Uploaded by lucasnls


Thank you for your purchase of my UPS label method. Before we start, I’d like to list out the
1. A VCC or Prepaid Card with at least $2 on it.
2. Clean IP
3. Google Maps
VCC or Prepaid Card (Virtual Credit Card)
There are a few ways to obtain this VCC or Prepaid Card.
The easiest way is to go to privacy.com and go through the signup-process (US).
a. Alternatively, for UK users, go to revolut.com and go through the sign-up process.
Either way, you’ll be able to generate unlimited VCC’s, and you’ll be able to put a limit on them,
like a $2 limit.
But what if I don’t have a bank account, or don’t want to upload ID?
In that case, go to your nearest store that sells Visa or Mastercard gift cards and purchase the
cheapest denomination. You can also purchase these on Amazon. They work great for UPS.
But what if you’re not in the UK or US, and don’t want to use prepaid cards?
There are still ways to get VCCs. You can purchase them from sites that sell them. Personally, I
use https://ezzocard.com/ - which offers a VCC with $5 on it for $13 – but you can choose
whichever provider you feel comfortable with.
Clean IP
This is the most crucial part so listen carefully.
You must have a clean IP to sign up for UPS and make the payment account – otherwise, UPS
will give you this stupid error.
Very helpful….
In order to get a clean IP, choose one of the following methods.
1. Turning on your mobile data. This is by far the best option for a clean IP. The downside is
that you won’t be able to use it on your PC, but it’s an easy way to get a clean IP.
2. Having a residential IP. This is also a good way to make your account. Residential IP
means that it’s not an IP of, say, a public library, or a data center.
3. Using an RDP. Covered below.
Whatever you do, DON’T use a VPN.
Now for RDP, there are thousands of RDP providers and people who sell RDPs. Obviously, I
can’t cover them all. The one I use is GeForce Now – it costs $5 and has very clean IP
Steps for GeForce Now:
1. Go to Ebay and search up GeForce Now account. I’ve used this seller:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nvidia-Geforce-Now-Account-PCMac/293134790889?hash=item444031f0e9:g:Ze8AAOSwMOxdFMo8, but you may
choose any seller you’re comfortable with.
2. Once you have the account, sign into the GeForce Now Website. Then from there,
download the respective GeForce now application for your operating system.
3. Once downloaded, log into the account. In the upper right hand corner, where it has your
name, click on the arrow and select, “Launch Steam.”
4. Log into your steam account, or create one if you haven’t already done so.
5. Now from this point, you’ll want to follow this YouTube video which explains it well:
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVv8KdKiDf8
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2Hp7mPz9wg
6. And now voila you have a GeForce Now RDP.
7. The steps from the video in Step 5 are saved everytime you log into that steam account
– you won’t have to repeat them.
8. To get a new RDP, exit out of the GeForce Now Application and restart it.
Any inquires on GeForce Now setup, do not hesitate to DM me.
Google Maps
1. Go to google maps and find the address you’re shipping from. In the vicinity, find a local
a. Example: Let’s imagine we’re shipping from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington
DC (the White House). Choose a nearby business.
Here, I’ve chosen GW Delicatessen. Now I don’t just choose any random business. There are a
few I avoid:
Government buildings
Stores that deal with shipping things often
Chain Stores
Here are a few good choices:
Consulting companies
Small independent restaurants
Random-ass businesses that you can’t tell what they do
Ok, now back to the steps.
2. Copy paste the address of your chosen business. For instance, mine is:
2133 G St NW, Washington, DC 20037. Save it in notepad.
3. (Optional) Also write down the name of anyone who works for the business. This isn’t
always possible and doesn’t usually matter. You can find this by going to the business’s
website and clicking About or Leadership or Meet the Team or something similar.
Now we’re done (whew).
Ok, now it’s time for the actual label making process.
Go to Google.com on your device with the clean IP.
Search, “UPS COUNTRY NAME sign up.”
Click on the sign up link.
Using the info from the “Google Maps” portion of the requirements, fill out the Name.
Choose an email you have access to, and choose a user ID. Use common sense – if the
name is John Doe, try a user ID like JohnDoe19835, not “Fraudster59.” As for the
password, choose something you know.
5. If it gives you that annoying error:
It means your IP is not clean.
6. Now you should be successful, and see a screen somewhat like this.
7. From here, navigate to your Profile > Payment Options > Add a Payment Method. Click
the drop-down.
8. Now, select “Add New Account.”
9. By this point, it will ask you for an address. Put in the address you got from the Google
Maps portion and put in some phone number – they don’t call you, so you could put in a
fake one if you so wish.
10. Click Next.
11. Now it will ask a few questions. Check the “Business” box and leave everything else
alone. Fill in the information from Google Maps portion.
Make sure to Fill out “Principal/Owner” with the name you signed up on, and add some
position title. Then click “Add.” Now, leave everything else on the page alone, and click
12. Now there’s a big checklist of what you’ll be shipping. It honestly doesn’t matter, check
something like Apparel or Technology. Click next.
13. Now there is a pickup screen. Choose “Not at the Moment.”
14. Finally, the moment of truth.
15. Click “next.” Now there are three things that might happen:
a. It asks for a credit card. Put in the VCC or Prepaid you acquired and make sure
billing address/name matches what’s on the card.
b. It doesn’t ask for a credit card and lets you through.
c. It denies your ass.
16. You can skip reading this if you got outcomes A or B. If you got outcome C, there are two
a. Unclean IP
b. The business already made a UPS account on that address.
i. In this case, click back back back until you get to put in your address, and
choose another business.
17. Now, let’s go to Shipping, Create a New Shipment.
18. From here it’s pretty straightforward: fill out all your details.
19. Now it comes to the Payment Portion. You want to select, “Bill to My Account”.
a. I don’t see “Bill My Account”! Please check if you’ve filled out all the shipping info
20. Finally, let’s click Pay and Get Labels.
a. It says “Choose an account is required”! This error happens when your shipping
address and account address don’t match. For instance:
If you signed up on UPS US and made a billing account on UPS US with a US
address, yet you’re trying to ship from Spain, it will give you that error. You will
have to sign up on UPS Spain, and ship from Spain.
Whew, we are finally done. Now you should be redirected to a screen where you can print off
your labels. Congrats, you just got a free UPS label!
Final Note: GeForce Now users, don’t click print/save label. Click email label. If you save the label,
GeForce Now RDP will lock you out.
So how do I prevent my labels from getting cancelled?
Number One: Don’t do more than $500 of labels on a single account, and try to get all your
labels done within 1 week (UPS sends bills every week for the unpaid balance).
Help! My country is asking for a VAT Number/Tax ID/other business number when making an
The easiest way for this is to Google “VAT Number/Tax ID format in COUNTRY NAME” and
make one up. UPS doesn’t check.
Are customs fees covered?
When making your label, select the option for customs fees to be billed to shipper (i.e. you).
Do I need to be in the correct country while making a label? (i.e., Do I need to have an IP in
Germany when making a label that’s shipped from Germany?)
No, it’s not necessary. I’ve made German labels with UPS mobile data.