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In a survey, chief executive officers (CEOs) indicated that they would prefer
to relocate their businesses to Atlanta (first choice), San Diego, Tampa, Los
Angeles, or Boston. The CEOs who said they planned on building new office
space in the following year were asked where they were going to build. They
indicated they
When would a researcher use a judgment, or purposive, sample?
In what types of situations is conducting a census more appropriate than
sampling? When is sampling more appropriate than taking a census?
A publisher offers college professors one of four best-selling mass-market
books as an incentive for filling out a 10-page mail questionnaire about a
new textbook. What advantages and disadvantages does this incentive
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It has been said that surveys show that consumers hate advertising, but like
specific ads. Comment.
Give an example of a political situation in which longitudinal research might
be useful. Name some common objectives for a longitudinal study in a
business situation.
Outline a research design using observation for each of the following
situations: a. A bank wishes to collect data on the number of customer
services and the frequency of customer use of these services. b. A state
government wishes to determine the driving public’s use of seat belts. c.
A researcher wishes to know ho
1. How comparable are the two different methods? In what ways are they
similar? In what ways are they different? 2. What are the positive and
negative aspects of each approach that Shocker should consider before
recommending a course of action for FlyAway Airways? 3. What aspects of
service quality does each approach a
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What role does debriefing play in ensuring that experimental procedures are
consistent with good ethical practice?
What is the difference between a concept and a construct?
What is a scanner-based consumer panel?
Suppose you are the research director for your state’s tourism bureau.
Assess the state’s information needs, and identify the information you
will collect in a survey of tourists who visit your state.
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What is the difference between a main effect and an interaction in an
experiment? In question 2, what will create a main effect? Is an interaction
A researcher wishes to compare two hotels on the following attributes:
Convenience of location Friendly personnel Value for money a. Design a
Likert scale to accomplish this task. b. Design a semantic differential scale to
accomplish this task. c. Design a graphic rating scale to accomplish this task.
A researcher thinks many respondents will answer “don’t know” or
“can’t say” if these options are printed on an attitude scale along
with categories indicating level of agreement. The researcher does not print
either “don’t know” or “can’t say” on the questionnaire
because the resulting data wou
Name some possible sampling frames for the following: a. Electrical
contractors b. Tennis players c. Dog owners d. Foreign-car owners e. Wig and
hair goods retailers f. Minority-owned businesses g. Men over six feet tall
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Consider the following scenario: Sea Snapper brand gourmet frozen fish
products claimed in advertising that their fish sticks are preferred more than
two to one over the most popular brand, Captain John’s. The
advertisements all include a definitive statement indicating that research
existed which substantiated this
If researchers know that consumers in various geographic regions respond
quite differently to a product category, such as tomato sauce, is area
sampling appropriate? Why or why not?
If a semantic differential has ten scale items, should all the positive
adjectives be on the right and all the negative adjectives on the left?
’NET Go to www.spss.com and click on Industries and Market Research.
What services does the company provide?
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Return to the simple example of regression results for the toy company
presented in the chapter. Since the data come equally from Europe and
Canada, does this represent a potential source of variation that is not
accounted for in the researcher’s model? How could the researcher
examine whether or not sales may be dep
What is a standardized normal curve?
Calculate the standard deviation for the data in question 2.
A manufacturer of MP3 players surveyed one hundred retail stores in each of
the firm’s sales regions. An analyst noticed that in the South Atlantic
region the average retail price was $165 (mean) and the standard deviation
was $30. However, in the Mid-Atlantic region the mean price was $170, with
a standard deviation
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When should interviewers probe? Give some examples of how probing should
be done.
A researcher expects the population proportion of Cubs fans in Chicago to be
80 percent. The researcher wishes to have an error of less than 5 percent
and to be 95 percent confident of an estimate to be made from a mail
survey. What sample size is required?
1. Formulate a statistical hypothesis appropriate for the consumer
group’s purpose. 2. Calculate the mean average miles per gallon.
Compute the sample variance and sample standard deviation. 3. Construct
the appropriate statistical test for your hypothesis, using a 0.05 significance
level. Quality Motors is an autom
In a survey of 500 people, 60 percent responded with agreement to an
attitude question. Calculate a confidence interval at 95 percent to get an
interval estimate for a proportion.
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Explain how OLS determines where a regression line should be placed among
a plot of observations.
