic describes how to configure the SPC. After configuring the DDU2 board, you need to configure the internal SPC between each of the two DDU2 ports and the E1 port on the PVM board to implement the 64 kbit/s data transmission service through the DDU2 board. Precaution Ensure that the start channel of the SPC channel of the local end are consistent with the end channel of the SPC channel of the peer end. For example, if the channel ID of one end is 0/6/0/0 and the peer end is in slot 0/7, the port and channel of the peer end must be 0, namely, the channel ID of the peer end is 0/7/0/0. In addition, the configurations of the E1 port of the SPC channels on the two devices must be consistent. Procedure Step 1 Run the spc add an-spc command to configure the internal SPC between the DDU2 port and the E1 port. NOTE For the data users of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service, the start and end channel IDs are always 0, the value of channelnum can only be set to 1, and the application type can only be set to normal. ----End Example To configure the internal SPC between the DDU2 port 0/8/0 and the E1 port 0/4/1, do as follows: huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/4/1/1 1 normal Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 304 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board 22.3 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Single NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode. Service Requirements l In a private network, there is a requirement for transmitting control signals between the remote monitoring point and the monitoring center. l Implementation method: Connect two PCs to two DDU2 boards of the same UA5000 because the remote monitoring point is near to the monitoring center. The control signals are transmitted through the internal SPC established between the two DDU2 boards. l In the following network, PC_1 represents the PC in the monitoring center and PC_2 represents the PC in the remote monitoring point. Figure 22-1 shows the example network of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode. Figure 22-1 Example network of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the single NE networking mode 0/10 0/11 P P V V M M UA5000 D D U 2 D D U 2 Synchronous 64 kbit/s modem PC_1 Synchronous 64 kbit/s modem PC_2 Procedure Step 1 Add and confirm the DDU2 boards. The two boards are in slots 0/10 and 0/11. huawei(config)#board add 0/10 DDU huawei(config)#board add 0/11 DDU Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 305 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 Step 2 Establish the internal SPC between the two DDU2 boards. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/10/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 1 normal Step 3 Save the data. huawei(config)#save data ----End Result This indicates that PC_1 and PC_2 can transmit control signals. Configuration File board add 0/10 DDU board add 0/11 DDU board confirm 0/10 board confirm 0/11 spc add an-spc start 0/10/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 1 normal save data 22.4 Configuration Example of the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board in the Cross-NE Networking Mode This topic describes how to configure the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode. Service Requirements l In a private network, there is a requirement for transmitting control signals between the remote monitoring point and the monitoring center. l Implementation method: The two PCs must be connected to the DDU2 boards of two different UA5000s because the remote monitoring point is far from the monitoring center. The two UA500s are connected to each other through the E1 line from the PVM board. In this manner, the data is transmitted through the internal SPC established between the DDU2 board and the PVM board. l In the following network, PC_1 represents the PC in the monitoring center and PC_2 represents the PC in the remote monitoring point. Figure 22-2 shows the example network of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 306 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 22 Configuring the 64 kbit/s Synchronous Data Transmission Service Implemented Through the DDU2 Board Figure 22-2 Example network of the 64 kbit/s synchronous data transmission service implemented through the DDU2 board in the cross-NE networking mode E1 0/4 UA5000_1 SDH E1 0/10 P P V V M M D D U 2 0/4 P P V V M M Synchronous 64 kbit/s modem PC_1 0/10 D D U 2 UA5000_2 Synchronous 64 kbit/s modem PC_2 Procedure l Configure the data of UA5000_1. 1. Add and confirm the DDU2 board. huawei(config)#board add 0/10 DDU uawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 2. Establish the internal SPC between the DDU2 port and the E1 port on the PVM board. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/10/0/0 end 0/4/0/1 1 normal 3. Save the data. huawei(config)#save data l Configure the data of UA5000_2. The configuration procedure of UA5000_2 is the same as that of UA5000_1 and the detailed operation is not described here any more. Note that the configuration of the channel ID of the DDU2 port and the timeslot of the E1 port of the internal SPC on UA5000_2 must be consistent with the configuration on UA5000_1. ----End Result The PC_1 and PC_2 can transmit control signals. Configuration File NOTE Only the configuration scripts for UA5000_1 are provided here because the configuration procedure of UA5000_2 is the same as the configuration of UA5000_1. board add 0/10 DDU board confirm 0/10 spc add an-spc start 0/10/0/0 end 0/4/0/1 1 normal save data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 307 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 23 23 Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission In this example, the UA5000 is configured with two DSL boards. One DSL board is connected to the DDN node machine through the U interface. The services on the U interface are transmitted transparently to the terminal that is connected to the other DSL board through the SPC. Thus, the transmission distance of the DDN node machine can be extended. Context l Only the PVMD supports U interface transparent transmission, whereas the PVMB does not support U interface transparent transmission. l The port on the DSL board that is connected to the network must work in the MNT mode, whereas the port on the DSL board that is connected to the subscriber must work in the MLT mode. Networking Figure 23-1 shows the example network for configuring the U interface transparent transmission. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 308 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 23 Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission Figure 23-1 Example network for configuring the U interface transparent transmission DDN node U interface 0/8 UA5000 0/11 P P A D D A A V V M M S S S S S L L L L D D L U interface Customer A Data Plan Table 23-1 provides the data plan for configuring the U interface transparent transmission. Table 23-1 Data plan for configuring the U interface transparent transmission Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Port or Device Item Data DSL board connected to the network Shelf ID/slot ID 0/8 DSL board connected to the subscriber Shelf ID/slot ID 0/11 SPC Application type normal SPC type an-spc Start shelf ID/slot ID/port ID/channel ID 0/8/0/0 End shelf ID/slot ID/port ID/ channel ID 0/11/0/0 Total number of channels 2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 309 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Port or Device 23 Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission Item Data Subtype of the start port MNT Subtype of the end port MLT Configuration Flowchart Figure 23-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the U interface transparent transmission. Figure 23-2 Flowchart for configuring the U interface transparent transmission Start Add boards Confirm the boards Configure an SPC End Procedure Step 1 Add two DSL boards. huawei(config)#board add 0/8 dsl huawei(config)#board add 0/11 dsl Step 2 Confirm the DSL boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/8 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/11 Step 3 Configure an SPC. huawei(config)#spc add an-spc start 0/8/0/0 end 0/11/0/0 2 normal startportsubtype mnt endportsubtype mlt Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 310 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 23 Configuration Example of the U Interface Transparent Transmission Result The DSL board helps to extend the transmission distance of the U interface of the DDN node machine. This ensures that the coverage of the services is extended. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 311 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service Configuration Example of the PHS Service This topic describes how to configure the personal handyphone system (PHS) service on the UA5000 on the FTTx network. Prerequisite l The OLT must be configured so that it can automatically discover the UA5000 and can register for the UA5000. l The device must be connected properly, the board must be inserted in the corresponding slot, and the board must work in the normal state. Service Requirements After the PHS service network is reconstructed according to the following networking plan, the PHS service is not affected. Networking Figure 24-1 shows the example network for configuring the PHS service. Figure 24-1 Example network for configuring the PHS service OLT PON access Splitter PON uplink PON uplink PS 1 U interface E1 PHS MG Issue 01 (2011-07-30) CSC UA5000 MA5616 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. CS PS N 312 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service The MA5616 receives the service from the PHS base station through the DSLD board and transmits the service to the UA5000 transparently, then the UA5000 transparently transmits and converges the service and sends the signals of the base station to the cell site controller (CSC) for processing through the U interface of the DSL board. In this manner, the UA5000 carries and transmits the PHS service. Data Plan l Table 24-1 provides the data plan for configuring the PHS service on the OLT. l Table 24-2 provides the data plan for configuring the PHS service on the UA5000. l Table 24-3 provides the data plan for configuring the PHS service on the MA5616. Table 24-1 Data plan for configuring the PHS service on the OLT Item Data Clock VLAN 14 Service VLAN 13 IP address of the L3 interface PON access port 0/8/3 GE access port 0/2/0 Table 24-2 Data plan for configuring the PSH service on the UA5000 (convergence side) Item Data Host configuration Service IP address Uplink port 0/4/1 (GE Optical port) IUA link configuration IUA link set ID 0 IUA link ID 0 Local port ID 11000 Local IP address Peer port ID 12000 Peer IP address SPC configuration Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 313 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service Item Data Shelf/slot/port/timeslot of the DSLD board 0/6/0/0 0/6/1/0 0/6/2/0 0/6/3/0 Local port ID 16400, 16408, 16416, and 16424 Local IP address Peer port ID 57600, 57608, 57616, and 57624 Peer IP address Type of the SPC starting port MNT Coding type of the DSP channel 5 RTP (UDP) packetization interval of the DSP channel 10 ms RTP payload type of the DSP channel 99 NOTE The value must be the same as that of the MA5616. Clock configuration Clock VLAN 14 IP address of the L3 interface Peer IP address of the L3 interface for receiving clock packets Table 24-3 Data plan for configuring the PHS service on the MA5616 Item Data Host configuration Service VLAN 13 IP address of the L3 interface Uplink port 0/0/0 (PON port) Configuration of the IUA link Issue 01 (2011-07-30) IUA link set ID 0 IUA link ID 0 Local port ID 12000 Local IP address Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 314 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service Item Data Peer port ID 11000 Peer IP address SPC configuration Shelf/slot/port/timeslot of the DSLD board 0/2/0/0 0/2/1/0 0/2/2/0 0/2/3/0 Peer port ID 16400, 16408, 16416, and 16424 Peer IP address Local port ID 57600, 57608, 57616, and 57624 Local IP address Type of the SPC starting port MLT Coding/Decoding type of a DSP clearmode coding mode RTP payload type of the DSP channel 99 NOTE The value must be the same as that of the UA5000. Clock configuration Clock VLAN 14 Board where the adaptive clock source is located 0/2 IP address of the L3 interface for receiving ACM clock packets Peer IP address of the L3 interface for sending clock packets Context l The cable from the transfer board of the DSL board on the UA5000 side is connected to the CSC. The cable sequence on the CSC side must be blue, orange, green, and brown. The cable sequence on the UA5000 side must be the same as the cable sequence on the CSC side. l The cable from the transfer board of the DSLD board on the MA5616 side is connected to the cell site (CS). The cable sequence on the CS side must be blue, orange, green, and brown. The cable sequence on the UA5000 side must be the same as the cable sequence on the CS side. l Ensure that the cable sequence on the CS side is the same as the cable sequence on the CSC side. Otherwise, the following fault may occur: The calling party can make phone calls but Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 315 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service cannot hear the ring-back tone and the communication fails on both ends when the called party picks up the phone off the hook. l After the IP addresses of the three devices are configured based on the networking, ensure that the network is accessible. If the network fails, modify the gateway or VLAN configuration to ensure the connectivity of the network. Configuration Flowchart l Figure 24-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the OLT. l Figure 24-3 shows the flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the UA5000. l Figure 24-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the MA5616. Figure 24-2 Flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the OLT Start Create a service VLAN and clock VLAN Configure the IP address of the VLAN L3 interface Create service ports Add GE uplink port to the clock VLAN Disable the unicast suppression on the GE port Save the data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 316 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service Figure 24-3 Flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the UA5000 Start Configure the service IP address Add a link set and links Set up IP SPCs Configure the clock source Save the data End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 317 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service Figure 24-4 Flowchart for configuring the PHS service on the MA5616 Start Configure the attributes of the BRA port Add a link set and links Configure the DSP parameter Set up IP SPCs Create a service VLAN and configure its L3 interface Configure the clock source Add the uplink port to the VLAN Save the data Configure media and signaling IP addresses End Procedure l The procedure for configuring the PHS service on the OLT is as follows: 1. Configure the MA5616 data on the OLT side. (1) Create a service VLAN and clock VLAN. huawei(config)#vlan 13 to 14 smart (2) Configure the IP address of the VLAN L3 interface. huawei(config)#interface vlanif 13 huawei(config-if-vlanif13)#ip address 24 huawei(config-if-vlanif13)#quit (3) Create service ports. huawei(config)#service-port vlan 13 epon 0/8/3 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 13 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 14 epon 0/8/3 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 14 2. Configure the UA5000 data on the OLT side. (1) Configure the service VLAN to the native VLAN of the uplink port. huawei(config)#port vlan 13 0/2 0 huawei(config)#interface giu 0/2 huawei(config-if-giu-0/2)#native-vlan 0 vlan 13 huawei(config-if-giu-0/2)#quit (2) Add GE uplink port to the clock VLAN. huawei(config)#port vlan 14 0/2 0 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 318 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service (3) Disable the unicast suppression on the uplink port. huawei(config)#interface giu 0/2 huawei(config-if-giu-0/2)#undo traffic-suppress 0 unicast huawei(config-if-giu-0/2)#quit 3. Save the data. huawei(config)#save l The procedure for configuring the PHS service on the UA5000 is as follows: 1. Configure the service IP address. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip address submask gateway huawei(interface-eth)#quit 2. Configure the DSP parameter. huawei(config)#dsp attribute clearmode-payload 99 RTP payload type of the DSP channel is 99.*/ 3. /*The value of the Add a link set and links. huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 0 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 0 0 11000 12000 huawei(config-sigtran)#quit 4. Set up IP SPCs and configure DSP channel parameters. huawei(config)#spc 57600 2 0 1000 mnt huawei(config)#spc 57608 2 0 1001 mnt huawei(config)#spc 57616 2 0 1002 mnt huawei(config)#spc 57624 2 0 1003 mnt huawei(config)#spc interval 10ms huawei(config)#spc interval 10ms huawei(config)#spc interval 10ms huawei(config)#spc interval 10ms 5. add ip-spc start 0/6/0/0 16400 add ip-spc start 0/6/1/0 16408 add ip-spc start 0/6/2/0 16416 add ip-spc start 0/6/3/0 16424 dsp-channel connectid 0 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacketdsp-channel connectid 1 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacketdsp-channel connectid 2 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacketdsp-channel connectid 3 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacket- Configure the clock source. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip address vlan_tag 14 /*Configure the IP address of the clock interface.*/ huawei(interface-eth)#quit huawei(config)#clock source 0 gpon 0/4/1 /*Configure the line clock.*/ huawei(config)#clock-trans add 14 /*The clock IP address of the MA5616 is*/ huawei(config)#clock priority 0 6. Save the data. huawei(config)#save l The procedure for configuring the PHS service on the MA5616 is as follows: 1. Configure the attributes of the BRA port. huawei(config)#braport huawei(config-braport)#braport attribute batset 0/2/0 0/2/7 activemode stable-active /*Configure the L1 activation mode of the BRA port to stable-active.*/ 2. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Configure the DSP parameter. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 319 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service huawei(config)#dsp attribute payload-type clearmode-payload 99 value of the RTP payload type of the DSP channel is 99.*/ 3. /*The Create a service VLAN and configure its L3 interface. huawei(config)#vlan 13 huawei(config)#interface vlanif 13 huawei(config-if-vlanif13)#ip address 24 4. Add the uplink port to the VLAN. huawei(config)#port vlan 13 0/0 0 5. Configure media and signaling IP addresses. huawei(config)#voip huawei(config)#ip address media huawei(config)#ip address signaling 6. Add a link set and links. huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 0 cs-mode client /*Set the link set mode to the client mode.*/ huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 0 0 12000 11000 huawei(config-sigtran)#quit 7. Set up IP SPCs and configure DSP channel parameters. huawei(config)#spc huawei(config-spc)#ipspc add 0/2/0/0 local-ip local-port 57600 remote-ip remote-port 16400 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1000 portsubtype mlt huawei(config-spc)#ipspc add 0/2/1/0 local-ip local-port 57608 remote-ip remote-port 16408 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1001 portsubtype mlt huawei(config-spc)#ipspc add 0/2/2/0 local-ip local-port 57616 remote-ip remote-port 16416 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1002 portsubtype mlt huawei(config-spc)#ipspc add 0/2/3/0 local-ip local-port 57624 remote-ip remote-port 16424 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1003 portsubtype mlt huawei(config-spc)#ipspc dsp-para connectid 0 codec 4 /*Configure the coding/decoding type of the DSP channel to clearmode coding.*/ huawei(config-spc)#ipspc dsp-para connectid 1 codec 4 huawei(config-spc)#ipspc dsp-para connectid 2 codec 4 huawei(config-spc)#ipspc dsp-para connectid 3 codec 4 huawei(config-spc)#quit 8. Configure the clock source. huawei(config)#vlan 14 /*Indicates the VLAN for carrying clock packets.*/ huawei(config)#interface vlanif 14 huawei(config-if-vlanif14)#ip address 24 huawei(config-if-vlanif14)#quit huawei(config)#port vlan 14 0/0 0 huawei(config)#acm-clock-ip 0/2 /*Configure the IP address that receives ACM clock packets.*/ huawei(config)#clock source 0 acm-clock 0/2 /*The ACM clock functions as the clock reference source.*/ huawei(config)#clock priority system 0 9. Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) After the MA5616 generates the clock source recovery alarm, you can run the display clock source command to query the status of the clock source of the UA5000. If the following information is displayed, it indicates that the clock of the UA5000 is synchronized with the clock of the MA5616 normally. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 320 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service huawei#display clock source ------------------------------------------------------------------------Index config type source state ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 YES acm 0/ 4 Normal 1 NO --/ -/ --2 NO --/ -/ --3 NO --/ -/ --4 NO --/ -/ --5 NO --/ -/ --6 NO --/ -/ --7 NO --/ -/ --8 NO --/ -/ --9 NO --/ -/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- l The local fixed-line call, local mobile call, long-distance call, and certain special telecom call services (such as the 114, the phone number query service and 10000, the customer service hotline service, provided by China Telecom), through the PHS phone can be made normally and the communication quality is good. In addition, short messages can be sent between the PSH phone and the mobile phone. Configuration File The configuration script on the OLT is as follows: vlan 13 to 14 smart interface vlanif 13 ip address 24 quit service-port vlan 13 epon 0/8/3 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 13 service-port vlan 14 epon 0/8/3 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 14 interface giu 0/2 native-vlan 0 vlan 13 quit port vlan 14 0/2 0 interface giu 0/2 undo traffic-suppress 0 unicast quit save data The configuration script on the UA5000 is as follows: interface eth ip address submask gateway quit sigtran iua-linkset add 0 iua-link add 0 0 11000 12000 quit spc add ip-spc start 0/6/0/0 16400 57600 2 0 1000 spc add ip-spc start 0/6/1/0 16408 57608 2 0 1001 spc add ip-spc start 0/6/2/0 16416 57616 2 0 1002 spc add ip-spc start 0/6/3/0 16424 57624 2 0 1003 spc dsp-channel connectid 0 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacket-interval 10ms Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. mnt mnt mnt mnt 321 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 24 Configuration Example of the PHS Service spc dsp-channel connectid 1 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacket-interval 10ms spc dsp-channel connectid 2 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacket-interval 10ms spc dsp-channel connectid 3 dsp-voice-code 5 dsp-rtppacket-interval 10ms interface eth ip address vlan_tag 14 quit clock source 0 0/4/1 clock-trans add 14 save The configuration script on the MA5616 is as follows: braport huawei(config-braport)#braport attribute batset 0/2/0 0/2/7 activemode stableactive dsp attribute payload-type clearmode-payload 99 vlan 13 interface vlanif 13 ip address 24 port vlan 13 0/0 0 voip ip address media ip address signaling sigtran iua-linkset add 0 cs-mode client iua-link add 0 0 12000 11000 quit spc ipspc add 0/2/0/0 local-ip local-port 57600 remote-ip remote-port 16400 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1000 portsubtype mlt ipspc add 0/2/1/0 local-ip local-port 57608 remote-ip remote-port 16408 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1001 portsubtype mlt ipspc add 0/2/2/0 local-ip local-port 57616 remote-ip remote-port 16416 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1002 portsubtype mlt ipspc add 0/2/3/0 local-ip local-port 57624 remote-ip remote-port 16424 linksetno 0 interfaceid 1003 portsubtype mlt ipspc dsp-para connectid 0 codec 4 ipspc dsp-para connectid 1 codec 4 ipspc dsp-para connectid 2 codec 4 ipspc dsp-para connectid 3 codec 4 quit vlan 14 interface vlanif 14 ip address 24 quit port vlan 14 0/0 0 acm-clock-ip 0/2 clock source 0 acm-clock 0/2 save data Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 322 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission About This Chapter This topic describes the Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) technology and how to configure the EPON upstream transmission on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. 25.1 Introduction to the EPON Upstream Transmission EPON can transmit the converged data, video, and voice over the optical fiber. 25.2 Configuration Example of the EPON Upstream Transmission This topic describes how to implement the EPON upstream transmission of the UA5000 MiniMSAN by configuring the EP1A board on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. Thus, the UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT form an EPON. 25.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the EP1A Board The EP1A provides one EPON uplink port and one FE/GE adaptive electrical port. By querying the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board, you can obtain the type, adaptive mode, rate, working mode, activation status, and current status of each port on the EP1A board. 25.4 Querying the Statistics of the Ports on the EP1A Board By querying the statistics of the ports on the EP1A board, you can obtain the transmitted frames, received frames, and error frames. Thus, this helps you to detect and locate the faults of the ports on the EP1A board in time. