Uploaded by Wellington De Luna

4th Grade PE Lesson: Ball Possession & Throwing Skills

Lesson Plan
# in class 18
Lesson Focus: Maintaining possession of the ball
Day 1
Grade: 4th
Lesson # 1 of 5
Length of class: 45 min
Content Standards-SHAPE America’s National PE Standards
Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns (PE4.1) (S1.E14.4a) (S1.E16.4)
Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance (PE4.2) (S2.E5.4a)
Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others (PE4.5) (S4.E4.4a)
Prior Academic Knowledge,
Locomotor Skills, Manipulative Skills, Underhand Throwing and Catching Proficiency, Basic Invasion Game Tactics
Skills and Assets
Student Learning Objectives (Performance, Condition, Criteria)
Psychomotor Domain
Affective Domain
Cognitive Domain
SWBAT maintain possession of the ball using overhand throwing
and catching for passing and receiving 3 out of 4 trials at 20ft.
SWBAT support teammates with hand signals exchanging 1 high
five in Ultimate Ball.
SWBAT indicate that passing and receiving is an offensive tactical
solution for maintaining possession of the ball on an exit slip.
Manipulative Skills, Invasion Games, Tactics, Passing, Receiving,
Offense, Defense, Possession, Endzone
Peer Checklist, Formative (Assessment 1.0)
Exit Slip, Formative (Assessment 1.1)
Exit Slip, Formative (Assessment 1.1)
Sequencing Events; Cues
Ways students
use language
Instructional Model/Strategies
Assess and Verify Decisions; Assessment 1.0
Equipment (E) and other
Instructional Resources (IR)
(IR) Instant Activity 1.0, Manipulative Skills 1.1, Critical
Elements/CUES 1.2, Task Card 1.3, 0.1 Super Stomps; PBIS
(E) 3 Cones, 12 Gopher Foam Balls
Modifications or
Accommodations for students
with differing learning needs
(instruction & assessment)
Instruction: visual aids, short & concise phrases, red cone for start and stop, foam ball, no-contact game form, additional
breaks for rest as needed
Tactical Games Model, Active Demonstration, Teacher Demonstration, Peer Partner Instruction, Guided Discovery
Safety Statement/Positive Learning Environment
Using the 4R’s in the Gym: Ready, Respectful,
Responsible, Role Model
Assessment: verbal exit slip and hand gesture in assessment 1.1 and criteria changes in peer checklist; shorter distance
of 10 ft. is assessment 1.0; oral reading of all assessment questions
3 min
3 min
4 min
2 min
6 min
Lesson Parts
Instant Activity or Informing Task:
10 Jumping Jacks, 5 Push-Ups, 10 Vertical Jumps, 5 Push-Ups. Repeat for 3 minutes.
Opening Management:
Square Stretch: Teacher led in the middle; group counting
 Arm circles backwards-5
 Arm circles forward- 5
 Side to side lateral lunge- 5
 Toe touch- 5
Set Induction/Anticipatory set:
Review: Manipulative Skills
Introduction to Tactical Games Model:
 Game Form (Modifications)
 Tactical Awareness (What to Do)
Practice Task (How to Do it)
Task Presentation 1: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For Understanding (CFU):
Invasion Game- Ultimate Ball
Offense Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball
Objective: Pass the ball to the endzone
Conditions: Passes must be caught, restart with possession change, no-contact
Pass Cue: Push the ball away
CFU: What does no-contact mean? (no touching) Having possession means? (your team has the ball)
Learning Task 1: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU:
Game Form: 3 vs 3
 Court 1 (6 students)
 Court 2 (6 students)
 Court 3 (6 students)
Modifications: Rest breaks every 2 minutes, foam ball, colored cones
Easier: Exception for dropped passes; can be dropped 1 or 2 times
Harder: Make 3 passes in a row before the endzone
Organizational Notes and Plans
Visual Aid: Instant Activity 1.0
Diagram: Students spaced around black lines
Visual Aid: (Manipulative Skills 1.1)
Invasion Games
 Invading the other team’s territory to
try to score
 Offense- Try to score
 Defense- Prevent from scoring
Focus: Passing and (Receiving)
 Endzone = Cones (Memory
Association; Rhyming)
Diagram: Endzone is orange/cones
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
3 min
2 min
TACTICAL Transition to next Task: Whistle signifies stop, look, and listen. Meet in the middle.