Comment on the professionalism of the procedures used to make the
advertising claim. Why do you believe the researchers performed the data
transformations described? A few years ago Vidal Sassoon, Inc., took legal
action against Bristol-Myers over a series of TV commercials and print ads for
a shampoo that had been na
The following computer output shows a cross-tabulation of frequencies and
provides frequency number N) and row R) percentages. a. Interpret this
output including a conclusion about whether or not the row and column
variables are related. b. Critique the way the analysis is presented. c. Draw a
pie chart indicating perc
What is a factor loading?
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What are the factors that determine the choice of the appropriate statistical
Distinguish between a Type I and Type II error.
What role might a word counter play in coding qualitative research results?
Phone directories are sometimes used for sampling frames. Go to
www.reversephonedirectory.com and put in a phone number of someone you
know in the reverse phone search (the number must be a listed number to
get results). Comment on the accuracy of the information and the
appropriateness of phone directories as a repres
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Using the formula in this chapter, a researcher determines that at the 95
percent confidence level, a sample of 2,500 is required to satisfy a
client’s requirements. The researcher actually uses a sample of 1,200,
however, because the client has specified a budget cap for the survey. What
are the ethical consideratio
A 25-year-old respondent indicates that she owns her own house in
Springfield, Illinois, and it is valued at $990 million. Later in the interview,
she indicates that she didn’t finish high school and that she drives a
1993 Buick Century. Should the editor consider altering any of these
responses? If so, how?
Interpret the data in these tables. What recommendations and conclusions
would you offer to Downy-Q management? The research for Downy-Q is an
example of a commercial test that was conducted when an advertising
campaign for an established brand had run its course. The revised campaign,
“Fighting the Cold,” emphasi
1. Evaluate the geographic options offered by STS. Do they seem to cover all
the bases? 2. Evaluate the STS method of random-digit dialing. Scientific
Telephone Samples (STS), located in Santa Ana, California, specializes in
selling sampling frames for marketing research. The STS sampling frame is
based on a database
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What qualities should fieldworkers possess?
What is the purpose of editing? Provide some examples of questions that
might need editing.
A survey asks respondents to respond to the statement “My work is
interesting.” Interpret the frequency distribution shown here (taken from
an SPSS output): My work isinteresting:
Perform a x2 test on the following data: a. Regulation is the best way to
ensure safe products. b. Ownership ofresidence
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What conditions suggest that a ratio variable should be transformed
(recoded) into a dichotomous (two group) variable?
Why is the standard deviation rather than the average deviation typically
Design a short questionnaire with fewer than five fixed-alternative questions
to measure student satisfaction with your college bookstore. Interview five
classmates and then arrange the database into a data matrix.
What is a histogram? What is the advantage of overlaying a normal
distribution over a histogram?
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Examine the statistical choices under “analyze” in SPSS. Click on
compare means. To compare an observed mean to some benchmark or
hypothesized population mean, the available choice is a one-sample t-test. A
researcher is preparing a report and finds the following result testing a
hypothesis that suggested the sampl
When should the raw data from a respondent be altered by a data editor?
The management of a regional bus line thought the company’s cost of
gas might be correlated with its passenger/mile ratio. The data and a
correlation matrix follow.Comment.
1. Test the hypothesis: Attitude toward one’s car is related positively to
spending for car-care products. 2. Would you recommend CarCare do more
research to identify nations with relatively favorable attitudes toward the
cars they own? CarCare is considering expanding its operations beyond the
United States. The c
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What are some different terms used to refer to the slope coefficient
estimated in regression analysis?
How is data coding different from data editing?
Interpret the following computer cross-tab output including a x2 test.
Variable COMMUTE is “How did you get to work last week?” Variable
GENDER is “Are you male or female?” Comment on any particular
problems with theanalysis.
How does a researcher determine if a correlation coefficient is significant?
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1. Is Margaret going to be a good professional interviewer? 2. What should
Mary Zagorski tell Margaret? Margaret Murphy O’Hara was fatigued. As
she wiped the perspiration from her brow, she felt that the Massachusetts
summer sun was playing a trick on her. It was her first day at work, and the
weather was hot. She h
An interviewer has a rather long telephone interview. The estimate suggests
that fully completing the survey will take 30 minutes. However, what do you
think the response rate will be if people are told ahead of time that it will
take 30 minutes to finish participating in the survey? Should the interviewer
fudge a litt
Are t-tests or Z-tests used more often in business research? Why?
