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IELTS Writing Task 2 Guide: Argumentative Essays

Writing section
Task 2 : essay – 250 words – 280
Argumentative essay : ‫مقال جدلبي‬
 Agree /disagree
 Discuss both opinions
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Reasons and problems
 Reasons and solutions
Introduction ( 2 sentences )
Body ( 2 paragraphs )
Conclusion (1- 2 sentences )
Introduction :
a) Background sentence : paraphrase
the main question = rewrite
??? how
1) Synonyms ‫ مرادفات‬reason = cause
= factors / problem = troubles =
negative results =harmful effects
2) Grammar
Verb – noun “ there is ..”
3) Add adj / adv
Quick – quickly
Over the last few years, …
In today’s world,
4) Order ‫ترتيب‬
The percentage ( rate =ratio = the number
of people )of unemployment( jobless ) is
increasing. (rise- go up )
Over the last few years, there has been a
remarkable rise in the number of jobless
people .
In many ( several ) countries people are
moving away ( immigrate )from rural
areas ( villages – countryside |)towards
urban areas. ( modern cities )
What are the reasons and solutions ?
Nowadays , there is a remarkable
immigration in several countries from
villages to modern cities. Both the reasons
and solutions will be articulated in the
forthcoming paragraphs before a
reasonable conclusion can be drawn.
Note : thesis ( reasons and solutions )
This trend can be ascribed to a number of
reasons and it should be addressed by
definite solutions which will be articulated
in ……
b) Thesis statement
This essay will discuss …. And ….
Both …… and …… will be articulated in
the forthcoming paragraphs before a
reasonable conclusion can be drawn.
Agree/ disagree :
The following lines are devoted to
illustrate and exemplify why I personally
agree/ disagree with …
a)Many( several ) children ( youngsters
=offspring )are encouraged( support =
motivate ) by their parents( families ) to do
a part time job in their free time.( spare
time )
b)What are the advantages and
disadvantages ?
In today’s world, several families support
their youngsters to do a part time job in
their spare time. Both the advantages and
disadvantages will be articulated in the
forthcoming paragraphs before a
reasonable conclusion can be drawn.
note :
he eats an apple (active )
passive : xxxx subject / object ‫مفعول‬
am/is/are / was / were +p.p
the apple is eaten
the apple was eaten
the apple will be eaten by me
many(several ) countries have a number
(percentage ) of homeless people .some
people think ( believe = argue )that the
best way ( the most effective way ) to help
them is to give them money.( financial
help= assistance =aids / monetary help )
Do you agree or disagree ?
Over the last few years, the number of
homeless people has increased
dramatically in several countries and it is
believed by some people that financial
help is the most effective way to sort out
their problem. The following lines are
devoted to illustrate and exemplify why I
personally disagree with such opinion.