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 323 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission 25.1 Introduction to the EPON Upstream Transmission EPON can transmit the converged data, video, and voice over the optical fiber. Service Description Passive optical network (PON) is a point-to-multipoint (P2MP) network, consisting of the optical line terminal (OLT), optical network unit (ONU), and passive optical splitter (POS). EPON, a type of the PON technology, has the common features, such as the high bandwidth, wide coverage, flexible networking, and passive network nodes. EPON overcomes the disadvantages of the Ethernet which lacks operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) measures. EPON can improve the network bandwidth and performance, and save the maintenance cost. The UA5000 MiniMSAN supports the EPON upstream transmission. The UA5000 MiniMSAN that works as an ONU can use the wide coverage, flexible networking, and low maintenance cost provided by the EPON network. The UA5000 MiniMSAN works with the OLT to provide high-bandwidth access for subscribers. At the same time, it helps increase the density of subscribers at the OLT end. Service Specifications The UA5000 MiniMSAN provides the EPON upstream transmission through the EP1A board. The detailed specifications are as follows: l Supports one EPON uplink port with the upstream and downstream rates 1.25 Gbit/s. l Supports the transmission distance of a maximum of 20 km. 25.2 Configuration Example of the EPON Upstream Transmission This topic describes how to implement the EPON upstream transmission of the UA5000 MiniMSAN by configuring the EP1A board on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. Thus, the UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT form an EPON. Prerequisite l The network devices and the lines must be in the normal state. l When the PVM board adopts the independent upstream transmission mode, the ETH1 port on the PVM board and the FE port on the EP1A board must be connected through a network cable. Networking Figure 25-1 shows the example network of the EPON upstream transmission service. Connect the EPON port on the EP1A board in slot 0/3 of the UA5000 MiniMSAN to the splitter through an optical fiber. Thus, the connection between the UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT is set up. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 324 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission Figure 25-1 Example network of the EPON upstream transmission service Router OLT Optical spllitter 0/3 EPON 0/7 Optical spllitter EPON I P E P V P 1 MMA AA 3 3 2 2 HABM shelf EPON UA5000 MiniMSAN_B PBX Phone Phone ISDN BRA Phone UA5000 MiniMSAN_A NT1 ISDN BRA Phone Phone Phone Data Plan Table 25-1 provides the data plan for configuring the EPON upstream transmission service. NOTE The following table provides only the data plan of the VoIP service of the EP1A board. For the data plans of services such as P2P ISDN BRA and P2MP ISDN BRA, see "9.2 Configuration Example of a P2P ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol" and "9.3 Configuration Example of a P2MP ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol" respectively. Table 25-1 Data plan for configuring the EPON upstream transmission service Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Category Item Data UA5000 MiniMSAN_A The EP1A board: provides the EPON port to interconnect to the upper-layer OLT Shelf ID/Slot ID: 0/3 MG interface data mgid 0 code text protocol H.248 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 325 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Category 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission Item Data tranfer UDP port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 IP address Telephone number configuration start-negotiate-version 2 The signaling IP address of MG 0 of the UA5000 The media IP address of MG 0 of the UA5000 The default gateway of MG 0 of the UA5000 The IP address of the MGC Phone1–Phone32 Shelf ID/Slot ID: 0/7 Telephone number: 12340001–12340032 terminal id 0–31. Terminals 0–31 correspond with telephone numbers 12340001–12340032. ToS strategy IP priority and ToS priority The default system value Voice enhancing function The function of automatic gain adjustment of the PSTN port Supported The parameter value of automatic gain adjustment of the PSTN port 15 (-24 dbm0) The function of the spectral noise suppression (SNS) of the PSTN port Supported The parameter value of the SNS of the PSTN port 20 (20 dB) Context l You need to add the EP1A board if the UA5000 MiniMSAN needs the EPON upstream transmission. After the EP1A board is added successfully, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can implement the EPON upstream transmission through the EPON uplink port on the EP1A board. l When the UA5000 MiniMSAN implements the upstream transmission through the EP1A board, the UA5000 MiniMSAN supports only the IP services, such as VoIP, FoIP, MoIP, and ISDN. l This document describes only the configuration on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. For the configuration on the OLT, see the related guide. For example, if the OLT is the MA5680T of Huawei, see the MA5680T Configuration Guide. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 326 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission The configurations on the UA5000 MiniMSAN_B and UA5000 MiniMSAN_A are the same. This topic considers the configuration on the UA5000 MiniMSAN_A as an example. Configuration Flowchart Figure 25-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the EPON upstream transmission service. Figure 25-2 Flowchart for configuring the EPON upstream transmission service Start Add an EP1A board Confirm the EP1A board Configure the service Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an EP1A board. You can add the EP1A board offline on the CLI, and then insert the EP1A board. You can also insert the EP1A board into the shelf, and then add the EP1A board on the CLI. huawei(config)#board add 0/3 h601ep1a Step 2 Confirm the EP1A board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/3 After the EP1A board is added successfully, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can implement the EPON upstream transmission through the EPON uplink port on the EP1A board. Step 3 Configure the service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 327 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission NOTE l For the configuration of the ISDN service, see "9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol." l For the configuration of the FoIP and MoIP services, see "11 Configuring the FoIP Service" and "12 Configuring the MoIP Service." The slot positions for the PVM and service boards on the UA5000 MiniMSAN are different from the slot positions described in the topics for reference. Configure the UA5000 MiniMSAN according to the parameters that are actually used. The following configuration procedure considers configuring the VoIP service as an example. 1. Set the IP address of the service network port. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip modify ip_address gateway submask /When the device is configured with the IP address of the service network port, whereas the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway of the current service network port on the device are inconsistent with the requirement of the actual data plan, run this command to modify the configuration./ /If no IP address is added to the current IP address pool of the device, run the ip address command to add the media IP address and signaling IP address to the IP address pool./ huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: 0 MacAddress..........: 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 VlanID .............: 1001 IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: MacAddress..........: VlanID .............: 2. 0 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 -- Configure the QoS IP strategy. huawei(interface-eth)#quit huawei(config)#qos ip strategy none huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos 3. Configure the working mode of the PVM board to the independent networking mode. In the independent networking mode, the PVM control board provides services independently. huawei(config)#working mode alone 4. Add an A32 service board and confirm the board. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 2 H601PVMB Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM 3 H601EP1A Normal 4 5 6 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 328 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission 7 A32 Normal 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Configure the attributes of the MG interface. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944 mg-media-ip1 start-negotiate-version 2 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 1: ("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType IP4_ADDR DeviceName Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- 6. Set the H.248 protocol parameter. (Enable the three-way handshake signal function of the H.248 protocol stack.) huawei(config-if-h248-0)#h248stack tr responseackctrl true huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display h248stack tr Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 329 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission ------------------------------------------------three way handshake : true longtimer(units: ms) : 30000 MG provisional response timer(units: ms) : 8000 MGC provisional response timer(units: ms): 8000 MG originated pending limit : 5 MGC originated pending limit : 5 retransfailoption : max retransfer times maxretranstimes : 7 retransmode : auto maxretranstimerval(units: ms) : 4000 minretranstimerval(units: ms) : 1000 ------------------------------------------------- 7. Reset the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! 8. Query whether the MG interface is normal. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/ DomainName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 UDP Normal 2944 10.10.10. 2 2944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Configure subscriber telephone numbers. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/7/0 0/7/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/7 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 7 / 0 0 12340001 Cat3 A0 0 / 7 / 1 0 12340002 Cat3 A1 0 / 7 / 2 0 12340003 Cat3 A2 0 / 7 / 3 0 12340004 Cat3 A3 0 / 7 / 4 0 12340005 Cat3 A4 0 / 7 / 5 0 12340006 Cat3 A5 0 / 7 / 6 0 12340007 Cat3 A6 0 / 7 / 7 0 12340008 Cat3 A7 0 / 7 / 8 0 12340009 Cat3 A8 0 / 7 / 9 0 12340010 Cat3 A9 0 / 7 / 10 0 12340011 Cat3 A10 0 / 7 / 11 0 12340012 Cat3 A11 0 / 7 / 12 0 12340013 Cat3 A12 0 / 7 / 13 0 12340014 Cat3 A13 0 / 7 / 14 0 12340015 Cat3 A14 0 / 7 / 15 0 12340016 Cat3 A15 0 / 7 / 16 0 12340017 Cat3 A16 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 330 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission 0 / 7 / 17 0 12340018 Cat3 A17 0 / 7 / 18 0 12340019 Cat3 A18 0 / 7 / 19 0 12340020 Cat3 A19 0 / 7 / 20 0 12340021 Cat3 A20 0 / 7 / 21 0 12340022 Cat3 A21 0 / 7 / 22 0 12340023 Cat3 A22 0 / 7 / 23 0 12340024 Cat3 A23 0 / 7 / 24 0 12340025 Cat3 A24 0 / 7 / 25 0 12340026 Cat3 A25 0 / 7 / 26 0 12340027 Cat3 A26 0 / 7 / 27 0 12340028 Cat3 A27 0 / 7 / 28 0 12340029 Cat3 A28 0 / 7 / 29 0 12340030 Cat3 A29 0 / 7 / 30 0 12340031 Cat3 A30 0 / 7 / 31 0 12340032 Cat3 A31 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data 10. Enable the voice enhancing function. huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/7/0 0/7/31 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value(db) ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 7 / 0 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 1 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 2 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 3 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 4 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 5 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 6 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 7 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 8 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 9 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 10 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 11 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 12 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 13 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 14 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 15 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 16 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 17 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 18 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 19 enable 15 enable 20 ---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ---huawei(config-esl-user)#quit Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can implement the following functions: l The UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT can exchange data in the EPON mode. l The subscribers configured on the UA5000 MiniMSAN service boards can call each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 331 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission 25.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the EP1A Board The EP1A provides one EPON uplink port and one FE/GE adaptive electrical port. By querying the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board, you can obtain the type, adaptive mode, rate, working mode, activation status, and current status of each port on the EP1A board. Context When you query the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board, the system displays "-" for the status of the item that the port does not support. l The PON port does not support the port impedance, MDI, port rate, and port mode. The system displays "-" for the status of these items. l The GE/FE adaptive electrical port does not support the port impedance. The system displays "-" for the status of this item. Precaution The EP1A board supports two ports: the EPON uplink port and FE/GE adaptive electrical port. The EPON uplink port corresponds to the logical number 0, and the FE/GE adaptive electrical port corresponds to the logical number 1. When you query the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board and enter a logical number that is greater than 1, the system prompts an error. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface epon command to enter the EPON mode. Step 2 Run the display port state command to query the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board. ----End Example To query the attributes of the ports on the EP1A board of the UA5000 MiniMSAN, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface epon 0/3 huawei(config-if-epon-0/3)#display port state all ----------------------------------------------------------------------Port PortType Impedance MDI Speed(Mbps) Duplex Active Link ----------------------------------------------------------------------0 EPON ACTIVE UP 1 GE ELC AUTO 100 FULL ACTIVE UP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.4 Querying the Statistics of the Ports on the EP1A Board By querying the statistics of the ports on the EP1A board, you can obtain the transmitted frames, received frames, and error frames. Thus, this helps you to detect and locate the faults of the ports on the EP1A board in time. Context The EP1A board supports two ports: the EPON uplink port and FE/GE adaptive electrical port. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 332 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 25 Configuring the EPON Upstream Transmission If the result of the queried statistical item is 0x00, it indicates that the port does not receive frames of this type, or the port does not carry any traffic currently. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface epon command to enter the EPON mode. Step 2 Run the display port statistic command to query the statistics of the EPON port. ----End Example To query the statistics of the port on the EP1A board of the UA5000 MiniMSAN, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface epon 0/3 huawei(config-if-epon-0/3)#display port statistic all Number of transmitted frames of PON port Number of received frames of PON port Number of received FEC error frames of PON port Number of received HEC error frames of PON port Number of discard frames of PON port in send direction Number of discard frames of UNI port in send direction Number of transmitted frames of UNI port Number of received frames of UNI port Number of received error frames of UNI port =0x0cef7d90 =0x0b913fed =0x00 =0x00 =0x00 =0x00 =0x039 =0x01228f6d =0x00 Related Operation Table 25-2 lists the related operation for querying the statistics about the port on the EP1A board. Table 25-2 Related operation for querying the statistics about the port on the EP1A board Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Clear the statistics of the ports on the EP1A board reset port statistic Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 333 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission About This Chapter This topic describes the gigabit-capable passive optical network (GPON) technology and describes how to configure the GPON upstream transmission on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. 26.1 Introduction to the GPON Upstream Transmission GPON is a point-to-multipoint (P2MP) broadband optical transmission system. It can transmit data of any type. 26.2 Configuration Example of the GPON Upstream Transmission This topic describes how to implement the GPON upstream transmission of the UA5000 MiniMSAN by configuring the GP1A board on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. Thus, the UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT form a GPON. 26.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the GP1A Board The GP1A board provides one GPON uplink port, one FE/GE auto-sensing electrical port, one 100M electrical port, two 100M optical ports, and four E1 ports. By querying the attributes of the port on the GP1A board, you can learn the type, impedance, auto-sensing mode, rate, working mode, activation status, and current status of each port on the GP1A board. 26.4 Querying the Statistics of the Port on the GP1A Board By querying the statistics of the port on the GP1A board, you can learn the information about each port on the board. This helps you to detect and locate the faults of the port on the GP1A board in time. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 334 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission 26.1 Introduction to the GPON Upstream Transmission GPON is a point-to-multipoint (P2MP) broadband optical transmission system. It can transmit data of any type. Service Description Passive optical network (PON) is a P2MP network, consisting of the optical line terminal (OLT), optical network unit (ONU), and passive optical splitter (POS). GPON is defined in the ITU-T Recommendations G.984.x. It supports downstream rates of 1.2 Gbit/s and 2.4 Gbit/s, and upstream rates of 155 Mbit/s, 622 Mbit/s, 1.2 Gbit/s, and 2.4 Gbit/s. To meet the requirements of the users for the multiple networking modes, the UA5000 MiniMSAN provides the GPON uplink port to form a GPON network with the OLT. The UA5000 MiniMSAN that works as an ONU can use the wide coverage, flexible networking, and low maintenance cost provided by the GPON network. The UA5000 MiniMSAN works with the OLT to provide high-bandwidth access for subscribers. At the same time, it helps increase the density of subscribers at the OLT end. For details about the GPON upstream transmission, see "GPON Upstream Transmission" in "Feature Description". Service Specifications The UA5000 MiniMSAN provides the GPON upstream transmission through the GP1A board. The detailed specifications are as follows: l The UA5000 MiniMSAN supports one GPON uplink port with a downstream rate of 2.488 Gbit/s and an upstream rate of 1.244 Gbit/s. l The UA5000 MiniMSAN supports eight transmission containers (T-CONTs) with 32 GEM ports. l The OLT manages and configures the services on the PON board of the UA5000 MiniMSAN through the optical network termination management and control interface (OMCI). That is, the OLT manages the UA5000 MiniMSAN as an ONT. The OLT does not manage the existing services of the UA5000. 26.2 Configuration Example of the GPON Upstream Transmission This topic describes how to implement the GPON upstream transmission of the UA5000 MiniMSAN by configuring the GP1A board on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. Thus, the UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT form a GPON. Prerequisite l The network devices and the lines must be in the normal state. l When the PVM board adopts the independent upstream transmission mode, the ETH1 port on the PVM board and the FE port on the GP1A board must be connected through a network cable. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 335 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission Networking Figure 26-1 shows the example network of the GPON upstream transmission service. Use the optical fiber to connect the GPON port on the GP1A board in slot 0/3 of the UA5000 MiniMSAN to the optical splitter to set up the connection with the OLT. Figure 26-1 Example network of the GPON upstream transmission service DDN MGC OLT Optical Splitter Optical Splitter GPON UA5000 MiniMSAN_B PBX Phone 0/3 GPON 0/7 I P G P V P 1 MMA AA 3 3 2 2 HABM Shelf GPON UA5000 MiniMSAN_A NT1 Phone ISDN BRA ISDN BRA Phone Phone Phone Phone Data Plan Table 26-1 provides the data plan for configuring the GPON upstream transmission service. NOTE The following table provides only the data plan of the VoIP service. For the data plans of other services such as the P2P ISDN BRA and P2MP ISDN BRA, see 9.2 Configuration Example of a P2P ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol and 9.3 Configuration Example of a P2MP ISDN BRA Service Based on the H.248 Protocol respectively. In the case of the HABM shelf, the GP1A board can be inserted in slot 3. In the case of other high-density shelves, the GP1A board can be inserted in slot 6. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 336 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission Table 26-1 Data plan for configuring the GPON upstream transmission service Category Item Data UA5000 MiniMSAN_A The GP1A board: provides the GPON port to interconnect with the upper-layer OLT Shelf ID/Slot ID: 0/3 MG interface data mgid 0 code text protocol H.248 tranfer UDP port MG: 2944 MGC: 2944 IP Address Telephone number configuration start-negotiate-version 2 The signaling IP address of MG 0 of the UA5000 The media IP address of MG 0 of the UA5000 The default gateway of MG 0 of the UA5000 IP address of the MGC Phone1-Phone32 Shelf ID/Slot ID: 0/7 Telephone number: 12340001-12340032 terminal id 0-31. Terminals 0-31 correspond with telephone numbers 12340001-12340032 ToS strategy IP priority and ToS priority The default system value Voice enhancing function The function of automatic gain adjustment of the PSTN port Supported The value of automatic gain adjustment of the PSTN port 15 (-24 dbm0) The SNS function of the PSTN port Supported The SNS value of the PSTN port 20 (20 db) Context l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) You need to add the GP1A board if the UA5000 MiniMSAN needs the GPON upstream transmission. After the GP1A board is added successfully, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 337 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission implement the GPON upstream transmission through the GPON uplink port on the GP1A board. l When the UA5000 MiniMSAN implements the upstream transmission through the GP1A board, it supports not only the IP services, such as VoIP, FoIP, MoIP, and ISDN, but also the POTS such as V5. l This document describes only the configuration on the UA5000 MiniMSAN. For the configuration on the OLT, see the related guide. For example, if the OLT is the MA5680T of Huawei, see the MA5680T Configuration Guide. l The configurations on the UA5000 MiniMSAN_B and UA5000 MiniMSAN_A are the same. This topic considers the configuration on the UA5000 MiniMSAN_A as an example. l The ONT (that is, the UA5000 MiniMSAN) must register on the OLT before the configuration. Configuration Flowchart Figure 26-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the GPON upstream transmission service. Figure 26-2 Flowchart for configuring the GPON upstream transmission service Start Add a GP1A board Confirm the GP1A board Configure the service Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add a GP1A board. You can add the GP1A board offline on the CLI, and then insert the GP1A board. You can also insert the GP1A board into the shelf, and then add the GP1A board on the CLI. huawei(config)#board add 0/3 h601gp1a Step 2 Confirm the GP1A board. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/3 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 338 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission After the GP1A board is added successfully, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can implement the GPON upstream transmission through the GPON uplink port on the GP1A board. Step 3 Configure the service. NOTE l For the configuration of the ISDN service, see 9 Configuring the VoIP ISDN Service Based on the H.248 Protocol. l For the configurations of the FoIP and MoIP services, see 11 Configuring the FoIP Service and 12 Configuring the MoIP Service. The slot positions for the PVM and service boards on the UA5000 MiniMSAN are different from the slot positions described in the topics for reference. Configure the UA5000 MiniMSAN according to the parameters that are actually used. The following configuration procedure considers configuring the VoIP service as an example. 1. Set the IP address of service network port. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip modify ip_address gateway submask /When the device is configured with the IP address of the service network port, whereas the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway are inconsistent with the requirement of the actual data plan, run this command to modify the configuration./ /If no IP address is added to the current IP address pool of the device, run the ip address command to add the media IP address and signaling IP address to the IP address pool./ huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#ip address huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Eth: IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: 0 MacAddress..........: 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 VlanID .............: 1001 IPAddress ..........: SubMask.............: GateWay.............: MacIndex............: MacAddress..........: VlanID .............: 2. 0 00-E0-FC-44-16-57 -- Configure the QoS IP strategy. huawei(interface-eth)#quit huawei(config)#qos ip strategy none huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos 3. Configure the working mode of the PVM board as alone. In this independent networking mode, the PVM control board provides services independently. huawei(config)#working mode alone 4. Add an A32 service board, and confirm the board. huawei(config)#board add 0/7 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 huawei(config)#display board 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------SlotID BoardName Status Sub0 Sub1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 PWX2 Normal 1 2 H601PVMB Active_normal H602ETCA H602ETCM Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 339 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission 3 H601GP1A Normal 4 5 6 7 A32 Normal 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Configure the attributes of the MG interface. huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944 mg-media-ip1 start-negotiate-version 2 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 0 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 1: ("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transmode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2944 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType IP4_ADDR DeviceName Active MGC MGC Port :2944 MGC IP: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- 6. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Set the H.248 protocol parameter. (Enable the three-way handshake signal function of the H.248 protocol stack.) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 340 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission huawei(config-if-h248-0)#h248stack tr responseackctrl true huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display h248stack tr ------------------------------------------------three way handshake : true longtimer(units: ms) : 30000 MG provisional response timer(units: ms) : 8000 MGC provisional response timer(units: ms): 8000 MG originated pending limit : 5 MGC originated pending limit : 5 retransfailoption : max retransfer times maxretranstimes : 7 retransmode : auto maxretranstimerval(units: ms) : 4000 minretranstimerval(units: ms) : 1000 ------------------------------------------------- 7. Reset the MG interface. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! 8. Query whether the MG interface is normal. huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MGID TransMode State MGPort MGIP MGCPort MGCIP/ DomainName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 UDP Normal 2944 10.10.10. 2 2944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Configure the subscriber telephone numbers. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/7/0 0/7/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/7 -------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port MGID TelNo Priority TID -------------------------------------------------------0 / 7 / 0 0 12340001 Cat3 A0 0 / 7 / 1 0 12340002 Cat3 A1 0 / 7 / 2 0 12340003 Cat3 A2 0 / 7 / 3 0 12340004 Cat3 A3 0 / 7 / 4 0 12340005 Cat3 A4 0 / 7 / 5 0 12340006 Cat3 A5 0 / 7 / 6 0 12340007 Cat3 A6 0 / 7 / 7 0 12340008 Cat3 A7 0 / 7 / 8 0 12340009 Cat3 A8 0 / 7 / 9 0 12340010 Cat3 A9 0 / 7 / 10 0 12340011 Cat3 A10 0 / 7 / 11 0 12340012 Cat3 A11 0 / 7 / 12 0 12340013 Cat3 A12 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 341 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission 0 / 7 / 13 0 12340014 Cat3 A13 0 / 7 / 14 0 12340015 Cat3 A14 0 / 7 / 15 0 12340016 Cat3 A15 0 / 7 / 16 0 12340017 Cat3 A16 0 / 7 / 17 0 12340018 Cat3 A17 0 / 7 / 18 0 12340019 Cat3 A18 0 / 7 / 19 0 12340020 Cat3 A19 0 / 7 / 20 0 12340021 Cat3 A20 0 / 7 / 21 0 12340022 Cat3 A21 0 / 7 / 22 0 12340023 Cat3 A22 0 / 7 / 23 0 12340024 Cat3 A23 0 / 7 / 24 0 12340025 Cat3 A24 0 / 7 / 25 0 12340026 Cat3 A25 0 / 7 / 26 0 12340027 Cat3 A26 0 / 7 / 27 0 12340028 Cat3 A27 0 / 7 / 28 0 12340029 Cat3 A28 0 / 7 / 29 0 12340030 Cat3 A29 0 / 7 / 30 0 12340031 Cat3 A30 0 / 7 / 31 0 12340032 Cat3 A31 -------------------------------------------------------Command processing completed. 32 port(s) are configured MG PSTN user data 10. Enable the voice enhancing function. huawei(config-esl-user)#pstnport vqe batset 0/7/0 0/7/31 agc enable agc-Level 15 sns enable sns-Level 20 Command processing completed. 32 user data modified successfully huawei(config-esl-user)#display pstnport vqe 0/7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port AGC enable AGC value (dbm0) SNS enable SNS value(db) ------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 7 / 0 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 1 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 2 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 3 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 4 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 5 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 6 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 7 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 8 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 9 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 10 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 11 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 12 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 13 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 14 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 15 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 16 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 17 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 18 enable 15 enable 20 0 / 7 / 19 enable 15 enable 20 ---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ---huawei(config-esl-user)#quit Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, the UA5000 MiniMSAN can perform the following functions: l The UA5000 MiniMSAN and OLT can transmit data in the GPON mode. l The subscribers configured on the service boards of the UA5000 MiniMSAN can call each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 342 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission 26.3 Querying the Attributes of the Ports on the GP1A Board The GP1A board provides one GPON uplink port, one FE/GE auto-sensing electrical port, one 100M electrical port, two 100M optical ports, and four E1 ports. By querying the attributes of the port on the GP1A board, you can learn the type, impedance, auto-sensing mode, rate, working mode, activation status, and current status of each port on the GP1A board. Context When you query the attributes of the port on the GP1A board, the system displays "-" for the item that the port does not support. l The PON port does not support the port impedance, MDI, port rate, and port mode. The system displays "-" for these items. l The 100M electrical port does not support the port impedance. The system displays "-"for this item. l The GE/FE auto-sensing electrical port and 100M optical port does not support the port impedance and MDI. The system displays "-" for the two items. l The E1 port does not support the MDI, port rate, and port mode. The system displays "-" for these items. Table 26-2 lists the port types corresponding to the IDs of the ports on the GP1A board. Table 26-2 Port types corresponding to IDs of the ports on the GP1A board Port Description Port ID PON port 0 GE/FE auto-sensing electrical port 1 100M electrical port 2 100M optical port 3-4 E1 port 5-8 Precaution The GP1A board supports nine ports. When you query the attributes of the port on the GP1A board, the system displays an error, if you enter a logical number greater than 8. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface gpon command to enter the GPON mode. Step 2 Run the display port state command to query the attributes of the port on the GP1A board. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 343 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission Example To query the port attributes of the GP1A board on the UA5000 MiniMSAN, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/3 huawei(config-if-gpon-0/3)#display port state all ----------------------------------------------------------------------Port PortType Impedance MDI Speed(Mbps) Duplex Active Link ----------------------------------------------------------------------0 GPON ACTIVE UP 1 GE AUTO HALF ACTIVE UP 2 FE ELC AUTO AUTO HALF ACTIVE UP 3 FE OPT 100 FULL ACTIVE UP 4 FE OPT 100 FULL ACTIVE UP 5 E1 75 ACTIVE UP 6 E1 75 ACTIVE UP 7 E1 75 ACTIVE UP 8 E1 75 ACTIVE UP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26.4 Querying the Statistics of the Port on the GP1A Board By querying the statistics of the port on the GP1A board, you can learn the information about each port on the board. This helps you to detect and locate the faults of the port on the GP1A board in time. Context The GP1A board supports nine ports. They are one GPON uplink port, one FE/GE auto-sensing electrical port, one 100M electrical port, two 100M optical ports, and four E1 ports. If the result of the queried statistical item is 0x0, it indicates that the port does not receive frames of this type, or the port does not carry any traffic currently. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface gpon command to enter the GPON mode. Step 2 Run the display port statistic command to query the statistics of the GPON port. ----End Example To query the statistics of the E1 port group on the GP1A board of the UA5000 MiniMSAN, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/3 huawei(config-if-gpon-0/3)#display port statistic e1port-group port5: Number of GEM frames of E1 port =0x0 Number of E1 channels from TGMAC =0x0 Number of E1 channels to TGMAC =0xb278 port6: Number of GEM frames of E1 port =0x0 Number of E1 channels from TGMAC =0x0 Number of E1 channels to TGMAC =0xdf7a port7: Number of GEM frames of E1 port =0x0 Number of E1 channels from TGMAC =0x0 Number of E1 channels to TGMAC =0x117d Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 344 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 26 Configuring the GPON Upstream Transmission port8: Number of GEM frames of E1 port Number of E1 channels from TGMAC Number of E1 channels to TGMAC =0x0 =0x0 =0xab7f To query the statistics of the Ethernet port group on the GP1A board of the UA5000 MiniMSAN, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/3 huawei(config-if-gpon-0/3)#display port statistic ethport-group port0: Number of transmitted frames of PON port =0x0 Number of received frames of PON port =0x0 Number of discard frames of PON port in send direction =0x0 port1: Number of transmitted frames of UNI port =0x0 Number of received frames of UNI port =0x0 Number of discard frames of UNI port in send direction =0x0 port2: Number of transmitted frames of FE port =0x0 Number of received frames of FE port =0x0 Number of discard frames of FE port in send direction =0x0 port3: Number of transmitted frames of FE optics port =0x0 Number of received frames of FE optics port =0x0 Number of discard frames of FE optics port in send direction =0x0 port4: Number of transmitted frames of FE optics port =0x0 Number of received frames of FE optics port =0x0 Number of discard frames of FE optics port in send direction =0x0 Related Operation Table 26-3 lists the related operation for querying the statistics of the port on the GP1A board. Table 26-3 Related operation for querying the statistics of the port on the GP1A board Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Clear the statistics of the port on the GP1A board reset port statistic Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 345 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Configuring the Remote Subtending About This Chapter Configuring the remote subtending includes the description of the remote subtending networking and the process for configuring the remote subtending through different boards on the UA5000. 27.1 Introduction to Remote Cascading The remote cascading facilitates the flexible networking of the UA5000, and the capacity expansion of the UA5000. 27.2 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded RSU Subrack In this example, the UA5000 is cascaded with the remote RSU using the EDTB board. The cascading topology using E1 lines increases the service transmission distance and expands the capacity for access users. 27.3 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded PV8 Subrack In this example, the UA5000 is cascaded with the remote PV8 subrack using the EDTB board and the remote PV8 subrack is cascaded with an RSP. This cascading topology increases the service transmission distance and expands the capacity for access users. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 346 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending 27.1 Introduction to Remote Cascading The remote cascading facilitates the flexible networking of the UA5000, and the capacity expansion of the UA5000. Service Description The UA5000 supports two cascading modes, namely, RSU cascading and PV8+RSP cascading. RSU cascading: In the local office, the UA5000 enables users to cascade remote subracks through the E1 ports on the PVMB or PVMD board, or through the E1 ports on the EDTB board, expanding the capacity of the UA5000. The remote subrack uses the RSU4 or RSU8 board as the control board. The local office and the remote office are connected using E1 lines over the multi-service transport platform (MSTP) or synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH). PV8+RSP cascading: In the local office, the UA5000 enables users to cascade remote PV8 subracks through the E1 ports on the PVMD or EDTB board, and the remote PV8 subracks can be cascaded with RSP subracks, expanding the capacity of the UA5000. The local office and the remote office are connected using the E1 lines over the MSTP or SDH. NOTE The PV8 subrack supports both PV8 and PV4 main control board. 27.2 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded RSU Subrack In this example, the UA5000 is cascaded with the remote RSU using the EDTB board. The cascading topology using E1 lines increases the service transmission distance and expands the capacity for access users. Prerequisite l Data has been correctly configured on the media gateway controller (MGC). l E1 lines have been connected properly. l The media gateway (MG) interface has been configured. For details about how to configure an MG interface, see 5 Configuring the MG Interface. l The RSU subrack has been configured with RSU and A32 boards. Context EDTB boards can be installed in slots 6-17 in the HABA or HABD subrack, slots 12-17 in the HABC subrack, or slots 6-11 in the HABL subrack. Each subrack can be configured with a maximum of six EDTB boards in six consecutive slots. Networking Figure 27-1 shows an E1-based cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 347 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Figure 27-1 E1-based cascading network MGC H.248 E1 SDH LAN Switch FE/GE E1 P P E E UA5000 A A V V D D 3 3 M MT T 2 2 B B B B E1 MSTP E1 E1 R R S S U U 8 8 A A A A 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 Phone 1 Phone 128 Data Plan Table 27-1 provides the data plan for configuring an E1-based cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 348 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Table 27-1 Data plan for configuring an E1-based cascading network Category Item Data IP address IP address/Subnet mask of MG 0 on the UA5000 IP address/Subnet mask of the default gateway for MG 0 on the UA5000 IP address/Subnet mask of the MGC MG ID 0 Code text Protocol UDP MG port ID 2944 MGC port ID 2944 Terminal layering function The terminal layering function is not supported. The terminal ID ranges from 0 to 127. Phone 1-Phone 128 Subrack ID/Slot ID/Port ID: 1/9/0-1/12/31 Parameters of an MG interface Phone number allocation Phone number: 12340001-12340128 EDTB board Subrack ID/Slot ID 0/6 and 0/7 Remote RSU subrack Subrack ID 1 Subrack type RSU_HAFS_30(HABD) RSU board Subrack ID/Slot ID 1/4 and 1/5 Context l Ensure that the parameters of the MG interface are the same as those configured on the MGC. l The EDTB board is working in independent mode (the default working mode in the system). Configuration Flowchart Figure 27-2 shows the flowchart for configuring a cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 349 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Figure 27-2 Flowchart for configuring a cascading network Start Add EDTB boards Confirm the EDTB boards Add remote service shelf Add inter-shelf links Add subscribers to slave service shelf End Procedure Step 1 Add EDTB boards. huawei(config)#board batadd 0/6 0/7 h601EDTB Step 2 Confirm the EDTB boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/6 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 Step 3 Add a remote subrack. huawei(config-if-edt-0/7)#quit huawei(config)#frame add 1 FrameType: 0 : MAIN_HABM_30(HABA) 2 : MAIN_HAFM_6(HABL) 4 : MAIN_H601HABC(HABC) 6 : MAIN_H601HABM(HABM) 8 : SLAVE_HABS_32(HABB) 10 : SLAVE_HAFS_30(HABD) 12 : SLAVE_H602HABE(HABE) 14 : RSU_HABS_30(HABA) 16 : RSU_HAFS_6(HABL) 18 : RSUG_ONU04A 20 : PV8_HUBT(HUBT) 22 : PV8_15(HDB) Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 : : : : : : : : : : : : MAIN_HAFM_30(HABD) MAIN_H602HABD(HABD) MAIN_H601HABO(HABO) SLAVE_HAFS_32(HABE) SLAVE_HABS_30(HABA) SLAVE_H602HABD(HABD) RSU_HAFS_30(HABD) RSU_HAFS_12(HABC) RSUG_ONU60A(HUBO) RSUG_ONU08A PV8_19(HCB) PV8_14(HIB) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 350 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending 24 : PV8_12(HFB) 26 : PV8_6A(HMB) 28 : UAM_V (HUBM) 30 : UAFM_V(HUBE) 32 : UAMB_V(HUBB) 34 : ONUF01D100_V(HUBL) 36 : RSP_19(HCB) 38 : RSP_14(HIB) 40 : RSP_10(HGB) 42 : RSP_6B(HLB) 44 : UAS_R (HUBS) 46 : UAFS_R(HUBF) 48 : ONU60A_R(HUBO) 50 : VRSP_12(HABA) 52 : HWTA(HIB_1) 54 : HWTA(HIB_3) Please select frame type (0 ~ 54):13 Frame add successfully 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : PV8_10(HGB) PV8_6B(HLB) UAS_V (HUBS) UAFS_V(HUBF) ONU60A_V(HUBO) ONUF10DV100_V(HUBN) RSP_15(HDB) RSP_12(HFB) RSP_6A(HMB) UAM_R (HUBM) UAFM_R(HUBE) UAMB_R(HUBB) ONUF01D100_R(HUBL) VRSP_18(HABA) HWTA(HIB_2) Step 4 Configure the links between subracks. huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start 0/6/0 end 1/4/0 0/6/1 end 1/4/1 0/6/2 end 1/4/2 0/6/3 end 1/4/3 0/6/4 end 1/4/4 0/6/5 end 1/4/5 0/6/6 end 1/4/6 0/6/7 end 1/4/7 0/6/8 end 1/5/0 0/6/9 end 1/5/1 0/6/10 end 1/5/2 0/6/11 end 1/5/3 0/6/12 end 1/5/4 0/6/13 end 1/5/5 0/6/14 end 1/5/6 0/6/15 end 1/5/7 Step 5 Query the links between subracks. huawei(config)#display frame link -------------------------------------------------------Record UpBoardName Frame/Slot/Port DownBoardName Frame/Slot/Port -------------------------------------------------------1 H601EDTB 0 /6/0 RSU8 1 /4 /0 2 H601EDTB 0 /6/1 RSU8 1 /4 /1 3 H601EDTB 0 /6/2 RSU8 1 /4 /2 4 H601EDTB 0 /6/3 RSU8 1 /4 /3 5 H601EDTB 0 /6/4 RSU8 1 /4 /4 6 H601EDTB 0 /6/5 RSU8 1 /4 /5 7 H601EDTB 0 /6/6 RSU8 1 /4 /6 8 H601EDTB 0 /6/7 RSU8 1 /4 /7 9 H601EDTB 0 /6/8 RSU8 1 /5 /0 10 H601EDTB 0 /6/9 RSU8 1 /5 /1 11 H601EDTB 0 /6/10 RSU8 1 /5 /2 12 H601EDTB 0 /6/11 RSU8 1 /5 /3 13 H601EDTB 0 /6/12 RSU8 1 /5 /4 14 H601EDTB 0 /6/13 RSU8 1 /5 /5 15 H601EDTB 0 /6/14 RSU8 1 /5 /6 16 H601EDTB 0 /6/15 RSU8 1 /5 /7 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 6 Query the status of the ports on the boards cascaded between subracks. huawei(config)#display port state 0/6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port PortType PortState ServiceType SvcState -------------------------------------------------------------------------0 / 6 / 0 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 1 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 2 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 3 E1 Normal RSU - Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 351 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending 0 / 6 / 4 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 5 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 6 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 7 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 8 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 9 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 10 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 11 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 12 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 13 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 14 E1 Normal RSU 0 / 6 / 15 E1 Normal RSU -------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#display port state 1/4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port PortType PortState ServiceType SvcState -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 / 4 / 0 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 1 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 2 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 3 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 4 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 5 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 6 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 4 / 7 E1 Normal RSU -------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config)#display port state 1/5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Frame/Slot/Port PortType PortState ServiceType SvcState -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 / 5 / 0 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 1 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 2 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 3 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 4 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 5 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 6 E1 Normal RSU 1 / 5 / 7 E1 Normal RSU -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 7 Add and confirm service boards in the slave subrack. huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board batadd 0/9 0/12 a32 confirm 0/9 confirm 0/10 confirm 0/11 confirm 0/12 Step 8 Add remote users. huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 1/9/0 1/12/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 ----End Result Users with phone numbers 12340001-12340128 can communicate with each other normally. 27.3 Configuration Example of a Remote Cascaded PV8 Subrack In this example, the UA5000 is cascaded with the remote PV8 subrack using the EDTB board and the remote PV8 subrack is cascaded with an RSP. This cascading topology increases the service transmission distance and expands the capacity for access users. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 352 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Prerequisite l Data has been correctly configured on the media gateway controller (MGC). l E1 lines have been connected properly. l The media gateway (MG) interface has been configured. For details about how to configure an MG interface, see 5 Configuring the MG Interface. l The PV8 subrack has been configured with PV8/PV4 and A32 boards and the RSP subrack has been configured with RSP and A32 boards. Context EDTB boards can be installed in slots 6-17 in the HABA or HABD subrack, slots 12-17 in the HABC subrack, or slots 6-11 in the HABL subrack. Each subrack can be configured with a maximum of six EDTB boards in six consecutive slots. Networking Figure 27-3 shows an E1-based cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 353 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Figure 27-3 E1-based cascading network H.248 MGC E1 LAN Switch SDH FE/GE E1 UA5000 P P E E A A V V D D 3 3 M MT T 2 2 D D B B E1 MSTP E1 E1 P P V V 8 8 HW R R A A A A S S 3 3 3 3 P P 2 2 2 2 Phone 1 Phone 128 Data Plan Table 27-2 provides the data plan for configuring an E1-based cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 354 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Table 27-2 Data plan for configuring an E1-based cascading network Category Item Data IP address IP address/Subnet mask of MG 0 on the UA5000 IP address/Subnet mask of the default gateway for MG 0 on the UA5000 IP address/Subnet mask of the MGC MG ID 0 Code text Protocol UDP MG port ID 2944 MGC port ID 2944 Terminal layering function The terminal layering function is not supported. The terminal ID ranges from 0 to 127. Phone 1-Phone 128 Subrack ID/Slot ID/Port ID: 1/11/0-1/14/31 Parameters of an MG interface Phone number allocation Phone number: 12340001-12340128 EDTB board Subrack ID/Slot ID 0/6 and 0/7 Remote PV8 subrack Subrack ID 1 Subrack type PV8_10(HGB) PV8 board Subrack ID/Slot ID 1/9 and 1/10 Remote RSP subrack Subrack ID 2 Subrack type RSP_14(HIB) RSP board Subrack ID/Slot ID 2/9 and 2/10 Context l Ensure that the parameters of the MG interface are the same as those configured on the MGC. l The EDTB board is working in independent mode (the default working mode in the system). Configuration Flowchart Figure 27-4 shows the flowchart for configuring a cascading network. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 355 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending Figure 27-4 Flowchart for configuring a cascading network Start Add EDTB boards Confirm the EDTB boards Add the PV8 subrack Add inter-rack links Add the RSP subrack Add inter-rack links Add inter-rack connects Add subcribers to slave service subrack End Procedure Step 1 Add EDTB boards. huawei(config)#board batadd 0/6 0/7 h601EDTB Step 2 Confirm the EDTB boards. huawei(config)#board confirm 0/6 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/7 Step 3 Add a PV8 subrack. huawei(config)#frame add 1 FrameType: 0 : MAIN_HABM_30(HABA) 2 : MAIN_HAFM_6(HABL) 4 : MAIN_H601HABC(HABC) Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 1 : MAIN_HAFM_30(HABD) 3 : MAIN_H602HABD(HABD) 5 : MAIN_H601HABO(HABO) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 356 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending 6 : MAIN_H601HABM(HABM) 8 : SLAVE_HABS_32(HABB) 10 : SLAVE_HAFS_30(HABD) 12 : SLAVE_H602HABE(HABE) 14 : RSU_HABS_30(HABA) 16 : RSU_HAFS_6(HABL) 18 : RSUG_ONU04A 20 : PV8_HUBT(HUBT) 22 : PV8_15(HDB) 24 : PV8_12(HFB) 26 : PV8_6A(HMB) 28 : UAM_V (HUBM) 30 : UAFM_V(HUBE) 32 : UAMB_V(HUBB) 34 : ONUF01D100_V(HUBL) 36 : RSP_19(HCB) 38 : RSP_14(HIB) 40 : RSP_10(HGB) 42 : RSP_6B(HLB) 44 : UAS_R (HUBS) 46 : UAFS_R(HUBF) 48 : ONU60A_R(HUBO) 50 : VRSP_12(HABA) 52 : HWTA(HIB_1) 54 : HWTA(HIB_3) Please select frame type (0 ~ 54):25 Frame add successfully 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SLAVE_HAFS_32(HABE) SLAVE_HABS_30(HABA) SLAVE_H602HABD(HABD) RSU_HAFS_30(HABD) RSU_HAFS_12(HABC) RSUG_ONU60A(HUBO) RSUG_ONU08A PV8_19(HCB) PV8_14(HIB) PV8_10(HGB) PV8_6B(HLB) UAS_V (HUBS) UAFS_V(HUBF) ONU60A_V(HUBO) ONUF10DV100_V(HUBN) RSP_15(HDB) RSP_12(HFB) RSP_6A(HMB) UAM_R (HUBM) UAFM_R(HUBE) UAMB_R(HUBB) ONUF01D100_R(HUBL) VRSP_18(HABA) HWTA(HIB_2) Step 4 Configure the links between the master subrack and the PV8 slave subrack. huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start 0/6/0 end 1/9/0 0/6/1 end 1/9/1 0/6/2 end 1/9/2 0/6/3 end 1/9/3 0/6/4 end 1/9/4 0/6/5 end 1/9/5 0/6/6 end 1/9/6 0/6/7 end 1/9/7 0/6/8 end 1/10/0 0/6/9 end 1/10/1 0/6/10 end 1/10/2 0/6/11 end 1/10/3 0/6/12 end 1/10/4 0/6/13 end 1/10/5 0/6/14 end 1/10/6 0/6/15 end 1/10/7 Step 5 Add an RSP subrack. huawei(config)#frame add 2 FrameType: 0 : MAIN_HABM_30(HABA) 2 : MAIN_HAFM_6(HABL) 4 : MAIN_H601HABC(HABC) 6 : MAIN_H601HABM(HABM) 8 : SLAVE_HABS_32(HABB) 10 : SLAVE_HAFS_30(HABD) 12 : SLAVE_H602HABE(HABE) 14 : RSU_HABS_30(HABA) 16 : RSU_HAFS_6(HABL) 18 : RSUG_ONU04A 20 : PV8_HUBT(HUBT) 22 : PV8_15(HDB) 24 : PV8_12(HFB) 26 : PV8_6A(HMB) 28 : UAM_V (HUBM) 30 : UAFM_V(HUBE) 32 : UAMB_V(HUBB) 34 : ONUF01D100_V(HUBL) 36 : RSP_19(HCB) Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : MAIN_HAFM_30(HABD) MAIN_H602HABD(HABD) MAIN_H601HABO(HABO) SLAVE_HAFS_32(HABE) SLAVE_HABS_30(HABA) SLAVE_H602HABD(HABD) RSU_HAFS_30(HABD) RSU_HAFS_12(HABC) RSUG_ONU60A(HUBO) RSUG_ONU08A PV8_19(HCB) PV8_14(HIB) PV8_10(HGB) PV8_6B(HLB) UAS_V (HUBS) UAFS_V(HUBF) ONU60A_V(HUBO) ONUF10DV100_V(HUBN) RSP_15(HDB) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 357 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending 38 : RSP_14(HIB) 40 : RSP_10(HGB) 42 : RSP_6B(HLB) 44 : UAS_R (HUBS) 46 : UAFS_R(HUBF) 48 : ONU60A_R(HUBO) 50 : VRSP_12(HABA) 52 : HWTA(HIB_1) 54 : HWTA(HIB_3) Please select frame type (0 ~ 54):38 Frame add successfully 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 : : : : : : : : RSP_12(HFB) RSP_6A(HMB) UAM_R (HUBM) UAFM_R(HUBE) UAMB_R(HUBB) ONUF01D100_R(HUBL) VRSP_18(HABA) HWTA(HIB_2) Step 6 Configure the links between the PV8 subrack and the RSP subrack. huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame huawei(config)#frame link link link link link link link link start start start start start start start start 1/9/16 1/9/17 1/9/18 1/9/19 1/9/20 1/9/21 1/9/22 1/9/23 end end end end end end end end 2/9/0 2/9/1 2/9/2 2/9/3 2/9/4 2/9/5 2/9/6 2/9/7 Step 7 Verify that the links between subracks are functioning properly. huawei(config)#display frame link ---------------------------------------------------------------------Record UpBoardName Frame/Slot/Port DownBoardName Frame/Slot/Port ---------------------------------------------------------------------0 H601EDTB 0 /6 /0 PV8 1 /9 /0 1 H601EDTB 0 /6 /1 PV8 1 /9 /1 2 H601EDTB 0 /6 /2 PV8 1 /9 /2 3 H601EDTB 0 /6 /3 PV8 1 /9 /3 4 H601EDTB 0 /6 /4 PV8 1 /9 /4 5 H601EDTB 0 /6 /5 PV8 1 /9 /5 6 H601EDTB 0 /6 /6 PV8 1 /9 /6 7 H601EDTB 0 /6 /7 PV8 1 /9 /7 8 H601EDTB 0 /6 /8 PV8 1 /10/0 9 H601EDTB 0 /6 /9 PV8 1 /10/1 10 H601EDTB 0 /6 /10 PV8 1 /10/2 11 H601EDTB 0 /6 /11 PV8 1 /10/3 12 H601EDTB 0 /6 /12 PV8 1 /10/4 13 H601EDTB 0 /6 /13 PV8 1 /10/5 14 H601EDTB 0 /6 /14 PV8 1 /10/6 15 H601EDTB 0 /6 /15 PV8 1 /10/7 16 PV8 1 /9 /16 RSP 2 /9 /0 17 PV8 1 /9 /17 RSP 2 /9 /1 18 PV8 1 /9 /18 RSP 2 /9 /2 19 PV8 1 /9 /19 RSP 2 /9 /3 20 PV8 1 /9 /20 RSP 2 /9 /4 21 PV8 1 /9 /21 RSP 2 /9 /5 22 PV8 1 /9 /22 RSP 2 /9 /6 23 PV8 1 /9 /23 RSP 2 /9 /7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 8 Connect subracks. huawei(config)#frame connect 0 1 huawei(config)#frame connect 1 2 Step 9 Add and confirm service boards in the slave subrack. huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board huawei(config)#board batadd 2/11 2/14 a32 confirm 2/11 confirm 2/12 confirm 2/13 confirm 2/14 Step 10 Add remote users. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 358 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 27 Configuring the Remote Subtending huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 2/11/0 2/14/31 0 terminalid 0 telno 12340001 ----End Result Users with phone numbers 12340001-12340128 can communicate with each other normally and also with other users on the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 359 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 28 28 Configuring the QoS of the Voice Service Configuring the QoS of the Voice Service About This Chapter Configuring the QoS of the voice service includes the application of the QoS technology and the process for configuring the QoS test of the voice service on the UA5000. 28.1 Introduction to the Voice Service QoS The quality of service (QoS) provides subscriber services with end-to-end quality assurance by a set of measurement indexes, such as service availability, throughput, time delay, jitter, and loss rate. 28.2 Configuration Example of the QoS Test Task This topic describes how to start a passive QoS test task on the UA5000 to monitor the actual service. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 360 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 28 Configuring the QoS of the Voice Service 28.1 Introduction to the Voice Service QoS The quality of service (QoS) provides subscriber services with end-to-end quality assurance by a set of measurement indexes, such as service availability, throughput, time delay, jitter, and loss rate. Service Description The UA5000 provides the function of the QoS test. The UA5000 can work with the EMS to test the quality of the IP network, or start the QoS test by itself. The UA5000 can add an 802.1Q/ 802.1p or a type of service (ToS) label to the upstream packet. The upper layer device in the IP network can take proper measures according to the label to ensure the QoS of the voice service. l Passive QoS test: After receiving the test command from the EMS or the host, the UA5000 collects all QoS messages of appropriate sessions. The messages are reported to the EMS through a test port at the scheduled time. l The differences between the active and passive tests are as follows: – In the active test, the call is set up automatically and the QoS information is recorded. – In the passive test, the QoS information is recorded only when there are calls that meet the requirements. l In the QoS passive test, the UA5000 command line and the EMS are independent of each other. The EMS can start the test task without running the UA5000 command line. The UA5000 command line can, however, forcibly stop the test task started by the EMS. Service Specifications l The UA5000 supports the active and passive QoS tests. l The UA5000 supports a maximum of 16 passive QoS tests concurrently. 28.2 Configuration Example of the QoS Test Task This topic describes how to start a passive QoS test task on the UA5000 to monitor the actual service. Prerequisite Before a QoS test is started, the following parameters must be set: l IP address of the peer device used in the test l Start time of the test l Interval for reporting the test result to the EMS Data Plan Table 28-1 provides the data plan for starting a QoS test at the local end. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 361 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 28 Configuring the QoS of the Voice Service Table 28-1 Data plan for starting a QoS test at the local end Item Data Loop delay 200 ms Jitter 20 ms Packet loss ratio 1% IP address of the peer device Index of the task 1 Context To start a QoS test task on the UA5000, run the qos-rtptest command. The test result is not reported to the EMS. Procedure Step 1 Set the QoS alarm threshold parameters. huawei(config)#qos threshold loopdelay 200 jitter 20 packetlost 1 Step 2 Start the QoS test task on the UA5000. huawei(config)#qos-rtptest 1 ----End Result The QoS test task for is started. When the QoS parameters exceed the thresholds, the QoS alarms are generated. To verify the configuration of the QoS test task, do as follows: huawei(config)#display qos-rtptest all Task Index : 1 Task Execution Time (sec) : 0 Peer Address : Duration (sec) :3600 Tick (sec) : 60 TaskMode : COMMAND InPkts : 0 OutPkts : 0 InOctets : 0 OutOctets : 0 InDropPkts : 0 MaxDropRate (percent) : 0, Port :-/-/MinDropRate (percent) : 0, Port :-/-/MaxJitter (millisec) : 0, Port :-/-/MinJitter (millisec) : 0, Port :-/-/MaxLoopDelay (millisec) : 0, Port :-/-/MinLoopDelay (millisec) : 0, Port :-/-/- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 362 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service Configuring the Security of the Voice Service About This Chapter Configuring the security of the voice service includes the registration process of the device and the configuration process of the UA5000 device authentication. 29.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Security To prevent illegal MGs from registering with the MGC, the UA5000 supports the registration of the MG with the MGC in the authentication mode on the MG interface through the H.248 protocol, MGCP protocol, or SIP protocol. If the SIP protocol is used, the MGC is the proxy server. 29.2 Configuring the Device Authentication This topic describes how to configure the authentication parameters of the MG interface on the UA5000 to implement the device authentication function when the H.248 or HGCP protocol is used. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 363 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service 29.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Security To prevent illegal MGs from registering with the MGC, the UA5000 supports the registration of the MG with the MGC in the authentication mode on the MG interface through the H.248 protocol, MGCP protocol, or SIP protocol. If the SIP protocol is used, the MGC is the proxy server. Service Description The purpose of authentication is to verify the validity of users and networks. The same authentication algorithm is used on the MG and the MGC separately. Then, the calculation results on the MG and the MGC are compared on either side. If the calculation results are the same, it indicates that the authentication is successful. If the calculation results are different, it indicates that the authentication fails. 29.2 Configuring the Device Authentication This topic describes how to configure the authentication parameters of the MG interface on the UA5000 to implement the device authentication function when the H.248 or HGCP protocol is used. 29.2.1 Configuring the Device Authentication (the H.248 Protocol) When the H.248 protocol is used, you can configure the UA5000 device authentication by configuring the registration mode of the MG interface, the MG interface to support the device authentication, authentication initial key, and authentication gateway ID of the MG interface. Prerequisite l The MG interface must be added successfully. l The encryption type, initial key, and DH authentication MG ID must be configured on the MGC. The parameters configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the parameters configured on the MGC. Context When the MGC is the SoftX3000 of Huawei, the authentication MG ID must be a string with more than eight digits, and the initial key must be a string with more than eight and less than 16 digits. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the display mg-software parameter 4 command to query the registration mode used by the MG interface. l To register all the subscribers under the MG interface, use the wildcard registration mode. l To register a single subscriber under the MG interface, use the single endpoint registration mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 364 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service Step 3 If the query result is different from the planned registration mode, run the mg-software parameter 4 command to set the registration mode of the MG interface. If the query result is the same as the planned registration mode, proceed to Step 4. Step 4 Run the mg-software parameter 6 0 command to set the MG interface to support the device authentication. Step 5 Run the auth command to set the authentication MG ID and initial key. Step 6 Run the display auth command to query the device authentication parameters. Step 7 Run the reset command to reset the MG interface. ----End Example The following example describes how to configure the authentication for the UA5000. Table 29-1 provides the data plan for configuring the device authentication parameters. Table 29-1 Data plan for configuring the device authentication parameters (through the H.248 protocol) Item Data Item Data MG interface ID 0 Whether to use the wildcard for registration Yes Authentication MG ID UA5000 Initial key 0123456789ABCDE F huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display mg-software parameter 4 ------------------------------------------------Interface Id:0 para index:4 value:0 ------------------------------------------------APPENDIX: ------------------------------------------------Interface software parameter name: 4: Whether MG register to MGC with wildcard 0: Yes 1: No huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-software parameter 6 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#auth auth_mgid ua5000 initial_key 0123456789ABCDEF huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display auth [AUTH_PARA config] Initial Key : 0123456789ABCDEF Auth MGid : UA5000 Algorithm : MD5 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 365 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service 29.2.2 Configuring the Device Authentication (the MGCP Protocol) When the MGCP protocol is used, you can configure the UA5000 device authentication by configuring the registration mode of the MG interface, authentication initial key, and authentication gateway ID of the MG interface. Prerequisite l The MG interface must be added successfully. l The encryption type, initial key, and DH authentication MG ID must be configured on the MGC. The parameters configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the parameters configured on the MGC. l When the MGC is the SoftX3000 of Huawei, the authentication MG ID must be a string with more than eight digits, and the initial key must be a string with more than eight and less than 16 digits. l In the case of single endpoint registration, the UA5000 supports only the passive authentication mode and does not support the active authentication mode. l Active authentication mode Context Procedure NOTE When the UA5000 uses the MGCP protocol and the MGC need not authenticate the subscribers of the UA5000, select the passive authentication mode. l 1. In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. Run the mg-software parameter 4 0 command to select the wildcard registration mode. 3. Run the auth command to set the active authentication mode, and set the authentication MG ID and initial key. 4. Run the display auth command to query the device authentication parameters. 5. Run the reset command to reset the MG interface. Passive authentication mode 1. In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. 2. To register all the subscribers under the MG interface, run the mg-software parameter 4 0 command to select the wildcard registration mode. To register a single subscriber, proceed to Step 3. 3. Run the auth command to set the passive authentication mode, and set the authentication key. 4. Run the display auth command to query the device authentication parameters. 5. Run the reset command to reset the MG interface. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 366 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service Example The following example describes how to configure the active authentication mode for the UA5000. Table 29-2 provides the data plan for configuring the active authentication mode. Table 29-2 Data plan for configuring the active authentication mode (through the MGCP protocol) Item Data Item Data MG interface ID 0 Whether to use the wildcard for registration Yes Authentication MG ID UA5000 Initial key 0123456789ABCDEF huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#mg-software parameter 4 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#auth mode2 auth_mgid UA5000 initial_key 0123456789ABCDEF huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display auth active request authentication mode config: Initial Key : 123456789ABCDEF Auth MGid : UA5000 Algorithm : MD5 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#reset Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! The following example describes how to configure the passive authentication mode for theUA5000. Table 29-3 provides the data plan for configuring the passive authentication mode. Table 29-3 Data plan for configuring the passive authentication mode (through the MGCP protocol) Item Data Item Data MG interface ID 0 Whether to use the wildcard for registration Yes Initial key 0123456789ABCDEF - - huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#mg-software parameter 4 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#auth mode1 key 0123456789ABCDEF huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#display auth passive respond authentication mode config: Auth Key : 123456789ABCDEF Algorithm : MD5 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#reset Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)# Reset MG interface 0 success! Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 367 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service 29.2.3 Configuring Device Authentication (SIP Protocol) When the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used, the voice service of the UA5000 supports the authentication for a SIP interface, SIP user group, and single user in user name+password or user name+HA1 mode. Prerequisite l A SIP interface has been added successfully. l The authentication information has been configured on the proxy server. Ensure that the parameters of the MG interface are the same as those configured on the UA5000. l Perform the authentication for a SIP interface. Procedure l l 1. In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP mode. 2. Run the sip-auth-parameter command to configure the security authentication information. 3. Run the display sip auth command to query the security authentication information. 4. Run the reset command to reset the MG interface. Perform the authentication for a SIP user group. 1. In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter SIP mode. 2. Run the sipusergroup auth set command to configure the security authentication information. 3. Run the display sipusergroup command to query the security authentication information. Perform the authentication for a single user. 1. In global config mode, run the esl user command to enter extend signaling link (ESL) user mode. 2. According to the service type, run the sippstnuser servicedata set command or the sipbrauser auth set command or the sipprauser auth set command to configure the security authentication information. 3. Run the display sippstnuser servicedata command or the display sipbrauser authinfo command or the display sipprauser authinfo command to query the security authentication information. ----End Example Assume that the security authentication mode is password, user name is huawei, and password is 123456789. To configure such authentication information for SIP interface 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#sip-auth-parameter auth-mode interface password-mode password User Name(<=64 chars, "-" indicates deletion):huawei User Password(<=64 chars, "-" indicates deletion): **Input password here/ The configuration will take effect after resetting the interface huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Are you sure to reset SIP interface?(y/n)[n]:y Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. / 368 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 29 Configuring the Security of the Voice Service huawei(config-if-sip-0)# Resetting SIP interface 0 succeeded huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display sip-auth running -----------------------------------------------------------MGID 0 Auth Mode interface Password-mode password Auth-username huawei Auth-password ****** ------------------------------------------------------------ Assume that the security authentication mode is password, user name is huawei, and password is huawei123. To configure such authentication information for SIP user group 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#sipusergroup auth set 0 password-mode password Enter the user name (<=64 characters; "-" indicates deletion):huawei Enter the user password (<=64 characters; "-" indicates deletion): **Input password here/ huawei(config-if-sip-0)#display sipusergroup 0 -----------------------------------------------------------UsergroupID : 0 Usergroup-name : xian URI : 9 Register-uri-mode : Alone Precinctmode : Remote Subscribe-ua-profile-flag : Disable State : RBlock Password-mode : Password Auth-username : huawei Auth-password : ****** ------------------------------------------------------------ / Assume that the user name is huawei and password is huawei123. To configure such authentication information for a public switched telephone network (PSTN) user under port 0/9/0, do as follows: huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser servicedata set 0/9/0 auth-username huawei auth-password huawei123 huawei(config-esl-user)#display sippstnuser servicedata 0/9/0 -----------------------------F /S /P : 0/9 /0 centrexno : centrexprefix : hotlinenum : cfbnum : cfunum : cfnrnum : centrexflag : 0 (0 Directly dial, 1 dual dial ) mwimode : 0 (0 Relay send,1 immediately send, 2 Union send) hottime(s) : 100 (Defualt value: 100) dialtone : 0 (0:Ordinary tone,1:Special tone, 2:MWI tone) cfnrtime(s) : 100 (Defualt value: 100) auth-username : huawei auth-password : ****** ------------------------------ Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 369 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service About This Chapter UA5000 provides the assurance function of the reliable voice service. Configuring the reliability of the voice service includes the application of the technology of the voice service reliability and the process for configuring the voice service reliability of the UA5000. 30.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Reliability The reliability of the UA5000 voice service is implemented through features such as dual homing, standalone, emergency channel, and separation of the signaling stream and the media stream. 30.2 Configuring the Dual Homing Dual-homing is a disaster recovery mechanism to provide communication during emergency situations when the softswitch device is down or an unexpected disaster occurs (such as fire in the equipment room, disconnection of cables connected to the equipment room, and abnormal power supply). 30.3 Configuring the Standalone Service Configure the standalone service of the UA5000. When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC/IMS, the UA5000 processes the services of the internal subscribers on the same MG interface or the same user agent so that they can call each other without the support of the MGC/ IMS. The UA5000 supports the standalone service when it uses the H.248 protocol or the SIP protocol. 30.4 Configuring the IUA Joint Switchover In the case that H.248 is used and the transmission mode of the MG interface is the Stream Control Transfer Protocol (SCTP), the IUA link is switched when the UA5000 performs the MGC switchover by running the mgc switch(h248) command. This implements the IUA joint switchover to ensure the reliability of the service. 30.5 Configuring an Emergency Channel Configure an emergency channel of the UA5000. When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC, the subscribers of the UA5000 can dial the external phone numbers that matches the emergency digitmap. 30.6 Configuring the Separation Between the Signaling Stream and the Media Stream Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 370 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service This topic describes how to configure the signaling IP address and the media IP address for the VAG to separate the signaling stream from the media stream. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 371 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service 30.1 Introduction to the Voice Service Reliability The reliability of the UA5000 voice service is implemented through features such as dual homing, standalone, emergency channel, and separation of the signaling stream and the media stream. Service Description The details about the reliability of the UA5000 voice service are as follows: l Dual homing – Based on the H.248/MGCP protocol One UA5000 can register with two MGCs when the H.248 protocol is used or one UA5000 can register with three MGCs when the MGCP protocol is used. When the primary MGC is faulty and cannot communicate with the UA5000, the services are switched to a secondary MGC. The dual homing of the UA5000 is implemented by heartbeat detection. Figure 30-1 shows the heartbeat detection and the switchover process. Figure 30-1 Heartbeat detection and switchover process UA5000 MGC1 MGC2 (1) Notify (it/ito) Heatbeat lost (2) ServiceChange (Method=Failover, Reason=909) (3) Reply Registration on MGC2 succeeds Registration on MGC2 fails (4) ServiceChange (Method=Disconnected, Reason=909) (5) Reply Table 30-1describes the heartbeat detection and the switchover process. Table 30-1 Description of the heartbeat detection and the switchover process Issue 01 (2011-07-30) No. Description (1) The UA5000 sends several consecutive heartbeat detection messages, namely the Notify (it/ito) messages but fails to receive any response. This indicates that the primary MGC (MGC1) is faulty. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 372 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service No. Description (2) The UA5000 sends a registration request message ServiceChange (Method = Failover, Reason = 909) to the MGC2 according to the preset order in the MGC list. (3) If the UA5000 receives a response Reply from the MGC2, it indicates that the registration on the MGC2 is successful and the process is complete. If the UA5000 fails to receive a response from the MGC2 after sending several consecutive ServiceChange messages, it indicates that the registration on the MGC2 fails. (4) If there is another MGC in the secondary MGC list, the UA5000 repeats step 2 and step 3 for the next MGC. If there is no other secondary MGC, the UA5000 sends the registration message ServiceChange (Method = Disconnected, Reason = 909 (close to MGC fault) to the original primary MGC (MGC 1) based on the avalanche mechanism for preventing the reset after a random delay. (5) If the UA5000 receives the response Reply from the MGC1, the communication between the UA5000 and the MGC1 is restored and the process is complete. If the UA5000 fails to receive a response after sending several consecutive ServiceChange requests to the MGC1, the registration on the MGC1 fails and the UA5000 proceeds with step 2. – Based on the SIP protocol One UA5000 supports the registration of the SIP interface with two proxy servers (Proxy1 and Proxy2). When the active proxy server is down, the MG continues running by switching the service to the standby proxy server. l Internal call standalone When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC, the subscribers on the same MG interface can call each other. The MG interface is supported by the UA5000 instead of the MGC. l Emergency channel When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC, the subscribers of the UA5000 can dial the external phone numbers that are listed in the digitmap as emergency call phone numbers. For example, in the case of a fire, you can dial the fire emergency number, such as 911 in the United States. l Separation of the signaling stream and the media stream Each VAG can be configured with independent signaling IP address and media stream IP address, and can be configured in different VLANs. You can separate the control and the transmission by separating the signaling stream from the media stream to enhance the reliability of the voice service. The H.248 protocol supports this feature. 30.2 Configuring the Dual Homing Dual-homing is a disaster recovery mechanism to provide communication during emergency situations when the softswitch device is down or an unexpected disaster occurs (such as fire in Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 373 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service the equipment room, disconnection of cables connected to the equipment room, and abnormal power supply). 30.2.1 Configuring the Dual Homing (the H.248 Protocol) Configuring the dual homing means registering one UA5000 with two MGCs. When one MGC is faulty and cannot support the communication, the UA5000 automatically switches to the other MGC. Prerequisite l The MG interface must be added successfully. l In the MG interface attributes, MGC1 and MGC2 must be configured. l On the MGCs, the data for interconnecting to the UA5000 must be configured. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure the MG interface to support dual homing. ----End Example To configure MG interface 0 on the UA5000 to support the dual homing but not support the automatic switchover, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-software parameter 2 1 30.2.2 Configuring the Dual Homing (the MGCP Protocol) Configuring the dual homing means registering one UA5000 with two MGCs. When one MGC is faulty and cannot communicate with the MG, the UA5000 automatically switches to the other MGC. Prerequisite The MG interface must be added successfully. Procedure Step 1 In the global config mode, run the interface mgcp command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the mg-software parameter command to enable the function of the heartbeat message. Step 3 Run the mg-software parameter command to configure the MG interface to support dual homing. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 374 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Example To configure the MG interface (with ID 0) on the UA5000 to support dual homing through heartbeat detection, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#mg-software parameter 3 1 huawei(config-if-mgcp-0)#mg-software parameter 2 0 30.2.3 Configuring the Dual Homing (Based On SIP) This topic describes how to configure the SIP-based dual homing. After you configure the mutual backup for two MGCs that are in different physical locations, one MGC can take over all the services carried on the other MGC if the other MGC is faulty. This ensures reliable communication of the network in case of emergency. Context The UA5000 supports configuring the SIP interface on two proxy servers (Proxy1 and Proxy2), where, Proxy1 functions as the primary proxy server. When Proxy1 fails, the MG can switch to Proxy2 to continue working. Prerequisite l The data for interconnecting with the SIP interface must be configured in the IMS. l The IP address (signaling IP address or media IP address) of the SIP interface must exist in the corresponding IP address pool when the IP address of the SIP interface is configured. Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface sip command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the if-sip attribute basic command to configure the basic and mandatory attributes of the SIP interface, including the media IP address, signaling IP address, transfer protocol, port ID, IP address of the proxy server, domain name of the proxy server, port ID of the proxy server, home domain name, and profile index. Step 3 Run the reset command to reset the SIP interface to make the configuration data take effect. ----End Example Assume that: l The media IP address is l The signaling IP address is l The transfer protocol is UDP. l The port ID is 5000. l IP address 1 and the port ID of the primary proxy server are, and 5060 respectively. l IP address 1 and the port ID of the secondary proxy server are, and 5060 respectively. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 375 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI l The home domain name is l The profile index is 1. 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service To configure the dual-homing attributes of the SIP interface with ID 0, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface sip 0 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#if-sip attribute basic home-domain media-ip signal-ip signal-port 5000 transfer udp primary-proxy-ip1 primary-proxy-port 5060 secondary-proxy-ip1 secondaryproxyport 5060 sipprofile-index 1 huawei(config-if-sip-0)#reset Related Operation Table 30-2 lists the related operation for configuring the dual homing. Table 30-2 Related operation for configuring the dual homing To... Run the Command... Query the configuration information about the SIP interface display if-sip attribute 30.3 Configuring the Standalone Service Configure the standalone service of the UA5000. When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC/IMS, the UA5000 processes the services of the internal subscribers on the same MG interface or the same user agent so that they can call each other without the support of the MGC/ IMS. The UA5000 supports the standalone service when it uses the H.248 protocol or the SIP protocol. Configuration Flowchart l Currently, the telephone numbers configured for the standalone service cannot be checked for repetition. When configuring the telephone numbers for the standalone service, make sure that the telephone numbers are unique. Otherwise, the standalone service cannot be implemented. l When the UA5000 uses the H.248 protocol, the telephone numbers configured on the UA5000 must be the same as the telephone numbers configured on the MGC. l Figure 30-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the standalone service (H.248 protocol). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 376 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Figure 30-2 Flowchart for configuring the standalone service (H.248 protocol) Start Configure voice subscriber data Configure service types in standalone (Optional) Configure standalone timers Configure the digitmap for internal calls End NOTE For details about how to configure the voice subscriber data (H.248 protocol), see "7 Configuring the VoIP PSTN Service." Figure 30-3 shows the flowchart for configuring the standalone service (SIP protocol). Figure 30-3 Flowchart for configuring the standalone service (SIP protocol) Start Configure voice subscriber data Configure the proxy detection mode of the SIP interface Enable the emergency standalone function End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 377 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service NOTE For details about how to configure the voice subscriber data (SIP protocol), see "7.7 Configuring the Standalone Function Based on the SIP Protocol." 30.4 Configuring the IUA Joint Switchover In the case that H.248 is used and the transmission mode of the MG interface is the Stream Control Transfer Protocol (SCTP), the IUA link is switched when the UA5000 performs the MGC switchover by running the mgc switch(h248) command. This implements the IUA joint switchover to ensure the reliability of the service. Context The IUA joint switchover includes the following points: l The IUA link is bound to the MGC. l When H.248 is used, the IUA link is switched over after the MGC is switched over successfully. l The system actively locks the unbound IUA link to implement the joint switchover with H.248. l The IP address to be used in the example must be configured in the IP address pool by running the ip address command. l The corresponding data on the MGC must be configured. Prerequisite Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the sigtran command to enter the SIGTRAN mode. Step 2 Run the iua-linkset add command to add an IUA link set, and then enable the joint switchover function. Step 3 Run the iua-link add command to add an IUA link, and then set the link priority and joint switchover attributes. Step 4 Run the display iua-linkset attribute command to query the attributes of the IUA link set. Step 5 Run the display iua-link attribute command to query the IUA link attributes. ----End Example Assume that: l The number of the IUA link set is 2. The ID of the MG interface that uses H.248 is 0. The joint switchover is enabled. The working mode of the link set is active/standby. The duration is 20s. l The number of the IUA link added to the link set is 0. The ID of the local SCTP port is 6666. The IP address of the local port is The ID of the remote SCTP port is Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 378 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service 6666. IP address 1 of the remote port is The link priority is 10. The joint switchover with the primary MGC is enabled. To configure the IUA joint switchover, do as follows: huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 2 mgid 0 jointly-work enable trafficMode override pendingtime 20 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 0 2 6666 6666 priority 10 jointly-work-with primary-mgc huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-linkset attribute 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LinksetNo Mgid PendingTime TrafficMode C/S-Mode IID-Type IID-Map AutoLock -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 0 20 override server integer 1 enable -----------------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------LinkNo : 0 LinksetNo : 2 Local port : 6666 Local IP address : Remote port : 6666 Remote IP address : Remote Ip address 2 : Bound MGC : primary MGC Priority : 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 30-3 lists the related operation for configuring the IUA joint switchover. Table 30-3 Related operation for configuring the IUA joint switchover To... Run the Command... Reset the IUA link iua-link reset 30.5 Configuring an Emergency Channel Configure an emergency channel of the UA5000. When the UA5000 is disconnected from the MGC, the subscribers of the UA5000 can dial the external phone numbers that matches the emergency digitmap. Context The UA5000 supports the emergency channel function only when it uses the H.248 protocol. Service Description Emergency call applies when the network to which the caller is connected fails. The caller is configured with ports for emergency calls on the CDI board, and the ports are connected to the ports for outgoing calls. These ports serve as the agent for setting up external calls. As the resources on the ports are limited, only important and emergency numbers are configured in the digitmap for emergency calls to ensure the connectivity of these calls. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 379 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Configuration Flowchart Figure 30-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the emergency channels. Figure 30-4 Flowchart for configuring the emergency channels Start Configure voice subscriber data Add a CDI board Configure attributes for the CDI ports Configure emergency channels (Optional) Configure standalone timers Configure digitmap for emergency calls Enable the emergency call function End Procedure Step 1 Run the board add command to add the CDI board. Step 2 Run the board confirm command to confirm the CDI board. Step 3 Run the cdi command to enter the CDI mode. Step 4 Run the port attribute set command to configure the attributes for the CDI ports. Step 5 Run the quit command to exit the CDI mode. Step 6 Run the esl user command to enter the ESL user mode. Step 7 Run the mgddiuser add frameid/slotid/portid emergency command to configure the port as the port for an emergency channel. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 380 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Step 8 Run the quit command to exit the ESL user mode. Step 9 Run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 10 Run the digitmap set emergency command to set the digitmap for emergency calls. Step 11 Run the mg-software parameter command to set the digitmap for emergency calls. ----End Example The following example describes how to set port 0 on the CDI board at frame 0/slot 10 as the port of the emergency channel, and set the digitmap for emergency calls as 119|110|168xxxxx. huawei(config)#board add 0/10 cdi huawei(config)#board confirm 0/10 huawei(config)#cdi huawei(config-cdi)#port attribute set 0/10/0 workmode ddi huawei(config-cdi)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgddiuser add 0/10/0 emergency huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#interface h248 0 huawei(config-h248-0)#digitmap set emergency 119|110|168xxxxx huawei(config-h248-0)#mg-software parameter 11 3 30.6 Configuring the Separation Between the Signaling Stream and the Media Stream This topic describes how to configure the signaling IP address and the media IP address for the VAG to separate the signaling stream from the media stream. Prerequisite l The system must be configured to support the H.248 protocol. l The IP address to be used in the example must be configured in the IP address pool. For details of adding the IP address, see the ip address command. Context The signaling IP address and the media IP address of the VAG are two optional parameters in the attributes of the MG interface. For information about the other parameters of the MG interface attributes, see "5.6 Configuring MG Interface Attributes (the H.248 Protocol)." Procedure Step 1 In global config mode, run the interface h248 command to enter the MG interface mode. Step 2 Run the if-h248 attribute command to configure the signaling IP address and the media IP address so that they are different from each other. Step 3 Run the display if-h248 attribute command to query the configuration of the signaling IP address and the media IP address. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 381 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 30 Configuring the Reliability of the Voice Service Example To configure MG interface 1 of the UA5000 whose signaling IP address is and the media IP address is 10.10.10 .4, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface h248 1 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#if-h248 attribute mgip mg-media-ip1 10.10.10 .4 huawei(config-if-h248-1)#display if-h248 attribute ------------------------------------------------MGID 1 MG Description MG DomainName Protocol H248 Start Negotiate Version 2 Profile Negotiation Parameter Disable Profile index 0:NoProfile("") 2833Encrypt Codetype Text Transfer Mode UDP HeartBeatGenTimer(s) 60 HeartBeatRetransTimes 3 HeartBeatRetransTimer(s) 60 MG signalling IP MG signalling Port 2945 MG media IP1 MG media IP2 MIDType IP4_ADDR DeviceName Retrans Enable Active MGC MGC Port :2945 MGC IP1: Active MGC MGC Domain Name:Standby MGC MGC Port :MGC IP1:Standby MGC MGC Domain Name:------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 382 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 31 Configuring the Link Detection Configuring the Link Detection About This Chapter The UA5000 provides the function of the layer 2 link detection. Configuring the link detection includes the application of the UA5000 link detection technology and the process for configuring the link detection. 31.1 Introduction to the Link Detection The link detection that the UA5000 supports includes the ARP link detection, BFD link detection, and ETH_OAM link detection. 31.2 Configuration Example of the ARP Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the ARP link detection on the UA5000. When the ARP link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for several seconds). 31.3 Configuration Example of the BFD Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the BFD link detection on the UA5000. When the BFD link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for a few hundred milliseconds). 31.4 Configuration Example of the ETH_OAM Layer 2 Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the ETH_OAM link detection on the UA5000. When the ETH_OAM link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for a few hundred milliseconds). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 383 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection 31.1 Introduction to the Link Detection The link detection that the UA5000 supports includes the ARP link detection, BFD link detection, and ETH_OAM link detection. Service Description l An increasingly important feature of the network device is: The UA5000 is required to quickly detect the fault in the communication between the adjacent systems or in the endto-end communication. When the device is faulty, the UA5000 can set up the alternative channel or switch the service to other links in less time. l The UA5000 can use the mechanism of active/standby switchover to ensure the service stability. Functions of the link protection on the UA5000 include the following: – ARP link detection: After the ARP link detection is enabled, the UA5000 sends the ARP packet to the gateway that matches the primary service IP address to detect the link. After the UA5000 detects that the link is faulty, it performs the active/standby switchover between the two uplink network ports. In this case, the service is switched to the standby link to ensure the normal transmission of the service. – BFD link detection: BFD can detect the fault in any type of channel between systems. BFD focuses on quickly detecting the fault of the link, and ensures better QoS for transmitting the voice, video, and VoD services. It provides subscribers with the services featuring high reliability and high applicability, such as VoIP services and other realtime services. – ETH_OAM link detection: ETH_OAM performs the link detection and the link switchover protection as quickly as BFD. Service Specifications Service specifications of the ARP, BFD, and ETH_OAM link detections are as follows: l ARP link detection: It supports the detection of a single link only. The control boards that support this feature are PVMB, and PVMD. l BFD link detection: It supports the detection of a single link and double links. The control board that supports this feature is PVMD. l ETH_OAM link detection: It supports the detection of double links only. The control board that supports this feature is PVMD. 31.2 Configuration Example of the ARP Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the ARP link detection on the UA5000. When the ARP link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for several seconds). Prerequisite l Issue 01 (2011-07-30) The networking of the UA5000 must support the ARP link detection. The networking modes that support the ARP link detection are as follows: Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 384 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection – Independent uplink networking through the active service port with the configuration of two PVM control boards The UA5000 is configured with two PVM control boards. The UA5000 uses the independent uplink mode and transmits the service packets upstream to the upper layer device through the active network port on the PVM control board. – Uplink networking with the configuration of one PVM control board The UA5000 is configured with one PVM control board. The UA5000 transmits the service packets upstream to the upper layer device through the network port on the PVM control board. NOTE In the mode of the uplink networking with the configuration of one PVM control board, when the link is faulty, the UA5000 reports only the status of the link to you and does not perform the active/standby switchover for the uplink network port. The integrated networking of IPMB or PVM does not support the ARP link detection. l The UA5000 uses PVMB, or PVMDas its control boards. Networking Figure 31-1 shows the example network for configuring the ARP link detection. Use network cables to connect network ports of slot 0/4 and slot 0/5 of the UA5000 to the router. Set up an ARP link between slot 0/4 of the UA5000 and the router. Figure 31-1 Example network for configuring the ARP link detection MGC Router ARP link FE UA5000 FE P P V V M M B B 0/11 A 3 2 0/4 0/5 phone1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) phone32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 385 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Data Plan Table 31-1 provides the data plan for configuring the ARP link detection. Table 31-1 Data plan for configuring the ARP link detection Type Item Data Detection link group Name of the detection link group group1 Detection mode of the link group single-detect NOTE The ARP link detection supports only the single-link detection. ARP detection link Detection protocol of the link group arp-detect Name of the ARP detection link Adetect Configuration Flowchart Figure 31-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the ARP link detection. Figure 31-2 Flowchart for configuring the ARP link detection Start Add a detection link group Add an ARP detection link Activate the detection link group Query the status and the configuration of the detection link End CAUTION Add a detection link group before setting up an ARP detection link. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 386 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Procedure Step 1 Add a detection link group. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group add group1 mode single-detect protocol arp-detect Step 2 Add an ARP detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#arp-detect add Adetect detect-group group1 Step 3 Activate the detection link group. huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group enable group1 Step 4 Query the status and the configuration of the detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#display arp-detect state ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName State F/S M/S GroupName ----------------------------------------------------------------------Adetect Up 0/4 master group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(interface-eth)#display arp-detect configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName Tx_interval(ms) Rx_interval(ms) Multiplier GroupName ----------------------------------------------------------------------Adetect 2000 2000 3 group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result l Run the display arp-detect state command to query the status of the detection link. l Run the display arp-detect configuration command to query the configuration of the detection link. l When the link is faulty, the UA5000 can detect the faulty link and can automatically perform the switchover. This shortens the duration of the service interruption (the interruption lasts for only several seconds) on the UA5000. 