What is a significance level? How does a researcher choose a significance
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’NET A random number generator and other statistical information can
be found at www.random.org. Flip some virtual coins. Perform 20 flips with
an Aurelian coin. Perform 20 flips with a Constatius coin. Perform frequency
tables for each result. What conclusion might you draw? Would the result
change if you flipped th
A sales force received some management-by-objectives training. Are the
before/after mean scores for salespeople’s job performance statistically
significant at the 0.05 level? The results from a sample of employees are as
follows (use your computer and statistical software to solve thisproblem):
What should the interviewer do if a question is misunderstood? If a
respondent answers a question before encountering it in the questionnaire?
1. Discuss why the sampling method and sample size make these results
questionable, even though the numbers were reported as if they were
precise. 2. The simple survey method described in the case may have been
sufficient as a way to draw attention to the issue of data security. However, if
the company were using data
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A researcher dismisses a regression result because the model R2 was under
0.70. Do you think this was necessarily wise? Explain.
A researcher asks, “What do you remember about advertising for Gillette
Turbo razors?” A box with enough room for 100 words is provided in which
the respondent can answer the question. The survey involves responses from
250 consumers. How should the code book for this question be structured?
What problems might it
’NET Go the Web site for the Chicago Cubs baseball team
(chicago.cubs.mlb.com). Use either the schedule listing or the stats
information to find their record in the most recent season. Create a data file
with a variable indicating whether each game was won or lost and a variable
indicating whether the game was played
List and describe at least three basic data transformations.
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A manufacturer of disposable washcloths/wipes told a retailer that sales for
this product category closely correlated with sales of disposable diapers. The
retailer thought he would check this out for his own sales-forecasting
purposes. The researcher says, “Disposable washcloths/wipes sales can
be predicted with kno
What forms does interviewer cheating take? How can such cheating be
prevented or detected?
What would happen to the sampling distribution of the mean if we increased
sample size from 5 to 25?
’NET Go to www.researchinfo.com. Click on “Marketing Research
Calculators.” Which of the calculators can be used to help find the sample
size required? How big of a sample is needed to make an inference about the
U.S. population ±5 percent? How large a sample is needed to make an
inference about the population o
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Suppose a fast-food restaurant wishes to estimate average sales volume for
a new menu item. The restaurant has analyzed the sales of the item at a
similar outlet and observed the following results: __ X = 500 (mean daily
sales) s = 100 (standard deviation of sample) n = 25 (sample size) The
restaurant manager wants to
Design the coding for this portion of the questionnaire. Assume that the data
from previous pages of the questionnaire will follow these data. Some years
ago the U.S. Department of the Interior conducted a telephone survey to
help plan for future outdoor recreation. A nine page questionnaire concerning
participation i
How is a p-value used to test a hypothesis?
List at least three ways in which recent technological advances (within the
last 15 years) have changed the way data are coded.
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What is the distinction between dependence techniques and
interdependence techniques?
What is the sampling distribution? How does it differ from the sample
’NET The Web page of the Research Triangle Institute ( www.rti.org)
describes its research tools and methods in some detail. Click on tools and
methods and explore the surveys and survey tools described there. How
might these methods assist in coding?
How does factor analysis allow for data reduction?
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Data on the average size of a soda (in ounces) at all 30 major league
baseball parks are as follows: 14, 18, 20, 16, 16, 12, 14, 16, 14, 16, 16, 16,
14, 32, 16, 20, 12, 16, 20, 12, 16, 16, 24, 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 14, 20. Compute
descriptive statistics for this variable including a box and whisker plot.
Comment on the
What are the steps in interpreting a multiple regression analysis result? Can
the same steps be used to interpret a univariate ANOVA model?
Are the different forms of consumer installment credit in the following table
Determine a hypothesis that the following data may address and perform a
x2 test on the survey data. a. American Idol should be broadcast before 9
p.m. Agree 40 Neutral 35 Disagree 25 100 b. Political affiliations of a group
indicate Republicans 102 Democrats 98 200
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Suppose you are planning to sample cat owners to determine the average
number of cans of cat food they purchase monthly. The following standards
have been set: a confidence level of 99 percent and an error of less than five
units. Past research has indicated that the standard deviation should be 6
units. What is the re
The following ANOVA summary table is the result of a regression of sales on
year of sales. Is the relationship statistically significant at the 0.95
significance level? Fill in the value for Sums of Squares in the SST
How should the fieldworker terminate the interview?