Tactical Awareness
Questions: Teacher Starts/Student Solve
 How do you maintain possession of the ball? (passing and receiving)
 Why is receiving important? (catching is important to keep the ball in your team’s possession)
 Which types of passes were effective? (specific types of throwing;
 Is distance and accuracy important? (distance of receiver determines type of pass; accuracy
enables receiver to catch the ball)
Student Solution: Maintaining possession of the ball is achieved with accurate passing and receiving
Task Presentation 2: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For Understanding (CFU):
Passing: Overhand Throw
Critical Elements for Mature Form
1. Side to target
2. Arm goes back
3. Step forward with opposite foot
4. Follow through towards target & release
Use wait time: 3-5 sec.
Focus: Passing and Receiving
Teacher Demonstration
Active Demonstration
Visual Aid: Instruction Resource, Critical
Elements/CUES 1.2A and 1.2B
Overhand Throw Cue: Side-Arm-Step-Follow
Receiving: Catching
Critical Elements for Mature Form
(1) Watch the ball
(2) Reach
(3) Pull towards you
10 min
Catching Cues: Watch-Reach-Pull
CFU: When passing, If I’m right-handed, what foot do I step forward with? (Left) If I’m left-handed, what
foot do I step forward with? (Right)
Learning Task 2: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU:
Practice Task: Passing and Receiving for Distance & Accuracy
Utilization Level; Dynamic Learning Environment
 Court 1 (6 students- 3 sets of partners)
 Court 2 (6 students- 3 sets of partners)
 Court 3 (6 students- 3 sets of partners)
TASK CARD 1.3: Complete 5 passes using an overhand throw from the distances of 15, 20, & 30 feet
to a partner with reasonable accuracy. Receive 5 passes by catching with two hands. Extension once
EXTENSION: Peer Checklist (Assessment 1.0)
Cues: Side-Arm-Step-Follow and Watch-Reach-Pull
CFU: What do I do after the task card? (extension activity/peer checklist)
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
30 sec
2 min
6 min
Modifications: Task modification; mature form in isolated situation (distance or accuracy)
Easier: Less repetitions, 2 overhead throws at shorter distances
Harder: More repetitions, 10 overhead throws at distances; randomized practice structure
Transition to next Task: Whistle signifies stop, look, and listen
Task Presentation 3: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For Understanding (CFU):
Invasion Games- Ultimate Ball
Offense Tactical problem: Maintaining possession of the ball
Focus: Passing and Receiving in a 3 vs. 3 game
Objective: Pass the ball 3 times to the endzone
Conditions: Passes must be an overhand throw, passes must be caught, restart with possession
change, no-contact, must give 1 high five for teamwork
Passing Cue: Push the ball away
Receiving Cue: Watch the ball
CFU: How many passes in a row to the end zone? (3)
Learning Task 3: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU:
Game Form 3 vs. 3
 Court 1 (6)
 Court 2 (6)
 Court 3 (6)
Teacher Observation: (Teamwork) Must give
1 high five at the end of Ultimate Ball.
Diagram: Endzone is orange/cones
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Modifications: Similar skill level grouping, goal for 3-minute gameplay, foam ball, colored cones
Easier: Any type of pass is acceptable (overhand/underhand/sidearm)
Harder: Make 5 passes in a row to the end zone
30 sec
3 min
Transition to next Task: Whistle signifies stop, look, and listen. Meet in the middle for cool-down.
Debrief Discussion
 What is an invasion game? (turn and talk to a partner)
 Is teamwork important? (turn and talk to a partner)
 Which types of manipulative skills did we practice for passing and receiving? (overhand throw
and catch)
 How do you maintain possession of the ball? (passing and receiving)
Exit Slip (Assessment 1.1)
Accommodation: Oral reading of all assessment questions out loud by teacher (applied with
Preview: Attacking the goal
Vocabulary Review
 Super Stomps Awarded for Student
Participation in Debrief Discussion:
Instructional Resource 0.2, 4R’s