31.3 Configuration Example of the BFD Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the BFD link detection on the UA5000. When the BFD link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for a few hundred milliseconds). Prerequisite l The networking of the UA5000 must support the BFD link detection. The networking modes that support the BFD link detection are as follows: – Independent uplink networking through the active service port with the configuration of two PVM control boards The UA5000 is configured with two PVM control boards. The UA5000 uses the independent uplink mode and transmits the service packets upstream to the upper layer device through the active network port on the PVM control board. In this case, you can configure the BFD single-link detection or the BFD double-link detection. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 387 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection – Uplink networking with the configuration of one PVM control board The UA5000 is configured with one PVM control board. The UA5000 transmits the service packets upstream to the upper layer device through the network port on the PVM control board. In this case, you can configure the BFD single-link detection. NOTE In the mode of the uplink networking with the configuration of one PVM control board, when the link is faulty, the UA5000 reports only the status of the link to you and does not perform the active/standby switchover for the uplink network port. The integrated networking of IPMB or PVM does not support the BFD link detection. l The UA5000 uses PVMD as its control board. Networking Figure 31-3 shows the example network for configuring the BFD link detection. Connect network ports of slot 0/4 and slot 0/5 of the UA5000 to the router by using network cables. Set up a BFD link between slot 0/4 of the UA5000 and the router and a link between slot 0/5 and the router, a VRRP link is set up between the two routers.. NOTE The following network uses the detection of double BFD links as an example. The networking and the configuration for the detection of a single BFD link is similar to the networking and configuration for the ARP detection. See "31.2 Configuration Example of the ARP Link Detection." Figure 31-3 Example network for configuring the BFD link detection MGC Router Router Link 1 Link 2 FE/GE UA5000 FE/GE P P V V M M A 3 2 D D 0/4 0/5 phone1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 0/11 phone32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 388 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Data Plan Table 31-2 provides the data plan for configuring the BFD link detection. Table 31-2 Data plan for configuring the BFD link detection Type Item Data Detection link group Name of the detection link group group1 Detection mode of the link group double-detect NOTE The BFD link detection supports the single-link detection or the doublelink detection. The following uses the double-link detection as an example. BFD detection link Detection protocol of the link group bfd Name of the BFD detection link Bdetect1 Bdetect2 peerip localip NOTE When you configure the BFD double-link detection, localip must be configured with different IP addresses. Configuration Flowchart Figure 31-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the BFD link detection. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 389 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Figure 31-4 Flowchart for configuring the BFD link detection Start Enable the uplink port of the standby control board Add a detection link group Add a BFD detection link Activate the detection link group Query the status and the configuration of the detection link End CAUTION l Add a detection link group before setting up a BFD detection link. l Run the uplink tps on command to enable the uplink port of the standby control board before setting up the detection for double BFD links. Otherwise, when the active link is faulty, the services cannot be switched to the standby link. l When you set up the detection for a single BFD link, you need not enable the port on the standby control board. Procedure Step 1 Enable the uplink port of the standby control board. huawei(config)#uplink tps on Step 2 Add a detection link group. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group add group1 mode double-detect protocol bfd Step 3 Add a BFD detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#bfd add Bdetect1 detect-group group1 peerip interface 0/4 discriminator 2 localip rx-interval 50 tx-interval 50 echo on multiplier 5 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 390 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection huawei(interface-eth)#bfd add Bdetect2 detect-group group1 peerip interface 0/5 discriminator 3 localip rx-interval 50 tx-interval 50 echo on multiplier 5 Step 4 Activate the detection link group. huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group enable group1 Step 5 Query the status and the configuration of the detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#display bfd state ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName State F/S M/S GroupName ----------------------------------------------------------------------Bdetect1 Up 0/4 master group1 Bdetect2 Up 0/5 slave group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(interface-eth)#display bfd configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName : Bdetect1 Peer IP : Interface : 0/4 Descriminator : 2 Local IP : RX-interval(ms) : 50 TX-interval(ms) : 50 AcRXinterval(ms): 300 AcTXinterval(ms): 300 Multiplier : 5 Echo : On GroupName : group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName : Bdetect2 Peer IP : Interface : 0/5 Descriminator : 3 Local IP : RX-interval(ms) : 50 TX-interval(ms) : 50 AcRXinterval(ms): 300 AcTXinterval(ms): 300 Multiplier : 5 Echo : On GroupName : group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result l Run the display bfd state command to query the status of the detection link. l Run the display bfd configuration command to query the configuration of the detection link. l When the link is faulty, the UA5000 can detect the faulty link and can automatically perform the switchover. This ensures that the service lasts for only a few hundred milliseconds. 31.4 Configuration Example of the ETH_OAM Layer 2 Link Detection This topic describes how to configure the ETH_OAM link detection on the UA5000. When the ETH_OAM link detection on the UA5000 is enabled, the UA5000 can monitor the link status. When the link is faulty, the UA5000 switches the links to avoid the long-time service interruption (the interruption lasts for a few hundred milliseconds). Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 391 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Prerequisite l The networking of the UA5000 must support the ETH_OAM layer 2 link detection. The networking modes that support the ETH_OAM link detection are as follows: Independent uplink networking through the active service port with the configuration of two PVM control boards. The UA5000 is configured with two PVM control boards. The UA5000 uses the independent uplink mode and transmits the service packets upstream to the upper layer device through the active network port on the PVM control board. NOTE The integrated networking of IPMB or PVM does not support the ETH_OAM link detection. l The UA5000 uses PVMD as its control board. Networking Figure 31-5 shows the example network for configuring the ETH_OAM layer 2 link detection. Use network cables to connect network ports of slot 0/4 and slot 0/5 of the UA5000 to the router. Set up an ETH_OAM link between slot 0/4 of the UA5000 and the router, and an ETH_OAM link between slot 0/5 and the router. Figure 31-5 Example network for configuring the ETH_OAM layer 2 link detection MGC Router Router Link 1 Link 2 FE/GE FE/GE 0/11 UA5000 P P V V M M D D A 3 2 0/4 0/5 phone1 phone32 Data Plan Table 31-3 provides the data plan for configuring the ETH_OAM layer 2 link detection. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 392 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Table 31-3 Data plan for configuring the ETH_OAM layer 2 link detection Type Item Data Detection link group Name of the detection link group group1 Detection mode of the link group double-detect NOTE The ETH_OAM link detection supports only the double-link detection. ETH_OAM detection link Detection protocol of the link group ethoam Name of the ETH_OAM detection link Edetect1 Edetect2 peerip localip NOTE When you configure the ETH_OAM link detection, localip must be configured with the same IP addresses. Configuration Flowchart Figure 31-6 shows the flowchart for configuring the ETH_OAM link detection. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 393 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Figure 31-6 Flowchart for configuring the ETH_OAM link detection Start Enable the uplink port of the standby control board Add a detection link group Add an ETH_OAM detection link Activate the detection link group Query the status and the configuration of the detection link End CAUTION l Add a detection link group before setting up an ETH_OAM detection link. l Run the uplink tps on command to enable the uplink port of the standby control board before setting up the ETH_OAM detection link. Otherwise, when the active link is faulty, the services cannot be switched to the standby link. Procedure Step 1 Enable the uplink port of the standby control board. huawei(config)#uplink tps on Step 2 Add a detection link group. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group add group1 mode double-detect protocol ethoam Step 3 Add an ETH_OAM detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#ethoam add Edetect1 peerip interface 0/4 localip tx-interval 40 multiplier 4 mdlevel 1 huawei(interface-eth)#ethoam add Edetect2 peerip interface 0/5 localip tx-interval 40 multiplier 4 mdlevel 1 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) detect-group group1 rx-interval 30 detect-group group1 rx-interval 30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 394 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 31 Configuring the Link Detection Step 4 Activate the detection link group. huawei(interface-eth)#detect-group enable group1 Step 5 Query the status and the configuration of the detection link. huawei(interface-eth)#display ethoam state ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName State F/S M/S GroupName ----------------------------------------------------------------------Edetect1 Up 0/4 master group1 Edetect2 Up 0/5 slave group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------huawei(interface-eth)#display ethoam configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName : Edetect1 Peer IP : Interface : 0/4 Local IP : RX-interval(ms) : 30 TX-interval(ms) : 40 AcRXinterval(ms): 30 AcTXinterval(ms): 40 Multiplier : 4 MDLevel : 1 GroupName : group1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------LinkName : Edetect2 Peer IP : Interface : 0/5 Local IP : RX-interval(ms) : 30 TX-interval(ms) : 40 AcRXinterval(ms): 30 AcTXinterval(ms): 40 Multiplier : 4 MDLevel : 1 GroupName : group1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End Result l Run the display ethoam state command to query the status of the detection link. l Run the display ethoam configuration command to query the configuration of the detection link. l When the link is faulty, the UA5000 can detect the faulty link and can automatically perform the switchover. This ensures that the service interruption lasts for only a few hundred milliseconds. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 395 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Configuring the Environment Monitoring About This Chapter This topic provides an overview of the environment monitoring and describes how to configure the environment monitoring on the UA5000. 32.1 Introduction to the Environment Monitoring During the environment monitoring, the environment monitoring serial port of the device is connected to the communication serial port of the monitored device. Through the master-slave node protocol or the access network protocol, the operator can directly monitor the environment conditions of devices. 32.2 Configuration Example of the ESC This topic describes how to set the analog and digital parameters of the ESC. In this example, configuring the ESCM whose serial port type is RS232 is considered as an example. The configuration procedures of the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC are the same as the configuration procedure of the ESCM. 32.3 Configuration Example of the Fan Monitoring This topic describes how to configure the speed adjustment mode and the alarm switch of the fan. Thus, the fan speed of the UA5000 can be adjusted automatically, and the fan tray of the UA5000 can be monitored. 32.4 Configuration Example of the Power Monitoring This topic considers the Power4875L as an example and describes how to configure its environment monitoring parameters. The procedures for configuring the Power4875, Power4845, and Power4820 are the same as the procedure for configuring the Power4875L. 32.5 Configuration Example of the Universal Power Monitoring This topic describes how to monitor the universal power through the ESC by using the configuration example of the PSM-A power monitoring through the H303ESC. (The PSM-A is one type of Emerson power and is displayed as PSMA on the CLI.) 32.6 Adding an EMU This topic describes how to add an EMU. After connecting the EMU to the monitoring serial port correctly, you need to add the corresponding EMU to the host system of the UA5000. 32.7 Setting the ESC Analog Parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 396 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring This topic describes how to set the upper and lower alarm thresholds of the analog parameters, such as temperature, humidity, voltage, and current, or how to set the customized alarms of the analog parameters. 32.8 Setting the ESC Digital Parameters This topic describes how to set the alarm levels of digital parameters such as the door status sensor, or how to configure the customized alarms of the digital parameters. 32.9 Configuring the Fan Alarm Reporting This topic describes how to configure the reporting of all the fan alarms to the control unit. 32.10 Setting the Fan Speed Adjustment Mode This topic describes how to set the fan speed adjustment mode. If the fan is not in the automatic speed adjustment mode, the flow of air is more when the temperature is low or normal. 32.11 Setting the Fan Speed This topic describes how to set the fan speed. 32.12 Setting the Power Supply Parameters This topic describes how to set the parameters of the power shelf in the UA5000 to ensure the normal running of the power shelf. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 397 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring 32.1 Introduction to the Environment Monitoring During the environment monitoring, the environment monitoring serial port of the device is connected to the communication serial port of the monitored device. Through the master-slave node protocol or the access network protocol, the operator can directly monitor the environment conditions of devices. Service Description The environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, and power voltage can be monitored to ensure that the UA5000 works stably in a suitable environment. To perform the environment monitoring on a device, the environment monitoring functional modules, such as the H303ESC, H304ESC, or ESCM must be provided. In addition, some monitored devices provide the built-in monitoring modules, such as the Power4845, Power4860, Power4875, and Power4875L. These functional modules that can implement the monitoring are referred to as the environment monitor units (EMUs), regardless of whether they are built-in or not. Service Specifications The EMU supported by the UA5000 can be classified into the following four categories: l Environment supervision circuit (ESC): Includes the H303ESC, H302ESC, H801ESC, H304ESC, and ESCM. Monitors the environment parameters such as ambient temperature, humidity, smoke, water, fire, voltage, and power through various sensors. l FAN: Monitors the running status of the fan and adjusts the running speed of the fan according to the settings. l DIS: Refers to the power distribution unit (PDU). Divides one or two DC inputs into multiple outputs. l Power: Includes the Power4820, Power4845, Power4875, Power4875L, and PSE158. Monitors the environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, voltage, and power supply through various sensors. According to the type of the adopted power supply mode (power distribution–DC, power–AC), the device is generally configured with power shelf EMU or PDU EMU. When the UA5000 is connected to the corresponding EMU, bits 1 to 5 of DIP switch S1 on the ESC of the PDU need to be switched on. The five bits of the DIP switch define the address of the slave node for the PDU EMU to communicate with the host of the UA5000. When all the five bits are switched on, it indicates that the address of the slave node is 0. This is the number of the slave node of the EMU assigned by the UA5000. NOTE For the hardware connections of the environment monitoring board and the settings of the DIP switch, see "ESC board" in the UA5000 Hardware Description. For the principles, configuration table, functions, and sensors of the environment monitoring, see "Environment Monitoring." Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 398 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring 32.2 Configuration Example of the ESC This topic describes how to set the analog and digital parameters of the ESC. In this example, configuring the ESCM whose serial port type is RS232 is considered as an example. The configuration procedures of the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC are the same as the configuration procedure of the ESCM. Prerequisite l The ESCM and the shelf of the UA5000 must be connected through the RS232 serial port cable according to the serial port type of the shelf. l The settings of the ESCM DIP switch must be consistent with the slave node of the EMU. NOTE For the detailed settings of the DIP switch, see "ESC - Environment Monitoring." l When you add the EMU to the device, you must comply with the following rules: – The system supports only one type of EMU except the ESCM. – If the ESCM is added to the system, you can add the other EMU. Data Plan In this example, the serial port type is RS232. Table 32-1 provides the data plan for configuring the ESCM. Table 32-1 Data plan for configuring the ESCM Item Data Remarks EMU Type: MiniESC The ESCM is displayed as MiniESC on the CLI. Number: 0 - Subnode: 30 When the RS232 serial port is selected for the ESCM, the slave node number must be set to 30. Analog parameter ID: 0 Set the analog parameter according to the actual requirement. The built-in analog parameter is set to monitor the ambient temperature for the device running. Analog parameters For the value of the parameter and the details, see the esc analog command. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 399 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Item 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Data Remarks Upper alarm threshold of analog parameter 0: 54 When the ambient temperature of the device reaches or exceeds 54°C, the host reports an alarm. Lower alarm threshold of analog parameter 0: 6 When the ambient temperature of the device is equal to or lower than 6°C, the host reports an alarm. Analog parameter ID: 2 The customized humidity monitoring analog parameter is added to monitor the humidity of the device. For the value of the parameter and the details, see the esc analog command. Digital parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Upper alarm threshold of analog parameter 2: 75% RH When the humidity of the device reaches or exceeds 75% RH, the host reports an alarm. Lower alarm threshold of analog parameter 2: 5% RH When the humidity of the device is equal to or lower than 5% RH, the host reports an alarm. Name of analog parameter 2: humidity - Alarm index ID of analog parameter 2: 2 The customized humidity alarm of the system is used. Unit of analog parameter 2: % RH - Sensor type of analog parameter 2: voltage type - Digital parameter ID: 0 Set the digital parameter according to the actual requirement. The monitoring digital parameter of the MDF is configured to monitor the MDF status. When the MDF is faulty, the host reports an alarm. Valid level of digital parameter 0: high level When the high level is used to represent the valid level, the host does not report an alarm in case of high level. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 400 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Item 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Data Remarks Digital parameter ID: 1 Set the digital parameter according to the actual requirement. The monitoring digital parameter of the cabinet door is set to monitor the cabinet door status. When the cabinet door is open, the host reports an alarm. Valid level of digital parameter 1: low level When the low level is used to represent the valid level, the host does not report an alarm in case of low level. Context l The differences between the analog parameter and digital parameter are as follows: – An analog parameter is a continuous value, such as temperature, voltage, and current. When the analog parameter is used to monitor the interface, an analog parameter sensor is usually used, which provides test analog parameters in real time. – A digital parameter is a discrete value that indicates a state. A digital sensor has only two values: normal and faulty. l When you set the slave node and communication baud rate, ensure that the following conditions are met: – When the serial port for the ESCM is RS485, the settings of the slave node ID and the DIP switch must be consistent. The communication baud rate must be set to 19200 bit/ s. – When the serial port for the ESCM is RS232, the slave node ID must be set to 30. The communication baud rate must be set to 9600 bit/s. Configuration Flowchart Figure 32-1 shows the flowchart for configuring the ESCM. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 401 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Figure 32-1 Flowchart for configuring the ESCM Start Add an EMU Set the analog parameters Set the digital parameters Query the ESC environment information Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an EMU. Add the EMU with the EMU ID 0, the type ESCM (MiniESC on the CLI), the slave node 30, and the serial port type RS232. huawei(config)#emu add 0 MiniESC 0 30 rs232 MiniESC Step 2 Set the analog parameters. huawei(config)#interface emu 0 huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc analog 0 alarm-upper-limit 54 alarm-lower-limit 6 huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc analog 2 alarm-upper-limit 75 alarm-lower-limit 5 name humidity sensor-type 0:voltage analog-alarm 2 unit %RH Step 3 Set the digital parameters. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc digital 0 available-level high-level huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc digital 1 available-level low-level Step 4 Query the ESC environment information. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#display esc environment info EMU ID: 0 ESC environment state ---------------------------Analog Environment Info-------------------------ID Name State Value AlmUpper AlmLower Unit 0 Temperature Normal 29.000 54 6 C 1 Input_-48V_0 Normal 48.046 70 35 volt 2 Humidity Normal 10.000 75 5 %RH 3 Normal -128.000 127 -128 ---------------------------Digital Environment Info--------------------------ID Name State Value |ID Name State Value 0 Wiring Normal 1 |1 Door0 Alarm 1 2 Normal 1 |3 Normal 1 4 Normal 1 |5 Normal 1 6 Normal 1 |7 Normal 1 8 Normal 1 |9 Normal 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 402 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Step 5 Save the data. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, the ESCM works in the normal state and monitors the analog and digital monitoring parameters set on the UA5000. When a monitoring parameter exceeds the normal range, the host reports an alarm. 32.3 Configuration Example of the Fan Monitoring This topic describes how to configure the speed adjustment mode and the alarm switch of the fan. Thus, the fan speed of the UA5000 can be adjusted automatically, and the fan tray of the UA5000 can be monitored. Prerequisite The hardware DIP switch of the fan tray must be set so that it is consistent with the slave node value of the EMU. The baud rate must be set to 19200 bit/s. Data Plan Table 32-2 provides the data plan for configuring the fan monitoring. Table 32-2 Data plan for configuring the fan monitoring Item Data Remarks EMU Type: FAN - Number: 1 - Subnode: 6 This parameter corresponds to the hardware DIP switch of the fan tray, but cannot be the same as the slave node of the ESC. Serial port of environment monitoring communication: RS485 The serial port of environment monitoring communication of the fan tray must be set to RS485. Fan speed adjustment mode: automatic In this mode, the fan speed is adjusted according to the temperature automatically. By default, the fan speed adjustment mode is automatic. Report the alarm that the fan tray fails to read the temperature sensor: permit When the fan tray fails to read the temperature sensor, the host reports the alarm automatically. FAN parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 403 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Item 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Data Remarks Report the alarm that the fan is blocked: permit When the fan is blocked, the host reports the alarm automatically. Report the alarm that the temperature is very high: permit When the temperature of the fan tray is very high, the host reports the alarm automatically. Report the alarm that the power supply is faulty: permit When the power supply of the fan tray is faulty, the host reports the alarm automatically. Configuration Flowchart Figure 32-2 shows the flowchart for configuring the fan monitoring. Figure 32-2 Flowchart for configuring the fan monitoring start Add a fan tray Set the fan speed adjustment mode Automatic Manual Set the fan speed Set whether to report the alarm Query the configuration parameters Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add a fan tray. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 404 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring huawei(config)#emu add 1 fan 0 6 rs485 Step 2 Set whether to report the alarm. huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan alarmset block permit Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan alarmset read_tem_fault permit Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan alarmset tem_high permit Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan alarmset fault permit Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful for the ack... for the ack... for the ack... for the ack... Step 3 Query the configuration parameters. huawei(config-if-fan-1)#display fan system parameter EMU ID: 1 Fan configration parameter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------fan timing mode: auto timing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------alarm_name alarm(permit/forbid) read temperature sensor fault permit fan block permit temperature high permit board fault permit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config-if-fan-1)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Result After the configuration, the fan tray can work in the normal state, and can adjust the fan speed automatically. At the same time, the host reports an alarm when the fan fails to read the temperature sensor, the fan is blocked, the temperature is very high, or the power supply is faulty. 32.4 Configuration Example of the Power Monitoring This topic considers the Power4875L as an example and describes how to configure its environment monitoring parameters. The procedures for configuring the Power4875, Power4845, and Power4820 are the same as the procedure for configuring the Power4875L. Prerequisite l The ESC board and host must be connected through the environment monitoring cable. l The settings of the ESC DIP switch must be consistent with the slave node of the EMU. l When you add the EMU to the device, you must comply with the following rules: – The system supports only one type of EMU except the ESCM. – If the ESCM is added to the system, you can add the other EMU. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 405 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Data Plan This example describes how to configure only the upper and lower alarm thresholds of ambient temperature and upper and lower measurement thresholds of ambient temperature of the Power4875L. Other parameters are set by default. For more information about the configurations of the Power4875L parameters, see "32.12 Setting the Power Supply Parameters." Table 32-3 provides the data plan for configuring the Power4875L. Table 32-3 Data plan for configuring the Power4875L Item Data Remarks EMU Type: Power4875L - Number: 2 - Shelf ID: 0 - Subnode: 15 This parameter corresponds to the hardware DIP switches of the ESC, but cannot be the same as the slave node of the FAN. Name: test - Upper alarm threshold of ambient temperature: 55 °C Other analog parameters are set by default. Parameter configuration Lower alarm threshold of ambient temperature: 5°C Upper measurement threshold of ambient temperature: 100°C Lower measurement threshold of ambient temperature: 0°C Configuration Flowchart Figure 32-3 shows the flowchart for configuring the Power4875L. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 406 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Figure 32-3 Flowchart for configuring the Power4875L Start Add an EMU Set the environment monitoring parameters of the power Query the environment monitoring parameters of the power Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an EMU. huawei(config)#emu add 2 power4875L 0 15 rs232 test Step 2 Set the environment monitoring parameters of the power. huawei(config)#interface emu 2 huawei(config-if-power4875L-2)#power environment temperature 55 5 100 0 This command is invalid unless in the contition of install the sensor, would you continue? (y/n)[n]:y Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting for the ack... huawei(config-if-power4875L-2)# Execute command successful Step 3 Query the environment monitoring parameters of the power. huawei(config-if-power4875L-2)#display power environment parameter EMU ID: 2 power environment configration parameter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------AnalogID Name AlmUpper AlmLower TestHigh TestLow Unit type 0 Temperature 55 5 100 0 C Current 1 Humidity 80 10 100 0 %R.H. Current ---------------------------------------------------------------------------DigitalID Name Available Level|DigitalID Name Available Level 0 1 | 1 1 2 1 | 3 1 4 1 | 5 1 6 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Save the data. huawei(config-if-power4875L-2)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 407 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Result After the configuration, the Power4875L can work in the normal state. At the same time, when the ambient temperature exceeds the configured upper or lower alarm threshold of ambient temperature, the host reports an alarm. 32.5 Configuration Example of the Universal Power Monitoring This topic describes how to monitor the universal power through the ESC by using the configuration example of the PSM-A power monitoring through the H303ESC. (The PSM-A is one type of Emerson power and is displayed as PSMA on the CLI.) Prerequisite The settings of the H303ESC DIP switch must be consistent with the slave node of the EMU. Data Plan Table 32-4 provides the data plan for configuring the universal power monitoring. Table 32-4 Data plan for configuring the universal power monitoring Item Data Remarks EMU Type: H303ESC - Number: 0 - Subnode: 30 The subnode of the H303ESC is always 30. Type: PSM-A (displayed as PSMA on the CLI) - Protocol file name: power.pwr Use the name of the actual loaded protocol file. Universal power Context The UA5000 mainly uses the following types of the universal power: l Zhujiang power l Emerson power l Beijing dynamic power l Eltek power l Delta-cimic power l Zhongheng power Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 408 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Configuration Flowchart Figure 32-4 shows the flowchart for configuring the universal power monitoring. Figure 32-4 Flowchart for configuring the universal power monitoring Start Add an EMU Load the protocol file of the universal power Configure the type of the universal power Query the ESC environment information Save the data End Procedure Step 1 Add an EMU. Add the EMU with the EMU ID 0, the type H303ESC, the slave node 20, and the serial port type RS232. huawei(config)#emu add 0 H303ESC 0 30 rs232 H303ESC Step 2 Load the protocol file of the universal power. Obtain the protocol file of the universal power through the TFTP server. Then, run the following command on the CLI with using the IP address of the actual server. huawei(config)#load universal-power-protocol tftp power.pwr Step 3 Configure the type of the universal power. huawei(config)#interface emu 0 huawei(config-if-H303ESC-0)#esc power powertype 1 Step 4 Query the ESC environment information. huawei(config-if-H303ESC-0)#display esc power run info huawei(config-if-H303ESC-0)#display esc power state Step 5 Save the data. huawei(config-if-H303ESC-0)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 409 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Result After the configuration, the H303ESC works in the normal state, and monitors the universal power used by the UA5000. When the monitored parameter exceeds the normal range, the host reports an alarm. 32.6 Adding an EMU This topic describes how to add an EMU. After connecting the EMU to the monitoring serial port correctly, you need to add the corresponding EMU to the host system of the UA5000. Context The EMU supported by the UA5000 can be classified into the following four categories: l Environment supervision circuit (ESC): Includes the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, H801ESC, and ESCM. Monitors the environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, smoke, water, fire, voltage, and power through various sensors. l FAN: Monitors the running status of the fan and adjusts the running speed of the fan according to the settings. l DIS: Refers to the power distribution unit (PDU). Divides one or two DC inputs into multiple outputs. l Power: Includes the Power4820, Power4845, Power4875, Power4875L, and PSE158. Monitors the environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, voltage, and power supply through various sensors. The serial ports of the preceding EMUs are as follows: l The serial port type of the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, Power4820, Power4875, Power4845, and Power4875L is RS232. l The serial port types of the ESCM are RS485 and RS232. Select one serial port type during the configuration according to the type of the monitored shelf. Procedure Step 1 Run the emu add command to add an EMU. Step 2 Run the display emu command to query the status of the EMU. ----End Example To add an EMU with the EMU ID 0, the type ESCM (MiniESC on the CLI), the slave node 30, and the serial port type RS232, do as follows: huawei(config)#emu add 0 MiniESC 0 30 rs232 MiniESC huawei(config)#display emu 0 EMU ID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------EMU name : MiniESC EMU type : MiniESC EMU state : Fault Frame ID : 0 Subnode : 30 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 410 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring COM Port : RS232 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE If the status of the EMU is displayed as Fault, check the following points: l Check whether the physical connection is correct. l Check whether the EMU type, shelf ID, subnode ID, and communication serial port are configured correctly. Related Operation Table 32-5 lists the related operations for adding an EMU. Table 32-5 Related operations for adding an EMU To... Run the Command... Remarks Delete an EMU emu del If the EMU in the shelf needs to be replaced, you need to delete the configured EMU, and then add an EMU. Change the EMU name emu modify The EMU ID must be unique, whereas the EMU name can be duplicate. 32.7 Setting the ESC Analog Parameters This topic describes how to set the upper and lower alarm thresholds of the analog parameters, such as temperature, humidity, voltage, and current, or how to set the customized alarms of the analog parameters. Prerequisite The EMU must be added and work in the normal state. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface emu command to enter the corresponding environment monitoring mode. Step 2 Run the esc analog command to set the ESC analog parameters. Step 3 Run the display esc environment info command to query the ESC system analog parameters. ----End Example The ESCM (MiniESC on the CLI) is used in the following example. To set the upper temperature threshold to 55°C, and lower temperature threshold to 5°C, do as follows: Enter the ESCM config mode. huawei(config)#interface emu 0 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 411 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Set the ESCM analog parameters as follows: set the analog parameter ID to 0, the upper temperature threshold to 55°C, and the lower temperature threshold to 5°C huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc analog 0 alarm-upper-limit 55 alarm-lower-limit 5 Query the ESCM system analog parameters. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#display esc environment info EMU ID: 0 ESC environment state ---------------------------Analog Environment Info-------------------------ID Name State Value AlmUpper AlmLower Unit 0 Temperature Normal 29.000 55 5 C 1 Input_-48V_0 Normal 48.046 70 35 volt 2 Humidity Normal 10.000 75 5 %RH 3 Normal -128.000 127 -128 ---------------------------Digital Environment Info--------------------------ID Name State Value |ID Name State Value 0 Wiring Normal 1 |1 Door0 Alarm 1 2 Normal 1 |3 Normal 1 4 Normal 1 |5 Normal 1 6 Normal 1 |7 Normal 1 8 Normal 1 |9 Normal 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 32-6 lists the related operations for setting the ESC analog parameters. Table 32-6 Related operations for setting the ESC analog parameters To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the alarm information display esc alarm Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Query the ESC system configuration parameters display esc system parameter Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Query the ESC power supply information display esc power Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Query the customized alarm information of the analog parameters display outside_analog private-alarm Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, H801ESC, Power4875, Power4875L, DIS, and PSE158 32.8 Setting the ESC Digital Parameters This topic describes how to set the alarm levels of digital parameters such as the door status sensor, or how to configure the customized alarms of the digital parameters. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 412 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Prerequisite The EMU must be added and work in the normal state. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface emu command to enter the environment monitoring mode. Step 2 Run the esc digital command to set the ESC digital parameters. Step 3 Run the display esc environment info command to query the ESC system digital parameters. ----End Example The ESCM (MiniESC on the CLI) is used in the following example. To set the alarm of the door status sensor to high level, do as follows: Enter the ESCM config mode. huawei(config)#interface emu 0 Set the ESCM digital parameters. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#esc digital 0 available-level high-level Query the settings of the digital parameters. huawei(config-if-MiniESC-0)#display esc environment info EMU ID: 0 ESC environment state ---------------------------Analog Environment Info-------------------------ID Name State Value AlmUpper AlmLower Unit 0 Temperature Normal 29.000 55 5 C 1 Input_-48V_0 Normal 48.046 70 35 volt 2 Humidity Normal 10.000 75 0 %RH 3 Normal -128.000 127 -128 ---------------------------Digital Environment Info--------------------------ID Name State Value |ID Name State Value 0 Wiring Normal 1 |1 Door0 Alarm 1 2 Normal 1 |3 Normal 1 4 Normal 1 |5 Normal 1 6 Normal 1 |7 Normal 1 8 Normal 1 |9 Normal 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 32-7 lists the related operations for setting the ESC digital parameters. Table 32-7 Related operations for setting the ESC digital parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the alarm information display esc alarm Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Query the ESC system configuration parameters display esc system parameter Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 413 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the ESC power supply information display esc power Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, and H801ESC Query the customized alarm information of the digital parameters display outside-digital private-alarm Only valid for the H302ESC, H303ESC, H304ESC, H801ESC, Power4875, Power4875L, DIS, and PSE158 32.9 Configuring the Fan Alarm Reporting This topic describes how to configure the reporting of all the fan alarms to the control unit. Prerequisite The EMU of the fan tray must be in the position and work in the normal state. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface emu command to enter the FAN environment monitoring mode. Step 2 Run the fan alarmset command to configure the fan alarm reporting. Step 3 Run the display fan system parameter command to query the fan alarm information. ----End Example To forbid the reporting of the fan block alarm, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface emu 1 huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan alarmset block forbid Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting for the ack... huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#display fan system parameter EMU ID: 1 Fan configration parameter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------fan timing mode: auto timing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------alarm_name alarm(permit/forbid) read temperature sensor fault permit fan block forbid temperature high permit board fault permit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 32-8 lists the related operations for configuring the fan alarm reporting. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 414 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Table 32-8 Related operations for configuring the fan alarm reporting To... Run the Command... Remarks Query the running information of a fan tray display fan environment info FAN environment monitoring mode Query the alarm information of a fan tray display fan alarm FAN environment monitoring mode 32.10 Setting the Fan Speed Adjustment Mode This topic describes how to set the fan speed adjustment mode. If the fan is not in the automatic speed adjustment mode, the flow of air is more when the temperature is low or normal. Prerequisite The EMU of the fan tray must be in the position and work in the normal state. Context The fan tray of the UA5000 supports the following fan speed adjustment modes: l Automatic l Manual By default, the mode is manual with the fan speed level 5. It is recommended that you change the mode to automatic. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface emu command to enter the FAN environment monitoring mode. Step 2 Run the fan speed command to set the fan speed adjustment mode. Step 3 Run the display fan system parameter command to query the set parameters. ----End Example To set the fan speed adjustment mode to automatic, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface emu 1 huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan speed mode automatic Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting for the ack... huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#display fan system parameter EMU ID: 1 Fan configration parameter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------fan timing mode: auto timing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------alarm_name alarm(permit/forbid) read temperature sensor fault permit Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 415 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring fan block forbid temperature high permit board fault permit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 32-9 lists the related operations for setting the fan speed adjustment mode. Table 32-9 Related operations for setting the fan speed adjustment mode To... Run the Command... Remarks Set the fan speed fan speed adjust You can set the fan speed in the manual fan speed adjustment mode. Configure the reporting of all the fan alarms to the control unit fan alarmset - Query the alarm information of a fan tray display fan alarm - 32.11 Setting the Fan Speed This topic describes how to set the fan speed. Prerequisite l The EMU of the fan tray must be in the position and work in the normal state. l The fan speed adjustment mode must be set to manual. Context The fan speed levels are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Level 0 indicates the lowest fan speed and level 5 indicates the highest fan speed. l The rated fan speed can meet the heat dissipation requirement of the system in the permitted highest ambient temperature. l When the fan runs at a low speed, the damage to the fan is reduced and its life is prolonged. l When the system is abnormal or one fan is faulty, the normal fans can switch to the high speed to increase the air flow so that the heat is dissipated. l Reduction of the fan speed reduces the dust absorption and prevents the air filter from being blocked. l You can set the fan speed in the manual fan speed adjustment mode. Procedure Step 1 Run the interface emu command to enter the FAN environment monitoring mode. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 416 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Step 2 Run the fan speed command to set the fan speed. Step 3 Run the display fan system parameter command to query the set parameters. ----End Example To set the fan speed to 3, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface emu 1 huawei(config-if-fan-1)#fan speed adjust 3 Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting for the ack... huawei(config-if-fan-1)# Execute command successful huawei(config-if-fan-1)#display fan system parameter EMU ID: 1 Fan configration parameter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------fan timing mode: manual timing fan speed level: 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------alarm_name alarm(permit/forbid) read temperature sensor fault permit fan block forbid temperature high permit board fault permit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Operation Table 32-10 lists the related operations for setting the fan speed. Table 32-10 Related operations for setting the fan speed To... Run the Command... Set the fan speed adjustment mode fan speed mode Set the reporting of all the fan alarm information to the control unit fan alarmset Query the alarm information of a fan tray display fan alarm 32.12 Setting the Power Supply Parameters This topic describes how to set the parameters of the power shelf in the UA5000 to ensure the normal running of the power shelf. Context Table 32-11 lists the configuration commands of the power shelf. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 417 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Table 32-11 Configuration commands of the power shelf Function Command Remarks The configuration commands supported by the Power4875, Power4875L, Power4845, and Power4820 are as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Set the battery parameters power battery Set the charging currentlimiting coefficient, timed even charging duration, number, and capacity of the battery sets. Set the battery charging parameters power charge Set the battery charging parameters, including the charging mode and charging voltage. Set the environment parameters of the power supply power environment Set the upper and lower alarm thresholds, and upper and lower measurement thresholds of the temperature or humidity of the power supply monitoring. Thus, an alarm is generated when the power supply works in the environment that does not meet the preset criteria, to ensure the normal running of the device. Set the number of the power modules power module-num The Power4845 supports a maximum of three rectifier modules. Set the parameters of the power module power module-parameter Set the on and off states of the Power4845. The default state is on. That is, the power module is in the working state. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 418 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Function Command Remarks Set the power-off parameters of the power supply power off Set the power-off thresholds of the load and battery set. l The power-off types of the power supply are the load power off and the battery set power off. l When the mains supply is cut off, the battery set supplies the power to the shelf. l When the voltage of the battery set is lower than the power-off threshold of the load, the system cuts off the power supply to the load. l When the voltage of the battery set is lower than the power-off threshold of the battery set, the system cuts off the power supply to the battery set. Set the standby digital parameters of the power supply power outside_digital Set the valid level, name, and customized alarm of the extended digital parameters to monitor the digital parameters of the device in real time. Set the power distribution parameters of the power supply power supply-parameter Set the alarm thresholds of AC over-voltage, AC undervoltage, DC over-voltage, and DC under-voltage. Thus, when the AC voltage or DC voltage is abnormal, the rectifier module can power off automatically to protect the system. The configuration commands only supported by the Power4875L, Power4845, and Power4820 are as follows: Set the battery test parameters Issue 01 (2011-07-30) power battery-test Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Set the auto-test period parameter of the battery and the end voltage of the battery discharging to implement the auto-discharging test of the battery. 419 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Function Command Remarks Set the high-temperature power-off parameters of the power supply power temperature-off Set the high-temperature power-off parameter for the load or battery. Thus, the load or battery powers off automatically in the high working temperature for selfprotection. The configuration commands only supported by the Power4875 and Power4875L are as follows: Set the standby analog parameters of the power supply power outside_analog Set the upper and lower alarm thresholds, upper and lower measurement thresholds, sensor type, unit, name, and customized alarm of the analog parameters. The configuration commands only supported by the Power4875L are as follows: Set the installation time of the battery of the Power4875L system power batteryinstall Set the installation time of the battery of the Power4875L system. Thus, the battery can be replaced in time when the battery life expires. Set certain parameters of the Power4875L system power default When you need to initialize certain parameters of the Power4875L system, run this command. When you set the parameters, ensure that the following conditions are met: l DC over-voltage voltage > battery even charging voltage > battery float charging voltage > DC under-voltage voltage > load power-off voltage > battery power-off voltage l DC over-voltage > (float charging voltage + 2 V) l Float charging voltage > (DC under-voltage + 2 V) NOTE Run the following commands to set the preceding parameters: l Run the power charge command to set the even charging voltage and float charging voltage of the battery. l Run the power battery parameter command to set the DC over-voltage and under-voltage. l Run the power temperature-off command to set the load power-off voltage of the battery and the power-off voltage of the battery set. Procedure Step 1 Run the commands listed in Table 32-11 to configure the EMU of the power shelf. ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 420 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring Example To set the charging current-limiting coefficient to 0.2, timed even charging duration to 60 days, number of battery sets to 1, and capacity of battery set 0 to 130 AH, do as follows: huawei(config)#interface emu 3 huawei(config-if-power4875L-0)#power battery parameter 1 0.2 60 130 Send command to environment monitor board ,please waiting for the ack... huawei(config-if-power4875L-0)# Execute command successful Related Operation Table 32-12 lists the related operations for configuring the EMU of the power shelf. Table 32-12 Related operations for configuring the EMU of the power shelf To... Run the Command... The configuration commands supported by the Power4875, Power4875L, Power4845, and Power4820 are as follows: Query the alarm information of the power supply display power alarm Query the environment information of the power supply display power environment info Query the environment configuration parameters of the power supply display power environment parameter Query the running information of the power supply display power run info Query the system configuration parameters of the power supply display power system parameter The configuration commands only supported by the Power4845 and Power4875L are as follows: Query the battery test parameters display power battery-test info The configuration commands only supported by the Power4875L are as follows: Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Query the installation time of the Power4875L battery display power batteryinstalltime Query the current use status of the Power4875L battery display power battery-test-times Query the current running time of the Power4875L display power current-time Query the system information of the Power4875L display power info Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 421 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Issue 01 (2011-07-30) 32 Configuring the Environment Monitoring To... Run the Command... Query the related information of the Power4875L display power module-time Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 422 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking About This Chapter This topic describes the related operation for configuring the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. 33.1 Networking The UA5000 accesses the data and voice service through the CSRI and ETDB boards. It transmits the IP service upstream to the IP network through the IPM board, and transmits the traditional voice service to the PSTN network through the PVM board. 33.2 Prerequisites Before configuring the integrated data and voice networking, ensure that the UA5000 meets the configuration prerequisites. 33.3 Data Plan (IPM) Before the configuration, it is recommended that you implement the service data plan for the required broadband services such as the ADSL access service and the SHDSL access service. When configuring the service, configure according to the planned data. 33.4 Data Plan (PVMB) This topic describes the data plan for the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. 33.5 Configuration Procedure (IPM) Log in to the IPM through the serial port or the Telnet mode to configure the broadband services of the UA5000 according to the planned broadband service data. 33.6 Configuration Procedure (PVMB) This topic describes how to configure the UA5000 PVMB in the integrated data and voice networking. 33.7 Verification After the broadband service is configured successfully, the subscribers should be able to access the Internet through their PCs. After the voice service is configured successfully, the subscribers should be able to call each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 423 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking 33.1 Networking The UA5000 accesses the data and voice service through the CSRI and ETDB boards. It transmits the IP service upstream to the IP network through the IPM board, and transmits the traditional voice service to the PSTN network through the PVM board. Figure 33-1 shows the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. Figure 33-1 Integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000 OSS NMS DHCP Server IPTV Server MGC Router BRAS V5 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 P P I I P P C C S S E E D E T W W P P V V S S D D D D S D S X X M M M M R R L L T T L T S B B B B D B B B B B B B B I I NT1 Splitter phone ISDN Phone PBX ISDN Phone phone phone STB PC TV 33.2 Prerequisites Before configuring the integrated data and voice networking, ensure that the UA5000 meets the configuration prerequisites. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 424 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking The prerequisites for configuring the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000 are as follows: l The hardware commissioning must be complete, and the system must be ready for service configuration. l The modem must be connected and must be in the normal state. l The upper layer devices, including the BRAS, DHCP sever, multicast sever, MGC, and NMS workstation must work in the normal state. 33.3 Data Plan (IPM) Before the configuration, it is recommended that you implement the service data plan for the required broadband services such as the ADSL access service and the SHDSL access service. When configuring the service, configure according to the planned data. Table 33-1 provides the data plan for configuring the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. Table 33-1 Data plan for configuring the integrated data and voice networking Item Data Remarks Upstream port Port number: 0/2/0; Rate: 100 Mbit/s; Flow control switch state: enabled If the upstream port is a GE port, use the default configuration. Inband NMS NM VLAN ID: 31; type: standard The inband NMS manages the PVM board through the packet transmission of the IPM board. IP address of the L3 interface: IP address of the next hop router: IP address of the NMS host: l Community name: public, with the read-only right. - l Community name: private, with the read-write right. l Enable the standard SNMP trap message. ADSL service Subscriber access port number: 0/7/0– 0/7/31 - VPI: 8; VCI: 35 VLAN ID: 32-63; type: Mux Traffic profile: Upstream bandwidth 512 kbit/s, downstream bandwidth 1 Mbit/s Upstream port: 0/2/0 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 425 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI Item 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking Data Remarks Traffic entry priority: 1 SHDSL service Subscriber access port number: 0/8/0– 0/8/15 - VPI: 8; VCI: 35 VLAN ID: 64-79; type: Mux Traffic profile: 1 Mbit/s Upstream port: 0/2/0 Multicast service VLAN ID: 104; type: Smart Subscriber access port number: 0/7/0– 0/7/31 VPI: 0; VCI: 35 Upstream port: 0/2/0 IP address of the L3 interface: The multicast service uses the DHCP mode to obtain the IP address. The priority of the multicast traffic entry is higher than the priority of the Internet access subscriber. IP addresses of the DHCP server:, IP address of the multicast program: Right profile name: profile0 Program name: program1 Traffic entry priority: 5 Internet access mode xDSL service: VPI 8, VCI 35, PPPoE mode, set the modem to the bridge mode. Multicast service: VPI 0, VCI 35, IPoE mode, set the modem to the bridge mode. The xDSL services use the PC dialing method. If the modem dialing method is required, set the modem to the bridged PPPoE mode. 33.4 Data Plan (PVMB) This topic describes the data plan for the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. Table 33-2 provides the data plan for configuring the integrated data and voice networking of the UA5000. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 426 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking Table 33-2 Data plan for configuring the integrated data and voice networking Item Data MG interface mgid: 0 code: text Protocol: H.248 MG port: 2944; MGC: 2944 domainname: Whether the termination ID on the MG interface supports the layering configuration: Yes System parameter Overseas version flag: Britain IP address Signaling IP address of MG interface 0 of the UA5000: Media IP address of MG interface 0 of the UA5000: Default gateway of MG interface 0 of the UA5000: IP address of the MGC: Type of service (ToS) strategy IP priority and ToS priority: Default values ISDN BRA service IUA link parameters IUA link set number: 1 IUA link number: 15 Local port number: 1401 Peer port number: 1400 ISDN PRA service IUA link parameters IUA link set number: 2 IUA link number: 1 Local port number: 1402 Peer port number: 1404 33.5 Configuration Procedure (IPM) Log in to the IPM through the serial port or the Telnet mode to configure the broadband services of the UA5000 according to the planned broadband service data. Procedure Step 1 Query the host software version. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 427 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking huawei(config)#display language NOTE If the queried host version does not match the planned host version, see the upgrade guide to update the host software to the planned version. Step 2 Query and confirm the board. huawei(config)#display board 0 huawei(config)#board confirm 0 Step 3 Set the upstream port of the UA5000. huawei(config)#interface ipm 0/2 huawei(config-if-ipm-0/2)#speed 0 100 huawei(config-if-ipm-0/2)#flow-control 0 huawei(config-if-ipm-0/2)#quit Step 4 Configure a log host. huawei(config)#loghost huawei(config)#loghost huawei(config)#loghost huawei(config)#loghost add syslog-1 activate ip add syslog-2 activate ip Step 5 Add a standard VLAN, and assign FE ports 6 and 7 and IP upstream port 0 to the VLAN. huawei(config)#vlan huawei(config)#port huawei(config)#port huawei(config)#port 1001 vlan vlan vlan standard 1001 0/2 0 1001 0/2 6 1001 0/2 7 Step 6 Configure the inband NMS. huawei(config)#vlan 31 standard huawei(config)#port vlan 31 0/2 0 huawei(config)#interface vlanif 31 huawei(conffig-if-vlanif31)#ip address huawei(conffig-if-vlanif31)#quit huawei(config)#ip route-static huawei(config)#snmp-agent community read public huawei(config)#snmp-agent community write private huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap enable standard huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap address securityname private huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap source vlanif 31 Step 7 Configure the ADSL service. huawei(config)#vlan 32 to 63 mux huawei(config)#port vlan 32 to 63 0/2 0 huawei(config)#display traffic table from-index 0 huawei(config)#traffic table index 7 ip car 10240 priority 1 priority-policy tag-InPackage huawei(config)#service-port vlan 32 adsl 0/7/0 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 33 adsl 0/7/1 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 34 adsl 0/7/2 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 35 adsl 0/7/3 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 36 adsl 0/7/4 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 37 adsl 0/7/5 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 38 adsl 0/7/6 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 39 adsl 0/7/7 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 40 adsl 0/7/8 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 41 adsl 0/7/9 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 42 adsl 0/7/10 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 43 adsl 0/7/11 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 44 adsl 0/7/12 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 45 adsl 0/7/13 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 46 adsl 0/7/14 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 47 adsl 0/7/15 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 48 adsl 0/7/16 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 49 adsl 0/7/17 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 50 adsl 0/7/18 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 428 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#service-port vlan huawei(config)#adsl line-profile 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking 51 adsl 52 adsl 53 adsl 54 adsl 55 adsl 56 adsl 57 adsl 58 adsl 59 adsl 60 adsl 61 adsl 62 adsl 63 adsl add 3 0/7/19 0/7/20 0/7/21 0/7/22 0/7/23 0/7/24 0/7/25 0/7/26 0/7/27 0/7/28 0/7/29 0/7/30 0/7/31 vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi vpi 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci vci 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr rx-cttr 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr tx-cttr 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Command: adsl line-profile add 3 Start adding profile Press 'Q' to quit the current configuration and new configuration will be neglected > Do you want to name the profile (y/n) [n]: > Please choose default value type 0-adsl 1-adsl2+ (0~1) [0]: > Will you set basic configuration for modem? (y/n)[n]: > Please select channel mode 0-interleaved 1-fast (0~1) [0]: > Will you set interleaved delay? (y/n) [n]: > Please select form of transmit rate adaptation in downstream: > 0-fixed 1-adaptAtStartup 2-adaptAtRuntime (0~2) [1]:1 > Will you set SNR margin for modem? (y/n)[n]:y > Target SNR margin in downstream(0~15 dB) [6]: > Minimum SNR margin in downstream (0~6 dB) [0]: > Maximum SNR margin in downstream (6~31 dB) [31]: > Target SNR margin in upstream (0~15 dB) [6]: > Minimum SNR margin in upstream (0~6 dB) [0]: > Maximum SNR margin in upstream (6~31 dB) [31]: > Will you set parameters for rate? (y/n)[n]:y > Minimum transmit rate in downstream (32~8160 Kbps) [32]: > Maximum transmit rate in downstream (32~8160 Kbps) [6144]:1024 > Minimum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [32]: > Maximum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [640]:512 Add profile 3 successfully huawei(config)#interface adsl 0/7 huawei(config-if-adsl-0/7)#alarm-config all 1 huawei(config-if-adsl-0/7)#deactivate all huawei(config-if-adsl-0/7)#activate all profile-index 3 Step 8 Configure the SHDSL service. huawei(config)#vlan 64 to 79 mux huawei(config)#port vlan 64 to 79 0/2 0 huawei(config)#display traffic table from-index 0 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 64 shdsl 0/8/0 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 65 shdsl 0/8/1 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 66 shdsl 0/8/2 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 67 shdsl 0/8/3 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 68 shdsl 0/8/4 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 69 shdsl 0/8/5 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 70 shdsl 0/8/6 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 71 shdsl 0/8/7 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 72 shdsl 0/8/8 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 73 shdsl 0/8/9 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 74 shdsl 0/8/10 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 75 shdsl 0/8/11 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 76 shdsl 0/8/12 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 429 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking huawei(config)#service-port vlan 77 shdsl 0/8/13 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 78 shdsl 0/8/14 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 79 shdsl 0/8/15 vpi 8 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 huawei(config)#shdsl line-profile add 2 Command: shdsl line-profile add Start adding profile 2 During inputting,press 'Q' to quit,then settings at this time will be ignored > G.SHDSL interface mode of line (1--two wire;2--four wire) [1]: > Do you use the default data to create a line profile?(y/n) [y]:n > G.SHDSL minimum line rate (Value must be multiple of 64,except 2312kbps,192~2304,2312 kbps)[2048]:1024 > G.SHDSL maximum line rate (Value must be multiple of 64,except 2312kbps,1024~2304,2312 kbps)[2048]: 1024 > Power Spectral Density mode (1--symmetric;2--asymmetric) [1]: > Transmission mode (1--G.991.2 Annex A;2--G.991.2 Annex B; 3--support Annex A&B) [3]: > Remote enable (1--enabled;2--disabled) [1]: > Probe enable (1--disabled;2--enabled) [1]: > Do you config the target SNR margin?(y/n) [n]: Add profile 2 successfully huawei(config)#interface sdl 0/7 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/7)#alarm-config all 1 huawei(config-if-sdl-0/7)#deactivate all huawei(config-if-sdl-0/7)#activate all 2 Step 9 Configure the multicast service. huawei(config)#vlan 104 smart huawei(config)#port vlan 104 0/2 0 huawei(config)#traffic table index 8 ip car 10240 priority 5 priority-policy tag-InPackage huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/0 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/1 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/2 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/3 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/4 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/5 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/6 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/7 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/8 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/9 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/10 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/11 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/12 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/13 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/14 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/15 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/16 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/17 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/18 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/19 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/20 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/21 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/22 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/23 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/24 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/25 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/26 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 430 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/27 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/28 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/29 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/30 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#service-port vlan 104 adsl 0/7/31 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8 huawei(config)#dhcp mode layer-3 option-60 huawei(config)#dhcp-server 2 ip huawei(config)#dhcp domain video //Refer to the actual DHCP option 60 threshold. huawei(config-dhcp-domain-video)#dhcp-server 2 huawei(config)#interface vlanif 104 huawei(config-if-vlanif104)#ip address 24 huawei(config-if-vlanif104)#dhcp domain video gateway huawei(config)#interface ipm 0/2 huawei(config-if-ipm-0/2)#native-vlan 0 vlan 104 huawei(config-if-ipm-0/2)#quit huawei(config)#btv huawei(config-btv)#igmp uplink-port 0/2/0 huawei(config-btv)#igmp video-port vpi 0 vci 35 huawei(config-btv)#igmp program add name program1 ip vlan 104 bind 0/2/0 huawei(config-btv)#igmp profile profile0 program-name program1 watch huawei(config-btv)#igmp user add slot 0/7 auth huawei(config-btv)#igmp user bind-profile slot 0/7 profile-name profile0 Step 10 Configure the Internet access mode (configure the modem). l PPPoE mode – Set the modem to the bridge mode. – Set the VPI/VCI of the WAN port on the modem to 8/35. – Install the PPPoE dialup software on the computer terminal, and set the user name and password. l IPoE mode – Set the modem to the bridge mode. – Set the VPI/VCI of the WAN port on the modem to 0/35. ----End 33.6 Configuration Procedure (PVMB) This topic describes how to configure the UA5000 PVMB in the integrated data and voice networking. Procedure Step 1 Query the host software version. huawei(config)#display language NOTE If the version does not match, refer to the version upgrading guide to update the host software to a proper version. Step 2 Set the IP address of service network port. huawei(config)#interface eth huawei(interface-eth)#ip address vlan_tag 1001 huawei(interface-eth)#display ip address Step 3 Configure the QoS IP strategy. huawei(config)#qos ip strategy tos Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 431 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking Step 4 Configure the overseas version flag. huawei(config)#system parameters 1 8 huawei(config)#display system parameters 1 Step 5 Configure the VoIP voice service. huawei(config)#board add 0/6 a32 huawei(config)#board confirm 0/6 huawei(config)#display board 0 huawei(config)#interface h248 0 Are you sure to add MG interface? (y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 code text transfer udp domainName mgcip_1 mgcport_1 2944 mgmedia-ip huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display if-h248 attribute huawei(config-if-h248-0)#mg-software parameter 0 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#display mg-software parameter 0 huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset Are you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y huawei(config-if-h248-0)#quit huawei(config)#display if-h248 all huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/6/0 0/6/31 0 telno 12340001 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgpstnuser 0/6 huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save Step 6 Configure the ISDN BRA service. huawei(config)#board add 0/12 h601dsld huawei(config)#board confirm 0/12 huawei(config)#display board 0 huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 1 0 pendingtime 4 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 15 1 1401 1400 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state huawei(config-sigtran)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgbrauser batadd 0/12/0 0/12/1 1 15 huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/12 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgbrauser 0/12 huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save Step 7 Configure the ISDN PRA service. huawei(config)#board add 0/15 h601edtb huawei(config)#board confirm 0/15 huawei(config)#display board 0 huawei(config)#interface edt 0/15 huawei(config-if-edt-0/13)#runmode indep huawei(config-if-edt-0/13)#quit huawei(config)#sigtran huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-linkset add 2 0 pendingtime 4 huawei(config-sigtran)#iua-link add 1 2 1402 1404 huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link attribute huawei(config-sigtran)#display iua-link state huawei(config-sigtran)#quit huawei(config)#esl user huawei(config-esl-user)#mgprauser add 0/15/0 2 10 huawei(config-esl-user)#display port state 0/15/0 huawei(config-esl-user)#display mgprauser 0/15 huawei(config-esl-user)#quit huawei(config)#save ----End Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 432 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI 33 Configuring the Integrated Data and Voice Networking 33.7 Verification After the broadband service is configured successfully, the subscribers should be able to access the Internet through their PCs. After the voice service is configured successfully, the subscribers should be able to call each other. Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 433 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI A A Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms and Abbreviations A ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line AG access gateway B BE best effort BRA basic rate access BRI basic rate interface C CCS common channel signaling CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee CLI command line interface D DNS domain name server DSL digital subscriber line board DSCP differentiated service codepoint DSP digital signal processor DTMF dual-tone multifrequency E Issue 01 (2011-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 434 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI EPON A Acronyms and Abbreviations Ethernet passive optical network F FE fast Ethernet FoIP fax over IP FSK frequency shift keying FTP File Transfer Protocol G GE gigabit Ethernet GPON Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network H HW highway I IP Internet Protocol ISDN integrated services digital network IUA ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer M MAC media access control MDU multi dwelling unit MG media gateway MGC media gateway controller MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol MoIP modem over IP N Issue 01 (2011-07-30) NGN next generation network NM network management NMS network management system Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 435 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI NT1 A Acronyms and Abbreviations network termination 1 O OAM operations, administration and maintenance OLT optical line terminal ONU optical network unit P optical network unit PBX private branch exchange PCM pulse code modulation POS passive optical splitter POTS plain old telephone service PRA primary rate access PRI primary rate interface PSTN public switched telephone network PVM packet voice module Q QoS quality of service R RTP Real-time Transfer Protocol S SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol SIGTRAN signaling transport SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol T Issue 01 (2011-07-30) TCP Transmission Control Protocol TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 436 UA5000 Universal Access Unit Product Configuration Guide-PVM CLI A Acronyms and Abbreviations U UDP User Datagram Protocol V Issue 01 (2011-07-30) VAG virtual access gateway VLAN virtual local area network VoIP voice over IP VQE voice quality enhancements Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 437