Prepare a frequency distribution for the data in question 2.
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Conduct a Z-test to determine whether the following two samples indicate
that the population proportions are significantly different at the 0.05level:
A large retail company implements an employee survey that ostensibly is
aimed at customer satisfaction. The survey includes a yes or no question
that asks whether or not the employee has ever stolen something from the
workplace. How could this data be coded? What steps could be attempted to
try and ensure that the empl
To ensure a good session, a company selects focus group members from a
list of articulate participants instead of conducting random sampling. The
client did not inquire about sample selection when it accepted the proposal.
Is this ethical?
The following table gives a football team’s season-ticket sales,
percentage of games won, and number of active alumni for the years
1996–2005. a. Compute a correlation matrix for the variables. A software
statistical package is recommended. Interpret the correlation between each
pair of variables. b. Estimate a
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Selection for jury duty is supposed to be a totally random process. Comment
on the following computer selection procedures, and determine if they are
indeed random: a. A program instructs the computer to scan the list of
names and pick names that were next to those from the last scan. b. Threedigit numbers are randoml
How should respondents’ answers to open-ended questions be recorded?
Refer to the pizza store location x2 data on pages 522–524. What
statistical decisions could be made if the 0.01 significance level were
selected rather than the 0.05 level?
A researcher hypothesizes that 15 percent of the people in a test-market will
recall seeing a particular advertisement. In a sample of 1,200 people, 20
percent say they recall the ad. Perform a hypothesis test.
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In an experiment with wholesalers, a researcher manipulated perception of
task difficulty and measured level of aspiration for performing the task a
second time. Group 1 was told the task was very difficult, group 2 was told
the task was somewhat difficult but attainable, and group 3 was told the task
was easy. Perform
Draw three distributions that have the same mean value but different
standard deviation values. Draw three distributions that have the same
standard deviation value but different mean values.
Assume you have the following data: H1: µ ≠200, S = 30, n = 64 and
x¯ = 218. Conduct a two-tailed hypothesis test at the 0.05 significance
What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?
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A store manager’s computer-generated list of all retail sales employees
indicates that 70 percent are full-time employees, 20 percent are part-time
employees, and 10 percent are furloughed or laid-off employees. A sample of
50 employees from the list indicates that there are 40 full-time employees, 6
part-time employ
How would a dummy variable be used to represent whether or not a
respondent in a restaurant ordered dessert after their meal?
What is the difference between a significance level and a p-value?
What is GLM? How can multiple regression and n-way ANOVA be described as
GLM approaches?
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A survey respondent from Florida has been asked to respond as to whether
or not he or she owns a boat, and if so, whether he or she stores the boat at
a marina. Over two hundred respondents are included in this sample. What
suggestions do you have for coding the information provided?
1. Interpret the computer output. What do the results presented above
indicate? 2. Is the analytical approach used here appropriate? 3. Describe an
alternative approach to the analysis of the original data. Which of these two
analyses would you suggest using? Three academic researchers investigated
the idea that, in A
Why is it important to ensure that fieldworkers adhere to the sampling
procedure specified for a project?
’NET Go to www.surveypro.com. Click on pricing. Write a brief report that
describes how prices are charged to someone wishing to use this service to
host a survey. What happens as the desired sample size increases? Why is
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A data processing analyst for a research supplier finds that preliminary
computer runs of survey results show that consumers love a client’s new
product. The employee buys a large block of the client’s stock. Is this
What is the variate in multivariate? What is an example of a variate in
multiple regression and in factor analysis?
In our example of research on lipstick, where E = $2 and S = $29, what
sample size would we require if we desired a 99 percent confidence level?
What about if we keep the 95% confidence level, but decide that our
acceptable error is $4?
What tests of difference are appropriate in the following situations? a.
Average campaign contributions (in $) of Democrats and Republicans are to
be compared. b. Average campaign contributions (in $) of Democrats,
Republicans, and Independents are to be compared. c. Human resource
managers and chief executive officers
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Define multivariate statistical analysis.
