ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-22 PRACTICAL FILE/STUDENT PORTFOLIO NAME : CLASS : IX Section : ROLL NO. : SUBJECT : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUB CODE : 402 INDEX Sl. No. Topic Page No. RAPID TYPING 1. In rapid typing software, Advancedī Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 question. Take a screenshot of these lessons in WPM for each. LIBRE OFFICE WRITER 2. Create a certificate on “Annual Sports meet 2021-22”, include images, shapes, border etc. 3. Create an invitation for the above using mail merge to invite minimum three schools. LIBRE OFFICE CALC 4. Create the worksheet below in Calc Use a single function and create the formula for total &its percentage for each. LIBRE OFFICE PRESENTATION 5. Make a presentation on the basis of clue given below. MODEL STORYBOARD Slide 1 Subject: ICT Mela, PSSCIVE, Bhopal Color: Green Various ICT Techniques Slide 2 Objectives of the Study 1. To find out the reason behind of ICT Mela. 2. To find out the areas of ICT Mela. 3. 4. Slide 3 Preparation steps for showing your method of learning. 1. 2. (Font size: 28) Background: Sky blue Animation: Fade in Slide transition:................. Various ICT Techniques with different Colour Font size: (Study objectives : 44) Others: 32 Color: Red Background color: Light Yellow Animation : Fade in Slide Transition: ................ Font size : (Preparation Steps : 24) Others : 32 Colour : Blue Background colour : Light Yellow Animation : Fade in Slide Transition: ................ Note: Last Submission date for practical file is on 15th January 2022.