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Blood Functions & Blood Groups: Textbook Excerpt

The cardiovascular system consists of three interrelated components: blood, the heart, and blood
vessels. Most cells of a multicellular organism cannot move around to obtain oxygen and nutrients and
get rid of carbon dioxide and other wastes. Instead, these needs are met by two fluids: blood and
interstitial fluid.
Blood is a liquid connective tissue that consists of cells surrounded by an extracellular matrix. The
extracellular matrix is a liquid portion called plasma and the cellular portion consists of various cells and
cell fragments.
Interstitial fluid is the watery fluid that bathes body cells and is constantly renewed by the blood.
Oxygen brought into the lungs and water and nutrients brought into the gastrointestinal tract are
transported by the blood, diffuse from the blood into the interstitial fluid, and then diffuse into body cells.
Carbon dioxide and other wastes move in the reverse direction, from the body cells into the interstitial
fluid and then into the blood. Blood then transports the wastes to various organs—the lungs, kidneys,
skin, and digestive system—for elimination from the body.
Blood transports various substances, helps regulate several life processes, and affords protection
against disease although, Blood is closely related to other body fluids. In fact, many of the extracellular
body fluids (including interstitial fluid, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and aqueous humor) arise from the
blood during development and are continually replenished by it. The extracellular fluids that nourish,
protect, and exchange materials with every cell of the body are derived from the blood, renewed by the
blood, and returned to the blood.
Based on these relationships, blood has three general functions:
1. Transportation. Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carries carbon
dioxide from the body cells to the lungs for exhalation. It carries nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract
to body cells and hormones from endocrine glands to cells throughout the body. Blood also transports
heat and waste products to the lungs, kidneys, and skin for elimination from the body.
2. Regulation. Circulating blood helps maintain homeostasis in all body fluids. Blood plays a role in the
regulation of pH through buffers. It also assists in the adjustment of body temperature; the heat-absorbing
and coolant properties of the water in blood plasma and its variable rate of flow through the skin allow
excess heat to be lost from the blood to the environment.
3. Protection. Blood can clot (become gel-like), which protects against its excessive loss from the
cardiovascular system after an injury. In addition, white blood cells protect against disease by carrying on
phagocytosis. Several types of blood proteins, including antibodies, interferons, and complement, help
protect against disease in a variety of ways
Blood is denser and more viscous (thicker) than water, which is part of the reason it flows more
slowly than water. The temperature of blood is about 38°C (100.4°F), which is slightly higher than
normal body temperature, and it has a slightly alkaline pH ranging from 7.35 to 7.45. The color of blood
varies. When saturated with oxygen it is bright red; when unsaturated with oxygen, the blood is dark red
to purple. Blood constitutes about 8 percent of the total body weight. The blood volume is 5–6 liters in an
average-sized adult male and 4–5 liters in an average-sized adult female. This gender difference in
volume is due to the difference in average body size.
Blood Group Systems
More than 100 types of genetically determined antigens have been detected on the surface of red
blood cells. Many of these antigens appear in characteristic patterns, a fact that enables scientists or
health-care professionals to identify a person’s blood as belonging to one or more blood groupings; there
are at least 14 currently recognized blood group systems. Each system is characterized by the presence or
absence of specific antigens on the surface of a red blood cell’s plasma membrane. The two most
commonly used categories are the ABO and Rh blood grouping systems.
The ABO blood grouping system is based on two antigens, symbolized as A and B. Individuals
whose erythrocytes manufacture only antigen A are said to have blood type A. Those who manufacture
only antigen B are type B. Individuals who manufacture both A and B are type AB. Those who
manufacture neither are type O. Blood plasma usually contains antibodies that react with the A or B
antigens if the two are mixed. These are the anti-A antibody, which reacts with antigen A, and the antiB antibody, which reacts with antigen B. You do not have antibodies that react with the antigens of your
own RBCs, but you do have antibodies for any antigens that your RBCs lack. For example, if your blood
type is B, you have B antigens on your red blood cells, and you have anti-A antibodies in your blood
The Rh blood grouping system is so named because the Rh antigen, called Rh factor, was first
found in the blood of the Rhesus monkey. Individuals whose erythrocytes have the Rh antigens (D
antigens) are designated Rh+. Those who lack Rh antigens are designated Rh -. As just noted, the presence
or absence of certain antigens on red blood cells is the basis for classifying blood into several different
groups. Such information is very important when a transfusion is given. A transfusion is the transfer
of whole blood or blood components (red blood cells or blood plasma, for example) into the bloodstream.
A transfusion may be given to treat low blood volume, anemia, or a low platelet count. However, in an
incompatible blood transfusion, antibodies in the recipient’s plasma bind to the antigens on the donated
RBCs, which causes agglutination of the RBCs. Agglutination is an antigen–antibody response in which
RBCs become cross-linked to one another. When these antigen–antibody complexes form, they activate
complement proteins (globulins), which make the plasma membrane of the donated RBCs leaky, causing
hemolysis (rupture) of the RBCs and the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma. The liberated
hemoglobin may cause kidney damage. Although quite rare, it is possible for the viruses that cause AIDS
and hepatitis B and C to be transmitted through transfusion of contaminated blood products.