How does an independent sample t-test differ from the following? a. one-way
ANOVA b. paired-samples t-test c. a x2 test d. a Z-test for differences
Use the data in the following table to a. Prepare a frequency distribution of
the respondents’ ages b. Cross-tabulate the respondents’ genders
with cola preference c. Identify anyoutliers
Some soap manufacturers sell special antibacterial soaps. However, one
might expect ordinary soap to also kill bacteria. To investigate this, a
researcher prepared a solution from ordinary, non-antibiotic soap and a
control solution of sterile water. The two solutions were placed onto Petri
dished and E. coli bacteria
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Comment on the following field situations. a. After conducting a survey with
10 people, an interviewer noticed that many of the respondents were saying
“Was I right?” after a particular question. b. A questionnaire asking
about a new easy-opening can has the following instructions to interviewers:
(Hand respondent
A researcher is asked to determine whether or not a productivity objective (in
dollars) of better than $75,000 per employee is possible. A productivity test
is done involving 20 employees. What conclusion would you reach? The sales
results are asfollows:
1. Imagine that an agency or business has asked for help in gathering data
about the number of sports anglers who fish off the coast of Georgia. What
advice would you give about sampling? What method or combination of
methods would generate the best results? 2. What other criteria besides
accuracy would you expect to c
Address the following questions about regression analysis: a. Define simple
linear regression. b. When is it most appropriate to rely on raw parameter
coefficients and when is it most appropriate to rely on standardized
parameter coefficients? c. Why is the Y-intercept estimate equal to 0 for
standardized estimates? d.
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On March 1, 2016, Doll Co. issued 10-year convertible bonds at 106. During
2019, the bonds were converted into common stock when the market price
of Doll's common stock was 500 percent above its par value. On March 1,
2016, cash proceeds from the issuance of the convertible bonds should be
reported as: a. A liability
A market research survey asked the question "Do you enjoy shopping for
clothing for yourself?" to 542 male adults and 238 of them said they did.
When 543 female adults were asked the same question, 276 of them
indicated that they enjoyed shopping for clothing for themselves. a. Is there
a significant difference betwee
On May 1, 2014, a $300,000, ten-year, 14% bond was sold to yield 12% plus
accrued interest. The bond was dated January 1, 2014, and interest is paid
each January 1 and July 1. Present value data follow: Required: a. Compute
the amount of cash received from the sale of the bond. b. Prepare the journal
entry to record
Binegar Manufacturing Corporation has a traditional costing system in which
it applies manufacturing overhead to its products using a predetermined
overhead rate based on direct labor-hours (DLHs). The company has two
products, R58G and R09O, about which it has provided the following data:
The company's estimated tot
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Vega Company expects to pay a 4% bonus on net income of $130,000 after
deducting the bonus. The journal entry to record the accrued bonus includes
a. a debit to Employee Bonus Payable, $5,000. b. a debit to Employee Bonus
Expense, $5,200. c. a credit to Employee Bonus Payable, $5,000. d. a credit
to Cash, $5,200.
In 2009, David Tucker quit his job at a large beer company to start his own
brewery, Arizona Microbrewery, Inc. (AMI). His family supported his decision
and invested in the business along with David. AMI began operations on
January 10. 2010 and now produces four labels of specialty been (Saguaro
Pale Ale, Bisbee Bock,
"Tennis elbow" is an orthopedic condition thought to be related to the force
experienced when hitting the ball. A recent article in the International Journal
of Sport Biomechanics presented the force (in newtons) on the hand after
impact for six advanced and eight intermediate players. Using the data
below, test (α =
The cost of accountant for Carlos Candies, Inc. prepared the following static
budget based on expected activity of 2,000 units. RE venues 64,000 Variable
(34,000) Costs Contribution 30,000 Margin Fixed Costs (18,000) Net Income
12,000 A. If Carlos actually produced 1,500 units, the flexible budget would
show var
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In a concise paragraph, paraphrase what you have learned about strike
replacements to explain to your parents or spouse why this is such a
controversial issue in labor relations. Should the NLRA be revised to prohibit
the use of temporary and/or permanent strike replacements?
On December 1, 2013, Keenan Company, a U.S. firm, sold merchandise to
Velez Company of Canada for 150,000 Canadian dollars (CAD). Collection of
the receivable is due on February 1, 2014. Keenan purchased a foreign
currency put option with a strike price of $.97 (U.S.) on December 1, 2013.
