May 22, 2019 Withdrawal Request letter Hi, I am sending this letter in order that I may request a retroactive withdrawal from the course that I was registered for in Spring, 2019. There are a number of extenuating circumstances that took place during the semester that served to affect my performance in the course. I apologize for my poor performance and do believe I would have done much better had some of these things not occurred. The reasons are as follows: 1. I was looking to graduate this past Spring assuming that some courses that I had already taken at Bethel University of Mckenzie would transfer and serve to provide the necessary remaining credits to complete my program. Unfortunately, I found out that those courses would not transfer to anything at The University of Memphis consequently postponing my graduation hopes. I was devastated by this news and henceforth was unable to dedicate the proper focus that I normally would have. Furthermore, because I was unaware of the rules of withdrawal as a grad student, I remained in the course when I should have withdrawn. 2. My mother underwent major surgery and due to this she was unable to work or even move around much. She needed constant supervision and care for months and I was the only available person to provide the care she needed. Because she was in pretty bad shape for a while I had to dedicate much of the time that I would have used for study to take care of her. This was one of the main contributing factors but not the only one. 3. When I enrolled I was working as a teacher at Gateway University Charter School. However, I was laid off due to low enrollment and the impending closure of the school. Therefore, I was unable to obtain the necessary field experience needed and furthermore a financial strain was placed on my family as well as mental stress on myself. Due to worry about being able to take care of everyday needs that one with a job would not otherwise worry about, I as unable to perform at the highest level. I do understand that there may have been other courses of action to take but I was very distraught and under a lot of external pressure such that I was not able to think clearly and make better decisions. I will in the future be more attentive to such situations and hopefully avoid making such mistakes again. I do hope to graduate in Fall 2019 and if I am able to withdraw I definitely will. Please try to understand the stress of this past semester and that had I not had to have to deal with the problems listed, I would have done much better. You will find attached, the email I received detailing the non-transferable classes from Bethel as well as a copy of my mother’s hospital documentation detailing the nature of her surgery. Thanks for your time and I hope this letter finds you well. Sincerely, Bonelli Dobbs