RESEARCH ACTION PLAN TRAINING PROGRAM The implementation of the printed modular learning was perceived by parents to be generally well, except for two challenges extracted from the responses of the parents on the questionnaire. These were on the (1) many learning activities to accomplish in the module in a short period of time and (2) inadequacy of some parents to help explain the topic to their children so they could not answer some questions in the learning activities. The action plan therefore developed in this study will provide strategies to address these two challenges. OBJECTIVES To develop learning activities that are not too many nor too few for a given span of time. STRATEGIES • Rule of Five Strategy for Multiple choice items. -give only five questions to answer per learning concept. • Simple artwork - If teachers want an artwork as a learning activity, they must give only one per learning concept. Teachers must meet during the development of learning modules so that they do not MATERIALS USED Learning modules Learning Activities TIME FRAME Two-day Seminar ( First Session/ Day 1) Before the start of school year PERSONS INVOLVED Teachers, Parents Students and Barangay Officials BUDGET 100 pesos per parent will be allotted per day for the meals. School head may use donations from LGUs SUCCESS INDICATOR Establis h good commu nication /relatio nship towards parents Develop educati onal videos/ online training module s to educate student s, parents, require students to do art activities at the same time for all subjects. To assist parents on how to guide their children in learning using the modules Communicative Approach Learning modules Learning Activities (Second Session/Day 2) Seminar for Parents Teachers, Parents and Students 100 pesos per parent will be allotted per day for the meals. School head may use donations from LGUs . The seminar for parents will be simultaneous for all the grade levels. Teachers will explain parts of the modules to the parents so they can assist or guide their children at home. Learning modules Learning Activities Teachers, Parents and Students and staff on digital literacy and citizens hip (social media.) Develop opportunities and procedures for increased parent volunteer support for schools at the secondary level school. Explore the development of procedures to standardize communicatio n with the school community. To have better teacher-parent and community partnership for the delivery of teaching among the students Purok leaders may also be tapped to help in guiding pupils in learning using the module. Become aware of student’s progress Learning modules Learning Activities Submitted by: CYNTHIA C. ABUCAY ELT215-STUDENT Submitted to: MELCHORA B. LECTOR, Ph.D. Professor