This foreign currency option i
V. A real estate builder wishes to determine how house size (House) is
influenced by family income (Income), family size (Family Size), and
education of the head of household (School). House size is measured in
hundreds of square feet, income is measured in thousands of dollars, and
education is in years. The builder r
The Apex Company provided the following information from its financial
records: What is the amount of the company's earnings per share? $1.02
$1.08 $0.96 $17.61
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Meredith and James Kennedy own a business, Office Products, Inc. (OPI),
which is a wholesale distributor of office equipment. Sales have grown about
5% per year over the past 5 years and are expected to grow at the same rate
in the future. This past year, sales reached $800,000. A computer
manufacturer recently approac
Referring to Table 12-6, what is the 90% confidence interval for the expected
change in average heating costs as a result of a 1 degree Fahrenheit change
in the daily minimum outside temperature using Model 1? a. [-6.58, -3.65] b.
[-6.24, -2.78] c. [-5.94, -3.08] d. [-2.37, 15.12]
Ms. Mona Hull is in charge of a project to build a 50-foot yacht for a wealthy
industrialist from Jasper, Indiana. The yacht is scheduled to compete in the
famous Lake Lemon Cup Race. Eight weeks remain for constructing the
yacht. Assume that each week consists of 5 workdays, for a total lead time of
40 days. The work
1. Mitchell seems apprehensive about the bonus system operated by
Lakeside. In gathering evidence as to the fair presentation of financial
statements, why would an auditor be concerned by such a profit- sharing
arrangement? 2. Since Mitchell is now planning substantive test, the testing
of controls within the payroll
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Using Chapter 13 in the textbook, summarize the major types of colleges and
universities. Identify the accounting standards that these educational
institutions are required to follow. Imagine that you work in the accounting
department of a university and your boss has asked you to explain and
discuss components of rev
On December 1, 2013 Nilo Corp declared a property dividend to be
distributed on December 31, 2013. On December 1, 2013, the property to be
transferred had a carrying amount of $60,000 and a fair value of $78,000.
What is the effect of this property dividend on Nilo's retained earnings after
all nominal accounts are clo
Review a copy of Weinberg's book, and write a summary of the issues that
should be considered in applying the MOI model.
You are given three ethical dilemma resolution models to try out on a
dilemma provided there. Please review that interactive before posting to the
threads this week, and let's bring your questions and comments about the
"proposed" solutions here to the threads. We will talk about that through
mid-week, and then I will
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The Abrams, Bartle, and Creighton partnership began the process of
liquidation with the following balance sheet: Cash $16,000 Liabilities
$150,000 Non Cash items 434,000 Abrams, Capital 80,000 Bartle, Capital
90,000 Creighton, Capital 130,000 Total $450,000 Total: $450,000 Abrams,
Bartle, and Creighton share profits an
Gwyneth is a sculptor who operates a sole proprietorship. In the current year,
Gwyneth's gross receipts from the sale of her art, after taking into account
costs of production, were $200,000. Her operating expenses total $40,000.
She withdrew $35,000 from the business for her personal expenses and the
business paid for
The current assets section of the
December 31, 2012 and 2011, is
The current assets section of the
December 31, 2012 and 2031, is
provided for Drucker Dyn
balance sheets of Drucker Dynamics as of
presented below. Drucker Dynamics, Inc.
balance sheets of Drucker Dynamics as of
presented Wove. Refer to the information
The balance sheets at the end of each of the first two years of operations
indicate the following If net income is $103,758 and interest expense is
$32,370 for 2012, what is the rate earned on stockholders' equity for 2012
(round percent to two decimal points)?
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On July 1, 2015, Damlen Jurado Company pays $12,000 to its insurance
company for a 2-year insurance policy. Instructions prepare the necessary
journal entries for Damlen Jurado on July 1 and December 31.
Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) is one of the best-known and most admired
companies around the world, so much so that "googling" is the term many
use to refer to searching information on the Web. What started out as a
student project by two Stanford University graduates-Larry Page and Sergey
Brin-in 1996, Google became the most
Steel Enterprises entered into the following stock transactions: Apr. 5 Issued
31,200 shares of $3 par value common stock for $187,200. May 31
Purchased 1,080 shares of treasury stock for $51,000. Oct. 1 Issued 2,700
shares of $46 par value preferred stock for $57 per share. Prepare the journal
entries to record the tr
The Acura car company is debating whether to recall its latest sedan
because of a malfunction in its airbags. Acura executives think that the
defect rate is probably low, but if the airbags malfunction and do not open in
2% or more of crashes, then they will need to put out a general recall. a.
