Unit 1:Expression & Control Statements in PHP [22619 WPD MSBTE] cwipedia Total points 20/20 Stay Tuned for Daily Quizzes on All 6th Semester Computer Group Subjects like PHP, Python, MAD, and other Online Quiz to help you in preparing for Online Exams, It covers 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for 20 Marks imp Links: All Theory tutorials: https://bit.ly/3ihW2zX contact us on business@cwipedia.in 1. PHP was written in _____ programming. * 1/1 C C++ Java Python 2. PHP originally stood for "_____________" * 1/1 Hypertext Preprocessor Personal Home Page Page Hyperttext Preprocessor none of the above https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 1/7 3. PHP has an extensions * 1/1 .php .php3 .phtml all of the above 4. Is PHP platform-independent * 1/1 True False 5. Choose correct PHP syntax * 1/1 <?php #code ?> <? #code ?> <script> //code </script> A and B 6. Which statement is used to get output or print output? * 1/1 echo() print() All of the above none of the above https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 2/7 7. Which statement is faster * 1/1 echo print print_r() none of the above 8. PHP variable names are____ * 1/1 Case insensitive Case sensitive none of the above 9. Variables declared outside a function are called * 1/1 Local Variable Global Variable Static Variable Public Variable https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 3/7 10. PHP supports ___ primitive data types. * 1/1 10 8 9 7 11. which of the following is the compound data type * 1/1 Object Resource Null Float 12. What is the Output <? $no="1"; echo gettype($no); ?> * 1/1 integer string char float https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 4/7 13. Which logical operator has higher precedence from 1/1 following? * && ! || xor 14. TestExpression ? yesExperssion : noExpression is an example of * 1/1 Logical operator Assignment operator Ternary operator None of them 15. The most complicated looping structure is * 1/1 While Do While For None of them https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 5/7 16. By default scope of variable which is defined inside a function is? * 1/1 Global Local Restricted None of them 17. PHP supports ____ types of looping techniques? * 1/1 2 3 4 5 18. How many main parameters are used in for loop * 1/1 2 3 4 1 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 6/7 19. do-while loop is an _____ control loop ? * 1/1 exit exist easy entry 20. What will be the output of the following PHP code? * 1/1 13579 12345 97531 Error Feedback Happy Learning! cwipedia.in This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Forms https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXHvjT7u7TFAeLnrSEo3criHv_xRgGAkOKIQKC4XsKgWy0zg/viewscore?viewscore=A… 7/7