State the hypothesis H
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Suppose that in the loan​ described, the borrower paid off the loan after
the time indicated. Calculate the amount needed to pay off the loan. Round
answer to the nearest cent, $80,000​; 7​% compounded​ annually; 12
annual​ payments; paid off after 9 years
Sales for October, November, and December are expected to be $200,000,
$180,000, and $220,000, respectively, for the Gurumai Company. All sales
are on account (terms 2/15, net 30 days) and are collected 50 percent in the
month of sale and 50 percent in the following month. One-half of all sales
discounts are taken on t
The Barnsdale Corporation has the following ratios: A0*/S0 = 1.6; L0*/S0 =
0.4; profit
margin = 0.10; and dividend payout ratio = 0.45, or 45%. Sales last year
were $100 million.
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Assuming that these ratios will remain constant, use the AFN equation to
determine the
firm's self-supporting growth rate-in other words, the
Suppose that you are the managing director of MLK Auto Company, which is
considering expanding its business to China. You wish to produce your auto
parts within Chinese borders so that you can lower your labor costs and
therefore lower production costs. You realize that you are not fully aware of
the detailed economic
On January 1, 2015, Bratios Company purchases equipment and signs a 6year mortgage note ±or $80,000 at 15%. The note will be paid in equal
annual installments o± $21,139, beginning January 1, 2016. Calculate the
portion of principal amount paid on the third installment. A). $12,086 B).
$12,000 C). $21,139 D). $
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Suppose Patrick Goldsmith deposited $1000 in an account that earned
simple interest at an annual rate of 7% and left it there for 6 years. At the
end of the 6 years, Patrick deposited the entire amount from that account
into a new account that earned 9% compounded quarterly. He left the money
in this account for 4 year
If a shareholder of a controlled or solely owned corporation receives no
additional shares for a contribution of property to the corporation, the basis
of the property received by the corporation is the same as it was to the
shareholder. True or False? Explain
Revco Drug Store filed for bankruptcy in July of 1988 and was one of the
largest bankruptcies in US financial history as well as being one of the largest
leveraged buyouts. As recently as 1984, Revco was operating approximately
2,000 stores in 30 states and was taken private in a leverage buy out in 1986
which lead to
Suppose that there are two types of cars, good and bad. The qualities of cars
are not observable but are known to the sellers. Risk-neutral buyers and
sellers have their own valuation of these two types of cars as follows: When
buyers do not observe the quality, what happens in the market? a) Both
good and bad cars a
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Seeside company produces picture frames, during the year 190,000 picture
frames were produced. Materials and labor standards for producing the
picture frames are as follows. Direct materials (2 pieces of wood @
$2.25) ..........................$ 450 Direct labor (2 hours @
$10) .....................................
Suppose three values x, y, and z are stored in a machine's memory. Describe
the sequence of events (loading registers from memory, saving values in
memory, and so on) that leads to the computation of x + y +z. How about
(2x) + y?
On January 28, 2008, American LaFrance, an American emergency and
vocational vehicle manufacturer, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, blaming an
ERP implementation project failure as a main factor leading to the
bankruptcy. American LaFrance was one of the oldest fire apparatus
manufacturers in the United States founded
Prepare an unadjusted General Ledger Trial Balance. Chart of Accounts
Review the Chart of Accounts for this project. Accounts Payable Accounts
Receivable Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment Advertising Expense Bank
Service Charge Cash Depreciation Expense Equipment Gas and Oil Gas and
Oil Expense Insuranc
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The antiderivative F(x) of f(x) = sqrt(x4+1) satisfying the initial condition F(?
4) = 0 is given by: Find a and b.
On December 1, 2016, Ford Motors USA sold some cars to a French customer
with the total selling price of € 1 Billion (Euros), payable on April 1, 2017.
Assuming the following US Dollar to Euro exchange rates: December 1,
2016 .................. 2 US Dollar to 1 Euro December 31, 2016 ................. 1. 50
US Dol
S. Starting in 1998, a series of credit card usage studies have been
performed by Sallie Mae, a major provider of educational loans and savings
programs. In a recent pilot study, a random pool of 122 loan applicants
attending four-year colleges had their credit card data pulled for analysis.
The sample mean credit card
Northwind Traders, an international gourmet food distributor, is concerned
about shipping delays over the last six months. Review the orders over the
past six months and identify any order that was not shipped within 30 days.
Each customer that falls within that time frame will be called to inquire about
any problems t
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Suppose that on July 2, 2012, the cross rates for the Singapore and South
African currencies were Singapore dollar (S$) 0.789085/US dollar (US$) and
rand 0.122540/US$. What are the cross rates between the two currencies?
On December 1, 2014, Old Car Co. borrowed money at the bank by signing a
90-day non-interest-bearing note for $24,000 that was discounted at 8%.
Which of the following entries is correct? A. March 1, 2015 Note Payable
23,520 Cash 23,520 B. December 31, 2014 Interest Expense 160 Interest
Payable 160 C. Dec
Rammazzontti Inc, had the following budgeted date: Unit sales for
2016.......................26,000 Unit production for 2016...............26,000 The
total budgeted costs for 2016 were a. $ 11,440 b. $13,510 c. $14,340 d. $
Sea lions have been depleting the stock of steelhead trout One idea to scare
sea lions off the Washington state coast was to launch fake killer whales,
predators of sea lions The cost of making the first whale is $16,000-$5,000
for materials and $11,000 for the mold The mold can be reused to make
additional whales, so
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A local bank claims that the waiting time for its customers to be served is the
lowest in the area. A competitor bank checks the waiting times at both
banks. The sample statistics are listed below. Test the local bank's claim at
the 0.05 level of significance. Use the information given below. State the null
and alterna
Mews Corporation has the following information reported on the balance
sheet as of December 31, 2014:
Common Stock, $10 par value (authorized 20,000 shares) $80,000
Treasury Stock (1000 shares) $30,000
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Based on the information above, how many shares of common stock have
been issued?
A company's balance sheet showed the following amounts for liabilities and
stockholders' equity ac-counts: Current Liabilities, $50,000; Bonds Payable,
$600,000; Capital Lease Obligations, $120,000; and Deferred Income Tax
Liability, $20,000. Total stockholders' equity was $520,000. What is the debtto-equity ratio?
Assume you are the partner in an accounting firm hired to perform the audit
on a fortune 1000 company. Assume also that the initial public offering (IPO)
of the company was approximately five (5) years ago and the company is
concerned that, in less than five (5) years after the IPO, a restatement may
be necessary. Duri
Referring to Problem 15, how large should n be so that the test of H0: μx =
μy against the one-sided alternative HA: μx > μy has a power of .5 if μx
- μy = 2 and α = .10? Reference Suppose that n measurements are to be
taken under a treatment condition and another n measurements are to be
taken independently u
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Dunnzabar Industries produces "Cardemonium", an all-in-one playing card
set including two regular decks as well as a Pinochle one, casino-quality
poker chips, and a Tripoly tray. Each set has a variable cost of $35 and
Dunnzabar sustains a monthly fixed cost of $5,000. The company sells its
product for $55. As of Decem
Byrnes Company currently produces and sells 4,000 units of a product that
has a contribution margin of $6 per unit. The company sells the product for a
sales price of $20 per unit. Fixed costs are $18,000. The company has
recently invested in new technology and expects the variable cost per unit to
fall to $8 per unit.
Present a thorough analysis of monetary policy. Detail the key factors that
influence the quantity of money that people desire to hold, the policy actions
taken by the Federal Reserve, and the equation of exchange.
Most Likely to Have Life. Suppose you were asked to vote in a contest to
name the world in our solar system (besides Earth) "most likely to have life."
Which world would you cast your vote for? Explain and defend your choice in
a one-page essay.
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Suppose comm sz = 8 and n = 16. a. Draw a diagram that shows how MPI
Scatter can be implemented using tree-structured communication with
comm sz processes when process 0 needs to distribute an array containing n
elements. b. Draw a diagram that shows how MPI Gather can be
implemented using tree-structured communicati
Prepare a scatter plot for one of the industries in Problem 1 of industry sales
per share and observations from the economic series you suggested for this
industry. Do